They all Wore Pearls Chapter Three

"Mature women are attracted to a young business man"

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Jack and Ruth both sensed May was very hot. No sooner were they in the door and May had her clothes off. Soon Jack and Ruth were naked too. May asked, “Jack, please fuck my ass then fuck my pussy.”

Ruth went to the Master Bedroom and came back with a bottle of lube. When Jack saw this he knew Ruth wanted this to be a quick one. Ruth then put lots of lube on to her fingers. She started to finger May’s ass hole; Ruth could now fist her ass. Ruth then put lube all over Jack’s cock. Jack then bent May around and went into her ass doggy style as Ruth played with her pussy while sucking May’s tits.

May was very noisy. She was saying, “Jack, fuck me harder. I love your cock. Mags loves it too. Mags and I love it when you fuck us hard. So will Kay. If you get a chance tonight will you do it with Kay?”

Jack looked at Ruth, Ruth nodded, Jack replied, “If that is what you and Kay want then I will do it with pleasure.”

May said, “Thanks Jack, now fuck my pussy hard.”

Jack did that and three minutes later May had an enormous orgasm. Jack then went into Ruth, twenty minutes later Jack came.

They arrived at May’s house, they all had travelled in different cars apart from Su, Jean and Molly, who had travelled in the same car. Kay and Claire were already in the house. Jack gave Claire a kiss then Kay gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. Kay said, “I am hearing great things about you?”

Ruth and May had been to Jack’s Wine Company and bought ten cases of his Champagne. The girls and Jack all helped May to unload her five cases. Then they drove to Ruth’s Penthouse to unload her Champagne.

Jack, Ruth, Mags, Kay, May and Claire went into the Dining Room. Claire and Kay had their laptops open. They then showed the pictures and videos. It was obvious that Bob was a homosexual drug abusing person.

Ruth said, “I am Chairwoman of Gordon Holdings which is a global concern, we have an office in Glasgow. I asked my Managing Director on what was the best Scottish Law firm for Divorce and Litigation. He approached John Lewis of Hendersons who will represent you Mags in these matters. My companies give Hendersons millions every year in fees. Hendersons are doing this as a favour to Gordon Holdings, there will no fee issued by them to you in this action.”

Claire said, “Ruth, when I was at University, my Professor said, If you are involved in Litigation and the name John Lewis on Hendersons letterhead appeared on your desk then get out as quickly as you can as you have no chance of winning. The library at Hendersons takes up two floors of their skyscraper building. They have ten researchers working constantly there. They are unbeatable. Bob will not defend this as he will lose and Hendersons costs would bankrupt him.”

Kay said, “My professor in Edinburgh said exactly the same thing. Ruth, thank you for doing this. I felt that a lot of our money would be lost in any action as Bob would always play a stalling action which would cost you money. He won’t do that with Hendersons.”

Claire said, “I have prepared an initial letter which I can email to John. I worked with him when I was training. I was fortunate to work closely with John. He has a brain as big as a Planet. Bob will know that every letter he gets from Hendersons will cost him over a thousand pounds each. The last thing he wants is letters.”

Ruth said, “Mags, I am surprised to see you. I thought you had to be with your girls?”

Mags replied, “Mum and I decided it would be better for the girls if they didn’t go to the funeral. They are both too young to understand. I have a girlfriend who has two daughters one in the same class as one of mine. Her older daughter is super and both mine enjoy playing with her as they learn so much. They are having a sleepover until Sunday which is great for both of them. Joyce’s husband is sixteen years older than her. He has a terminal illness and is nursed twenty four hours a day.”

Ruth said, “That is very nice of her. Next weekend is a Bank Holiday long weekend. I would like to invite you all to my Chateaux in France. The kids would love it as it has its own pool and Spa. I will arrange a plane for Thursday afternoon with the return flight on Monday evening. Su, Jean, Jack, May and myself are going on Wednesday so you would be with us for the weekend.”

They all said they would come. Kay said, “I am off this week I can come on Wednesday with you.”

Ruth replied, “Kay that is super, do come with us on Wednesday. Mags, if you would like Joyce and her children to come for company for your girls then please invite her.”

Mags answered, “They would love that. I will phone her know.”

Mags left the room, she came back five minutes later. Mags said, “Joyce and all the girls are so happy. This will be a wonderful weekend for them. They need breaks like this. My kids only have an idiot of a father that has stopped phoning them. Yesterday they never mentioned he hadn’t phoned.”

Jack noticed that all of them were wearing pearls. Jack said, “All my girls are wearing pearls, I love women that wear pearls. I love a woman naked, just wearing pearls. Pearls on a woman really turn me on.”

Ruth replied, “Jack, I love them too. There is something so erotic about them. I love to be fucked when I am wearing my pearls. I have quite a few sets of them. I will show you them later.”

May said, “I feel so good when I wear my pearls. I love to be naked then they fall between my cleavage, when I put them into a single strand they hang twelve inches below my vagina. Sometimes, when I am naughty, I put the twelve inches inside me then walk around with them inside me.”

