Ray ***
I returned home with so many mixed emotions. Within the space of a few days, I had gone on my first date, fallen in love and lost my virginity. Not only had I lost my virginity, but I had also deflowered a virgin. All this was a hell of a lot for the young high school senior to digest.
Also, I had asked Kim the object of my affections and lust to go steady. However, her parents had put their foot down and said no. Not only no, but over our dead bodies no. NO!
What do I do now? Is it just puppy love or just lust, or do I really love her? What if I made her pregnant? I was out of my mind with desire and never thought of the consequences. After they forbade our having a relationship, we went behind their back and had one. If they ever find out, they will be apoplectic.
As I approached their house, I saw Mrs. Wallace get out with her dog on its leash. My first thought was to hide in the bushes. Then common sense took over. She could not be aware that Kim had just made love with me. Kim had returned home fifteen minutes ahead of me so we would not get caught together.
As Mrs. Wallace approached, I smiled at her and said, “Good Morning, ma’am.”
Her response was a frosty, “Good morning, young man,” as she strode past me, trailing the dog in her wake.
However, being a dog, he put on the brakes, sniffed at my legs, and, undoubtedly, smelling Kim’s odour on my body, decided that I was part of the salt of the earth. He rose on its hind paws, and as I crouched down to pet him, licked my face and delightedly wagged his tail.
Mrs. Wallace froze and looked at the spectacle. “He seems to like you as much as my daughter likes you. Despite obedience school, which should have taught how to behave, he seems to find you irresistible.”
“He’s so cute, Mrs. Wallace. What type of dog is he?”
“He’s a Corgi.”
“Does he have a name?”
“Of course, he has a name. Kim christened him Snuggles when he was a small pup. She called him that because he used to sneak into her bed and snuggle with her.”
Lucky dog.
“May I hold his leash, Mrs. Wallace.”
She handed me the leash eagerly. Another martial art saying came to my mind, ‘when the enemy is strong, retreat when he is weak attack.’
“Would you like me to take him for a run in the park, Mrs. Wallace?”
“Why, Ray, that’s so kind of you. As I grow older, I can only walk him. Snuggles, would you like to go for a run with Ray?”
The woof said it all, so I hightailed it down the street with Snuggles practically pulling me in his wake.
One step forward for the cause, let’s hope it’s not two steps back.
Kim ***
For the half-dozenth time, the Camay bar clattered into the tub. My hands trembled with the same ferocity as the shower spray that drummed my skin. Panic was setting in like too much caffeine, not just because Mom was due back from Mrs. Bretton’s daily coffee clatch.
Calm down. Your cycle finished the day before prom. You should be safe. That’s what Tracie Richardson thought, and she… No. Don’t think about it.
With caution, I massaged the suds between my thighs and winced at the soreness it provoked. Sure, it had hurt. If I hadn’t remembered what I’d once overheard about letting the man get in all the way first, I might have asked him to stop.
But he did get in, and once he filled me, it seemed to relieve the searing tension at my opening. I couldn’t describe it except to say it was as if a door closed comfortably after nearly being torn off its hinges.
When Ray slid as deep as he could and helplessly ejected sighs and seed, I knew I wanted to make him feel that way again and always.
Post-virginity, nude, spent on the dojo mat, I overflowed with emotions as well as Ray’s essence. Relief. Triumph. Joy.
Vulnerability: the uninvited guest. With ventriloquism skills, no less.
Please, don’t ever leave me.
Geez, what was with the Connie Francis whine? You idiot. You probably scared him off.
As he dressed in the dim light, I studied his strong profile and lean-muscled flow and the unruly cloud my fingers had made of his hair and wondered if he was feeling the same things. Or was it different for him?
Five blocks from home, faced with separation after such intense togetherness, we kissed again. Our lips aligned and melded as they should, yet the moment felt rushed, almost awkward.
He hadn’t said anything about next time–
The front door thumped. Heart between teeth, I cranked the faucet handle shut and toweled off at record speed. My wrestling match was now twofold: to pull on clothes and fight off a swarm of troubling thoughts.
Now that he’s had the test drive, will he be looking to try other cars in the lot?
Would he brag the way Shecky Michaels did about Dotty Hume, who got kicked off the pep squad and ended up having to change schools?
What if I get into trouble?
I was just about to bury my second thoughts in a textbook when I heard voices from the front walk, then an excited yip from Snuggles.
Through the blinds, I saw our usually protective Corgi, his cream puff butt wiggling a tailless hello and front paws kneading Ray’s legs with obvious affection.
Good boy!
By the time Mom yielded the leash and Ray was practically skiing behind Snuggles the Sled Dog, the nagging questions vanished – and I’d fallen in love all over again.
When I rushed into Ned’s the following afternoon, Jean and Patty Ann slurped the last of their ice cream sodas and debated which songs to play from opposite sides of a jukebox. Each wrestled her end of the silver-edged Rolodex until one page waggled like a stuck-out tongue.
“I don’t know about you,” Jean said, “but I’m so glad the prom’s over. I couldn’t take another minute of WDUW’s doo-wop marathon hyping up that ‘nostalgia’ theme the committee inflicted on us.” She drew out ‘nostalgia’ with a sneer. “I’m ready for some Beatles about now.”
“Herman’s Hermits!” Patty Ann pouted.
I’d been dying to share the day’s news with Ray, but he’d long departed for Judo practice. When he’d brought back Snuggles from the park yesterday, Mom intercepted him in the front yard with a polite ‘thank you.’ He hadn’t phoned, either, but it was a school night after all, and everyone was studying for finals.
