My phone rang.
“Hello…” I said, “Samantha speaking. Oh, hi, Pam so nice to hear your voice again. Coffee … That would be fine, just name the time and place. Ok, meet you there in an hour.”
Pam was the wife of William, a couple my partner Mike and I had met during a weekend at a country residence. Mike and I were at a restaurant for dinner and had been introduced to Pam and William there by the Maître D during COVID restrictions.
– O –
When I arrived at the coffee shop Pam was already there and sitting at a table in a quiet corner.
When I approached Pam stood and we embraced and kissed each other on the cheek. We had both slept with each other’s partners so we were closer than casual acquaintances.
“So nice to see you again,” Pam said.
“Likewise,” I replied.
After a few minutes of casual chat about the weather and COVID, I asked Pam “It is lovely to see you again. Is there something we need to discuss?”
“Yes, William and I have not stopped talking about our weekend with you and to be truthful, we are like teenage lovers again. Our sex life, or should I say mine, has become something that William is loving, thanks to you two.”
“I am so happy for you; Mike was a bit concerned that you were having second thoughts at one stage and might not go through with it. Then everything changed and he thoroughly enjoyed himself with you. “
“And me with him, more than I realised. When we got home, after having more sex with him in one day than William and I had in a month, I could not believe how much I had enjoyed it.”
“And William?” I asked.
“I don’t think I need to tell you how much he enjoyed himself. I think you must have realised he was like a boy with a new toy,” Pam said smiling.
“More like an old toy resurrected,” I joked.
“Certainly erect, I have never seen him so hard so often in all our married life. He enjoyed the time he had with you more than you may realise,” Pam explained.
“I enjoyed my time with him as well. I believed I needed to make the most of the opportunity. I couldn’t see us meeting like that again,” I confided in her. “You are lucky to be married to a man like him.”
“I have to confess, more now than I can remember. That weekend awoke some of the passion that existed in the first months of our marriage. I believe it was Mike who found my magic switch again and turned it on. William cannot thank him enough.”
“I know what you are saying, Mike is the best man I have ever had in bed and that’s saying something,” I admitted.
“Is there a chance we could do it all again?” Pam asked.
“Wow, it must have been good,” I laughed.
“It was, and we both could not believe the pleasure we got from you both. Both of us are keen to renew the experience again,” Pam replied.
“That will be up to Mike, but I think I can speak for him and say there is no doubt,” I smiled back. “I know I would not be saying no to another experience with William, he is such a lovely man and a wonderful lover.”
“Oh, that is such a relief, I was concerned that you both may not want to be with us again after my reluctance became so evident. It won’t happen again, I promise,” Pam admitted.
“Let’s say it is a date,” I replied.
“Will you make the arrangements? Possibly at the same place. It was so lovely and remote, and we can enjoy being nude all day and not worry about being seen. That was a bonus for us on Sunday. We both loved the freedom and fun. I certainly made up for any reluctance, didn’t I?” Pam replied.
“Three times… twice with Mike and once with William. You certainly overcame the fear or whatever. No problems, I will contact the owners and make a booking, is there any date you preferred? We are free most weekends for a month or so,” I told her.
“I don’t think William has anything planned. I will ring you and confirm a date. If anything comes up in the meanwhile, I will cancel it as we do not want to waste any opportunity to be with you both again,” Pam said.
She was quite excited at the prospect of spending another weekend with both of us, doing what we enjoy. It seems our experience together was more than appreciated as far as Pam and William were concerned.
We finished our coffee and I asked, “Would you like to come around to my place? It is quite nearby.”
“That would be lovely. I would love to see where you live,” Pam told me.
“Leave your car, it’s only a short walk from here. We can walk back later and maybe have another coffee,” I suggested.
“Good thinking,” Pam said and then she paid the bill and we walked.
It was a lovely day and I lived in a leafy suburb. There were no self-standing houses left in the area, all had been demolished to allow apartments to be constructed. All the front apartments had views of the water.
“This is such a lovely area. I never realised how nice an area full of apartments could be. You are lucky to live here,” Pam mentioned as we walked.
“That is a long story, I will tell you about it one day. Problems with a former relationship caused Jane and me to move and this was somewhere we did not think we would be found. As I said, its long story.”
When we arrived at the apartment, we both went up in the lift and when I opened the door Pam was surprised at how luxurious the apartment was.
“What did you expect?” I asked.
“I don’t know, but this is beautiful,” she said as she looked around.
“Jane is the decorator> I don’t have the taste she has, mine is more hotel-style as that’s what I am used to,” I admitted.
“Would you like a glass of champagne?” I asked.
“That would be lovely,” Pam replied and as I went to the kitchen Pam explored the balcony and its views.
When we had been sitting and making small talk for a while, Pam asked me about Jane, my partner.
“I gather you both sleep together?”
