Christine and Doug were the best neighbours you could wish for. After my rather messy divorce, they were so supportive, checking on me regularly, helping out with various things and inviting me around for the occasional meal. What little confidence I possessed had been drained from me and, although they were very supportive, my friends and family were mostly too far away to be much help when I needed them. Christine and Doug had no children of their own and kept themselves to themselves. It was as if they almost adopted me!
I may as well confess now. My wife had left me because she found out that I cross-dressed occasionally and, being somewhat neurotic at the best of times, it was something that she simply couldn’t handle. The counselling sessions were a waste of money in terms of saving our marriage, but they were helpful for me to come to terms with myself. I saw the therapist a few times alone and she was very sympathetic to what she called my gender dysphoria. Unfortunately, she had no real answers for me other than to not feel ashamed and to embrace my inner femininity and see where it went.
Christine became my role model. It was a natural choice as she was the woman that I saw the most. But it was more than that. She had a natural sense of style and, although she was not a great beauty, she was very attractive with the loveliest smile. I got a wig that matched her hairstyle and bought similar clothes. I would observe her mannerisms and her makeup and copy her in my private time at home. I realised that I had a dreadful crush on her, and loved looking in the full-length mirror when I had transformed myself into her twin sister.
Women are so much more observant and perceptive than men, and one Sunday afternoon I was chatting with Christine in the kitchen while helping wash up. We had just finished a particularly filling roast dinner and Doug was in the living room where the log fire, football and filling food, had sent him to sleep. As I washed up, wearing Christine’s apron, I felt her pull at the back of my trousers. I looked around in surprise.
“We need to have a chat, Chris,” she said in a soft voice with a warm and smiling face. I realised at once that she has seen that I was wearing panties and my heart began to race. She held my hand and squeezed it, causing tears to flood down my face. She hugged me and soothed me, whispering over and over: “It’s all fine, Chris, it’s all fine!”
We sat down at the kitchen table and she poured us a coffee. She told me how she had noticed signs of makeup on my face occasionally and how, earlier that day when I had bent over to pick something up, she had caught a flash of my panties. I was not sure how I felt. Dreadfully embarrassed in part, but also relieved that someone knew my secret and did not seem to care.
“I’m sorry!” I said and immediately wondered why we feel it necessary to apologise so much!
“Don’t be silly, there is nothing to apologise for,” Christine replied, taking hold of my hand, “one of my nephews is transgender, so it’s no shock to me, but I just wanted to warn you to be much more careful if you want to keep your secret a secret.”
Over the next hour, I poured out my soul to her: how I loved the dressing; what the therapist had said; how I was beginning to love being more feminine and how natural it felt for me. To my absolute delight, she offered to help me, to be my teacher. She only worked three days a week and Doug was often at the Golf course, so I invited her round to meet my other self. We heard Doug stirring and she dried my eyes and we carried on clearing up as if nothing had happened.
Dressing on your own is fabulous, but dressing for a friend is ten times better, especially for a friend that you have a crush on. That first day I remember the look of shock on Christine’s face when I opened the door. Her smile showed it was a good sort of shock, but there was a light element of puzzlement too.
“I have to ask, but are you modelling yourself on me?” she said once I had closed the door. I blushed deeply in answer. It was quite obvious.
“Well, I am more than flattered, and I have to say you really do make a rather striking woman!”
I was unsure if that was a compliment until she explained. “Striking is a good thing, my dear, it’s what a girl would say about another girl. You are very pretty and have a fabulous presence!” She held her arms open and I hugged her. Although I felt a strong sense of sexual arousal, something I am sure she must have noticed, it was a very loving and caring hug and made me feel more relaxed and happy than I had done for many many months.
Over the next few months, she taught me so many things. She explained the finer points of makeup, and how I could grow my hair so that I could style it in both a masculine and feminine way. She taught me about daily routines, creams, conditioners and subtle uses of scents. She taught me to cook and enjoy all sorts of vegetarian dishes as well as how to look after my clothes and keep my house clean and tidy. All the time it became easier and more natural for me to be this new woman that she had christened, Cristal. I liked that name!
One morning Christine turned up wearing her coat and boots and carrying a bag. No sooner had I invited her in than she told me to put on the coat which was one of hers and step into some ankle boots that she had specially bought for me. Much to my horror, she announced that she was taking me to the local mall for some shopping, coffee and cake. She quickly adjusted my makeup and got me to tone down my lipstick before brushing my hair. She got me to transfer everything to the handbag she had brought for me and pushed me out of the door and into her waiting car.
That day will live with me forever. It felt like it would never end, but at the same time, it seemed to be all over far too quickly. I was so nervous walking into the mall, head down, avoiding eye contact, but Christine forced me to walk tall. She made me buy her a coffee and I had to put everything she had taught me into practice. My quiet voice, my shoulders back, getting out my purse and card. All the time I was waiting for some comment, some reaction. All I got was a beautiful smile and ‘thank you’ from the girl who served me.