Ruth, Jean, Molly, Claire, Jean and Su said they did the same. Mags and Kay said they had never tried it but would soon. Then May said, “Let’s finish our glasses and go to the restaurant. Jack noticed that Mags was walking with Molly. Jack was walking with Ruth and Kay. He had an arm round each of them. He was cupping their tits as he walked. Kay asked, “How long to the restaurant?”

Jack replied, “About two minutes.”

Kay answered, “That’s good. I will cum twice if you keep playing with my nipple until we get there.”

Ruth asked, “Do you like to cum Kay?”

Kay replied, “I love to cum, mum sent me to a Beauty Studio this afternoon. God knows how many times I came there. But I need a cock now. I hear Jack has a very big one.”

Ruth answered, “What has your mother planned for you this evening?”

Kay replied, “I don’t know but I am a big girl now. After the meal I would love to go home with you. I am sure mum would think I am in safe hands.”

Ruth answered, “Kay, you must tell your mother what you are doing or do you want me to tell her?”

Kay replied, “We both can tell her.”

Kay then walked quickly to May who was ten yards in front of her then Kay said, “Mum, I have been invited back to Jack and Ruth’s flat is that OK? I will be home by nine tomorrow so I have plenty of time for the Funeral.”

May replied, “Kay, I have no problem with that. If I get everyone to bed early maybe I could come and join you?”

Ruth smiled then said, “That would be super May, should I give you a key so you can let yourself in?”

Ruth then gave May a very long hot kiss on the lips then said, “I am looking forward to this, May.”

They finished the meal ninety minutes later. Jack had said to Su and Jean, “I am in a lot of demand at the moment but am sure we will have some fun soon.”

Both had then gave Jack a hug and a kiss. It was nine o’clock when they arrived at Ruth’s Penthouse. Jack and Kay went into the lounge where they started to kiss and cuddle. Ruth arrived with the Champagne then said, “Wait for me.”

She poured the Champagne then took her blouse and skirt off saying, “Let’s all get comfortable.”

A minute later they were all naked. When Kay saw Jack’s cock she said, “For fucks sake that is the biggest cock I have ever seen in my life.”

She then went down on him with Ruth helping her. Jack was looking at Kay’s pussy. He was amazed as it was exactly the same as May and Mags. All had very big clits and they all looked the same. Ruth was working on Kay’s pussy and Kay was getting wet. Kay was able to take Jack’s full length as she sucked him, Jack was very hard.

Ruth asked, “Kay, do you like it doggystyle? Jack is very good at doggystyle, then I can play with your tits and pussy as he rides you?”

Kay replied, “Yes please, I love it doggystyle.”

Ruth then set Kay up for doggystyle. Jack went into her, soon she was taking his full length but sadly Kay was not gripping. Ruth was sucking Kay’s big tits as she rubbed her clit as Jack rode her. After fifteen minutes Kay had a big orgasm. She was very noisy as she came.

Jack then lay back and Ruth went on top. Ruth was gripping Jack’s cock as she rode him. Jack thought this is night and day between Mags and Kay and their mother, May, as May was a wonderful gripper. Jack hoped Molly had been successful with Mags. Jack felt confident she would have been.

Ruth soon had a fantastic rhythm going. Jack soon realised with the way Ruth was grinding him she was doing her utmost to make him come. Ruth was having orgasms but she still kept grinding. After ten minutes they both came at the same time. Jack pulled Ruth towards him then gave her a wonderful long and passionate kiss.

Ruth went and got another bottle of Champagne. Kay looked exhausted, she didn’t want any more Champagne. She asked Ruth if she could go to bed. Ruth showed her into one of her guest bedrooms. But before she left she gave Jack a kiss and said, “Jack, thanks for everything. I am so tired. I must go to bed.”

Ruth came back into the lounge, she closed the door then sat on the sofa next to Jack, she looked very happy. Ruth said, “I am glad Kay has gone to bed as it give us a little time to ourselves. Next week we will do more together. That girl Claire is exceptional Jack, I want her to work with you in Gordon Holdings. She is a very intelligent girl, so are Kay, Mags and May. I believe we will have a lot of fun with those three as they are all oversexed.”

“When you think we have had a mother and her two daughters through the course of the day, we have had all three in bed and you have cum inside me four times. It has been a great day. I have enjoyed every minute of it. We are getting a nice little group around us. I haven’t been to bed with Molly and Claire yet but Su and Jean are excellent.”

Jack replied, “Molly and Claire are wonderful. I know so much about sex. That is all down to Molly and Claire. For six years I wasn’t going to clubs or discos, I was in bed with the two of them learning how to be good and unselfish in bed. I know so much now. I have so much confidence when I am with a woman. Kay is the same as Mags, she doesn’t grip. The difference gripping makes is amazing. When you were on top tonight it was superb but when we do it doggystyle it is not as strong but still wonderful.”

Ruth laughed, “Jack, do you know I used to practise with cucumbers. I would buy at least ten cucumbers a week, not to eat but to practice my gripping. I didn’t have sex with my husband very often. Probably we have had sex more times in the last days than I had with my husband in our married life. Jack, I am so happy. On Sunday I want to take you to my husband and father’s tailor. He is now getting on but he will make you some wonderful suits. My father used to say that you always did better business when you were well dressed. I think he is right.”

