Holly sat back on the expansive sectional and looked out through the windows of the airport lounge to the busy tarmac below, and the low ridge of sun-dappled hills beyond. The soft light of dusk bathed the horizon in a soft mauve glow. She sipped her wine and watched the jets take off, land, and taxi to their gates, and thought back to her call with her friend Gabriella a month prior …
It had been almost a year since she had spoken to her friend, someone she’d known since her university days. But despite the gaps in communication and the fact that they hadn’t seen much of each other since Holly had moved west five years earlier, they remained close. They were the kind of lifelong friends that, though a year may pass without contact, when together again, in a matter of minutes they felt like they had never been apart.
Spring had just passed into Summer when Gabriella had called, and Holly was glad to hear from her. Much of their conversation revolved around her son, Luca, who at the young age of twenty-four was experiencing the heartbreak of the end of his first serious relationship. He was feeling both a little fragile and wanting desperately to hit the reset button and start anew — the natural urge of a young man wanting to reinvent himself and expand his horizons.
Gabriella confided to her friend that her son had taken being dumped by his girlfriend rather hard, and that she was worried about him. Despite having just graduated from massage therapy school, having earned his professional license, he seemed melancholy and without direction. She also mentioned that he was desperate for a change of scenery. It was then that Holly offered to let Luca come and stay with her on the west coast, to give mother and son a much-needed break from each other and provide Luca with the chance of a new perspective. She told Gabriella that he could do some potentially productive self-reflection.
Her friend was genuinely touched by the offer, but was reluctant to accept, thinking it too much of a burden on Holly. Holly assured her that it wouldn’t be. Holly’s prolonged separation from her husband showed no signs of abating or resolving itself, and the large oceanfront property she had occupied by herself for over a year felt increasingly empty. Another occupant would be welcome, she assured her. Holly remembered Luca as a sweet and gentle boy. He could stay a month if he liked, she had plenty of room.
Ironically, it had been married life and the hope of a family that had brought Holly to the west coast. At the time, she’d needed convincing to uproot herself. And though her husband was a very wealthy man, and a decent father to her own son, their marriage had been little more than a facade for several years before finally ending in separation the year before. Her son Matt was spending the Summer in Europe with friends, attending university in the east during the school year. A career art dealer, her husband had always travelled extensively for work, often leaving Holly alone for months at a time. She was a tactile, affectionate, and sensual woman. Affection and sex were like oxygen to her, and years of physical and emotional isolation from her largely absentee husband had taken their toll.
As a visual arts instructor at the nearby university, sessional teaching kept her engaged at least part of the year. But Summer was approaching, and though as an artist in her own right she had her painting to occupy much of her free time, she had seized on her friend’s plight with genuine enthusiasm. Though not a social butterfly by any means, she dreaded another Summer alone in a big empty house.
Such was the size of Holly’s property that Gabriella’s son would have his own corner of the house, even access to a car if he wished. As housemates, they could see as much or as little of each other as they wanted.
In the airport lounge, an oasis of calm in the otherwise busy airport, Holly looked up from her seat and scanned the arrival information on the screen above her head. Her guest’s flight had arrived. She finished her glass of wine and made her way to the arrivals gate.
Holly spotted Luca emerging from the line of passengers and smiled brightly. She realized immediately that she could no longer refer to him as a ‘boy’. In the years since she had seen him last, he had developed into a very good-looking young man — slim, with dark locks like his Italian father, and a warm smile. Holly’s convertible Porsche was close by, and with Luca’s bag stowed, they were quickly on their way.
They chatted amicably on their drive home, getting re-acquainted with stories of when he was a boy and they all lived back east. Holly could see that Luca was still the same charmingly sweet and gentle person she had known in the past. To her great relief, he was a delight to talk to, as some young men his age can be brutally taciturn. And though he seemed somewhat innocent, he exuded a kind of quiet confidence and a level of maturity, even a nascent sexiness, beyond his years. He was definitely a looker and guessed him to have broken more than a few hearts of his own.
As they drove along the ocean highway with the top down, edging ridges of low cliffs and expansive, sandy beaches below, a sudden gust of wind pushed the hem of Holly’s skirt up above the top bands of her silk stockings, momentarily exposing the gusset of her lacy black panties.
She quickly pushed her skirt back down, but as she turned to say something to Luca, she noticed that he was staring at her exposed thighs and the lacy delta between her legs. Embarrassed, she pretended not to notice, though in truth she found it cute. Now in her mid-forties, Holly had worked hard to maintain her looks and figure. As a younger woman, she had once entertained ambitions of a modeling career. But standing just 5’4”, and being extremely busty, she realized early on that, although attractive, modeling jobs would likely be few and far between.
Since marrying her husband, and perhaps in lieu of the kind of physical and emotional closeness she craved, Holly had compensated by indulging herself in the classic vices of the ‘kept’ woman; namely, all manner of indulgences in the pursuit of maintaining the body beautiful — private fitness trainer, manicures, pedicures, mud baths, massages, etc. Her second home was a women’s only social club and spa, complete with a gym, fully-appointed spa, restaurant, lounge, and studio spaces for yoga, dance classes, etc. She was a toned and very well-preserved forty-five-year-old woman.
