The Truth About Vampires

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This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate.

This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole or pussy up into their bodies on stakes. They would die, either immediately as was usual, or an agonizing death lasting for hours. Some said he would save and drink their blood. Some said it made him stronger and that he would live forever.

His descendants were all supposed to be vampires, living virtually forever, and drinking the blood of anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths when they were hungering for the drink of life. These are all stories, believed by many, and emulated, in many cases, by wannabes. It was all fascinating, and all not true.

Oh, there have always been vampires. That much is true. And they are here today. They fill our high schools. They are, in fact, all the teenagers who have gone through puberty and have matured enough to have come into their own as true vampires. The truth is that every teenager becomes a vampire at some point and then loses the power and becomes one of the mundane, everyday folk when the vampirism passes away, as it always does.

What is so unfortunate is that none of these teen vamps ever remember, or at least, only a few. These are the ones who carry on the traditions. They try to pass down the vampire lore, such as it is, and keep alive the stories and legends that so many lose as they age out of the true calling.

This is the story of some teen vampires at a high school near you. We are concerned with four of them. Two girls and two boys. The girls were Priscilla and Deborah. The boys were Laurie and Franklin.

It would be an understatement to say that Priscilla was pretty. With her long, raven hair she was what one might typically assume a vampire to look like. And her body was beautiful, as one would expect of a vampire. Her skin was the color of cream. Her breasts were proud, standing high on her chest and pointing to the sky. Her hips were broad, womanly, and her ass was soft and rounded as two melons. Her legs were long and white, with the tone and musculature of a born dancer, a ballerina, and sported long, graceful feet.

Neither could you fault Deborah. She was the typical red head, also with skin of cream, but freckled and teasing in aspect. She had a short nose that often was in the air, and her hair was curled naturally all over her head, and cascading down her back. Her breasts were soft and rounded, like two peaches. She had the coveted hourglass figure that men adored. She too had broad hips and a juicy, round ass. She, however was small like a pixie. Her legs were short, but they could still have danced as well as Priscilla. Her dance was the Irish step dance, and her feet were tiny.

Laurie was a typical teen. He was average in height, about 5 feet 10 inches. His hair was pale, almost white and he wore it long, so he could toss it back out of his eyes, an affectation of his. His body was pale but well muscled. He was not into sports. He preferred to keep himself fit by working out with weights and running every day. He was quite handsome.

It was Franklin’s burden to be the shortest in his class. He was only about 5 feet 4 inches. As was typical, this made him feisty and little over-bearing. But he was a good friend to have. He sported short, brown hair. His body was small but it was wiry, as they say, and he could hold his own in the many battles he fought as he aged. There was not a speck of fat on his body.

These four would come together in their junior year of high school. They were all 17 years old, they had each passed through puberty, and were starting to display the common traits of the teen vampire. They began staying up late, meaning they were always tired in class the next day. But as was common for teem vampires, they seldom, if ever, remembered staying up. They all thought they were getting to bed at a normal time.

The vampire traits of their character were exerting control of their lives. They were unaware. But the typical aspect of vampirism was the blood lust. The urge, the need to consume blood. As you shall see, there are many and varied ways to get the blood needed to sate one’s vampire urges.

When these four began their junior year something impelled them to each other. All four became best friends and spent all their spare time together. They spent time together they were not even aware of. When they were in the aspect of vampirism late at night they would share themselves and become vampire lovers. Much would be forgotten the next day. But their sense of being a group never died. They were meant to share their blood.

One Monday night in October, shortly before Halloween, the four friends gathered in Franklin’s old Volvo and went out to eat. Vampires do eat. It would be awfully conspicuous if they didn’t. Their parents and all their teachers would be unable not to notice. But they ate sparingly. Just a few fast food items to fill up before really filling up. Then they all four went back to Franklin’s house. His parents were the type who always thought, out of sight, out of mind. They didn’t want to know what was going on under their roof.

Franklin had a large room. His family had money. He had a large bed and two easy chairs. He plopped down in one chair and motioned Deborah over. She came willingly. She adored her little feisty man. As they began to make out Priscilla and Laurie laid themselves down on the bed and also began to make out. This was how the evening often started, before the vampire part of their characters started appearing.

It got later and later. Soon it was midnight, and the teens began to change.

Franklin became rougher and rougher with Deborah, pushing his hand under her panties and the pressing against her pussy. He started to cram fingers into her cunt and then would lick his fingers. Tonight he was lucky. She was on her period. There would be unclean blood tonight. The kind vampires loved. He knelt before her creamy legs, pulled down her panties, and buried his face in her cunt. He started sucking the juices she was forming, along with the blood she was leaking. Then he bit her clit and she screamed.

He began sucking on the blood coming out of her clit.

On the bed, as the hour changed, Priscilla had dragged all of Laurie’s clothes off of him and gazed in awe at the huge cock he pointed at the ceiling. Then she stripped too, and knelt between his runner’s legs, kneading his muscles as she leaned over and took the head of his prick into her mouth. Her canine teeth extended and she made two holes in his cock. She sucked his dick blood, then began to jack him with her hand and licked all over his cock, making sure no blood was lost, and keeping him hard for the cock sucking to come.

