How often have we all heard them and been brought hope?
The pain each time I hear those words, they sear my heart with grief.
Thoughts of beginnings and ends, my soul I twist into a killing rope.
I swim out beyond the shore and waves, now beyond your reach.
Salt water fills my ears, the sound of your words I try to drown.
I look but my eyes are filled with tears, no longer can I see the beach.
You look but can not see, a ghost in my home, can you live, when I’m down?
Scars, new and old, begin to reappear yet straight ahead you travel.
Leaving in your wake, the heart you once held, now so cold.
Life’s path crooked, patched, healed, mended, now begins to unravel.
My soul loses it’s color each time I hear you say those words, it grows old.
I turn, but where to look, inside it’s black and hurts to see.
Gold and shiny gone from me, you threw them away, it’s what you do.
She’s gone, that girl you once loved and looked over, is she free?
Giving up, is that my choice now, or do I fight, believe again in you?
My arms so tired, swimming against the tide, I’m not sure I am able.
Legs kick and I scream silently into the sea. Letting go is a choice.
Now that the days have returned to black and gray, I’m no longer stable.
Trust broken, those two words ring over in my ears and I hear your voice.
Treading water, I fight and kick hard again, can I make it back to shore?
If I try, I can swim parallel to the beach, the land always beckons me back.
If I choose I’ll release and untie this strangling, killing rope.
Chances I’m giving, over and over, now familiar to us and mocking what we lack.
A whole soul, person, this gift is yours, just never utter words, those two.
I can’t hear them anymore, their power drowns and slowly kills me.
They’ve lost their meaning said over time. Replace them now, I’m waiting for you.
I’ll return the girl you fell in love with, she’s still here waiting for you to free.
Just keep those words to yourself and we’ll be fine once again my dear.
I won’t say them either, good intentions come with them when said.
Impossible to live by no matter how we try, maybe no one can I fear.
We are only flawed and human, actions needed now before we’re dead.
Utter I love you in my ear, but never again those two other words to me.
To me most the most miserable, unkind ones, I have ever heard from you.
Those two that have led us here, almost destroying all that we can be.
Bury them now, never to be heard again, “I promise” yes, those are the two.