“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 24:- “Cleansing Jerry”

"Sarah finds an unique way to help escape her past..."

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We were leaving Sarah’s parents’ bungalow and heading to the “Bat and Bull” pub for the normal Sunday night disco. Sarah had been chatting with Clare on the phone, and she had been surprisingly reluctant to tell her in person that she was bisexual. That it would be okay if our new group of friends knew that.

“Did you mention Liz to her?”

Somehow, over the weekend, Sarah had failed to tell Clare. It had taken some prompting from me to get her to make that call… and tell her!

“Yes, she knows, and she is happy for me.”

“Was that it?” Sarah had been on the phone for fifteen minutes.

“Yes, David, that was it. What did you expect Clare to say… that she loves me and wants me to enter into a relationship with her?”

“I hoped,” I stated, though I was pleased that Liz’s existence was now out in the open. I hated keeping secrets from either of my two girlfriends.

Sarah knowingly smiled at my comment and then removed her long coat.

I spotted that she had changed. Gone were her normal jeans, replaced by a just-above-the-knee skirt. It was not particularly short, but it did mark a significant departure from her typical Sunday night disco attire.

When I commented, Sarah giggled and told me that she was getting bored with wearing jeans, but that was not all she was wearing. So I looked again and noticed the thin gold anklet around her right ankle. It was the one I had purchased for her, and once again, she was wearing it on the outside of her tights.

“We’re not on Crete now,” I joked, smiling back at her.

However, I did wonder why Sarah was wearing her anklet like that. We were in her village, her place of safety, surrounded by people who knew her.

Had something changed? Once again, I found myself overthinking.

We had recently discussed the anklet, and Sarah had told me that at the moment, she had no intention of taking off the one I had given her. However, in her village, she normally concealed it under jeans, socks, or tights and never wore it openly.

It was now on full display—the key to our game.

“Before you say anything, David, I am only wearing the anklet openly because I want to hear just one person mention it… and that is all.”

I nodded in recognition, knowing that no one had said anything about it since Crete and that Sarah was beginning to think it was all a ruse.

“Actually 007, I was talking about something else,” Sarah softly said as she took my hand and placed it on her knee. My hand naturally slid upward along her black tights, and then unexpectedly I felt bare skin. My fingers stopped there while they enjoyed the unforeseen pleasure of her upper thigh. I grinned as I realised Sarah wasn’t wearing tights, as I had originally thought. Instead, she was wearing black hold-up stockings.

“I do love you, Mr Bond, even if you are a bit slow on the uptake,” she giggled as she saw the expression on my face.

“Slow,” I questioned, my fingers moving again, travelling higher, wondering when Sarah was going to stop me. After all, the lamppost’s light illuminated us, and we were parked directly outside her parents’ home!

Surprisingly, Sarah’s only movement was to open her legs a little, and I suddenly found my fingers dipping into a very moist pussy as I realised my girlfriend wasn’t wearing any panties. It occurred to me that this was indeed very much like Crete.

“As I said, Mr Bond, you are very slow on the uptake—but it’s time to get going before my parents come out!”

With those words, I withdrew my hand, and Sarah brushed down her skirt. With my mind in overdrive, I made the short drive to the “Bat and Ball” pub, wondering why this sudden change of attire. I had to ask…

“I like what you’re wearing, but why tonight… and here?

“We are going to leave the pub… early. Dressing like this has made me horny, and tonight, when I walk into my bedroom, I want to be full of your cum.”

I chuckled at the idea… We had not engaged in sex in the car since I rented my flat, and despite its awkwardness, part of me missed it. Then, being ever the practical one, I suggested, “Won’t that leave you messy and me dribbling out of you, especially as you still have to walk into your house?”

“I have some old baggy period knickers in my handbag, David. I can put them on now if you want me to.”

No!” I exclaimed, somewhat louder than I meant to.

It was a reaction that caused Sarah to laugh.

“David, I thought dressing up like this would spice up the evening… Just think, every time you look at me, you’re going to see the anklet and know I am wearing stockings and no knickers.”

Sarah then giggled, “It will be like Crete, as you will be spending half the night hiding your erection, and don’t worry, David—I will be making sure you have one!

