Fifty-six-year-old divorcee Simon Crowther had been living in his cottage on the outskirts of an English village for six weeks now, and he was gradually getting himself integrated into the village life.
Simon had a large amount of money behind him, and he had no need to work, but he was getting anxious to pursue his favourite pastime, the trouble was getting it started again.
Simon had been able to indulge in his pastime for several years where he previously lived, and he was missing that part of his life tremendously.
He had built up a reputation in his previous town and had a number of people that shared his pastime with him, some of them quite often. His hobby did no lasting damage to anyone, but it was something that was difficult to get started again from scratch.
What Simon liked to do in his spare time, and he had lots of spare time, was to spank, belt or cane mature female bottoms, but he had now gone just over six weeks without doing so.
One lady from his previous town, which was about one hundred miles away, was keen to visit Simon to have him do to her what he had done several times before, but no date had yet been arranged.
His hobby had nothing to do with his moving, it was just that he saw the cottage that he had now purchased on the internet and fell in love with it. He was fully aware that he would not be able to partake in his hobby for quite some time after moving. even if he ever was able to restart it.
His dealing with a female bottom was not always the entire result of a meeting with a lady, sometimes he had sex with her as well, and that was something else that Simon had not had since before his move.
The women that Simon had had over his knee or bent over in the past had sometimes been single and sometimes married. It was more complicated with the married ones because, except for in one instance, their husbands did not know so usually he reddened their bottoms at a time that the husband was away, or at least not likely to see his wife’s glowing buttocks.
Sometimes he had sex with a married woman after he had tanned her arse, some were very receptive to a fuck if their buttocks were sore. He also had spanking and fucking relationships with several single women.
He could advertise on the internet but he did not consider himself to be a disciplinarian as such, he got pleasure from female posteriors, and a lot of females got pleasure from what he did to them. His reputation spread by word of mouth, and he would often get a phone call from a lady saying such as, “You don’t know me but Linda Monroe gave me your number.”
Simon was happy for his female acquaintances to tell their friends about him and his services. He was surprised at first by the number of mature women that desired to have their buttocks spanked, but now he was hoping to find some in his new village.
The average age of the people that lived in the village was on the mature side, and they had generally been welcoming to Simon, even if a bit suspicious of newcomers, as smallish communities sometimes are. Simon frequented the village pub and had shown an interest in events at the village hall, but had not yet got anything that he would call a friendship.
Whilst wandering around the village, he had studied the womenfolk from behind, imagining them over his knee or bent over a chair or a table. He would sometimes masturbate if he had had his eyes on what seemed to be a particularly attractive bottom.
Simon liked a woman to have a sizeable pair of buttocks, not fat but certainly not skinny. He was getting more and more conscious of the fact that he needed to give a female a spanking, and soon.
Simon was in the village shop and a customer had just left. He was shielded from view from the counter by a cabinet, although there were mirrors high on the walls. The shop owner, Paula Shemmings was talking to her friend, Lynne Miller, and judging by where their conversation was going, they were unaware that Simon was there.
Both women were of a similar age to Simon and he was thinking that he should make his presence known, to avoid embarrassment to him or the ladies because the conversation was about Paula’s husband.
“So I told him to fuck off,” said Paula to Lynne.
Simon was about to appear from behind the cabinet when Lynne responded, “Lucky he didn’t put you over his knee and tan your arse.”
Simon stopped in his tracks, knowing that he should make them aware that he was there but somehow, not being able to.
“Wish he had done, at least it would have shown that he was alive,” Paula replied to Lynne.
“You still not getting any? Me neither,” said Lynne.
“Not had it in ages,” responded Paula.
Simon was almost frozen to the spot because making himself known now would be so embarrassing for them all.
Another customer entered the shop, and Simon took the opportunity to hurry out of the still-open door, with a nod to the new arrival.
Paula looked up when the door opened and saw Simon’s departing back. She looked at Lynne with a look of horror on her face, but Lynne did not know why. Paula motioned with her hand for Lynne to stay where she was.
The new arrival made a purchase, and after a short while, left. Lynne looked at Paula wondering what had caused her consternation.
