The Welcome Wagon – Chapter Two

"Elise's second encounter with Justice is not as she expected...or is it?"

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Elise tossed and turned in her bed for most of the night. If she had slept at all, it was minimal at best. The previous days’ encounter with Justice continually replayed inside of her head and she couldn’t wait to see her again.

She finally relented and got up at six in the morning. Absent of a better idea of what to do with her morning, she ended the brief standoff with her father and started unpacking boxes.

After roughly setting up a couple of rooms, she decided to get cleaned up before Justice stopped by. She took a quick shower, picked out her cutest summer outfit, and blow-dried her hair. She stared at herself in the mirror for a bit and tried to think of what Justice would like. Then she grabbed a hair-tie that matched her outfit perfectly and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

Elise paced around the house nervously for what seemed like an eternity. She regretted that she hadn’t set a time for Justice to stop by. A quick call or text could have quickly solved that problem, but the girls never exchanged cell numbers during the excitement of the previous day.

Elise continued to unpack boxes to help pass the time while she waited, but she tried not to do anything that would mess up her clothes or hair too much.

When the doorbell finally rang, Elise sprinted to her room to check her appearance. Then, she charged for the door and quickly shifted gears as she tried to act casual when she opened it.

Elise was relieved to see that it was actually Justice. She flashed Justice a smile and invited her in. Once Justice was inside, Elise approached her. She tried to play it cool, but then she nervously blurted out “Yes!”

Justice flashed her a confused look as she asked, “Yes?”

Elise immediately responded, “Yes, I want to be your girlfriend!”

Justice stared her down. It was certainly not the response that Elise had expected. “Girlfriend?” she asked.

Elise was feeling deflated. She had spent all morning imagining how this interaction would go, but in none of those scenarios did it go like this.

“You…you asked me yesterday if I wanted to be friends or something different. I want to be something different.”

Justice changed the subject, “I thought that you were going to give me a tour of your palatial estate?”

“Um, sure, if that is what you want to do,” Elise said meekly.

Elise started to walk through the house with Justice in tow. Since Justice had already seen the section of the house that they were in, there was no point in giving her a second tour. As they neared the stairway, Justice asked if it was alright for her to leave her backpack at the door to Elise’s room. Elise agreed and the tour continued as she walked Justice through the entire second floor of the house.

Once they returned to the main floor, Elise led Justice past her bedroom and around a circular hallway. Some of the rooms were completely empty and they didn’t really have a purpose at that time. There was an exercise room and a television room that was roughly set up.

The next room was Elise’s father’s bedroom. Elise quipped that their first night in Arizona was the only time that he had even slept in it. The room was nearly empty, other than a bed. There was a large, walk-in closet that held most of her father’s belongings. The walls were still bare other than one extremely large family photo.

It immediately caught Justice’s eye and she charged toward it. The picture was of Elise’s father, mother, herself, and a younger brother.

“That is a great picture! You are so cute and awkward. How old were you?”

Elise sheepishly answered, “Twelve.”

Justice started to ramble, “Are your mom and little brother still in California or somewhere else? We should take a trip and go see them sometime. That would be so much fun. I have never traveled at all, so I would love to go anywhere.”

As Justice turned back toward Elise, she was visibly upset.

“They are gone,” she whispered.

Justice quickly realized that she had just stepped into a large, steaming pile of crap.

“Elise, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…Fuck! Why do I always do this?”

“It’s alright, Justice. It’s just not something that I like to talk about, especially when I first meet someone.”

Elise led Justice to the next room down the hall. It was a young boy’s bedroom. It was full of toy cars, trains, Legos, action figures, and everything else you would expect a nine-year-old boy to have in his room.

“This is what I did this morning. I unpacked Benny’s stuff and put his room together. It doesn’t even look like his room anymore. I can’t even remember how many times I have packed and unpacked all of this shit, but I can’t throw it out. We always have a big house and there are spare bedrooms, so I just make a room for him. It’s stupid,”

Elise looked dejected. She took a seat on the bed, which was adorned with a Spider-Man bedspread and matching pillows. Justice cautiously approached Elise and took a seat next to her. As she put her arm on Elise’s shoulder, Elise locked her in a hug and began crying almost immediately.

Justice stroked Elise’s hair. She offered, “It isn’t stupid, Ponytail. It’s a pretty cool room actually. I am sure that your little brother would love it.”

Elise decided that it was safe to tell the entire story.

“It was just a few weeks after we had taken that family picture. My mom was driving Benny home from soccer practice when a semi-truck went left of center. The driver had fallen asleep and struck them head-on. They were both gone before the ambulance arrived.”

