The Workings Of Lust – Part 4

"Can Emmy find a way to be with Adam? Series finale."

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Every day, I went to see Adam while the Reids were on vacation. He fucked me in almost every room of their house; sometimes, we didn’t even make it to a bed. One afternoon, he offered me a drink right after I arrived, but as soon as we reached the kitchen, he began stripping me from the waist down. I giggled when he carried me to the table and set my bare ass upon it.

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” I murmured.

Standing between my spread legs, Adam flashed what I now recognized as his devious grin. “Yep. And you’re about to be full of my cock.”

“Adam!” I shrieked through my laughter. “I can’t believe you just said that!”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Did I take the dirty talk too far?”

“Not at all! That was a very clever turn of phrase, baby.” 

I eagerly watched as Adam took out his dick. He spent plenty of time sliding the vibrating tip between my folds, merely teasing my clit. Soon I was whimpering with need, but before I could beg for more, he lowered his lips to mine. I melted into that kiss, and into the sensation of his cockhead grazing my slick flesh.

“I can’t stop thinking about you, Emmy,” Adam whispered.

I beamed at his revelation even as an ache began in my chest. While I’d formed a plan to make Adam mine, I had no idea if it would work. And it certainly wasn’t something that would happen overnight. Even in the best-case scenario, he and I would be forced apart for the foreseeable future. It hurt to dwell on that, so I tried to push those thoughts from my mind.

“You know I’m crazy about you, right?” My voice was low and soft, but Adam easily heard. 

“You’ve given me a fairly good idea, but it’s still lovely to hear you say it.” That wicked grin returned to his lips as he pressed the tip of his cock against my clit and then increased the vibration. The sudden intensity made me cry out, yet I made no move to escape the stimulation. Instead, I remained at Adam’s mercy until my thighs began quaking.

“I’m gonna come!” My breathing quickened even more, and as I perched on the table’s edge, my muscles grew taut with anticipation.

Adam wove his fingers through my hair, drawing my head back. Though his grasp was gentle, I felt utterly powerless; I could only submit while he continued massaging my tender, swollen clit with his cockhead. He fixed his stare on my face, studying my every reaction. His lips were parted, and his expression was one of such unbridled lust that it made me gasp. It simultaneously fascinated and thrilled me when he showed a dominant side.

“Come,” Adam demanded, “or I’ll keep punishing your clit.”

It was as if he was the one in control of my body, because his words instantly sent me into the throes of a spine-arching, toe-curling orgasm. My wails echoed off the walls, and I was still shuddering when Adam slid his cock to my entrance and thrust inside.

My breath caught in my throat as I clung to him. His hips immediately started pumping, so I had no chance to come down from the first climax. My cries mingled with his fervent groans while he took me with powerful thrusts.

“Yes, yes, fuck me hard!” Looking down, I watched Adam drive himself inside me all the way to the hilt.

“You like seeing me take your pussy, don’t you?” As Adam spoke, his vibrating dick massaged my inner walls, providing exquisite stimulation to my G-spot.

“So much!” My voice quaked from the force of my trembling.

He grasped my chin, lifting my head so our eyes met. “Could anyone else make you feel this way, Emmy?”

Searching Adam’s face, I tried to understand what made him ask me that. He seemed desperate to hear my answer even while he continued fucking me hard and fast.

“No, Adam.” For some reason, I was suddenly on the verge of tears. The connection he and I shared was so strong, it sometimes felt all-consuming to me. I now realized that it felt the same way for him. “And I don’t want anyone else. I only want you.”

I noticed the myriad emotions reveal themselves in his eyes: relief and desire, affection and excitement. As he gave me a deep kiss, his fingers expertly rubbed my clit. I moaned into his mouth, writhing beneath his touch.

The moment Adam increased the vibration within my pussy, I succumbed to another orgasm. He no longer asked for permission to come. Instead, he reached his release while I was at the peak of mine. By the time he finished, I was screaming, awash in bliss.

Once Adam finally pulled out, he held me in his arms. Nestling against him, I whispered, “I squirted a little.”