“That Simon Crowther from Prentice Cottage was in here; he must have heard all that we said,” Paula said.
“Oh hell; so now he knows that you and me aren’t getting any,” replied an aghast Lynne.
“Yeah, embarrassing isn’t it? He is quite dishy though,” said Paula, with a weak smile.
“Paula! What are you saying?” responded Lynne.
“Nothing, I was joking; I wonder if he will tell anyone,” said Paula.
“He must be embarrassed too,” replied Lynne.
“I suppose he is; what do we say to him next time we see him?” said Paula.
“Nothing do we? Just hope he forgets it,” said Lynne.
“Yeah, hope he forgets that two middle-aged women aren’t getting any sex,” laughed Paula.
“Or that I said that you should have your arse tanned,” giggled Lynne.
“Yes, that as well,” answered Paula.
Simon went home hoping that the two women had not become aware of his having been in the shop, but he wondered how they would react the next time they meet if they had done. For his part, he knew that at least two women, and attractive ones at that, in the village were going short of sex. Also, that thoughts of spanking were not unknown to them.
Simon thought of the possible consequences of letting them know that he had heard them. At worst, they might berate him for not having the decency to have made his presence known, at best, he might have himself some sex or a bottom or two to spank.
Simon wanked that night thinking of Paula and Lynne and imagining their bare bottoms.
Neither Paula nor Lynne could stop wondering if their conversation had been heard, although even if it had been, the results were embarrassing rather than devastating.
One thing was certain, it could not be long before they came face to face in the shop or the village.
The very next morning, Simon was walking in the village and met Lynne and her husband.
“Good Mornings,” were exchanged, but the look on both Simon’s and Lynne’s faces left no doubt to the other that the conversation had been heard, and that Simon’s presence in the shop was now known.
Simon went into the shop, after all, he had not made the purchase that he went in for the previous day.
“Good Morning, Mrs Shemmings,” smiled Simon to the woman behind the counter.
“Oh Paula, please; you are part of the community now,” smiled Paula, slightly on her guard in case Simon mentioned the previous day.
“Thank you; Good Morning Paula then,” smiled Simon, thinking that he certainly wouldn’t mind if she was wanting someone to fuck her.
“Good Morning, Simon,” answered Paula, confirming to herself that the man was quite dishy, as she had said to Lynne.
They were both wondering if they should mention the previous day, Lynne’s expression had told Simon a few minutes ago that Paula knew that he must have heard the women talking.
“I just saw Lynne Miller and her husband,” said Simon, watching Paula for a reaction.
“Lynne is a good friend of mine,” responded Paula.
“So I believe,” said Simon, with almost a smirk.
Paula was about to say something when someone else entered the shop. Instinct told Simon that it was worth him hanging around, not behind a cabinet though.
Paula served the other customer, and then it was just Simon and Paula again.
“I assume that you heard what Lynne and I said yesterday,” said Paula.
“Yes, and I should apologise for not letting you know that I was there; I was going to, honestly, but then it got so that it would have been embarrassment all around anyway,” said Simon.
“Yes, I can see that you had a predicament,” replied Paula.
“I must admit that I had hoped that I got out without you seeing me,” continued Simon.
“But you would have still heard what was said,” said Paula.
“Yes, but you and Lynne would not have known that I knew,” said Simon.
“It goes without saying that Lynne and I would hope that you do not tell anyone else,” said Paula.
“I will not tell anyone else; It is none of my business and nobody else’s either,” answered Simon.
“I am sure that several ladies in the village are in the same situation,” said Paula.
“That is an interesting thing for a single man like me to know,” chuckled Simon, who Paula was starting to find very attractive.
“Ha, yes I suppose it is,” smiled Paula.
“Actually, there was something that Lynne said that particularly intrigued me,” said Simon, enjoying the flirty atmosphere.
“Oh, what was that?” said Paula, trying to recall exactly what was said.
“She said that you were lucky that you did not get your arse tanned, or words to that effect,” said Simon, with relish.
“Oh yes, she did, didn’t she? Are you into such things?” said Paula, starting to feel very turned on.
