As she went to get ready, Sarah reminded me that these pictures were to remain only between the two of us, and Liz and her husband, Derek.
I knew this was important to my first girlfriend, so I agreed and promised that I would not mention them to either Clare or Brenda. Though I hated having secrets from my second girlfriend, I understood why I needed to keep this our secret. Sarah wasn’t ready to admit that she was bisexual and now sleeping with other women beyond Clare.
“David, remember, Liz might not go anywhere beyond a first meet.” I nodded in agreement. “I won’t be long,” Sarah remarked as she disappeared behind the spare bedroom door. She looked as beautiful as ever, my eyes dropping from her long blond hair to her tight, jean-clad bottom as she closed the door behind her.
Thirty-five minutes later, she reappeared, looking stunning. Sarah had restyled her hair, redone her makeup, and she had transitioned from her usual attire to something much sluttier. I couldn’t help but double-take.
She was wearing a dark leather miniskirt with a split on one side that could be zipped up. On top, she wore a black body stocking with a built-in lacy bra. Through the thin material, you could make out Sarah’s areoles. But that was not what caught my eye.
What did were the black hold-up stockings that finished below the skirt, leaving a good six inches of bare thigh above them. On her feet were dark, high-heeled, patent leather, stiletto shoes that looked like they had just come out of the box.
I gave my girlfriend a wolf whistle, which had her giggling; she loved the extra attention.
It was only then that Sarah produced a new item of jewellery. At first, I thought it was a gold bracelet. However, on closer inspection, I realised it was another anklet, though the chain on this one was a lot thicker and, therefore, easier to see.
I looked at Sarah, not understanding.
She smiled back at me. “I have been waiting for you to say something about me not removing my anklet. But you haven’t, and that has got me thinking.”
The thin gold anklet that my girlfriend had been wearing had been the elephant in the room over the last week. We had previously agreed Sarah would only wear it when we were playing our game, the one we had started in Crete, where she could act like she was a single woman. However, she had failed to remove it since we had returned from the opening of Brenda’s Sea View (Art Deco) hotel.
We both knew that I had noticed, yet failed to mention it. I was guilty of just letting it drift, waiting for Sarah to bring it up, something which she was now doing.
Sarah moved closer and looked into my eyes. She was reading me, and I knew that what she was about to say was important.
“David, we need to be honest with one another and accept that I like the idea of wearing an anklet and the symbolism that it may represent. The thought that I may be available to have sex with someone else, with your approval, gets me hot. You have witnessed the changes in me; I want to be more like Clare.”
I went to say something, but Sarah put her finger to my lips, stopping me. She had clearly not finished what she wanted to say.
“Just to be clear, I have decided to keep wearing your anklet, having grown accustomed to it, but there is something else. David, I am also wearing it for you. We both know you get off on the idea of men hitting on me, that your girlfriend is interested in having sex with other people—our game.”
I opened my mouth to deny it, but Sarah again cut me short.
“Look, David, this symbolism is just in our heads.” Sarah gently waved the gold anklet before softly continuing. “Since I have been wearing this, not one person has ever come on to me because of it or, for that matter, even mentioned it. So, I see no reason to take it off—unless I want to.”
Sarah warmly smiled at me as she gave me the shiny new anklet. It wasn’t as dainty as the original one, but it was still very feminine. But it was not just that; this was Sarah letting me know what she wanted, the attention—the game. We also both knew that because of the chain’s increased thickness, it would be a lot more prominent and, therefore, noticed by many more people.
My girlfriend was upping the ante—did I want this?
I knew all of what Sarah had just said was true, but I wasn’t ready to openly admit it to the world yet.
“David, if you look carefully, you can see there are a series of small rings running along the anklet. If I decide to hang symbols or signs, I can use these.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, deeply unsure. Then, without thinking, I reverted to my normal defence mechanism—humour—and blurted out, “You mean adverts, things like blowjobs, fifty pounds!”
Sarah giggled and then nudged me to bring me back to my senses.
“Stop acting like a child; I am trying to be serious… David, I am thinking of something a little more subtle. You could say it is more of a charm anklet, which you can adorn with stones or symbols.” I must have looked puzzled as Sarah then added, “You know, like a charm bracelet but for around the ankle. It’ll be just for us, Liz and Derek; I’m only wearing it for these photos and maybe if we play our game with them.”
“What would happen if I asked you to remove the anklet?” I questioned, for once being serious.