After closing the last book, I slipped between the sheets wearing just my nightgown – nothing underneath. I’d never done that before. It made me feel closer to Ray somehow, that he would approve of the unguarded throb rising and tempting me to meet him by touching myself. I closed my eyes, opened my legs, my fingers became his tongue, and before I knew it, I was pinned beneath Ray in the dojo again and blossoming within a star’s white-hot core, limbs flung to the four winds-.
“Where’ve you been?” Jean scooted over to make room, and the page clacked in Patty Ann’s favor. “We were just about to give up on you.”
“Coleman-Hill Agency,” I burbled over the blare of Peter Noone. “A job interview. Miss Timmons excused me right after Chemistry finals so I could get there in time.”
Patty Ann’s spoon and jaw dropped simultaneously. “How did you-?’
“Coleman-Hill is one of my dad’s friend’s clients.”
Jean whistled. “Wow! They want you to model?”
“Hardly,” I laughed and signaled Shirley for a 7UP. “They need a receptionist. And it’s just part-time.”
“Still, it’s a foot in the door. When do you start?”
“First week of August. The girl I’m replacing is getting married.”
But my friends’ eyes had swiveled past me, and the sudden stench of Mennen Skin Bracer made me sneeze.
“Hello, ladies.” Doug Taylor, my would-be prom date until he injured his ankle, pointedly appraised my tablemates from his 6’2″ height even on crutches. “Jean, how’d you like to go to the movies with me Friday night?”
“I’m busy.” Her curtness could have chopped a carrot. She knew Doug had extended me the same invitation two days before.
“What about you, Patty Ann?”
Her face lit up like the coming attractions. I felt Jean kick her under the table, causing Patty Ann to shoot me a worried glance. I shrugged approval.
“Um, s-sure,” she stammered, eyes marble-huge.
“Pick you up at seven-thirty, then?”
Patty Ann didn’t stop nodding until after the door closed behind him.
“Judas,” Jean hissed at her.
“It’s cool,” I waved at them both.
Jean’s fingers rifled her new perm. “Never thought I’d be saying this, but King Jock’s making what’s-his-name look pretty good about now.”
“Who?” piped up Patty Ann.
“Kim’s last-minute prom date.”
“Ray,” I corrected patiently, feeling like a skipping record. But could there be a better opportunity to announce that we were going steady? “Matter of fact-“
“Oh, yeah!” Patty Ann blurted. “Ray’s in my history period. He sits next to Michelle Benoit. Boy, was she hanging all over him after class today? Looks like someone’s hit the jackpot!”
A fist squeezed my throat before it plummeted through an airless column of shock and crash-landed in my stomach. Michelle Benoit, a leggy raven-haired junior, centerfold-stacked and Mensa-intelligent, ran cross-country and had a reputation for turning other girls’ boyfriends into ex-boyfriends.
“Shut up, Patty,” Jean broke in, on alert. “What was that you were gonna say, Kim?”
Lesley Gore’s ‘Maybe I Know’ droned through the speakers.
I shook my head and forced a smile. “Guess I forgot.”
Friday afternoon took forever to arrive, but it paid scenic dividends. While we’d immersed ourselves in studies and fretting over final grades, summer had taken full custody of the landscape. Rhododendrons in electric hues banked the park path where Snuggles pulled me along.
Inside, I was a black-and-white crime scene fit for a Post headline. Patty Ann’s gossip stirred up a hornets’ nest of doubt that kept on stinging. I wasn’t at all prepared for an aftermath such as she had described.
Would I ever enjoy flowers – or anything else – the way I used to before my deflowering?
That’s what you get for being impulsive. Boys don’t fall in love with ‘bad’ girls. Didn’t Mom always say so? Did you think you were going to be the exception?
Snuggles began to huff and jerk at the leash.
“In a minute, boy,” I soothed.
“How’re you doin’, Snuggles?”
The familiar voice stopped my heart. I whirled around to see Ray crouched and Snuggles leaping joyously for a petting.
For the past two days, I’d given Ray a wide berth, going out of my way to avoid even a chance sighting until I could pull myself together and figure out how to handle Patty Ann’s curveball. I suddenly wished I was wearing sunglasses to cover the sleepless nights.
Seeing Ray now, his coiled physique outlined by a snug t-shirt and jeans, I felt all my progress unraveling. He had to be aware of how much as he drew out the minutes, counting on the fact I wouldn’t deny Snuggles his favorite kind of attention.
He was probably waiting for me to speak first.
I wasn’t going to – until I caught him looking at my legs.
“Some guys will do anything to get a peek up a girl’s skirt, won’t they?”
He straightened and blushed. “I haven’t seen you around, Kim. Is everything okay?”
Perhaps Michelle Benoit was busy. I kept it friendly.
“I got a job, Ray. I found out Wednesday and wanted to tell you, but you’d already left for practice. Want to hear something funny?”
I babbled on about how Dad was on his way back from a client meeting the day he’d followed me at the park. He hadn’t been spying but thought he’d surprise me with the news of my job interview. Guilt-ridden over sneaking out to meet Ray, I’d gone on the attack straight off and hadn’t let Dad get a word in edgewise, so he’d finally driven away to let me cool down.
Ray chuckled, visibly relieved. He stayed by my side as Snuggles resumed his forward speed.
“And I heard they made you co-valedictorian!” I gushed. “Your parents must be so proud.”
“Yes, they are.” He took my hand. “I’ve missed you, Kim.”
My voice cracked. “Have you?”
“Look, remember what you said about how we can tell each other everything, what we’re feeling? Now it’s your turn. No matter what it is. Are you sorry about what happened the other day?”
“Are you?”
“Of course not.” His fingers grazed my palm, and I shivered. “What makes you think I might be?”
I hesitated. “One thing I learned from that experience with Dad is, don’t speak before knowing all the facts.”
“What do you need to know?”
