The Woman On The Bus Ch. 03

"Gina and the Second Week"

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“This past week was one for the books,” I thought to myself as I finished preparing my dinner. 

I intended to sit and watch TV for the evening since Ben was gone again.  I couldn’t get Melissa out of my head.  I wished she were there with me.  I doubt I would have been watching TV if she were there.  I began imagining all the things we would or could do to each other when Gina texted me.

 “Whatcha doin’?” Gina asked.

 “Just sittin’ here about to watch a movie,”  I replied.

“I’m bored and I’ve seen all the movies I have.  I’d watch one of my shows I have queued up, but I’m not interested in those right now.”

I thought I knew what she was getting to.  She was probably wanting to know what happened that past week and didn’t want to wait another day to hear about it.  I wondered if she went home the previous weekend and rubbed her pussy thinking about my first encounters with Melissa and the text conversation I had with her.  I would not have blamed her a bit as I had masturbated a few times simply rereading the text message exchange we shared. As soon as that thought drifted away, another came soaring in after that.  I began imagining Gina in her bed.  She had one hand on her tit, pinching her nipple with that hand and the other hand was on the vibrator she was fucking herself with.

“Melissa turned me into a raging lesbian,” I thought out loud and laughed.

“Why don’t you come over and we can watch a movie together?”  I replied, wondering if I should change the movie genre or start with what was already playing and see how things go. 

“I would like that! 🙂 I’ll hop in the shower and be there shortly,” she replied, not too urgently.

“That’s probably a good idea,” I suggested aloud to myself.  “I could use a freshening up and perhaps trim some areas that may need attention.” 

I looked at the phone and it was only a little after seven.  I wondered if Melissa would text me later that evening or if she is expecting me to text her first.  Maybe Gina would be there to witness a conversation.  No matter, I needed to get into the shower.

Not long after I finished showering, Gina arrived.  She brought some wine with her and shared some with me.  We sat on the couch facing the TV and she snuggled close to me as she usually does, shoulders touching each other.  I decided again to leave the movie choice as it was.

“So, I picked out this particular movie because it will probably help me in the not-too-distant future,” I said, staring at the TV.

“Yeah?  What’s it about?” She asked, unaware.

“Well, with the story I told you Sunday and the heated text message exchange, I realized that when I do actually meet up with Melissa, I may want to have some idea of what to do, right?”  I said, second-guessing my choice again.  I wasn’t sure why I was asking her, she wasn’t a lesbian or even bisexual, so she wouldn’t know.

“So, it’s a lesbian porno!” She said, laughing out loud.

I playfully slapped her arm. “No!  It’s a lesbian movie, but it’s an independent full-length movie I found on this streaming service we have.”

“Well, you have another week’s worth of story to tell me, yes?” she asked, “and I think we’re in a much better environment for your particular story.”

“Yes, I absolutely have more of the story to tell you and you might even witness her texting me tonight.  I was debating about whether to text her first, but I’ll wait a bit more and see if she texts first.  So, I guess I should start with Monday since I didn’t hear from her at all after I left you Sunday.”

“Before you start, I’m going to get another glass of wine.  Would you like another?”

I looked at my glass and realized I would want another before too long. 

“Grab my bottle and yours and we’ll sit for a spell, and I’ll tell you all about last week!”

As Gina walked away, I caught myself staring at her ass.  First, Melissa caught my eye and that turned out to be sexual in nature and there I was objectifying my best friend. Though, it didn’t surprise me considering I imagined her masturbating in great detail not long before her arrival.  I decided then that things were happening fast enough that I would learn the outcome sooner than later.  Also, that if I was thinking of Gina masturbating, then the person who I thought I was two weeks prior was not who I was in that moment.

Gina came back with both bottles in hand, set them down on the coffee table, and got comfortable on the couch facing me after pouring us each a glass.  She stared at me with anticipation.  Not only was I interested in keeping her up to date about my interactions with Melissa, but also about where my thoughts of Gina were headed.