“Very much so; I spanked many a mature female bottom where I lived before,” said Simon, very much fancying Paula Shemmings.
The shop door opened as another customer arrived, the conversation was curtailed, but Simon was going nowhere.
Paula was a bit flustered as she served the other customer, she was sure that her face must be flushed. She glanced at Simon and he smiled, Paula’s face coloured a bit more.
A further customer arrived before the latest one had gone. Simon thought that he should get the item that he had come for, had come for the previous day, so he picked it up and got in the queue behind the person that had just entered. Simon found himself looking at that woman’s bottom, and Paula caught him doing it, she smiled over the woman’s shoulder.
The woman paid for her goods and left, leaving Simon at the counter and the only customer in the shop again.
“Do you always look at women’s bottoms?” smiled Paula, feeling less flustered.
“Yes, all the time; I particularly like them when they are naked,” said Simon, his eyes on Paula.
“And over your knee for a spanking I suppose,” said Paula, as she took payment for Simon’s item.
“Yes, or bent over for my cane or belt,” said Simon, looking at Paula for a reaction.
“Cane, wow, it is more than forty years since I felt a cane,” said Paula.
“Forty years? you must have been quite young,” said Simon, trying to gauge Paula’s age.
“Eighteen; in fact, I was caned twice when I was eighteen, once by my headmistress and once by my mother,” replied Paula.
Simon did not need to be a mathematical genius to work out that Paula must be aged fifty-nine, at least. She did not look it.
“Naughty girl were you?” smiled Simon, his penis stiffening in his trousers.
“Still am, sometimes,” said Paula, she looked and sounded so seductive.
“Really? Naughty enough to deserve a spanking or a caning?” enquired Simon.
“Quite possibly,” answered Paula.
The shop door opened again, and as exciting as things were getting, Simon thought they could get even more exciting at a future date. He decided to leave, slightly to Paula’s disappointment.
“Thank you, Paula; see you again soon,” Simon said as he left.
“Yes, see you soon, Simon,” replied Paula.
Paula spent the rest of the day wondering if Simon would come back, she was hoping that he would. She was unsure about what she wanted, but she knew that she wanted something.
Simon thought of going back, he wanted to go back but thought he would wait to see if Paula made any sort of approach to him first. He knew that as a matter of course, he would visit the shop soon but he thought that he would wait and see what happened for a little while.
Paula wondered if she should tell Lynne about her conversation with Simon, at least tell her that Simon had heard what they had said.
Paula closed her shop in the evening, she basically ran it on her own although she had a couple of women from the village that did a few hours if and when she wanted or needed some time off.
She thought of phoning Simon, then realised that she did not have his phone number.
Simon spent the evening wishing that he had gone back to the shop. He had hoped that maybe Paula would contact him, but then he realised that she would not know his number. He could have phoned the shop but now it was too late. He started to wonder if he had lost any chance he might have had of spanking and maybe fucking Paula Shemmings.
Paula decided not to say anything to Lynne, yet.
The next day, Simon headed for the shop. He did not need anything, but he did need to see Paula.
When he entered the shop, there were three other people in there, plus Mrs Shemmings, who smiled at him. Simon pretended to be looking at various things whilst he wished for the people to leave and for no more to replace them. Paula was wishing much the same. She had not made any decisions, but she was very pleased that Simon was there.
It seemed to take forever, but the three people left and nobody else had yet entered.
“Good Morning Paula, how are you today?” said Simon.
“I am well thank you, Simon; how are you?” replied the smiling Paula.
“I am well and even better for seeing the delightful Mrs Shemmings,” replied Simon, with a smile.
“If you are trying to get money off cereals, you can forget it,” laughed Paula.
“Oh well, worth a try I suppose,” replied Simon.
They were both wanting to get things back to the previous day’s conversation.
“I am not sure that we finished our discussion yesterday when you left,” said Paula.
“No, we probably hadn’t; I thought of coming back,” said Simon.
“I wished you had done; I was going to phone you, then I realised that I didn’t have your number,” replied Paula.
“Let me rectify that, do you have a pen?” said Simon, who made a conscious effort to touch Paula’s hand when she gave him a pen and a piece of paper.
