Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She began to look at herself in the mirror more. When she looked at herself, she really did not see what most boys saw.
When she looked at herself, she looked more at her mouth and lips than anything else. She’s gotten all kinds of compliments on them. Some poetic, some not so. Some said her lips are like cherries and like the color of strawberries. Others just downright said it like Keith did. She had some DSL’s.
She appreciated it, to an extent. At least Keith was honest. The twins were perverted, but honest. As she looked at herself, primping, trying not to stare. Her brown eyes were looked attractive and more mature than they let on. She made up her light brown face, letting out a deep breath.
It was about time for her to date again after that debacle with her ex. Malachi manipulated her. Malachi led her on. But that was then.
She glossed her lips slowly and carefully as her roommate watched. Her roommate knew deep down she was cute. Savannah looked on, smiling, saying:
“Damn, girl, how long you going to take?” Nicole looked at her. Her pursed lips licked themselves.
“You really feeling yourself, ain’t you?” She said.
“Nah. Well, yeah…” She said, giggling. “But you know, seriously, a blind date?”
“Those are the most fun. You have nothing to lose, sister. If you get a good one, maybe you get some dick. And maybe you need some right now…” Savannah said, passively.
“Really? You fucked a blind date?” Nicole said with a blank face. Savannah shrugged.
“He wanted me. I was in a dry spell… so I said, ‘Fuck it,'” Savannah said. Nicole laughed. “And you know what the fucked-up part was?” She said.
“Oh, no,” Nicole reacted.
“Yup. One, he was kind of cute. Two… but the dick was beyond the point of repair for me. It was broke. Now, why did you want to tell me this?” Nicole said. Savannah got closer to her in the mirror. My sister, men come and go. Look at yourself. Time to have your own fun.” A knock on the door happened. Savannah answered the door.
“Dwayne, I presume?”
“Yes, looking for Nicole,” Dwayne said to Savannah.
“She’s getting ready, she’ll be out in a second,” Savannah gave her thumbs-up sign. Nicole gave a deep breath, then began to sashay out of the room, meeting Dwayne.
“How you doing?”
Nicole took one look at Dwayne and knew that there had to be a problem somewhere. He was too attractive. He had a face like an R&B sex symbol. He had grey eyes and plump lips. His body was cut. As for Dwayne, he looked at Nicole’s light brown skin and her face. He thought she was pretty innocuous at first glance. Then he looked at the rest of her body.
Nicole had a curvy body. She had breasts that were a little on the small side, but her hips and ass more than made up for it. Dwayne caught himself trying to take a look. That was where Dwayne knew she wasn’t so innocent.
“So, where to?” Dwayne said to her coolly.
Meanwhile, in Fort Worth, Nick Langston was at Ken and Keith’s party trying to forget all his problems.
“You want to know why I think lips are sexy? You really want to know? You don’t see it? You don’t see them?” Keith questioned.
“Would you just shut the hell up already?” Jake yelled.
“We know you got a mouth fetish!” Jordan said.
“Shut the fuck up,” Keith said, almost drunkenly. “Those thick, juicy, luscious, hot lips drive me insane. I want to touch them. I want to feel them…”
“Would you shut the fuck up?” His brother said. “He’s right there.”
Nick was on the couch thinking about his sister and how he actually had thoughts he shouldn’t have about said sister. Maybe it was separation anxiety. Maybe it was the breakup with his ex that occurred after high school. But he was sitting there with a beer, contemplating.
“Hey,” A distinct feminine voice from behind him said. He looked back.
“Coco. What’s up?” He said, looking up at her.
Coco was a very attractive cheerleader at TCU. Nick and Coco had a very chance encounter during a game early in the season. Coco got caught up in a play that got out of bounds. Nick helped her up. They became friends afterwards.
“You going through it too, huh? Don’t mind him. He’ll just wind up jerking it to porn tonight anyway,” Coco said, smiling. Nick smiled back. There was something about her that reminded him of his ex, not just physically but in other ways as well. Coco was smart and very pretty with big breasts. She drove the men crazy on campus.
“There’s that smile, Nicky. So, can I sit here?” Coco said.
Coco sat close to the defensive end and rested her head on his shoulder. A movie was playing.
“So, what’s got you down?” Nick said.
“You really want to know? Ok, Nicky. Kind of missing my ex. I thought coming here would take my mind off her, but you know…”
“Wait, you’re gay? If you are, you are the hottest lesbian I have ever seen!” Nick said half-drunk, with legitimate surprise on his face.
“No, silly. I’m not gay. I’m bi.”
“Oh, man. My bad,” Nick said embarrassed. Coco touched his cheek reassuringly.