“We do,” I replied.
“I have never had a relationship with another girl, would you believe. At my final year in high school, a couple of the girls began to enjoy each other’s company in ‘that way’, we found out.”
“In what way do you mean?” I enquired.
“It started with them teaching each other to French Kiss and then I believe it went a bit further and they began touching each other, you know ‘down there,’” Pam said softly.
“Masturbating?” I said confidently.
“Yes, you almost had to make a booking at lunch break to use the toilets. There was quite a deal of activity in there, I believe,” Pam said.
“You never were curious?” I asked.
“No, none of the girls was my type that did that,” Pam said.
I poured Pam another glass of champagne. She had devoured the first one quite quickly.
I laughed, ”I was doing that a bit sooner than that, and Jane and I are still doing it,” I volunteered.
“You fascinate me. William could not stop talking about you, and the way you made love with him, for a week after we went home. It was a good thing because he was more in the mood for sex than I could remember for ages, and as I have said, Mike had turned my switches on, and we were like honeymooners again,”
“You have never had an experience with another woman? Have you ever been curious?” I asked.
“Not until after our meeting. Listening to you refer to Jane as just something that everybody did, just fascinated me. I could not relate to two women having sex together. Then I looked at a few of the lesbian porn pages and saw how they seem to enjoy the experience. I was enthralled. I even masturbated watching one couple they were so romantic together,” Pam explained.
“Don’t get me wrong, but how curious are you?” I asked.
“What are you asking?” Pam replied.
“Would you like to find out what it is actually like?”
“My God! You mean with you?” Pam exclaimed.
“Here and now if you wish. I will find it quite exciting being with another woman for her first time. I have not had that experience for years,” I was tempting her.
“Give me another glass of wine and a dash of Dutch courage and I believe I might,” Pam said with a smile from ear to ear.
I knew immediately she was more than interested and probably very willing. I decided to bring things along a bit.
“We have both seen each other naked before and there are no surprises there. How about we undress. Would you prefer to do it here or in the bedroom?” I asked.
“The bedroom, if you don’t mind. However, Is there another bedroom? It may embarrass me if we use the same room as you do with your lover?” Pam asked shyly.
“That’s no problem. We only use that when Sally and Bruce are here and six in a bed is pushing things too far,” I said.
“That sounds great, I don’t think there is anything more to consider, can we get started before I have one of those, ‘I am not sure feelings again’,” Pam suggested.
I took Pam to the second bedroom and immediately I began to undress and not waste any time. I did not want her to have time for second thoughts. Pam followed and undressed, placing her clothing over one of the chairs in the room. Pam then turned around, with a huge smile on her face, looking down to where I was meant to look.
Proudly she displayed her new bare ‘Brazilian’ look, that she referred to as the ‘Hollywood’ style.
I questioned her reference, and she explained her salon described the Brazilian as leaving a short patch of hair in the form of a triangle or strip. The Hollywood style is completely bare around to your backside.
My salon always referred to a Brazilian as complete hair removal. I must check it at my next visit.
“Oh, that looks perfect,” I commented.
“I am so glad you approve; William thinks it is an improvement also, however, there was once condition I told him,” Pam told me.
“Condition?” I questioned.
“Yes, you have to be the first to test it. I told him that after I get it done, I would be getting you to be the test pilot. I wanted you to be the first one to go down and be my first time with another woman.” Pam told me with a degree of excitement in her voice.
“That is going to be an honour, I would love to try it and ‘test’ it,” I replied.
“How do we start?” Pam asked.
I asked, “Have you ever kissed another woman as you kiss William?”
“No. Remember I was not one of ‘those’ girls,” Pam reminded me.
I went to her and said, “If I do anything you are not happy with or are not sure about, tell me immediately. I will explain everything so that there are no misunderstandings. I want you to understand and enjoy everything. Please do not hesitate. You may not like or understand some things I will try, so please say so immediately and we can sort the problem out without you becoming distressed or upset.”
“You won’t hurt me or anything?” Pam asked.
“No, not that I can think of, but somethings may be a bit uncomfortable in your mind. If you feel its not something you would like to do, or that I am doing, say so. I will stop immediately, and we can discuss it.”
I put my arms around her and drew her to me and our naked bodies touched. She flinched. Then I kissed her as I would kiss any other lover, French style.
As we embraced, I felt her body relax as I began to kiss her, she responded as well as anybody that I have kissed before. Our tongues entered each other mouth and we began to engage with them. I could have been one of her earlier boyfriends from the way she reacted and responded. We both held each other tightly with our arms as we began to erotically kiss and press and softly move our bodies against each other.
Our breasts were pressed together intimately as we are both reasonably well endowed. As I get aroused, my breasts firm a little as a guy’s cock hardens. I could feel Pam’s hard nipples pressing against mine as they were as hard as Pams. It felt awesome.
