Erin left his house that afternoon excited for the first time in months. He had been out of work since the last restaurant he worked at went under and was excited to finally make some money again. He looked at the address his friend texted him and hurried down the street. It was a place he had never heard of before but it didn’t really matter to him, he just needed money and needed it fast. His credit cards were maxed out and if he didn’t make rent by the end of the weekend, he knew his landlord would kick him out faster than he could pack.
It had been a rough few months. His girl had left him shortly after he lost his job, but if he was being honest, that wasn’t headed anywhere to begin with. She was too vanilla and wasn’t interested in experimenting or trying anything different. She refused to pay any attention to his dick and demanded he fingers her to completion before she would let him penetrate her.
The only reason he stayed so long is she was his first sexual experience since moving to the city. His first sexual experience at all in truth. He didn’t leave anyone behind when he moved out of the small Ohio town he grew up in. When she left, he was bummed to be alone but she never really fulfilled his needs. Every time they did the deed, he was left unsatisfied and towards the end, he even had trouble getting hard. He just chalked it up to his inexperience and depression bought on by losing his job.
He caught a reflection of himself as he passed by a shop window. It was the first time he had shaved in months. He really needed a haircut too. He had combed back his brown hair as much as he could. He was normally very hygienic and preferred to be as hairless as possible. Very little hair grew over his body anywhere but his face. He used to shave his pubic hair but since he had been celibate the past few months, he had let it grow out. Once he had taken care of his rent, he was planning on getting back into grooming the way he liked.
The only positive thing about being out of work so long was that he had grown very fit since he spent most of his time working out. He had the body of a rock climber, muscular and defined, but lean. The muscles in his back rippled down to a tight and perky ass. Even in the loose shirt he was wearing, his abs were clearly defined. The dark tattoos circling his arms seemed to enhance their strength.
He wasn’t the biggest guy despite being so in shape, standing at about 5′ 10″ but as he walked down the street, he turned the head of every woman as he passed. He was oblivious to this, however, as he rushed up the steps to the front door of the restaurant.
It was locked, so he knocked, waiting in the warm sun for someone to come open the door for him. After a few seconds, he saw someone approach and the door swung open on an older man with a groomed beard, dressed casually.
“You’re Erin?” he asked. Before he had a chance to introduce himself, he continued, “Peter told me you were coming. Hurry up, we have our staff meeting in a few minutes, I need you to get changed and ready for opening, it’s gonna be a busy weekend. Head to the back, the staff room is behind the last door to the left.”
Erin stepped inside to a dark cool room and hurried back past overstuffed leather seats in the booths along the wall, high tops leading up to what looked like a dance floor, and a long sleek bar with shiny bottles stacked behind a dark countertop. Off to one side of the bar, he saw a long velvet curtain with the words VIP emblazoned in gold in them. He got excited, this was definitely better than some dive or fish fry. Thoughts of money danced in his mind as he pushed open the door marked staff and stopped in his tracks.
He was expecting a typical staff room, small and crowded, with fluorescent lights, a small fridge, and dirty lockers stuffed against the wall. Instead, he saw velvet couches, a wall of mirrors behind a row of sinks, several dark wooden dressers and wardrobes, and sign pointing down a hallway that read, “Shower, Toilet, Laundry”.
The room was occupied by about ten men between eighteen and forty, all in various degrees of undress. They stopped and looked at him as he stood there, mouth open. One guy probably in his late forties came up to him dressed smartly in tight slacks, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and suit vest.
“Welcome!” He said, “You must be the new hire. I’m Frank, the front of house manager.”
Erin didn’t respond, he was still looking around the staff room that was nicer than his own bedroom.
Frank smiled, “I take it you’ve never seen a staff room like this. Jim believes in creating a good environment for his employees. Kitchen staff have their own room across the hall.” He looked Erin up and down, “What are you wearing? Are you planning on working dressed like that?” He gestured to Erin’s Dickies, his loose black t-shirt, and the clunky non-stick shoes.
Erin was confused, “Peter told me to come ready to work in a restaurant, and this is what I’ve always worn at most places I’ve worked.”
Frank laughed, a weird smile on his face, “Did Peter tell you anything else about this place?”