With that remark, Sarah pulled her skirt up to show her stocking tops. It was the first act of a night of teasing, and I just could not take my eyes off her. She kept flirting with me, just making sure that she did enough to keep me aroused.

In the end, we made an excuse and left early from what would have been—without the teasing—a rather dull Sunday evening.

When we got in my car, Sarah asked me to drive northward out of her village. This was the opposite direction from what I normally drive and an area I did not know well.

“David, in a minute I’m going to ask you to stop, as there is something I want to talk to you about before you get to fuck me silly.”

Sarah directed me to a parking spot on the northern edge of her village. It was located opposite a builder’s yard, which had a large sign outside saying sold. I had no idea why we had stopped here. It might have been dark, but it was too open and way too public for sex.

“I know you’re horny, Sarah, but we can’t here. We are on the main village road, especially when I am planning to bend you over the car bonnet and fuck you from the rear.”

Sarah smiled, but she didn’t giggle as I had expected.

“Hold that thought, David. Tonight, we are going to visit where my real sexual journey started, and we are going to have sex there.”

I looked at Sarah, not understanding, though my cock was already semi-hard, as I liked the idea, even if I wasn’t sure where this was going.

“I have been thinking.”

“That could be dangerous,” I jested, with a smile.

“Don’t, David. Please hear me out on what I am going to suggest, as I think it is important, and I also believe you will like what I have to say.”

Sarah went on to say that she thought that we had outgrown the “Bat and Ball” pub and it was time to move on. We have new friends now and a new way of life.

When I thought about it, I realised Sarah was right. I had stopped playing football for the pub’s soccer team, and of the old crowd, we only saw Lisa. Chris and his wife had stopped attending, and my best friend, Mark, was now in a relationship with an older woman. This meant his visits had become very infrequent, while Tony had moved back to Liverpool.

Between us, we decided that tonight was the last time we would attend the “Bat and Ball” disco, and I suggested that the family-integrating Sunday roast dinners should be slowly reduced, to which Sarah agreed. Her decision had been helped by the fact we had just spent thirty minutes “explaining” to her parents how well her job interview had gone at GEL International and how she found out about the potential employment from a friend of mine!

With that agreement, Sarah explained what was really on her mind.

“David, I am beginning to think it is a good idea for me to move in with you, especially now that I’m seeing Liz. Seeing her has made me realise that I need to escape my parents and this village and live a little; to do that, I would be best placed if I were living with you. However, there are three things that I feel we need to do first.”

Sarah looked at me, and I told her to carry on as I was listening.

“The first task is formal, and I want you to do it for me. While the second task we will do together, and I assure you that one will be fun. As for the third task, I will have to handle that one myself, but we will talk about that one later.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” I excitedly whispered, knowing I would say yes to anything if it meant Sarah moved in with me.

“David, I now know that I need to confront my past, and that is what the second and third steps are all about. However, the first step is more about you and your need to show commitment to me. That is if you truly want me to move in with you.”

“What do I have to do?” I asked excitedly.

“Ask my father’s permission for me to move in with you. I know it is old-fashioned, but he will respect you for it.”

“Sarah,” I mumbled, a sudden wave of uncertainty now running through me. “If I ask him, what happens if he says no?”

“David, he won’t say no. He knows I will do what I want to do. I am a big girl now.”

“Yes, nearly nineteen.” I had mimicked her younger brother, who seemed to always be saying he was nearly eight.

Sarah glanced at me, unimpressed, but continued. “However, when you talk to him, emphasise commitment and responsibility—that’s what he wants to hear.”

“If I do this, you will move in with me?” I questioned, feeling inwardly excited.

“Yes, David, but probably in steps and not until early next year, and—I will not be doing all the cooking!

“Hey, I meant to be the one with the humour,” I quipped back, which brought a smile from both of us.

I sensed that even though this was a serious conversation, Sarah was still in a playful mood.

Needing to know, I asked, “So why the change of heart?”

“David, this isn’t an instant decision. I have been thinking about it ever since you rented your flat and then frequently asked me to move in.”

