The Wedding Caterer – Part 3

"The affair between Patrice and Colin picks up pace and includes a night in a hotel room"

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Twenty-five-year-old black woman Patrice Simmonds and sixty-year-old white married man Colin Middleditch had recently started an affair and they loved being in each other’s company sexually.

They were both doing well in business and both were very serious about their work but both were looking at ways of them getting together whenever possible. They already had a night in a hotel planned for the following Tuesday with Patrice travelling the near one hundred miles to join Colin in his room which was booked for him to use during two days of business meetings.

It was Saturday and Patrice was very busy at a wedding that the firm, run by her but owned by her mother, was doing the catering for. Patrice would be working almost non stop during the afternoon and evening although there would be a window of about an hour in the evening when she could take a break. Patrice thought of the perfect way to fill that hour if Colin was available and up for it.

She went to her car, parked at the site of the wedding, and phoned Colin’s mobile.

“Patrice! how are you, you gorgeous woman?” said Colin, on seeing who was calling.

“I am good baby, but busy: can you talk for a moment?” said Patrice.

“Yes, I am home alone at the moment,” replied Colin.

“Fuck! I wish I was with you but I will get a bit of free time later. I have an idea if you are up for it and can get away,” said Patrice.

“Depends on what time: what do you have in mind?” said Colin who knew that his wife Ruth was out with lady friends for a time in the evening.

“I will have about an hour free at eight this evening: I was thinking of meeting for a quick fuck,” said Patrice, excitedly.

“Ruth will be out by then so yes, I can meet you: at your house?” replied Colin, stroking his rapidly hardening cock through his trousers.

“No, the wedding is out of town so not time to go home and back: I was thinking of a quickie in the back of my car,” said Patrice, with mounting excitement.

“What? In your car at the wedding?” asked Colin, who very much wanted this woman but did not want to risk getting caught having her.

“No, but there is Bonhams Wood just two miles from where I am: do you know it?” said Patrice.

“I know where it is but that is not one of those places where people go to watch other people have sex, is it?” said Colin, a bit nervously.

“Ha, dogging you mean? No, it is not used for that yet, I don’t think,” giggled Patrice.

“Are you wanting me to meet you there?” said Colin, still a bit dubious despite always wanting to fuck this woman.

“No, I will tell you where this wedding is and you leave your car here and we will go to the wood in my car,” replied Patrice.

She told Colin of the location of the wedding and he agreed to be there just before eight. Patrice now had to get back to the wedding. “See you later baby: for a quick fuck,” said Patrice but the way she said ‘fuck’ almost had Colin cumming in his underpants.

“Yes, see you later,” said Colin, who was aware that his voice probably sounded a bit croaky.

Colin arrived a little before eight at the place where the wedding was being held and, seeing Patrice’s car, parked near that. He was highly aroused but still had concerns about someone looking through the car window to see him and his lover fucking. The light had almost gone so it would be dark by the time they reached the woods a couple of miles away.

Colin looked up to see the vision of Patrice walking purposefully towards where their cars were. At Colin’s daughter’s wedding, only a short time ago, she was wearing a black trouser suit but today she was in a black skirt and jacket with a green blouse. As ever, she looked stunning in the well-lit car park.

Colin got out of his car with Patrice almost there, she unlocked her car. “Hello baby, I must be back here by nine so better get there,” said Patrice, giving Colin a quick kiss on the lips before he got in the passenger side of her car.

“You sure this is going to be private?” asked Colin as Patrice set off to drive the short distance to the woods.

“Ha sugar, you are nervous aren’t you? There might be others there fucking but I doubt if they will be interested in us,” replied Patrice, her perfect white teeth flashing. But the ‘others fucking’ bit did little to reassure Colin.

As it happened, when Patrice arrived at the woods there was only one other car in sight and she parked well away from that. As they were very much on a time limit, Patrice parked up and indicated the urgency. “In the back baby, let’s get at it,” she said as she got out of her side of the car and Colin followed suit.

“Lift up,” said Patrice, who was on her knees on the back seat and already undoing the seated Colin’s trousers.

Colin raised his backside from the seat and Patrice pulled his trousers and underpants down below his knees.”Mmm, you are ready for this aren’t you?” said Patrice, giving Colin’s already erect penis a couple of strokes.

“I am always ready for you,” replied Colin before Patrice’s lips were on his and they had their first proper kiss of the evening.

Patrice removed her jacket and Colin started undoing Patrice’s blouse. Patrice then unzipped her skirt and struggled out of it, letting Colin become aware that she wore nothing underneath. “Took my knickers off in the ladies’ before leaving the wedding,” explained Patrice who then put her legs on either side of Colin and stroked Colin’s penis against her wet cunt lips.

