Three Boons

"Sir Rickhelm gets more than he bargained for when he confronts the Sorceress of the Black Tower."

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Three Boons

by Nobilis

The heavy doors opened at a touch, and she stepped through the narrow gap, her bare feet making soft sounds in the otherwise silent space. Her body, unencumbered by clothing, swayed provocatively. She did so even though she had no intention of it, simply from the way her joints and muscles moved.

“My Lady Sorceress,” she said, bowing gracefully to the figure enthroned before her.

“Do you know why I have summoned you?” The sorceress sat with one bare leg thrown over the arm of her throne, casually swirling a goblet in one hand. A black gown revealed as much by clinging to her body as it did from the deep slits in hem and neckline.

“Yes, my lady sorceress. Today was the last day of my service to you. I have served for a year and a day, and by the terms of our compact, I may ask of you three boons.”

“That is correct. You may begin. Ask your boons.” She set down the goblet and rose from her chair.

“First, I wish you to return me to the state in which I arrived.”

“Indeed! That is unusual. Most people come here seeking some perfection or alteration of the body. To request a return to the exact shape you were before… I can only interpret this as a comment on my skill. Are my transformations so hideous?”

“It is no slight upon your skill, my lady sorceress. The bodies you impose upon your servants are truly works of art. This form is not only beautiful to behold, but has brought me moments of exquisite pleasure. Still, I ask you to return my body to the state it was in when I arrived.”

“Very well. Let it be so.”

A grinding noise filled the hall, and a dense rain of dust fell over the servant’s body. When it cleared, a muscular man stood in her place.

“There you are,” said the sorceress, “Your body, as it was when you arrived.”

He stretched and flexed, enjoying the return of the body that had been so long kept from him. “That’s better. Thank you, sorceress.”

“Feh. Muscular, but you are too short and your nose is misshapen. And as for your manhood…” She hrumphed. “I’ve seen tomcats with greater endowments.”

“It may not be perfect, but it’s mine. My nose got broken in a fight with the dark knight of Chelten Downs. This scar is from the battle of the Dun Witch’s glen. They are mementos of victory. As for my manhood… well… your opinion may change.”

The sorceress waved a hand dismissively. “Ask your second boon.”

The corner of Rickhelm’s mouth crooked but he kept his voice as calm as he could. “My second request is that you entertain me as your guest, in your chambers, alone and uninterrupted, from now until dawn.”

The sorceress barked a short laugh. “Are you serious?”

“Completely. Will you honor my request?”

She laughed heartily. “Oh, you are funnier than I thought, sir knight. How is it that I never noticed this sense of humor in this year past? Do you mean to seduce me, then? You would not survive the night!”

“I have learned much in my term of service, milady. While I remain a guest, rather than a servant, you cannot harm me or direct your magic at me in any way I do not permit. To do so would mean an end to your power. You cannot threaten me.”

The sorceress leveled an icy glance at Rickhelm. “If you do anything to break the guest-bond, if you steal from me or take advantage of me, you will pay for this insolence, Rickhelm.”

“I think you will find me the perfect gentleman, milady. I ask you a second time, will you honor my request?”

“Oh, very well. Let it be so.”

Dust swirled about them, enveloping them in a cloak of charcoal gray. It passed after only a moment, transported to the spacious apartments of the Lady Sorceress. A cheery fire crackled in the fireplace, throwing warm light across the wide four-poster bed and luxuriously upholstered furniture.

“Here we are,” said the Sorceress. “The doors are sealed. No one will interrupt us until morning.” She sat in a tall wing-chair and took a thick leather-bound tome onto her lap. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit and read before bed? It helps me sleep.”

“It is a bit premature for that, milady. I still have one more boon to ask.”

She rolled her eyes and blew out a frustrated breath. “Yes, by all means, let us get this done.”

“Cast the same spell upon yourself that you cast on me this morning, and leave it in place until dawn.”


“You know the one. I ask you a second time, will you honor my boon?”

“Ask something else. That would be humiliating. Beneath my dignity. Ask for something else.”

“You may not refuse, milady. If you do, you will break the contract, and the very magic you wield will turn against you. I ask you a third time: Will you grant this?”

The Sorceress gritted her teeth. “Very well. Let it be so.” She braced herself, but even so the blast of dust entering her nose and mouth rocked her head back against the back of the chair. When it was done, she coughed once, and spat. “There. Are you satisfied?”

He chuckled. “No, but that is my last boon. As long as we are not interrupted tonight, and the spell remains in place, our contract will be done.”

“Good. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to read a while. Do what you like.” Her voice became tight, the words forced between her teeth. “You are my guest.”

She turned her attention back to the book, idly turning pages.