Pam was enjoying kissing me as much as I was as I kissed her. She had completely relaxed.
After a couple of minutes, I broke the embrace.
“Well, that’s the first hurdle over. I cannot believe you have never kissed another woman. You were wonderful. I am quite wet,“ I admitted.
“Ï have never kissed another woman on the lips. I just closed my eyes and kissed you as I often kiss William when we are making love.”
“I know why William and you enjoy your sex life then. That was wonderful.”
“I surprised myself. I got as warm inside as I do with William. I am wet too. I think I am going to enjoy this,” Pam said smiling at me.
I led her to the bed and without a word, we both lay down and began to embrace. As we kissed, my hand went up to her breast and found her erect nipple which I rubbed between my fingers and heard her murmur with the satisfaction. She then immediately followed my move and the two of us kissed and fondled each other’s breasts. So far so good, I thought.
As we kissed, I took my hand from her nipple and slid it down her body, gently sliding and touching her body between her breasts to her navel and then to her vagina. She shivered with the emotion as I ran my finger in circles around her navel. I realised immediately she has an erogenous zone around there as many women do.
I rubbed her bare skin around her pubic region, that until recently had been covered in hair. It was as smooth as baby’s bottom now. She moved her body to get more pressure from my hand. She was responding perfectly.
I then slid a finger into her, and she responded by opening her legs wider to accept my finger and two more that followed. She was used to being masturbated with two or more fingers. By manipulating my hand, I was able to curl a finger and massage her G spot.
“Oh, God… Oh God, that is beautiful,” Pam uttered softly. “I am enjoying this so much; it is almost like being with William only you are so much gentler. He is pretty rough in there.”
I repositioned my self above her and continued to finger her. She was responding in a way that indicated she was enjoying this a lot. I removed my fingers from time to time and sucked on them getting the taste of her juices onto my tongue. I offered my finger to her a few times and she sucked it willingly.
She was enjoying everything I was doing to her. I gently kissed her beautifully smooth vagina. She opened her legs to improve my access to her. Then I slipped my tongue deeply into her pink chasm of tasty moist delights. She was really wet, and I enjoyed the taste of her sex. I devoured her nectar. She responded in a way that let me know she was enjoying everything we were doing and completely enjoying her first experience having sex with another woman.
I removed my mouth and slid up her body kissing her firm deep red nipples before kissing her again. This time, with the full taste of her on my tongue. I was enjoying the seduction of her in a way I always enjoyed being with another woman.
I believed her husband William may also provide her with similar pleasure as she accepted my tongue covered in her juice willingly. William had obviously kissed her with her vaginal juices taste on his tongue. This was her first time tasting them from another woman. She was doing this in an uninhibited way, yielding her body to me without reservation or concern.
Once I realised, she was adapting to my movements and there was no resistance as I was touching her, I began to kiss my way from her lips over her neck and ear lobes down to her nipples and then her navel again and her body jerked as my fingers again ringed her navel gently. My kisses and licks aroused her. Pam gave a soft murmur of delight and approval.
Slowly I kissed my way back down to her vagina which was now quite moist from the manipulations I had been performing on her internally. She had no stretch marks or evidence of her giving birth to two children. She was in incredibly good physical shape. Her body was firm and tight.
Her labia were plump and within her vulva.
Instinctively she spread her legs as my face got close to her vagina. She was pink and wet – perfect. I applied my open mouth to her vulva and sucked on her clitoris. Her scent and taste were a delight.
She responded as I expected and then licked her from her perineum to her clitoris. Once I had done that a couple of times, I slipped my tongue into her slit and licked her clit.
“Oh my God,” she uttered. “OHHHHHH… God … Sam, that feels amazing. You do that perfectly, I love it.”
I continued to lick her slit and gradually applied more pressure and spread her lips open with my fingers. Then I moved my lips to massage her there as my tongue slid from the bottom to the top of her slit. Even I was enjoying doing something I had been doing for years. This was not new to me, but it was Pam’s first experience with another woman, and she was showing no reservations. I knew William and Mike had engaged in oral sex with her, but I was the first woman to arouse her this way.
My technique was obviously different from William’s and I could feel she was enjoying the change in the way she was getting her arousal. I had enjoyed my experience with William who was far more aggressive when eating me out. I was gentler than a vigorous male.
I could feel her gradually spreading her legs slowly and wider, lifting her knees to open herself to grant me greater access to her. She was presenting herself to me as if on a plate. I kept thinking this was her first experience at oral but both William and Mike had given her similar pleasures of their way of achieving an orgasm for her. She was allowing me to show her how women can do it and from my experience, I believe we do it better than men.
Gradually, I could feel the tensions building in her body and she was moving her legs to gain the utmost pleasure from me licking and sucking on her clitoris. When I considered she was getting close to her orgasm, I would suck her clitoris out of its sheath and rub it with my tongue. It was a technique I had learned from a German woman when I was in that country. I had practised it on my lover Jane and had perfected it.