Colin finished undoing Patrice’s blouse and then undid her bra, allowing her large tits to become free. “Let’s fuck, baby,” breathed Patrice, guiding Colin’s cock into her and slowly impaling herself on it.

Patrice had her mouth wide open and her eyes shut as she took all of Colin’s cock into her. “Oh baby, so big,” she said before starting to move herself up and down its length.

Their mouths locked in a kiss and they swapped tongues as Patrice moved herself up and down Colin’s erection. “Mmm, mmm, mmm, yes, yes,” Patrice panted as her riding got faster.

Colin was momentarily distracted by another set of headlights as another car pulled in but they parked quite a distance away and all of his thoughts returned to the beautiful woman that was riding his penis. Colin licked at Patrice’s nipples as her tits swang as she bounced.

Patrice was now slapping against Colin’s thighs on her downward movements as she bounced harder and faster. “Baby, gonna cum, shit, oh fuck,” Patrice shouted as she orgasmed. She kept bouncing and Colin hoped that he could hold his ejaculation until she came again but the stimulation that she was giving his cock made him doubt that he would be able to.

Colin was about to cum but the hard riding black woman shrieked to announce her second climax so Colin’s penis happily spurted upwards into the woman’s hot cunt.

“Oh fuck, fucking great,” said Patrice, now stationery with Colin’s softening cock still in her.

“It was wonderful, as always with you,” confirmed Colin as the couple kissed lovingly.

“I had better get cleaned up a bit and get back: I have a load of napkins from the wedding,” said Patrice, dismounting from Colin’s lap.

“Don’t want any cum on this car seat either,” Patrice added, being careful where she put her arse or, more importantly, her very sticky cunt.

She cleaned herself with napkins and gave Colin napkins to clean his cock, pubic hairs and thighs.

“I wonder if they will know that I have been fucking when I get back to the wedding,” laughed Patrice, lifting her arse to pull her knickers on, that she had retrieved from her handbag.

She pulled her bra back over her tits and did that up and then did up her blouse and put her skirt on. Colin, have just about cleaned himself up, pulled up his underpants and trousers. “You are an amazing girl, Patrice; do you know that?” said Colin.

“And you are an amazing man, baby: so looking forward to that night with you on Tuesday,” replied Patrice, before putting her jacket on.

“I am looking forward to it too. Don’t think I will be able to see you again until then because Ruth and I are at Helen’s tomorrow evening and Monday is going to mean me working late because of Tuesday’s meetings,” said Colin, a bit sadly.

“A whole night together though, honey; let’s look forward to that,” said Patrice, giving Colin another long kiss in the back seat before getting out and getting in the front. Colin also moved to the front and as Patrice drove off, her headlights caught silhouettes in another car indicating that another couple was doing similar to what they had just done.

“Yeah, go for it baby,” chuckled Patrice, referring to the female in the other car.

Patrice drove back to where the wedding reception was being held. “Oooh, I can still feel cum oozing out of my pussy: my knickers are going to be sticky all night now,” she laughingly complained.

She and Colin had one more kiss in her car once she had parked back at the reception. “I think that I am falling in love with you, Mr Middleditch,” she said, and she meant it.

“Oh Patrice, I miss you so much when I am not with you,” answered Colin, who thought but did not say that his feelings for Patrice were much the same as hers for him.

“See you Tuesday night, honey: I will let you know when I get there,” said Patrice, as she got out of the car to go back to the reception and Colin got out to reluctantly return home.

“Yes, see you then: you gorgeous, sexy creature,” replied Colin as they split up.

Patrice got through the rest of the reception okay, despite her knickers seeming to disappear into her sticky cunt but she must have been looking noticeably happy. “You look pleased with yourself this evening,” said Charlotte, her assistant.

“Do I? must be because this reception is going so well,” replied Patrice.

“I thought it was more than that: thought that you looked like you had just had a good fucking or something,” laughed Charlotte, who was obviously on good terms with her ‘boss’.

“I wish,” laughed Patrice, who hoped that she did not look guilty.

Colin went home and Ruth got there a bit later, they hardly spoke. They did not speak much now but Colin thought that it was from before he got involved with Patrice, although they probably talked less now.

Obviously, Ruth had no idea that her husband was in the early stages of having an affair although it was debatable whether she would be too bothered if she did know. Colin knew that he should feel guilty but he didn’t, and he was not going to force himself to.

On Sunday, Ruth and Colin spent a lot of time at their recently married daughter Helen’s house. They were civil enough with each other, almost friendly, but Colin had his mind on other things, more specifically, someone else.

There was what could have been an embarrassing situation during the evening when Helen asked a question. “What was the name of that West Indian girl in charge of the catering at the wedding?” asked Helen, out of the blue.