“Okay, so, I didn’t hear from her Sunday as I mentioned, but Monday it resumed precisely where it left off with her,” I said, just prior to narrating the story that was my second week engaging Melissa.

5 Days Ago

“After our quite explicit exchange the previous Saturday, I was anxious to see what Monday would bring.  I did my extended primp and polish session as I did the week before.  One last look in the mirror and I was ready to go.  My heart was beating with anticipation of what would happen on the bus that morning.  I could barely sleep the night before thinking of the previous week, our text conversation, and what the combination of the two could bring for that day.

“The bus turned the corner and my heart started racing.  The last couple of days I rode the bus, she made her way onto it before me.  It came to a stop in front of me and I scanned the windows to see if I could see her before I boarded, but I couldn’t.  I stepped onto a mostly empty bus and, again, looked around.  She wasn’t there.  I didn’t think anything I said would have scared her away from me.  I resigned myself to the thought that she would be at her normal stop.

“My anxiety kicked into overdrive as the bus rounded the turn toward her normal stop.  The bus had filled significantly between my stop and hers and there were few seats remaining, none of which were next to me.  I was sitting there wondering how that morning was going to work out.  It would make me seem overly needy if I got out of my seat and sat next to her.  We pulled up to her stop and I straightened my posture to see if I could see her outside.  I watched as everyone boarded, and my heart sank when I realized she wasn’t there.  I wondered if it was something I said or did.  Maybe she was just sick?  She could have told me she wasn’t going to be there that day.  I was disappointed, to say the least.

“There was one more stop before mine and then I would have to be on my way.  I was not going to be happy that day.  Thoughts flooded my mind about what I could have done differently and what was said that could have made her run away from me.  Next thing I know, she was standing in front of me!  I was overwhelmed and could not speak to her if I wanted to.  I was so relieved, I felt as if my head was spinning, and I hadn’t realized I had put my hand on her leg.  As soon as I realized what I had done, I quickly removed my hand and snapped my head up to look at her.

“She was already looking down at me smiling and could feel the redness building in my cheeks.  I must have had the most idiotic smile on my face as I watched her drop her backpack on the floor.  She was facing away from me, and I scanned her from top to bottom, admiring her curves.  It appeared she took the extra effort to show a little skin that morning.  Her pants hung a little lower on her hips, her shirt didn’t go down quite as far as it used to, and her perfume was a bit different that morning.  I couldn’t place it.

“It felt like only moments until I was at my stop.  I stood up slowly and made sure to brush up against her every chance I could.  When I grabbed my bag off the seat and turned again to walk away, she turned to me and placed her hand on my arm.  I got instant goosebumps.  She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “

“Are you ready for this?” I said to Gina, excited.

She was staring intently at me and nodded.

“She said ‘Tomorrow, wear a skirt… and no panties.’ I looked at her, shot her a sly grin in confirmation, and walked away.  My god, the things that were on my mind all that day,”  I said, leaning back into the couch.

“Were you instantly wet?” Gina asked me, touching my arm.

Her words and her touch sent a slight shiver down my spine.

“Yes, and most of the day as well.  Do you know how difficult it is to function when you have encounters such as that?  It was clear she planned all of it out.  At least now I know that if something is different than the day before, then it was almost certain her plan for it to be that way.

“That evening, I was careful to pick out what I was going to wear.  I picked out a sexy skirt that didn’t make it obvious that I wasn’t wearing panties, but also was appropriate for work.  I matched it with a silky blouse that was heavy and showed the outline of my bra.”

“I didn’t hear anything else from her the rest of the day or night so the next morning, I was almost a nervous wreck.  I mean, was she going to try something on the bus or is the thought of me not wearing panties a turn-on for her?”  I asked without expecting an answer.

“I didn’t sleep well that night as you could probably imagine.  I woke up the next morning ready to see where the day would go.  I was excited.  I quickly showered and dressed.  All the usual makeup was applied, and I put on my favorite perfume.  As much as I wanted to ensure she smelled it, I had to ensure I didn’t smell like a whore all day at work.  I grabbed my things and was about to walk out of the house when my phone beeped.  I locked the door on my way out and took my phone from my purse.  Melissa sent me a text message.” 

