A few years back I was in Charlotte. The Crown Plaza. I’d not been there before in the times I’d been to Charlotte but had an excellent experience in Miami so I wanted to try another to see if their customer service was on a par with Florida.
They were a five star hotel, but not for what you might think.
In August in the South, thunderstorms tend to delay flights and this August night was no different. The flight from Cincinnati that was due in at 6:00 didn’t arrive until 9:30, so I finally got to the hotel at 10:00. The desk clerk was courteous and efficient and quickly checked me in. He mentioned an earlier power failure that caused some panic, but the storm passed, the power was restored and hotel operations were returned to normal. Several guests had gone out in search for restaurants or any place with lights and AC, since it was still in the high 80’s and muggy even at that hour. I had thought the lobby a bit warm and now I knew the reason. It was more apparent when I opened the door to my room and stepped into a sauna.
The surprise heat wasn’t my only surprise. I flipped on the lights and noticed a valise and travel bag on the bed.
I am aroused by scenes of voyeurism, it has always been my fetish if you will. Upskirts, downblouses, wardrobe malfunctions and spy cams tend to be my Internet searches of choice but here I was and it was happening for real. It’s probably what urged me to hide.
She walked towards the dresser and opened the top drawer, pulled out a nightie and laid it on the bed. It was white silk and looked to be about mid-thigh in length. She stood over it for a moment as if contemplating whether to wear it or another, then I realized she was debating whether to wear it at all given the heat in the room. She opted for the latter, brushed the nightie aside and laid down on the bed. I caught a quick glimpse to the top of her thigh and I saw enough to know that she was completely natural, albeit neatly trimmed.
My arousal was complete. The anticipation of seeing more and the realization of what I just saw was more than enough.
More for chapter two…