Justice realized that there was nothing that she could say that would comfort Elise. She just held her for a while until she calmed down.

“So, do you still want to have some fun today?” Justice asked.

“Yeah, sure,” Elise responded.

Justice grabbed Elise’s hand and led her back to the bedroom. Elise thought to herself “Finally!” It seemed like things were starting to warm up. Justice scooped up her backpack. Once inside Elise’s bedroom, she started searching through it.

“Ponytail, I am going to need you to put on your sexiest bikini,” Justice commanded as she pulled her own out of the backpack.

Elise wasn’t sure why that would be necessary, but since it involved both of them getting naked, she decided to play along. She quickly removed all of her clothing, hoping that Justice would decide to skip whatever plans she had and proceed to the fun part. Knowing that she would get to see Justice completely naked for the first time, Elise kept a close eye on her.

To Elise’s surprise, Justice paid her little attention. Elise watched closely as Justice removed the last of her clothing. As Justice removed her bra, it was apparent that it was padded. Her breasts were so small that they barely made a peak. Elise found them to be boyishly sexy, anyway.

Justice removed her panties next, revealing a small “landing strip” of short, black pubic hair between her legs. She quickly started to put on her bikini which was a black bikini with long “spaghetti strap” ties. She pulled it up over one leg and then tied it snugly on her other hip. The long strings dangled down roughly a foot on each side. Then she pulled the top tie over her head and situated the two small patches of fabric so that they covered her nipples.

“Come help me, Ponytail,” she called out to Elise.

Elise nearly tripped as she charged across the room. As she neared Justice, she turned her back toward her and asked her to tie up the back. Elise did so and as she started to lean in to kiss the back of Justice’s neck, she quickly turned back around.

“Let’s go, girl! Put your bikini on,” Justice ordered.

Elise headed into her bathroom and retrieved the bikini that she was wearing the day before. She quickly put it on and returned to the bedroom to present herself to Justice.

“Oh, you are wearing that?” Justice quipped.

“Yeah, um, you liked it yesterday? Elise responded with an upward intonation.

“You are from California. You have to have a sexy thong bikini,” Justice stated.

Elise cautiously answered, “Yeah, I have one, but it is too small.”

Justice chuckled, “Do you see what I am wearing? It’s practically an eyepatch. Put it on and let’s go!”

Elise removed her bikini and started to put on the thong bikini bottoms. They were stretched tightly and took a bit of effort to get in place. The top was even worse. Justice had to pull the straps back and hook the clasp for her. Elise’s breasts were bulging out from the edges of the fabric. It was apparent that her butt and especially her breasts had grown since she had first worn that bikini.

“Alright, put your sandals on,” Justice barked as she did the same.

Justice grabbed Elise’s hand and started dragging her through the house. To Elise’s surprise, Justice did not turn toward the pool in the backyard, but toward the front door.

“What…wait! Where are we going?” Elise pleaded.

“We are going for a walk through the neighborhood. I am going to introduce you to everybody,” Justice responded.

“What? Wearing this?” Elise asked.

“Sure! You only have one chance to make a good first impression. I would guess that this bikini will help you make a memorable one.”

Justice grabbed Elise’s hand once again and led her hesitantly to the front door.

Unbeknown to Justice, Elise was nearly in tears at that point. She had such high hopes for what the day would bring for herself and Justice, but so far it felt like déjà vu.

Ever since her mother and brother had passed, Elise had felt terribly alone. Although her father was still around, he certainly was not involved. She understood that he was going through the same situation that she was, but he certainly could have been present for her more.

As a result, Elise had a tendency to get closely attached to people that she had just met. Whether it was a friend, boyfriend, nanny, or teacher, she had a tendency to cling to people as she sought out steady relationships in her life. Most times, the other party would distance themselves from her, thinking that there was something wrong with her.

At that point, Elise did not want to go outside with Justice. Not anymore. She just wanted to run back to her bedroom, bury her head under the covers, and cry.

Justice dragged Elise reluctantly out the front door. As they reached the sidewalk Elise felt a playful slap on her exposed bottom.

“Your ass looks so fuckin’ good in that thong!” Justice chirped.

Elise’s mouth slumped wide open as a look of shock washed over her face.

Justice started prancing in circles around Elise. She leaned in for a moment, brushing her breasts against Elise’s. Then she whispered, “I am going to lick your pussy so good when we get back,” into Elise’s ear before giving her earlobe a playful lick that simulated cunnilingus.

Elise was relieved, shocked, and irritated at Justice in equal measure.

