The Yoga Room

"Two friends discover a new Yoga technique and an attraction for each other"

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“You need to come to my new yoga class,” Lee told Toni at their regular Thursday morning walk and coffee catch-up.

Toni had just told Lee how good she looked, glowing in a satisfied way but also rocking her lycra running shorts and a tank top in a way that oozed sex and danger. Toni was just a touch aroused by the look and mood of her friend in a way she had not experienced before. They often talked about sex, sharing their fantasies and stories of their sexual adventures, but today Lee was giving off an entirely different vibe and Toni was feeling it.

“I can’t quite describe it,” Lee continued, “but if you come along you’ll get the feel, it’s a very small class and you can only go if invited, but I’ll get you in.”

“It sounds great,” Toni replied absentmindedly starting to think about whether she and Lee could have sex and remain best friends.

“I need to warn you though. You will finish this class so horny and needy that you will need to plan for something straight after, don’t go to the shops, don’t go for coffee, do not visit anybody you should not be fucking.”

“Oh really,” Toni replied, sensing a story and maybe an explanation for Lee’s aura.

“Yes really.”

“Tell me more.”

Lee smiled at the two men walking past, clearly checking both of them out before returning to Toni’s question.

“Well I got invited by a guy I met at the gym, who is nice enough, but I’m not fucking him anytime soon, anyway afterwards he’s asking if I want to come to his for a coffee and I can see in his eyes he’s as horny as hell but then again so am I. But I’m not that into him and I’m sure Steve was working from home that day so I’m thinking I’ll head home and give him a workday treat.”

Toni’s heart rate rose a little; she loved Lee’s sex stories.

“By the time I’ve got into the car I’m almost ready to finish myself off but I know I want a cock badly so I get moving and when I’m about five minutes away I get a text from Steve that he had to head to the office and he’ll be home around six. So now I’m hoping that one of my toys has got some charge.”

Toni had been toy shopping with Lee, it was hard for her to imagine her without a charged toy, she had them all, but Toni was finding it very easy to imagine Lee using one of those toys, her breath caught slightly.

“So I pull into the garage and I charge through the house and Jackson is in the kitchen getting a drink.”

Jackson is the boarder that Lee and Steve had taken in the year before, a PhD student at the nearby university. They had planned to save a bit of money by renting out the spare room. Lee hadn’t counted on him being so tall, toned and good looking and before too long she and the twenty-five-year-old had been fucking like rabbits. Steve and Lee had a pretty open thing going on, but one of the rules was that they were always open about who they were with and that they didn’t bring other partners home, except in a threesome situation.

Lee fucking Jackson had broken that rule and so she had promised Steve that although she had enjoyed her time with Jackson she wouldn’t have sex with him again. Jackson had been disappointed but had agreed. Toni could see what was coming next.

“So I’ve seen Jackson and I’ve practically yelled at him: Bedroom now,” Lee’s voice is now slightly breathless with the recounting of this story. “He’s looked at me like I’m crazy and then he sees that I am and that if he doesn’t fuck me I’ll probably kill him. He followed me straight to the bedroom as I stripped off on the way, we get to the bedroom and we are already both naked and he was hard and ready. I don’t even fuck around with any foreplay, I tell him to lay down and I climb on his cock and start fucking. My orgasm starts straight away, I honestly think I would have come just touching his cock but I’m fucking it and just about passing out with this peak that’s lasting forever.”

Toni suddenly wished she was at home listening to this on the phone so she could run her fingers all over herself.

“This story is so hot Lee, I’m…”

“Yeah, me too, every time I think about it I’m ready to go.”

“So what made you so horny at the Yoga place?”

“It’s hard to describe, I’ve been back three times now and every time I get the same result.”

“Three times? Don’t you think you should stay away?” Toni asked

“No way, I just planned a bit better than the first time, last time I took Steve and he fucked me in the car park.”

Toni let out a soft sigh as she thought about her friend and her husband fucking in the car park. It wasn’t the first time she’d fantasised about fucking Steve but it was the first time she had thought about fucking Steve and Lee.

“Alright, when’s it on?”

“I was thinking of booking us in tomorrow at 4:30, that way Jon should be home to help you come down off the class.”

“OK text me the details, I think I’ll skip the coffee today if that’s OK? I’ve got some stuff I need to take care of.”

“Sure thing, me too.”

They walked back to where their cars were parked and had a quick hug goodbye. As they both started their cars they were both hoping the same thing: that their toys were charged.

Toni was quite excited for the class and for what might occur afterwards, she’d shaved her legs and pussy, put on her favourite Yoga pants and top and ensured that her husband Jon would indeed be home when she got back. Home and ready for sex were her exact instructions. She was intrigued by how horny this class had made Lee so she ensured she was well satisfied by using the handheld shower jet to get herself off before she got dressed.

And so she was perfectly prepared: clean, smooth and relaxed. Let’s see what this class throws at me, she thought.

She met Lee at the front of the Yoga Room, it was small and not very obviously signed. Although she had left home relaxed and satisfied, the sight of Lee in her colourful Yoga pants and the loose-fitting top started her thinking of their previous days’ conversations. It wasn’t the Yoga room that was making Toni horny, it was her friend and her stories about it. They hugged hello and Toni took in the scent of her, light perfume and a touch of she wasn’t sure what but she wanted to hold on for longer. They released their hug a touch sooner than either of them wanted to.

“I’m so glad you came,” Lee told her,” I’m so looking forward to seeing you enjoy it as much as I have, but before we go in, do you have your fire plan in place?”

Toni smiled.

“Yes I do, Jon is under strict instructions to be home and ready to go at six.”