Out with it, Kim. “One of my friends saw another girl coming on to you, someone in your history class. No, I didn’t ask her – it was something she told me on her own. Anyway, I admit it made me think twice; that you were having second thoughts. And I didn’t want to ask you…because that’s not who I am.”
Ray looked puzzled, then his frown cleared. “If you mean Michelle, she’s been trying to get my mother to bake for her sorority’s annual fundraiser. She’s recruited half the class, not just me.”
“And even if she or anyone else was coming on to me, there’s only one girl I’d be thinking of.”
Life rushed into my veins and the blossoms now flourished in Technicolor. “Brigitte Bardot?”
“I should smack your cute little bottom for that,” Ray grinned.
“Maybe you should.”
“Mmm, I like the way you just said that.”
“Give me a few minutes to get Snuggles home, and you can try it… if you’re free.”
“I’m free… and I’ll pick you up at our usual spot.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
Ray ***
“Kim, I hate deception. I want to come clean with your parents. I want them to know how I feel about you and for them to know we are dating. I don’t want to feel like a thief sneaking in the night.”
“How are you planning to do that?”
“I’m going to ask my mother to invite you guys over for supper. Then my mother will exert her considerable charms and seduce both your father and mother. Especially your father,” I said with a giggle.
“Oh, Ray, what if it doesn’t work out?”
“Then, we will fall back on plan number two.”
“Plan number two?”
“Sneaking around in disguise. In other words, we will just be back where we are now. Now hurry up as I again have designs for your nubile body.”
I took her hand, and we rushed to the deserted Judo dojo. No sooner had I closed the door behind us than we were enlaced in each other’s arms with our mouths and tongues exploring each other. I lifted Kim’s face and staring into her eyes, I felt my heart swell with joy. I still could not believe this gorgeous woman loved me.
“Ray,” she said with a blushing face, “Make love to me. Please.”
“Not so fast, young lady, you dared to suspect me of flirting with what’s her name in my history class. Remember?”
“Uhh… Yes.”
“Do you also remember what I said I would do to you?”
“You can’t be serious. You want to spank me?”
“Kim, I always keep my word. Now get ready for your comeuppances. Strip! Off with your clothes.”
I watched wide eyes as Kim slowly removed her blouse and bra. She then proceeded to unzip her skirt and let it drop to her feet before sliding her fingers in her panties’ waistband and shimmied them off her hips. Sitting there, watching her blushing from head to toe, I almost relented. My cock was straining to escape my Levis.
“Come here, Kim, place yourself over my lap.”
“Not while you are wearing those clothes. Take them off, and then I will.”
I hastily stripped. Kim’s eyes were riveted on my erection the whole time. I could see the desire in her eyes. I sat back down and motioned for her to drape herself on my lap. Swivelling her hips seductively, she stepped up and placed herself face down on my lap.
She wriggled around, getting settled. The sly minx had manoeuvered herself so that my cock nestled between her slightly parted thighs. My cock was trapped against her hot wet pussy. I gazed down at her ass, sheer perfection, I thought as I slowly caressed her rounded globes.
“To instill trust in you, I’m going to spank each cheek five times.”
All I got for an answer was her wriggling her butt. Damn, she was so sexy. I raised my hand and brought it down sharply against her right cheek. The flesh gave and rebounded as she gave a soft gasp. Each slap seemed to provoke a gasp or a moan. I could feel her juices stream against my cock and anoint my penis. By the tenth blow, her ass glowed a rosy red.
I lowered my face and gave the blushing posterior a long and wet kiss, which elicited a moan of profound pleasure from her. She rolled off my lap and spread my thighs, placing herself on her knees between them.
She looked at me with those lustrous eyes as she folded her hand around my erection.
“You know, Ray, this is the first time I really look at a penis. It’s beautiful and looks so tasty,” she said and sticking out her tongue gave it a lick. “Is this mine, Ray, truly mine?”
“All yours, Kim, or as long as you wish to have it, it’s yours exclusively.”
With that, she engulfed it in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down while gently stroking my shaft with her soft hand. The feel of her hot wet mouth was incredible. Her tongue caressed the helmet of my penis each time she withdrew. I sensed that I would not be able to restrain myself for much longer.
“Kim, I’m close to cumming,” I said.
“Mmmpff… I want you to cum. I want your seed in my mouth. I want to own you sexually in all ways. I never want you to think any other woman can do things for you that I wouldn’t. AND I love how you feel and taste in my mouth. So soft yet hard at the same time. When you throb the way you were, it makes my pussy tingle.”
She then wrapped her mouth back on my shaft and used her mouth only to suck me in and out while she fondled my balls.
There was no way I could resist. I felt my cock throb and my testicles tighten as I came. Stream after stream of cum spurted out which she wallowed right to the last drop. She finally released me, sat back on her heels and smiled at me. “Did I do that right?” she asked with a shy smile.
“Darling, I wouldn’t know what right is. I have never had that done to me. If that was wrong, please do it the same way if you ever do it again.”
She giggled with delight at my words before adding, “I definitely will be doing it again and often. Now please make love to me, Ray.”
“Not so fast, now it’s my turn,” I said as I pushed her till she was on her back on the judo mats.
I knelt between her thighs and started placing kisses and licks up her inner thighs as I ascended till I reached her groin. I was not sure of what I was doing; however, guided by her moans of pleasure, I licked on either side of her labia’s lips. “What happened to your curls?”
“I shaved for you,” she answered. “Do you like my new depraved look? Not only depraved but also at this moment deprived.”
I answered with an ‘Mmmmm’ my mouth now fully occupied by with her tender bits.
I had not been sure how it would taste and feel. As soon as I parted those dainty lips and sunk my tongue between her folds, I knew I was hooked for life. The taste was sweet and creamy, and the aroma was like an aphrodisiac to me.
