There Are Somethings You Can’t Cover Up With Lipstick And Mascara

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Penny greeted me with a hug and a kiss on my cheek, at her front door, “So happy that you could make this year’s party, Gil. It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other.”

Penny and her partner, Courtney, host a party every Labor Day weekend. The party doubles as a meet and greet for people that are into kink, experienced and novice alike. The last four parties they invited me to, I was not able to attend. We do keep in touch through emails and texts, and meet for lunch a few times a year. I was introduced to Penny and Courtney by a mutual friend.

I hugged Penny. “It has been too long. How is life treating you?”

Penny grinned and replied, “Couldn’t be better. My ex-husband finally settled what he owed me. And Courtney breached the subject of bringing another woman to our bed.”

I laughed and replied, “Exciting times for you, Penny. I am happy for you.”

Penny nodded and informed me, “We have quite a few guests tonight that are new to kink, Gil. Just a heads up, most are couples. I am sure we will be asked a million questions once everyone settles in and gets comfortable.” She led me to her back patio where all the guests were mingling.

“Gil!” Courtney squealed, and made her way to me.

I hugged her. “So nice to see you again, Courtney. How have you been?”

Courtney patted my ass and replied, “Life couldn’t be any better. I got a promotion at work, with two more weeks of vacation. Penny and I are going to tour Europe mid-October. I can’t wait. Anything new on your side, Gil?”

“Nothing as exciting as your news, Courtney,” I chuckled. 

 She grinned and whispered, “Maybe you’ll get lucky and get to take someone home tonight.”

I winked and replied, “Luck has nothing to do with it.”

Courtney chuckled and grabbed my ass. “Conceited much, Gil?”

I made my rounds and greeted friends and acquaintances. They introduced me to the guests that I didn’t know. It was easy to pick out which guests were new to the scene. Their reactions and replies were a little too animated. It was normal for them to be a bit nervous and excited.

It was a warm September evening, everyone dressed accordingly. The women wore light and colorful fabrics that exposed a lot of skin. Most of the women were sporting, and showing off collars around their necks. They ranged from thin leather, to frilly silk bow ties.

As the evening progressed and everyone was a bit more at ease, the conversations escalated from the exchange of idle chat and pleasantries to preferences in kink and sharing experiences. That’s when I approached Courtney and asked her if she would mix me a drink. If I heard the terms True Master, True Dom, True slave or True sub one more time, I was sure my brain would implode.

“I would love to, Gil. Let’s go downstairs to the bar. I made a bunch of Jell-O shots,” she cheerfully agreed.

The basement boasted a full bar and a retro design. A Wurlitzer jukebox was the crowing jewel of the tasteful décor. There were close to a dozen people mingling on the couches, the bar and around the juke box. I took a seat at the bar next to a very pretty blonde. She looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. Her eyes met mine as Courtney and I approached the bar. She smiled at me and lowered her head slightly to suck on the straw in the glass in her hand.

Courtney introduced me to her with a broad smile, “This is Joy. She works with Penny. Behave yourself, Gil. Joy is happily married.” Courtney giggled and continued, “This is Gil. Keep your eye on him, Joy. He is a very naughty boy.”

I chuckled at Courtney’s introduction.

Joy was also amused and replied, “Hello, Gil.”

“Pleasure, Joy,” I smiled.

There was something in the way she was looking at me that made my cock stir. I was certain she was a bottom, no matter what her preference in kink was. But, at the same time, if a Top couldn’t control her, she’d eat him alive.

Courtney placed three shot glasses on the bar and rubbed her hands together. “I made these last night. Blueberry Martini Jell-O shots. They are absolutely delicious. Cheers! Here’s to new friends,” Courtney toasted.

We downed the surprisingly tasty shots, and Courtney placed a can of Coors Light in front of me. She winked and giggled, “Behave yourself kids. Or not.” And made her way upstairs.

I took a sip of beer and asked Joy, “You came down here early, I didn’t see you upstairs.”

She smiled and replied, “It’s much less hectic than what’s going on upstairs and on the back patio.”

I nodded and smiled, “Is it rude of us? We were young and full of questions at one time? I am certain I heard the word master more times than it was ever used in every Kung Fu episode, including the re-runs.”

Joy laughed and replied, “It’s definitely not rude of us. You can only answer the same questions so many times. It is a party we are attending, not a training session,” She took a sip on the straw and asked, “What deviant behavior are you drawn to that makes you such a naughty boy?”

“Deviant?” I chuckled.

Joy curled her lips in a coy smile and replied, “Come now, Gil. You have a look about you that oozes naughtiness and deviancy. It’s as scary as it is sexy.”

“Ladies first, Joy. I am a gentleman,” I grinned.

