What a perfect day it is. Seven AM., eighty degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I hate the fact I have to wear shorts on a day like this, or do I? It’s Saturday and I need to get in my truck to take a ride.
Fifty miles later, I’m up in the mountains and haven’t seen another person for at least ten minutes. This is where I’m pulling over for sure. I get out and lock the doors. I have a spare key hidden under the bumper. Walking around the back of the truck, I’m looking and listening for any signs of civilization. Nothing around so it’s time for me to get naked and go for a hike. Clothes in the bed of the truck and I’m off on a new adventure.
I start walking down a path checking out nature for a while until I come across a clearing with a nice creek running through it. Off to the right I see a wide area where the water has formed a pool. It’s too tempting not to go in and cool off. I love skinny dipping anyway.
Two feet into the pool and the water is freezing cold. I wait to adjust a minute and then continue in a couple more feet. Adjusted to the new depth, I knew what had to happen next. Guys know what I’m talking about. I’m fighting with myself to just jump in or keep it slow.
Jump it is. As I dive in and feel the icy water around my whole body, I wonder if I’m going to make it back to the shore. As I surface I feel better and wait to adjust to the cold water again. I start swimming around and it feels amazing. I’ve adjusted to the temperature and the water against my bare skin feels great.
After about fifteen minutes of swimming around, I hear some voices coming. As I’m scanning the ridge and paths leading to the clearing, I see two women emerge from the forest.
Trying to hide from them, I get behind a rock in the middle of the pool. Bad idea because the water is so cold.
When the ladies reach the side of the water, they lay out towels and start taking they’re clothes off and applying sunscreen. If I wasn’t so cold, I probably would already have an erection.
After a couple more minutes, I had to get out of the water. I looked around to find a way out without being caught. Nothing. No paths to see except for the one that I came through and so didn’t the two sunbathers that are now between me and the trail.
Decision time. They don’t know me and I don’t know them. I’ll go straight through and pay a compliment and continue on. After all, they like to be naked like me.
Swimming to the shore and walking up to them, I was about to greet them when one of them pointed and started laughing. Then her friend joined in. How embarrassing that was.
I did not expect that at all. Then I looked down and could barely see my manhood. My cock and balls had shrunk and retracted with the freezing water and now, as embarrassed as I was, I just kept walking without saying a word.
Once back at the truck and clothed, I got in and wondered how different it could have been if the water wasn’t so cold or if I waited until I had warmed up and everything had returned to normal. I probably would have gotten a hard on and at least redeemed myself somewhat. Or they might have just kept laughing at me.
Whatever could have happened doesn’t matter now, but I’ll go back again. Even if I don’t run into the two women again, I’ll still jump in that water and accept shrinkage just because it feels so amazing to have that cold water running along my bare skin. Maybe I’ll lay on the rocks and catch some sun too.
Now I’m trying to think what is worse. I’ve been walking around nude and got caught before. Last time I got hard and this time my little buddy disappeared. What will next time bring? I can’t wait.