Erin shook his head, “Nope. Just said you were hiring and I would be able to make rent in a single weekend, that’s enough for me.”
Frank laughed again, “Well, I don’t have time to explain everything to you, and you seem smart so you’ll pick up on our vibe pretty quickly. If you have any questions, about anything else, just ask any of the guys. Go look in the wardrobe at the end of the room, there should be something a little less…” Frank paused a slight look of disgust on his face, “…well, just go change, everything you need is in there.”
As Frank walked out the door, Erin started to look at the other guys in the room and as he did, his stomach started doing jumping jacks. A few of them were wearing the same uniform as Frank, but other than that, everyone was either shirtless, a few were in their underwear, and a few were completely nude.
It suddenly clicked in Erin’s head. This was a gay bar. He had thought it strange when he first walked in and didn’t see a single woman around. Every restaurant he worked at previously loved hiring pretty girls. And no restaurant he worked at before had a staff room where employees lounged around naked. His face immediately flushed and his heart started pumping.
When he was young, he had always hated the locker rooms for this very reason. Every time his swim team was finished with practice, he would swim a few more cooldown laps so he wouldn’t have to walk through the locker room and showers filled with speedo clad bodies and freely swinging cocks. Instinctually he knew if he walked back there, blushing and breathing hard, it would not go well for him.
And when he hit puberty, he had to start hiding his own erection. In his mind, he just thought this was something he had to deal with secretly so the other boys would never know. He walked towards the wardrobe, and pulled out a tight pair of pants that he hoped would fit, and white fitted button down. As he furtively adjusted his rapidly hardening cock, he looked over at the sign pointing towards the toilets and decided he would change there. He wasn’t ready to change in front of a room full of strangers. He walked past the showers and ducked into a stall.
As he was changing, he heard someone enter the room. Erin was still breathing hard, his heart racing. He tried to calm his breathing as what sounded like bare feet approached. They paused in front of his door and he heard a soft knock.
“Hello?” He asked. “This is Jamie. Are you all right?” A soft voice asked, “Looked kind of stressed out there. Are you having a panic attack?”
Erin paused and swallowed before responding, “No, I’m fine” he said, “Just changing.”
“We usually change in the main room,” said the voice, “you sure you’re fine?”
Erin felt a little surge of anger and jerked the door open and stopped, forgetting that he himself was standing stripped down to his boxers. In front of him was the most beautiful man he’d ever seen: soft olive skin, slightly defined muscles, no hair except on his head, and most of all, completely naked. He was a few inches shorter than Erin and maybe a little lighter, He leaned against the wall, and his penis hung between his legs, completely smooth. If Erin had to guess, it was probably only about four or five inches erect. He started panting hard, and could feel his own cock bulging against his boxers.
Erin leaned against the side of the stall, “What is happening?” He thought, “AM I having a panic attack?”
The man, who couldn’t have been much older than eighteen or nineteen, moved forward suddenly, concerned and put his hand on Erin’s arm, “Are you sure you’re okay? Come sit down.” He led Erin to a bench against the wall.
“I’m sorry,” gasped Erin, “I just didn’t realize this was a gay bar before I was hired. The boss hired me on the recommendation of my friend, Peter.”
Jamie’s face clouded slightly, “Is that a problem?”
“No,” Erin responded, “Just a surprise. I didn’t expect to walk into this. I don’t know why I feel so — so — excited right now. I used to get like this when I had to go into the locker room back when I was in school, but I never got this worked up.”
Jamie put his hand on Erin’s chest, “Your heart is racing!” He paused for a second, “And your chest is soo..” he said under his breath.
“So what?” Erin asked.
“So hard,” replied Jamie, smiling up at him. “Wait a minute,” he said, “You’re not gay?”
Erin laughed, “Nope, I just broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago.”
The boy looked surprised, “Really? Are you sure?” He looked between Erin’s legs, “Cuz it looks like that says otherwise.”
Erin looked down and blushed, his cock head had pushed out of his boxers. Erect, he was a good nine inches long, with a nice thickness to it as well. About four inches had pushed out of the boxers.
Erin tried to turn away, “This always happens,” he complained, “It’s happened since I was a boy. I know I’m not gay, but every time I’m in this setting, my cock gets hard.”
