Things Change, Part 4

"Tom finds another guy to explore with"

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After Luis left that day, I lay back on the bed and thought for a long time. 

There could be no question now that I was hooked on sucking cock. Yes, I’d had just three encounters, but there was no doubt it got me just as excited as a good fuck with a woman. 

I thought back to my first sexual encounters with girls, the thrill I felt in touching and tasting the female body, in learning how to give and get pleasures of astonishing intensity. I was now feeling many of the same thrills in discovering the male body, and reaching equally astonishing levels of pleasure. 

At this point, however, I couldn’t imagine myself having a relationship with a man in the way I could with a woman. I didn’t think I could love a guy, but if you’d asked me a month ago whether I’d suck a guy’s cock, I’d have scoffed at the idea, so maybe it wasn’t a good idea at this point to rule anything out. 

But all this was very theoretical, and I’m a practical person. All I really wanted at the moment was to suck Luis’s cock again.

Unfortunately, that would have to wait a couple of days. I had two big projects coming up that I needed to focus on.

I thought about Luis constantly, though. I replayed our encounter over and over in my head, and I never tired of looking at the photo I’d taken just after he sucked me, with my cum all over his face. 

Luis was thinking about me, too; he texted frequently to suggest getting together again, and to express his excitement about what we’d done together. It killed me to keep putting him off, and I begged him to be patient.

When my projects were finally done, I texted him to let him know when I’d be at the pool next. 

It was a Thursday afternoon. The weather was cold and rainy and not many people had ventured out, so the locker room was virtually empty when I walked in. I found a locker in the corner farthest from the door, where the foot traffic is lightest, and started changing into my suit.

I had just taken off my pants when Luis walked in. He gave me a big smile and dropped his backpack on the bench.

“Dude,” he said, very quietly. “I cannot stop thinking about your cock.”

“Same here,” I said. 

He started getting undressed. In twenty seconds we were both naked and half-erect, gaping at each other’s dicks.

I wanted to fall on my knees in front of him, but just then we heard the locker room door opening, followed by a gaggle of voices. We quickly put our suits on and, draping towels over ourselves to cover the bulges in our Speedos, went out to the pool.

When I got in the cool water my boner began to subside, and by the time I was halfway through my workout it was nearly gone. 

But when I got out of the pool and headed into the locker room, the boner came back. I considered skipping a shower to avoid any embarrassment, but as soon as Luis returned from the pool and undressed, and I got another look at his cock, I realized I lacked the willpower to leave. 

We walked to the showers together, towels wrapped around our waists. It would have been obvious to anyone who saw us that we both had serious hardons, but luckily no one was in the showers at the moment.

The showers in that locker room aren’t arranged in one big room, as in many gyms, but in stalls lining both sides of a middle passageway. The stalls have curtains, though I had noticed that half the time guys don’t bother to close them. 

I went in first, choosing a stall on the right side of the passage. Luis took the one directly opposite. We left the curtains open.

When the water was running in both showers we turned to face each other. 

Once again I drank in the sight of Luis’s naked body: the muscles of his chest and thighs, the smooth brown skin, the gorgeous cock and balls I’d shaved just days before. My cock ached with excitement.

I glanced at his face. He was gazing at my cock just as hungrily as I was at his.

If I had given Luis a show earlier in my effort to pique his interest, he now gave me an even better show, soaping himself from head to foot, then washing each part of his body in a suggestive way.

When he got to his privates, he massaged them slowly, pulling and stretching the loose skin of his scrotum, caressing his balls one by one, lifting them up to wash the underside. 

When he was about to wash his cock, he looked up and locked eyes with me. As if on cue, we both started stroking ourselves.

Now, a part of me knew this was totally insane, jacking off with another guy in a public place. 

But another part of me didn’t care. At that point, I was incapable of thinking straight.

After a few strokes, Luis turned and faced the wall. Getting another glob of soap from the dispenser, he lowered his hands and started soaping up his ass, caressing his cheeks in slow circular motions.

God, he was hot.

On a crazy impulse, I stepped quickly across the corridor and into his stall.

As I did, I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought someone might have come into the showers after us. 

Had he seen me cross the corridor? Did he know there were now two of us in one stall?

I peeked out. I didn’t see anybody, and I couldn’t hear anything but running water.