“And you are 100% sure he’ll keep up with you?” Lee knew he would, Toni had told him a lot about Jon’s abilities but she loved hearing Toni tell her”

“Well a blowjob this morning and a protein smoothie as he left the house usually ensures he’s in top form, but I also sent him a video of me fingering myself just now so I think I’ll have his full attention.”

Lee thought about how she’d like to see that video too.

“Good work.”

“What about you? You got plans?”

“I’m catching up with a friend afterwards and she knows what to expect.”

Toni’s mind was filled with sudden flashes of Lee licking her friend’s pussy, which in turn led to fantasies of Lee licking Toni’s pussy which led to fantasies of Toni licking Lee’s pussy. She pushed them aside.

They went inside and put their sandals and bags in the provided storage cubes at the back of what was a very small room lit only by candles, there was a small stage at the front with two large candles on either side.

“Hello Lee, is this your friend Toni?”

Toni turned around to see where the voice came from, just behind them a petite ebony-skinned woman was smiling at them both. Toni’s eyes were drawn to the fine line tattoos that snaked over her shoulders and her breasts and her abdomen and her mons pubis until she suddenly realised that she was staring at a naked woman.

“Yes, this is Toni; Toni, meet Ana our instructor.”

“Oh hello… sorry,” Toni said as her eyes went from Ana’s toned body to her face.

“No need to be sorry here, we encourage nakedness as a connection to ourselves, but it’s not compulsory, enjoy yourself today. We’ll get started as soon as Jodee & Mike get here.”

She wandered towards the stage and around behind a curtain that Toni hadn’t noticed before.

“You never told me it was naked,” she whispered to Lee.

“I didn’t want to scare you off, relax, we’ll keep our gear on.”

“Do you get naked usually?”

“I’m working up to it,” Lee replied as the other couple took their places.

They stripped down to reveal toned bodies and, in the case of Mike, one of the largest penises Toni had ever seen.

“You should see it hard,” Lee whispered in her ear.

“What? Is this some kind of sex show?”

“No, but I would pay serious money to watch those two have sex,” Lee whispered back

“Shall we begin?” Ana said softly from the small stage.

The first fifteen minutes were similar to most yoga classes that Toni had attended previously, other than the nakedness of course. Though she found herself admiring the other participants’ bodies and started to wish she had dared to try. Lee had removed her top and bra but kept on her pants. Toni wondered if she would look silly if she stopped her pose to undress.

After about twenty minutes of poses, Ana moved everyone into the Lotus position and moved around the room telling them all it was time to breathe. She touched Toni & Lee on the shoulder as she moved past them on her way back to the stage and assumed her lotus position.

She then worked through a series of breathing exercises, quick and then slow, breathing while engaging different muscles, and breathing as you concentrated on your arms and then lengths, she then told everyone to breathe as they concentrated on their “sex”. Toni immediately felt a warmth and tingle as she followed the breathing instructions, Lee did too though she was getting better at controlling it after a few visits.

Lee touched Toni’s thigh to get her attention and pointed over to where Mike was conducting his breathing exercises. His cock was now hard and long and with a tiny amount of precum glistening on the end of it.

Toni lost the rhythm of her breathing for a minute until she heard Ana tell her:

“Just follow my breathing Toni, follow me.”

Toni closed her eyes and focussed on Ana’s breathing which was slow and measured before building up, as she followed the breathing and focussed on her sex she felt blood rushing to her clit and desperately wanted to touch herself.

“Keep your hands on your knees, everyone,” Ana said quickly and quietly before resuming the breathing exercise as if she had read Toni’s mind.

Toni’s head was spinning, she understood what Lee had meant. She so badly wanted her hand or anything to touch her clit or fill her pussy. She suddenly became aware of everyone’s breathing but not her own, then suddenly all she could tune into was Lees which was now going in short sharp amounts, she tried to refocus on Ana’s before hearing everyone exhale in a large whoosh.

“Well done everyone,” Ana said “Namaste.”

Ana had a large smile on her face and her pussy glistened.

Toni leaned over to Lee.

“Did she just come?”

“I did, how about you,” she replied dreamily

“No, but I understand what happened to you now.”

“Well, you better get home and get some attention to that horny pussy of yours, want me to book us in for tomorrow?”

“Jon flies out tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll have to sort something out, now go and finish,” Lee smiled slyly

Toni jumped to her feet, rolled up her mat, bowed, said Namaste to Ana, and raced out to head home.

Lee stood up and took her yoga pants off.

“Sorry I didn’t want to be the only one with clothes on,” she said as Ana came over and kissed her passionately.

Jon had followed Toni’s instructions to the letter and was lying in bed, freshly shaved face and cock hard. He’d watched the video she’d sent a few times and couldn’t wait to see her in person.

A text came through from Toni:

I want you to lick my wet pussy as soon as I walk in the door. No talk, just lick.

He heard the garage door go up and then down again before Toni burst into the bedroom, already naked, he thought about asking how or what but he remembered the instructions. She saw that as he was already on the bed the quickest way to orgasm was to sit on his face. She kept moving quickly and almost jumped onto the bed and crouched above his face before dropping right onto it. His tongue quickly found her clit and her back arched as she started to come.

The relief was tangible as she hit peak after peak. As the first massive wave passed she moved off his face and down to his cock sliding her wet pussy right onto it.

Jon groaned loudly as she pumped up and down quickly.

“Fuck me hard,” she told him

“I’m going to blow,” he replied.

“Go on.”

She was hoping he’d last a bit longer but her next orgasm was already arriving quicker than she thought and she let out a scream just as his face told her he had shot his biggest load in weeks.

Later as they lay together talking Toni said:

“I’m heading to yoga again after I drop you at the airport.”

“Will you be this horny after Yoga tomorrow?”


“Well, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to bring Lee home and fuck her just like I fucked you.”

Published 2 years ago

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