“It’s ok. You never told me what’s bothering you,” Coco said, in a soft voice.
“Quite simply, I have the same problem you have. Ex problems. My ex broke up with me because of distance. Also, my twin sister goes to school in Houston. This is our first time apart. I miss her. I love her. Just looking forward to seeing her at the game,” Nick said to her.
“You really love your sister, do you?” Coco asked. Nick nodded.
“Sometimes family’s all you got.”
“Amen to that,” Nick said as he chugged another beer and Coco and Nick watched the movie playing in front of them.
Meanwhile, Nicole and Dwayne were almost finished with their date. They went on a nice date, dinner and a movie. They were at a restaurant, finishing up dessert, where Dwayne said, “This is some good cake.”
“I want to taste!” Nicole said, excitedly.
“Really?” Dwayne said, tilting his head. “All that food you stole from my plate? I don’t play about my food. And I’m not even talking in that way…”
She licked her lips almost as a reflex. He looked at her. Dwayne liked it when she glossed them in the mirror after their meal. His penis twitched. It turned him on. He thought it’s been far too long since a woman placed her lips onto his. He began to get turned on.
Nicole began to read the look on Dwayne’s face. She bit her bottom lip unexpectedly. She grazed Dwayne’s leg under the booth table.
“You want the check?”
After they paid the check, the two went to Dwayne’s car. They kissed passionately once they got in the car. The kiss got deeper and deeper. Dwayne’s erection got harder and Nicole began to notice. After they broke off the kiss, Dwayne said to her:
“God, you taste so good.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Nicole said. “I will be thinking about that tonight. Oh, and another question… I saw you looking. What’s so sexy about my lips?” She asked.
Dwayne looked at her incredulously. “I’m… I’m sorry. Was that a real question? Do you not know the power of those? The thickness, the juiciness of those?” He asked, chuckling. Of course, Dwayne asked with discretion and not with aggression.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve gotten that a lot…” She said.
“I say if you’ve got it, flaunt it,” Dwayne said, shrugging.
Ten to fifteen minutes later, Dwayne and Nicole arrived back at her place of residence.
“I know you’re not a fan of the blind date, so I hope you had a good time,” Dwayne said.
“What? Damn it, Savannah…”
Dwayne laughed.
“What?” Nicole said.
“You’re cute when you get like that,” Dwayne said. “The bitch told you. I can’t believe it…” Nicole said, chuckling. Dwayne cut her off with a bold kiss on the lips. She kissed back. It was a short yet sweet kiss. After they broke it off, Dwayne said:
“So kissable. I’m sorry, is that too much?”
“No,” She said softly.
“Can I ask one last thing? Damn, your lips… can you lick them for me?” Dwayne said. She gave him her number and licked them, this time with a purpose.
“Bye, Dwayne,” She said with a smile. She did not understand why they loved them so much. But it may have been a good thing. It was the middle of the night and she was eager to tell her brother everything. When she got into the room, she was by herself.
“Huh,” She said in surprise. She stripped off her clothes. She was in her bra and panties when she called her brother. Nick picked up on the second ring.
“Hello?” Nick said groggily. “Sis? Where you been? Oh yeah, a date. That’s right. How was it?” Nick then looked at her, wide open. “Where are your clothes?”
“It was all right. Dude was cute, but I had a bad feeling about him, you know? I was changing. I just got in, why? Where are yours?”
Nick felt his erection growing. Nick and Nicole, after a certain age, were never allowed to see each other naked.
“It’s 1 in the morning, Nikki, I’m in bed with boxers on!”
“Stand up, then.”
He reluctantly stood up, showing his impeccable frame and black Calvin Klein boxers with a slight bulge in them.
“Oh my God, you’re hard…” She said. “Were you jerking it?”
“No…” He quickly said, then got back in bed.
“Liar. It’s ok. I’ll help you,” Nicole said. She took her bra off, freeing her breasts. She cupped them. She played with her brown nipples. She moisturized her fingers and went inside her panties, fingering herself. At this point, Nick’s erection was rock hard. But the conflicting thoughts about ‘she’s your twin’ were out the window.
“Fuck it,” Nick said to himself. Nick reached in his boxers and started jerking. The twins were now masturbating together four hours away to two different people. One was fantasizing about her blind date. The other’s fantasy was on the other side of the screen. The twins’ moans kept each other going. Nick loved it when she tasted herself. Nicole looked at his throbbing erection and let her imagination run. Before long…
“Uhhh, ugh, fuck…” She said, fighting loud moans.
“I’m coming, sis…”
They both climaxed.
“Go back to sleep, baby brother,” Nicole said.
“You don’t think anybody heard that, huh?”
“Night, Nicky.”
“Good night, sis.”