I put both my arms around her thighs and held her firmly so when she came, she would not buck herself off my mouth and I would lose the suction on her clit.
Pam began to breath more heavily and faster.
She spoke quickly, “I am almost there, I am almost there, Oh God… Öh God… keep doing it, KEEP DOING IT… AHH, AHHH, AHHHH.”
Pam was enjoying her first orgasm with another woman licking her out, and it was a good one.
I have had many compliments on my oral skills which I attribute to sucking their clit from its sheath and rubbing it with my tongue as I suck hard on it. Pam was getting a perfect experience from me. Her clit was slightly above average size so I could suck on it easily.
Pam continued to cum strongly. I had achieved my ambition to give her an orgasm equal to the best she has ever had or better. She had grabbed her breasts and was bouncing her ass off the bed and wriggling her hips. I was prepared for something like this when I wrapped my arms around her thighs and gripped her tightly, pressing my face down hard onto her vibrant and delectable cunt that was now filling my mouth with the exquisite liquid a woman produces when she orgasms.
Pam was no stranger to good orgasms, so I kept my mouth pressed to her clit and succeeded in getting her to cum twice. The orgasm lasted for more than a full minute or maybe longer. She had exhausted every ounce of pleasure and collapsed back onto the bed. I lifted my face and knelt beside her looking down at her. She looked up at me and just smiled as she took her deep breaths recovering from her orgasm. Her vagina virtually glowed with the warmth and arousal.
I crawled up and lay beside her. She rolled toward me and we embraced kissing and fondling each other’s breasts. She could taste her juices on my tongue, and I could tell she was enjoying it.
After a minute or two we broke the embrace and Pam told me, “That was amazing. William has done that to me numerous times, however, I can say it was never as wonderful as that. I can’t believe that being with another woman would be so different, in fact, better, if I may say so.”
“It must be the new Brazilian you had. Your skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. You had the perfect taste of a woman. It was a pleasure to give you the first one on the bare skin. I guess William will be suitably impressed.”
“I promised him he could do it tonight, I wanted you to be the first. You have got me so curious as to making love with another woman. I am more than impressed and wonder why I haven’t done it before,“ Pam said.
“Finding the right partner helps. I can’t believe we have only met so recently, and it was virtually an accident as well,” I recounted.
“It was meant to be, obviously. William was overawed after that weekend. We made love every night which we have not done that frequently for years, three nights in a row. He said he could not believe he had made love to another woman as he did to you. He apologised to me and said it is the first time he has been well and truly ‘fucked’ by a woman. Then explained you were far more aggressive than I am. When you were on top of him you rode him like a horse. There is obviously a difference in the way we do it and the way you did it with him.
“He admitted to me how much he enjoyed having sex with you but did not boast of his pleasure. He wanted me to know everything that happened between you. He did not want me to feel there was something special between the two of you, I should not know about. He told me there was still nobody better than me to make love to. He said the sex with you was amazing, however, it convinced him that he loved me more than anything else,” Pam explained.
“I admit I enjoyed it with him as well. He has a great cock and knows how to use it. You are lucky to have a man like that. The sexual side of it was great. He was such a gentleman as well. He treated me as somebody he was enjoying the experience with. I hope you don’t mind me telling you I enjoyed sex with your husband,” I admitted.
“As he did with you,” Pam added.
“Pam, my dear friend, I appreciate your honesty. We were both making excuses for having sex with each other’s partner and calling it love.” Then we both laughed guiltily.
“I am so glad you both enjoyed your experience with us. I think we agree we all had more than a good time. I know Mike and I were impressed with you both and we talked a lot about you on our way home. Mike’s biggest concern was that you may have felt guilty for doing what you did with him. There was a moment you seemed to have second thoughts?” I questioned.
“I admit at one stage, I was concerned about what we were about to do. I had enjoyed oral sex with Mike however after my orgasm, I began to feel quite guilty and having second thoughts about having full sex with a man other than my husband. I did not want to go any further, I was concerned about what William would think if I had let Mike fuck me. If I had enjoyed it, I would have felt guilty. Neither of us has had sex with anybody else since our wedding. When I was in the bathroom, I decided I would not go any further. I was feeling a bit ashamed of myself,” Pam admitted.
I interrupted, “Mike is a real nice guy and very considerate and I know how he was feeling as he explained later. He would never insist or do anything you did not want to do; he is just a wonderful guy. When he fucks you, he is enjoying himself but really tries to make sure you get as much out of it as he does, or even more.”
