Their New Year’s Eve Tradition 2020

"Despite challenges, Brad and Janet try to get their traditional New Year’s Eve orgasms."

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“I’m so close,” Janet groaned. Her fingers were a blur as she reached for her peak.

Brad said nothing, dancing on the edge, desperately trying not to go over it. His wife had been teasing him, starting and stopping him and herself for an hour that seemed like three. Not that he would complain. He was so turned on, he’d do anything she said; the question was, would his body obey?

Her genitals were swollen, flushed, and dripping from the long session. His would be sore later, but he kept them well-lubed through the pumping, squeezing, and, yes, slapping. Janet was an experienced jerk-off instructor and knew how to push him to higher degrees of excitement then pull him back, spinning his nervous system with delight.

Brad loved it most when she joined him. But he also loved it when she just drove him crazy. And he loved to watch her play with herself whether or not he was about to cum. Most of all, he loved Janet.

He dared not touch his cockhead, shiny with a mixture of lube and pre-cum. One hand gripped the base of his cock while the other massaged his balls and roamed his body. His grunts and wiggling were well-justified but exaggerated for her entertainment.

“Almost,” she gasped. Her other hand wrenched her nipple in a way only her current state would allow. “Al… most,” she held her breath and so did Brad.

“Shit!” she cried, “I lost it.”

Brad stifled his pained reaction and hoped she didn’t see his face at that moment. He lifted his hands, letting the sweet anguish of denial ring through his body.

Janet had stopped but pressed one hand against her crotch as the other brushed the clinging hair from her sweaty forehead. She closed her eyes, slowly shaking her head, her frustrated face inflicting pain in Brad’s chest.

“I’m sorry, my love,” she sighed. “My clit is tingling and I want it so much but I can’t get there. Maybe I’ll take a break and try with my vibrator, but I’ll feel terrible if I keep you from cumming any longer.”

“Please don’t think that way,” Brad tried to comfort her. “I’m just as frustrated as you are, despite what my prick says.” Both laughed to see it bob, trying to get the tiny additional stimulation it needed to launch. “You know I’ll save it for you.”

“That will make me feel worse,” she complained. “Let me count you down and I’ll at least have accomplished something.”

“You’re so good to me,” Brad cooed. Although he would never have insisted, neither was he going to object.

“Okay, here we go. Ten!” she began, relaxing and taking a deep breath. “Nine.” Her hand gently spread her pussy open. “Just so you know how turned on you got me.”

His eyes stared at her delicious flesh, his tongue licking his lips. How he wished he could bury his face there.

“Eight… I want to be ate!” she teased. She had said the same thing on an earlier countdown she had evilly aborted at three. “Don’t worry. No more stopping,” she reassured when she saw his tense reaction. “Seven. Six.”

Brad was pumping slowly, getting back to the edge. It would take only a few flicks when it was time. Mesmerized by her fingers riffling across her folds, he sank into a memory of the aroma, the taste, the slippery, sweltering softness against his face.

Her own ardor banked, Janet took time to see his muscles ripple as the tension built throughout his body. His hand traversed his whole shaft, his fist mashing against his balls, then pulling the loose skin upward until only the tip was clutched by his last two fingers. Hips countering the strokes, his hand plunged downward three times for each count.

“Five. Four. Three,” she matched his rhythm. There was no stopping, his fuse had been lit. “Two. One. Cum for me Brad!” she sang.

And he did. The first spurt reached his neck, then more painted his chest and belly. It was a week’s accumulation augmented by an hour of stimulation. He writhed as the spasms shot through him, softly crooning, “Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet.”

Seeing his sweaty body dancing with the ecstasy she had inspired, she felt a glow of satisfaction and pride in the pit of her stomach. She loved him so much and loved making him feel good.

Although she had stopped trying to climax, her hand still soothed her inflamed tissue. She knew it turned him on, so she had continued self-caressing as she counted him down. Watching his strong hands milk the last drops from his dick and hearing him repeat her name deliriously made the heat in her belly grow and spread.