Being so top-heavy, she had always been fanatical about wearing a bra, even to bed, and consequently, her large breasts remained firm and buoyant despite their size. She had hips, to be sure, and her fecund behind, though decidedly fleshy, undulated in a way that was still wildly captivating to the male gaze. Sex with her husband, even when they did make love on a regular basis had always been – truth be told – a little routine and far too infrequent for her not insubstantial sexual appetite. So perhaps it was the prolonged period of involuntary abstinence that had caused her heart to go slightly pitter-patter in reaction to young Luca’s appreciative eyes.
Driving past the black iron gates and up the narrow, winding lane, Holly’s handsome young charge was amazed at the size of her house as they pulled up to the front entranceway. Sleek and expansive, the property sat perched atop a cliff overlooking the Pacific and a private stretch of sandy beach. The house itself was an angular modernist structure, with light greys walls and clean lines, accented by lush green fauna. Tall, rectangular panes of glass made the inside feel perpetually airy and bright. She showed Luca to his room and toured him about the house. As it was getting late by that time, she bid him goodnight, welcoming him to her home and reaffirming her pledge that he was welcome to stay as long as he liked. He thanked her with such touching sweetness that she couldn’t resist planting a kiss on his blushing cheek.
The next morning, Holly woke and readied herself for a day at her club, donning a pair of pink yoga pants and a sports bra top. The house was quiet. Assuming Luca was still sleeping, she sent him a text to let him know where she would be, in case he needed her, then called a girlfriend to arrange to meet for a workout and a yoga class. She grabbed her laptop and a change of clothes and left.
Later that morning, after her class and a dip in the jacuzzi, she and her friend Lisa sat together in the lounge area chatting over coffee. Although they only really ever spent time together at the club, the two of them were fairly close, and Holly took delight in her friend’s candour and cheeky irreverence. They had fun together. From Lisa’s perspective, it was high time Holly admitted to herself that her marriage was over and put herself out there to find love again.
“You’re way too attractive inside and out not be with someone special,” said Lisa, adding with a cheeky grin, “If not true love, then at least a little pleasant male companionship now and then. Be honest, when was the last time you had sex?”
“Um, a very long time ago … I’m so horny,” replied Holly, covering her mouth with her hand while the two of them dissolved into giggles.
“I bet you are! Here, give me your laptop,” said Lisa. “You’re going to do this, and don’t you dare turn your nose up at online dating.” Holly groaned. “Hush. Face it, it’s the new way. Besides, I know a good site — older professionals, forty and over.”
While Holly sat there slightly bemused, her friend signed onto the site and proceeded to craft a profile on her behalf. When she was satisfied, the two of them chose some pics from Holly’s hard drive. Goaded on by her determined friend, Holly took out her credit card, officially ‘casting her net’ with a paid membership.
“There,” said Lisa. “Done. I’m proud of you.”
The two of them scanned the profiles for a bit, rating this one and that one, then finished their coffee and conversation.
Holly arrived back at her place around dinner time and was touched and surprised to find Luca in the kitchen making a pasta dinner for the two of them. “I hope you don’t mind?” he asked.
“Mind? That’s so sweet of you,” she said, smiling brightly.
Later, they sat together at the dining room table – something she hadn’t done in months – and with a lovely Summer breeze wafting in through the open French doors, Holly revelled in the pleasant and cozy domesticity of it all. The two of them engaged in a lovely and leisurely conversation over dinner and wine, relating how they’d spent their day. Holly admitted, a little sheepishly, to having entered the world of online dating that afternoon. Luca enquired about the name of the site. He hadn’t heard of it, and Holly wasn’t surprised given his age and the site’s demographic.
Though it was just his first day, she was conscious of the fact that the young man probably felt a little isolated and suggested they spend the next day together doing something fun, he could choose. Luca thought about it then smiled a little bashfully. “What about Disneyland?” he asked.
“Of course!” Holly replied, somewhat surprised but with genuine enthusiasm. “That sounds like fun. Why don’t we spend part of the day at Disneyland and the late afternoon at the beach?”
The next day, they made a relatively early start of it and arrived at Disneyland before the crowds were too big. Luca looked fetching in a polo shirt and shorts, and Holly wore a pair of form-fitting leggings and a stretchy top that did little to obscure her formidable bust and hourglass figure. For Holly, it was a welcome and unexpected change of pace, and for several fun-filled hours, the two of them happily channeled their inner child, dashing from one attraction to another. At one point, Luca presented Holly with a set of Minnie Mouse ears and got her to pose for a pic.
Holly took genuine delight in her young guest’s company. There was something so effortless and agreeable about their personalities, a real compatibility. They were like two excited children sharing an adventure and seeing everything for the first time. Walking through the resort, and being a ‘touchy’ woman by nature, Holly unconsciously slipped her hand under Luca’s arm, smiling and laughing as they debriefed at the end of every water slide or roller coaster. She loved that he wasn’t too cool to be silly and indulge her on kiddy rides like Dumbo the Flying Elephant and Alice of Wonderland. She felt like a little girl again, and they shared a magical moment together that day — a perfect way for two new housemates, two budding friends, to get to know one another in a fun and special way.