“Why were you so cold to me before? I thought that you didn’t like me.”

“You were coming on pretty strong from the moment that you opened the door, Ponytail. If I hadn’t taken a step back, we just would have been rolling around in your bedroom all day long.”

“Yeah, what’s fucking wrong with that?” Elise asked.

“We have to leave the house every once in a while. Besides, I want to show you off.”

Justice started to realize part of the reason why Elise was so upset.

“Ponytail, you aren’t falling for me already, are you?”

Elise hesitated for a moment before blurting out an enthusiastic but unconvincing “No!”

“You are! Oh my god, I flipped a straight girl in one day.”

“No, it isn’t like that, Justice. I just…I just wanted to have some fun.”

Justice started to bound around with a big smile on her face.

“What was it? Was it my big, voluptuous breasts?” Justice asked as she placed her thumb and forefinger underneath each of her breasts and waggled them intermittently. There was little movement, other than the shifting of her bikini top.

Without giving Elise a chance to respond, she added, “No, it was clearly my curvy, round butt.” Justice turned around wiggling her tiny, little bottom at her.

“Oh, wait, I know what it really was!” Justice exclaimed. She leaned back in close and whispered, “It’s because I licked your pussy so good and made you cum harder than you ever could have imagined.” Justice hesitated a moment before adding, “I really like you, too.”

Justice pulled away and then met Elise with a surprise kiss. It was brief but passionate. The two girls stared at each other for a moment until Elise grabbed Justice aggressively and retaliated in kind.

Justice smiled at Elise and extended her hand. Elise grabbed ahold of it, wiped away a joyful tear, and the two girls proceeded as Justice led her down the sidewalk.

“Come on, girl. It’s time for your walk!” Justice shouted at Elise. She continued to whistle at her and make assorted dog noises for the next block. Elise tried to get her to quiet down even though she found it quite funny.

Justice paraded Elise around the neighborhood for roughly an hour. She stopped and talked to everybody that they encountered either in their yard or on the sidewalk. It was an older crowd, consisting mostly of daddies and grandpas. For some reason, any men that were outside didn’t seem to mind spending some time chatting with two scantily clad young women.

As they turned and headed down a different street, Justice seemed apprehensive. There were two young men tossing a football back and forth in an open area between two houses. They were both shirtless and very fit.

Justice said that Conner, the taller and more muscular guy, was the star quarterback at their high school. Tate, the shorter and skinnier of the two, was the starting receiver.

Tate was the first to see the two girls walking down the sidewalk and he gestured toward Conner. After a brief look, Conner tossed the football back to Tate. Tate’s return toss, however, sailed wildly over Conner’s head and bounced into the street near the area where the girls were approaching.

Conner jogged in their direction as Tate slowly crept closer. Conner said “hello” to Justice, before asking who her friend was. Justice seemed nervous and Conner was clearly putting on the charm for Elise.

Conner offered, “Tate and I are heading out to the dunes with a bunch of our friends tonight. You should join us. It’s a lot of fun. You can bring her too if you want.”

Something about the way that Conner said those words struck a nerve with Elise.

“So, what do you guys do out there?” Elise asked flirtatiously.

“You know, the usual stuff. There is usually some drinking, music, a little pot, and other kinds of fun,” Conner explained, his eyes focused on Elise’s bulging bikini top the entire time.

Elise shook her head positively, “Yeah, that sounds like a good time!” She placed her hand on Conner’s muscular chest and slowly slid it downward until she gave the waistband of his shorts a light flick.

By that time, Tate had crowded in and was standing offset behind Conner.

Elise said playfully, “You should show me what you’re hiding in there. I don’t want to be caught unprepared.”

Conner smiled cockily but he was hesitant.

“Okay, shy guy, I will go first,” Elise said as she pulled down her bikini top. Although it was still very tight, it had relaxed some during the time that she was wearing it. She gave him a good look before stuffing her breasts back inside of the top. Both of the boys seemed to enjoy the show.

In response, Conner confidently pulled his shorts and underwear away from his body. Elise leaned forward and gave it a long look. His cock seemed reasonably sized, but nothing special. She wasn’t even going to give him that much credit, though.

Elise quipped, “I’m sorry, I don’t think that I can join you tonight. Be sure to let me know when the rest of you has grown up.”

Conner was in shock. He never got rejected by girls and certainly not in such an insulting fashion.

“How about you, Tate? Do you have something that you want to show me?” Elise asked.

Tate shook his head negatively and backed away. He was clearly not interested in being verbally emasculated like Conner had.