I saw her clitoris rise from the folds of her skin and gave it a lick. It was as if Kim had been hit with an electrical shock. Her hips rose, causing my lick to intensify against her. Her legs wrapped themselves around my head to lock me in place against her.
I sucked on her nub while bringing my fingers into her and corkscrewing into her wet and scalding pussy.
“Yes! Yes, just there,” she pleaded, as my fingers found a specific spot in her pussy. Her thighs tightened around my head, and my face was soaked with an outpouring of her juices. I did not dare move as she released her legs from my head and lay on the mat in a foetal position gasping for breath.
“Kim, are you okay?”
She uncoiled her body to look at me as her eyes focused, and she gave me a beatific smile. “Ray, my darling, that was amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”
“Honey, I was just reacting to you and what you were telling me with your body, you wanted. I have never done anything like that before.”
“Come here, take me in your arms, my love.”
“I need to wash my face first. I’m covered in your juices.”
“Forget that I’ll take care of that; just take me in your arms.”
I crawled up to her and wrapped my arms around her. She kissed me ardently and proceeded to lick my face removing all traces of her spending before sliding her tongue in my mouth and exploring. To my senses, this was the most intensely intimate moment I had ever experienced. More intimate than making love to her or any of our other experiences to date.
She reached down, and her hand grasped my erection, which had resurrected since the blowjob which had drained it.
“Ray, make love to me. I want to feel you in me.”
We adjusted our bodies so that she remained on her side, and I entered her from behind. She guided me into her and snuggled her backside against me. My cock drove into her while I could feel her pussy clasp me in a tight embrace.
I toyed with her nipples while my other hand teased her little nub. Her moans of delight filled my ears with joy. My cock throbbed with desire as I pulled her tightly against me.
Our orgasms happened simultaneously. We both lay there in stunned bliss while regaining our composure. She turned her body to face me and whispered, “Ray, I love you.”
“I love you too, Kim.”
“I never want us to be apart. When are we going to have the great parental confrontation?”
“I’ll talk with my mum tonight and see if it can’t take place this weekend.”
“Oh, Ray, I hope this works. I also want our love to be open and not something hidden.”
“It will be. I am not going to cower from your parents.”
“Mum, can we talk?”
“Sure, son, come grab a coke and let’s go sit by the pool.”
We settled down in two lounge chairs and sipped our cokes as I tried to frame my thoughts.
“You seem to be very serious. What’s troubling you?” she asked.
“I need you to help me, as in any case, it’s all your fault.”
“My fault! Are you referring to World War II or the Korean war?”
“Mom, stop kidding. This is serious.”
“Okay. More serious than those two conflicts. Honestly, however, I have nothing to do with the cold war, honey.”
“Awe, mum, you got me a date with Kim for the prom, and we have fallen in love.”
“So? What’s wrong with that?”
“Her parents don’t want us to see each other. I hate going around their back and sneaking around to see her. It is not an honorable way to act. What do you suggest I do?”
She sat in thought for a few minutes. I could almost hear the gears spinning in her head.
“Have you two gone beyond petting?”
“Yes, we have, Mom.”
“My baby boy is apparently no longer a baby. Well, why don’t we have them over, and I will see what I can do to fix things.”
“Mom, I love you.”
“Hey, don’t use that word unless you mean it.”
“I mean it. It’s not the same as what I feel for Kim, but you are the greatest.”
Saturday finally came, and I was a nervous wreck. I had no idea of what insane plan my mother had cooked up. Every time I asked her, all he said was, “Don’t worry, I will handle it.” The Wallace family had accepted the invitation though, according to Kim, reluctantly so as not to seem un-neighbourly.
Mom spent hours in the kitchen with our cook, Maria. She herself was cooking, which is something I had not seen her do in ages. The smells that wafted from the kitchen, from which I had been banned, were incredible. I salivated each time I walked past the doors.
Saturday afternoon, she told me to get dressed and ready to receive our guests. As I walked upstairs, she yelled after me, “No jeans. Your new suit and a white shirt and tie.”
“Awe, Mom, do I have to?”
“Well, if you don’t want me to pull this off, just wear your jeans. It’s up to you.”
I grumbled to myself, still wondering what her plan was. However, I showered and shaved the few bristles which were struggling to appear and dressed according to her wishes.
When I returned downstairs, Dad was sitting in the living room similarly attired. He greeted me with a smile and said, “Looking good. You cut a dashing figure. Now just a word of warning, play along with whatever your mother does. She’s good, excellent as a matter of fact with this type of situation.”
“But, Dad…”
“No buts, son, trust her. As it stands right now, you are not in the picture as far as the Wallace clan is concerned. This will give you a chance to get what you wish. So let her run with it. Your mother has talked with Kim and told her what her role is to be.”
The clan arrived promptly at 6.30. Kim was stunning in a low cut blue gown and, to my surprise, had Snuggles in tow. My heart thumped in my chest. She looked so mature dressed as she was. Gone were the saddle shoes and skirt. The heels she was wearing made her legs look twice as long. My imagination went into overdrive, picturing myself between them.
My mother came down the staircase dressed to the nines to greet her guests. “Welcome, Mrs. and Mr. Wallace to our home. It is a real pleasure to receive you finally.”
“We are the ones who thank you, Mrs. Mitchel,” said Mr. Wallace, his eyes ogling mother.
“Oh, please call me Lillian. Mrs. sounds so formal.”
“Gladly, and from now on, I am Jim to you.”
That will be my pleasure, Jim.”
My father had gone to Mrs. Wallace, took her hand, and bestowed a kiss on it, which made her giggle and blush. “Glad to meet you, at last, Mrs. Wallace. I am Andre, and I would be honored if you were to call me so,”
“Andre, I am Sheila to you.”
He then turned to Kim and kissed her hand, saying, “I now see why you entrance my son.”