Pam continued, “On the way back from the bathroom I met you and learned that William had already fucked you. You reassured me everything he did with you was wonderful and he had enjoyed himself and you enjoyed being with him. The way you talked about it confused me a bit as while you said you enjoyed him doing it with you, you also gave me the impression it was just something that you did and enjoyed, and I felt that he was not as passionate as he is with me. When William and I fuck, it is passionate. When I got back into the bedroom with Mike, I was confused. I had been thinking if Mike fucked me and I enjoyed it, the feelings I would have for him would be like the feelings I have for William. “
“I can see now why you had your reasons. We should have explained that within the group our sex is recreational, not emotional. If that were the case, we would get jealous… and we do not,” I explained.
Pam then told me, “When I went back into the bedroom, Mike and I talked. I wanted to be sure I felt like you. I just wanted to enjoy being fucked by another man but no have romantic feelings for him. Mike was just wonderful. He convinced me we would be fucking for the fun of it and the feelings of pleasure in our bodies rather than our hearts. It was exactly as you had just explained. Had I not met you I am sure I would not have gone any further with Mike. The pair of you are amazing.”
Our discussion had cleared the air. We were now both of the same minds. This was sex for the fun of it and Pam was realising you can enjoy sex with more than one person and not feel guilty.
By now we were both relaxed again, and Pam had recovered from her first orgasm and was becoming aroused again and ready for what was coming next.
“Now how about you show me how good you can be doing what I just did with you?” I suggested.
“Promise me you will be truthful afterwards? I am a novice I know, but I know how to do it to a man but never with another woman,” Pam asked.
“I promise. I am sure it will come naturally to you once you have adjusted to having your mouth on me rather than a man’s cock in your mouth. It is quite different.”
“Will you guide me through it if I don’t get it right?”
“Obviously. I want to enjoy it as much as you will once you adjust to a completely different sensation,” I explained.
As I was getting ready, Pam told me,” Apart from everything else I am enjoying being nude with you. Both William and I decided to be nude more often at home. It seems so natural and relaxing. Having no kids to worry about, we are enjoying our newfound pleasure.”
“Tell me is there any way you have imagined doing this with me. We can start that way if you like,” I asked her.
“No, I just want to do it simply the first time and then you can decide to show me some of the more exotic ways you do it.”
I lay back on the bed and propped my back up on a pillow. I wanted to be able to see Pam going down on me. I could guide her better that way if she needed any guidance. Generally, what we were doing comes naturally.
Pam then positioned herself between my legs, I spread them wide for her and lifted my knees so she could get right down onto me.
“Now for my big moment,” Pam lowered her head gradually looking at where she was headed, then quickly put her mouth over me.
“Take it easy, there is no rush,” I told her.
“Sorry I was getting a bit anxious. You guide me.” Pam asked.
“Now use your fingers to spread my lips and you can start by licking me along the slit.”
Pam went back down and did as I instructed.
She licked me about three or four times and then said,
“Oh God, you taste just like me,” Pam exclaimed.
“I think we all have a similar scent and taste. It’s a bit like guys cum. Most of them taste similar and so do we, I feel.”
Pam then took it upon herself to give me what she thought was the way to give another woman sex orally. William had given it to her frequently, so she had a good idea of what he did for her, so she was doing the same for me. I was enjoying it.
I did not need to guide her, she was doing everything I liked and doing it well. It was not until we had been doing it together for about five minutes, I suggested, “Suck my clit out of its sheath and see if you can lick it. That turns me on.”
Pam did as she was instructed and got it right the first time.
“Now I can relate to what you did to me. William had never done it this way, he will be learning this trick tonight,” Pam told me.
I did not take more than a few seconds after all the other work she had done with her lips and tongue. I was beginning to squirm and the spasms in my tummy were beginning to give me gentle jolts. I was well on my way to my orgasm.
Pam recognised the reactions I was having in my body and she then went hard at it on my clit and I came within a few seconds. It was great I was lifting my bum off the bed to force my cunt onto her mouth as she tried to keep in contact with me and her tongue was lashing my vagina and licking me all over. She was having problems getting her tongue onto my clit, but it didn’t matter I was cumming and having a good orgasm.
After a minute I relaxed and lay back down on the bed as Pam crawled up and cuddled me.
“How was that?” She asked.
“I am not complaining,” I told her and laughed. “You were great, better than I thought you might be.”
Pam then said, “There is a way I saw two women do it and I wouldn’t mind trying that. Would you mind?”
“Tell me what it looked like and we can see,” I told her.
“One girl lay on the bed and the other one knelt over her face.”
I stopped her right there. “I know exactly. You get up near the top of the bed and I can do it for you that way,” I suggested.
I lay on the bed and Pam crawled up to the top of the bed and then got her legs astride of my head and soon had her vagina in the perfect position for me to lick her to another orgasm. It was a position Jane and I used a lot.
As she spread her legs each side of my face, I could see she was quite wet as her lips opened a little as she positioned herself. She had a lovely looking vagina.
