Therese’s Story – Chapter 31: Mistaken Paternity

"As told to the author. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."

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Did you think the last one was the ‘Happy Ever After’ ending?

Well, the joke’s on you because first of all, it’s not the end. Far from it. And secondly, there’s no such thing as ‘Happy Ever After’. There’s just ‘Happy For Awhile’.

And then I ruin everything. Remember?

But, yeah, for a while, a long while, everything was perfect again. We were all together again, like before. Living together, like before. And we had so much fun.

Crazy, sexy fun. Of course.

One time, when it was Toby’s birthday. Lucy wasn’t home, she had to go take care of some legal stuff about her mom’s death. She didn’t want to go, but she had to, and that’s why we were having a party later when she came back.

But on the day of his birthday, she wasn’t home, and the three of us were really just going to stay home and do nothing. But that got boring real quick, so we went to this place not far from us which is a bowling alley with a nightclub above it.

We’d only just gone there a couple of times before, because it’s not really that great and there’s almost no one there on Fridays like today was, and way too crowded on Saturdays.

But we weren’t going to celebrate or anything anyway, just go out and have some fun, and so we went there to bowl and drink.

Cait and I both suck at bowling, and Toby isn’t exactly prize-winning either, but a lot better than us, and at least so much better at it that he was way ahead of us, so bowling got boring too, and we drank and chatted more than we played.

Then it was my turn, and I was standing there holding the bowling ball and Cait was standing there with me, and we were just talking, and then just when I was about to throw the ball, she nudged me and nodded towards Toby.

I turned around, and he was sitting there behind us chatting with some woman.

She was maybe in her late twenties or early thirties, and she was so obviously hitting on him, sitting real close and putting her hand on his knee when she laughed and all.

Cait and I were like, ‘The nerve of some people!’

Like, didn’t she see us being with him?

Then it was Cait’s turn and it went in the gutter both times and then it was Toby’s turn. But he was still chatting with the woman, and Cait said, “Ahem!” real loud, and he got up and threw the ball.

He got a strike, and the woman did that stupid bimbo applause thing, with her palms together by her boobs, clapping fast just with her fingers and going “Weee!”, and Toby gave her that ‘wink and a gun’ thing, which is even stupider if possible, and Cait and I rolled our eyes at each other.

“I’ll go get more beer,” Toby said, and when he was gone the woman came up to Cait and me.

“Hi,” she said.

We said, “Hi,” making sure to kinda give her a sour look, but she didn’t notice it.

“I’m April,” she said.

“Okay?” Cait said as cheekily as she could, but the woman didn’t notice that either.

“So,” April said. “I hope you don’t mind me asking but, is your dad single?”

I almost fell over, and Cait said, “What?”

“I mean, I didn’t see a ring or anything,” April said. “So I was just wondering. And if you want me to go away now, I will. But your dad is really cute.”

I started to say, “He’s not…” but Cait jumped in.

“Single! He’s not single. I mean, yes, he is, actually. Kinda.”

“Kinda?” April said.

“Yeah,” Cait said. “You know.”

“Does he have a girlfriend or not?” April said with a frown.

“Yes,” I said.

“No,” Cait said at the exact same time, and April just raised her eyebrows.

“It’s, you know, complicated,” Cait said.

“Oh, okay.”

Then Cait said, “Look. He’s our dad. Right? So we, you know, we care. That’s all.”

April smiled and said, “I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll be nice.”

Toby came back with a tray with four bottles of beer on it, and he said, “Would you like to join us?”

“Thanks,” she said. “But I really should head back to my friends. But maybe I’ll see you upstairs?” and then she winked at Cait and me and walked away.

When she was gone, I punched him in the shoulder and said, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Huh? What did I do?”

“Cheating on Lucy,” I said.

“And us,” Cait said.

“What?” he said. “We just talked.”

I pointed my fingers at him like I was saying ‘We’re watching you’, and we didn’t tell him anything about what April had said.