“Gina, my heart raced for a moment. I didn’t know if she was changing something, if she was standing right outside my house, or what.  Anyway, she said ‘When you see me sitting, stand in front of me, and no matter what happens, don’t turn around. <3’”

“My heart jumped!  I wondered what that little devil was up to.  I smiled the entire way to the bus stop, and it approached just as I arrived.  I was ready for whatever she planned.  I looked around and spotted her in a seat at the rear of the bus.  She wasn’t looking at me, having her nose stuck in her book like she did last week.  I did as she asked and attempted to nonchalantly move through the people to my destination.  As I moved, I realized she did not specify how I was to stand.  It would have been obvious if I stood there facing her and probably would have looked like I was one of those people who intentionally didn’t observe personal space.  When I reached her, I didn’t pause.  I turned around and grabbed a handhold.

“My senses were heightened.  I was waiting for any sound or touch.  It seemed like forever until the bus hit a small bump and I dropped my guard.  It was only a second until I realized something dropped behind me.  I didn’t fully recover from the distraction before I felt a hand on my ankle.  I instinctively tensed up at the touch but remembered that she had a plan.  Her hand slowly felt its way up my leg, traveling like a skier on a steep slope going side to side.  She focused on my calf then proceeded to move to the sensitive area behind my knees.”

“Oh, fuck,” Gina said, interrupting me.

“Right!?” I responded before continuing.

“I could have collapsed under her touch, but I stood my ground as she continued her exploration.  Her hand passed the back of my knee and maneuvered to the inside of my thigh.  I felt myself start to tremble under the command of her fingers.  She was the teacher, and I was being taught.  I’ve not felt a touch like that in my life.  It’s true that women are more attentive to the sensations of another woman.  She stopped for a second before placing her entire handprint at the top of my thigh.  My skirt was riding high in the back, and I looked to see if anyone was noticing, but they were all involved in their phones, books, or staring straight ahead. 

“To steady myself, I used my other hand and took hold of a pole, and opened my legs slightly, giving her permission to touch me further. Her pause continued longer than I could stand.  She was driving me crazy.  I was about to turn and look at her before I felt her hand move higher to the winner’s circle.  I froze instantly.  A woman has never touched me in that manner before.  I wanted more and hoped she would continue her present course.  Instead, she gently moved her hand inward until the tip of her finger just grazed my clit.  She circled it just once and retreated.  I internally whimpered for more and could feel my juices start to flow.

“She kept moving her hand back and forth like a knife cutting through the tough outer shell to release the succulent juices inside, and that she did, let me tell you.  For her efforts, she was rewarded with a mess of a hand.  It was then I felt her begin to travel back the same way she came, leaving a trail of my juices on my inner thigh.  She restored herself back to the position I first observed her in as if nothing at all had happened. 

“I was oblivious to the fact that the bus was approaching her stop as she gathered her things.  She stood and moved in close to me, put her hand on my hip, and whispered in my ear, ‘I’ll enjoy your… perfume all day.  Thank you.  Tomorrow, you will receive the same gift.’  I stared blankly straight ahead as she moved passed me and got off the bus.  I didn’t know what she meant, unless she intended for me to perform the same action on her as she did on me.  I didn’t know if I was ready for that just yet.”

“What do you think, so far, Gina?  I’ll tell you…” I stopped as I stepped out of story mode and looked at Gina.  She had one leg draped over the front edge of the couch and the other stretched out the opposite direction, bent at the knee with her foot brought in as if stretching.  Her hand was inside her pajama bottoms, making tiny circles.  She often wore pajamas when coming over for TV and wine as she would stay over some nights if she drank too much.

Her eyes were closed, and I stopped to watch her, intrigued with the show being played out before me.  I was tempted to join her.  I was tempted to help her. Before I could decide what to do, she snapped out of her dream state, jerked her hands out of her pants, and her eyes flew open wide. 

