“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 20:- “Clare’s Birthday and the Arrogant Man”

"David meets the arrogant man. Is he a potential love rival?"

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It was Clare’s nineteenth birthday, and she was out celebrating in the city with Karen, Sarah, and me. Currently, we were in the popular “Luke’s Bar” waiting for the last two members of our group, Jaz and her boyfriend Rob, who normally was stationed in Germany with the army.

For me, Rob was an enigma; I had heard so much about him and yet did not know him at all, other than he had fucked Clare last summer. It happened not long before she came into my life and became my second girlfriend. She told me privately that Rob was her biggest mistake, and she had made quite a few.

Though it was part of Clare’s history, I could not help but feel slightly at ease as I waited for Rob’s arrival, already knowing it was highly unlikely that whatever he was like, I would take to him.

The six of us planned to visit the city nightclub next door. It was called “The Bowl” and had a notorious reputation for being a cattle market, a place where both men and women went to meet and get picked up.

Though I had never visited, I had been told by Clare that this was the location to be seen, and with its three dance floors—one on each level—it was the place to dance.

With the girls drinking cocktails and me feeling rather lucky to have the choice of three attractive women on my arm, I evaluated what each girl looked like and their attire.

Since I had first met Karen, she had been growing her hair. The ginger locks were now quite a lot longer than her original long bob, as her hair was now down just past her shoulders.

Karen was wearing a knee-length, red and white party dress that flared out. A wide white belt was tight around her middle. Two dangling earrings, which I understood to be a gift from Brenda, complemented her red high-heeled shoes and matching handbag.

However, it wasn’t just her hair that had changed in the four months since she met Clare. Other subtle changes included the absence of a bra, the low cut of her dress, and the red lacy G-string I knew she was wearing.

Karen might be a lesbian, but we got along well; our shared love of football and having the same girlfriend contributed to our strong bond.

Clare was also wearing red; it was her go-to colour. Clare’s dress was daringly short, and it also revealed a significant amount of cleavage. It was a characteristic of her style, and hanging from her neck was my birthday present. It was a gold necklace with a single topaz stone, her birthstone. With her high, red stiletto heels and her long, wavy, red, brown, and blonde hair, she just carried herself, an aura of elicit sexiness surrounding her.

Tonight reminded me of Majorca. When men approached her, she had this ability to brush them off, yet leave them wanting more.

I have purposely left Sarah for last because, out of the three girls, she has undoubtedly changed the most since Clare entered our lives.

Sarah looked stunning, and I told her so. Her long blonde hair, the way she applied her makeup, and her toned, long, bare legs all contributed to her stunning appearance. She had gone with a tight, short, cool blue dress, which had a little sparkle in it.

Like most of Sarah’s clothing, the dress was new and purchased with the money she received from modelling. I was proud of her, and that she was mine, even though she still insisted on wearing the thin gold anklet around her right ankle. It was the same one that I had given to her before our holiday in Crete.

As we chatted, Jaz appeared wearing a short black number; she was on the arm of a man who I assumed was her boyfriend, Rob. He didn’t look anything like what I thought he would; he had blonde hair and a stocky build. I also noticed as he put his hand out to shake… stubby fingers!

“I am Rob,” he stated as we shook hands, his grip tight and assured.

“David,” I replied, choosing the longer form of my name as I tried, and failed, not to think that this guy had fucked Clare.

I looked at Jaz; she was beaming, and I kissed her on each cheek. It was our normal form of welcome.

“This is Sarah, my girlfriend,” I then said as she stepped beside me.

I sensed Rob was undressing her before he once again announced, “I am Rob.”

Sarah put her hand out to shake Rob’s, but he just leaned in and kissed my girlfriend right on the lips.

What a jerk, I thought, though no one else seemed to mind.

“Birthday girl,” Rob stated as he saw Clare and broke away from the blushing Sarah.

He was soon all over Clare, much to my and particularly Karen’s annoyance.

Finally, Karen was introduced as Clare’s girlfriend, and again, Rob stepped in to kiss her, but Karen stepped aside and stuck out her hand, which Rob then shook. It was an action that had me smiling, which Karen saw and returned. I had been impressed with her avoidance of Rob.

The conversation flowed as the six of us chatted, but it soon became clear that whatever we spoke about, Rob had done it. He had not only done it, but he had gone one better, and the conversation seemed to be all about Rob.