They finished that idyllic day at the beach near her home. They both used the public change rooms to change into their swimsuits – a pair of surfer trunks for Luca and a rather sexy bikini for Holly. Holly noted the young man’s slim, toned physique, just as Holly’s curvy figure did not go unnoticed by Luca. After a dip in the ocean and a little leisurely time under the sun, they explored a bit of a rocky area, Luca recording a moment of Holly sitting on some rocks with his iPhone. Walking together over the rocks, Holly reached out and took Luca’s hand. “I had such a wonderful day,” she enthused.
“Me, too,” said Luca.
Within a week, they had both settled into a happy state of cohabitation. Indeed, it would not be an overstatement to say that they became fast friends, and Luca proved to be wonderful company, something she really hadn’t anticipated, but welcomed, given her prolonged period of solitude that year. They rarely ever talked about his broken heart, but Holly sensed that it was never very far from his thoughts. He had free access to the Porsche, and while Holly often spent the day at her club, or painting in her studio at the back of her property, Luca would often go for walks or drives on his own. He loved the open ocean road and the feeling of freedom he got driving with the top down, the sea breeze blowing in his hair.
One afternoon, Holly was sitting on a back deck reading a book. Luca appeared and the two started chatting about nothing in particular. The young man spotted the title of the romance novel she was reading. “She’s a fun author, isn’t she?” he observed. Holly was surprised that someone his age, let alone a male, had ever heard of her.
“You know her?? Have you read any of her books?”
“I have,” answered Luda, smiling. “Well only one so far – there are several in the bookcase in my room.”
“Ah, I see,” she said. “And? Did you like it?”
“I did,” he answered. “I loved the way she developed the characters, and how she avoided clichés with how the romance developed,” adding with a grin, “The sex was pretty hot, too.”
Holly was flabbergasted, and the two of them chatted about the particular book in the series he’d read, opining on the various characters and all the bodice-ripping fun, even the sex. She was struck by how much the book had appealed to him on an emotional level and wondered whether his recent heartbreak had made him more sensitive to that. Either way, his sense of romance seemed rare for such a young man.
Back at her club later that week, Holly was feeling a little battered from her spin class and approached the spa’s reception area to enquire about one of their outdoor massages. The massages were always pure bliss. Cynthia, the spa manager, was behind the desk that day, and Holly asked whether her usual masseuse was on duty. Much to her disappointment, Cynthia explained that her usual masseuse no longer worked there. Though disappointed, a light went on in her head, and she asked whether they were hiring.
“We are, actually,” said Cynthia. “Why, are you thinking of yourself?”
“No,” she replied. “But I have someone in mind.” Holly quickly sent Luca a text with Cynthia’s contact information, letting him know she would be expecting his CV …
As the days passed, the two of them spent more and more time together, and Holly felt a deepening kinship with her young house guest. They would go for long walks along the beach at dusk, sharing their thoughts, even chasing each other at one point like two playful teens.
It was around that time that a new distraction appeared, albeit online, to compete for her attention. Her online dating profile had received a hit, one that was intriguing. Her suitor’s profile showed a distinguished-looking man in his early fifties. He looked attractive in his pics, with sexy salt-and-pepper hair and an engaging smile. His profile was well-written and thoughtful. Holly took the plunge and responded to his initial introduction.
A rapid back-and-forth correspondence ensued, and Holly found her would-be suitor more and more interesting with each passing missive. His name, at least his online one, was Ben. He was an executive, divorced, with two adult children, and lived relatively close by. By week’s end, Holly definitely considered Ben date-worthy, and the two of them began toying with the idea of actually meeting for a dinner date. In their notes to each other, Holly found it uncanny how the two of them seemed in sync. They shared the same views on dating at this stage in their lives, on love, even on intimacy and sex. That said, Ben’s comments were always tactful and sensitive, never inappropriate. She started to get excited at the thought of meeting someone interesting and new.
That week, Luca also received the exciting news that he’d landed the masseur job at Holly’s club. A true triumph, since the vast majority of club staff, were women.
He had been looking on his own but had had no luck. The opportunity at the club was ideal – casual hours that would allow him to test the waters of his new career, without the pressure of a full-time commitment. He was incredibly grateful to Holly, and in gratitude, once again demonstrated his culinary talents by cooking dinner for her that night – this time an elaborate paella.
A huge bouquet of flowers – irises, red and yellow roses – artfully placed in a tall vase sat in the center of the dining room table as they sat down together for dinner, another token of Luca’s gratitude. Holly was greatly touched and gave him a warm hug and an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
Holly was wildly impressed with Luca’s finished creation, with all its tastes and aromas, its seafood and chorizo and saffron. They discussed his new job over dinner and glasses of fruity sangria.