Joy turned in her seat to face me, and slowly crossed her shapely legs. Allowing her dress to ride up high on her thighs. She smiled as she observed me looking down at her smooth legs.

“Do gentlemen make a habit of ogling a lady’s legs without even trying to be discrete?” Joy asked playfully.

“I can’t speak for every gentleman out there. But I do,” I smiled.

Joy chuckled, “Courtney was serious. I had better watch myself around you. Since you are a gentleman, and insist I tell you first, I will. I enjoy being very obedient and very accommodating, for the right man.” She scanned my face for a reaction and said, “Your turn, Mr. Gentleman.”

I smiled as I replied, “I indulge very obedient ladies.”

Joy laughed and shook her head, “No way, mister. You aren’t getting off that easy. You have to answer the question. I told you all you need to know about me. It’s only fair you do the same. And don’t you dare think of holding back the slightest detail.”

I took another sip of my beer and replied, “In the name of fairness, I will provide you a more detailed explanation of my deviant tastes. I am a rope top, and as sadistic as a lady requires me to be.”

Joy sat up in her chair and leaned her left elbow on the bar. I stared at her large breasts being pushed forward and straining against the thin material of her dress. She approvingly watched on as I devoured her breasts with my intense stare. 

“You are flattering me, Gil. I can’t tell you how good it makes a lady feel, when a gentleman admires her body so openly. Thank you,” Joy said as she lifted the hem of her dress higher on her thigh.

“Is your husband here, Joy?” I asked.

She shook her head, “He’s in Florida, golfing with a few of his friends. I wouldn’t dream of having him at this party with me.”

“Are you obedient and accommodating for him?” I asked.

“Not in the way you think. He doesn’t share my tastes. I love him dearly. But he is much to gentle to take what I offer,” Joy answered very calmly.

“Take?” I grinned.

Joy smiled and patted my thigh, “Gil, come now. Don’t play coy with me. I told you all that you need to know about me. Yes, take it from me; bend me to their will, no matter how hard I struggle against them. I need to be sure the man I offer my obedience to is worthy, and can provide me what I need. I have wasted many hours with men who promised to take it as they saw fit. Only to be left unsatisfied, and disappointed when they didn’t live up to their promise.”

“I am sure the ones that disappointed you, Joy, felt your wrath,” I replied.

Joy wiggled her ass in the bar stool and leaned closer to me, “You bet your ass they do,” and winked at me. She slid her hand towards my cock and asked, “Are you curious, Gil? Do you want to test my obedience?”

I stared into her hazel eyes and replied, “You know I do. And I will, right now. Go to bathroom, spread your ass wide, and take a picture of your asshole for me.”

Joy feigned shock as she replied, “That is filthy.” She got up from the barstool and made her way upstairs.

She returned to her seat a few minutes later and handed me her phone. I smiled as I looked at the picture of her holding her ass spread wide and her asshole exposed in all its tight glory. When I handed back her phone, Joy grinned and said, “Who knew Courtney was such a talented photographer?”

I chuckled and said, “I live a twenty minute cab ride away from here.”

Joy felt a slight shiver run down her back. She replied, “No marks on my face, arms neck, and the top shoulders. If I don’t ask you to stop, continue doing whatever you’re doing.” She paused; I could tell she was hesitant to continue. I nodded at her, letting her know I wanted her to continue. “Can you blur the line for me, Gil?”

“You bet your ass I can blur the line, Joy.”

She smiled, leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I’ll take that bet, Gil. Whenever you want to place it on the table. My ass is yours.”

We said our good byes as we waited for the taxi to arrive. Forty minutes later, I opened the door to my condominium and slapped Joy’s ass as she walked inside. She turned her head and looked at me from over her shoulder, and said, “A good start. What’s next, Gil?”

Joy threw her purse on the floor, turned around to face me when I had shut the door, and smiled, “How may I serve you this evening, Sir?”

I grinned at her. A growl rumbled in my throat as I grabbed her hair with my left hand and her breast with my right hand. I pulled her towards me, spun us around and pushed her back against the door. I released my grip on her hair, lifted the hem of her dress and tugged at her thong, hard. It took three attempts to tear the thongs off her. I kicked her legs apart as I stuffed her damp, shredded thong in her mouth.

I slid my hand from her full breast up to her throat, and pinned her head against the door. ”I won’t be using your slutty mouth just yet, whore,” I snarled.

Joy quivered and nodded.

I cupped her pussy in my hand and lifted her on to her toes. Joy moaned and shut her eyes.

“Stay on your toes, keep your legs spread,” I ordered.