“On Monday I would like to go to my gynecologist, Ada, as I want to be sure everything is good. I must phone Colette, the housekeeper in Epernay. The time here is nine forty five so it’s ten forty five there. She will still be up. I will phone her now to make sure all is ok for next week.”

Ruth got her iPhone and phoned Colette who answered on the second ring. Ruth said, “Good evening Colette, It is Ruth Gordon I hope I am not disturbing you?”

Colette answered, “Madame Gordon, I am so happy to hear your voice. It has been a long time since you last visited. The Chateaux and gardens are looking wonderful. We have had a new head gardener, he has been here for over five years now. I have never seen the gardens so beautiful. How can I help you Madame?”

Ruth replied, “That sounds wonderful Colette. I would like to visit on Wednesday when there will be myself and five friends. Then on Thursday there will be another four adults and four children. The children are young enough to share a king size bed. Is the Spa and pool operational as the children would love that?”

Colette answered, “Yes Madame, we had problems because it wasn’t being used but now I swim everyday. They have connected some solar panels which has reduced the heating costs. The Spa and pool are excellent now. I will prepare the Master Suite for yourself. We also have another six suites so there is no problem with accommodation. What time can I expect you?”

Ruth replied, “I have not booked the plane yet but expect us around six your time. I will bring all things for breakfast as my boyfriend loves a Full Scottish breakfast and so do all the others. We will eat out every night as their is a Sous-Vide restaurant I want to visit to learn how they cook.”

Colette answered, “Is the Chef’s name Serge at the restaurant, as he is the best in the whole of Champagne with his Sous-vide cooking?”

Ruth looked at Jack who was nodding said, “Yes that is his name. My boyfriend buys all of Serge’s fathers Champagne. I think his name is Rene.”

Colette answered, “I have never eaten there but the food is amazing. He now has a Michelin Star and there is talk of him getting another. I love Rene’s Champagne. I think it is one of the best in the region. It must be your boyfriend as the rumor is a Scottish man with a big Hotel and wine company buys the total production every year. Serge does so much business with the Grande Marque Houses that he must sell their Champagne as they bring so many customers to his restaurant.”

Ruth replied, “I will get some of that Champagne and we will keep it at the Chateaux. In fact I will ask Jack, my boyfriend, to phone Serge to order a few cases so we have it when we arrive on Wednesday. You must come out for Dinner with us one night Colette. Would you be free on Wednesday or what evening would suit you?”

Colette answered, “Madame Gordon, any evening that you do not need me, is good for me. I am so happy you have a boyfriend. I believe Jack is very tall and very good looking, he is also younger than you which is good. Rene showed me pictures of him. Rene and Serge like him a lot.”

Ruth replied, “Colette, he is everything you say and more. You will meet him on Wednesday. What kind of car are we keeping at the Chateaux as we will need a lot of seats?”

Colette answered, “We have now a Mercedes V Class with nine seats. Monsieur Le Grand has changed the car here every two years. We do not do a lot of kilometers. This car is wonderful. It has Four Wheel Drive. It drives like a sports car. Let me know the time and I will be at the airport.”

Ruth replied, “That is good if you pick us up on Wednesday as nine seats is good. I will order another of those for us for Thursday then with two and eighteen seats we don’t have a problem. I will get Jack to phone about the Champagne and we will let you know when to pick it up. Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, Colette.”

Ruth said, “Jack, I am really interested in this food. Colette said there is talk of him getting another Michelin Star which would be wonderful. I think we will have a lot of fun in Champagne. Jack, can you phone Rene, so Colette can pick up five cases of Champagne then we will have it chilled for our arrival. Can you also ask him about Gordon Air buying this Champagne?”

Jack replied, “Ruth, I will not phone Rene as he speaks very little English, I will phone Serge as his English is perfect. I buy his total production from Rene. If he can blend the same Champagne from the wines in the Co-operative then I think we can do business. I will ask him.”

Jack then got his smartphone out and using Ruth’s WiFi dialed Serge on Skype. Serge answered on the second ring and the line was very clear. Jack said, “Hi Serge, How are you? I hope I am not disturbing you.”

Serge answered, “Jack, it is great to hear from you. How can I help you?”

Jack replied, “Thanks Serge I am good, I am coming to Epernay on Wednesday and would like a table for ten at seven thirty. I am staying with a friend in her Chateaux and would like her housekeeper, Colette, to pick up five cases of Champagne on Tuesday. I will pay your father on Wednesday for the Champagne.”

Serge answered, “This is not a problem just tell Colette to come on Tuesday and it will be here. Is the lady you are staying with Madame Gordon?”

Jack replied, “Yes Serge, I am staying with Ruth Gordon, do you know her? She will be with me for dinner on Wednesday night.”

Serge answered, “No I have never met her, but look forward to meeting her on Wednesday night. She has the most beautiful Chateaux in the region. She also has the very best vineyards in the region.”