Rickhelm sidled up beside her and watched. “Ah, Pulatto’s Treatise on Transfiguration. I find him a bit overwrought, don’t you? His incantations always seem so bombastic.”

The sorceress peered up at him. “How does a mere knight like you know anything about Pulatto?”

“I apprenticed to Master Winterthorpe for a year before my brother died and I was forced to return home and take up the role of the Heir Apparent. I learned a bit.”

“Really.” She squirmed in her chair, and flipped a few more pages.

“Is something wrong, milady?”

“You know damn well what is wrong.”

“I suppose I do, at that. Your spell has granted you the sexual appetite of a rabbit in springtime. Did you laugh when I begged for relief this morning, when you offered me the services of the stablehand to sate me?”

“My will is stronger than yours.”

Rickhelm ran his fingers, gentle in spite of the callouses, down the line of her jaw.

She stifled a sharp breath. “I am unbreakable.”

His hand moved to the line of her neck, and he slipped down alongside her chair to trail kisses in the wake of his fingertips.

“I am the terror of the black tower.” Her voice shook in a way he had never heard before.

He pushed the satin of her gown down over her shoulders, and the garment pooled at her waist. Hard nipples invited his attention.

“Grown men… tremble… in my presence.” The confident tone drained from her voice.

Leaning down further, he brushed his lips across her pink buds.

A soft moan escaped her lips. She ran her fingers over his scalp. “If you… force yourself on me… you will break the guest-bond. I will… Ooh… turn you… into… a goat…”

In a low voice, he acknowledged her challenge. “Tell me to stop, and I will stop.” Still nuzzling her chest, his hand drifted lower, slipping under the filmy fabric of her gown, coaxing her thighs apart to give him access to her most intimate places.

She closed her eyes and gripped the arms of the chair firmly. “No.”

“What’s that?” He flicked his fingers against the folds of her sex.

“Stop! Oh, by the powers… Take… your… hands… off… me…”

“Yes, milady.” Impressed, Rickhelm pulled away and took a seat on a nearby ottoman.

The sorceress closed her eyes, struggling to master herself. “You… know my secret.”

“Yes, milady, I do. Every sorcerer has one. I spent a year waiting and watching, suffering every humiliation, to learn the thing you gave up in exchange for your powers, but I now know what it is; the one pleasure you deny yourself—the sexual pleasures of men. You will succumb to the feelings your spell has awakened, and beg me to take you.

When you do, the sorceress of the black tower will finally be defeated.”

Her soft laughter trailed off to a moan. “You don’t… mmmh… understand.”

“Don’t understand what? I know that spell firsthand, milady. Your desire will keep building. You will beg me for release long before morning. I can afford to wait.”

“Fool.” She stumbled to her feet and crossed the room to a small dresser. She fumbled in the drawers. “Mmmh… oh, powers… where is it…”

“It won’t work. You need a cock to appease that spell, and there’s only one of those in the room.”

“Ah!” She pulled a candle from the miscellany.

“That’s not going to save you, mistress.” Rickhelm smiled. “But don’t let that stop you.”

She collapsed on the bed, thrusting the white wax substitute deep into her sex, and rubbed furiously at her slit. Her body bucked and shook, forcing groans of pleasure from her throat. The sight brought stirrings to Rickhelm’s body as well. He stroked his cock idly, but only enough to preserve his erection. He would need it later. After only a few minutes, the Sorceress shrieked and arched her back, letting the spasms of climax take her fully.

When she quieted, Rickhelm lay down next to her. “That only quells the desire momentarily. It will return again, even stronger. Face it… you’re trapped. It’s only a matter of time.”

“Yes—but it did leave me a few moments of coherent thought.”

“Yes, and what good will that do you?”

“It gave me time to tell you something you need to know.”

“Oh really?”

“I’m not the first sorceress of the black tower. I took the job away from the previous tenant much the same way you are now… though perhaps with less subtlety.”

He frowned. “You’re lying.”

“I wish I were. In the morning, I will be leaving this tower, but you will not. When you and I finally join our bodies, my powers will become yours, and you will become the new sorceress of the black tower.”


Her voice took on a more seductive tone. “Indeed—for my magic is not my own. It is a curse that comes from the tower itself. You will be bound by the same oaths that bind me. The guest-bond. The requirement that you offer any captive the option to serve you for a year and a day, and then provide three boons at the end of their service. You will not be able to give it up, or even leave the tower, until a man takes your maidenhead.”

He blinked and sat up, the full implications of her words sinking in. His family would assume that he had been defeated by the sorceress. He would lose everything. “No….”

“It’s the truth. I shall not enjoy losing my place to you, but I shall take comfort in the fact that you brought it upon yourself. Not only that, you will be forced to do all the things I have done, just to survive.”