After that, I felt much more confident. Christine and Cristal walked arm in arm. We laughed in shops as we tried on things that really didn’t suit us. We had a lovely salad at a bistro with a very flirty waiter. I bought some more sandals, a blouse and a lovely long dress. I helped Christine choose some sexy lingerie that she wanted to surprise Doug with. It was absolutely to die for, but far too expensive for me to treat myself to a matching set!
I was so tired when we got home, but invited Christine in as she wanted to try on her lingerie properly. I said she could use the spare bedroom, but she was happy getting changed in the living room and said I should try on my dress and sandals. We undressed and I was quite embarrassed, embarrassed that Christine was undressing in front of me, and embarrassed about the effect it was having on me. I tried to avoid looking at her, but I couldn’t help myself and had to think of all the household chores I had to do to try and keep myself under control. I was soon in the dress and sandals, while she was barely dressed at all.
‘Oh my, you look absolutely adorable!” Christine smiled, swivelling her bra around under her ample bosom and pulling the straps over her shoulders before settling her breasts into the cups.
“What about me? How do I look?”
It was a three-piece in bright blue satin. Brazilian lace panties, suspender belt and balcony bra. She looked so sexy I could barely contain myself and just let my eyes wander over her body.
“Well?” she asked, “do I look so awful that you’re speeechless?”
“Oh no, you look absolutely gorgeous. Doug won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”
“Come over here and give me a hug. I’ve absolutely loved today and can’t wait to go out again with my new girlfriend!”
I slowly approached her and gave her a very tentative hug. She, however, almost crushed me against her, pressing her breasts into my chest. She kissed me on the left cheek, then the right. Then she kissed me gently on the lips. My body was on fire, and I kissed her back, forcing my lips on hers, my tongue in her mouth. My cock was tenting my dress and rubbing against her thigh. She pushed me away.
“Cristal, that’s not how girls do it. Let me show you.” She leaned in and kissed me gently. I responded likewise. Soon our lips were roaming across each other, pulling, caressing, and squeezing while our tongues gently played. It was so erotic and felt absolutely amazing. I have no idea how long we kissed, but however long it was, it was not long enough, but eventually, Christine pulled back from me and asked me to take her to my bedroom.
“Oh!” I exclaimed, “but Doug, what about Doug?” I was feeling dreadfully guilty that I had even kissed Christine.
“What about Christine, what about Cristal, what about making you a woman,” she replied, taking my hand and leading me upstairs.
Our passion was unhurried and beautiful. She sucked my nipples, and I sucked hers, breaking for passionate kisses in between exploring all our other erogenous zones. My tongue lapped at her pussy while she gently kissed and sucked my cock. Eventually, she rolled me onto my back and slipped me into her, riding me, her breasts rubbing across my chest, our nipples tormenting each other. She climaxed and shook and I came too, pushing deep inside her and groaning. I sighed. I loved this more feminine and sensual love-making, it simply filled me with so much joy!
The next month was a roller-coaster of new experiences. The trip to the mall had been just the jump into the deep end that I needed and was completely convinced that I wanted to live as a woman. I had changed my diet more and was taking some pills to make me softer. Christine continued to take me out and show me the ways of love. We went to a sex shop and bought all sorts of toys with a lot of girly giggling.
Over the course of the next two weeks, we used them all. I loved the butt plug, and she showed me how to make myself cum by just using a vibrator on my hole while she sucked my nipples. She made love to me with a strap-on and it was the longest and best orgasm I had ever had. It went on and on, filling me with a special tingling pleasure and a desperate sort of happiness, unlike any of the orgasms I had ever had as a man.
I had not been oblivious to the fact that she was losing a lot of weight. My new feminine sensitivity had also noticed a subtle atmosphere when I was with Doug and Christine. I feared that our secret was out, that everything was going to end. I was right, but for the wrong reasons. I was inconsolable when Christine and Doug broke the news to me. Christine had been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. She had only weeks to live.
Later she told me that she could not bear to tell me because she feared I would react the way I did and that it would give the whole game away if Doug was not there at the same time. She apologised, but I understood that she had to maintain Doug’s belief in her, and told her she had done exactly the right thing. After that, she declined quite quickly. We made love a few times, slow, lingering, sensual love that was about saying farewell as much as anything else. We were both very tearful.
After the funeral, where I wept a river, Doug took me to one side at the wake and my heart began to race. He had a very serious look on his face.
“Chris, I know that you and Christine really got on well, and she loved spending time with you, and she has been very honest with me and told me everything.”
I was waiting for the bombshell. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole, to join Christine! He continued, his words barely discernible from the noise in my head.
“She said you loved going out shopping, that there was another you, and that she wanted me to accept that you and look after you.”
My heart slowed, I lifted my head and looked Doug in the eyes,
“You know?”
“Yes, Christine told me about Cristal, and how much she means to you.”
