“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 1:- “Moving In”

"David moves into his new flat and reconnects with both his girlfriends..."

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I sat there with my hands behind my head, stretching out my legs and letting the tensions of the day ease from my body. Today had been a long one, but now the work is done. I was in my new home, a rented flat, thanks to the help of my two girlfriends, Sarah and Clare.

If it hadn’t been for them, I would have gotten bored with the move. There would have been a pile of still-to-be-opened boxes in the living room, and I wouldn’t have remembered to purchase half the things on the shopping list that resided on the desk next to me. I glanced at it and smiled. The girls knew me; they had put beer at the top of their list. However, I still had to go shopping—not my favourite pastime and certainly not a day out!

With my pen in my hand and my orange journal open in front of me, I felt my stomach rumble. It was a reminder that I should be getting on with making some tea. But I couldn’t face it, especially as I had never cooked before.

There was also something else I needed to do, and this was far more important to me: update my orange journal. I had started writing it when Clare came into our lives, as I wanted to keep the memories. Both my girlfriends knew about it, but they called it something else—a notebook. They also told me that I should use it as more of an aide-mémoire to help me every time I got something wrong, which, apparently, was quite often.

Earlier, I updated what I had written about our Crete holiday, and then I added what Clare had told us last night. That just left me to write up today’s events…




With my recently acquired flat keys and most of my furniture inside the van, I drove to my newly rented flat. But I knew I would need to make one more round trip to my parent’s house.

As I pulled up, I was surprised to see Sarah waiting for me. She was my number one girlfriend. She insisted on this title, but it wasn’t any more or less important than my relationship with Clare, my second girlfriend.

Sarah didn’t have a car, so I hadn’t expected to see her there. With her now living only ten minutes away, I had arranged to pick her up a little later. But it turned out she had managed to borrow her mum’s car. That was a rare event, as she usually required it in the running of the flower shop, which she owned in the village where she and Sarah lived. 

After a quick kiss, I handed her one of the spare flat keys and said, “This is yours. I also have a key for Clare, in case she needs to use my flat.”

Sarah smiled. Some time ago, she had accepted Clare’s presence in our relationship.

To me, the girls having keys was important, as I wanted both my girlfriends to treat my flat like a second home. If they needed a safe refuge, they now had one, and of course, there was always the possibility that either or both of them might move in.

My honest intention was to treat both girlfriends exactly the same. However, I also knew that was not completely true. The events of Crete had got me thinking, and while I loved both girls equally, I realised that I was a little more willing to share Sarah than Clare.

The reasons why were still mulling around in my head, but it wasn’t hard for me to think about how Sarah was before Clare. I was not interested in that version of my number one girlfriend; I preferred the one I had in Crete. The flirty girl who constantly teased me, who had happily had sex with Don, who wanted to sexually experiment with Ashley, and who ended up being paid for sex with Kurt.

That was the type of Sarah I had now, and that was the type of Sarah I wanted to keep. 

When I had a quiet moment and contemplated our budding three-way relationship, my thoughts told me that it would be better for both girls to experience the same things in their lives. It would be better if I kept everything in balance, including a sexual equilibrium between my two girlfriends. Without that, I felt it would be highly unlikely that I could keep both Sarah and Clare in my life.

A few minutes later, Clare arrived. She had driven her mum’s red Citron car, and with the second flat key in Clare’s pocket, we all manhandled the furniture up the stairs. My reward for carrying most of the weight was watching two tight, jean-clad backsides that just happened to be at my eye level. I couldn’t help but grunt and then grin as their perky bottoms wiggled before me.

Once all the furniture was in my flat, I left Clare and Sarah to find its rightful position, my only condition being that my writing desk went at the end of the master bedroom. As I explained to the girls, it was quite likely that I would be occasionally working there later in the year.

With me off on another round trip, I reminded both my girlfriends to listen out for the delivery of the two king-size beds. All they had to do was point in the right direction, and the delivery drivers would do the rest. I had paid extra to get the beds delivered and assembled.

When I returned, it was nice to see the beds built and made up. It was something I could get used to, I happily thought, though I dared not say it.

Instead, I joked, “We need to christen them,” knowing that we still had a van to unload.

“We already have,” Clare remarked, which had Sarah giggling and me wondering.

With one last effort, we emptied the van, and I once again left the girls to put the things where they needed to go.

An hour later, with the rental van returned, I pulled up once again, this time in my own car. It was time to introduce myself to my downstairs neighbour. I didn’t want to fall out with them, especially since Clare’s car had been parked in one of their two allocated parking spaces.