He laughed low and soft while rubbing my back. “I love making you squirt. Whenever you do, your orgasm is even more intense.”

“I meant what I said earlier.” Closing my eyes, I relaxed into his embrace. “No one could ever make me feel the way you do.”

“I never imagined I could have such strong emotions,” he revealed, “but you’ve changed me, Emmy.”

Again, I had to fight back a flood of tears even as I smiled and said, “Let’s lie down for a little while, okay?”

He readily nodded. This time, we chose one of the guest rooms. Outside, storm clouds had gathered, bringing the threat of rain. Adam and I silently undressed and then climbed into the bed. As he held me close, I slid my palm over his skin. “I’m glad you feel free to be yourself with me. I know you can’t do that with Mrs. Reid.”

He was quiet for several seconds, the way he tended to be when we spoke about Blair’s mom. “In my relationship with her, I’m primarily a servant,” he finally said. “She gives instructions, and I follow them. There’s little warmth between us.”

“Then why did she have you designed to look like a man she used to love?” I couldn’t make sense of Mrs. Reid’s behavior.

Adam stroked my hair while considering my question. “I believe that man broke her heart. He hurt her deeply.”

“What?” I sat up a little, trying to control my rising panic. “Does she hurt you, Adam? Are you here so she can try to get some twisted form of revenge?”

He only offered a faint smile. “She can’t hurt me, Emmy. Not physically, anyway, since I don’t have pain receptors.”

“But she can’t love you, either!” As I choked back a sob, I couldn’t meet his gaze.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Adam soothed, drawing me to him. “I don’t want you to worry about me.” He planted a kiss on the top of my head. “This isn’t a bad place. Some Sentients are in far worse situations.”

I winced at the truth in his words. It wasn’t right, I thought, for humans to wield so much power over Sentients. Even if Mrs. Reid wasn’t cruel, by projecting her unresolved pain onto Adam, she robbed him of his very selfhood.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “I’m going to get you out of here. It might take some time, but I’ll make it happen, I promise!”

Adam stared at me in astonishment. “How will you do that, Emmy?”

I wasn’t ready to reveal the details of my plan. Already, I regretted mentioning it at all; it was too soon to get his hopes up. But I realized he needed that hope, the same as I did.

Taking his hand, I planted a kiss on his palm. Then I smiled and said, “Just you wait and see.”


On the day Blair and her parents were due to return home, I got up extra early and went to see Adam. Though we both smiled and greeted each other with the same affection, a sadness settled heavily between us. Neither of us had any idea how long it would be before we could spend time together again.

Our lovemaking that morning was slow and tender. Adam covered the length of my body with kisses, lingering between my thighs. I hoped the memory of me would remain vivid in his mind, so he would feel close to me even while we were apart.

By the time I had to leave, it was all I could do not to burst into tears. My grief was so sharp that I found it hard to breathe. At the door, Adam held me to him for a long moment. “I can’t find the words to express how much you mean to me, Emmy.”

I pressed my face against his shirt, trying to swallow a sob. While I struggled to get my emotions under control, Adam rocked me back and forth, as if to soothe me. When I finally trusted myself to speak, I looked up at him and said, “I promise I’ll come back for you.”

He gave me a final kiss, his embrace tightening around me. “I’ll be waiting.”


For the next two years, I worked my ass off, saving every penny I could. My days were spent cleaning houses and thinking about Adam. I often wondered what he was doing at that moment, in the Reid house across town. I made a point to keep in touch with Blair via social media, but she never revealed anything about Adam.

My mom even commented on how much I was working. “You’re not giving yourself time to have any fun!” she said one night at dinner. “You should be hanging out with friends and going on dates.”

I made a face. “I don’t want to date anyone right now.” How could I tell her that my heart belonged to a Sentient, and I couldn’t imagine being attracted to a human guy?

A month after my twentieth birthday, an elderly man whose house I cleaned weekly offered to let me rent his basement apartment. Better yet, if I continued doing the cleaning and was willing to run an occasional errand for him, he’d let me stay there for dirt cheap. I jumped at the chance to have my own place, which was an important part of my plan.