As she lay in bed later that night, and despite the nascent excitement regarding “Ben”, Holly thought about her evolving — and slightly awkward — feelings for Luca, which had become somewhat complicated. Despite being twice his age, the two had formed a special and unique friendship. Or was it more than that? Despite trying to banish conflicting thoughts from her mind and heart, they persisted. She adored the young man’s company. Truth be told, she also found him very attractive. What was this she felt when her thoughts turned to Luca? A yearning in her heart? She found him so sweet and utterly adorable, but what was it? Maternal? Though she was loath to admit it, it was more than that, and there had been those undeniably sexual daydreams lately. From her bed, she thought of Luca on the other side of the house, likely in bed as well. She took a selfie with her phone and sent it to him with the caption, “This is me wishing my buddy sweet dreams”.
Days passed and the bond between the two of them became ever closer. Their texts and playful selfies sent to each other during the day became more and more frequent. What was more, Holly’s pics became increasingly provocative – in form-fitting yoga outfits or in a daring bikini poolside at the club. She saved the pics Luca sent her, lingering over his beautiful smile and captivating eyes. She wondered whether he reciprocated in kind with the pics she sent to him, sometimes cringing at the thought that pics from his mother’s friend, a woman twice his age, might be less than titillating.
Their days as housemates soon followed a pattern, and a favourite moment in Holly’s day was their nightly chats curled up on the living room sofa before bed, music, and wine often adding to the cozy intimacy of their chats.
Sitting together on the sofa one evening, their conversation turned to romance and sex. Holly wore only a long t-shirt and thong panties. With her legs curled up, young Luca was afforded a protracted view of the cleft of her curvy behind. At one point, she revealed the existence of “Ben” and Holly was secretly disappointed when Luca was less than nonplussed, taking the news rather matter-of-factly.
After consciously avoiding the subject since they’d met, Holly broached the matter of his broken heart. Luca’s expression took on a perceptible sadness, his shoulders sagging ever so slightly, and she immediately regretted her decision.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry,” she said, reaching out to touch his hand, clearly moved by his melancholy. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“No, it’s okay. Honestly, I’m over it. It’s just that… she couldn’t… we never…” he replied before his voice trailed off.
With Holly’s gentle encouragement, Luca recounted their brief courtship. They talked about how they’d met, how deeply he’d fallen for her at the time, a few special moments of young romantic love, and their eventual parting. Luca’s sweet tone, the way he described the girl so adoringly, and his reminiscences of their time together, forced Holly to suppress a sigh.
“At your age, it can get pretty intense,” said Holly, gauging his response. “And sexual intimacy only makes those emotions that much more intense.”
“That’s just it. We never… ” said Luca, his voice once again trailing off.
“Oh, I see,” she replied, gently squeezing his hand. They sat together without speaking for several moments before Luca cleared his throat.
“Actually, I’ve never… I mean I’ve never… been intimate… with a girl,” he added, biting his upper lip in obvious embarrassment. Holly was shocked. Luca was so sweet and so handsome, so sensual in the way he spoke and carried himself, it never occurred to her that he might still be a virgin. Overcome with a maternal impulse, she drew him to her, his head resting atop her heavy bosom.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” she said consolingly. “When the time is right, it will happen. Believe me, by the time you finally figure out your appeal to the opposite sex, there’s going to be a queue of lovely young ladies eager to get inside your pants.” She kissed the top of his head, staring ahead and lamenting the fact that she wasn’t twenty years younger.
For Holly, that weekend was a blend of retail therapy on Saturday, with Sunday set aside for chores. Her online suitor “Ben” had taken the next step and invited her out to dinner the following Saturday night which, unbeknownst to him, was her birthday. Perhaps owing to a hint of romance in the air, Holly had splurged at her favourite lingerie boutique on the Saturday, purchasing several bras and panties.
The back-and-forth notes she shared with Ben had become increasingly intriguing, even exciting. They shared the same tastes in music, books, movies, and travel destinations. From his pics, it was clear that he was a sharp dresser and had a style that she found very attractive. She was looking forward to their date with genuine enthusiasm.
On Sunday, among other mundane chores, she caught up on a backlog of laundry. She’d hung her delicates – mostly bras and panties – on a makeshift clothesline off the main deck. The Summer sun dried them quickly and she was soon back to take them off the line before the sun had a chance to fade their lush colours.
Luca had been a sweetheart — an eager man about the house – vacuuming and washing the Porsche’s exterior. He came by when Holly was retrieving her undergarments and eagerly offered to help. She couldn’t help but grin at the sight of the young man dutifully doing his best to fold her sexy underthings and neatly place them into a basket.
While she removed some silk stockings from the line, Holly noticed Luca try to surreptitiously peek at the label of one of her bras.
“Size 32GG,” she said with a cheeky grin. Luca blushed crimson and Holly giggled. “Sorry, I love teasing you.”
Remembering all her new lingerie, she was struck with a naughty impulse. The way Luca looked at her made her feel sexy again, and despite the looks and attention she elicited from men in general, it was a kind of special excitement she hadn’t felt in a genuine sense in a long time.
“You seem to have an appreciation for nice lingerie,” she said. “You’re probably going to want to spoil your future girlfriend with gifts of sexy lingerie at some point, and you should know what women like. Can I model some of the things I bought today for you?” Luca looked a little dumbfounded.