“What else did Christine say?” I asked.
“She told me that you are quite fragile, and that she was your rock. I will be that rock for you now. That is what she wanted.”
“I see, but are you OK with that?”
“I am, but I’m not saying it will be easy. We’ve always been friends, and I guess I’ve never been the most open-minded of people, so I can understand why you didn’t want to tell me, but I do want to help, so let’s see how it goes.”
“OK, give me a call when you are ready. I’m relieved you know. Christine loved you so much!”
Doug’s eyes welled up. “I know. I was a bit jealous of her relationship with you, even thought that you might be having an affair, so it was a huge relief when she told me about Cristal.”
“I’m sure it was,” I replied with great relief of my own that he had no idea. I gave him a hug. I could feel how uncomfortable it made him as he was tense and rigid.
I really wasn’t expecting Doug to call me, he needed time to grieve and, as he had said himself, he was not the most open-minded person in the world. When he did call, I was pleased, but expected him to invite me round as Chris, so it was a real shock when he said he would like to meet Cristal. I suggested he come round to mine that evening and I would cook him dinner. He loved lasagna, so I got myself dressed, made a lasagna and then spruced myself up. I wanted to look my very best for Christine’s sake.
I can still see Doug’s throat gulping as I opened the door and he caught sight of me for the first time. I was wearing that long dress and sandals that I had bought with Christine that very first day at the mall. I was wearing my favourite wig because, although my hair had grown, it still did not look right when I styled it. I knew I looked good. I knew I looked just a little like Christine as I had copied all her makeup techniques and my hair was exactly the same as hers.
“Come in, Doug,” I said, smiling broadly and stepping aside. Doug was still unable to say anything. His head was coming to terms with the fact that this beautiful woman was his neighbour, but more with the fact that the moment he had seen her he had felt sexually aroused despite knowing that this she was a he.
“Is that for me?” I said, taking the flowers and prosecco from him.
“Oh, yes, sorry!”
“Not what you were expecting?” I asked, quietly.
“No, no, not at all. You are very beautiful, err.” He paused, dealt with how flustered he felt, and started again. “I didn’t know what to expect, but yes, you are really very beautiful, and I have to be honest, I was not expecting that.”
“Well thank you, Doug. So you can see that Christine was not that daring taking me out to the shops after all.” I laughed at my own joke, but I could see he was still confused and unsure. Not really clear what he could or should say. I offered him a seat at the table and poured him his favourite beer. Of course, I knew what he liked. I knew everything about him.
“So Doug, how are you coping? I was a bit worried about you, and that maybe you no longer felt you could turn to me, knowing about my alter-ego”
“I’m OK, and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to arrange this. I wish now I’d not reflected on it so much. I do miss her so much. It’s the silence and the emptiness that really gets to me, it just reminds me of everything I’ve lost. I miss her so much.”
“Me too. It’s not fair that she has been taken from us,” I added.
We talked while I served up the lasagna. Extra meaty with a cheese sauce, just how Doug liked it. I gave him a big portion and a little salad, while I had a thin slice and a large pile of green leaves
For dessert we had Tiramisu, but that was shop bought and another of his favourites. Over coffee, we talked about the next steps. I knew what I wanted and suggested that it would be nice if he got to know me as Cristal rather than Chris. He seemed very positive about the idea and we even agreed to go for a walk the next day. He would treat me to a pub lunch.
Over the next few months things settled down and Doug and Cristal became best friends. He would take me shopping, we would go to the cinema, and he even took me out to an expensive restaurant. But my favourite thing was just spending time with him. In fact, I was spending a lot of time in his house, looking after him, even washing and ironing his clothes. We would relax in the evening with a little alcohol and watch television before I made my way home. He always escorted me to my front door.
We were getting on so well that my feminine intuition detected a slight element of sexual tension between us. It was nice, and I encouraged it with some very basic flirting. I began to kiss him on the cheek when we met. I would occasionally reach out and hold his hand when we were walking. I would make little compliments about how clever he was. He began to flirt back.
One evening he told me that he wanted to take me on holiday. He showed me the tickets. It was true. We were going on a cruise from Aberdeen to the Norwegian fjords. We had had a bit to drink and I simply couldn’t believe it. I kissed him on the lips and was pleasantly surprised when he kissed me back. We stopped there. Somehow, that was enough. Something that could be passed off as a quick drunken moment, but we both knew it meant more. I rang the cruise company and modified the booking from two single cabins to one luxury double as I wanted to contribute. They had one cabin left and were happy to oblige for a few extra thousand.
The preparation for the cruise was amazing. I had to get several new outfits and spent ages selecting the right ones. Doug insisted on paying for all of them despite my protestations. Instead, I bought the same lingerie set that Christine had bought, the one she had worn the first time we had made love. I wanted to lose my virginity to Doug wearing it. It would be my tribute and thanks to Christine. I so wanted to complete the inevitable seduction. I had fallen in love with Doug and I needed him to love me.