I went through the side gate and knocked on the lower flat’s front door, but no one answered. Another time, I thought. 

Returning to the girls and carrying the last of the boxes, I had my first good chance to look around my new home. Everything seemed to be where the girls wanted it. However, my desk had been placed exactly where I had requested, and our nude modelling photos were locked securely within it.

When I walked into the spare bedroom, I noticed the bed duvet was now rumpled up. It made me smile, but I chose to ignore it. Once bitten, twice shy, I thought I was not going to ask if that room had been christened too. Sarah was in there, measuring the size of the alcove. She told me that her parents had a large double wardrobe, which I could have and would fit perfectly in this space.

“That’s kind of them; I didn’t know I had that many clothes,” I remarked.

Sarah chuckled. “Actually, it is going to be used by me and Clare.” After all, we will need to keep some clothes here, even if we’re not moving in.”

I agreed, though I still just wished they would both move in with me. Then Sarah added something that made me smile.

“Anyway, most of the items that I will keep here will be a little different from the ones I have at home.”

She was smiling at me, and my thoughts turned to what she had worn in Crete, which caused me to smile too.

After a quick check around the place, we congregated in the kitchen with a cup of tea, and I suggested that it was time to try out the beds.

“You tired?” Clare remarked with a snigger.

“He is older than us; perhaps this is what happens when you reach twenty-three,” Sarah then added with an endearing grin.

I went to grab them both. I needed my two girls, but my action was met with a chorus of one word.


I had been told.

As I washed myself, I realised that the girls must have already showered. Together? Had they christened the bathroom, too?

Clare and Sarah were waiting for me, both naked in bed. Before it started to fade, I wasted no time in showing Clare my all-over tan, though she seemed to only see my hairless cock and couldn’t contain her giggle as I wafted it around in front of her.

“So, you don’t like it?” I questioned, my tan forgotten.

“Don’t you think my cock looks larger without hair?” I chuckled; I thought it did.

Clare’s only reply was to roll her eyes, but at least she didn’t call me once again, a little boy. She seemed unimpressed with my hair-free look, so I turned towards Sarah, my cock erect and ready for her.

Unknown to Clare, when Sarah and I were in Crete, we had agreed that the first sex in my new flat should be between Clare and me. I had explained that I needed to reconnect with her and that two weeks had been too long. Perhaps surprisingly, there had been no objection from Sarah, who had agreed with me.

But if Clare didn’t want me?

I moved towards Sarah, my cock now wafting in front of her.

But before I could go any further, Clare grabbed me and pulled me between her legs.

Her sudden action caused both me and Sarah to chuckle.

“You couldn’t resist me,” I stated while trying to hide my grin.

“Oh, shut up,” Clare mouthed as I slipped further between her opening legs. 

I knew that this bedroom activity was never just going to be about sex. It was more than just that. It was about reconnecting as a family of three. For me, it was starting a new way of life with Sarah and Clare. But there was something else. I was determined to remind both Clare and Sarah that I was their man and the only one they would ever need.

With a moan, my cock penetrated Clare’s wet, shaven sex. Our bare skin was touching and moulding as a smiling Sarah continued to look on. She was taking in the view, her hand already between her legs. 

I felt Clare’s body almost purr as I gently pushed my cock into her. Nothing was hurried. This was a moment to be remembered and cherished—our sexual reconnection, my seven-and-a-half-inch cock in her slippery hole. Our pubis touched for the first time; we were skin to skin.

It brought a giggle from Clare. “I have never had sex with a man with no hair on his cock before.”

I couldn’t let that go. So, I wickedly said, “And there was me thinking you had done everything sexually possible, Clare!”

My comment made Sarah chuckle, and she came over and kissed me first, then Clare. It was good to see the two girls interacting in bed. Given what Sarah had only said yesterday, I wasn’t sure how far she was willing to go with Clare, and I wondered if they had spoken about it when I was making my van trips.

We all cuddled up as I slowly moved my cock back and forth inside Clare.

“Make sure you have something left for me,” Sarah whispered as she pulled herself up. Her bare, tanned breasts came into full view, and my eyes briefly compared them to Clare’s.

Sarah giggled. “Don’t forget, we have five more rooms to do it in after this.”

Her tongue flicked my ear, sending a shiver through me.

She then whispered, “And don’t forget, you now have two girls to satisfy when we fuck in every room, Alpha-Man.”

She was teasing me, but I did the math; discounting the porch, stairs, and balcony, there were six rooms, times two girls—twelve fucks!

“No fucking way,” I grunted, not meaning to say it aloud.

Clare’s giggle came out more as a groan; Sarah’s was loud and clear. She had made her point. 