“I don’t know, something beginning with P wasn’t it? Paula maybe? Why do you ask?” replied Ruth, as Colin squirmed in his chair and hoped that his wife and daughter did not notice his discomfort.

“Colin, what was that girl’s name? you talked to her more than us,” said Ruth before Helen could answer her mother’s earlier question.

“Oh, um, Patricia, um, Patrice, yes I think that’s it,” replied Colin, hoping that he sounded suitably vague.

“Oh, I only mentioned her because I saw her a couple of days ago when I was driving in town,” said Helen.

“She is very good at what she does, isn’t she Colin?” said Ruth, leaving her husband thinking for a moment that she knew.

“Yes, she is very good with the catering,” replied Colin, as confidently as he could.

The conversation ended there so Colin was pretty sure that Ruth had no idea. When she did not say anything more about the wedding caterer after they left Helen’s he was sure that she did not.

During their respective busy Mondays, Colin and Patrice did not speak, they had not spoken since parting after their quickie on Saturday, but they did send each other a couple of very raunchy texts. Likewise, during Tuesday daytime there was no talking, just one text in each direction, but Patrice left a voicemail on Colin’s phone as she was about to set off on her drive to join him. Colin got a pretty good idea from the voicemail of what was in store for him once they got together in his hotel room.

Roadworks meant that Patrice’s journey was taking longer than she thought. She phoned Colin’s mobile, hands-free of course. “Baby, I am stuck in fucking traffic: probably about another hour once I get going,” she said, initially into voicemail but Colin picked up.

“Patrice darling, sorry I just had a shower: fuck, I want you,” said Colin.

“I will be there as soon as I can, honey: I will need a shower too and then we can fuck all night,” said Patrice.

Although Colin had important business meetings the next day the idea of spending the night fucking Patrice Simmonds was hugely exciting. “I might not manage all night sweetheart but I will do my best. Get here safely as soon as you can,” replied Colin.

“See you soon, sugar. Yay, traffic is moving,” said Patrice as vehicles started moving at a steady pace.

There were no more delays and just over an hour after the phone conversation, Patrice arrived in the hotel car park. “Baby, I have just arrived at the hotel,” Patrice excitedly said when Colin answered his mobile.

“Wonderful! I will be straight down to meet you,” replied Colin, looking at his watch to see that the time was just after nine o’clock. He had a night of sex ahead of him.

Colin took the lift down the three flights to the ground floor and he found Patrice, looking gorgeous as always, in the foyer. He resisted the urge to throw his arms around her in what was a quite populated area and Patrice managed to show the same restraint.

“So good to see you,” said Colin, stating the obvious.

“So good to see you too baby. It was a shitty journey,” replied Patrice.

“Did you want a drink? although I have a minibar in my room,” asked Colin.

“Honey, I want a shower and then a fuck,” replied Patrice, with an incredibly sexy smile.

“Then you shall have both,” answered Colin, with a smile and eyes twinkling.

They went towards the lifts hand in hand but still pretty much restrained but on entering the lift and having it to themselves they embraced, kissed and groped. “Patrice, Patrice, Patrice, you are wonderful,” said Colin but then got a shock because he had not pressed the button for his floor and the lift, still at ground level, opened.

A woman, probably not much older than Colin, got in and looked at the beautiful young woman and the middle-aged man that were in each other’s arms, very disapprovingly. The older woman did not speak but reached beyond them to push the button for the third floor. Colin and Patrice stood looking straight ahead and trying not to burst into laughter.

The lift stopped at three and the woman got out. “This is us too,” said Colin quietly to Patrice, who did not know what floor Colin’s room was on. Colin and Patrice got out, still struggling not to laugh, as the woman stomped further down the corridor.

The woman walked beyond Colin’s room and the one next to it so they knew that she was not their neighbour. “At least she is not next door to us,” said Colin as they reached his room.

“If she had been I would have screamed extra loud every time you made me cum,” laughed Patrice as they entered the room for alone time.

Now there were no restraints as they kissed and pawed each other. Patrice felt Colin’s hands gripping her impressive arse cheeks through her trousers as she had a hand in between their bodies massaging his crotch. Patrice wondered if she could forego the shower because her need for a fucking was immediate but she wanted to refresh after her longer than expected time in the driver seat of her car.

“Baby, baby, I had better have that shower,” said Patrice, reluctantly.

“Can I come and watch?” asked Colin.
“I need you to soap me all over, honey,” answered Patrice, who now separated from their cuddling, removed her jacket and started undoing her blouse.

Patrice removed her blouse and then moved to undo her trousers but Colin had other ideas. “Let me take those off for you, you sexy creature,” said Colin.