When we got on board, I had to reveal my deception. Doug was quite angry and adopted a real moody persona, making quite a few comments about me going behind his back. When we got to the cabin, I was so distraught I began to cry. Buckets. Enough to sink the ship. Suddenly he changed. He held me and said he was so, so sorry. He told me over and over that he was sorry and that he was only angry because he should have done it, that he felt like a bit of a cheap skate! I was inconsolable until he finally said that the worst thing of all was that by booking two single cabins he had been far too safe and that he should have booked what he wanted, what he now knew I wanted. I looked at his face, misty through my tears. I saw the sparkle and loging in his eyes and kissed him right on the lips.
“I love you!” I said, smiling broadly, my hands wrapped around his neck. I kissed him again. I kissed him with that kiss Christine had taught me. I felt him melt into me and I fumbled for the door handle to let him push me into our room. We were immediately distracted by how fabulous it was. There was a large bed, an amazing window, a balcony, and chairs and a table. Doug smiled at me, a smile that said that he loved me. I know how hard it is for men to admit it!
“Can you ever forgive me for being such an ungrateful, rude and stupid idiot!” he said, his trembling voice showing how heartfelt his apology was.
“Oh yes Doug, I should have told you! Of course I forgive you!”
I kissed him again, but with more urgency. I wrapped one arm round his neck while the other hand slid down his side and I neatly undid the belt of his trousers. I kept him held in place, distracting him with my tongue, preventing him from stopping me from freeing his cock. I took it in my hand. It felt so hot, so big and so sexy. I began to stroke it and he moaned. I worried that I was now taking things too fast, but I also knew that we had taken months to get here, that our pent-up frustrations were overdue for release, and that now really was the time.
I squatted down and began to kiss the head of his throbbing erection. He smelt clean but manly. I ran my tongue all around, rubbed my lips over the ridge and held his balls in my hands. He placed his hands gently on my shoulders to show that he was loving what I was doing. I pursed my lips and slid him into my mouth. I was engrossed in the feeling of his silky smooth cock filling my mouth and the wanton groans that Doug was making. I knew exactly what he liked, my teacher had been good, and I began to stroke his balls gently while bobbing my head up and down, my tongue flicking at his sensitive underside. I occasionally took him as deep as I could go, as far as my throat, and it made me gag slightly. I knew that really turned him on!
I gradually increased the speed of my mouth and the pressure of my squeezing, I could feel his cock twitching and jerking and could tell from his moaning when my ministrations were having the desired effect. I took him deep and suddenly felt him harden even more. He let out a deep groan and my mouth filled with a new warmth and a new taste. I felt more like a woman than I had ever felt in my life. I licked him clean, smiling at his trembling knees, and then stood up.
He went to kiss me, but I put my finger to his lips.
“That was for you. Now we need to get ourselves sorted and get up on deck to wave goodbye to the harbour. Then your treat for me is to take me to the dancing class at three as I’ve always wanted to learn. You are a lovely man and I will make sure this cruise is the best journey you’ve ever been on!”
Doug had his hand around my waist as we stood on deck watching the harbour slowly move away. We kissed and returned to our cabin to get ready for the lesson. I wore black tights, a black top and a black and white dog-tooth mini with some moderate black courts. Doug insisted on wearing a suit and tie. I was glad he did, he looked so handsome! It’s fair to say that Doug was no dancer, and I picked things up much quicker than he did. In part, this was no doubt due to the fact that our Italian instructor insisted on using me as his example partner, and so I was getting a lot of extra help. I could see why ladies loved a strong lead on the dance floor! It felt so sexy!
By the end of the lesson, we were both exhausted but could do a passable waltz, and even a couple of simple turns. Doug told me in no uncertain terms that he didn’t like our instructor and I squeezed his hand and told him that he was far too sleazy for me too, but if we got extra special attention then that was a good thing. Doug reluctantly agreed. He could see it meant a lot to me.
At dinner, my apparent attractiveness worked to our advantage differently. I wore a long blue gown which interestingly, but secretly, matched exactly the colour of my blue lingerie. Doug wore a dinner suit. When we entered the dining room, slightly late because I had laddered a stocking and needed to replace it, there was a noticeable softening of the background chatter and several heads turned in our direction.
The maitre’d approached us and asked if we required a table for two, but no sooner had he finished his question, than he tapped his ear, ignored Doug’s “Yes please”, and listened to his earphone. There were two places at the captain’s table and we were requested to take them. I giggled excitedly. There is only one thing better than a man in a dinner suit, and that’s a man in a dinner suit surrounded by naval officers.
At the end of the meal, and a very special rum courtesy of the captain, the dancing was about to start. I guess I should have seen it coming, but the captain stood up, and walked behind myself and Doug. It was a tradition that the Captain of the ship always led the first dance.
“Sir, it would do me a great honour if you would allow me to take the first dance with your lady, if she would be so kind.”