I thought of crossing back to my original stall. But when Luis looked over his shoulder at me, still caressing his ass, I decided to stay.

I stepped closer and pressed my body against his, my upright cock settling between his cheeks. 

Luis let out a little gasp. Fearing that we might be heard, I reached up with one hand and covered his mouth. He didn’t resist.

Then I reached around with the other hand and grasped his stiff dick. He made an appreciative grunt into my hand.

I began stroking him, slowly but vigorously. At the same time, I started sliding my cock up and down in his crack. 

Holy shit, I thought. What would it be like to fuck him? 

To this point, I hadn’t given anal sex a thought, but now it seemed like an exciting possibility.

I kept stroking and sliding. Luis made little sounds of pleasure that I couldn’t totally stifle. I could only hope that the sound of running water would drown them out.

Suddenly Luis froze. His cock swelled and stiffened, then his whole body began to shake. 

He made a grunting sound as hot cum poured out of him onto my hand. I kept stroking as one pulse followed another, until he uttered a final soft moan and his body slumped against mine.

I backed up half a step, wrapped my cum-covered hand around my own cock and, with three or four slow hard strokes, brought myself to climax. A huge jet of cum spurted out the end of my cock and landed halfway up his back. Two more jets followed, each of them landing in his ass crack.

When I was finally spent I slumped back against the shower wall. Luis turned around, leaned back against the opposite wall, and smiled weakly at me. We stood there panting for a good five minutes. 

Finally, I stuck my hand into the stream of water and washed away our mingled cum. Then I helped Luis wash my cum off his back and butt.

Only now did I begin to recover my wits. We’d done a risky thing, to say the least. 

Was there a chance Luis’s grunting had been heard over the sound of the running water? Could someone have noticed two sets of feet under the bottom edge of the curtain?  

I cautiously opened the curtain an inch or two. I couldn’t see anyone in the nearby stalls, but I thought I heard running water a few stalls away, near the entrance from the locker room.

I looked at Luis and mouthed at him, “You go first.”

He nodded, pulled the curtain aside, and walked off down the corridor. 

I waited half a minute, turned off the water in our stall, then followed him.

I didn’t see anyone at first but then noticed soapsuds flowing into the corridor from one of the stalls just inside the entrance. As I passed it I glanced over, and my eyes briefly met those of a tall, slim black guy.

It was only for a split second, but it was long enough for me to recognize the guy. I’d seen him around the gym a few times, playing pickup basketball with what appeared to be a regular group of guys. We hadn’t spoken, but I’d heard the other guys call him Jerome.

I’d left my towel on a hook just outside the shower area. From that point, I knew I could see into the first stall, so as I dried myself I risked a glance back in that direction.

Jerome was looking straight at me. I looked down quickly and noticed as I did that he had a pretty good-sized cock.

I turned away and hurried back to my locker. Luis was already half-dressed.

“I’m gonna be late for class,” he said. 

I didn’t answer; I was too busy thinking about Jerome. I got the idea he knew something had been going on a few stalls away, but the look he’d given me had been ambiguous. It wasn’t a look of disgust or hostility, but it wasn’t one of excitement or interest, either. 

Luis finished dressing and, after promising to send a text, hurried out of the locker room.

I was just about dressed and was zipping up my gym bag when I looked up and saw Jerome walking by. As he passed he gave me another look – this time accompanied by a slight smile. Then he disappeared.

He knows, I thought to myself. He definitely knows.


Luis and I managed to get together several times over the next week. Twice he came to my place, and I went to his once when his roommate was gone. We spent what seemed like hours trading blowjobs, and we were both getting good at it – Luis especially, I thought. 

I pretty much forgot about the woman in my dorm, who didn’t seem to miss me in any case.

But I did not forget about Jerome. I speculated endlessly about the meaning of that little smile he gave me. It could have been a smile of derision, or it could have been a smile of amusement, or it could have been something else entirely. 

When I told Luis about it he just shrugged it off.

“Maybe he suspects something, but so what? What’s he going to do, rat us out to the authorities?”

“He could do that, yes,” I said. 

“More likely he smiled because he thinks it’s funny he caught us, or because he thinks we’re sad pathetic losers. I doubt he cares enough to rat us out.”

“I hope you’re right,” I said.

A week passed, and I stopped worrying about getting ratted out. As the worries receded, I got to thinking about another possibility: that Jerome had been turned on by what he saw or heard us doing. 