“I’m so sorry, Christy!  Your story last week started my engine and then it got better as soon as it started, and I couldn’t help it…” She rattled off quickly, bowing her head. 

I smiled softly at her and went for the hand that was inside her pajamas.  I don’t know what I was thinking but I took her hand in both of mine as she watched.  I brought it close to my face and took two fingers in my mouth.  I sucked on them for just a moment and released her hand to see where Gina was at with everything that is happening.  The look on her face was priceless.

“Christy, I have a confession,”  she stated, a tear forming in her eye.  “We’ve been friends for a long time, longer than I can remember.  Not long ago, though, shortly after my husband left me, feelings I didn’t understand began emerging within me and I stuffed them deep down inside me thinking it was misplaced anger or loneliness.  Once you began telling me your story on Sunday, it all came flooding back to me.  I went home and cried most of the afternoon.”

She sniffled a little and continued. “It’s not that I’m in love with you.  I do love you.  I always will but I just want to be closer to you than I ever have before.  I’m so sorry, I got caught up in the moment.  Do you want me to leave?”  She squeaked out, tears flowing from her eyes. 

I gently touched her face, turning it to face mine.  “Why would I want you to leave?  You’re my very best friend and your feelings are valid and important!  I can’t compare mine with yours, but perhaps together we can search through them, and we can both figure out where we’re going.  Besides, I’ve been recently thrust into such feelings, thanks to Dumbo up here!” I smiled, pointing to my brain trying to make light of the situation.  She sniffled and smiled at me, wiping her tears from her eyes. 

“Where do we go from here?  I feel like a giant weight is off my shoulders and now I feel like I’m wandering through a forest blindfolded,” she said.

“Well, for one, I think I should continue my story.  Why don’t you get a little more comfortable and I’ll give you the abridged version of what happened the rest of the week and we’ll see what happens?”  I said, sliding down to the floor and moving in front of her. “Does that sound like a plan?”

I felt bold.  I was empowered and I was going to run this show. 

“What are you doing?” she questioned me.

I reached out to her, putting my hands on both hips, and sliding them into the waistband of her pajamas.

“When I start to pull these down, you’re going to remove your top at the same time, okay?” I reassured her.

She nodded, as uncertain about everything we were doing as I was.  I began to pull her pajama bottoms down and she instinctively raised her butt to make it easier for me.  Shortly after I started, she was unbuttoning her pajama top.  She didn’t remove it right away as I did her bottoms.  I sensed she was a little uneasy about what was happening, though she did let me completely remove her bottoms, leaving her naked from the waist down.  As I was about to reassure her, I couldn’t help but notice she was clean-shaved.  I reached my hand out and touched her and she was beautifully smooth. 

She shook beneath me, and I looked her in the eye and nodded.  “It’s okay, Gina.  This is a safe place and you’re my best friend.  I love you.”

Her smile broadened and she nodded at me, continuing to remove the remainder of her clothes. 

“Lay back and I’ll begin,” I said.

She rested against the back of the couch, and I leaned in closer. “I spent the rest of that day smelling whiffs of perfume and my sex.  It was an intoxicating blend,” I said, beginning to gently run two fingers across her clit.  She closed her eyes and exhaled.

“The next day, I boarded the bus at my stop and she was not on it at,” I said, looking at her vagina.  I wanted to lick her, to suck her clit into my mouth, but I had a story to tell.  “I waited for her stop and watched as she boarded.  The bus was full that day before I even got on so, she stood next to me.  A little while after we left her stop, she put her arm around my waist and stuffed something into my jacket pocket, and held her hand there.  ‘This is for you.  I hope you enjoy it.’ She told me.”

I moved my fingers down to Gina’s opening and rubbed her slightly, getting my fingers wet before inserting them inside her slowly.  She quickly gasped and looked down.  I looked up into her eyes as I continued the story of my interactions with Melissa.