“Ok, now come down a bit and you will feel my face but don’t smother me. Once you feel me licking, then move just a bit further down so I can get my tongue right into you.”
Pam manoeuvred herself into position. I licked the teardrop of her tasty syrup that had formed on her labia lips. I then slid my tongue between them and tasted the wonderful juices that only a woman can provide.
Then I began to lick her, and she shuddered as my tongue found it way into her.
“Oh God, that is just wonderful. I could only imagine what it was like. Now I know.” Pam exclaimed in a way that told me she was enjoying her experience with me.
“Come down a bit and get your opening over my mouth,” I suggested.
Pam did exactly what I asked, being careful not to push herself too hard down onto my face.
I opened my mouth and sucked on her whole vagina. After a minute or two of licking her clitoris, I felt her whole-body shudder as I licked and sucked. I was enjoying this as much as she was. There was a slight flow of her internal juices which I swallowed as fast as she squeezed them out into my mouth.
This was absolutely a wonderful experience for her. She was more than enjoying her first time with another woman but not for her first time. Pam had been given oral sex by her husband, but never this way. She was quite accustomed to it and it was most evident.
It did not take me long and I felt her begin to cum and she began to wriggle with the sensation as I licked her clit.
Pam then put both hands on my breasts as her orgasm began to become more intense.
I could hear her soft grunts and feel each jerk as each spasm affected her whole body. With each grunt and spasm, she squeezed my breasts. It felt awesome. I would have loved to have seen her reactions in the mirror, but she had her whole body firmly pressed to my face and bent forward squeezing my tits. Her orgasm provided her with the pleasure that one can only have when you cum as she was cumming.
I then began to disengage from her, and she immediately straightened up and I could see the moist, red swollen lips of her vagina above me. I looked to the mirror and could see her fingering her nipples. Then she put one hand down and began to fondle her vagina and feel where she had just enjoyed her orgasm. It was still somewhat sensitive from all the sucking and licking I had performed on it.
I could see the pleasure and relief on her face. She was smiling and incredibly pleased with herself.
“Sam, I have never before imagined myself doing that, it was amazing and my orgasm so strong and fulfilling. Since we first met you and Mike, you have awoken something inside me that I had not felt before. My orgasms are so much more intense than I can ever remember. There is something about you and Mike that is giving me that little bit of extra sensation.”
“Ï am so glad that you are enjoying it as much as I am. It has been a while since I have been with a woman who has had no previous experience with another woman. It bought the memories of my first time with another girl right back to me. Feeling you enjoy doing this with me is so fulfilling for me. I am so happy that you are enjoying being with me as a woman.”
“It is in a way for me too, “Pam explained. “William and I have had oral sex for ages but for some reason doing it with you seems different and far better and more satisfying with you. I am glad you are also getting some pleasure from being with me.”
“Pam has already been a pleasure and there are more pleasures ahead of us.”
“How are we doing for time? Do we have time for another one?” Pam asked.
“I can do this all day if you like,” I told her.
“Would it be ok for me to do it to you like you just did it for me? I want to make sure I can do it properly. You can never be sure when I might get my next opportunity,” Pam asked.
I then waited until Pam was in position, then stood over her and lowered myself down until my cunt was within licking distance. Pam asked if I could rise up a bit. She used her fingers and spread my lips open so she could see my internal bits.
“I can’t believe you look so nice in there, wet, pink and inviting. I have looked at myself in the mirror, particularly after getting my hair removed, but I have never been this close to another woman like I am now. You are a little different to me. Your lips are not as prominent. Everything I can see inside you is a beautiful shade of pink and glistening with your juices. It looks beautiful. This so so exciting for me.”
“We are all different, a bit like a man’s penis. There are very few that are alike, “I replied.
“I have only seen two cocks in my life up close. One before we were married when I lost my virginity, and he was not circumcised. I was completely confused when I saw William for the first time and he is circumcised, as you know,” she explained.
“I often suck my finger if I masturbate so I know we have a taste that is unlike anything else,” Pam said. ”I know what you taste like, from before so this will just be more of the same.”
Before Pam began to lick me, she used her fingers to examine me and satisfied her curiosity.
“I know I must be something like you but as I have said I have never really examined my bits as I can do with you. I am more than happy now I know what I look like in there.”
Pam then exposed my clitoris and said, “That is fascinating, I think mine is a bit bigger than yours.”
“It is. We are like guys. Our clitoris is pretty much the same, but some do vary in size like cocks. I have seen one that looks like a tiny penis. It was amazing,” I told her.
“Give it a little squeeze and slip it out of the sheath and have a good look. That’s what you are going to have to find with your lips and tongue as I did to you.”
As Pam squeezed my clitoris out, I gave a bit of a shudder as it felt nice.
“Oh, I am sorry,” Pam said as she noticed me flinch.