So, after we finished bowling, we went upstairs to dance and drink some more. There were only five other people there, a couple sitting in a corner and April sitting with a man and a woman, and when we walked in she looked at us and waved hello, but that was it, and we sat down on the opposite side of the dance floor.

The music wasn’t much to dance to really, but Cait and I danced a little anyway, and Tobey walked over to the bar.

After a while April came up to us again, and she said, “So, tell me a bit about your dad.”

“Uhm, yeah, okay,” Cait said. “So, it’s his birthday and we’re just hanging out really.”

“Oh that’s so sweet,” April said. “And your mom?”

“Well, mom moved away some time ago,” Cait said, and that wasn’t a lie really.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” April said.

Then she said, “My friends and I are probably leaving soon, but maybe I could give you my phone number, and then it’s totally up to you two if you want to give it to him or not. Okay?”

And we said, “Yeah, okay,” and she had already written it on a piece of paper that she gave to us.

We went back to Toby and sat down by a table and had some drinks and talked and had fun, and we more or less forgot all about April, and after a while, I said, “I have to go pee.”

“Me too,” Cait said.

Toby said, “I’ll refill our glasses,” but Cait grabbed his hand.

“No way,” she said. “You’re coming with us. You obviously can’t be trusted alone tonight.”

We took him with us to the ladies’ room, and there was only one stall there. I went in first, and when I came back out a few minutes later, Cait was sucking his cock and I wasn’t surprised at all.

So I just stood there and watched them, and I put my hand in my panties and rubbed myself, and then suddenly I heard someone behind me say, “Oh my god!” and I turned around, and it was April.

Toby tried to push Cait away, but she just pushed him back against the wall and kept going, and he let her.

I looked at April, and she was staring at them wide-eyed with one hand covering her open mouth, but she didn’t leave. She just stood there frozen for a bit, and then she actually slowly walked two or three steps closer, like she was in a trance or something.

I moved behind her and put my arms around her waist and I whispered in her ear, “Shh. It’s okay,” and I started to caress her.

“You can’t,” she said.

I whispered, “Shh,” again.

“But he’s your…”

“It’s okay,” I said. “It’s just a birthday present.” And then I kissed her neck and her cheek and massaged her boobs, and when she didn’t push me away or anything I put my hand inside her pants and found her pussy.

It was turning wet fast, and I played with her pussy for a long time.

Then Cait got up and turned around and pulled her skirt up and her panties down, and then she leaned on the basin. Toby grabbed his cock and put it in her and started to fuck her, and April said, “Oh my god,” again, but her pussy was so wet now it was literally filling up my hand as I finger fucked her.

We both watched as they fucked, and it was like they had forgotten we were there and where they were. Cait was holding on to the basin with both hands, steadying herself as he fucked her hard with his hands on her ass, his cock just sticking out of the fly in his pants.

And April still had her hand on her mouth, but now she was biting her knuckles and with her other hand she was helping me rub her boobs.

Then Cait started saying things like, “Oh, daddy,” and, “Fuck me, daddy,” and if Toby even noticed it, he didn’t care, because honestly, Cait would do that now and then, so it was just Cait being fucked.

But I had time to think that maybe she was taking things a little too far this time when suddenly I could feel April coming.

I rubbed her clit fast, and when she came she pulled my hair and said, “Oh my god!” again through her teeth, and her orgasm went on forever and she never took her eyes off the two of them.

Then Cait came, and just after, Toby came too, and Cait put one hand on her pussy and rubbed herself as he came inside of her, and I think she came again right away.

And when it was all over and he had put his cock back in his pants and Cait was pulling her panties back up, April pulled herself away from me.

“I… I have to go,” she said, and she left.

But just a few seconds later she came back, and she just said, “So… uhm… call me, okay?” and then she was gone again.

And we did call her, later.

Published 2 years ago

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