“My home number and my mobile,” said Simon, who wrote ‘Simon xxx,’ after the numbers.
“Thank you,” said Paula, who then looked up as a customer entered the shop.
Simon and Paula looked at each other, but Simon was going nowhere until the conversation was finished this time.
As Simon waited for the most recent customer to do what they were doing, he studied Paula. She was very attractive and quite curvy, Simon had not yet looked at her from the back but he imagined that she had quite a large and shapely bottom, and he was looking forward to confirming that.
The customer went, and Simon and Paula were back in conversation.
“Can I ask if you are interested in visiting me for some discipline, Paula?” Simon asked.
“Yes, I think that I am, Simon,” replied Paula.
“I should tell you that it is not play spanking, and you would get a very sore bottom,” explained Simon.
“I think a sore bottom is what I need, along with something else,” replied Paula, looking very sexy.
“I do provide the something else too if the lady wants it,” said Simon.
“I thought you might,” chuckled Paula.
There was then an influx of customers, so the conversation was again stopped. Simon decided to leave, but now they had another method of communication, “Call me,” said Simon, and Paula nodded.
Paula closed the shop for an hour at lunchtime so she decided to phone Simon then, but first, she phoned one of the ladies that sometimes looked after the shop for her.
“Hello Simon, it is Paula,” she said when Simon answered his landline.
“Hello Paula, so good to hear from you,” replied Simon.
“I was wondering when I could visit you,” said Paula.
“As soon as you can lovely lady, when can you come?” said an enthused Simon.
“Is tomorrow morning any good? I have asked Penny Lister if she can look after the shop for a few hours if I, um, have an appointment,” said Paula.
“You most certainly can have an appointment, shall we say 9:30?” replied Simon.
“Perfect, I will see you then,” said Paula.
“Looking forward to it,” said Simon.
“Me too,” said Paula, who then realised that she had arranged to get herself spanked and probably fucked.
Simon thought that he had better make sure that Paula was aware of something, so he rang her back, “Um you do realise that your buttocks will be rather red afterwards; I was thinking about your husband seeing them,” said Simon.
“Oh my husband does not see my bare arse; rather red you say?” chuckled Paula.
“Maybe even very red, or crimson,” said Simon.
“Mmmm; see you tomorrow Simon,” said Paula.
“See you tomorrow, Paula,” replied Simon.
Neither Paula nor Simon slept very well that night, both looking forward to the morning, but in Paula’s case, with a bit of trepidation.
Paula opened the shop and then Penny Lister arrived to take over. Paula said that she might be back at lunchtime, but her appointment might go on longer. Penny said that it was okay, and to take as long as she needed.
Paula had got her tightest pair of trousers on, probably almost indecently tight for a woman who would be aged sixty in a few weeks, but she thought them appropriate for what was going to happen to her bottom.
Simon’s cottage was within easy walking distance, but Paula thought that she should take her car in case there were any suspicions about where her appointment was.
Paula was able to park her car at Simon’s cottage in such a way that it could not be seen from the road. There was the possibility of the postman seeing it if Simon had any mail, but there was not much that Paula could do about that.
“You look wonderful, my dear,” said Simon, as he greeted his guest.
“Thank you, Simon, you look rather handsome, I must say,” said Paula.
They held hands and kissed on the lips, but only a peck.
“Oh my, Paula, what a wonderful bottom,” said Simon, as he ushered Paula into his house and gazed at her arse.
“I know that these trousers are somewhat tight,” giggled Paula.
“They look just right to me; may I touch your bottom?” said Simon.
“Of course, you are going to be doing more than touching it soon I believe,” replied Paula.
Simon felt Paula’s arse and his penis stiffened and her cunt started to juice.
“Can I ask if you spanked your ex-wife?” asked Paula.
“No, she would not let me, although that is not why she is my ex-wife,” answered Simon.
“So how did you get into spanking women?” asked Paula.
“I have always liked the female bottom, and once a lady friend and I were messing about and I pulled her over my knee and started spanking her, we found that we both rather liked it,” said Simon.