“I didn’t look what she put in my pocket until I got to work and used the ladies’ room.  Inside the stall, I pulled it out and it was a bag with a note and a pair of panties.  I read the note: ‘Christy, I bought these special for you and wore them last Saturday night.’ I couldn’t believe it.  Without thinking, I snatched the panties out of the bag and brought them to my nose.  It was an intoxicating mixture of her perfume and her scent.  I spent longer than I should have in there smelling her panties,” I said, getting visibly excited as I pushed and pulled my fingers in and out of my friend’s vagina.

Meanwhile, my other hand found its way into my own panties.  I paused a moment and reflected on the fact that I was now engaged in my first-ever girl-on-girl experience, and I was enjoying it.  I was going to make us both cum.

“I kept the panties in my pocket all day and would smell them whenever I could.  It was very distracting.”

“Did you want to do to her what you’re doing to me now?” Gina breathed out.

“She committed me to that idea with all those text messages she sent,”  I replied, continuing to finger her while using my thumb to rub over her clit in the same motion.  “Do you remember the audio message?  The one where you could hear her long, loud orgasm?”  I teased.

“Play it for me!”

I was expecting that request and was happy to oblige since I nearly forgot it was there.  I removed my hand from between my legs and grabbed my phone.  I found the audio and turned up the volume.  The clip was about thirty seconds long and I had an idea.  I was already neck-deep involved there, I figured I may as well dive in.

I pressed play and Melissa’s orgasm filled the room.  At the same moment, I went in and assaulted her clit with my tongue.  I’d never done it before, but I knew how I liked it, so I tried to emulate what I liked, and was immediately rewarded.  She raised up, moving her hands from her own breasts to the back of my head, and moaned… loudly.  Her legs began to shake as I hastened my penetration of her.

I sucked her clit harder into my mouth as her legs began to violently shake on either side of my head and her hands pulled my head harder to her.  This moment seemed to last forever in my mind.  It seemed like hours passed before her orgasm subsided.  Out of breath, she collapsed into the couch.

I’m not sure what came over me, but I slid my panties down my legs and off as I rose to my feet.

“I’m not done with my story…”

I straddled her leg, rested my knees against the couch cushion, and put my hands on her shoulders. 

“That night, before Ben had to leave for the airport, he comes out to the kitchen while I was going dishes laughing hysterically.  I asked him what he was laughing at, and he held up the panties and said he never thought he would have to ask me about another woman’s panties.  Well, I told him the story of what happened that day and gave him a kiss when before he left.  He told me to have fun and that he would be back in two weeks.  Do you know what that means?” I asked.

I began to gyrate my hips against her leg, ensuring my clit rubbed smoothly up and down against her skin. 

“It means we have time to practice before you meet Melissa.”

“That’s right,” I said, my breath quickening. “And hopefully I’ll get better for you,”  I added as I quickly removed my top, baring my breasts to her for the first time.

My motions quickened, and Gina moved her hands to my ass, assisting my journey to orgasm. She leaned closer to me. “You were amazing!  Next time, I want to explore you just as much.  Until then…” She told me, then suckled my nipple into her mouth as I rode her leg. 

I held her close to me as I felt the fire build within me.  Gina had always been a great friend and was then quickly becoming a fantastic lover.  As I continued on, I began thinking that it was clear I was bisexual, but where did this come from?  Did I never have the opportunity, or did I need a Melissa to come along to make the opportunities apparent to me?  To take my blinders off.  I pushed Gina away from my breasts and passionately kissed her lips.  One hand immediately went to my pussy, the other to my breast, pinching my nipple as she shot her tongue into my mouth.  I was drunk on her passion.

I was so involved with Gina that I barely heard my phone make a sound.  I have no doubt it was Melissa. 

“Make me cum, Gina.”

“Stand on the couch,” she replied.

I didn’t know what she was getting at, but I obliged her request.  As soon as I was standing on the cushion, I realized what she intended.  She immediately put her hands on my butt, pulled me to her face, and buried herself into me.  Her tongue immediately began exploring my entire pussy, moving between my vagina and my clit and back again.  If she didn’t admit her girl virginity to me earlier, I would have taken her for a pro the way she worked her tongue. 