She nodded and closed her eyes. I removed my hand from her pussy and pulled the straps of her dress down over her shoulders, exposing the tops of her large, firm breasts. I reached into her bra and lifted both her breasts out of their cups. I sucked on her nipples and bit into her tits. The scent of her flesh made my cock twitch and swell. Joy squirmed and moaned in approval. I clawed at the inside of her thigh and brushed my thumb over her slick slit. I slapped her in-between her spread legs. She squealed and tried to bring her thighs together.

“Don’t you dare,” I growled in her ear.

Joy nodded, bent her knees, and spread her thighs wider apart. I slapped her pussy harder as I raked my teeth over her erect nipples. Joy bit down on the thong in her mouth and gasped with each blow her pussy lustfully anticipated and accepted. My cock grew to full erection and twitched each time I slapped her cunt.

“On your knees,” I ordered with one last slap to her soaked pussy.

Joy quickly keeled at my feet and stared hungrily at the bulge in my pants.

“You want to suck my cock, whore?” I grinned down at her.

She nodded as I pulled the thong out of her mouth.

“Why?” I asked, prolonging Joy’s anticipation of having my cock in her mouth.

She took a deep breath, and replied, “I’m a cock hungry whore, Sir.”

“Grab your purse, whore. Hand me your lipstick and mascara. I want your face painted properly, before I fuck your mouth,” I grinned at her.

Joy reached for her purse that she had dropped on the floor and handed me what I had asked for.

“Cocksucker red?” I asked her as I pulled the top off the lipstick.

“What else would I wear in your presence, Sir?” Joy panted.

I smeared the lipstick over her lips and all around her mouth. I did the same with the mascara brush, applying gobs of the black liquid under her bottom eyelashes. She looked like a cheap, rubber sex doll.

“Now, let’s smear your lipstick and make the mascara run down your pretty face, Joy,” I grinned as I took my big, thick cock out of my pants.

Joy licked her lips and replied, “Yes, lets, Sir.” And opened her mouth wide.

I folded and crossed her wrists behind her head. I reached in-between each of her folded arms and grabbed both of her wrists. Joy took a deep breath, and stuck her tongue out. I aimed my cock at her open mouth and pulled it onto my cock. Joy gagged and coughed as I plunged my cock down her throat on the first thrust. Her nose was pressed tight against pelvis.

“Look at me, whore. I want to watch your eyes well up, and as the tears flow down your cheeks in black streaks,” I ordered.

Joy obeyed and widened her eyes as she tilted her head upwards. She flicked her tongue at the top of my ball sack. Each movement of her tongue caused my cock to twitch in her mouth. I grinned as I watched her eyes begin to well up, and the first tears mixed with the mascara flow down her face. Leaving dark, liquid streaks on her pretty face.

I pulled my cock out of her mouth and allowed her to cough and gasp, and swallow the spit that had built up in her mouth. Joy promptly offered her mouth to my cock again, after taking another deep breath. I rammed my cock in her mouth and began to fuck it down her throat with quick thrusts of my hips. More tears spilled out of eyes and ran down her face, adding to the beautiful black mess the mascara was painting her face with. I increased the tempo of the throat fucking, and was immediately reward with squishy, gurgling sounds from Joy’s throat.

Her tears continued to meander down her face and onto the tops of her tits. Her face was covered in liquid black smudges and tiny black rivers. The lipstick was smeared and covered her mouth and chin. She looked beautiful.

I pulled out of her mouth and lifted Joy to her feet. I walked her to my bedroom while holding her wrists behind her head. I pushed her onto my bed and began to disrobe. “Strip,” I commanded.

Joy stood up and stepped out her dress, and removed her bra. I made my way to the dresser and grabbed a coiled rope and one of my belts from the bottom drawer. I tossed the belt on the bed, next to Joy.

“Come here,” I ordered.

Joy obeyed. I stood behind her and wrapped my left arm around her chest. Joy lowered her head and wouldn’t look at herself in the dresser mirror. I lifted her head with the crook of my elbow.

“You never looked more beautiful, Joy,” I whispered in her ear.

Joy’s face blushed red at her own reflection. The smeared lipstick and mascara that painted her face and the top of her tits wasn’t the least flattering to her. She replied, “Thank you, Sir.”

I uncoiled the rope and tied a chest harness on Joy. Two passes of the folded rope above her tits, and two passes of the rope under her tits. I cinched the rope tight, in-between her tits, forcing her meaty flesh away from her chest, taut and compressed. I closed the tie and slapped her tits. Joy moaned and squared her shoulders. I slapped her tits again; she threw her head back and bit her lower lip. I continued to slap her tits with a steady rhythm. Watching as the full, meaty globes bounced on her chest with each blow I landed, and as they quickly turned to pink, and then to red.

Joy’s knees buckled as she let out a soft moan. I grabbed her by the hair and pushed her face down on my bed, with her hips positioned at the edge of the mattress. I reached for the belt, folded it in half, and lifted her head off the mattress by her hair.