“Oh!” She sounded like she finally remembered where she had left her keys. More like a hot shower than an explosion, she was drenched in bliss before she understood it; the contractions were late and slow. When she regained her thoughts, she saw his hopeful stare.

“That was different, but I think it still counts,” she giggled. “Watching you erupt must have been what I needed to set me off. I was hardly touching myself.”

“I’m so glad. After how you made me feel, you certainly deserved a reward.” He was mopping himself off. “I’m going to take a hot shower; you’re welcome to join me,” he grinned. “I won’t mind if you decide to use the vibrator—before or after.”

Brad felt the expected pang arrive. From experience, he knew there was no way to avoid or delay it. Dragging it out never made it any better.

“Merry Christmas, my love, my everything,” he said. The Christmas Eve session had lasted past midnight.

“Merry Christmas, my wonderful husband,” she replied.

With two blown kisses, they broke the connection.

The pandemic had separated them. When his sister, Susan, got sick, Brad had gone to care for her. She was fully recovered now, but with the current conditions, it would be risky to travel home.

Janet and her brother, Barry, had to take care of their mother. They had to be extremely careful not to let her get infected. Even if Brad tried to come home for the holidays and avoided getting it, he would have first had to self-quarantine away from Janet for two weeks. So they resigned to being apart for the holidays.

They did the best they could with remote sex. Sadly, it seemed that their twelve-year tradition of climaxing together at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve would end. Trying to make the distant sex special, they did a week of abstinence before the practice run on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning, after breakfast with his sister, Brad retreated to his bedroom to cam in private with Janet.

“I don’t think taking a week off helped,” she lamented. “It might have made things worse.”

“Maybe we should do it every day, to get back in form,” Brad suggested, playfully.

“I admit, I didn’t expect you to follow the rules, but the amount you produced showed you had been saving it up,” she giggled.

They were opening each other’s private Christmas presents.

“Oh, it’s lovely!” Janet exclaimed at the complete lingerie outfit, his present to her. “Let me try it on.” She disappeared from view for a few minutes. Returning, she strutted and twerked in the bordello-red heels, stockings, garters, panties, bra, and long, filmy gown. She looked as fabulous in it as he expected.

He was surprised when he unwrapped and opened his package. Inside were a half-dozen further-wrapped items—flat, flexible, six-inch squares.

“Only unwrap one, and don’t open it,” Janet warned.

Brad tore off the colorful paper to discover a pair of pink panties, sealed in a plastic bag.

“I don’t think they’re my size,” he laughed uncertainly.

“They’re not for you to wear, silly,” her face filled the screen. “They’re to sniff!”

Brad felt a lump in his throat, picturing his wife spending the time to wear and preserve them, then wrap and send them to him.

“Thank you, my love, what a thoughtful gift!” he gushed.

With her encouragement, he opened the plastic, the recognizable fragrance making him hard.

“We have time for a quickie,” she suggested, standing and lowering her panties to her ankles.

He pushed down his bottoms and grabbed some lube from the nightstand drawer. She had the advantage of being at home, so she picked up her favorite vibrator.

His pole grew and stiffened as he watched her buzz her pussy. While stroking himself, he inhaled her scent, making his mouth water. She snickered to see one hand wiping his face with her panties while the other milked his dick. Visualizing herself sitting on his face, using her hand to return the pleasure, drove her to the culmination that the insistent toy produced.

Her moaning got his attention and he watched her squirm as she orgasmed. He was not far behind and when he felt the pressure go critical, he used her panties to catch his semen as he groaned his release.

“That’s okay,” she laughed. “You don’t have to send those back!”

“I’ll have to make sure Susan doesn’t find these in the laundry,” Brad chuckled. “She might have some questions.”