As soon as the wave began building, I felt weak in my knees. 

“Gina, I’m coming… make me cum!”  I announced loudly. 

She doubled her efforts and the wave crashed.  My legs shook, muscles everywhere tightened.  I grabbed Gina’s head for balance.  When the waters receded, I fell to my knees, staring directly into Gina’s eyes, and kissed her lips again. 

“Damnit, Gina.  That was amazing!  You ate me like a pro!”  I complimented her.

“I think Melissa texted me,”  I said, knowing she would be interested.

I leaned backward until my back was parallel to her legs and picked up my phone from the floor.  I noticed I had a picture message from Melissa!

“Melissa sent me a picture message,”  I said excitedly as I returned facing her and showed her the phone.  She got excited and demanded I open it, forgetting to do it over my own excitement.  I opened the message, and it was a picture of a woman showing the side of her face, ear, neck, and shoulder.  One could assume she was topless but that’s all you would be doing is assuming.  A second later, a message came through.

‘This is where I’m sensitive at.  Normally you spend time figuring that out, but I don’t know how much time we will have so, I want to make the most it. <3’ she wrote.

I thought for a second.  “Gina, I know you haven’t had that much to drink, but given the events of the night and the current situation, would you like to stay over tonight?  I want you in my bed this time.” 

She hugged me tightly, “Of course! I would love to!”

It felt strange but exhilarating to have another woman press her nude body against my own.  I wanted more sex but in that moment, I held her warmly against me.  It was passion and lust combined.  Before I let her go, she whispered in my ear.

“Can we have sex again?  I can’t help this childish feeling like I found a new toy and have to play with it all night.  I wish we could have discovered this together sooner, ya know?”

I teased her a little by licking her earlobe and agreeing to her proposal.

“Yes, more sex!  First, let’s show Melissa where I’m sensitive.”

I handed Gina my phone and stood there naked in front of her. 

“Take a picture of my entire body,”  I asked.

She opened the phone and did as I asked.  The sound of a camera’s shutter filled the room.

“Now get a close-up of me holding my breast, like this.  Get it and my hand together,”  I requested.

I moved two of my fingers and pinched my nipple.  “Again, please.”

“Now, take a picture of this area,”  I said, using my hands to show her my stomach and belly button.

Another shutter sounds filled the room, and I began to feel like a model being captured on film for everyone to see.  It was delightful.

I motioned with my finger for her to approach me.  She did, and I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me.  I took the phone from her and changed it to selfie mode.

“Kiss me on the cheek,”  I requested again as I positioned the camera to catch our faces, shoulders, and our breasts pressed together.  “Hold on,” I added, adjusting myself until my nipple touched hers, “there we go.”

“There now.  That should do nicely,”  I said, pleased with the pictures.  “These three go to you,”  I said, adding the full nude and two breast pictures to a text message.  “This one goes to Melissa with a message.  ‘Between two treasures lies the luscious pasture,’” I sounded out.

“And the one of us?”  Gina asked.

“With your permission, I’d like to send it to Ben with an offer of a tempting story of us,”  I teased her. “Or perhaps, I’ll tell him something delicious has happened and when he asks for details, I can simply send him the picture.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”  Gina asked with a mischievous grin.

“Only if you’re up for it!” I responded without having a single clue what she was thinking.

“Would you let Ben have me?”

“Yes,” I said, taking a step toward her.

“Would you have him rip off my clothes?”

“I would,” I took another step.

“Will you have him put his cock in my mouth?”

 “I will,” Another step forward.

“Will he want to fuck me?” she said, visibly excited.

“He will,”  I said, grabbing the back of her head and kissing her madly, pushing her down the hall towards my bedroom as I did.  Before pushing her down onto the bed, the final thing I said to her was, “But first, we have exploring to do.”

Published 2 years ago

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