Time has a way of passing us by quickly—too quickly—many would say. Christmas was approaching, and Bree was in a particularly festive mood. Her daughter Demi would be home for a couple of weeks from college, and the whole family would be together for the first time in months. Sean, now a senior in high school, would be on school vacation, as well. David had promised to take time off from work while the kids were home. Bree’s excitement was palpable.
It had also been over four months since Bree and Sean had been stranded at their cabin by a heavy rainstorm. All the road repairs had long been made, but the repairs to Bree’s psyche were incomplete. She often thought about the events of that trip. She and her son had bonded closely during their confinement in the small cabin—too closely. What started innocently enough eventually led to wild sex with her seventeen-year-old. All because of a video Sean had discovered of his mother’s youthful transgressions: a communal sex orgy involving both his mother and father.
That video had somehow made it to the internet. And not only did her children both have a copy of it, but Bree and her husband David had also secretly downloaded it. The first time she saw it, she was alone in the privacy of her bedroom. The video brought back ancient feelings and prompted her to masturbate and bring herself to an intense orgasm that led to repeat performances. Unbeknownst to her, David had done something similar, but behind the locked door of his office.
Bree was moderately worried that friends might also stumble across it and identify both her and her husband, but what were the odds? Her friends were not the type to look at porn—were they? They were solid PTA moms and dads who would never spend hours looking at scandalous images of raw sex.
Both Bree and David had performed in the video when they were “young and dumb” free spirits who advocated free love in a commune where nudity and partner swapping were common. It was only later, after marriage and kids, that they began to have second thoughts about their lifestyle. Now, if they weren’t pillars of their community, they were at least solid citizens. And solid citizens didn’t look at porn. Well, maybe just a little.
But lately, Bree’s thoughts reverted to that weekend in the mountains. David and Demi had been left alone at the house, and Bree was so wrought with guilt about her incest with her son, that she failed to see the signs that something similar had occurred between her husband and daughter. It was weeks later when little signs and slip-ups made her suspicious. And now, she was fairly certain of it. And she had a plan.
After that infamous weekend, Bree also began to wonder about her son’s expertise in bed. He seemed to know too much for his age despite easy access to internet porn. She also noticed a particular bond between Sean and his sister. They spent a great deal of time in each other’s bedroom, it seemed. That struck Bree as a bit odd for typically competing teenagers.
Demi was certainly a knockout with big boobs and a beautiful face, and Bree noticed frequent clandestine glances between them. On one occasion when Demi was home for a weekend from college, Bree had forgotten her phone and returned home from shopping to find the siblings with clothing askew and in a panic when their mother burst through the door to grab her cell.
Bree knew that her daughter was not a virgin. She had confided that fact to her mother. Demi also seemed to be a bit oversexed and often dressed provocatively around the house and especially her father. All this seemed to add up to the unthinkable—that perhaps there was more going on in her home that she didn’t know about…or even want to know about. But recently her attitude had changed. Still, she decided to confront her daughter about her suspicions.
Several days after Demi arrived home, Bree suggested a girls’ day of shopping and lunch, and Demi readily accepted. It was a wonderful mother/daughter bonding day, and lunch was in a high-end restaurant where Demi had apprenticed one summer. Even though she was only twenty, the wait staff served her wine. She was with her mother, after all, and close to the legal drinking age.
The girls became a big giggly after dessert and a second glass of wine each, and Bree seized the opportunity. She used the same tact that Sean had plied her with at the cabin. She asked about the video.
“Demi, I’ve wanted to ask you something for a long time. We’ve always been straight with one another—correct?”
“Yeah, Mom. Both you and Dad have instilled honesty in Sean and me. I appreciate it. No secrets—right?”
“That’s right, so I want to reveal something I’ve been holding inside. Last summer, I discovered that a video existed from when your dad and I were much younger and before we were married.”
Demi perked up immediately with the word “video” and took a long sip of wine. She was all ears. Was her mother going to admit something her daughter already knew?