The two got cleaned up and dressed. Brad helped Susan in the kitchen while Barry brought their mother to spend time with him and Janet. They kept the connection going through dinner, making the best of a bad situation.

After dessert, they exchanged less-intimate gifts. Barry and Susan had conspired to get everyone virtual reality headsets. They spent the rest of the evening figuring out how to use them and trying out some games. It took time and practice to get used to the glove controllers.

It helped them forget their predicament for a while, seeing each other as avatars in the game. Just before Barry left with their mother, he gave Janet one more item—a 3D camera.

“Maybe you can figure out how that works before New Year’s Eve,” he winked. “Susan’s giving him one, too.”

The next day, Brad and Janet set up the cameras. Together with the 3D goggles, they could see each other in virtual reality. Unsure whether it would make a difference, they added it to their sex play that evening. Like an old 3D movie, close up views of his penis or her breasts were more comical than titillating. Nonetheless, using the glasses did eliminate the screen and made it seem more like they were in the same room, if still out of reach.

They had the most fun in the game worlds, though. Having the illusion of being in the same place as they explored and battled together diminished the feeling of separation. When Susan and Barry would join them, it was almost a party.

Both were feeling subdued during dinner on New Year’s Eve. They hadn’t yet decided whether to use the new technology or the old to masturbate together at midnight. Mostly, it brought home that they were apart.

The four finished a game around eleven o’clock, anticipating the couple’s wish to be alone.

“There’s something you might like,” Susan suggested, temptingly. “We could make realistic avatars for you.”

“Naked avatars!” Barry chimed in. “Don’t worry, sis, only you two will see them. Everyone else will see your regular avatars.”

“It won’t take long. We just use the 3D cameras to scan your body; it processes the images to build the model.” Susan could see Brad’s skepticism. “Come on, maybe it will light a spark.”

“One way or the other, it should be memorable!” encouraged Barry.

The couple agreed. As explained, they would undress and stand in their bedrooms in the dark to avoid getting any background in the picture. A light between the twin cameras would provide the illumination for the body parts being scanned.

The darkened room helped reduce their awkwardness of being nude in front of their siblings.

It was all in good humor as Barry advocated for Brad’s desire to see Janet’s private parts in detail. “You don’t want to look like some sex-less plastic doll,” he chortled.

Similarly, Susan urged her brother to get hard. “You want to look ready for action, not like a castrated action figure!”

Wearing their goggles, the two could see their own and their spouse’s avatars take familiar shape and appearance.

“That’s amazing!” Janet raved. “I feel like I could reach out and fondle your balls. You didn’t augment your equipment, did you? The female avatars all have huge tits.”

“No, dear. On the contrary, remember the warning—objects in VR may be larger than they appear,” Brad crowed.

“Time is growing short, and there’s one more step,” explained Barry. “We need to synchronize your avatars with your position.” He adjusted it so each saw only the other standing in front of them. “Now hold out your arms like you are going to hug each other and slowly move forward.”

“Oops,” said Brad when he bumped into Susan after taking a step.

“What the fuck?” Janet exclaimed when she bumped into Barry. When her breasts encountered his naked chest, she recoiled, but he hugged her, keeping her from stumbling backward in the dark.

“What’s going on?” she yelled.

At the other end of the connection, Brad was wondering the same thing. Seeing his wife’s avatar get close, he was confused for a moment to feel warm, soft skin against his chest. When Susan hugged him, his arms reflexively reciprocated.

Hearing his wife, he shouted, “What the fuck is going on?”

The lights came on in both rooms. Both spouses realized they were being hugged by their naked siblings. Both ripped off their headsets.

“Brad, Janet, we apologize for our subterfuge,” Susan spoke. “But Barry and I were sure you would have rejected the idea, assuming we weren’t serious. Well, we are.” The emotion grew in her voice.