Doug gulped. It reminded me of the first time he had met me. He smiled and nodded, but I could see he was not happy. I, on the other hand, could scarcely believe it. Out of all these women, I was the chosen one. The captain asked me if I was a good dancer as we walked onto the dance floor. I had to explain that I had just had the one waltz lesson that afternoon. He made a gesture to the conductor of the band and they started up with a slow and crooning version of Moon River. The Captain led me perfectly, testing me and pushing me to the limit. I did make a few mistakes, but he cleverly covered them up.
When the song finished I turned bright red at the applause that greeted us. The captain escorted me back to the table and whispered in my ear. “I would ask you to save the last dance for me, in two weeks’ time. It is very special. I will talk to Graziano and he will give you all the help you need.” I thanked him and he lifted my hand and kissed it. I almost fainted!
Doug was looking like there were seriously stormy waters ahead, so I took his hand and got him to stand up, and gave him a huge hug. Most of the eyes of the audience were still on us. His countenance changed. He stood straight and threw his shoulders back. He was the man with the loveliest woman aboard! The man every other man envied!
The orchestra had started playing Skyfall by Adele. Doug reminded me of James Bond in the way he was dressed. I could tell it was a waltz, as a few others were dancing. I dragged him to the dance floor and we made it around three times. It was amazing! Not the dancing, dancing with Doug. A crowd joined us on the floor and we surreptitiously left the dining room.
No sooner had Doug opened our cabin door, than I had closed it. I turned to face the door and whispered, “unzip me!” Doug carefully pulled at the zip. I trembled as his hand travelled down my back. Everything about these dresses was designed to turn you on! The feel, the look, and even their removal. He eased it off my shoulders and it fell and formed a big blue pool on the floor. I stepped back, knelt, gathered it up and put it on the hanger Doug was holding out.
He was mesmerised by that blue lingerie, the black lace top stockings and gold sandals. I put my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him, our mouths melting into one another’s. I felt his hands on my bottom, squeezing my cheeks through the lacy satin of my panties. I trembled and my tongue went wild in his mouth.
I went to one of the chairs and sat on it. I had already sized it up as being exactly the right height and had naturally ensured I was sparklingly clean for what was to be my final initiation into womanhood, the thing I so desperately wanted. Being the well-prepared girl that I was, I also placed a towel over the chair. Doug came towards me and I hurriedly undid his trousers. His manhood sprung out and I gasped at how hard and angry it looked. I reached into my clutch and produced a small bottle and liberally covered him in the slippery gel.
I turned around, pulled down my panties and knelt on the chair, my hole sticking up at exactly the right height, already filled by a plug and lots of lube. With my head twisted back, I wiggled my ass at Doug, in the most provocative way, and used my ass muscles to make the plug move in and out.
“Fuck me, Doug. Be my first!” I whispered, my rampant desire evident in my tone. Doug grasped the plug and pulled it out as I pushed. No sooner had the cold air hit my hole than his beautiful tool was rubbing up and down my crack sending shivers down my spine. I put my hand behind me and helped him in. I had readied myself well. There was just the slightest pain as he slipped into me, filled me up, and made me his girl!
I loved it when Christine would fuck me with her strap-on, and although the strap-on was slightly bigger than Doug, there was something absolutely unspeakable brilliant about the feeling of a real cock. Having someone truly inside you, pleasing you, desperately seeking their own release, was a feeling made in heaven. Doug was on fire and I was squealing with each of his powerful thrusts. Inside my body was boiling over, heat spreading throughout me, and my mind going fuzzy. Then he pushed so hard I felt his balls slap against me. I let out a huge moan as he came and I felt myself oozing all over the towel. I thought briefly of Christine, I imagined her being taken by Doug and coming just like me. I imagined how proud she would be of me. Just the thought made me cum again, shaking and moaning.
He gradually slipped out of me and I turned around and wiped his cock, putting it back in his underpants lest it leaks on his trousers. We quickly stripped naked, except I rather self-consciously pulled my panties back on as, although I loved my cock, it was an ever-present reminder that I was a very special type of girl, and right now I felt all-woman.
I had brought a baby doll and after a shower slipped it on. I got into bed with Doug and kissed him. We were both tired after an extraordinarily packed day and after a kiss fell asleep. I loved having him cuddled up to me, his hairy chest gently prickling my back and his cock nestled between my cheeks. What joy!
The days went by filled with amazing views as we sailed between the Scandinavian mountains and Doug became much better at dancing, while I became quite proficient. As for the passion between us, that showed no sign of waning and we were making love every night and quite often in the morning too. I had let Doug go down on me, and he seemed to really enjoy it, and that made me feel so much better about our relationship, as he could clearly love me for the woman I was.