“That’s fine, that is perfectly normal. I like you doing it,” I told her.
After Pam had finished exploring me, she told me, ”That was so interesting, I have never been able to examine myself that intimately. Thank you.”
“Are you ready to start?” I asked.
“Yes, this is so exciting.”
Pam hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and immediately licked the entire length of my vagina.
“This is amazing, I never believed I would ever do this with another woman.”
Pam immediately began to do to me what every woman enjoys. She licked and sucked and did everything a little clumsily at first but soon adapted to having her face and mouth in an unfamiliar position and engaging in a somewhat sexual experience.
“You are doing everything perfectly, it seems you learn fast,” I commented.
“It’s not that I don’t know what I am supposed to do, it’s just I have never done it to another woman.”
“Good, just keep doing it. I am going to relax and let you have your way with me any way you wish.”
Pam then began what I would say was experimenting with the various ways a woman can give oral sex in this position. She was experienced in receiving it but not giving the pleasure to another woman in any way so everything she was doing with me was new to her.
As she proceeded to pleasure me, she slipped a couple of fingers up into me.
“Lovely, just keep that up and you and I will be lifelong friends.”
Pam began to virtually masturbate me and lick my clit at the same time. She had learned amazingly fast. She would now have to train William to pleasure her the same way.
She was quite proficient at masturbating me and I suggested she insert three fingers, which she did without comment, then waited for my reaction as she slid the three into me.
“In this position, everything feels different,” I told her. “Can you feel my G spot that way?” I asked.
Immediately she did as I asked. It was one of complete pleasure and satisfaction.
“I think you like that,” Pam said.
“I do,” I replied. “Would you mind if we tried something else? It’s not oral but it something I think I would enjoy with you.”
“Your wish is my command, anything you ask,” Pam replied.
“It’s something I enjoy but can’t achieve as often as I wish. Jane and the guys have big hands and yours are far more petite.
Just push your hand in as far as you can, I will tell you if it hurts me, then make a fist.”
Pam concentrated on increasing the pressure as she pushed her hand further and further into me. I helped by spreading my legs further apart. Between the two of us, we were managing to get most of her hand into me. It was feeling good and had not hurt.
“Not much further, and you will be right in. It feels as awesome,” I told her.
Then I felt Pam make a fist. “Oh, that feels amazing.” I cried.
“I can’t believe it; I have my hand in you up to my wrist. Have you ever had anything as big as my fist up you before.? How does it feel?”
“Awesome! It’s not the first time I have been fisted if that is what you are asking. It feels great. Now fuck me with your fist, gently,” I asked.
Pam did exactly as she was asked, slowly and gently.
“I can’t believe I am doing this, its amazing, I have never seen or heard of anything like it,” Pam exclaimed. At first, she watched my reactions. Then she increased the speed and thrust of her fist. I was in female heaven.
“Oh God, I haven’t enjoyed doing this for ages. You have the perfect hand for this. It feels awesome,” I exclaimed.
I just lay back enjoying every moment. The sensation of her hand inside me was just wonderful. Pam continued to fist fuck me, just working her fist gently, watching my reactions, and taking in the entire experience. It was something she had never experienced herself or seen before I gathered. I was enjoying one of my best experiences for some time, having my cunt filled to excess with her hand. I had not enjoyed anything like it for some time. All my friends have a hand too big to comfortably fit inside me. It hurts getting it in when we have tried. Pam’s hand was perfect.
Pam was gently fist fucking me. I could feel wrist rubbing against my clit and this was bringing me on. I reacted to her stimulation and I jerked a couple of times.
“Are you OK?” she asked, obviously concerned she may be hurting me.
“I am getting very close. I will cum in a minute, get ready. I will probably get a bit physical, just go with me, don’t force your fist too hard up into me,” I told her as my breathing began to come in short gulps. My clit was getting more and more sensitive and intense. This was going to be a great orgasm.
My body began to jerk with the jolts of the hard spasms in my clit. I began to wriggle and squirm on the bed and then I came in a big way. My bum lifted off the bed. My legs and vagina clamped down on her wrist. The feeling was just sensational. I wriggled and shook; I was groaning with the absolute and exquisite pleasure tearing through my entire body. My nipples felt like they would pop. My tummy muscles had spasmed and my vagina had her hand clamped firmly inside me.
I was in orgasmic heaven. “Don’t… try… and… pull… it out,” I gasped as I tried to get some air back into my lungs. My body was soaking wet with sweat. This had been the epitome of an orgasm.
Then I just collapsed and felt like a wrung-out rag. Pam had recognised I was now completely exhausted and relaxed. Without a word, she slowly opened her fist and slid her hand slowly and gently out of my inner sanctum. She had a grin from ear to ear. She had never witnessed or experienced anything like what she had just been a part of.
I put my arm up and pulled her head down to me and I kissed her as I would kiss a person, I loved more than one realises.