I recalled the brief glimpse of his cock I’d had that day. It wasn’t erect, but it might have had that heavy look a cock has just before or after a full erection. I couldn’t be sure.

The next time I went for my regular swim, Luis wasn’t there. He had a bad cold, and I knew he had holed up in his room for a couple of days. 

The locker room was crowded when I arrived, but by the time I finished my swim, the crowd had thinned out. I undressed, wrapped my towel around me, and headed for the shower.

I was about halfway to the shower room when my towel started to come loose. I looked down briefly to fix it and nearly bumped into someone coming out of the locker bay on the other side.

I looked up, and it was Jerome. 

I knew by his face that he recognized me, too.

“Sorry, man,” he said. 

“My fault,” I said. “Not watching where I was going.”

I motioned for him to go ahead, and followed a couple of steps behind. I couldn’t help but admire his strong back and broad shoulders. I felt a tingle of excitement.

When we came to the shower area, I noticed towels hanging on several of the hooks on either side of the entrance. I remember the pang of disappointment I felt that we were not going to be alone.

Jerome hung his towel on a hook to the left of the entrance, while I hung mine on the right. We met again at the shower entrance, and this time he motioned for me to go ahead. 

As I passed him, I risked a glance down at his cock. It was a good six inches long even without being hard, and I remember thinking it would make a pretty impressive erection.

I couldn’t be sure but I thought he was checking me out, too. If so, he would have known that I had the beginnings of a hard-on.

The first two stalls on either side of the entrance were occupied, with the curtains closed. I passed those and took a stall about halfway down on the right, leaving the curtain open.

I faced the wall and turned the water on. As I waited for it to warm up I allowed myself to hope Jerome would pick a stall on the opposite side, where I could see him. 

I got a squeeze of shampoo from the dispenser and began to lather up.  As I did I turned partway around, and saw Jerome in a stall opposite and down one, a little further from the entrance. 

He had his back to me, and though I could see only part of his body I could admire the taut muscles of his back and the smooth swell of his butt cheeks.

I heard the squeak of a shower being shut off a couple of stalls further back. I turned back to the wall for a moment while a guy walked by on his way out. 

I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, got a gob of soap, and turned back in Jerome’s direction. 

He was facing me now, and he had his hand on his cock, which was totally erect.

It was a good eight inches long now and had thickened up considerably. I felt a sudden surge of blood into my own cock.

I raised my eyes over his flat stomach and rock-hard pecs to his face. 

He was looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

By this time, my cock was totally hard. I grasped it with my soapy hand and gave it three or four slow strokes. 

I paused. Then, as if on cue, we both started jacking. 

While he watched me stroke I watched his face; he never took his eyes off my cock.

At one point he must have seen someone coming down the passageway, because he quickly turned back to the wall. I turned away, too, just in time to avoid being seen by a guy on his way to one of the stalls in the back. When I heard the noise of the curtain sliding home I cautiously turned back, and Jerome was jacking again.

A few moments later he raised his hand and braced himself against the side of his stall. An enormous wad of cum shot out the tip of his cock and landed on the floor of the passageway. The sight was enough to trigger my orgasm; I gave a lurch and shot a long stream of jizz onto the floor of my stall.

I shot at least three more times, but I lost count of how many times Jerome did. It had to be at least ten. I’d never seen so much cum in my life, not even in the porn I’d been watching.

When he had finally emptied his balls he bent over and put his hands on his knees. For a second I thought he was going to pass out, but after a moment he looked up and gave me a blissful smile.

Eventually, he stood up, reached up for the nozzle, and turned it so the spray just reached into the corridor. We both watched as that first huge gob of his cum swirled over the tiles and down a drain.

I turned back to the wall and turned the faucet to lower the temperature of the water. I let it run over my cock to make what was left of my erection go away.

When I was done I turned back around and headed down the corridor to get my towel. 

Jerome took his time and still hadn’t come out by the time I dried off. I didn’t want it to look like I was waiting for him, so I headed back to my locker. 

Although I deliberately took longer than usual to get dressed, Jerome did not reappear. I wanted to talk to him, though, so after leaving the locker room I sat down to wait for him in the gym lobby.