At the start of the second week, we got invited to a cocktail party held by the captain. It was in the VIP lounge right at the top of the ship which had a glass ceiling. The captain was in good form and a very witty man. He did monopolise me for a while and had obviously enquired after my dancing progress as he complimented me on how well I had been getting on. I asked him how come all the women at his VIP party seemed to be so beautiful. He laughed. “It’s my party too!” was his uncompromising reply. Doug seemed fine. I think he knew how much I loved him now!
At midnight, the captain announced that there was a particularly good display of the aurora borealis and with our permission, he would like to switch to night lighting. Everyone cheered as the bright lights were replaced by dim low red lights. As my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, the swirling blue lights began to appear against the dark shadows of the mountains. They were the same blue as my underwear and I thought of Christine as I savoured the spectacular show.
It was so dark it was impossible to see anything other than the fabulous natural light show. I sat on Doug’s lap, fished out his cock which was nice and hard as it always seemed to be, and having pulled back my skirt and twisted my panties to one side, slid myself onto him. Right there in the VIP. We were very quiet. I took him all the way so that my bottom was resting on his hips and just gently wiggled my ass and cleverly flexed my muscles. Watching the surreal ribbons of pulsating light as I felt Doug pulsate in me, was truly magical. Doug gasped as he came, which fortunately coincided with a particularly spectacular sweeping flare above us and was drowned out in the general commotion. I slid off him and we hoped no one would notice that tell-tale smell of fresh sex.
The lights returned and the party began to fade. Doug went to the men’s room to tidy himself up and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. The captain handed me something that looked like a pair of binoculars and told me to look through them at the mountains. I flinched as it was as if everything outside was bathed in extremely bright, silvery moonlight.
“I see everything with these, you naughty girl,” he said, taking a deep breath and adding, “Mmm! I so love that just-fucked smell, you little devil! You know that my officers always have a vote on the sexiest girl onboard, and I don’t suppose you’ll be too surprised to learn that you won by a nautical mile!”
“Oh!” I said, in answer to both his observations. What else could I say?
He continued. “The night after tomorrow, we have a prize draw. The winning couple gets to have a spectacular evening. You have already entered, and you have won. The prize is a night at the famous ice hotel, and if you like, a trip to the main Norwegian observatory for more spectacular light shows. I will accompany you with my First Officer and two other officers. We catch up with the ship on a launch the next day.
“Oh,” I said again. “Is there a catch?”
“No, no catch, we just like to make sure that the most deserving people win the prizes. Our secret, eh!”
I nodded and as his hand slipped off my shoulder he ran it across my back making me tremble.
Doug was not overly impressed when I mentioned that I had entered the competition. He didn’t like the cold and couldn’t think of anything worse than a hotel made of ice! However, he did like the idea of the Observatory visit, so he calmed down. It was not like we would win or anything!
So the next day, to cheers from the other passengers, we climbed into a sleigh pulled by real reindeer and headed off to the ice hotel, the captain and his chosen officers following in a four-by-four. As we pulled up at the hotel it was as if we were in a fairy tale. The ice hotel was like a frozen palace, shimmering in the light from the setting sun. We entered the hotel on a red carpet and were escorted to the presidential suite. It was amazing and surprisingly warm. After a delicious smorgasbord and plenty of Nordic spirit, the Captain asked if we were ready to go to the observatory, but he whispered in my ear that it was not good weather and would probably be disappointing. Doug wanted to go anyway as he was already feeling the chill, but I loved this fairy tale hotel and wanted to stay and enjoy it. We agreed that we should do our own thing. The two officers went with Doug while the first officer and captain remained with me and offered to show me around.
Well, you can call it well-planned if you want, and you can call me a two-dime whore if you like, but the weather turned and Doug was forced to stay over at the observatory. Meanwhile, the captain and first officer were taking very special care of me, including a lot of very expensive cocktails, and I was being very flirty. I’ll be honest, I’m not exactly proud that in my semi-inebriated state I invited them up to the suite, but sometimes you have to live your dream, make a fantasy reality. Two sexy fit guys in immaculate uniforms want to fuck your brains out in the presidential suite of an amazing hotel made of ice. Sigh!
What a night. I really did let them use me, and I loved every minute. Being sailors they were a little surprised at my dick, but only because I looked so much like a girl. I was flattered. It was no problem for them at all, in fact, the first officer my big clitoris, as he called it! The captain was very well endowed and, I have to say, it did hurt at first, but once he was in and I relaxed, he really was like the most incredible fucking machine. I was on all fours, with the first officer filling my mouth. The pounding I was receiving at my other end was making me suck him in time with the captain’s thrusts. The whole thing was causing my whole body to overload with sensual emotions, I was trembling and squealing, unable to control myself. It was an amazing experience, but made extra special by the first officer cumming in my mouth at exactly the same time the captain grunted and shot his load. How much of a woman did that make me feel? Totally woman!