Jack replied, “Ruth owns Gordon Air, the private jet company, she would like to buy some Champagne to be used onboard. I don’t know the numbers involved yet but will let you know on Wednesday. Is it possible your father can blend her the same wine I have from the wine in the Co-operative?”

Serge answered, “Jack, Ruth would be silly to do that. She owns the finest vineyards in Champagne. If she kept the best grapes for herself then my father could do that easily. She can then sell the rest to the Champagne Houses. She could ever create her own Champagne House if she wanted then she would really make money from her grapes. If you want I will ask my father to be here on Wednesday.”

Jack replied, “Serge, I have never seen the Chateaux or the vineyards but will do that this week then we will talk to your father. Ruth would like to learn about Sous-vide. Is it possible she can work in your kitchen with you?”

Serge answered, “Of course she can. Do you want me to deliver the five cases to the Chateaux as that would save Colette carrying them.”

Jack replied, “Thank you Serge. That is a great idea do you have her number?”

Serge answered, “Yes I have. I will phone her tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you and Ruth on Wednesday.”

Ruth said, “Serge sounds good and honest. To be honest I have often wondered why we didn’t produce our own Champagne but my Great Grandfather when he bought the Chateaux and vineyards didn’t want to do that. We have always have had staff here to look after the Chateaux, which is not cheap, and the vineyards. We have a manager who is very good and eight men working in the vineyards. A lot of the Champagne Houses wanted to put their staff to work on our vineyards but Great Grandfather wouldn’t allow it.”

“We employ eleven people throughout the year here plus some seasonal workers at harvest time. Last year it showed a profit of twenty two million euros. So it pays for itself. It will be interesting to hear what everyone has to say. I know Monsieur Le Grande, the Manager, believes we could do a lot more with it. You will see it on Wednesday Jack. I would really love a Champagne like Rene makes coming from my grapes.”

Jack then kissed Ruth, it was a long tender kiss. Jack said, “Let’s go to bed.”

They went to bed where they spent the next fifty minutes giving each other total pleasure, then Jack came inside Ruth for the fifth time today. They fell asleep soon after.

* * *

The Funeral Service and Cremation took place. There were not so many people there. May looked outstanding as did Mags and Kay. All were dressed in black. There were a few of Mags and Kay’s friends there. After the service everyone was invited for a Funeral purvey at an Hotel close to May’s house. There were a few people Jack didn’t know. Jack and Ruth sat at the same table as May.

After the purvey a very attractive woman came over to Ruth. Ruth got out of her seat and hugged her. Ruth said, “Ada, I am so happy to see you. Is it possible you could give me a check up on Monday or Tuesday?”

Ada replied, “Ruth, I am so short staffed at the moment it would be difficult to fit you in but we could go to the surgery this afternoon or tomorrow and I will check you then.”

Ruth answered, “Ada, let me introduce you to Jack. Jack can you drive me to Ada’s surgery this afternoon?”

Jack shook Ada’s hand then said, “Nice to meet you Ada, there is no problem, I will drive you, I have only had one glass of wine.”

Ada then spoke to May then the three of them left. Ruth had told May that Ada was going to give her an examination. May had been at University with Ada and knew each other very well. In the car Ruth said, “Ada’s husband died four years ago. He was a lot older than Ada. Ada has been in the coffee morning group for a very long time. Jack, I think Ada would like to have some fun with you this afternoon, is that okay with you?”

Jack replied, “Why not but I will cum inside you Ruth.”

They arrived at Ada’s surgery, it was spacious and modern, Ada took some blood from Ruth, then gave Ruth a small container and asked for a urine sample. She then checked Ruth’s blood pressure. Ten minutes later they left the surgery.

They arrived at Ruth’s Penthouse. Jack and Ada went into the lounge, Ruth went to the kitchen for some Champagne. Jack liked Ada, she was very elegant and had a very curvy body, she was also wearing pearls. A long string worn in three strands around her neck.

Ada said, “Jack, I am so happy about you and Ruth. I really hope Ruth becomes pregnant. She has never smoked in her life. She is also very healthy. I believe you are seeing May as well. That is nice. I have known May since childhood. We weren’t at the same school but we were in the same Tennis Club. We played a lot of tennis together then we went through University together. I couldn’t stand her husband, May didn’t have a good life with him.”

Ruth came in with the Champagne which Jack opened the bottle and poured. Ada said, “That is a wonderful Champagne, it is so full of flavour.”

Ruth replied, “It is Jack’s Champagne, he imports it into the UK. I am looking forward to meeting the man that makes it on Wednesday. A few of us are going over to Champagne on Wednesday while those that are off for the holiday weekend will come on Thursday. Ada, are you off this weekend? If you are then you are more than welcome to join us.”

Ada replied, “That sounds wonderful. The surgery is closed from Thursday midday until Tuesday morning. How would we get to Champagne?”

Ruth answered, “I will arrange for one of our Jets to take you. I don’t know the time yet but it will be on Thursday afternoon. Ada, you know that I have a Chateaux there. My Great Grandfather bought it years ago.

It is a beautiful place.”

Ada replied, “I had heard gossip but didn’t know for sure. I would be delighted to come with you. It would be a wonderful treat for me. If I can drink Champagne like this it will be even better.”