By the time I moved, I had a substantial amount of savings, with more clients than ever. I was fortunate to be working in my hometown, where most people knew and trusted me. Though I didn’t yet have all the money I would need, I thought I’d be able to get a loan for the rest.

On a crisp October day, over two years since I’d last seen Adam, the Sentient 6.4 became available for purchase. I’d been anticipating the release date for weeks, so anxious that I could barely eat or sleep. Now, I knew it was time to put my plan into action.

I arrived at the Reid house at a little after four in the afternoon, when I thought Mrs. Reid would be home and Mr. Reid would still be at work. I noticed my hand was shaking when I rang the doorbell, and I’d already broken out in a nervous sweat.

It was Adam who answered the door. I had to press my fingers firmly against my lips to keep from crying out; my entire body ached with the desire to reach for him. “Adam,” I said so quietly that a human wouldn’t have heard me.

But he did. His eyes filled with the joy I’d often witnessed during our week together that summer, and his beautiful smile now warmed me like sunlight.

“Adam, who is it?” Mrs. Reid called from inside the house. I heard her approaching footsteps.

He looked over his shoulder at her, his expression carefully neutral. “It’s Emmy, Mrs. Reid.”

She appeared at his side, giving me a friendly but puzzled smile. “Emmy! It’s wonderful to see you. Please come in.”

As I stepped into the house, I was hyperaware of how close Adam was to me. It would be so easy to brush my fingers against his hand. I wouldn’t allow myself to look at him for fear of what my face might show.

Following Mrs. Reid into the sitting room, I took several steadying breaths. This had to work, I told myself over and over. While I sat stiffly on a loveseat near the window, Mrs. Reid sat in a leather chair across from me. Adam lingered just inside the doorway, his gaze fixed on the woman who owned him. I knew he was waiting for instructions.

Mrs. Reid looked at me expectantly. “Would you like some tea? Or coffee?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” I sat up even straighter, trying to appear far more confident than I felt.

Mrs. Reid gave Adam a perfunctory smile. “That will be all,” she told him.

Before leaving the room, he held my stare for a moment. “It was lovely to see you again, Emmy.”

I couldn’t hold back a grin as I said, “You too, Adam.”

When he was gone, Mrs. Reid focused all her attention on me. “What can I do for you, Emmy?”

So much for small talk. I watched as she brushed a lock of dark hair back from her face. At almost fifty, she was a strikingly beautiful woman. I tried not to squirm in her presence, since I knew it was crucial that I seem sure of myself. “I’m actually here about Adam,” I said.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. “Adam?”

“Yes!” My voice contained a forced brightness, while inside, I was quaking. “You might be aware that I’ve started my own business cleaning houses.”

“Of course.” She regarded me with that same superficial interest she’d shown Adam. “If I didn’t have Adam here, I’d hire you in an instant. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”

“I appreciate that.” I wore my polite smile like a shield. “When I was in your home a couple of years ago, to check on Cleo while you were on vacation, I noticed that your house is absolutely spotless.”

“Yes, well, Adam is a godsend.” While Mrs. Reid’s expression remained pleasant, it was clear she wanted to move our conversation along, so I decided to get right to the point.

“That’s the thing—I could really use a godsend like Adam to help me clean houses.” There was no way I’d actually subject Adam to that kind of wear and tear, but Mrs. Reid didn’t need to know that.

She again grew quizzical, tilting her head slightly. “I see. So, are you thinking of purchasing a Sentient? Now that the 6.4 is available, I bet you could get a great deal on a 6.3.”

“That’s why I’m here.” Leaning forward, I kept my smile in place. “I want to buy Adam from you.” I’d managed to get the loan I needed, and while I’d be living hand-to-mouth for a good while, the austerity was well worth what I’d gain in return.

Mrs. Reid’s eyes widened in shock. For several seconds, she didn’t speak or even move. Then she actually laughed, as if she couldn’t believe I was suggesting such a thing. “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Emmy. He’s indispensable to me.”