My cock had been dribbling the whole time in what I can only describe as feeling like I was floating on the edge of the most spectacular never-ending orgasm that peaked and troughed like the violent waves of a stormy sea. When they came, it was like a huge wave crashing on a beach, and I felt a pain in my balls as the emptied violently too. I was shattered and collapsed into a sleep full of the most spectacular dreams. Whirling spiritual lights, lips, cocks and the most incredible sensations. I woke up with the two guys on either side of me and just had to give them a wake-up blowjob to get them ready for round two.
When I left, and was sitting in the launch, bouncing across the sea, I felt a bit guilty, but grateful too. I’d never see these guys again after the cruise as I was just another notch on their tally stick, but then they had given me the experience of a lifetime! Doug was the man for me, but sometimes a girl just needs to have fun and I had a whole missing misspent youth that I needed to catch up with.
The next evening Doug was so passionate and loving towards me in bed he made me cry. Part of this was pure happiness, but there was a small part that was my guilty secrets. I wished that I did not have these, but without them, I knew I would be incomplete, and that would be worse. Having been stretched the night before, his fucking was so soft, easy and gentle, it was beautiful. He made love to me in the missionary position for the first time, my bottom raised on a pillow, my legs on his shoulders. As he fucked me he slid between my legs and began to kiss me. He tweaked my nipples when he could. His cock filled my insides while his lips, tongue and thumbs filled my mind with blissful tingling sensations. Cum oozed onto my tummy as I made angelic little moans.
On the final evening of the cruise, Doug and I were at the captain’s table again. The captain made a real point of talking to Doug, frequently congratulating him on having found such a beautiful partner. He also complimented Doug on his dancing, which, although not a patch on mine, was really not too bad at all. He was the master of discretion, and there was no mention of the ice hotel, but there were a couple of pats on my bottom at certain moments which, to be honest, I quite enjoyed.
So it was time for the last dance. That last dance he had promised me. The dance floor was cleared and from nowhere, this complete diva appeared in an amazing dress, sheer tights and with her hair in a spectacular updo. I did a double take, as I had no idea where she had come from as I’d not seen her before. As she got closer I twigged. It was Giovani. He looked pretty good, a bit drag queen, but not bad at all. I could see that Doug had not worked it out at all, and when the diva asked him to dance he was quite flattered.
Naturally, the captain chose me, and the four of us sauntered onto the dance floor. The music struck up. A waltz, a cha cha cha and finally a rather impromptu American smooth which was really just a slow dance with moves. The captain held me so tight I could feel his hardness pressing into me. Giovani was able to make Doug look fantastic, effectively leading him in reverse around the dance floor. He even gave Doug a big kiss at the end. I never told Doug ‘she’ was Giovani! The captain and I were the show stoppers though, and at the end, the entire ballroom was on their feet applauding. While Giovani distracted Doug, the captain kissed me. A very professional but passionate kiss. I felt like a queen. I felt like a star. I so felt like a woman!
When Doug and I returned to the village, he asked me to move in with him. A few months later we secretly married. It was too complicated to do anything else, but I got to wear a lovely wedding dress and veil. I had given up my job because I was Cristal now, and that would have been far too complex too. I focussed on looking after the house and doing things with the Women’s Institute. I loved the way they empowered women to be women and I had really developed some skills in baking and sewing. Doug earned plenty for both of us, and I rented out my house to provide some extra income. In our own eyes, we were the idyllic couple.
Doug had stopped calling me Cristal and now called me Cris. He had never got rid of Christine’s things, and he said I should wear them, as otherwise it would be such a waste. I had always loved her flair and style and it was so wonderful to be able to be just like her, wearing her clothes, looking after her home and satisfying her man. We talked about it, and Doug agreed that it was what she would have wanted. I knew it was what she wanted, she had as good as told me. In my sweet dreams, cuddling up to Doug, Christine smiled down on me, thanking me for taking such good care of the man she had loved and so dutifully fulfilling the role she had planned for me.
We were a really solid couple and deeply in love, but after six months there were two things that changed the dynamic of our relationship. The first was that Doug would not let me fuck him. It did not bother me enormously, as I adored being fucked and sucked, but occasionally I felt I needed it. The second was that I had found a soul-mate called Cindy at the Women’s Institute and we had become very close. Her husband had left her and she was quite shy. After one shopping trip, we popped into a bar, and got quite tipsy, and one thing led to another.
In the taxi home, she almost sat on top of me and rested her head on my shoulder. When I looked at her, our lips were so close together. I was not completely surprised when she looked into my eyes and kissed me. The taxi driver was quite discreet, but I’m sure he enjoyed the show, and did not mind at all when I got out with Cindy rather than carrying on home. Once we were inside I put a stop to things quite brusquely and I could see she felt hurt and rejected. I confided in her that I was transgender expecting her attitude to change completely, but once she realised that I was not rejecting her advances, but just concerned that she needed to know about my secret, she actually seemed quite relieved.
There was this strange sense of Deja-Vu about my affair with Cindy, despite being on the other side of the fence, so to speak. We bought lots of toys and enjoyed pleasuring each other. It was so nice making love to a woman again, slow, sensual and loving in a way that a man can never quite manage. It certainly meant that my frustrations were relieved.