Kim blushed, cast a glance and a smile at me and said, “Delighted to meet you, Mr. Mitchel. I can see where Ray gets his good looks.”
“Hey, what about me?” said my mother as she stepped forward and hugged Kim.
“Well, he certainly has your eyes and nose, Mrs. Mitchel.”
“Shall we go and have a chat and a drink before dinner?” my mother offered, leading the way to the living room.
Once all were seated, my father asked, “Sheila, what will be your pleasure a cocktail or a glass of wine?”
“Wine would be nice.”
“May I suggest a nice chilled Sauvignon Blanc as that will also go well with super.”
“That sounds delightful.”
“How about you, Kim?”
“Oh, Kim does not drink,” Sheila objected.
“Really?” My mother interjected. “I’ve always believed that it was better to have young people have a drink on occasion at home, so they learn how to handle liquor rather than have them drink on the sly. Kim is eighteen, isn’t she?”
“Why yes, she is.”
“She is of drinking age in this jurisdiction then. Isn’t she, darling? She said, addressing my father.
“Yes, she is,” my father responded.
“How do you know that?” Asked Kim’s father. “Are you a lawyer?”
“Yes, I am.”
“What kind of law do you practice?” Jim asked.
“Mainly corporate law, mergers and acquisitions that type of thing.”
“My corporation is in the process of going through some acquisitions at this time. Would that be something you might be interested in?”
“Who do you work for?” Dad asked as he handed a glass of wine to Kim under her mother’s jaundiced eye. I smirked as Kim took a dainty sip and winked at me.
“I’m the GM of the Mathews manufacturing plant in town.”
“What a coincidence,” exclaimed my father, “Bob Mathews and I are scheduled for a round of golf tomorrow morning at the country club. His dad, the Chairman of the board, will not be able to make it, so we need someone to fill in. Do you play?”
“Uhh…Yes, I do. Do you mean my CEO, that Bob?”
“Of course, I represent your firm in all its dealings.”
“Well, I would be honored. However, I am not a club member.”
“Don’t worry about that. You will be my guest. For that matter, I can also put you up for membership to the club.”
“You can? He asked with excitement in his voice. “I’ve had my application in for two years and keep being told that it will be reviewed next year.”
“Of course, I can. We might even get it finalized tomorrow as the players tomorrow will be making up fifty percent of the club’s board of governors. Now, how about that drink. I’m having Scotch. Will you be joining me?”
“Yes, that would be great.”
“How about you, Ray?” My father asked, giving me one of his patented winks.
“No thanks, Dad. I’m still in training. I’ll get myself a Tab.”
Kim smiled at me and asked if she also could have one. I told her she indeed could and proceeded to the kitchen. Kim followed me, and as soon as we entered the kitchen, she gave me a hug and a kiss. We were wrapped in each other’s arms when we heard a cough from the pantry.
Kim jumped away from me in panic.
“Don’t worry, Senorita, I’m on your side.” Maria, our cook, said.
“Ray, tienes buen gusto, es preciosa.”
“Gracias, Maria. Kim, this is Maria, the lady who keeps this dump running. She also thinks you’re gorgeous.”
Snuggles came at this point and sat looking up at Maria with a fascinated expression.
Maria reached down and scratched his ears. “Is he yours, Senorita Kim?”
“Si, Maria,”
“He is also ‘precioso.’ He also likes my cooking. He has probably eaten enough for the week with what he has begged from me.”
“Snuggles, bad boy. We are guests here. No more begging.”
Snuggles took on a penitent look that lasted for all of ten seconds before turning back towards Maria, staring at her with wistful eyes.
We took our Tabs and returned to the living room where Dad and Kim’s father were now chatting like long lost brothers. Kim whispered to me, “One down. Now for the dragon lady.”
“Hush. Trust my mother. Let’s see how she plays this out with your mum?”
Both ladies sat across from each other and had obviously sat in frosty silence, listening to the men talk.
Mum turned to Sheila. “Sheila, I can’t believe my eyes. You must have been a child bride to have given birth to this Kim. You look so young.”
“Thank you, that’s kind of you to say.”
“I also was a very young mother. Ray was born when I was just eighteen years old.”
“We were almost mothers at the same time,” Sheila exclaimed.
“Were you and Jim high school sweethearts?”
“Yes we were, Jim was a senior while I was a junior. We started dating in that year and got married right after my graduation.”
“Oh, sort of like Ray and Kim.”
Sheila turned beet red and stammered, “That’s not the same.”
“Why not. Why do you object to the fact that they want to go steady? Is it because we are from a different culture? Do you feel my son is not worthy or that we aren’t?”
“No! It’s not that it’s that they are so young.”
“No younger than you were when you married Jim, and if my calculations are right, you must have been pregnant before you married him. Has your life been unhappy, and that is why you don’t want her to have the same fate?”
“No, Jim is my love and my life. I just don’t know, Liliane. When you put it that way, I see your point.”
“So, you have no objections to them seeing each other?”
Sheila turned to Jim and my Dad, who had been following the exchange and asked, “What do you think, Jim?”
“Well, I defer to you, love. After getting to see what a fine family this is, I have no objections.”
“Okay. Kim, after this very persuasive argument, you may if you still wish to go steady with Ray.”
Kim jumped from her seat and went and hugged her mother. She then reached into her bra and retrieved my class ring and proudly put it on her finger. She then came to me and hugged me in turn.
“Supper is served.”
We assembled in the dining room, both dads in the patriarchal seats at each end of the table, while Kim and her mom sat facing my mom and me.
Sheila was agog at the profusion of dishes on the table. “Are you expecting other guests?” she asked my mom.
“We usually have a selection of mezzes (appetizers) before the main dish.”