“Let me out.”

“I cannot. A boon, once granted, cannot be withdrawn. Likewise, I cannot remove the spell.” She reached out and touched his chest, drawing her fingers down the hard muscles around his nipple.

“If you take me by force,” he gasped, “You will break the guest-bond.”

Her hand drifted lower, inching closer to his groin.

“Alright… alright… wait. I have it.”

She wrapped her fingers around his cock. “I think I’m the one that has it.”

“Wait, no… hold on.”

“Indeed.” Her fingers pulsed in time with his heart.

“Mmh. You’re not going to be able to think straight until you’ve had another climax. Alright… just lie back, milady.” He turned her on her back, then shifted down off the bed. He placed one tender kiss at the apex of her sex, then slowly traced her lips with his tongue. Matching his intensity to the increasingly fevered pitch of her cries, he climbed with her to the peaks of orgasm, and then floated down with her until she was stilled. He climbed back onto the bed and sat next to her, gently stroking her belly. “Are you back to yourself again?”

“Mm. Yes. For a bit. Not as long this time, I think.”

“I have a solution to our dilemma.”

“Tell me. Quickly.”

“First, you must promise to stop buying slaves from the trolls of the redleaf forest.”

” I can’t do that! I need servants. I would starve!”

“You’ll have your servants. I promise. I know of a leper colony, a few days travel past the forest. They would be elated to be able to serve you for just a year, to be cured of their disease.”

“Mmmh… You leave me no choice. Alright; I swear by the power of… ooh… the black tower, that I will not take anyone into my service by force.”

“It’s a deal. Okay, before you get carried away again… turn me back into a woman.”

“What! Then I shall never get relief. The spell will drive me mad!”

“Trust me.”


“Trust me.” He placed one hand over his heart. “I mean you no harm.”

“Very well. Mmh… Let it be so.”

The dust swirled, leaving Rickhelm in the same form he had worn just a short time before, except for about five extra cup sizes. Rickhelm stood up and hefted her breasts with too-small hands. “Holy mother!”

The sorceress giggled. “Sorry about that. I guess I got… mmh… carried away.”

“Well, there’s no time to worry about that. While you still can do your magic… give me a cock.” Rickhelm stood.

“Mmm, that sounds like fun. Let it be so!”

The dust swirled again, this time in a brief, more concentrated cyclone, leaving an impressive cock standing where a clitoris had been. “Perfect. I’m not a man, so I won’t trigger the curse…”

Rickhelm grunted as the sorceress pulled her close. “Yes, yes… I gave you a hard one for a purpose. Stop talking and fuck me.”

She chuckled and obliged. The sorceress sighed as the organ slid inside, salving the self-inflicted ache. “Mmmh. Oh, finally.”

Rickhelm closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations as she thrust with a languorous rhythm. Having spent the whole year previous as a woman of more average endowments, he missed having a cock. The gigantic breasts bouncing and swaying on her chest contributed to her rising passion. A strong urge to pump faster and harder surged within her, but she resisted. She wanted the sorceress to feel every stroke.

The sorceress clutched the bedlothes in her fists, pulling them tight under her body. She arched her back and ground her hips against Rickhelm’s cock. Every stroke brought another little cry or moan.

Leaning forward, Rickhelm brought her huge breasts into contact with the sorceress’s body. Her nipples rubbed against the soft, pale skin, thickening and growing more sensitive. “Touch me,” she gasped, “put your hands on me.”

The sorceress’s hands glided gently over the jostling flesh. Deep inside, Rickhelm could feel the pulsating seeds of orgasm growing. “I’m… going to come…”

“Yes! Yes, come for me, I want to feel it.” The sorceress crossed her ankles behind Rickhelm’s back, tightening the embrace. Pulses of pleasure radiated from her cock, flowing through her pussy and up her spine. She growled in release as her cock throbbed inside the sorceress, who cried out moments later in the ecstasy of her own orgasm.

Rickhelm paused to catch her breath.

“You stopped!” said the Sorceress. “It only looks like a cock, Rickhelm. Keep going!” The sorceress spoke the truth. There was no sticky mess between them. “Mm. Looks like we’re in for a long night.”

* * * *

In the morning, they lay side by side, sheets kicked to the bottom of the bed, limbs tangled in casual intimacy. Rickhelm watched the morning sun gradually shift across the sorceress’s face. She had seen the mistress of the black tower at her most vulnerable, and she knew that deep inside, the woman was simply frightened, holding onto the only life she knew how to live.

Rickhelm hoped, for the sake of the spark that had been kindled in her heart, that it would be possible to teach the sorceress a new way to live. For good or ill, the one opportunity to bring down the sorceress had passed. She prayed it had been the right choice.

Published 16 years ago

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