At my instigation, she began to spend even more time at our house, which was nice, and it was clear that Doug really enjoyed her company too. After a while I found that feminine intuition of mine observing that Doug had become quite flirty and it seemed that he liked Cindy in rather more ways than I thought. At first I was quite jealous and sulked for a week. Doug, typical guy, had no idea what was wrong and I burst into floods of tears after he suggested I should go to the doctor. Men – honestly! He then got me some beautiful flowers, took me out for a fabulous meal and bought me a gorgeous sexy nightdress! It had taken me a few days to grasp just how hypocritical I was being, but I had also seen an opportunity.
I told Cindy about Doug and she laughed. I asked if she liked him, and she looked me in the eye quizzically. I told her that if she did like him, and fancied him, that I wanted her to seduce him like she had seduced me. I told her that I loved my time with her, but it would be so much nicer if it was not all underhand. She had become much more confident in herself, and although she was somewhat shocked that I would even countenance such a thing, let alone encourage it, she agreed. She could see that it would make our mutual relationships much stronger and more honest. After a long discussion, I had won her over, so much so, that she dragged me up to the bedroom and ravaged me!
The plan worked perfectly. I had told Doug I was out until the late evening, and Cindy would call in to finish some baking that I had started for a WI fundraiser. After getting the text from Cindy, I, of course, came home early and caught Doug and Cindy in bed, clearly enjoying themselves. Doug was mortified and completely speechless. He assumed it was game over. Cindy put on a really good act, gathering up her things and rushing out in a hurry. She even left her earrings behind!
“I’ll be in the kitchen when you are ready to talk about this!” I said to Doug, with a slight snarl.
Doug appeared looking extremely dejected. After all the usual one-sided: ‘am I not enough for you!’ conversation that I laid on pretty thick and gave him no time to reply, Doug told me how sorry he was, that he loved me and it was just me he loved. He told me that Cindy has been flirting with him, and that he was flattered, but he realised he should have been stronger. It was just sex. Nothing more. He loved what we had and didn’t want to lose it. I tearfully poured out my heart about me not being a ‘real woman’, and obviously not being enough for him. He denied that. I was everything he needed. Sex with me was perfect. It was the best!
I made him sleep in the spare room that night. I felt a bit guilty about it considering I had planned the whole scenario, but it all had to seem real, and I was sure that the end would justify the means. The next morning I crept into his bed and woke him up with the best blow job I think I have ever given anyone. Over breakfast, we talked things through. I said that I didn’t mind if he wanted to sleep with Cindy now and again as long as I was his wife and he was always there for me when I needed him. I told him that I understood that we all had different needs and we should talk it over with her and be honest with each other about how we felt. I had him on the back foot, so he had to agree.
Cindy came round that evening and it was quite a hard game for us to play, but we pulled it off brilliantly.
The rule of the meeting was that were to be no excuses, no analysis, just statements on how we felt now, and what we wanted, and how we thought things would work between us now. By the end of the evening, it was clear that Cindy loved me. Her story was that she was frustrated that I was not returning her love, and had sought solace with Doug after too much drink. But she had enjoyed her time with Doug and liked us both. I gave her a big hug and told her that I had always had the strongest feelings for her, but did not think that she felt the same about me. We laughed and kissed. Doug watched, not quite able to believe how things were unfolding. The tables were being turned.
The discussion concluded with an agreement that Cindy would join us in our marriage as a third party. We to be a very happy thrupple, if that’s a real thing. Doug opened some more prosecco and we drank to a satisfactory conclusion, partaking of a group hug in the centre of the living room where Cindy demonstrated to Doug just how she felt about me, before turning her attention to him. That night we all slept together. I was in the middle enjoying the touches of my two lovers. This three-way relationship was fulfilling in every way.
We sold our houses and moved to a larger place that was a little more remote where we can be together all the time and not suffer from the prying eyes of nosey neighbours. It took Doug a little while to adjust to it all, and to be honest, Cindy and I definitely get the most out of the threesome, but Doug can hardly complain, and he doesn’t. He has love, he has two beautiful women around him, and the new large house always looks perfect! We have a master bedroom and three individual bedrooms. We choose where we sleep depending on how we are feeling. Sometimes we all sleep alone, other times we all sleep together. It is ideal.
I wanted to think that Christine would have approved, although I suspected that she would not, at least not entirely. Cindy was my replacement for her, and she had not envisioned that as something I might need. I was Doug’s replacement for her, and my reward was that Doug would allow me to be the woman I had always wanted to be. In part she was right. It was what I needed. However, she had conveniently ignored how much I had actually loved her and joy of the amazing sex that we had. I thought of Christine often, and that was the frustration. Cindy satisfied that part of me, and made me complete. In my dreams, Christine always forgave me, and was always pleased that I had found so much happiness. I knew she still smiled on me.