“These are the appetizers? And there is more to come?” She gasped at the dozens of dishes laid out in front of us. “There’s enough here to feed an army.”
“I guess that’s the oriental in us, Americans love their cars, we love our food.”
“How do you maintain your figure after eating like this?”
“We always just eat small portions of what we like. Also, during normal meals, we don’t have desserts or sweets. Shall I make up a plate for you with some of the things I especially like and tell you what each is?”
“That would be most kind.”
“Great and, Ray, why don’t you do the same for Kim? How about you, Jim?”
“Thanks, Lillian, I just will sample a bit of this and that as I want to taste it all.”
“That’s the best way to do it, Jim,” my dad said. “Seems there’s hope for you.”
Mom started heaping small portions on a plate for Sheila. “This is Baba Ganoush (roasted eggplant puree), I shall also serve you some Kefte Kebabs (skewers of grilled minced lamb) and some of this tomato, cucumber and red onion salad with lemon and oil dressing. Start with that, and then we’ll see what else might tempt you.”
“Lillian, that is more than enough for me.”
“We’ll see,” my mother said with a smile.
I had similarly filled a plate for Kim. She smiled at me sweetly, and I felt her foot caressing mine under the table. With feigned innocence, she started eating while her foot kept its insistent intrusion up my leg.
I reached under the table and placed her stockinged foot against my crotch. That brought a look of joy to her face and a look of frustration on mine. My dad, who was seated next to me, gave me one of his famous exaggerated winks before assuming a bland expression.
I hardly taste my food, and even Sheila gushing about how good everything tasted couldn’t distract me from the feelings I was experiencing under Kim’s foot’s subtle torture.
My attention was brought back to reality by my mother asking me to help Maria bring in the main course. I hastily removed Kim’s foot while struggling to control my erection before standing up. Kim came to my rescue by distracting everybody by suggesting she would help me check up on Snuggles, who had adopted Maria as his best friend for life.
As I stood up, the only one who noticed my discomfort was Dad, who gave me a knowing look as I adjusted my sport coat to provide me with some cover.
Maria looked at me and smiled and said, “¿No es maravilloso el amor?”
“Sí, María. Lo amo,” Kim answered in perfect Spanish.
“I did not know you spoke Spanish,” I said, surprised.
“There are many things you don’t know about me. I have decided that I am going to teach you all of them.”
Maria loaded trays with the broiled fillet mignon, asparagus, hollandaise sauce and oven-roasted potatoes, and we carried them back to the table.
The mom’s discussed recipes and ingredients, while the dads talked about golf and business. Kim and I dutifully kept silent and ate, both of us anxious to find a pretext to go out and get some alone time.
Then my father dropped the bombshell. “Folks, I just suggested to Jim that both our families go on vacation together. What do you think, Sheila?”
“Well, that might be fun,” she answered. “Where were you thinking of going?”
“I thought you could join us when we go to the South of France in two weeks.”
“The South of France? That wouldn’t be possible. We could not afford that type of trip.”
“But Jim was saying that you planned to go to Bermuda.”
“Yes, however that would not be as expensive a trip.”
“Don’t be too sure of that. We have a villa in Cap D’Antibes, which I sufficiently large to accommodate this whole gang and more. Ray also has an unused free plane ticket with which I am sure he would be delighted to purchase Kim’s plane ticket. So that would mean you would only have to purchase two tickets, and that will be cheaper than the cost of going to Bermuda for the three of you. So what do you say?”
She looked at her husband, and he nodded his head.
She looked at mum and asked, “Lillian, are you sure?”
“Of course, you are the first friends we have made here. If you can stand this cuisine, you are more than welcome. The kids will also enjoy the experience.”
My father looked at Jim and started to sing “‘On the sunny side of France, where the women wear no pants, and the men wear glasses just to look at women’s asses’. Yes sir, Jim, we are going to have a great time.”
“It’s my turn to ask, Sheila. After that revolting display, are you sure you want to come?” My mom asked.
Giggling, Sheila answered, “I think that we can tame them between you and me.”
“Well, if we can’t, I can arrange to have them shipped to Turkey. I have some acquaintances in the Corsican Mafia who can arrange that.”
My Dad looked at her and asked, “Why Turkey?”
“I hear they are running out of eunuchs so you would fetch a fine price, and when you come back, you will be singing much better as a soprano.”
“Jim, do you see the abuse I have to endure from this woman?”
Snuggles then sneaked into the dining room, begging to be let out.
Sheila looked at him and said, “Kids, why don’t you take him for his walk.”
Blessing the great Dog God, we both sprang up and rushed out of the house.
Kim ***
Once the door closed on grown-up laughter and chiming glasses, the evening swaddled us in tropical silence. Ray impatiently unraveled his tie and plucked at buttons to reveal a tan deepened by dusk, further offset by the moon-white collar’s spread wings. A craving to map his toned torso with kisses, starting with the gateway of his throat hollow, tingled like a shaken 7UP on my lips, and only the tug of Snuggles at the other end of the leash saved Ray’s shirt from a frenetic shredding.
“Can you believe it?” I squeaked instead, barely suppressing a giddiness that could have out-sparkled the distant tiara of stars. “I was so worried Mom might bring up our naughty phone call and ruin everything, but she ended up eating out of your father’s hand. You sure your mom and dad don’t work for Kathryn Kuhlman?”
Ray laughed. “My father’s used to tough negotiations. It’s how he makes his living.”
“Why was he winking at you all through dinner? Was that because my parents gave in so easily?”
“He’s acknowledging my good taste in women. And he’s secretly jealous of how they play footsie with me under the table.”
I gasped, partly at what he said but mostly the frisson from his warm fingers entwining mine. “Do your parents know we’ve been, you know, doing it?”
“Yes, I had to tell them, considering what was at stake.” He tickled my palm for emphasis, shooting tiny flares through my lower belly.