“I’ve known for some time that you’ve seen that video, Demi. I was too embarrassed to talk to you about it, though. Sean told me about it when we were stranded at the cabin, and he said you had seen it, as well. When that video was made, I did not know we would be filmed. Never mind that now—it is water under the bridge. I want you to know that I am no longer ashamed of it. It is what it is. I just want you to know that. I’ve done other things with which people might not agree, but I’ve come to realize that I’m not bound by what others might think of as right or wrong. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Oh, Mom, that is so refreshing to hear. You know me—I’m open-minded and would never be judgmental about something like that. Let others think what they want. I’m my own person. I love you and Dad for who you are, not who I or society wants you to be. I don’t care about any video. I’ve seen lots worse. It was no big deal. And honestly? I thought you and Dad were sexy. And you still are!”
And that exchange opened the door. With another glass of wine and in the quiet confines of a dark corner of the restaurant, Demi and Bree shared their deepest secrets, including incestuous sex between mother and son and father and daughter. Demi explained how she had tempted her father and how wonderful it was but had not happened again since that one time. Her relationship with Sean was ongoing but rarely occurred any more due to their distance apart.
When they were both done baring their souls, tons of guilt had been lifted and mother and daughter hugged more sincerely than they had done in ages.
Now, Bree had to somehow talk to Dave. That would not be easy. Dave was not as open about his true feelings. He tended to wear an assortment of masks. Bree would have to tread carefully, but Demi promised to help. Sean, on the other hand, would be no problem. He was driven by teenage hormones and a constant erection.
On the drive home, Demi thought about it and had an idea.
“Why don’t Dad and I go out and do some shopping for you? He’s a terrible shopper and I’ll tell him I know just what you’d like. He’ll jump at the chance, and I’ll find a way to explain things to him.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Demi. I knew you would come up with something. David tends to take my ideas not so seriously, but he’ll do whatever his beautiful daughter suggests.”
So several days later, Demi and her father had a similar date. They shopped together and David found the perfect gift, according to Demi, sexy lingerie for Bree. They had dinner in the same restaurant and Demi waited for the right moment.
“Mom will look great in that scanty clothing, Dad. You won’t be able to keep your hands off of her. Which reminds me, would you like to see me in something similar? Hmmm? I’ve got something to share with you. A Christmas secret.”
David squirmed nervously, and he felt a familiar swelling under the table.
“What kind of secret, Honey? You know we can’t risk anything. As much as I love you and even desire you, those days will have to be over.”
“Dad, Mom and I talked. She knows all about our little party when she and Sean were at the cabin. Not only that, but she is open to more of the same thing. She has gotten over the guilt and says she’s too old to worry about old rules. She wants to enjoy sex while she can. And she feels the same way about you. She says this is not a lot different from when you two were young, as long as everyone is okay with it. We’re all consenting adults.”
David was stunned. He didn’t know what to say but only stared at his daughter incredulously. Demi unbuttoned her blazer and threw her shoulders back so her big breasts pointed at her father’s chest in case he might need a reminder of what he was missing.
“Mom suspected what happened between you and me. And she admitted that something similar happened with Sean. They weren’t just playing cards at the cabin that weekend.”
David was rendered speechless at this news. He had harbored suspicions as well, but never really gave them any traction. Now this changed everything. Was Demi proposing another round of incredible sex, but with Bree as well? What was going on? He didn’t know how to respond. And he said so.
“Wow, Demi. I’m not sure what’s being proposed here, but you could knock me over with a feather right now. I’ve thought about that night many times, and I’m always torn between remorse and excitement. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t enjoy it. You are gorgeous and our love knows no bounds. It’s going to take a while to wrap my head around all this.”
“Well, as long as we’re being honest, I might as well tell you. Sean and I have been in an intimate relationship as well. I’m probably to blame for much of this. I think I’m oversexed. I love sex and think about it, and you, all the time.
I’m also doing light modeling…nude modeling—no actual sex yet, but I’m not against it. So far just fake stuff with male models with large penises for still photography, mostly. It pays the bills. Don’t be shocked if you see me in a skin mag somewhere. It is liberating. The family stuff is different. It is more about love than anything, even though most people might not agree with that type of love.”