Ruth answered, “I am so happy you can come, we will have lots of fun. The coffee morning group has one rule at the moment. Whoever is in bed with Jack and I then Jack will give them pleasure but he won’t cum inside them. Until I am pregnant Jack will only cum inside me. Is that okay with you?”

Ada replied, “Ruth, that is a wonderful idea, the next seventeen days are very important for you. I will have the results of the blood and urine tests on Monday but I don’t expect anything untoward. I will phone you on Monday evening.”

Ruth bent over giving Ada a long hot kiss on the lips. Both were playing with the others tits. Ruth had Ada’s out first, they were enormous with beautiful big nipples. Jack had a hand on each of their pussies, both were very wet. Jack then went down on Ada, she had a very big clit, Jack was gently sucking her clit as he finger fucked her. Ruth then unbuckled Jack’s belt unzipped him then took his trousers off.

When Ada saw Jack’s cock she said, “Wow, that is the biggest I have ever seen.”

She then went down on Jack, Ada was soon taking the full length of Jack’s cock. Jack was still sucking her clit as he finger fucked her, Jack now had four fingers inside her. Ada was moaning with pleasure. Ruth was playing with Ada’s wonderful tits. Ada had cum several times. Ada said, “Let me fuck you Jack, I want you inside me.”

Jack then lay on the floor, Ada mounted him, she slowly started to ride him. With every thrust she was taking a little bit more of him, soon she was taking the full length. Ada was gripping Jack’s cock as she rode him, it felt wonderful. Ada had a wonderful rhythm, she was now riding Jack harder. Fifteen minutes later Ada had a wonderful orgasm.

Ada came off Jack then said, “Jack, that was wonderful. Now let me help you to make Ruth cum.”

Ada then gave Jack a kiss. Jack felt Ruth’s pussy, it was as usual very wet. Ada went down on Ruth, a minute later Ada said, “Jack, Ruth is ready for you.”

Jack then bent Ruth over the sofa going into her doggystyle. Jack knew that Ruth would cum soon so he started to ride her hard. Ada was playing with Ruth’s tits, she knew exactly what Ruth liked as Ruth’s nipples were very hard. Fifteen minutes later Jack came inside Ruth.

Ada then topped up their glasses, she then asked, “That was wonderful, can I invite you both out for dinner? I would love to take you to the Chinese restaurant at the Toll. The food is very good there. I would love to have a relaxing meal with you then to come back here.”

Ruth replied, “Ada, that is a super idea. I would love a quiet evening with Jack and you. I had better phone May so she doesn’t think I have deserted her. I will phone her now.”

Ruth then phoned May she said, “May, I have been to Ada for a check up. She couldn’t do it before I go to France so she did it this afternoon, everything is good. Ada has invited Jack and I out for some supper. Tomorrow I am taking Jack to my father’s tailor. It’s so important that he dresses well. May, could you ask everyone who is coming to France to bring enough clothes, as I think we will be going most weekends, maybe better to leave clothes there than carry them every week.”

“May, will you also ask everyone to bring their passports, as although we are on a private jet, we still must have our passports. Ada is going to come on Thursday, I’m sure we will all have a wonderful weekend.”

* * *

May had finished with her lawyer at ten thirty on Wednesday morning. Alex had left a very big estate. He had been investing in stocks and shares, he had made a lot of money from it. Alex also had a farmhouse beside Largs where he would go at weekends. When they came back from France, May wanted Jack to take her there as she didn’t know what to do with the property. There were seven on the plane, Ruth had asked them all to order something from the menu then let her know their comments later.

Jack was impressed with the service. They arrived at Gordon Air office their baggage was screened then they showed their passports. They then boarded the plane. From the time they arrived at the airport they were airborne seven minutes later. The Champagne that was served was not as good as Jacks. They all chose a different main course which was served twenty five minutes later. Not one of them enjoyed their meal.

Molly said, ”Ruth this is truly a wonderful experience sadly this food let’s the whole thing down.”

Jean said, “If I was doing this regularly and paying for it, then I would bring my own sandwiches.”

May replied, “Ruth, you must do something about this. If I was paying and using your Jets then I would think again about using them.”

Jack answered, “Ruth, there is no taste to the meals. Tonight you will see the way to solve your problem as I will in regards to the problems I have in the Hotel’s kitchen. Everything on Serge’s menu is Sous-vide. I hope we can get Serge to either prepare the meals for us or train our staff to prepare them. This will take time as the logistics of setting this up will be enormous, I am sure we can do it.”

Su replied, “I have tasted Sous-vide on the TGF, French Railway, the food was amazing. I could not believe the quality.”

Jack answered, “That is because Paul Bocuse, a three Michelin Star chef is doing the cooking for them. Tonight Su you will enjoy your meal more.”

Ruth replied, “Thank you all for your honesty, it is a long time since I flew in one of the Jets, I did not realise that it was so bad. Hopefully tonight we are on the right road to changing this.”

The announcement came saying we were about to land at Reims Airport. The landing was perfect, the Jet taxied to its bay. The engines stopped and we left the plane. The Pilot and Second Pilot were on the tarmac. Ruth recognised the Pilot then said, “How are you? It has been a while since I flew.”