“Of course,” he answered meekly. Holly took him by the hand and led him inside.
“Have a seat in the living room, sweetheart – let me change and I’ll be right back.”
A short while later, Holly returned wrapped in the same low cut, burgundy-coloured robe, drawstring tied at the waist. She smiled at Luca as he sat patiently on the living room sofa, looking adorable.
“Set number one,” she said, before untying the drawstring of her flimsy robe to reveal her lush, lingerie-clad figure. Holly’s young spectator swallowed hard, clearly impressed. She wore a matching bra and thong panty set and thigh high stockings. The pretty patterned bra highlighted the size of her heavy bust, the brief panties rode high on her wide hips, emphasizing an impressive waist-to-hip ratio, and the bands of the semi-sheer stockings snuggly gripped her fleshy thighs. She turned playfully, letting her robe drop enough to reveal her curvy, voluptuous derriere to her young housemate.
“What do you think?” she asked hopefully, her large breasts undulating heavily as she twirled around for his appraisal. Luca looked slightly gobsmacked and seemed to be trying desperately to avoid staring too long at her scantily-clad body. Happily, for her, and with a little gentle coaxing, his red-blooded voyeuristic impulses soon exceeded his bashfulness and he proceeded to ‘check her out’ rather thoroughly. She had to admit that she enjoyed toying with his healthy young libido.
“You look amazing,” he replied, charmingly earnest. Holly beamed. She was definitely enjoying this.
“Okay, remember this set and tell me if you like the next one better or not as much,” she said, heading back in the direction of her master bedroom.
She returned again moments later and once again pulled open her robe, this time tossing it on one of the leather Barcelona chairs.
“Well?” she asked. Luca feast his eyes once again upon Holly’s plush figure, this time clad in a pretty mauve-coloured set that featured even briefer thong panties. The high cut thong waistband was no more than an inch-wide band of silk. The thin lacy fabric at the front was semi-sheer, her small patch of trimmed pubic hair faintly visible through the purple patterned lace.
“Wow,” he enthused.
“Do you like this set better?” she asked.
“Yes, I do,” he answered, still slightly dumbstruck. “You look so … beautiful.”
A big girlish smile lit up Holly’s face. “You’re so sweet.”
The modelling continued. The next set, a semi-sheer bra and panty combination was even more daring than the first two – her large areola clearly visible through the thin, stretchy fabric of the bra.
The final set featured a sexy leopard print, and with these, she wore a pair of luxurious black silk stockings.
Holly smiled at Luca as she turned and displayed her naked and fecund bottom to him, before kneeling on a chair, raising one knee, and offering him a playful pose. From his vantage point, he could make out the puffy-looking feminine bulge in the gusset of her panties.
“I love lingerie,” she observed. “Some women really don’t and complain about having to wear it. I’ve never understood that – it makes me feel so feminine and sexy,” adding with a naughty wink, “Besides, if a girl’s lucky, she never has to wear it for long.” Luca smiled, and Holly thanked him for being such a good sport before heading back to her room to change.
Luca made sure she was gone before standing, grateful and relieved that he hadn’t been forced to embarrass himself. Had Holly been around to observe, it would have been impossible for her not to notice the truest indication of the young man’s appreciation of her parade of lingerie – the outline of an immense, semi-aroused penis extending down and across his pant leg. The size of it would have doubtless inspired a look of wide-eyed disbelief.
Later that evening, Holly was standing in the living room sipping a glass of wine, staring at the waves and feeling unusually melancholy. The audio system that pumped music throughout the main areas of the house was playing Bryan Ferry’s “Slave to Love” — a sentimental favorite of hers from when she and her husband had been happy. As she stood there listening, she felt her eyes well up. Looking up into the window’s reflection, she noticed that Luca was standing at the foot of the stairs, watching her. She turned to face him.
“Are you alright?” he asked sweetly, noticing her teary eyes.
She assured him that she was, explaining the poignance and significance of the song. Then, seizing a sudden impulse, she set her wine glass down and extended her hand to him.
“Come and dance with me?” she asked. Without uttering a word, he approached, took her hand and put his arms around her waist. She pressed her body against his and rested her head against his chest, savouring the feeling of being held again, and the scent of his cologne.
“You seem so sad tonight, Mrs. Prentice,” he said timidly. She looked up into his expressive eyes.
“Please call me Holly,” she said. “Mrs. Prentice sounds so old.”
She wore a tight, low-cut black dress that hugged her figure and exposed a great deal of cleavage. She noticed that Luca was doing his best to be tactful and not stare at her breasts, albeit unsuccessfully. She also felt a swelling in the front of his pants as she stood pressed against him. It felt warm, and very large. Believing that she might be the cause of his arousal elicited a pang of excitement. She wanted to say, “Sweetie, is that because of me?”, but she didn’t dare, and her next thought was one of self-reproach – she was still a married woman, lusting after the son of her closest friend, a young man her half her age.
They danced slowly and close until the song ended. She looked up at him and smiled, her eyes soft, her lids heavy. The young man was too inexperienced to know what it meant when a woman looked at a man that way. If he had, he might have blushed even deeper.