“It simply will never go back on. I don’t need to wear it; that’s my choice. We both know that Clare doesn’t wear your anklet but sleeps around; that’s something you seem to be indifferent about.”
Sarah’s words were softly spoken, yet each one of them was hard-hitting. I knew she was partially right because Clare was only having sex with other women, and I reminded Sarah of that fact.
However, that was only part of it. We all knew that Clare was a strong-willed, independent woman who had told me that she wasn’t ready for another long-term relationship with a man. Even though she loved me, she would cheat, as Clare needed her sexual freedom until she was ready to settle down.
So I was playing the long game with her, and despite being strong-willed and fucking stubborn, she had agreed to be both my girlfriend and only have sex with other women. Clare and I knew where we stood with each other, and the truth was, she wouldn’t have listened to me if I had asked her to wear an anklet.
Once again, I realised that my first girlfriend was learning from my second.
I sighed, thinking, and let the emotions run through me as I asked myself, what does a man do when he is in love with two beautiful, independent women?
For once, the answer came quickly. You agree with them and play for time. Hold off until you need to make a decisive decision.
I smiled at Sarah and then took her into my arms and kissed her.
“I love you,” I softly said, hoping those three words would be as hard-hitting as Sarah’s earlier ones.
The truth was, in my head, I had committed to long-term relationships with both of my girlfriends, having already promised never to leave Sarah. I thought that, in time, it would all become clear to me.
“I love you too, David,” and with those words, Sarah lifted her right leg, and I fastened the new, more prominent anklet around her right ankle. As I did, the light glinted off the polished gold, and it contrasted nicely with the black stocking it now rested on. Unlike the old anklet, you simply couldn’t miss the new one.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it, David?” Sarah whispered to me as she brushed her hand over the front of my trousers and confirmed my hard cock. “Unlike something else!” she then giggled.
We both smiled, and I felt a little more comfortable now that I had made the decision. After all, this was just for a few photos, and as my girlfriend had just mentioned, no one had ever said anything about the small gold chain.
Sarah climbed onto the bed, and I started taking a few provocative photographs of her while she directed me as to what sort of picture she wanted. I would press the Polaroid camera shutter button, and a minute later, a photo would develop before us.
“Are you sure about having your face in all these photos?” I asked as the camera clicked once again. Sarah’s miniskirt was now on the floor, and her bottom was pointing towards the camera, with the thin black material of the body stocking hardly obscuring it.
Sarah’s face was beaming at me as she glanced over her shoulder and towards the camera.
“Well, it’s a bit late for that. My face and naked body are going to be all over the country on bedroom posters. I am probably going to have hundreds of young men wanking all over me, and hopefully, a few young women too!”
I chuckled, though I knew that what Sarah had just said was not strictly true. The photos that were being used had almost been censored, shadows obscuring most of my girlfriend’s naked body. Her face was almost in side profile, and the light from the old-fashioned security lamp cast as many shadows across her face as the light that bathed it.
When we were at Brenda’s, we all agreed that it was unlikely that Sarah would be recognised in any of the photos that were being used in the advertisement campaign.
However, I could see that Sarah was excited by the idea, so I chirped, “Only hundreds?”
Sarah giggled, and once again, I realised how much she had changed since the arrival of Clare. She had shed the shadow of her depression, the uncertainty, and her old dowdiness. She was now alive, a little giggly and a little slutty. She was now the type of girlfriend I always wanted and loved.
“Let’s take some naughtier photos,” Sarah effused as she undid the poppers and took off her body stocking. It joined her miniskirt on the floor.
From there, the photo shoot became one of Sarah taking up a sexy pose and me pointing the camera before pressing the button. The black hold-up stockings, stilettos, and two anklets were never removed, but other than that, my girlfriend remained entirely naked.
“We have two photos left,” I announced.
Sarah sat up and picked up the cucumber before spreading her legs wide and carefully placing it vertically along her vagina lips, obscuring them. Then she fiddled around with it until she got it to stick to her bald pubic area.
She noticed me watching on, puzzled.
“I want to show how much cucumber I can take,” she then stated in a way that implied I should have known that.
“Well, based on that, approximately fifteen inches,” I declared, none the wiser.
Sarah laughed, though I wasn’t sure why, as the cucumber was about fifteen inches long. However, it all became clear when she showed me the A4 piece of paper, which acted as the security note.
Written on it was, Liz, this is a very willing receptacle only; anything this length is fine with me, and then today’s date.
I chuckled, “Are you serious? No cock is fifteen inches long!”