“Really?” asked Jamie, incredulity on his face, “So you’re telling me whenever you’re around hot guys, your cock gets hard, and you blood starts to race? Really? You’re not gay?”
“What!? Of course not, I just told you I have –” Erin caught himself, “HAD a girlfriend.”
“So you don’t feel anything if I do this?” the boy asked as he kneeled in front of Erin and put his hands on his thighs. Erin paused, his heart was thumping out of his chest; his cock was the hardest it had ever been. He looked down and saw pre-cum oozing out of the tip of his cock.
“I — I don’t know” he gasped.
“What about if I do this?” Jamie asked, as he slowly started to rub his hands along Erin’s thighs, moving his hands slowly up towards his grown and pushed his legs apart. Erin just groaned and tensed his body, his muscles clenching. He looked down at this man, and felt something he never felt when he had been with his girl.
Jamie slowly pulled down Erin’s boxers, bringing his cock into full view. He slid his hands back up Erin’s thighs and around his cock. His soft fingers circled the tip of his circumcised cock, playing with it while his other hand moved to his balls and begin fondling them. He moved forward on his knees closer in between Erin’s legs. He could feel Jamie’s soft body against his legs and thighs. Jamie started to move his hands slowly up and down the length of Erin’s cock,
“This is one of the biggest I’ve ever seen,” he murmured.
Erin groaned, “Oh my god, this feels so good!” Jamie smiled up at him and leaned down to lick his cock from one length to the other. Erin gasped and shivered. This was something he had never felt before in his life and it felt so good, even better than his girlfriend’s pussy. He didn’t even know his cock could get this hard! It looked another half-inch longer.
Jamie took the tip in his mouth, kissing it gently. Erin reached down and ran his fingers through Jamie’s soft hair. Jamie began moving his mouth down the full length of Erin’s cock, taking in more and more of its huge length into his mouth. As he did so, he moved his tongue against its shaft as it slid easily down his throat.
He quickly slid it of his mouth and licking his lips told Erin to stand up. As if on command, Erin stood to his feet and Jamie took his cock back into his mouth and started sucking rapidly. As he did so, he reached around Erin, pulling him closer, and squeezing his ass with his hands.
This sent a sudden shock of pleasure through Erin, along with another list of sensations he never felt before. In addition to the extreme feelings of pleasure on his cock, he felt a deep tingling through his entire groin all the way back to his asshole. He felt his anus relax and as he did he felt Jamie’s hands pull apart his cheeks and soft fingers play at the entrance to his hole. After months of celibacy and stress, he couldn’t do anything but give in to what he was feeling.
With his cock deep in this man’s throat, his boxers around his ankles, and his ass cheeks being spread, he relaxed his hole as he felt a finger slip inside. He gasped slightly and closed his eyes. Jamie’s finger explored inside his ass, fingering his prostate. He gasped, and his anus clenched involuntarily.
Jamie paused for a second, pulling Erin’s cock out, “Are you ok?”
Erin couldn’t do anything but nod. Jamie slipped a second finger inside his ass as he took Erin’s cock back in his mouth. He began to suck faster and faster, while his fingers continued to massage Jamie’s prostate. Erin’s groans started to get louder and louder He felt like he was about to explode.
“Oh fuck yes!” He groaned, as his thighs starting to quiver all of a sudden. He suddenly felt a wave of ecstasy flow through his entire groin, starting deep inside of him, moving into his cock and exploding out of his mouth into Jamie’s mouth. Jamie choked slightly as three months of thick cum flooded his mouth and burst out of his cheeks.
Erin collapsed back onto the bench, breathing heavily. “What… what was that?!” He gasped, looking down at his huge cock still oozing with cum. Jamie swallowed, drinking down all the thick cum Erin just placed in his mouth, and smiled up at him,
“Oh, that? That was just an orgasm. A real orgasm.” He smiled and stood up. A small trickle of cum oozed down his chest. He leant forward and kissed Erin long and passionately. As their tongues intertwined, Erin tasted himself in Jaime’s mouth.
“Feel better?” Jaime asked. Erin just smiled blissfully and nodded. Jamie turned and walked towards the door. He looked back at Erin and smiled, “Hurry up and get dressed, service is starting soon.”