From her bed that night, Holly’s thoughts once again turned to Luca on the other side of the house. She sent him another selfie with the caption, “This is me thanking my sexy buddy for a lovely dance and wishing him sweet dreams”.
Holly lay on her bed that night, restless, her thoughts returning to Luca and their sensual dance together. It was wrong, she knew, but thoughts were just thoughts she told herself. It had felt heavenly to be held, to be pressed against him, savouring his masculine scent, the intensity of his gaze, the warmth of his groin pressed against her hip.
It had been so long since she’d had a man in her bed, felt his hard sex inside her. Her sexual imagination began to foment. She’d suppressed a desperate urge to kiss Luca while they danced, to explore his mouth with her warm wet tongue. Immersed in her secret fantasy, Holly parted her thighs, her soft fingers slipping inside the front of her lacy panties, gently exploring the moist folds of her pussy. She imagined she and her handsome young housemate intertwined together on her bed, their warm naked flesh pressed together, her small hand gently gripping his hard, young erection, softly cooing in his ear.
She emitted a series of soft sighs as her fingers kneaded her swollen clitoris, her feminine wetness trickling down between the cleft of her bottom. She imagined him whispering in her ear as he entered her most private of places, gently at first, then more forcefully. She arched her back, swooning as she brought herself to a body-tensing crescendo, leaving a damp spot on her silk bedsheets, a remnant of her self-pleasure.
Two nights later, Holly awoke to the unfamiliar sound of a woman’s voice emanating from somewhere down the lengthy hall from her closed bedroom door. She checked her clock – it was after midnight. She listened intently for some time before the sound of the voice dissipated. Curious, she slipped a short robe over her bra and panties, opened her bedroom door, checking to make sure no one was in the hallway, then tippy-toed her way towards the living room. As she silently made her way through the darkness and quiet of the still house, she once again heard a feminine voice. It was clearly coming from Luca’s bedroom.
The sound of a female voice coming from within Luca’s bedroom prompted an unwelcome pang of jealousy in her. He hadn’t mentioned anything about having met someone — she had assumed he was still lamenting the breakup with his last girlfriend.
Despite the unsettling intensity of her emotional reaction, she angled in, her ear almost pressing against the door, grateful for the carpeted floor that allowed her to pry without detection. The sound of conversation had stopped. Holly had just turned to make her way back to her bedroom to brood and sulk, when she suddenly heard the woman’s voice cry out.
“Holy fuck! Stop, you’re hurting me!”
Holly was shocked. The woman sounded like she was in genuine distress and pain. She leaned in once more, concerned, not knowing quite what to do. She was frantically formulating her next step when she heard the woman’s voice again, only this time it was soft, relaxed, distinctly amorous.
“Mmmm, you’re such an amazing kisser,” said the voice, prompting another sting of feminine jealousy in Holly. She returned to her room to stew in her own thoughts. Why did she feel so … hurt? She tossed and turned and wrestled with her emotions, trying to focus her thoughts on her pending date with Ben, before finally falling asleep.
Holly spent most of the next day leading a still life drawing class in her studio with her usual group of students, a mix of younger and mature students, mostly women, many of whom were accomplished artists in their own right. But that evening she confronted Luca in his bedroom about the night before, deluding herself that her anger was due to him having brought someone to her home without prior permission. In her heart, she knew that was not the source of her feelings. Still, she was a little troubled at the woman’s comment about him hurting her that night.
“I appreciate that you’re an adult and have the right to see whomever you want, but I’m just really disappointed in you, and I’m disappointed that you didn’t think to ask me first,” she said in a tone that was both angry and disappointed. Luca clearly felt bad for having upset her, and his sincere apologies and puppy-dog eyes began to soften her heart, though she was not quite done.
“Young man, I ask that the next time you want to bring a woman to my home, to get in her panties, that you at least have the courtesy to let me know in advance.” Luca offered another heartfelt apology, obviously feeling genuine remorse for having let her down. A moment passed while the two of them paused in silence, Luca sitting on the edge of his bed, looking rather sheepish.
“I suppose the two of you had sex,” she asked sternly, feigning anger to hide her hurt. To her genuine surprise, Luca said that they hadn’t, and she could tell he was being truthful. He appeared sincerely glum about it. She decided to leave it there, recalling their conversation from before and the embarrassment he felt about his virginity. Before leaving his room, Holly playfully tapped his nose with her index finger. “You’re lucky I think you’re totally adorable,” she said.
Later that week, Holly was back at her club, sitting on the edge of the pool in a skimpy black bikini, lost in a daydream, her legs swishing the pristine water.
“Ms. Prentice?” she heard someone say behind her. She turned – it was the aesthetician from the spa, the same pretty young woman who had done her bikini wax earlier. “Just letting you know that your masseur is set up and ready for your two o’clock.”
Holly heard the word “masseur” and pursed her lips, suppressing a smirk. Just as she had secretly hoped – there was only one male on staff at the spa, her sweet and handsome young Luca.
