Was it a crime
I tried to so hard
Defending my heart
But you slipped in
Made me care
When many others
Would not dare
You knew I didn’t
Need all that
I was avoiding
All of that crap
I wanted to
Be left be
Men like you
Are not for me
But you gave chase
So obsessive
Demanding me
But truth be told
You are distasteful
The way you are now
Seems just hateful
You say you’re sorry
Won’t do it again
That you’re just happy
To be friends
You don’t care
About me
You never did
I just didn’t see
Being near you
Is such a chore
Stop all this
I’m done with you
I did what you said
You know this is true
You had me
For you I cared
Now you hate
The one who dared
To love, adore
And care for me
Unlike you
Don’t you see
You get mad
I won’t take you back
So say nasty things
And attack
Truth is
Take a good look
He treats me like a princess
He’s totally hooked
Take a good look
At how you act
For future involvements
This is a fact
Stop with your
Rollercoaster moods
Stop emailing
Other dudes
And please I beg you
Leave me be
You pushed me too far,
This time you see.