“Alright boys, Justice and I have important matters to attend to. You just keep playing with each other’s balls,” Elise cracked.

She grabbed Justice’s hand and the two girls started walking down the sidewalk once again. Justice started to freak out. She told Elise that she shouldn’t have said that and that Conner would get even with her.

The boys seemed to finally have snapped out of their state of shock and started shouting at the girls. It was mostly hateful stuff that was pretty predictable.

Elise stubbornly kept reiterating, “Fuck those assholes!”

Once out of sight of the boys, Justice stopped Elise.

“Why in the hell did you do that?” Justice asked.

Without hesitation, Elise retorted, “That motherfucker disrespected you, and I won’t put up with that shit!”

Justice was quiet for a moment. Then she blurted, “We need to go back.”

She started dragging Elise behind her once again. Elise apologized profusely to Justice, convinced that she had upset her by humiliating the boys.

When she finally persuaded Justice to stop, Elise asked her why she was so upset.

Justice answered, “I am not upset. It’s just that…nobody has ever stood up for me like that before, not the way that you did. So…we need to go back right now.”

Elise was beaming, “I don’t know about that, Jus. I don’t think that I have met everybody in the neighborhood yet. There is a guy over there mowing his yard. Let’s run over there and you can tell him that I just moved into Dr. Anderson’s old house.”

Justice tried not to chuckle at the way that Elise had turned the tables on her.

“Don’t break character with me, Ponytail. You are the cute one. I am the funny one. End of story.”

Elise answered, “Well at least I know how to push your buttons now. That will prove useful the next time that you decide to parade me around the neighborhood with my ass hanging out.”

“It’s a really nice ass,” Justice quipped. She gave it a light slap just to prove her point.

“I like yours better,” Elise responded, followed by a slightly firmer slap.

The rest of the walk back to Elise’s home went much the same as the girls taunted and teased one another. By the time they arrived at her door, the dialog had become extremely explicit.

As soon as the door closed, they started with a frenzied kiss. Their sandals and bikinis were quickly removed by one another as they clumsily bumped and banged their way toward Elise’s bedroom. Once inside, Justice tried to take control, but she was shoved away by Elise.

“Get on the fucking bed and spread your legs!” Elise demanded.

Justice was shocked, but she did exactly as Elise commanded with an eager smile on her face. Elise stalked Justice, and with no hesitation took a long, slow lick at Justice’s extremely wet pussy. After so much anticipation, both girls let out a simultaneous moan. Elise was so excited that she started grinding her torso against the mattress.

Elise tried to focus on Justice’s clit. She was able to get it aroused and expose it, but she soon found that her tongue had become fatigued very quickly. She was frustrated with herself because she knew exactly what she wanted to do to Justice, but her tongue kept cramping up.

She decided to break up the action by alternating her tongue and the combination of her pointer and middle finger. That was the way that she usually got herself off and it seemed to be pretty effective. For several minutes Elise continued switching techniques. It was apparent that she wasn’t nearly as good at it as Justice was, but she wanted to please her so badly that she wouldn’t give up.

Realizing that Justice was getting close to orgasm, Elise decided to focus on manual stimulation because that seemed to be more effective. The added benefit of such a technique was that it gave her the opportunity to watch Justice’s every reaction.

It didn’t take long for Justice to realize that Elise was studying her. Squirming around all of the while, Justice locked eyes with Elise.

“Don’t stop, Ponytail! I’m about to cum!”

After a bit, Justice’s hips raised up from the bed and she cried, “Oh, Fuck!”

A stream of fluid sprayed out from Justice’s pussy. Much of it splashed off of Elise’s hand and onto her chest and lower body. Elise’s eyes grew wide as if she did not expect that to happen. With the liquid dripping from her breasts, she continued rubbing Justice’s clit until she gestured for her to stop.

As Justice lay on the bed breathing heavily, she asked, “Did I remember to tell you that I am a squirter?”

Elise shook her head negatively as she giggled at Justice. She towered over Justice with a smile, relieved that she had managed to get her off.

Suddenly, Justice reached up and yanked Elise on top of her. Her slippery, wet body skidded around clumsily. Justice quickly followed up with an aggressive kiss that came from out of nowhere.

“I love you, Elise,” Justice stated.

Elise was in shock. It was the first time in her life that a partner had ever spoken those words to her. In addition, she couldn’t believe that Justice had actually called her by her real name. She had started to wonder if she had forgotten it and was just using “Ponytail” as a crutch. She wanted to respond in kind, but the pain from too many premature declarations of endearment had made her hesitant.