Pam responded and lay her body over mine. We slipped and slid over my soaking wet body. We kissed as only devoted lovers can. We hugged and managed to manipulate our legs, so our vaginal lips were caressing together. Mine were so sensitive after the fisting and my orgasm. The feeling was one of a pleasurable discomfort, but I wanted her to cum with me as we made love together. Pam had performed a procedure on me that was an absolute pleasure. One I had not had the equal of for so long.
Our bodies locked together scissor fashion as we kissed with our vulva’s caressing until I felt her begin to show the signs of an orgasm. She broke the kiss and breathed deeply as she forced her pubic region down hard onto mine and wriggled it until her clitoris had virtually exploded and given her an orgasm that she had never previously enjoyed in making love with another woman that way. Mine was still numb from my earlier orgasm. I was still more than satisfied and happy.
“I love you,” she whispered in my ear. “My darling sweet and wonderful Samantha, I love you.”
“And I love you too in the way only two women can,” I whispered back.
She rolled off me and we lay facing each other fondling each other bodies as she breathed deeply.
We remained like this kissing and fondling each other not saying a word for ages. We had both recovered slowly and I was beginning to cool down after being so wet sweating as I made love with Pam.
“I think we have found each other in a way words cannot describe,” Pam said.
“I am so happy that we are enjoying this so much. I hope that you are too.”
“Absolutely,” Pam said.
We lay together not saying a word, just enjoying the sensations and feelings in our bodies.
After a few minutes of resting together, I said: “I am going to have a shower, I am a mess, would you like to join me?”
“Now that is something else I have never done before. I am amazed at how much I am learning from you,” Pam said as we both stood up and I took her hand and led her to the bathroom.
Our shower has two shower heads and no doors. There is a lot of room to move unhindered by doors. We all use the shower together often while both showers were running. I drew Pam to me, and we caressed under the shower together rubbing our hands over each other and using the shower gel to heighten the erotic sensations that we both partook of. It was amazing how clean both of our vaginas were after we had spent some time paying particular attention to that part of us and ensured the internal parts received the attrition of a finger or two. We laughed a lot and had a wonderful and loving time together.
After we had finished draining the local dam with our showing, I took a towel and towelled Pam dry, again paying particular attention to between her legs and our breasts. She then did the same for me,
“I have never enjoyed myself as much as I have today,” Pam told me.
Following that, I told Pam, “I think we deserve a drink,” I poured two glasses of champagne, then led her naked to the balcony and after admiring the view sat warm refreshed by the warm air and sunshine. Our outlook was toward the ocean overlooking bushland. We could not be observed.
“Sam, I have never enjoyed anything in my life more than I did this afternoon, “Pam said.
“I am so happy you rang,” I said.
“I never imagined it would be anything like what happened. It was an experience I am so proud to be a part of with you. I hope you didn’t mind me telling you I loved you?”
“Not at all, at the time I was in the same frame of mind, sex can do that to you. I do love you but in no way that would interfere with the love you have for William. He has fucked me, and I know how you felt in the beginning, I believe now you realise that what we have all done together is something beautiful but not a devoted love of each other, just a good pleasurable experience of four people wonderfully sharing sex. I am so happy that we met.”
“I am happy too,” Pam said most nicely. “Today I completed my mission. I have made love with another woman and for me, I hope it is not the last time we can do this together, or with you Mike for that matter. He treated me like a real lady, and I hope William treated you with the respect that you deserve.”
“He did and I am so happy that Mike helped you overcome your initial feelings I know you had before you made love with him and ended up realising, we are just friends… with benefits,” I concluded.”
Pam put her hand in my leg in an intimate way. “That is the way I would like us to be in future and I hope that both of you will not hesitate to ask us to share a weekend or two sooner than later. I want to build upon the relationship we have, and I know William is anxious to renew his pleasures with you again as I am with Mike… and you, again,”
I knew she had now enjoyed herself with me and would enjoy our future occasions. She was very emotional after so many new experiences for her.
The day had ended far better than I could ever have imagined. There is and will be a future for Pam and William in our future love lives. There will be more weekends of lust together I am sure.
After another drink, Pam said, “Unfortunately the day must end, and I have to go and prepare a dinner for William. It will be special as I will recount my experiences with you today. I cannot believe that you let me fist you. That was amazing.”
When we walked back to the car together, I took Pam’s hand and she looked into my eyes and I knew we had clicked in more ways than one. I had found a woman with a small hand that I am sure will give me the same pleasure. It had done so once and will do so again.
William has something different that I know is just as satisfying.
After kissing Pam farewell, I walked back home thinking, that had been an amazing afternoon, I was sure Pame enjoyed herself. I had made a friend that I felt together her husband, the four of us would enjoy many weekends away together, achieving the pleasure of sharing our partners in wonderful ways.