The Pilot replied, “It has been a while Mrs Gordon, did you enjoy your flight?”

Ruth answered, “The flight was magnificent but the catering is deplorable. How has it deteriorated so badly?”

The Pilot took Ruth’s arm then said, “Please allow me to escort you to the office. Mrs Gordon, three years ago a woman, Ms Nelson, was appointed Catering Manageress for the airline. I have no idea how many meals we do today but over the last three years it has reduced dramatically. We have the best Jets in the world and the worst food and wines. I am telling you this Mrs Gordon as next year will be my thirtieth year with Gordon Jets. This woman is destroying your business.”

Ruth replied, “Captain, thank you so much. I am sorry I can’t remember your name, can you please give me your contact details. I will never mention your name but as of tonight this matter will be investigated.”

The Captain gave Ruth his card then said, “My name is James Gibson.”

Ruth replied, “Thank you so much Captain Gibson. I look forward to seeing you again.”

Captain Gibson answered, “Mrs Gordon, anytime you fly I am your pilot. I am the Senior Pilot with Gordon Jets. Your father said that every time you flew you were to have the most senior pilot and the newest Jet. I am also the pilot tomorrow bringing your friends here.”

Ruth replied, “I never knew that my father had said that. I always realised the planes were very good but didn’t know the reason. Thank you for your words, I am obliged.”

Colette was there in the office. She and Ruth hugged. The office staff put the luggage into the V Class Mercedes. Then the Manager of Euro Hire introduced himself to Ruth saying he had another V Class for her. Ruth said, “Thank you, we will need that vehicle tomorrow, does it also have nine seats?”

The manager replied, “Mrs Gordon, it will be here for you. It is exactly the same specification as the V Class you are driving today. When you are finished with it please leave the keys in this office and they will contact me.”

Ruth thanked him then got into the V Class with Colette driving. Ruth got her mobile out and phoned Mike Cohen. On the second ring Mike answered Ruth said, “Mike, when was the last time you flew and ate on Gordon Jets?”

Mike replied, “Ruth, I don’t use them a lot as most people come to me. I think the last time I ate onboard was maybe four years ago and the food was good.”

Ruth answered, “The meals today were a disgrace. The Captain on the flight who is the most Senior Pilot with Gordon Jets having nearly thirty years service tells me we have the best planes but the worst food and drink. There is a Ms Nelson who is Catering Manageress, I believe in the last three years the food and drink on our flights has deteriorated so badly. Mike, can you check her out and get back to me with the last four years figures?”

Mike replied, “Ruth, this is the first time you have ever called me with you having concerns about any of the divisions of Gordon Holdings. I will get three assistants, we will work on this until I know the answers. I will phone you later this evening.”

Molly said, “Ruth, Claire has a marvelous new program which gives unbelievable figures which we are now using in both the Hotel and Antique Center. Claire is still in Glasgow, perhaps she could help Mike with her new program.”

Jack replied, “Ruth, this program is fantastic. It gives statistics you would not believe. Claire knows the program inside out. It would be a good idea for her to go to Mike.”

Ruth said, “I will phone Mike, Jack, could you phone Claire and ask her to take her program to Mike?”

Ruth then phoned Mike, she said, “Mike, I have a Claire Graham coming to see you at the office. She is a very capable young woman. She has a program which I believe will help you with examining the figures from the catering of Gordon Jets. She will be with you shortly.”

Jack phoned Claire, he said, “Claire, can you go to the Head Office of Gordon Holdings to help them with a problem with the catering for Gordon Air. The quality of the food is dreadful. There is a Catering Manageress that has been in charge for three years. The quality has dropped dramatically in this time. Your program will analyse the figures very quickly. Check out if these supplies are put out to tender?”

Claire replied, “Jack, I will do that, tell Mike Cohen I will be there in ten minutes. I will call you later to let you know what we find.”

Ruth then phoned Mike, she said, “Mike, Claire will be with you in ten minutes. Jack has asked Claire to find out if these supplies are put out to tender, I have the feeling that all is not right with Ms Nelson.”

They were nearly at the Chateaux when Colette said, “Serge brought the Champagne on Monday, I have it in the fridge. Serge looked in the cellars of the Chateaux. He said there was so much room there. He is looking forward to seeing you all tonight.”

They drove through the entrance gates of the Chateaux along the driveway where the lawns and manicured gardens were a feast for the eyes. Then the magnificence of the Chateaux came into view. It was a beautiful building. Jack said, “Ruth, this will make an outstanding Hotel. We should call it Chateaux Gordon and also call our Champagne Chateaux Gordon.”

It was now ten past five. Colette showed everyone to their suites. The rooms were totally outstanding. It was agreed that they would all meet in the lounge at six thirty. Colette had said that she would drive tonight as this was the start of everyone’s holiday.

They were all sitting in the lounge sipping Champagne when Ruth’s mobile rang, it was Mike, he said, “Ruth, Claire is exceptional she is in a class of her own, within forty five minutes she has the last four years accounts completely analysed. The results are frightening, Ms Nelson, needs to be investigated.”