“And they don’t mind?”
“Europeans have a more open attitude about the facts of life than Americans do.”
While I digested this novel concept, Ray escorted me toward a flagstone patio edged with flowering shrubs, their colors confiscated by covetous twilight. In the enclosed garden where we let him off the leash, Snuggles’ front paws motored gleefully into a tomato bed.
“Don’t worry about him,” said Ray when I jerked toward the fence. “He won’t hurt anything.”
Sure enough, the moment we settled into the marshmallow-cushioned porch swing, Snuggles reclined in the lush grass, snorted contentedly and let his chocolate-drop eyes droop, no doubt dreaming of his new best friend, Maria.
When Ray took me in his arms and leaned in to consummate the hours of pent-up flirtation, I cast a nervous glance at the picture window not far enough behind us. Miles’ ‘Sketches Of Spain’ seeped through the pane and the faint burble of our parents’ merriment. The upper half of the room’s decor glowed, museum-spare. But once someone got up from the comfortable chairs, would it then transform into a giant eye, its sole purpose to spy and convict?
“How much of us can they see from in there?”
Ray thought for a moment. “From the neck up and the knees down.”
“We’d better keep all of those within sight, then.”
“At least they’ll know where we are and won’t send out a search party.”
I swung and set my purse between Ray’s polished Bally and my stiletto-heeled Capezio. “We’re not out of the woods just yet.”
“Why not?” Without waiting for an answer, he drew me closer and melted my lips with his. A rainfall of fingertips trickled my cleavage from shallows to depths and tunneled beneath the neckline while his anchoring caress sifted the nape of my neck.
I kicked over the purse in my excitement. Ray’s skin flamed mine through his shirt; my mouth migrated hungrily, and his cheek tasted of salt and mown grass and a subtle but intoxicating aftershave. From a passing convertible’s cockpit, Brian Wilson’s plaintive coos of ‘Don’t Worry Baby’ further stoked our blended passion before fading into a Doppler warp, leaving behind only the windswept duet of our breathing.
Was someone watching? I broke away and swiveled to find the incandescent mural unchanged.
“What’s wrong?” Ray turned with me but left his fingers happily encamped.
“False alarm,” I sighed.
“Relax, Kim. Dad will make sure they leave us alone for a while. Why else do you think he put the music on? So they won’t hear us.”
“I hope you’re right.” I flicked open enough of Ray’s shirt buttons to rifle his masculine bramble. “But just because your parents are okay with us, you know, doesn’t mean mine approve.” I smiled as Ray shivered into the gentle, focused strokes. “We could show them that we can behave ourselves, couldn’t we?”
“Kim, behaving myself is the last thing you’re making me want to do right now.”
“Remember that naughty phone call?”
“We can do the same things now…” My palm plunged and tunneled under both waistbands – one pliable, one that clamped my wrist upon entry. “… Only in person… and to each other…”
His abdomen flexed its muscled wall, yet the valley formed by his hipbone felt buttery smooth.
“… And if anyone looks out the window, they’ll only see that we’re… talking.”
Comprehension animated Ray’s features. I withdrew my arm from his tailored handcuff and gaping shirt and turned my back. “Where are you going?”
“Could you unzip me a bit? It’s so hot tonight.” For good measure, I pointed with a flourish toward an azalea bush.
“Okay.” A faint rasp, instant relief. “Is that enough?”
“Much better. I can take a deep breath now. Where was I?” Like homing pigeons, my hands resumed their sensual acquaintance with Ray’s chest. “Tell me a little more about France. That was quite a surprise your dad sprang on us!”
“You’ll love it, Kim. That’s all you need to know.”
“Is it true,” I shrugged, “that the women go topless on the beaches over there?”
He nodded, his gaze descending with the loosened bodice and braking to a mesmerized halt on the bare breasts that bounced into the half-light. “Didn’t you wear-?”
“A bra? Not with this dress. Why, do you think I need one?” I squirmed playfully, letting the liberated girls jiggle side-to-side.
“No! They’re – you’re perfect. But how did you hide the ring?”
“Where there’s a will… that’s all you need to know.” I glanced down and toyed with their cherry-stemmed pride. “France or no France, my parents would have a fit if I went topless in public! So you might as well get a good look while we’re alone.”
“Oh, Kim, I want to suck on them right this second.”
From the naked sincerity of his words, arousal filled my depths like water lilies congesting a pond.
“I wish you could,” I purred, “but what else do they make you want to do, Ray?” Carefully I gathered the lap of the satin gown. “Is it something you’d be able to do in your bedroom in Cap d’Antibes without anyone hearing?”
“Mm-hmm.” Ray shifted in his seat, rearranged what must have been a trapped heap of discomfort.
In the wake of the hem’s upward rustle, onyx-sheer knees parted. “And speaking of bedrooms, what are the sleeping arrangements like over there?”
But Ray was already making enthusiastic arrangements of his own around the objects of his affection. Fingers scissored, then milked the marquise-cut nipples, causing the slide below to breach its petaled dam and meander in lewd trickles.
“We’ll have separate rooms, of course.”
“I know, but will mine be close enough so I can sneak into yours after everyone else is asleep? Then you can suck on them all you wanted.”
He was staring so intently at his prizes that I didn’t think he heard me.
“And I could do this.” I brushed the prominent ridge in his lap, ferreted the zipper tab from its flap and tugged. It splayed easily, bulldozed by a mountainous, crowbar-hard surge.
“I doubt it,” he panted.
“Oh.” A moue of disappointment.
“Mainly because it’s hot enough over there to sleep naked. I wouldn’t be wearing anything for you to take off.”
“Oh! You tease. I suppose that means I shouldn’t pack these, then.”