With Clare under me, I had picked up the pace. Our bodies were once again united and not only connected at our genitalia but in our hearts and minds, too. I realised that was what love did to you; if only I could keep this beautiful woman, I thought.

I had missed Clare.

She groaned as a ripple of pleasure pulsed through our sexual connection.

It made me unintentionally grunt; it was all too soon; my cock had a will of its own as it involuntarily erupted inside my girlfriend. In five minutes, we had reached our love-making climax, our gratifying union, and our bed christening. It had not been long enough! 

After rolling off, we lay there, Clare wiping herself with a tissue and me panting between the two girls. I was gasping for air.

“Did you enjoy that, mister?” Sarah whispered with a sly grin.

I didn’t bother answering her daft question, though I had been aware that she had mainly watched Clare and me rather than join in.

“It’s my turn now,” she giggled, obviously horny and knowing that I needed a few minutes of rest to recover.

I also wanted to cuddle Clare, as I knew that was important to her and therefore to me. But instead, I had a giggling Sarah clambering over me until her bald cunt rested on my face. I had no idea what Clare thought, as darkness covered me, and once again I was gasping for air.

Instinctively, my hand reached out for Clare’s and squeezed it as Sarah started to ride my face, her pussy essence quickly covering me. Then I felt Sarah’s soft lips envelop my flaccid cock. She was not put off that it was still covered in my and Clare’s sexual juices. I didn’t expect her to be after what we had done with Don and Ashley.

My cock twitched as Sarah’s tongue started to suck new life into it. Clare’s hand left mine as she got up, my eyes wanting but unable to take in her naked body as she walked out of the room. Did she leave to give us some privacy? I thought.

We were left there, with renewed sexual energy, to break in the bed. With my full attention now on Sarah, as she slid backward and forward on my face, riding me as my tongue probed away. I was licking, tasting, and flicking her engorged clitoris, her mouth bobbing up and down on my new erection as she ground into my face.

To me, Sarah felt like a woman possessed. Crete had unlocked something within her, I thought. She seemed needy. She wanted me to perform and be the Alpha-Man. Her pussy flowed, and her essence was now coating me, making her mark.

She groaned and then slid across my face one last time before turning. Our eyes briefly met, hers slightly glazed, as she paused. She then impaled herself on my erect cock, and ecstasy flashed across her face. She needed this. She wanted me. We both briefly grinned. It was an understanding. Sarah started to ride my cock, and I let her do all the work.

Clare returned, still naked. My eyes briefly flicked towards her before returning to Sarah as she started to come, my cock remaining erect like steel. I felt like the master of the universe—two beautiful girlfriends, each climaxing in my bed.

We rolled over into the missionary position; I wanted to pound Sarah and give her what she needed—a long, hard fuck. As I inwardly smiled, I realised that Sarah had learnt from Clare, and that was why she wanted to go second. She knew I would last so much longer.

With renewed vigour and Clare now watching on, I planted my mouth on Sarah’s, our lips touching and sealing our love. I held her there, our eyes looking into each other’s, taking in the moment. It was a silent message of my love for her, as well as a reminder that I could be the Alpha-Man.

Then I started to move, my hips started to increase their pace, and my cock soon began jackhammering inside Sarah’s warm, inviting place. Every one of my thrusts was met by one of hers; this was raw fucking. It was hard and fast, trying to not only break into the bed but also physically demolish it.

Sarah seems to be getting off by being watched; exhibitionism was one of her top five sexual fantasies, though I wasn’t sure fucking in front of Clare counted.

It wasn’t long before I found myself grunting again, my jism pumping into Sarah, my girlfriend, who had already enjoyed one orgasm, her second not so far away. I powered on through my ejaculation, my Alpha-Man head telling my cock to stay hard. I knew I did not have long, and then it happened…

“Ohhh… fuuccckkkk!” Sarah screamed.

I had managed to stay erect just long enough to trigger her second orgasm.

With my goal achieved, I rolled off, my cock now a frothy mess as it wilted before me. I thought at least it was easier to wash now that it didn’t have any pubic hair.

Then, Clare nonchalantly stated, “I think we can say that the bed is broken in.” She had been watching my and Sarah’s sexual performances.

She then got out of bed and told us that she was going to take another shower because she needed to get home. I looked at her, but she was difficult to read at that moment.

I kissed Sarah, then got up and followed my other girlfriend. I needed a shower too, but more importantly, I wanted a cuddle from Clare.

Sarah joined us. We showered, with me too tired to talk or think; I just wanted my cuddle. Afterwards, with all of us back in our original clothes, I got my reward.