There was one exception, and that was when I asked him what he did in the army. He just played that down, and we never did get a satisfactory answer. I found it strange, as it did not fit his boastful, arrogant persona.

I also sensed that Rob was trying to flirt with Sarah, attempting and partially succeeding, as my girlfriend seemed to be taken in by his jokes and his stories. While he did this, Jaz just seemed to accept it and watch on, all gooey-eyed, like it was the norm.

Clare had told me, “Rob is Rob,” and now I understood what she meant. This guy either didn’t have any social awareness, or he was so arrogant, he just didn’t care.

It didn’t take me long to realise that Rob would be trying to fuck every girl he could while he was stationed in Germany. I knew Jaz, and he had an arrangement, but she didn’t seem to care as he sometimes quite obviously flirted with my girlfriend, and of course, Sarah loved the extra attention—that being her way.

From that moment on, I was wary of Rob; he was just too full of himself to the point of being arrogant. He was also a little brash, and while I could accept he was good-looking and had some redeeming points that would attract the ladies, his arrogance meant that an hour and a half in his company was enough for me, and I was pleased when we moved on and into “The Bowl.”

As we made our way into the nightclub, I pulled Sarah close and held her hand as couples do.

“Enjoying the evening?” I asked.

“I am looking forward to experiencing the nightclub, apart from the village discos; the only one I have been in was in Crete.”

Sarah’s words took me by surprise. I had never thought about it, but my girlfriend was a village girl and had never spent much time in the real world until she met me.

The Bowl was probably the biggest nightclub in the city, with its three floors all opening out into a single central area where the stage and the main dance floor were located. There were bars on every level. It was a vibrant and crowded place, with lasers, smoke machines, and very loud music. For me, it was not the place I would choose to go. However, for Clare and, for that matter, Sarah, after shopping, it was their perfect place, as they both loved to dance.

After getting our drinks, Rob, Jaz, Sarah, and Karen leapt onto the dance floor, but Clare and I held back. As we both guarded the drinks, it gave me the chance to kiss her.

“What do you think of Rob?” Clare asked.

“Arrogant” was my one-word answer, which made Clare laugh, which was good to hear. Though I had wanted to say, “Why the hell did you fuck him?—He is a tosser.”

However, I restrained myself and instead enquired, “Are you enjoying your birthday?”

“Oh yes, very much, but it’s time to dance.”

With another kiss, she left me to join Karen.

It gave me a chance to just watch the girls jiggling, and I noticed Sarah brush aside the advances of an unwelcome admirer and then another; they were from outside our group. A short while later, a taller man approached, but he, too, received a swift rejection.

However, I knew Sarah was enjoying the attention, and part of me enjoyed seeing my girlfriend being hit on. It reminded me of how desirable Sarah was and how fortunate I was to have her as my girlfriend.

Once again, I thought how different our relationship was from when I first went out with Sarah. We had come a long way as a couple since Clare’s arrival and the following acceptance of opening up our relationship.

Sarah saw me looking at her, and she smiled before waving to me to join her on the dance floor, which I did. Sometime later, Sarah excused herself to go to the bathroom, and soon afterwards, I noticed Rob was missing too.

I trusted Sarah. This new, alluring version of her had always been open and honest with me. However, I didn’t like Rob, and more importantly, I didn’t trust him. This reminded me of Crete and how swiftly Sarah could change when someone paid her special attention.

I never saw Sarah or, for that matter, Rob, so I used the bathroom, and it was only as I started to walk back to the others that I spotted them. They were together, or at least Rob was attempting to convince Sarah to do something by whispering in her ear. His arm was around her, and his hand was moving towards her shapely bottom.

From my somewhat hidden position, I could not help but stand and watch. I wanted to see how it played out, hoping that Sarah would rebut his advances. However, a part of me was also enjoying the show.

Sarah was giggling at something Rob said. He was whispering, or more likely shouting, into her ear as his hand pulled her close, trying to claim my girlfriend. My eyes scanned down Sarah’s bare legs, down to her right ankle, knowing it was there, her beacon. But in the almost darkness, I just could not see it.

Rob’s hand found its target, and I watched as he squeezed Sarah’s bottom. He was exploring what I knew should be mine and was only mine to discover. It just seemed that my girlfriend was unaware of the five-digit invasion as she was giggling at something else Rob had said.

I tried to move forward to interrupt, to rescue her—and to rescue me—but my legs were now like jelly, and the floor was now a swamp—so I stood there and just watched.