A few minutes passed before he appeared. When he caught sight of me he hesitated briefly, as if he were about to come over and speak to me, but at that moment someone called his name. It must have been a friend of his, because he turned and headed off in the other direction. As he went around a corner he looked back at me briefly.

In bed that night I had a long jackoff session while I fantasized about having another shower encounter with Jerome – one that began with a mutual jacking session and ended with me on my knees with his cock in my mouth. The next morning I jacked off again, elaborating on the shower fantasy by including Luis. When I came it was with a real bang.

On the way to class, I texted Luis, who was still sick. I thought about telling him of the encounter with Jerome, but decided it would be better to tell him in person. It would be a great way to arouse him for our next sex session – not that either of us needed much help in that department.

I had just finished the second of my morning classes when I got an email saying my late-afternoon Friday class had been canceled. Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to hit the gym again. 

In the back of my mind, I was hoping I’d run into Jerome again. Bit of a crapshoot, I know, but I thought it would be worth a shot because I had seen him several times before around this time of the afternoon. 

There was no sign of him when I arrived, however, so I changed into my swimsuit and went to do some laps. When I came back to the locker room it was almost deserted. 

I had just about given up hope of seeing Jerome when, going into the showers, I saw him just coming out of a stall near the far end. When he saw me he stopped abruptly. 

We exchanged a look. 

Then he turned back into the stall.

I took the one on the opposite side of the corridor. I reached up for the curtain but before I closed it I gave him a look that said, “Come on over if you like.”

Two seconds later, the curtain moved aside and Jerome stepped into the stall with me.

I looked down at his cock. It was rising fast. I watched, mesmerized, as it stiffened and swelled until it was pointing nearly straight upward. It was thicker than I remembered, and the head was broader.

Meanwhile, my own cock had risen to full mast. 

There was a pause while we looked at each other. Then he reached over and wrapped his hand around my dick. Somehow I knew it was not the first time he had touched another guy’s cock.

He gave me a couple of long, slow strokes. Then with the other hand, he started stroking himself.

I was more than willing to take over jacking him but he seemed to prefer doing it his way. 

At first, he kept his eyes riveted on our two cocks. Then he looked up, gave me another smile and slid to his knees.

Next thing I know my cock was in his mouth.

My fantasy had been that I would suck Jerome’s cock, but if he wanted to suck mine, I wasn’t going to complain. 

On the other hand, I wasn’t oblivious to the fact that what we were doing wasn’t just risky, it was plain crazy.

Jerome seemed unconcerned. He sucked me avidly, bobbing on my cock swiftly and expertly for half a minute, then adding a twisting motion with one hand during the upstroke. With the other hand, he began massaging my balls, tugging gently on the sack and rolling the big orbs in his fingers.

In no time I felt that familiar tingling at the root of my cock that signaled the approach of orgasm. I tapped Jerome on the shoulder to warn him, but it only made him intensify his efforts. 

I looked down. Jerome was looking up at me, watching my reactions, timing and fine-tuning his actions to give me the most pleasure possible.

Soon I reached the point of no return. I was so afraid of inadvertently crying out that I raised my hand to my mouth and bit down on my knuckles to stifle myself. 

Finally, it hit me. My whole body stiffened, my cock swelled to its maximum dimensions and, after an agonizing pause, I exploded into his mouth. One, two, three shots of cum, then a pause, then three more shots, another pause, and then two final spasms. 

Jerome never moved his mouth off my cock, and he never took his eyes off mine.

When I was finally spent, Jerome backed off slowly, gently stroking to milk me of the last few drops of semen. 

Only then did I take my hand away from my mouth. My knuckles had teethmarks on them, and I’d actually broken the skin in two places.

Jerome stood up, smiled at me, then arched his eyebrows while giving me a thumbs-up sign – as if to say, “How was that? Good?”

I made some sort of exhausted grunting noise and gave him a weak smile.

I felt his cock bumping against my hip. I looked down at it; it was sticking straight up. 

I was eager to get him off, and was just about to put my hand on his cock when he grasped my shoulder, turned me around and pressed me against the back wall of the stall. Next thing I knew he had a knee between my legs and was nudging them apart.

Jesus, he’s not going to try to fuck me, is he? 

I wasn’t ready for that, especially not here. 

I started to object, but just then we heard voices. Someone was coming into the showers.

I felt a stab of panic. Jerome, however, still seemed unconcerned. 

He whispered into my ear, “I’ll tap this ass another time.”