“Were you married to your wife at the time?” quizzed Paula.
“I was actually, but she had a younger lover by then,” answered Simon.
“Oh, I see,” said Paula.
“Anyway, it was amazing how many ladies I came across that liked having their bottoms spanked,” said Simon.
“And caned, I think you said,” prompted Paula.
“Yes, some but not all liked having a cane across their buttocks,” said Simon.
“And you had sex with most of these women too?” asked Paula, although she thought she already knew the answer to that.
“Yes, not all but probably most,” replied Simon.
“Okay, shall we get on with my appointment?” smiled Paula.
“Yes, I was thinking over these trousers to start with, and then knickers and then bare bottom,” said Simon.
“Sounds good…I think,” chuckled Paula.
“You do understand that your bottom will be very tender after I am done with you, don’t you?” asked Simon.
“Yes Simon; you are going to tan my arse hard,” replied Paula.
“Indeed,” said Simon, sitting on a kitchen chair and inviting Paula over his knee.
Paula lay over his lap and Simon caressed her trousered arse. He then commenced spanking, hard but quite slow to start with.
He slapped from buttock to buttock and soon had Paula squirming a bit. He increased the pace and Paula was bucking, she was also getting very wet.
“Please remove your trousers, Paula,” Simon said quietly after he had thoroughly warmed her arse.
Paula got up, her face was flushed and she was a bit teary but she looked, and was, so turned on. She removed her trousers, her knickers were wet at the front, which Simon noted with approval.
Paula got back over, her buttocks were already red where they were now bare, Simon recommenced the spanking over the knickers.
After a lot more slaps, Simon asked Paula to remove her knickers. Something that she happily did, she was enjoying the spanking, and longing for a fuck.
Paula got back over and Simon caressed her bare arse. He then spanked hard and fast and Paula bucked, writhed and squirmed.
Simon’s cock was rigid in his trousers, he was enjoying spanking his first female in nearly two months, and Paula could feel him against her body.
Paula’s arse cheeks were glowing, and Simon finally stopped.
He took a moment to get his breath back, as Paula squirmed on his lap, her arse on fire, “Your spanking is over, Mrs Shemmings,” said Simon.
“Th, th, thank you,” sobbed Paula, as she pushed herself off Simon’s lap and put her hands to her spanked cheeks. Her cunt was glistening, she had not cum, but was very close.
Simon wanted to fuck her, but he was only going to do it if he was sure that that was what Paula wanted.
“Was that satisfactory?” asked Simon.
“More than satisfactory; it was just what I needed, now I need a good fucking,” said Paula.
“You are sure that you want a fucking?” asked Simon, getting up from the chair.
“Never been more sure,” said Paula, undoing Simon’s belt and trousers and pulling them and his underpants down. His erect penis was quite impressive thought Paula, as she slowly wanked him.
“To my bed, I think, my dear,” said Simon, removing his trousers and underpants.
The couple, naked from the waist down, went to Simon’s bedroom, and soon Simon’s cock was sliding in and out of Paula’s cunt.
Paula came hard after a few thrusts, and she came twice more before Simon ejaculated in her.
They lay quietly for a while, Paula on her front and Simon gently kissing and stroking her red hot buttocks.
“Can I see your cane?” asked Paula.
Simon produced his cane, and Paula examined it, “A caning next time, I think,” said Paula.
“Oh, so there will be a next time then?” smiled Simon.
“I expect there to be many next times, this is wonderful,” answered Paula.
“Splendid,” said Simon, who had got his first new spanking and fucking lady in the village.
Paula was in no hurry to get back to the shop but did go back in mid-afternoon, her arse still sore from the spanking and her cunt happy from the fucking. She told Penny that her appointment had been very successful, Penny detected a change in Paula, but could not pinpoint it.
Later that evening, Simon’s landline rang and when he answered it, a female voice said, “Hello Simon, this is Lynne Miller, um, Paula gave me your number and suggested I ring you, I hope that you don’t mind.”
“No, I don’t mind at all, Lynne,” replied Simon.
It looked like he was going to enjoy life in his new home, it looked like he was becoming the village spanker.