His mouth once again moved close to Sarah’s ear; there was another giggle, and then it moved towards her mouth. His first hand was still on her bottom, his second now pulling my girlfriend closer to his body, so she could feel his almost certainly erect cock.

Rob’s mouth closed in on Sarah’s; his arms held her, pulling her close, and then Sarah did what the sane part of me hoped: she pushed Rob away and turned to go. Rob grabbed her and held her hand. He was making one last play, but I had seen enough. My ability to walk returned, and I moved forward, taking large steps toward the couple.

Sarah saw me and stepped towards me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my body, kissing me with real love. I was her knight in not-so-shiny armour. I had come to rescue her by pulling her away from Rob; the situation was back to the right equilibrium.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Never better, now you are here,” Sarah replied, her smile beaming.

I looked across at Rob, the arrogant man; he looked like he was about to say something, but I cut him off.

“Shouldn’t you be getting back to Jaz?”

With those words, he left; he didn’t say a word. No apology.

“Thank you,” Sarah whispered, her eyes looking into mine.

It was a look that told me how much Sarah loved me.

We spent the rest of the evening dancing and celebrating Clare’s nineteenth birthday as a group, but there was one unexpected event.

I saw Clare talking to a tall, slightly older man; he had an attractive woman on his arm. After a few minutes, she brought the couple over to introduce me.

“This is Alex and Gina,” Clare said, the rest partially lost in the nightclub noise. We spoke for a couple of minutes before they moved on and disappeared into the crowd.

“Who was that again?” I asked Clare when we were in a quieter spot.

“That was Alan, my ex, and his new girlfriend, Gina.”

I realised I had misheard his name in the noise, and then I wished I had taken more notice of him. He was Clare’s boyfriend when I met her for the second time, in Majorca during the past summer.

Then something else just hit me.

Tonight, I had met two men who had fucked Clare, and perhaps somewhat surprisingly, there wasn’t any part of me that liked that thought! 




It may have been late, but with the nightclub’s music still ringing in my ears, I wasn’t feeling worn out as Sarah and I watched Clare and Karen disappear into the “girl’s only” bedroom. As the door closed, it was a strange feeling having my second girlfriend sleeping at my flat, yet not with me or Sarah.

“Don’t worry, you see her tomorrow,” Sarah remarked, sensing my uneasiness.

It was a comment that made me wonder if she felt it, too, a sudden loneliness. But I knew with Clare, I had no choice; I needed her to make her mistakes, and the day would come when I, and hopefully Sarah, would be waiting for her.

“At least tomorrow, we are going to see a lot more of Karen,” Sarah whispered with an endearing grin. “She has agreed to follow your house rules.”

I looked back at her, smiling; she was right. Her deep blue eyes warmly looking at me, piercing my heart as once again I realised how lucky I was to have Sarah in my life. 

We climbed naked into my bed and snuggled up.

“Do you look at other girls sexually?” I whispered. It was a question I had never asked before, and it brought a giggle from Sarah.

“Do you?” she quipped, not answering my question.

“Never, only you and Clare,” I replied.

We both knew that was a lie, and with a giggle, Sarah gently nudged me to remind me that she knew it was not true. However, when it came to me, my girlfriend did not exhibit possessiveness, as she had demonstrated with Clare and in Crete.

“Come on,” I whispered, “do you look at other girls sexually?”

“Sometimes,” she answered, being serious, “but I am not like Clare. It has to be the right type of woman. I guess we will know more when we meet Liz.”

Though we had spoken about this before, I was still intrigued. “So, Ashley, I believe you said you were not that attracted to her…”

Sarah cut in. “It was an opportunity, David. Maybe I wasn’t physically attracted to Ashley, but she was an outstanding teacher, and I liked her. She let me experiment, and importantly, she let me do things in my own time when I was ready. There was never any expectation to perform, so I enjoyed the sex with Ashley—she made me realise what I had been missing.”

As I listened, I realised Sarah was being the most open and honest she’d ever been with me.

I never got to see Sarah’s first sexual foray with Ashley, as that happened in private. However, I did witness our later experimentation as a foursome, which included Ashley’s husband, Don.

Sarah whispered, “Remember, she was not my first—that was Clare. That night, when we all stayed at Brenda’s for the first time, Clare rekindled my interest in having sex with other women. It was something— as you well know— that was already a deep desire within me!”