Holly grabbed her towel and followed the young woman through the spa’s side entrance, past reception, out onto the private outdoor area, each unit separated by portable screens for privacy for those clients wishing to enjoy their massage in the nude. The woman had Holly sit on the edge of the massage table. “Luca will be right with you,” she said.
Luca stepped into her area a few moments later and the two of them, both beaming from ear to ear, started to giggle.
“Oh my,” smiled Holly, “a hot young masseur – I’m really going to enjoy this.” Luca laughed, his cheeks turning crimson. “Oh my god, you’re blushing,” she added, clearly enjoying the reaction she’d provoked. She also enjoyed how he appeared to be finding it difficult to avoid staring at her body, resplendent in her very brief bikini.
They engaged in a brief bit of playful banter, acknowledging the awkwardness of the situation which, unbeknownst to Luca, she privately relished. Without wanting to sound motherly, she asked him how the job was going and how well he was fitting in with the other staff. Eventually, Luca brought them back to the matter at hand, namely her massage as a paying client. Holly found his ‘professional, all business’ demeanour incredibly cute.
He had her lay down on her front, and without being prompted, Holly removed her bikini top. She took a deep breath, put her head down, and closed her eyes, a small smile forming at the corners of her mouth as Luca drew lines of warm oil across her tanned legs.
Holly let out a soft sigh as he began kneading her calves and the back of her thighs. She let out another when his strong fingers began to work her back and the back of her neck. The tension began to evaporate from her body with his strong, firm touch. As his hands moved along the sides of her back, carefully avoiding the exposed flesh of her large breasts, she also felt unmistakable feelings of arousal. Fixated on his work, Luca carried on in silence for some time.
“Am I doing okay?” he finally asked.
“Mmmmm, yes,” she sighed by way of a reply. “Your hands are amazing, sweetie.”
“Any particular areas that are sore or you want me to focus on?” asked Luca. Once again, Holly was inspired to try to make the young man blush.
“Actually, spin classes always make my bum and adductor muscles high up in my inner thighs really sore,” she replied. “My feet, too. Also, in the past, I’ve always been nude for my massages.”
“Oh, really?” stammered Luca. “Shh… should I drape you in a towel?”
“Don’t be silly,” she said, opening her eyes and looking up at him with a mischievous smile. “You’re not embarrassed, are you? As a handsome young male, and the only masseur on staff at a women’s only spa, you should probably get used to seeing older women in the nude. Besides, I’m old enough to be your mother.” He assured her that he wasn’t uncomfortable with it if she wasn’t, though the slight tremor in his voice indicated that might not be entirely so.
“Oh, and I love a lot of oil,” added Holly.
“Oh, okay,” he answered politely, eager to please. “Then I should probably cover the table with a sheet.” Luca turned to grab a fitted sheet from the supply stand next to the massage table, facing away from her. “I’ll just give you a bit of privacy.” Holly smiled and suppressed a giggle.
“Thank you, sweetie, but I’m fine. You go ahead and do what you need to do.” She stripped off her bikini and stood smiling at Luca, cupping her breasts with her arms and waiting patiently while he put down the sheet.
“Ready for me now?” she asked.
“Yes, all set,” he replied, averting his eyes, a smile still fixed on Holly’s lips.
She resumed her face down position on the massage table, while Luca poured oil on her calves and began working her slick flesh. He gently brought one knee towards him, bending her leg at the knee, massaging her foot and toes. Angling her knee towards him cause her thighs to part, exposing her labial lips from behind. With her eyes closed, Holly could feel the young man’s gaze on her now visible feminine cleft. Though she was genuinely enjoying Luca’s talents as a masseur, it also felt exhilarating to think that he might be enjoying the opportunity to gaze upon her naked body.
“If it’s okay, I’m going to start working on your glutes,” said Luca.
“Mmm, please do,” she replied. He poured a liberal amount of oil across her fleshy buttocks. Holly felt the overflow of warm, silky liquid trickle down between the cleft of her behind and over her labial lips.
“Sorry,” said Luca.
“Don’t be, sweetie,” answered Holly. “And please don’t be shy or uncomfortable about this, okay? I treasure and adore you as my buddy, so I don’t want this to be awkward. This is your job. And you’re an amazing masseur, sweetie. The truth is my adductors are really sore, so it would be lovely if you could really get in there to work some delicate spots and not feel awkward about it. Promise I won’t tell your mom,” she giggled.
“I’m totally okay with this Mrs … I mean, Holly,” said Luca. “I really want this to be an enjoyable experience for you.”
Luca began kneading her curvy, womanly behind. Holly gently spread her thighs apart, hoping the young man would take the hint, which he did, though not right away. After eliciting a number of soft sighs from Holly – the feeling of his strong hands gripping her behind felt heavenly — Luca’s fingers began to move downward, ever closer to the area where the inner thigh meets the groin.
“That’s it, love, but a little higher,” whispered Holly. She moaned when his fingers drew within a millimetre of her labial lips. His fingers lingered there, pressing firmly but gently against the soft flesh of her upper thighs. Were it not for the copious amount of warm oil between her legs, her own feminine wetness would have been conspicuously obvious. The delicate pink flesh of her pussy began to positively drip as her young friend massaged the area on either side of her tender maidenhead. With delicious visions of her handsome masseur suddenly inserting a finger, pressing his wet tongue to her pussy lips, or better still taking her forcefully from behind filling her head, when his thumb came close to pressing against her bum hole, she feared she might cum all over his fingers.