“Only frequently,” I joked.

“Okay, constantly,” Sarah giggled. “David, I do love you. I didn’t think it was possible to love anyone quite so much.”

I felt my head go giddy. No one had ever said something like that to me!

“David, when I move in, I still want us to continue playing our game. Keep our relationship open, maybe even open it up a little more, and of course, I will still be wearing this.” Sarah lifted her right leg to show the thin gold anklet and then, somewhat disappointingly, added, “Even though no one mentioned it tonight.”

I chose to overlook Sarah’s “opening up of our relationship” comment… That was a conversation for another time. There was something more important on my mind, and my hand found the top of her stockings.

“I trust that you will also be wearing these,” I whispered.

I push Sarah’s skirt up until her bald slit was visible between her legs and her stocking tops were completely on show. Sarah didn’t stop me. Instead, she left the skirt there, almost daring me to push it higher and unveil more of her alluring body.

Sarah reminded me about the voyeur’s car park and the fact I had so far failed to take her there.

She was referring to a time when, inadvertently, Clare and I had sex in my car while a voyeur watched us through a window. It had happened at what I later learnt was locally known as the voyeur’s car park. It was a place that Sarah had mentioned several times before, wanting to experience it, but I had held back on the idea; we weren’t ready.

“However, there is something we need to do right now,” Sarah declared as she sat up and looked around.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed, hopefully.

“Yes, but not parked here. This is the fun task I mentioned earlier, and it is something we need to do together. This task involves relinquishing some of the memories I shared with Jerry and embracing new, healthier ones.”

Sarah checked that there wasn’t anyone close, and then she surprised me by stripping off all her clothes, leaving only her stockings on.

After checking that there was still no one around, she wrapped her long coat tightly around herself and said, “Follow me,” as she got out of the car.

“Where are we going?” I enquired, attempting to keep pace with Sarah, who now appeared to be on a mission.

“It’s not far. It is a place I need to show you; it is our second task. I will tell you more when we are there.”

I followed, intrigued yet worried we were doing something illegal. This became especially true when we crossed the road and slipped through a small gap in the fence, and I found myself standing in a tiny derelict builder’s yard.

It reminded me of the courtyard we had stumbled upon in Crete. It was where I had watched Sarah fuck a guy for money. That was her second biggest sexual fantasy, the number one being sex with another woman. 

“What are we doing, Sarah?”

“David, we are going to fuck; I promise. The rest I will tell you inside; now I need you to take a couple of memento photos.”

The way Sarah spoke made me think of Clare. It served to remind me of just how much my second girlfriend was influencing my first. However, with Sarah, I knew it wouldn’t last long, as her persona was different, with a large submissive streak running through her. While with Clare, I was yet to discover any passive streak within her; both Brenda and I agreed on that!

With that thought fading, I asked, “Memento photos?”

“Yes, David. This week I heard this place had been sold, and I came here. It was daylight; I needed to reflect and take a few photos. It was only then that I realised that I wanted to show you this place before it was demolished and do something appropriate to cleanse my past.”

Sarah produced my compact camera from her coat pocket. It was the one I normally kept in my car’s glove compartment. Looking around, she stepped closer to the building, right next to a locked green door. Above her was a smashed security light, its symbolism being very relevant to both of us. With a smile, Sarah opened her coat wide, just as if she was flashing me, which of course she was. 

I took the photo, making sure I captured the sensual form of my girlfriend’s naked body. Despite the dull light and the basic camera, I knew that in Brenda’s hands, it would be an excellent picture.

Then without a word, I watched as Sarah produced a key and unlocked the rear green door. I followed her into the building. On the other side, I found myself standing in a small, almost empty room. There were no windows, the only furniture being a built-in bench, and what light there was came from a single twenty-watt bulb.

I couldn’t wait any longer. “Sarah, please explain!”

“This used to be Jerry’s builder’s yard and the place where we had sex many times. I told you about it in Crete.”

My thoughts drifted back to the Cretan sun, Sarah topless, sipping Mimosa cocktails, while she confided in me about the man who took her virginity at the age of sixteen and with whom she later had an eighteen-month affair.