Then he opened the curtain a crack, looked out and, without saying anything, slipped out of the stall and stepped toward the one on the other side.

I felt a surge of relief. 

A moment later I heard the voices again, apparently coming from the two stalls just inside the shower entrance.  One guy was telling the other about some girl he was trying to get into bed.

I wanted to laugh: Here was this guy talking about fucking some girl, and three stalls away I might have been on the verge of getting fucked myself – by a guy, no less.

I stood there a moment, breathing deeply, willing myself to calm down. Then I rinsed away the remaining soap suds, turned off the water and slid open the curtain.

Jerome was standing with his back to me in the stall opposite, furiously jacking himself. 

I turned and walked down the corridor out of the showers. I took care not to look to either side as I passed the two guys who’d interrupted us.

I wanted to talk to Jerome, but I didn’t see him while I was drying and dressing. I decided to wait for him outside the locker room.

The gym lobby, a large-ish room with groups of chairs scattered about, was empty at the moment. I sat down where he’d be likely to see me as he left the locker room. 

A couple of minutes later the door opened and he came out. When he saw me he hesitated briefly, then walked over.

“It’s Jerome, right?” I asked.

He looked surprised that I knew his name, so I quickly added, “I’m Tom.”

I offered my hand. After a brief hesitation, he shook it and sat down in the chair opposite.

He seemed to be waiting for me to speak.

“That was pretty hot,” I said quietly. 

He just smiled.

“You seemed to know what you were doing,” I said.

The smile broadened a little.

“I’ve been around some,” he said, then added after a pause, “So have you.”

I must have looked startled.

“I saw you in the showers with that Latin guy,” he said. “It wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on.”

“Shit,” I said. “Were we that obvious?”

“Not to most people, probably,” he said. “But after a while, you learn the signs.”

“You do this a lot?” I asked.

He shrugged.

“What’s ‘a lot’?” he asked. 

I didn’t know how to answer that, so I just said, “Fairly new thing for me.”

“Coulda fooled me, the way you acted in there,” he said.

After a moment he went on: “That was fun, but it’s not a good idea to make a habit of it. You were lucky it was me who saw you the other day and not some homophobe. Friend of mine got caught once in the shower with another guy and it didn’t go well.”

“Here, you mean?

“No, another gym.”

“What happened?”

“The guy who caught him told several other guys in the gym,” Jerome said. “They didn’t beat him up or anything, but they were pretty hostile, calling him names and such, to the point he just quit going there.”

He paused to let this sink in. I suddenly felt stupid and reckless. 

He got up to leave.

“I gotta split,” he said. “But I’m serious about tapping that ass.”

“I’ve never done that,” I said. 

He gave me another sly smile.

“We’ll have to fix that.”

The way he said it made my asshole twitch.

“I owe you a blow job first,” I said.

“Like cock, huh?”

“Getting to,” I said.

“Hand me your phone.”

I handed it to him. He created a contact and put his number in. 

“Text me Sunday about 5,” he said. “Maybe we can work something out.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

He held out a fist for me to bump. I did, and he left.

Needless to say, I thought a lot about Jerome over the next 48 hours.

At first, I fantasized being on my knees in the shower with his big cock in my mouth, looking into his face while he pumped his seed down my throat. 

Then, recalling his promise to “tap my ass,” I wondered what it would be like to have him fuck me. 

The idea was unsettling; I knew enough about anal sex to know it could be painful and messy. But the vision of Jerome’s big black dick sliding in and out of my white ass was a real turn-on nonetheless.

There were moments, however, when I had misgivings about what I was doing and where my life was heading. I worried that I was losing control, that my newfound lust for men had clouded my thinking. 

How far did I really want to go with this? 

But none of these moments lasted more than five minutes. Inevitably the fantasies returned, and all my worries about the future vanished. 

I did, however, manage to control myself enough to avoid jacking off during the day on Sunday. If something was going to happen that evening with Jerome, I wanted to be totally ready for it.

When the clock on my phone showed 5 pm, I fought the urge to text him right away. I let a few minutes pass, then sent him a note: “Hey, Tom here. Are you up for something tonight?”

A minute or two passed before he answered: “Home alone all night. You can come over anytime.”

My heart leaped.

“Great, where?”

He gave me directions to an apartment off-campus. 

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

Published 2 years ago

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