“I know, but it’s not about that. I am not that interested in wearing a strap-on, but I don’t want to just come out with it. You see, I want to be fucked, not do the fucking. This is something Liz and I will talk about when we meet.”
This was all news to me, as I had assumed Sarah would be like Clare and be happy to wear a fake strap-on cock. I took the security picture with Sarah holding the sign.
“One left,” I then said.
“I want to take one for Derek, though this one I am going to hold back until I meet Liz.”
With that, my girlfriend kicked off her stilettos and then brought her right foot up to her now slightly gaping vagina. She then proceeded to pull herself open and loosen her pussy further until it was wet and showing a lot of pink.
“If you’re trying to make your pussy look well used, stick the cucumber in it.”
Sarah giggled, “I will in a minute, but not while you have a camera.”
I was surprised by Sarah’s reply; I had only been jesting, and it was completely the opposite of what she had said earlier.
“Make sure it shows my open pussy and anklet, but no face.”
I did as requested and put the camera away.
Sarah warmly smiled as my clothes fell away, and it suddenly occurred to me that I had never fucked a girl in stockings before.
“Can you remember what Don told us?” Sarah asked.
“About what?” I replied as I kicked my boxers off and climbed between Sarah’s spread legs.
“You know, when you wear an anklet over your stockings. It implies something.”
I stopped and thought. We had discussed lots of things in Crete with our apartment neighbours, Don and Ashley, who we later learned were both nudists and swingers.
“It implies that you are open to having sex without a condom, and that’s what I intend to do with Derek if we ever get invited to their Cotswolds retreat. However, there is a condition…”
“That I agree to allow it?” I questioned, cocking an eyebrow.
“It is not that, David. It is only if he gets the meaning behind the photograph—it is a test if you like. I know Don knew, but I am curious whether it is common knowledge in swinging circles the meaning behind these anklet symbolisms.”
“That’s risky, Sarah. No condom.”
“I know, but if we carry on like this, I am going to have to get tested at some point, and so are you, David.” Sarah giggled, “Just so you know, it always feels better when a man cums inside you, though I guess you could find that out for yourself!”
I smiled, letting Sarah have her moment, and then I told her. “That will never happen. We will talk about the condom another time.”
My eyes were on Sarah’s open and wet pussy; my mind was already thinking about that cucumber, which I handed to my girlfriend. “Go on then; there is no camera.”
Sarah took it from me, then took a condom from the box in the bedside drawer and expertly rolled it down the vegetable.
“Have you done this before?” I asked but received no answer.
Instead, Sarah smiled knowingly as she slowly eased the large cucumber into herself, a good six inches disappearing into her pussy without resistance. Then, slowly, my girlfriend started to masturbate with it, pushing it back and forth a few inches and gradually working it a little deeper.
As I watched, I noticed the little gratifying facial signs appear, followed by moans, as Sarah worked the cucumber deeper and deeper. Half of it was now lodged in the depths of her pussy.
I took my cock in hand and started to masturbate in time with Sarah.
“Fuck me, Derek,” Sarah whispered as her deep blue eyes stared at me.
She was teasing me, my hand now working my cock a little quicker as I aimed to ride that wave of sexual pleasure.
“Cum in me, Derek,” she groaned, her hand now moving in time with the cucumber moving in and out of her.
“At least he is wearing a condom,” I said to Sarah, who chose not to hear me.
“That’s good, Derek, a little harder, deeper.”
Sarah pushed the cucumber hard inside her and held it there. Her legs went stiff as she rolled onto her side, and a wave of ecstasy went through her. As she came all over the vegetable, there was a groan and then a gush that wet the bed.
I thought that was it, so I pumped harder with the thought of unloading all over Sarah. However, my girlfriend wasn’t quite finished as she rolled onto her back and once again started fucking herself with the cucumber.
I edged myself, waiting in case Sarah wanted me to fuck her.
“Derek, shall we get David to join us?” She gasped, her hand once again working the thick, long vegetable into her cunt.
“Get the lube.”
That was my cue; I knew exactly what my girlfriend wanted—double penetration.
Our game wasn’t the only thing we had brought back with us from Crete. There, Don and I had repeatedly taken turns with Sarah, which developed into us taking her several times, with one of us in her ass and the other in her pussy. Then it was a new experience for my girlfriend, but it was one she enjoyed very much, always cumming hard as she loved the feeling of having both her holes filled.
Crete remained the only place where we had experienced it for real, but Sarah and I had continued to occasionally experiment since then, though never using a cucumber.