“All yours,” said Patrice with a smile, raising her hands away from her body.

Colin moved behind Patrice and ran his hand over her buttocks. “Mmm, oh fuck, I love you touching my ass,” said Patrice.

“And I love touching it,” replied Colin, as he caressed it some more. He then undid Patrice’s trousers as he dropped to his knees and slowly dragged her trousers down. He ran a finger up and down Patrice’s arse crack through her knickers and she giggled and clenched her buttocks.

Colin helped Patrice step out of her trousers and he then slowly dragged her knickers down, getting his eyes on her bare arse once again. Colin’s penis was hard in his trousers as he gently ran his fingers over Patrice’s backside. Patrice mewed softly as she shifted slightly from one foot to the other with her knickers now completely off.

Colin then started kissing her buttocks and both he and Patrice knew that she would very likely be cumming before she had her shower. “Such a perfect bottom,” said Colin, as he replaced the kissing with caressing for a while.

“Oh fuck Colin, you sure know how to turn me on,” said Patrice as she removed the only remaining item of clothing that she had on, her bra.

Colin was then back to buttock kissing and as his tongue got closer to Patrice’s arse crack, she got closer to her orgasm. He slightly parted her arse cheeks with his fingers and then started licking her crack. Colin’s cock twitched in his trousers and for a moment he thought he was going to cum but, although really turned on, he didn’t.

“Mmm, oh, oh, oh fuck, ” purred Patrice as she cupped her tits as Colin tongued around her arse hole. She was about to cum and after a few more licks of Colin’s tongue, she did.

“Baby, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” shouted Patrice as she came and her body trembled.

“Fuck, oh fuck, amazing,” chuckled Patrice once her body had calmed.

“Let’s give you that shower now,” said Colin, standing up and getting himself naked.

They faced each other and kissed and the tongue that had been circling Patrice’s anus was now inserted in her mouth as Colin’s rigid penis was between their bodies.

The shower did not take as long as it might have done if Patrice had not already had her first orgasm of the evening but there was still a lot of caressing along with some licking of nipples and a bit of cock sucking. They then dried in preparation for the main event, fucking.

They got on the bed and kissed tenderly until Colin mounted Patrice and she guided his erection in between her legs once again. Colin knew that he would not be able to go all night but he had promised to do his best as he slowly moved his hips having his largish cock sliding in and out of his younger lover’s vagina.

Their previous fuck, in the back of Patrice’s car, was very much time-limited but this one wasn’t as they made love sensually. There was a lot of kissing and the occasional change of position as the age gap lovers stimulated each other. Patrice’s first copulating induced orgasm of the evening arrived as Colin continued to shaft her, quite slowly.

Patrice’s lovely arse was pointing towards Colin, after the latest change of position, as he again slid his erection into her cunt. They seemed to telepathically agree that a change of pace was necessary and now Colin was fucking Patrice quite hard and fast and they started to get vocal.

The earlier lovemaking had been conducted in relative silence but this fucking was much louder. “Fuck you horny bitch, you are fucking insatiable,” Colin heard himself saying as his cock moved rapidly in and out of Patrice’s canal.

“Keep fucking me with that huge cock of yours, keep making me cum,” was Patrice’s panted response.

Colin was delighted to find that he did keep making her cum as Patrice was hit by wave after wave of orgasms and Colin started to think that, just maybe, he could go all night.

“Fucking shit, fuck, shit, shit, fuck,” wailed Patrice as she came again and at that point as if from nowhere, Colin felt his spunk rise and he groaned as he ejaculated spurt after spurt into her.

It was a while before they got to breathing normally and then Colin chuckled. “Told you that I could not go all night,” he laughed.

“No, but you had a fucking good try,” replied the well-fucked Patrice.

They showered and then got some sleep. In the morning, Colin had more meetings and Patrice would be driving home but they cuddled up together hoping and expecting to have one more fuck before parting.

They did have a fuck, with very little foreplay, as Patrice had her legs on Colin’s shoulders as he shafted her hard and fast.

“Yes, yes baby, cumming,” said Patrice as she orgasmed and Colin came very soon after but nowhere near as powerfully as the last time.

They showered and then Patrice had to dress to drive home and Colin had to go down for breakfast before his meetings. He had not had a great deal of sleep but the great sex left him feeling invigorated.

Colin wanted to go down with Patrice to see her off but she said not to. They kissed long and did not want to part. They both wanted to be together again as soon as possible.

Neither really knew what to say as they parted, so little was said. Just a lot of looking into each other’s eyes.

Patrice went down in the lift with the woman that had looked so disapprovingly at them the previous evening. Patrice smirked to herself as she wondered what the woman would think if she knew what a great night Patrice had had with her older lover.

Published 3 years ago

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