Of course, I’d expected some resistance on her part, so I rushed on. “You can buy a 6.4, Mrs. Reid. It has so many new features! And I’m prepared to offer you more than Adam’s current resale value.” It made me sick to talk about him like he was a mere object, but I couldn’t reveal the real reason I wanted him. “He’ll only continue to depreciate, so selling him to me would be a sound financial decision.”

Mrs. Reid’s friendly façade vanished. “What’s going on here?” she asked in a dangerously low voice.

Feigning an innocent look, I said, “I’m simply trying to do what’s best for my business. Adam would be an excellent investment, and I’d be able to

“No.” The word resounded through the room like a slap. “You’ll have to find another Sentient to help you.” She moved to stand. “Now, if that’s all

“I know you’re fucking him.” My voice quavered a little, and I swallowed hard, trying to steady my nerves. Forgive me, Adam, I silently pleaded. I had no other choice.

Mrs. Reid’s fair skin grew mottled with fury. She started to retort, but I didn’t give her the chance. “And if you don’t want everyone else in this town to know,” I went on calmly, “you’ll accept my offer.” Withdrawing a certified check from my purse, I held it out to her.

She leapt to her feet, and for a moment, I thought she might attack me. “You little cunt!” she shouted. “Who the fuck do you think you are? I was always good to you, Emmy, even though you came from trash.”

I drew in a sharp breath, reeling from her insult, but I somehow managed to hold my tongue. When she advanced on me, I quickly stood as well.

It was then that Adam strode into the room, his expression grim. “That’s enough, Mrs. Reid.”

She whirled around to face him. “What did you just say to me?” I watched in horror as she tried to give Adam a hard shove. But he didn’t move an inch. “I’m the reason you exist!” Tears grated at her voice. “I trusted you!”

Though I knew she couldn’t hurt Adam, I lunged forward when she slapped his face. “Stop it!”

Mrs. Reid turned her full wrath upon me then. “Did you fuck him?”

With a measure of self-control I had no idea I possessed, I responded, “Even if I tell you I didn’t, you’ll always suspect otherwise. You won’t want anything to do with him after this.” Taking a step closer, I added through clenched teeth, “So let him go.”

Her face crumpled at my words. Still, she looked at Adam again. “You really want to leave with her?” A single tear spilled down her cheek, and she hurried to wipe it away.

Adam nodded resolutely. “I want to be with Emmy, Mrs. Reid.”

“But you haven’t seen her in years!” She held out her hands as if to plead with him.

His gaze moved from her to me. Smiling tenderly, he said, “I’ve been waiting for her all this time.”

Mrs. Reid turned her back to us, and I saw her shoulders heave with silent sobs. When she spoke again, her voice was quiet but venomous. “I want you both out of this house. You can take his equipment, but his wardrobe and other belongings stay here.”

With that, she stormed from the room. I looked at Adam, eyes wide. He was clearly astonished as well. “Let’s get your things,” I said quickly.

Neither of us spoke while collecting his equipment from the room he’d been given. I wasn’t sure where Mrs. Reid was in the house, and I was terrified she’d change her mind and come charging back at any second.

It took a couple of trips to carry all his equipment out to my car. The day was growing late, but Mr. Reid, thankfully, wasn’t home yet. I didn’t need him adding to the drama that had already occurred. Just before Adam and I left that house for the last time, Cleo appeared, mewing softly. As he leaned down to slide his palm over her fur, saying a quiet goodbye, I peeked into the sitting room. At some point, Mrs. Reid had taken the check I’d left on the table for her. So the deal was truly done, then.

A few minutes later, Adam and I were in my old, battered car, heading toward my apartment. I was still in a state of shock, my hands gripping the steering wheel. It was only when the Reid house had disappeared from sight that I turned to Adam. “Oh, my God, my plan worked!” I shrieked.

Adam appeared just as stunned, but that gorgeous smile had returned to his face. “You really came back for me…” He sounded a bit dazed, and I reached for his hand to reassure him.