Just when she thought her state of arousal might cause her to lose control, Luca began to concentrate on her lower back and hips. When he gently turned her slightly to the side, his hand slipped on the oil, causing his fingers to accidentally grip her voluptuous breast.
“I’m really sorry,” he said anxiously.
“Please, don’t be,” she sighed. Perhaps unnoticed by him, Holly’s areolae were by then quite swollen and puffy.
When their session together was over, Holly opened her eyes and took in a deep breath. Intending to finish with a long, luxurious shower, she wrapped herself in a big towel and grabbed her bikini. Signing over a rather large tip to Luca, she planted an affectionate kiss on his cheek and wished him a lovely day. “You’re going to make a lot of members very happy with massages like that,” said Holly before making her way to the showers.
In the large shower area, Holly ran into Lisa, who was still sweaty from her tennis game. Holly was still in the throes of a heady buzz that was one-part complete muscle relaxation and one-part sexual arousal. As they often did, they both undressed and stepped under the showerheads together to rinse off and engage in a little girl talk.
When Holly asked Lisa what was new, the expression on the latter’s face immediately flagged for the former that she might have some fun gossip to share.
“What??” smiled Holly inquisitively. “Tell me.” The idea that women never share the intimate details of their sex lives had certainly never been the reality with Holly and Lisa. Quite the opposite, and having had no sex life of her own for quite some time, Holly enjoyed living vicariously through her more sexually active girlfriend.
“Met a guy earlier this week. Way too young for me, but against my better judgment … I went home with him the same night we met,” confessed Lisa.
“And??” probed Holly.
“Before you call me a tramp, let me just say that he was both incredibly sweet and incredibly hot, and we clicked right away, so sue me for wanting to get into his pants,” Lisa continued.
“Yeah, uh huh, aaaaand? Laughed Holly.
“Sometimes your boobs just look really big, and sometimes they look huge. Today they look huge,” said Lisa. “I could totally change teams for you.”
“Don’t change the subject,” said Holly with a knowing smirk.
“He took me back to his place, which was amazing. It had to be his parent’s place — which made me feel awkward from the start – but he seemed to have the place to himself, and I was afraid to ask.”
“Aaaand?” said Holly, undeterred, before Lisa continued to relate the events of that evening.
“Then he took me to his bedroom, and we started to make out, and whoa, was he a good kisser. Seriously. I was so wet just from the kissing. When I indicated that I really needed him to fuck me right then and there he got all shy on me all of a sudden. I’d already stripped down to my bra and panties, but he seemed to be getting all nervous. By then I was like, I’m not leaving until you fuck my brains out, so, I proceeded to go full cougar and sat him down on the edge of the bed and took it out… ” she said before pausing.
“Aaaand?” prompted Holly yet again, this time more impatiently.
“He had the biggest dick I’ve ever seen in my life,” said Lisa, inspiring a girlish shriek from Holly.
“No, I’m not kidding,” she continued. “The size of this young man’s cock would make you cross your legs. It was like trying to wrap my fingers around a Pringles can. Obviously, I wasn’t the first female to freak out when they saw how big he was. I got the distinct impression he was still a virgin.”
Just then, a light when on in Holly’s head and her expression turned slightly quizzical. She remembered her conversation with Luca, the woman’s voice that night from behind his bedroom door.
“What was his name?” asked Holly.
“Luca,” replied her friend, adding with a playful smile, “Full disclosure, he’s a new member of the staff here. Don’t you dare tease me when you see how young he is.”
Holly stuck her head under the shower, head down, obscuring her face with her long, wet hair. Had Lisa actually been able to see the expression on her friend’s face, she would have been struck by how deeply she was blushing. Lisa continued to relate the details of her sexual dalliance with young ‘Luca’.
“This kid’s dick was bigger than any porn star’s I’ve ever seen, and as much as it made me wince just to look at it, I was off the charts horny by that time and ready and eager for the challenge. Poor thing, I could only fit the head inside my mouth, so I pushed him back on the bed, took off my panties, and tried to mount him,” said Lisa.
“What happened,” asked Holly, her head still tilted down, water cascading down over her.
“I don’t know if it was because I was nervous, or because we didn’t have any lube, but I’m not kidding – it wouldn’t fit. I could barely get the tip inside me,” Lisa lamented. “He put me on my back and tried again, but it really hurt, so I asked him to stop. I’m serious, it was like this,” she said, her parallel palms about a foot apart. “The boy was blessed. It was too bad. He was incredibly good looking, too, and so sweet. Thank god he was a master at oral. He brought me off about ten times. Such a good sport, since all he got was a two-fisted hand job.”
Holly took the scenic route home that night. Her car sped along the winding ocean road, her head buzzing from the details of Lisa’s encounter, her mind occasionally re-playing the words, “the biggest dick I’ve ever seen in my life”.