“In four years the cost of a meal has gone up one hundred and seventy percent. The pricing is out of control. We are paying twenty four pounds for an unknown brand of Champagne. The meals are costing on average for a main course circa nineteen pounds. I have asked the Investigation Branch of AXE Insurance company to investigate her.”

“Ruth, you have done the right thing bringing this to my attention. It won’t take the investigators from AXE long to get to the bottom of this. In fact they are now going through her office PC. They also have access to all transactions done over the IBM Cloud we use. If we find any illegal activity then I suggest prosecution.”

“Claire is wonderful. I have offered her a job with us. She is working with the Managing Partner of Ernst Young, she was telling me she was on a seminar two weeks ago and he tried it on with her. She handled herself brilliantly. I have suggested she hands in her notice tomorrow morning. That will be accepted immediately. She will be told to clear her desk and leave.”

“We have a winner with Claire, she tells me she is going to Champagne tomorrow for the weekend. I am on holiday for the next two weeks so she can start on my return.”

Ruth replied, “Mike, that is wonderful, Claire will be an asset to Gordon Holdings. I am so happy she is joining us. Jack will also start when you come back from holiday. They’re a strong team, Jack and Claire.”

Colette had phoned Serge to say that there would be eight for dinner tonight, they would be there in fifteen minutes.

They arrived at Serge’s restaurant, Serge was very pleased to see them. There were two bottles of Champagne in wine coolers beside their table. Jack introduced everyone to Serge. Jack then said, “Serge, we are going to have eight different main courses tonight, is that a problem for you?”

Serge replied, “Not at all, that’s the beauty of Sous-vide, all the preparation is done beforehand, we only need to heat the vacuum packs now.”

There meals arrived. Everyone was tasting each other’s meals. They were all over the moon with the meals. Ruth said, “Jack, you are right, these meals are in a class of their own. We must have a serious talk with Serge.”

Jack replied, “Ruth, Claire will now have all the figures. I think it is better to wait until Thursday night or even Friday morning to have a chat with Serge, then we can make a serious proposition to him.”

Serge came to the table. Ruth said, “Serge, that was wonderful, I tasted eight different meals, everyone was full of taste. Tomorrow we will have four children, do you have any meals without alcohol in them?”

Serge replied, “The secret of French cuisine is the wine. We have pasta dishes which have no alcohol. Our Spaghetti Bolognese is wonderful, the Bolognese is cooked by Sous-vide which seals all the flavour of the sauce.”

Ruth said, “That sounds wonderful. Serge is it possible I can spend some time with you in your kitchen so I can see exactly what Sous-vide cooking can do?”

Serge replied, “Madame Gordon, you can come to my kitchen any time you want. Once you understand Sous-vide you will never cook any other way. Tomorrow we have a banquet for one thousand five hundred people for one of the Champagne Houses. All the meals were prepared today so we only have to heat the pouches tomorrow.”

Jack then went to the office to pay for dinner and the Champagne Serge had delivered. He paid cash, the cost of the Champagne was under eight euros a bottle. The cost of the Champagne to Gordon Air was twenty four pounds, which is circa thirty euros. Rene’s Champagne was twenty two euros cheaper. Jack kept this to himself but told Ruth later.

They got back to the Chateaux, they were sitting in the lounge. Ruth was pouring the Champagne. She gave Colette a glass. Jack’s mobile rang, it was Claire, Claire said, “Jack, that was a fraud on a grand scale, Ms Nelson, I am sure will be prosecuted, she deserves it. The quality has dropped dramatically with the prices rising very quickly.”

“I didn’t realise Ruth owns AXE Insurance, it is the biggest Insurance Company in Europe. Mike has offered me a job. It will be great working with you and him. I am sure we both can do a lot in Ruth’s company. Jack, Gordon Holdings is enormous. It’s profits are in trillions, not turnover but profits. I think Mike will have Ms Nelson charged soon. Every employee signs a contract which allows Gordon Holdings to access everything that is done on IBM Cloud. So everything you do on your smartphone, laptop and computer they can access. They can even access your private email addresses.”

“I think with the AXE Insurance investigation going on now it will only be a matter of time. Mike is a ruthless lawyer. I like him. I have sent my letter to John Lewis. I thought it was quite a hard letter. John sent me a copy of the letter he sent to Bob, that is a work of art. Bob will shit himself. It forbids him from contacting Mags or the girls. It wants sight of his accounts for the last eight years.”

“Bob has seven days to supply this information or the Law Society will be informed. It also included a CD with some of the pictures plus a couple of the videos. Bob can’t get out of this. If he tries to stall things John will crucify him and Bob knows it. I will hand my notice in tomorrow. I will probably be told to clear my desk. I am so looking forward to the weekend in Champagne.”

Jack thanked her then said that he would come to the airport for them tomorrow. Jack was then talking with Jean and Su. Jean said, “We have three antique markets to go to on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My French is not that good, Jack, could we ask Colette if she could come with us?”

Jack then asked Colette, “Colette, the girls are wanting to go to three Antique, markets on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Is it possible you could go with them?”