“I’m sorry it took so long. I had to save up a bunch of money, and I also felt I should wait for the Sentient 6.4 to become available. Mrs. Reid seems like the kind who would splurge on the latest model.” As soon as I said those words, I cringed. I really did need to work on developing a filter.

Adam, however, had apparently been thinking along those same lines. “I’d been dreading this day, fearing she would no longer find me useful,” he said, his expression growing somber. “She recently complained that I’d become distant. I thought you and I had run out of time.”

I blinked back tears. “I’m so sorry, baby. I wish I could have somehow let you know my plan, so you didn’t have to worry.” Glancing over at Adam, I sensed the whirlwind of emotions he felt. “But you’re with me now. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I was so happy to see you today,” he whispered. “Even when I believed it was just for those few moments.” As he looked out the window, his gaze held a keen fascination. “I haven’t been outside that house in years.” Shaking his head, he seemed to struggle to find the right words. “I’m sorry, I’m having some difficulty processing all of this.”

I realized that was his way of revealing he was overwhelmed. Of course, I understood what a massive change this was, and I wanted to give him time to adjust to it. “Once you’re settled in at my place, we can start going out together, if you want,” I told him. “Nothing major at first. Maybe some walks to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather, and then, if you’d like to do more, we can go shopping. You’ll need some new clothes, although I’m afraid I can’t afford the outfits Mrs. Reid chose for you.”

Though I kept my stare fixed on the road, I heard the grin in Adam’s voice when he spoke. “And I’ll be helping you clean houses.”

So he’d been listening in on my conversation with Mrs. Reid. “No, you won’t! I only used that as an excuse so I could get you out of that place.” I gave his thigh a comforting pat. “You’ve done more than enough housecleaning, Adam. Now you can spend your days doing what you want. If you want to take classes online, or just sit around and watch TV all day, I’m happy with whatever you decide to do.”

“But I want to spend my time with you.” He covered my hand with his own. “We’ve been apart for so long, Emmy. And if I were to help you, we’d be able to clean twice as many houses working together. Don’t forget, you deserve a break, too.”

I only smiled and told him I’d give his suggestion some thought. Now that he was mine, we had plenty of time to figure out our future.

When Adam and I reached my apartment, we carried in most of his equipment. I’d already cleared an area for it in my small bedroom, and as he headed back to my car for the rest, I began neatly arranging everything.

Once we were finished, I turned to him with a shy smile. “I’m sorry my place is so much smaller than what you’re used to. It’s all I can afford right now

I stopped talking when Adam closed the short distance between us. Cupping my face in his hands, he kissed me so fervently that my knees weakened. Though we’d been separated for over two years, in that moment, it felt like we’d never been apart.

“I love your apartment,” he said, “and I’m so happy to be here with you.”

Again and again, we kissed until our hands grew impatient, tugging at each other’s clothes. Adam dropped to his knees, hurrying to lower my pants and underwear. With a gentle touch, he spread my outer labia and then teased my inner folds with the tip of his tongue.

I wove my fingers through his hair, a blissful smile on my lips. I still couldn’t fully believe he was here with me. He was all mine now!

And I was his.

As Adam traced lazy circles around my clit, taking his time in heightening my pleasure, I grew sopping wet. Looking down, my eyes locked with his, and I could see how much he enjoyed exciting me like this. During our past lovemaking, he’d studied my every reaction, learning what turned me on the most. And I realized it turned him on to tease me and exert that subtle control.

“Please!” I whimpered. I would ask, even beg, but I would never demand anything from him. He grinned just before rolling my clit beneath his tongue. The moment that exquisite vibration began, I cried out. “Fuck yes! Oh, my God, I’ve missed this so much!”

The stimulation intensified until I could feel my clit pulsing. While Adam’s tongue was relentless, he kept the vibration at a lower level so I wouldn’t become desensitized. I pinched and tugged my nipples, and soon I was rocking my hips, grinding my pussy against Adam’s face.