Franklin had tore off Deborah’s clothes and thrown off his own. Then he made her lay face down on the chair, with her fine ass open to his gaze and loving touch. He loved her fine ass. He loved her cunt even more, especially when she was on her period. He rammed his cock into her pussy and she again squealed. She loved to be fucked by her vampire lover. She knew she would be feasting on his blood later. Now she took the fucking she loved and began cumming as soon as he entered her. She was always a quick cummer. Franklin loved that about her.

As he fucked her cunt he leaned down and began biting her creamy neck under her waves of red hair. He made two holes and started sucking the blood he needed. But not too much, He wanted her to stay alert for the coming hose job he would do on her. He drank as much as he needed, then he shot his load up her cunt, pulled quickly out, and finished by shooting what was left on her ass hole. Then he crammed his middle finger into her ass and made her cum again.

Laurie could not hold off any longer and shot his bleeding cum up into the waiting mouth of Priscilla. She drank it all down, with the cum mixed with blood. Then she laid down on him and began nuzzling his neck, finding the vein and making two holes with her canines. She sucked and he got hard again. She was jacking him at the same time, helping him get hard for her cunt.

It was now time for Priscilla to get her fuck of the night. She rolled over, off of Laurie, and he rolled over. But before fucking her cunt he wanted to make it ready for his huge cock. He traveled down her body, stopped at her tits, sucked on each one in turn, making her creamy, pale skin emphasize the redness of her nipples centered in the huge aureoles she had. He bit each nipple, making them bleed. sucked some blood, then let her pull her tits up to her own mouth so she could suck her own nipples and blood.

He proceeded down her body, licking as he went along, until he passed over her clit and used his fingers to pop it out of its hood. He sucked it so hard she moaned and whimpered and shot cum from her cunt. He moved quickly to lick it up, and then he made two holes in each labium majus. He sucked blood from her labia majorum as she gushed cum out of her pussy, mixing with the blood and making a whole meal for him. He loved the taste of bloody pussy lips.

Meanwhile, Deborah, having been well fucked and eaten, proceeded to make love to Franklin’s still hard cock. That was one of the benefits of vampirism. You stayed hard and horny if you were male, and you could not get enough cumming if you were female. Not to speak of all the blood you loved and needed. She also made two holes in the head of his peter and proceeded to drain some of the blood filling his six inch cock. He easily kept it filled. He was a vampire. He had powers.

After draining a goodly supply of blood she began sucking with more gusto and freely. Now she was about to make him shoot his cum down her gagging throat. As she sucked him she rammed her own little fist into her still creaming cunt. She was fist fucking and cock sucking at the same time. She made herself cum all over her little fist just as Franklin shot his strings of cum into her mouth, held open so he could see it. She knew he loved to see his own cum fill her mouth, just before the gobbled and swallowed it all down. The she had him lick her hand clean of its pussy juices. He was glad to do so.

The girls had been cumming all the time they had been making love. Both boys had shot their wads twice after they had taken on their vampire aspects. Now they were ready for more. This was one of the fine aspects of being a teen vampire. You could cum all night and still want more.

And you forgot a lot of what you were before you changed. All of the teens were ready for sex, and more sex, and they could care less who they had it with. Franklin started looking with lust at Priscilla, as Laurie did the same to Deborah. Franklin grabbed Priscilla, taller by 5 inches, and Laurie grabbed Deborah, tiny and waif like.

Each boy pushed his chosen girl onto one of the easy chairs. The girls pressed their tits down into the cushions, gladly spread their legs in anticipation and waited for the evenings finale.

Franklin got down on his knees and began rimming Priscilla, only he bit a little to draw blood from an ass cheek. Laurie did the very same to Deborah, making her squeal as he sucked blood from her juicy ass cheek. Then they continued rimming until the girls were well juiced with vampire spit mixed with blood. Both boys held their hard cocks in their hands, pointed them at the rimmed ass holes in front of them and lunged forward, ramming hard dick into waiting ass holes. Both girls screamed with pain and joy. It took only ten or twelve thrusts and the boys were shooting cream up the bung holes of their fellow vampires. They withdrew slowly and left cream pies behind.

They were all still lost in their vampire haze of sexual lust.

Franklin and Laurie, as is often the case, were weaker than the females. They both collapsed on the bed. But the two girls raised themselves up from the chairs, looked into each others dark, shining eyes, and began to nuzzle each other on the neck. Soon, each girl was extracting some blood from the other, a mutual sharing of love and life spirit.

The evening was over. They all got dressed. Franklin drove everyone home, returned himself, and they all went to sleep. They awakened the next morning as usual, tired and wondering why. They had forgotten all the vampirism they had experienced during the night.

They went off to school. Of course, the sun did not burn them. That is an old wive’s tale. But there are vampires. Too bad they virtually always forget when they leave high school and head off to college. If you don’t believe it, just look at the teens around you. Do they look normal to you?

Published 12 years ago

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