To be inside me
My body’s the unlocked door
Please take what you need
Indulge your passionate greed
Leave me spent but begging for sate
Maybe warm, intimate fire
Rivulets of naughty desire
Golden streams cascading over my breasts
Splashing down long, satin brunette hair
Through burgeoned blooms laid bare
Pearlescent drops of passion marking me yours
Perhaps tugging my hips
Exploring dew-covered lips
Your hot tongue delving my soaking heat
Framed in just black silk and lace
Squirming hard on your face
Mapping your contours with my wet, needy sex
Or bent down on all fours
Tempting rosette bared and all yours
To finger and tongue as you want
Then tied with silk to the bed
My core naked and spread
Beseeching to be consumed in your lust
Now just please answer my plea
To be inside me
My body’s the unlocked door