It all ended as badly as it could have, with Sarah pregnant, Jerry’s wife leaving him, then Jerry fleeing the village, and lastly, my girlfriend losing her baby. That was the one thing I knew Sarah wasn’t completely over, though we had never discussed it.

“So this was Jerry’s builder’s yard. The place you used to sneak off to every time you wanted sex.”

“Exactly, David, but that is in the past. It happened, and I have gotten over it. This is more about us having some sexual fun and doing something slightly kinky while diluting the memories I have of Jerry.”

I looked around again. There wasn’t much to see, though I noticed a collection of girly pictures pinned high up on a wall. The whole place was quite dusty, with cobwebs in the corners, and it had a musty smell. It was clear to me it hadn’t been used for quite a while.

Sarah continued. “This was the first place I had sex after I lost my virginity; it seemed the perfect place to start the second task and the first part of me confronting my past—the fun part.”

“So you’re saying you want us to have fuck in places you had sex with Jerry.”

“Exactly, re-enact it.”

“Sounds fun,” I chuckled, thinking, was this the same girl that I was with before I met Clare? Then another question hit me, “Are you going to start calling me, Jerry?”

Sarah giggled, “I wasn’t planning on it, David… Is that something you want me to do?”

“I don’t think so,” I mumbled, the idea new and kinky.

“It was Jerry who gave me the key. I kept it because I couldn’t throw it away; it is another memento.”

As I watched, Sarah used an old rag to brush the dust off the bench and then spread her coat out on the clean part. It left her completely nude other than her stockings and high-heeled shoes.

Sarah looked around the room, and my eyes joined hers.

“This used to be the storeroom, hence the lack of windows. If someone other than Jerry was about, I would hide in here and read the naughty magazines.”

“Are you okay?” I asked as I moved closer, brushing a long blonde lock from her face.

“Honestly, I am fine.”

I tenderly kissed the top of Sarah’s head to show my love, as I knew this builder’s yard held many memories for her.

“David, I just wanted to share this place with you before it disappears forever. Have sex here with you; partially cleanse a memory of Jerry.”

“But you told me you and your family have expunged Jerry from your lives.”

“My family, yes… Neither of my parents will ever mention his name, but I am a little different. Yes, I am well over him as I have you, David… However, as I told you in Crete, unlike my parents, I never hated Jerry. He might have seduced me and corrupted me, but I was ripe and ready for both…”

Sarah paused, collecting her thoughts, and then continued in an even, undemonstrative voice.

“The simple fact is that we went through too much together, and I learnt a lot about myself. It was losing the baby that hurt, though we are going to talk more about that a little later. Now take a couple of photos of me, then fuck me and make me cum… I am so damn fucking horny.”

The first photo was one of Sarah standing completely nude, the second of her bending over the bench, her pussy pointing towards the camera, and the last one was the most explicit. It was of her legs spread wide, her engorged pussy gaping open. It looked like she had just been fucked, and it inspired me to strip my clothes off as fast as I could.

“David, I want you to take my instruction and fuck me exactly how I tell you. Everything we do will be what I did with Jerry. So, no anal tonight, as I never did that with him, but do take a few photos, and when you cum, I want it to be deep inside my pussy.”

With those words, Sarah knelt and took my cock into her mouth. I photographed her when her head began to bob back and forth, my girlfriend’s luscious lips applying just the right pleasure. 

“I used to do this with Jerry all the time,” Sarah stated and then declared, “He loved having his cock sucked by me, though he wasn’t as big as you.”

I groaned. This felt kinky, my girlfriend first telling me and then us re-enacting what she did with her previous sexual partner. Sarah’s tongue swirled around my gland and then licked down the shaft. She was almost teasing me.

Sarah worked back up my seven-and-a-half inches before devouring its length as her mouth opened, and she took me into the back of her throat. She continued to repeat the action, her tongue performing wonders as it sent tiny pulses of pleasure deep into my core.

Jerry had trained her well, I thought.

My mind kept spinning, pleasurable sensations, sensual notions, and Jerry’s name popping into my head. I took another photo and then blurted out the one thing I needed to now know…

“How big was Jerry’s cock?”