“I missed you,” I remarked as I pulled Clare close.

“I missed you too,” she replied as we held each other for a few seconds and then pulled Sarah in to make it a three-way hug.

“Sorry, I didn’t last longer; I’m not Brenda,” I muttered as I looked at Clare.

“I wouldn’t want you to be,” Clare whispered in my ear and then turned to Sarah. “But next time, it will be… my turn to go second!

We all giggled. I needed this; we needed this—a group hug and a group giggle.

It was not long afterwards that, with her flat key in her pocket and a kiss from both me and Sarah, Clare left us and drove home. As she left, she reminded me that the next time I would see her would be Saturday. It was another four days, and again, I thought it was too long. But what could I do? She needed time to sort out her relationships, even her sexuality, though I sensed Clare was never going to leave me.

A little later, as Sarah and I snuggled up on the black settee, I asked her if Clare and her really had sex together before I got back to the flat with my car.

“Maybe a little bit,” Sarah giggled. “It was in the shower, not in the beds. We just ruffled the covers to see if you would say something.”

I smiled. “I noticed the spare room duvet.”

“Clare and I mainly talked,” Sarah added with a smile.

“And?” I questioned.

My number one girlfriend explained that she wanted to make it clear to Clare that she was certain that she was, and always had been, bisexual. She was definitely not ready to admit that to anyone outside the three of us, and maybe, in the future, close friends.

I listened intently; this was important to Sarah, and therefore important to me.

She once again reminded me that our open relationship had been my choice, not hers. However, she then added that after the enjoyment of Crete, she thought it was a good idea—apparently one of my better ones!

I reminded Sarah that an open relationship works both ways and that, in the future, I may want to sleep with another woman other than her and Clare.

I was trying to play it cool, the Alpha-Man. But inside, I felt nothing like that, with my stomach tight and my heart pumping. I wanted nothing more than for the three of us to live monogamously together in a large house. Our future children, keeping us all busy.

However, I also knew we needed time; none of us were close to being ready for parenthood.

After listening to me, Sarah just shrugged and then said, “You are NOT to fuck Lisa or anyone else from my village.”

I instantly agreed; I hadn’t planned to. The truth was, I hadn’t planned to fuck anybody other than Sarah and Clare. But I didn’t want to show weakness; after all, I was meant to be the Alpha-Man. 

It seemed Sarah had accepted that I might stray beyond Clare. I was a little disappointed, but I knew my track record was not great. I had cheated on her with Clare, and we had already gone through this when we swapped with Don and Ashley.

But as already mentioned, what happened in Crete had me thinking… I wanted Sarah to experience life and do some sexual experimenting. Though I dared not put this into my journal, I wished Sarah was a little bit more like Clare, and Clare was a little bit more like Sarah. 

As we sat there, Sarah also explained to me that she had told Clare that, while she liked her, she wasn’t ready to have a full and open relationship with another girl. However, she was open to some intimacy between the two of them, but only while inside my flat. Outside, they were strictly friends, and I was her boyfriend.

Just as she left, Sarah reminded me that I needed to buy a contact magazine. She was looking for an older lady who lived some distance away, similar to Ashley, so she could explore her bisexual side. The bruise on my arm from yesterday’s nudge bore testimony that Brenda and her lesbian friends were strictly out of contention for what Sarah was looking for!

After a long cuddle and a kiss, I watched Sarah drive away, knowing the next time I would see her would be Thursday evening; her French oral college lessons starting tomorrow night.

I had officially moved in and I was on my own. I hated that alone feeling.

With a sigh, I closed my orange journal and walked to the kitchen. My stomach was now telling me it needed some attention. I glanced around. Everything was new and pristine. My eyes saw the toaster, then the bread, and there were baked beans in the cupboard.

Baked beans on toast, I thought. Now all I needed to do was figure out how to operate the cooker and check the cooking instructions, but there was nothing on the can. 

But I had the solution.

It was with a smile that I picked up the telephone and called my mother! 


An Extra Author Note: Sarah’s top five sexual fantasies are covered in detail in Book 3 — “Crete” – Chapter 12 – “A Floating Ice Bucket and a Top Five—We Talk.”

Here they are listed, with the top two having a far greater pull on Sarah than the third one and onwards.

1: A relationship and sex with another woman.

2: Being paid for sex.

3: Sex with a black man. This was the only one not to be experienced by Sarah in Crete.

4: General exhibitionism. Though not done in Crete, a photo shoot for a top-shelf men’s magazine has a particular draw on Sarah.

5: A threesome with two men.



Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.

Published 6 months ago

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