“You like Clare, don’t you?” I whispered as I rolled over and climbed between Sarah’s legs.

Despite the late hour, this conversation left Sarah and I feeling horny, and at that moment, we both needed each other.

Sarah giggled, “I need this too,” as my erect cock found her moist opening, and with her hand, she guided me in. We were in the missionary position, the sidelight still on as I looked lovingly into my girlfriend’s eyes.

I started to make slow love to Sarah, her arms holding me, our mouths so close we were almost breathing the same air. As we made love together, Sarah brought the whispered conversation back to Clare.

“David, we have been together many times now. Surely, you understand the risk I am taking with my family. If you weren’t with me, I could never be with Clare…”

“Even if you were extremely horny?” I questioned.

“Yes, even if I was in heat, I couldn’t risk it. You don’t know what my parents can be like; they would simply disown me. It would even be worse for me than what happened with Jerry!”

Jerry was her ex, an older man and a friend of the family who seduced Sarah. He left her pregnant at seventeen before disappearing from my girlfriend’s life.

“David, you don’t realise what my parents can be like!”

Sarah squeezed my cock as she tightened her pussy around me.

“I like men too, David… I am not like Clare; she’s thinking about going girl only for a while.”

That was news to me, and I stopped rocking. I needed to digest this new piece of information. Was she thinking of leaving me? I thought.

“What do you mean?”

I resumed my movement, a slow, rhythmic rocking.

“Ask her, David. I was surprised too when she asked my thoughts on it.”

Sarah kissed me. She knew how I felt about Clare. I picked up the rocking motion. We were still making love, rather than our normal raw fucking.

“What did you say?” I eventually enquired, now needing to know.

“I didn’t say anything of importance as it does not affect me—I am a girl.”

With my cock deep inside her, I knew Sarah was right, and I returned her earlier kiss. It occurred to me that this moment should be all about us and not Clare.

Sarah smiled as I told her that I loved her. Then, with more urgency, my rocking motion turned into a thrusting one. My balls told me they were ready for release.

“And men, do you look at them?” I asked, our lovemaking becoming more urgent as we approached our climax.

“Only you, David,” she was mirroring my earlier words, though her giggle gave the game away; of course, she looked at other men.

Sarah’s legs tightened around my back, drawing me closer to her. My cock was plunging in and out of her depths, her body meeting my every thrust.  As I approached my vinegar stroke, I thought of what I had seen earlier with Rob.

We closed both the conversation and our lovemaking with a grunt and a stifled moan; our climax reached. Then, through our shallow panting, a tender kiss that reaffirmed our love for each other.

It had been a different type of sex, straight, slow, lovemaking. I imagined it was the type of sex a married couple might have after years of being together.

“That was nice,” Sarah whispered as I passed her the tissues.

I rolled over, recovering, still not tired.

A little later, as Sarah snuggled into me, I asked a burning question. “What do you think of Rob?”

She went silent for a while. So quiet I thought she had fallen asleep. But then she said something I was not quite ready for. “I liked him; he has lots of humorous stories.”

“You liked him? Didn’t you find him too full of himself?” I was being polite.

“There was part of Rob that reminded me of you, David—but he was all a show—there was no substance.”

He’s nothing like me!” I was annoyed at the comparison. 

“David, only part of him is. He is a lady’s man, and he chases them. You don’t have to. Haven’t you noticed the number of good-looking women you attract without even trying?”

I smiled—though I hadn’t—but I was still annoyed at being likened to Rob.

I then said, “I saw him come onto you, and you pushed him away.”

I didn’t want to mention that I was watching for a good minute before I intervened. 

“Yes, I pushed him away, David, because I am with you. But if I had been single, I may not have struggled quite so much. I admit there is something about him that I like, but you are so much more, and you are the better man.”

Sarah had given me an honest answer, even if part of it I didn’t like.

“I thought you only liked older men,” I then stated, trying to pry a little more out of my girlfriend and put Rob’s presence to bed.

“You are right; I do prefer older men. But that doesn’t mean I would not have sex with a younger man.”

Sarah then giggled, “Or even men!

I lay there, not knowing what to say. Eventually, I turned and spooned with my girlfriend, cuddling into her.

“Good night,” I whispered, but I had no response as Sarah was already asleep beside me. I just hoped that she was not dreaming of Rob!


Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2025 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.

Published 1 month ago

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