Sarah spluttered and then giggled, “Ten inches,” which we both knew wasn’t true.

“Come on,” I asked as I pulled Sarah up. I needed to sink my cock into her because if she carried on doing what she was doing, I would have soon blown my load all over her, and I knew that was not what she wanted.

Of course, Sarah wanted to kiss me as my cock had been in her mouth; it was her thing, almost an inside joke. But tonight I wasn’t having any of that. Instead, I picked her up and, with urgency, bent her over the bench.

“Oh, Mr Bond,” Sarah teased, giggling. “Or should I call you, Jerry!”

I didn’t bite. Instead, I was going to fuck her into submission, make her pay for tonight’s teasing, and remind her that I wasn’t Jerry.

With those thoughts, I guided my hard, seven-and-a-half-inch cock into my wanton girlfriend. Then, with a sudden, impulsive thrust, I pushed it completely in. It brought a satisfying gasp from Sarah as it fully penetrated her wet and needy cunt.

The fog of my lust filled my brain, telling me to fuck her hard, pound her, and remind her that she was now with me… I was her man!

The slapping sound of our bodies coming together and Sarah’s moans filled the small room. Our audience was nothing more than the voyeur spiders that chose to watch us from those webs.

Slap, slap, slap, slap… My cock’s strokes reamed Sarah’s pussy. The wave of pleasure emanating from my prick filled my head with a whirl of sexual thoughts. 

Sarah started to cum. Her mouth gurgled, small gasps of pleasure as I thrust away. Her hands pushed against the wall, her face lost in the shadows. I gripped her hips and pounded her cunt as she bent over the bench, her shapely ass in front of me, smiling.

Slap, slap, slap, slap… Sarah groaned, little squirts of girly cum meeting each thrust. My mind was now telling me, “I wasn’t Jerry; I was better than him.”

I cried out, “Is this how Jerry did it?”

Sarah came again, then groaned, “Yes, but he did it harder.”

Another tease, I thought.

“Turn around, as I want you to look at me as I cum deep in you so you remember that it is me.”

Sarah turned around, and we adopted a more difficult position with her sitting on the edge of the bench, her legs wrapped around me.

Once again, her pussy was impaled on my cock. We picked up the rhythm, our eyes now looking into the others through the dim light; only the rhythmic slapping of our bodies and our groans punctuated the silence of the night.

Sarah groaned, “We did it this way too!”

“Good,” I grunted, not caring anymore. My cock was fast approaching the point of no return.

With an earthy groan, my cock pulsated inside Sarah, triggering her to orgasm and her legs to clamp tightly around me. As instructed, I buried my dick deep inside my girlfriend, causing my ejaculate to splash her cervix and fill her cunt.

I lay there panting, Sarah’s legs wrapped tightly around me, not wanting to let me move.

Our eyes stared into each other’s; our lips met as we kissed.

“I need to do more jogging,” I remarked, still breathing hard.

“Or have more sex with me,” Sarah panted as she moved forward and lovingly kissed me once again.

When we broke apart, she whispered, “I never measured it, but Jerry’s cock was maybe five inches. It was not as big or thick as yours, David, but back then I didn’t know any different.”

I smiled at the news and asked, “Is he now cleansed?”

“A little,” Sarah giggled. “However, there are plenty of other places Jerry and I fucked if you want to fully cleanse him. We can re-enact what we did; I could even call you by his name.”

I smiled at the kinky idea, although I wasn’t sure I wanted Sarah to call me Jerry when we fucked.

My girlfriend seemed remarkably relaxed considering the number of times she had cum on my cock.

I eased my shrinking dick from Sarah’s pussy, and she fished her bikini panties from her coat pocket and slipped them on. They looked massive in comparison to the dainty lace G-strings she usually wore.

“More photos?” I questioned, hoping.

“I don’t think so, but you have just reminded me of something.”

Sarah pulled out of her coat pocket a folded A-4 black-and-white photocopied image. She unfolded it and showed it to me. I wasn’t surprised to see Sarah’s naked body on the sheet of paper. The photo was taken from the rear and showed her pussy, and you could only make out her blonde hair; her face was completely hidden.