“Brad, you know I love you—and not in an incestuous way, despite how things look,” she grinned and blushed. “I am so grateful that you disrupted your life to come and take care of me, even though it resulted in your being apart for the holidays.”

“And Janet,” Barry joined in, “I can say the same thing about you. You could have run off with Brad and left me to take care of mom alone.”

His sister relaxed in his embrace. “Susan and I are willing to be your surrogates for your midnight ritual. The time is growing short, and we’re ready to proceed. If you’d rather not, we’ll just slink away and leave you to yourselves.”

Brad and Janet stared at each other through the screen, shaking their heads, not sure what to think or say.

“Put your goggles on,” encouraged Susan, attaching the camera to her headset.

This time, instead of the avatar, Janet saw her husband in the flesh as Susan did; Brad saw his wife from Barry’s perspective.

Brad wished he could see Janet’s eyes to know what she was thinking, but the headset obscured them. She hadn’t pushed her brother away.

Janet had to admit to herself that having a live body in her arms beat hugging her pillows. She didn’t want to make love to anyone except Brad. But she often used dildoes and vibrators. Was this half-high-tech, half-human method so different?

She knew Barry and Susan would be disappointed if she pulled the plug after they went to such extremes.

Would Brad?

Would she?

“Okay,” she sighed. “If Brad wants to do it, I’ll do it.”

“I’ll do it if you want to do it,” he replied.

“But do you want to do it?” Janet insisted.

“We don’t have time for this!” Susan interrupted before Brad could return the volley. “The clock is ticking. Let’s just see if it feels too weird.”

Barry climbed onto the bed, pulling Janet toward him. “We figured cowgirl would be best since you’ll each get a good view of the other.”

Condoms were produced and installed as Susan pushed Brad onto his back and straddled him. After some adjustment, both pairs were similarly arranged.

The siblings’ goggles allowed them to monitor both beds. The spouses saw each other. Seeing Janet’s face and chest above him, Brad’s hands instinctively reached for her sweet breasts—and found Susan’s. Barry matched the move so Janet felt her breasts fondled when she saw her husband reach for them.

Disorientation and familiarity wrestled in both minds. Their love and desire to express it focused them on what they wanted to see and feel and blurred the rest. After three months with no physical contact, the living solidity of a human body fulfilled a primitive need.

Janet saw the face and chest of her beloved. She rested her butt on muscular thighs. She looked down at Brad’s hard cock. She reached to grasp one equally stiff. Her mind was spinning trying to reconcile things. Her body was willing to suspend disbelief and respond to her ambiguous senses.

She shifted herself up and then settled back onto Barry’s pole. A moment later, the image she saw adjusted as her twin did the same. Surrendering to the hormones that had ignited too-long-neglected nerves, she began slowly riding.

Brad’s melodious moan came through her headphones; Barry and Susan could also be heard; Janet whimpered her own escalating excitement.

There was a loud ping in Brad’s bedroom.

“That’s two minutes to midnight,” announced Susan. “Last chance to call it off!”

“I love you, Janet!” called Brad.

“I love you, Brad!” came her response.

Leaning forward onto her hands, Janet bounced faster and harder. Her brother’s rod was close enough to Brad’s and was rigid enough to take her grinding against it. Later she would be embarrassed about how little she was aware of Barry or Susan.

Brad had experienced similar dissonance, but male libidos have evolved to suppress anything that gets in the way of ejaculation. Hearing and seeing his wife responding the way he knew and loved as well as feeling the heat and grip of a vagina around his penis, his only challenge was waiting for the moment.

The surrogates were also enjoying themselves. In the weeks since they hatched the plan, Susan had imagined this moment and masturbated to it. She had broken up with her last boyfriend just before everything went crazy, and there had been no chance to recruit another. Then she got sick. Although she wished it was almost anyone else inside her, her cunt enjoyed being filled with something alive.

Barry’s dating life had also collapsed. He had gone along with Susan’s plan,…

Published 4 years ago

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