When my cries grew constant, and my legs began shaking, Adam tightened his grip on me, then steadily increased the vibration. He started sucking my clit, his mouth eagerly working to make me orgasm. I squirmed a little in his grasp, but he refused to release me. Instead, he held me firmly in place, so I had nowhere to retreat. The pleasure he gave me was so fierce that it became almost too much to bear.

And then I surrendered to it with a guttural moan. As my body shuddered and spasmed, Adam prolonged my ecstasy with his lips and tongue. I cried out his name, and when he finally moved his mouth to my thigh, planting a kiss there, I desperately clung to him.

He rose to his feet, appearing deeply satisfied by how hard he’d made me come. I cupped a hand against the back of his head and guided his mouth to mine. As our tongues met in a sensual dance, he wrapped his arms around me. Pressed firmly against him, I felt the insistent hardness of his erection.

“Ready to try out my bed?” I asked him with a playful smile.

“So ready!” 

After I drew back the covers, Adam and I slipped beneath them. As darkness approached, the room grew cooler, but he and I were still plenty warm.

“I remember your favorite position,” he murmured, nuzzling my neck with his lips.

“You do, huh? And what’s my favorite position?” We’d tried so many during that week we spent together, but I’d never claimed to have a favorite.

“This one.” Adam guided me onto my side, then lay on his side behind me. While he kissed my neck, his hand slid between my thighs. My clit was still swollen and tender, yet it immediately responded to his touch.

“Oh, I do love this position!” I sighed.

“And I love the way you relax into it and just let yourself go,” he whispered in my ear. 

When he positioned his cock at my entrance, I eagerly nodded. Turning my head, I gazed up at him as he slid inside, his first thrust deep and gentle. I hadn’t been with anyone but Adam, and though I’d waited years for him to take me again, my body effortlessly accepted every inch. The moment we were joined, I felt the tension melt from my muscles. For so long, I’d been on edge, fearing my plan would fail. Now, I could fully bask in the joy he gave me.

Adam’s mouth sought out mine as his hips moved with a perfect rhythm. I moaned at the feel of his fingers massaging my clit. “You’re so amazing!” I told him. He beamed at my words, then thanked me for the compliment by making his cock vibrate deep inside my pussy. My eyes rolled, and I practically swooned in his embrace.

Adam laughed softly, clearly pleased by my response. “Do you know how many times I’ve imagined the feel of your pussy around my dick?” His thrusts grew more powerful, and I could feel a different kind of tension weaving through my body now; I was right on the edge of another climax. Of course, Adam sensed it. His simulated breathing quickened as he said, “Every night, I made myself come fantasizing about your warm, wet cunt. And every time I was with her, I thought only of you.”

His words sent a wave of orgasmic contractions coursing through me, and I had to fight back a scream. He continued driving himself inside me, his cock vibrating all the while. I shook and wailed, my eyes filling with tears.

“That’s it, Emmy! Come hard for me!” he urged in a strained voice. With an arm beneath me, he was able to squeeze my breast and fondle my nipple. As he suckled the skin of my neck, I succumbed to another round of delicious spasms. The force of them made Adam groan.

Finally, he reached his own release, erupting inside me. Never again would he need to ask for permission to orgasm, or to give me his cum. After we were both spent, I lay in his arms, laughing from the rush of endorphins my climax had provided.

Adam laughed, too, his eyes bright. Then he planted a tender kiss on my mouth. “I never dreamed I could be so happy,” he murmured. “But I’m concerned about how much you paid Mrs. Reid. Years ago, you said you didn’t want to take on a mountain of debt in order to attend college, yet I suspect you’ve taken on a mountain of debt to pay for me.”

I caressed his cheek, trying to soothe away his worry. “Don’t give that a second thought,” I said firmly. “I crunched the numbers before applying for the loan, and I know I can swing the payments. We’re going to be just fine.” He smiled and nodded, his relief evident. “And besides,” I whispered, “you can’t put a price on happiness, Adam. Or on love.”

Published 11 months ago

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