Colette replied, “Jack, I would love to. It is a hobby of mine and my friend Nicole, we go to markets every week. Nicole speaks perfect English she could come too. I could phone Nicole and she could come over so you can meet her. Her husband own a small Champagne House, he is in South Africa at the moment so she has no problem in getting away.”

Jack answered, “Why not? I think all of us will want to go to the markets, it would be wonderful if we had two English speakers with us.”

Colette got her smartphone and phoned Nicole, Nicole would be with us in fifteen minutes. Jean and Su were taking a lot of interest in Colette. Jack then went to May and Molly. Molly said, “Jack, Mags and Kay are now excellent grippers. They both are now wonderful in bed.”

May said, “All the girls want to come to the Antique markets, that is a good idea to get Nicole to come too as all of our French is from school. Jack, you are doing a great job with Ruth, she is glowing.”

Jack replied, “May, you are glowing too. I think the girls are looking after you well.”

May smiled then said, “They are but I am still hungry for your cock.”

Nicole arrived, she was a stunning looking woman, very elegantly dressed with a lot of curves. Colette introduced her then got her a glass of Champagne. Nicole said, “Colette, I took a little risk in driving tonight, is it possible I can stay over tonight?”

Colette looked at Ruth, who nodded her head, then Colette said, “Of course you can darling, it is not worth it to drink and drive.”

Jack was talking to Kay when Ruth came over and whispered in Jack’s ear, “Darling, I want you so bad, let’s go to bed.”

Jack and Ruth then left the room. Jack had his arm around Ruth as they went up the stairs. Ruth said, “That with the meals took a lot out of me today. I was totally embarrassed. Those meals were disgusting. Serge’s cooking is the way to go. We must really work on getting that operational.”

Jack replied, “I could see that Ruth. That rubbish Champagne is costing Gordon Air circa thirty euros a bottle. Rene’s is costing eight euros a bottle that is twenty two euros a bottle more. Claire believes there has been an enormous fraud going on. Mike has the Investigation Branch of AXE Insurance looking into it. Claire is sure they will have evidence to prosecute very soon.”

Ruth said, “Mike will phone in the morning, he was really annoyed when I phoned him. Knowing Mike he will have two accountants outside of Ms Nelson’s office first thing tomorrow morning. We will wait until Friday morning to have our meeting with Rene and Serge. Serge is a wonderful chef, I believe his cooking will change a lot for both of us. Did you taste the Coq au Vin that Jean had? It is the best I have ever tasted.”

Jack replied, “It was wonderful, everything I tasted was wonderful. You are right about Friday morning I need to get to grips with the numbers.”

Jack then kissed Ruth, they both got undressed. They got into the bed, Jack sensed Ruth was very hot. Soon they were sixty-nineing, with Ruth getting very wet. Ruth then went on top of Jack, she then started to ride him. She soon developed a wonderful rhythm, thirty five minutes later Jack exploded inside her. They kissed then Ruth said, “Jack, would you like to fuck May and Kay tonight, I noticed both were looking at you, I think both of them want you.”

Jack replied, “Would you like that darling?”

Ruth answered, “I would love to watch you ride them.”

Ruth then dialed May’s mobile, May answered then Ruth said, “Hi May, I hope I am not bothering you but Jack would like you and Kay to join us. Super, could you bring a fresh bottle of Champagne for us. See you in a minute.”

Two minutes later there was a knock at the door, Ruth opened the door May and Kay came in, both were wearing open crotch bodysuits with self supporting stockings. Ruth then put a hand on each of their pussies sliding three fingers easily into each of them. Then with a dominant voice said, “Grip my fingers.”

Both May and Kay did that, Ruth said, “Grip them harder, pull my fingers into your hot cunts.”

May and Kay instantly responded. Then Ruth brought them both to the bed, laid them on top of the bed then opened their legs and started to fist them. Both were moaning with pleasure. Ruth said, “Jack, May and Kay want to suck your cock to make it very hard before you fuck them. I will keep fisting them as they suck you.”

May was first to take Jack’s cock with Kay sucking on Jack’s testicles. Then Ruth said, “May is ready to be fucked Jack.”

Jack then went into May doggystyle. Ten minutes later May came. The Jack went into Kay doggystyle, fifteen minutes later Kay came. Then Jack went into Ruth doggystyle, ten minutes later they both came. May then topped up their glasses. Then May said, “Kay and I loved that, we both love to be dominated. Mags is the same. Ruth, will you dominate the three of us?”

Ruth replied, “Yes I will. I have felt that aroused you for a while. How did Mags get on at the coffee morning yesterday?”

May answered, “She had a great day, Joyce who is coming tomorrow and two other ladies fucked her yesterday. Mags really enjoyed it. I am so happy Mags is getting out and about now. Mags, Kay and I had a long talk last night. We all agreed we have stronger orgasms when we are dominated. When we are in private then the three of us all want to be submissive. We are not into S&M or BDSM but we all are aroused by being told what to do.”

Ruth replied, “May darling, we will respect that. I think we will have some wonderful times in the privacy of the bedroom.”

Published 9 years ago

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