It was also true that I never missed a chance to have anal sex with either of my girlfriends, so I soon lubed up my cock, and Sarah turned to present her asshole to me.
Once I finished the preliminaries, it didn’t take long for me to begin fucking Sarah’s tight posterior. They were deep, long, and highly enjoyable strokes. With my dick sliding back and forth inside Sarah, my thoughts focused on my cock as my girlfriend’s sphincter contracted around it.
Sarah was carefully pushing the well-used cucumber deeper into her cunt. She fucked herself, but she was trying to see how deep it would go as she put more weight on it. Her moans confirmed to me how much she enjoyed double penetration.
My body moved back and forth as I tried to keep in control, my cock sending me pulses of pleasure as it was gripped by Sarah’s anal ring.
Then with a final thrust, I grunted and filled her bowels with my semen. It seemed to be the cue for her to cum, too, in another gush accompanied by a loud moan as she pushed down onto the long, thick green vegetable.
As we both came, we heard an unexpected SNAP and collapsed onto the bed. The cucumber had broken under our combined weight, about five inches now in her hand, and the rest still lodged deep in her pussy.
Giggling, she carefully pulled it out, and my humour kicked in. “Well, that’s the first time I ever heard anyone using a cucumber as a depth gauge.”
Sarah nudged me, and I smiled; her actions were the affection that I had been looking for.
“Perhaps we need to buy you a green dildo,” I remarked as we both looked at the condom-covered green vegetable in Sarah’s hand.
She giggled. “I would prefer a big black one!”
I rolled my eyes; our recent Art Deco hotel experience had once again inflamed Sarah’s interest in having black cocks. She handed me the vegetable and disappeared into the bathroom to clean up.
On her return, I said, “Nine and a half inches.”
Sarah looked at me inquisitively.
“I measured the part of the cucumber that was in your cunt before I put it in the bin.” Unusually, I had deliberately used the crude Middle English term to describe Sarah’s pussy as it fitted the situation.
What I didn’t expect was for Sarah to disappear into the kitchen and check my measurements!
“I am an engineer,” I called out when I grasped what she was doing.
When she returned, Sarah confirmed my measurements but sounded disappointed.
“What is the problem?” I asked, thinking that nine and a half inches seemed a lot.
“Don’t laugh, David, but I was hoping it would be ten inches.”
I laughed. Got nudged and then asked, “Why is ten inches so important to you? Nine-and-a-half seems deep, and I’m only seven-and-a-half inches long. So does it matter?”
Sarah giggled, “Maybe not, but it’s just that Clare has experienced a ten-inch cock…”
Though Sarah left the rest unsaid, I knew she was talking about Alan, Clare’s ex-boyfriend, who she had an eighteen-month relationship with before she met me. Sarah’s comment also spiked something else in me as I fathomed that she seemed to always be comparing herself to Clare.
With our post-coital cuddle, I took the time to explain that Clare hadn’t enjoyed sex with Alan as much as she did with me. Yes, I got a nudge, even though I was being serious. However, Sarah knew all about Clare’s ex, as my two girlfriends talked all the time, and often it was me who would be the last to find out.
I then thought of something Clare had said to me. She had asked if Sarah and I ever talked about the future, in the same way that I was then talking to Clare. Though I answered my other girlfriend, I also realised that Sarah and I hadn’t really had those talks, and it occurred to me that now was a good time.
“Sarah, how do you see our future together?” I posed the question, unsure if I truly wanted to know the answer.
“David, I am happy as we are. I have never hidden the fact that I like Clare; I both like and admire her.”
“Yes, but what about us and our future? Sarah, I have been quite open with you that I want you to move in with me.”
“I am not ready for that, David. Just give me time; you should be grateful that I allowed you a second girlfriend. Perhaps you don’t get it, but I am sure that if it had been anyone but Clare, we would have gone our separate ways.”
I pulled Sarah close and held her tight. She wasn’t going anywhere.
“Do you realise, David, that I need Clare as much as you do?”
I hadn’t, but when I asked Sarah to explain, she either couldn’t or wouldn’t. So we just lay there cuddling, in our refractory period, as time slowly ticked by.
“It is getting late; do you want to stay the night?” I tenderly asked, hoping. “You can just phone your parents.”
“I better not,” Sarah softly replied before she kissed me and jumped out of bed, looking for her clothes.
With the photos mailed, when I dropped Sarah off at her home that night, I felt slightly disappointed despite the lovely evening with her and the excellent sex.