“I also wanted to do this,” Sarah remarked as she pinned the photo to the wall next to similar pictures.

I looked at it, and I was surprised at how well it blended in.

“Your photo only leaves your face to the imagination,” I chuckled as I pointed the camera towards Sarah and took a picture of her pinning it up, black frumpy knickers and all.

Sarah giggled at my actions and then more seriously said, “We need to get back to the car and park somewhere where it is a little quieter, as I do need to talk to you about the third thing on my list.”

With the building relocked, we retraced our steps.

Sarah dressed in the car and then directed me to a small car park several miles north of her village. We were situated near the top of a hill, with open farmland stretching below us. Beyond, we could see Sarah’s village and the beginning of a vast forest that stretched for twenty-five miles to Clare’s parent’s house.

“I stopped here a few times with Jerry,” Sarah remarked as we briefly took in the view.

That didn’t surprise me, but my thoughts had gone way past Jerry as I sensed what Sarah had to say would be important.

“Go on, what is it?” I cautiously asked.

Sarah first reminded me that the anniversary of her miscarriage was coming up, and with every day that it got closer, the feeling had grown inside her that she needed to know what had happened.

That was news to me.

She then told me something that I had never considered. She revealed that both her mother and aunt struggled to conceive children. Her aunt never had any, while it took her mum nearly eleven years before Gary arrived.

“But you already conceived once,” I remarked, maybe a little insensitively.

“And lost it.”

I held Sarah’s hand as I realised that it might be best for me to just shut up and listen.

“I now realise that my parents didn’t tell me what happened when I lost my baby because they were concerned about my well-being. They were right not to go through the details with me then, but David, I now have you, and I am ready to confront this most difficult part of my past.”

I squeezed Sarah’s hand in support and managed to remember to keep quiet.

“The cleansing of Jerry is more about us, David. Having sex at his builder’s yard, keeping the key, and even leaving a nude photo are all enjoyable ways to remember the past and draw a line through that part, the darkest part of my history. I am now facing up to my past so I can have a future with you.”

As I listened, I realised that it had never occurred to me that this was going on inside my girlfriend’s head, and I felt it was now the right time to say something.

“I am enjoying our life together too,” I soothingly stressed, as I tried to find the right words. “Sarah, I am committed to you. I told you I would never leave you for Clare or anyone else.” 

“I want Clare to be part of our family too, David… I have always liked her, though society tells us that I shouldn’t, and one day you will have to choose between us.”

“Let’s hope that day only comes when we are old and wrinkly!” I remarked, as was my way, adding a little humour.

Sarah smiled and then told me something I never knew or even dared to ask about. “This is the third task, and one I need to do on my own. On December 18th I am going to ask my mum what happened; that is the anniversary of my miscarriage. I will need your support, David, whatever the outcome.” 

I hadn’t known the exact miscarriage date. All I had been told was that Sarah missed two periods before she told her mum that she was pregnant, and she had a miscarriage a few weeks later, though the exact details were fuzzy, even to Sarah. The result was that she ended up in the hospital over the Christmas period last year, and she went through a deep bout of depression.

“Sarah, are you worried that there is something wrong with you?” I questioned, now worrying, but trying my best not to show it.

Sarah knew I wanted children as much as she did.

“Maybe, David, but it is the not knowing that frightens me. Will you remain committed to me if I can’t have children?”

“Yes, I promise always to be there for you,” I quickly and meaningfully said.

Here we were in the middle of nowhere, having the most serious conversation we had ever had.

Sarah was now telling me her most intimate thoughts, sharing them with me, and I loved her even more for it. Yet, my mind was also thinking of something else; this was so different from how we were before we met Clare… That was only four months ago!

“So now you know, David. I think it’s time for you to take me home.”

That night I wrote this all down in my orange journal, and I then added a footnote… I promise to always be there for you, Sarah, whatever happens on the eighteenth!

I then signed it with my name and X-X.

The first X symbolised crossed fingers, and the second was me sending Sarah a kiss.


Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2025 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.

Published 4 weeks ago

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