Without warning, Justice rolled over with her arms around Elise, effectively switching positions. The devilish look that Justice had worn the previous day when she was in control had returned.

Elise couldn’t wait to feel Justice’s nimble tongue dance all over her clit once again. Instead, she watched as Justice seductively inserted two fingers deep into her mouth and pulled them out. She lowered her hand between Elise’s legs and slowly inserted the two fingers inside. Elise’s head rocked backward as they entered her.

“Do you feel that?” Justice asked.

Elise nodded her head affirmatively, but it didn’t really feel any different than any other insertion that she had experienced.

“I’m going to find your G-spot. Then, I’m going to make you dance like you are my own little finger puppet.”

Elise was apprehensive that it would work, but the second part sounded interesting. She expected Justice to simply slide her fingers in and out, but instead, she made a “tickling” motion with her fingers. At first, it just felt like any other contact, but soon thereafter there was a sensitivity that started to present itself. That sensitivity soon turned to an almost ticklish sensation which caused Elise to squirm.

“Yeah, you feel it now. Don’t you, Ponytail?”

Elise nodded her head affirmatively, although she still wasn’t quite sure how this different sensation would lead her to orgasm.

Seeming confident that she had Elise under her control, Justice placed her left forearm across Elise’s abdomen while she continued to manipulate her with her right hand. Whenever Elise’s body tried to shift or rise up, Justice would keep her pinned in place.

After what felt like an eternity, Elise started to recognize all of the normal pleasurable feelings that she would feel when she masturbated. The biggest difference was that everything happened more slowly and deliberately. It felt almost torturous. She wanted to cum so badly, but it felt like it was taking forever to arrive.

It was then that Elise realized that Justice had been studying her and measuring her pleasure all of the while. Justice’s motions seemed to become firmer and quicker. Elise soon felt a surge of pleasure and her body tried to bridge up but was quickly blocked as Justice leaned forward and put her full weight on her. Realizing that she probably wasn’t going to be able to react the way that she wanted to, Elise surrendered. Her legs began to visibly tremble as they were outstretched on each side of Justice.

“Yeah, that’s my little fuck-puppet! Are you ready to cum for me now, Ponytail?”

Elise simply let out an awkward gasp as her eyes pleaded to Justice to finish her off. Justice adjusted her motion to a typical “in and out” motion. It was the sort of motion that former boyfriends always tried to do but weren’t very successful. Justice, however, knew what she was doing far more than any clumsy teenage boyfriend.

As Justice plunged her fingers in and out of Elise’s pussy, Elise sat up partially. She was almost snarling at Justice, demanding her to finally let her cum. Her legs and midsection were already growing weary and sore from continually tensing up.

“Oh, fuck!” Elise growled. “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming!”

“Hell yeah, you are,” Justice chuckled.

It soon became clear that Elise either misjudged the timing or that Justice had decided to torment her even further.

After two more announcements, Elise was soaked in sweat, her face had slowly built to a reddish hue, and there was a wide, pronounced vein protruding near the center of her forehead.

“Oh, god!” she screamed before crying out in such a way that anyone listening would have thought that she had been through a traumatic experience.

Elise’s head rocked backward as she came. Justice tried to continue stimulating her but made a strange expression as her actions were interrupted. She eventually resumed fingering Elise which elicited a gasp from Elise each time.

Elise grabbed Justice’s hand, indicating that she wanted her to stop. Justice slowly retracted her fingers as she proudly hovered over Elise’s prone body. She slowly drew her fingers up to her mouth and slowly licked them clean.

She moaned pleasurably before saying, “Mmm…you know what, Ponytail? I almost forgot how good your tight little pussy tastes. You almost broke my fucking fingers, though. Maybe next time, I’ll…”

Elise tried to sit up but couldn’t quite get there on her own. She wrapped her arms around Justice’s neck and pulled herself upward, distracting Justice and cutting her off mid-sentence. Elise squeezed her tightly and gave her a long, impassioned kiss.

“I fucking love you too, Jus,” Elise chirped.

The two girls cuddled for a while until Elise made another announcement.

“I really need to take a shower now.”

“Nuh-uh!” Justice quipped. “I marked you as my property. You have to wear my ‘stank’ forever now.”

“Really? Your ‘property’” Elise responded incredulously.

“Alright, alright. I will let you take a shower, but only if I get to have another taste of you.”

“Hmm…well if you insist on it,” Elise relented.

The girls got up and as they headed to Elise’s oversized shower stall, Justice added, “So, how many times do you want to cum in here, Ponytail?”

Published 2 years ago

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