While I didn’t yet know the answers, I knew that as soon as I got home, I would be writing it all up in my orange journal, hoping that one day, it would help me find a solution that would let me live with my two girlfriends.
Surprisingly, it was only two days later when we received a phone call from Liz. She was back home from her travels and proceeded to tell my girlfriend how much she and her husband had enjoyed her photos. It was a comment that made me smile and Sarah blush, though I was certain that my girlfriend enjoyed the thought of the married couple looking at her naked body.
After I said hello, just like before, Sarah walked to our bedroom, the speakerphone now turned off. However, this time she stopped at the door and indicated with her index finger to follow her into the room.
By the time I was there, Sarah was naked and on the bed, her pink kimono dressing gown now on the floor. She was still talking on the phone.
Sarah smiled at me as I appeared in the doorframe, and my eyes took in her naked body before darting to her bare sex as she slowly spread her legs. It was clear to me that whatever Liz had said had aroused my first girlfriend.
“Yes, I am in the bedroom,” Sarah happily whispered into the phone.
I stood there, watching, hearing only my girlfriend’s side of the telephone conversation. She moved her hand down between her outstretched legs; her fingers probed her folds, almost teasing herself.
“Yes, I am on the bed naked, masturbating,” Sarah sighed, her eyes drifting slowly away from mine as she touched her sensitive place and softly moaned.
“Liz, we didn’t have sex last night,” she confided, which I knew wasn’t true. We fucked then like we did almost every time Sarah came over.
“Yes, I am very horny,” Sarah giggled, her fingers now dipping into her folds, and she started to openly masturbate.
“I need sex every night… I am looking forward to it… Oh, I like the thought of that,” she mumbled in quick succession.
I wondered what Sarah was talking about as her fingers played with herself, and she continued to listen to the phone. Her deep blue eyes then looked at me, and there was another giggle.
“He is watching me masturbate… Yes, David’s just like Derek.”
Sarah’s left hand was now openly rubbing herself; her breath laboured as she continued to listen.
“David likes to watch too; he probably will want to jerk off when we are together.”
On hearing my name mentioned, my eyes darted to Sarah’s face, only to see her puckered lips as she blew me an air kiss and then once again giggled.
“Liz says get your cock out, and have a wank now!”
I wasn’t ready for that or phone sex. We hadn’t yet met Liz, and I thought this was meant to be all about Sarah and pursuing her bi-side, discovering her true sexuality.
“No, he has not got his cock out yet… Seven and a half inches, quite thick though.”
Sarah continued to giggle as her fingers were now openly rubbing herself and occasionally dipping into her increasingly wet hole as she started to finger fuck her pussy.
However, I thought she was giving too much information. We didn’t know Liz or Derek, and I certainly wasn’t ready to get too involved as I had Clare to think about as well as Sarah.
“Come on, big boy, come over here and cum all over me,” Sarah beckoned down the phone with more giggles.
She then blurted, “Liz says, ‘Why don’t you climb on and fuck me while she listens?’” Sarah’s hand had temporarily stopped its movement as her energy seemed to go into another bout of giggles.
It was only then that I realised that Sarah was playing me, that Liz wasn’t still on the other end of the phone, having disconnected some time ago.
“How long ago did she come off the phone?” I asked, somewhat stunned that Sarah had caught me like that!
“I couldn’t resist,” Sarah giggled once again.
“I noticed!”
“It was before you got to the door. Liz has a family to feed, but she told me we could meet next week, on Friday night at a pub called the Grapevine. It is forty miles north of here. It is a place she knows well, as sometimes she stays there when on business, including this Friday.”
“But aren’t we meant to be sleeping at your parent’s place this week?” I questioned, knowing that we were. It was part of our planned Friday night weekly sleeping rotation—something I hated and, therefore, often complained about.
“I will tell them I am staying here,” Sarah replied without any air of concern as she beckoned me again to come over to the bed and fuck her.
“So we can start staying here at my flat every Friday night,” I suggested as I shed my clothes, hoping for the best.
“Maybe, but we will see,” Sarah replied as I climbed between her still-spread legs, my cock finding her moist opening.
However, as I fucked my girlfriend, my thoughts first lingered on how she had just teased me. She was learning, having caught me off guard. Then they moved on to the exciting prospect of the Grapevine and what might happen there. Before happily landing on the thought that from now on, Sarah will spend every Friday night staying with me at my flat.
Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2025 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.