Ray’s eyes widened at the lacy stocking tops and slender black suspender ribbons that inched into view. “I say you should!”
“Mm, maybe.” With a manicured edge, I drew teasing curlicues up and down his tightly encased bulge. “If you let our friend out of his cage right now.”
Deftly as a magician, he whisked aside layers until his erect thickness sprang free and angled north, compass-true.
“Oh, Ray.” I licked my lips. A honeyed sluice moistened more clandestine lips when the light caught a rivulet spilling onto the shaft from the slow fountain above. “Look what you’ve done.”
Keeping both heels on the flagstones, I let my legs fall open and hiked the dress until it bunched at my waist.
“No panties either?” Astonishment rendered his private thoughts audible.
“They’re in my purse.”
“Want me to prove it?” My left hand stole behind and swiftly encircled his reaction while the other began to tease the glossy seam. Shimmering sapphire drifts blocked my view, and I wondered if he could tell how much nectar had drizzled onto my thighs.
“I believe you.” He thrust against the loosely laced digits, spreading them with his ointment.
I tightened my grip a little. “Tell me if I’m doing this right.”
“A little higher? Yes, that’s it. Right there. Oh, yes…”
“We’ll do this in France too, won’t we?” My right hand joined in with feather-like landings. “And more?”
“Mmmm. Much more.”
“Kiss me while I make you come.” Only the thinnest of glazes slid between Ray’s stiffness and my determined, repetitive grasp.
Ray silenced me before I could finish speaking, both of us beyond the point of caring how it looked.
My pulse fluttered in double time with our darting tongues as the kiss deepened into a dream of sightless exploration and tactile surprises. Tenderness mounted my inner thigh in ever-ascending scales, gaining further advantage when it dipped into the slender palette of moisture and began to stalk my most desperate ache.
“Oh, Kim…what if I…?” Ray fought to still his bucking hips, but they almost instantly fell back into rhythm with the surrounding, addictive friction.
“It’ll be alright,” I mewled into his mouth. “You’ll see.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Oh, Ray, that feels so good. Don’t stop.”
Our lips formed a quivering seal that shut out everything except for the soft heated darkness that surged between us. Their fusion muffled any unladylike groans elicited when the tender stalker showed no mercy and continued to nibble at its quarry.
As the inarticulate cries soared toward peak pitch, a thick finger waded the headwaters and insinuated itself to the hilt. Like a pacifier for my biological tantrum, it braced and curled defiantly against the lashing spasms of my release, not letting up until my limbs slackened, glutted with afterglow and the raging fever of first love.
Ray wrapped his masterful grip around my hesitant one and guided it with urgency. Hearing me lose control chiseled him granite-hard.
“Kim… I’m so close!” A warning whisper.
I reached down and ostentatiously popped the latch of my purse. En route, it was only natural for my mouth to catch the glistening crown on Ray’s downstroke, engulfing it with a technique its fisted accomplices could only envy.
Ray inhaled, a jagged sound startling the crickets into a moment of voyeuristic silence.
As I fumbled the satin-lined recesses of my handbag, within a much warmer alcove, my tongue dipped and swirled and thrashed, driven to a frenetic strip-club performance by Ray’s moans and involuntary pressure on the back of my head. Greedily, I swallowed his deliciousness deeper, chasing my fingers from the shaft and onto his tightening sac.
The living missile stretched my lips to what I hoped was exquisite snugness as it pulsed and spurt jet after jet of warmth toward where my tonsils had been. I gulped copious splashes in a near-losing battle, reluctantly let his member slip from my kiss, and dabbed at my chin with a disheveled carnation of tissues plucked from the opened purse.
A few discreet minutes of remedial zipping and buttoning and smoothing later, Ray reached over and gathered me so that my cheek nestled his shoulder’s pillow. Our silhouettes formed a single slope of contentment, no words needed as we reveled in our pleasurably-won peace.
Just then, Snuggles woke with a soft ‘Woof!’ He’d heard the door before we did and bounded to the fence with butt-jiggling joy. I startled too, but Ray held me firmly in place.
“Lemonade?” Pealed Maria’s merry contralto. Without waiting for a reply, she set a tray onto a side table and handed us each a drink tall enough to slake even Wilt Chamberlain’s thirst.
“Thank you, Maria.”
“One more drink before the young lady has to go home.” She beamed at me. “Make sure you see me before you leave, and I’ll give you a – how you say? Doggie bag? For the little fellow over there,” waving at Snuggles. “I trust you two had a nice time!”
I flushed hotter than one of Maria’s habanero peppers and was grateful for the fading footsteps and thumping door.
“To France.” Ray tapped his tumbler against mine. “To sharing it with someone special.”
Just as I lowered my brimming lashes, he added, “And to seeing you topless again.”
“To France,” I giggled, “and to your parents for being so persuasive.” The sweet-tart concoction tasted of pure refreshment. In no time, only lemon-flavored ice pelted my tongue.
“Oh, darn. And I wanted to make another toast,” I mock-pouted.
Ray took my glass, poured some from his, then handed it back. “Toast away, my thirsty girl.”
“Here’s to surprise presents. Close your eyes and open your hand.”
“What presents? It’s not my birthday,” Ray protested but complied nonetheless.
With that, I reached into my purse again and pressed a soft puff of silk into the open palm. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
I watched his expression trespass from bewilderment to mischief. “You mean…?”
“Yes, and they’re yours to play with until we’re together again.”
No sooner had he kissed me and stowed the missing panties in his pocket than we heard my dad’s voice calling, “Kim?”
“Come and say goodnight to our hosts, honey,” Mom chimed in.
We corralled Snuggles and walked hand-in-hand toward the house.
Standing behind my parents, Mr. Mitchel consoled, “You two can talk some more tomorrow.”
This time, he winked at both of us.