And so there it was. The door was open. The only things remaining were the details. David asked a few questions on the way home, but Demi demurred and only said Mom was in control.
So that night after dinner, Bree announced a family meeting in the den. When everyone was seated on the large sectional, she began.
“First off, what I’m about to say is not rehearsed, but it is something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Depending on your point of view, we are either the most liberated family in my circles or the most debauched. I’ve already made my viewpoint clear. That said, what I’m about to propose does not go beyond this room. I trust each of you and so far as I know, our secret has remained that way: secret.”
She paused and turned on her laptop and the now familiar video came up, frozen on the screen.
“We’ve all seen this countless times by now. This is what started this entire journey to where we are. The good news is that we are still a family, and we have done nothing illegal. No one has been hurt by our actions as far as I can tell. I would also add we’ve done nothing wrong, but others might disagree. I think I know by now that we all agree on a couple of things. What we have done is give the ultimate pleasure to one another and if we can get over institutional guilt, we would all like to continue. I’m discovering new things about myself as well as each of you.”
Bree hit the play button and the naked figures came to life on the screen. A smiling Bree was now getting fucked by David and sucking an anonymous huge cock.
“If this is what we want, then I propose that we have an open household where we can share our love, but just for the four of us. This is not for anyone else to even know about. The only requirement would be mutual consent. “No” means no. “I’m tired” means no. “Maybe later” means no. Other than that, I see no reason why we can’t enjoy the wonders of sex and love with one another. Use protection and common sense. Be considerate of each other. Show sincere love for one another. That is actually what we were doing in this video, although you wouldn’t know it from the way it is being filmed. The most important part of this video is the backdrop—a community of people who loved and trusted one another. At least we started that way.”
Demi chimed in, “Mom, this is so bold. I’m good with it. You know how I feel, and Mom, you’re the only person here I haven’t had sex with. And to be honest, I’m hoping to get that off my bucket list as well. No more pretenses. Just open and honest feelings combined with the physical connections we all love. Or so it would seem.”
David and Sean nodded in agreement. David kissed Bree and squeezed her ass playfully. With little more fanfare than that, Bree turned off her computer and went into the bedroom. When she returned, she was wearing a slinky nightgown with nothing underneath. Her huge breasts commanded attention.
“I’m going to bed. I’m not tired, just horny. Any takers?”
Sean smiled and stood up. His mother grabbed his hand and said, let’s go to your room. I bet Demi and Dad would like the king-size for tonight.”
They disappeared down the hall and in seconds Demi was on the couch next to her dad.
“C’mon, old man. Can I interest you in a blow job? I’ll let you undress me first if you’ll let me sit on your face later.”
Her father only smiled. “Lead the way, Sweetheart. I’m yours for the evening.”
An hour or so later, Bree quietly tip-toed out of her son’s bedroom and down the hall. Sean was sleeping soundly, but his bed was too small for her to sleep comfortably. She thought about simply sleeping in Demi’s empty bed as she passed by her room, but decided to see what was going on in the master bedroom.
The door was open and Demi was on top of David and riding him cowgirl style. Demi’s arms propped her over David’s chest, her breasts hanging and swinging as she slowly pumped her ass back and forth. David was grunting and moaning that he was getting close.
“Yes, cum in me, Dad. Let me feel your hot cum in my pussy.”
Bree quietly walked to the bed and sat next to her husband’s prone body. She kissed her surprised daughter on the lips, their tongues intertwined, before cupping her beautiful breasts and then kissing her husband.
“Go ahead, Honey. Shoot your sperm in your daughter and make her happy. You two look so beautiful fucking like this. When you cum, I’m going to lick you clean. And then we’re all going to cuddle under the covers together.
And that is what they did. When David’s orgasm finally ended, Demi slipped off of him and shared his cock with her mother, licking and sucking it clean. When done, they lay together, Mother, husband, and daughter, and kissed each other to sleep, at least for David. Demi and her mother continued kissing and fondling one another for some time before they, too, finally drifted off to slumberland in each other’s arms.