Joy spread her legs wider and pleaded, “Pull on my hair harder. Bend me in half, please.”

I obliged her request, and whipped her back with the belt. Red streaks appeared on her skin as soon as the leather bit into her. I covered her entire back and shoulder blades in a deep shade of red. The first blow to her ass was hard. Joy squealed in pain and tried to cover her ass with her hands.

“Don’t,” I snarled as I yanked on her hair.

Joy gasped and tried to nod her head. I whipped the folded leather across her firm butt cheeks, harder. Her skin turned reddish purple from the blow.

“No marks on your arms, shoulders, neck or face, right, whore?” I sternly asked.

“Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Joy whimpered.

I struck her ass three times in quick succession. Joy’s legs stiffened and straightened out. I waited till she settled into the pain and relaxed her legs and settled back into the mattress. I counted out forty-five more blows of the belt across her ass. It glowed purple; the marks would bloom over the next few days.

I tossed the belt across Joy’s back, grabbed her hips and lifted her knees onto the bed. I gripped her throat with my right hand, and aimed my cock at her dripping cunt with my left hand. Joy shivered when the head of my cock brushed over her clit and came to rest at her slick opening. I pushed the head of my cock inside her, and gripped her around the throat with both hands.

“Fuck my cock, whore,” I growled, and pulled her on to my cock, balls deep.

A gurgling gasp filled my bedroom. Joy pushed her ass against me and began to buck and grind her hips wildly. She was desperate for release. She slid one hand between her legs and began to rub, pinch and twist her clit. A moment later her cunt exploded around my cock. Joy’s body stiffened and became still, as her pussy clamped down on my cock. A mild quiver ran through her entire body, it built in intensity till she shook so violently that I had to tighten my grip on her throat to hold her in place. When her orgasm began to subside, Joy’s body went limp and she let out a moan.

I released her throat from my grip, her torso plopped on the bed. I pulled my cock out of her pussy, grabbed the rope that was tied across her back, and impaled her ass with my cock in one brutal thrust. Joy screamed into the mattress as she bit down on the bed sheet. The harder I would plunge my cock into her ass, the harder Joy would push her ass against me.

We built up the ass fucking to torrid pace. Joy slid one hand between her legs and rubbed her swollen, aching clit with the same intensity her ass was getting fucked with.

“So fucking good. So fucking good!” Joy kept screaming into the mattress.

I pulled my cock out of her ass and flipped Joy on to her back. She moaned and writhed in disappointment at the empty feeling in her ass. I grabbed her ankles and placed them on my shoulders. Joy scooted her ass to the edge of the mattress, eager to have it filled with my thick, hot cock again. I grabbed the rope that held her tits bound and pulled her to me.

“What are you, Joy?” I asked with heavy breath.

“A whore,” she quickly replied and wiggled her ass in hopes I would shove my cock in it.

I struck her right cheek with the back of my hand. Joy was shocked at the sudden impact and heat that quickly flared across her cheek.

“What are you?” I growled.

“Your obedient whore, Sir,” Joy replied quickly and louder. She closed her eyes in the event I would strike her again. I did, this time across her left cheek.

“What are you?” I asked louder and pounded my cock in to her ass.

Joy moaned and thrashed her head from side to side. “Harder, fuck my whore ass harder!”

I lifted her shoulders off the bed by the rope and struck her across the face two more times. “What are you?” I growled long and low and continued to pump my cock in and out of her ass.

“Yes! Harder! Faster! I’m a dirty, filthy whore!” Joy growled.

My balls began to tighten and I could feel my sperm make its way to the base of my cock. I was getting off on slapping Joy across her face. And so was she.

I slapped her four times across the cheeks. Her hair flew in all directions from each blow. “What are you?” I growled.

“I’m a cock hungry whore!” she replied.

It was the answer I wanted to hear from her. My balls were going to explode, I buried my cock into her ass and filled it full of hot cum. Joy rubbed her clit faster, more urgently. When she felt my hot cum shoot in her ass, and settle in to a hot pool, deep inside her, she went off. We shook together, I collapsed on top her. Joy wrapped her arms and legs around me and kept me buried inside her.

I rolled off Joy when I caught my breath. Joy pouted as my cock plopped out of her tight ass. She snuggled up close to me and sighed in satisfaction.

She kissed my chest and ran her hand over my semi hard cock. “You are a beautiful beast, Gil,” she purred in to my chest.

I chuckled and replied, “You are one hell of a sexy lady, Joy.”

“It’s a long weekend, Gil,” Joy coyly reminded me.

“Hmm. Stay with me, Joy, and make it a long and hard weekend.”


Published 9 years ago

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