The Thing

"It was his fantasy, but what was it he was really after?"

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Janis sat quietly on the loveseat across from Darren who was engrossed in his latest detective novel. She glanced meaningfully at him every so often, until finally he paused to meet her gaze.

Even after thirteen years of marriage he could not help but marvel at his good fortune. Janis was the wife that every man dreams of, even at the age of thirty-six. Her shoulder-length blonde hair shone with a silky radiance that provoked a desire to fondle, to greedily run fingers through its softness and drink the fragrance of rose oil and peaches. She had intelligence, poise, and presence enhanced by a flawless complexion and sinewy athletic body belying that she was a mother three times over. How he savored her nakedness when he glimpsed her in the shower, or dressing, or those blessed times when he could indulge his passions in the full light of day. Ah! Her perfect breasts – her mouth-watering bottom – the neatly trimmed coif of her vee revealing just a hint of the perfect lips below! Yes, he was a very fortunate man.

Except he didn’t feel that way. Things were not well between them. In fact, she had mostly avoided him since… well, since that time.

She sat on the edge of the cushion, leaning slightly forward, a half-smile contradicting her faintly furrowed brow.

“Hi,” ventured Darren.

“Hi,” Janis replied, her hands folded neatly in her lap, not breaking eye contact.

He sighed and closed his book, laying it deliberately on the side table, aligning it precisely with the edges. Darren was nothing if not precise. He sat looking at Janis expectantly, who remained silent, gazing at him with a strange expression, as if she was stifling a secret.

It had been so long. “I’ve missed you,” he said, and meant it.

“I want to try it,” Janis stated flatly.

“Try what?”

“That thing.”

“What thing?”

“You know – the thing.”

“I’m sorry – I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I want to have sex with another man. In front of you.”

That was probably last on the list of all the things Darren imagined. He remembered with a rush of embarrassment how she’d discovered the porn he’d stashed on his computer, videos of husbands who had pleaded, begged their wives to have sex with friends or strangers, bosses or neighbors. Erotic stories he’d written, always featuring Janis and himself. She demanded to know, and he’d told her of his fantasies, of watching her with a lover, someone who was better than him, bigger than him, able to take her to heights of passion that she had never imagined, all while he watched and suffered, humiliated by his inadequacy. That was over a month ago. She had not let him near her since.

He finally asked, “Is this a joke?”

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Is it really so hard to believe that I would try something like that?

“Well, yeah, why would you want to try something like that?”

“Because it’s what you want,” she huffed.

“No, it’s not what I want.”

“Oh, really? I saw your computer. I read your stories.”

“Maybe I’m just curious about it, OK?”

“Darren, there were 143 videos and eighteen stories. Lewd stories. Stories featuring you and me, and, and other men. Men that you know. Men that I know. Even your brother, for God’s sake! No, this is much more than just curiosity.”

“Yeah,” he said vaguely. “Maybe I’m just working through some issues right now.”

“So why don’t you work through these things with me? You should talk to me. Tell me what you like.”

“I like our sex life. I like it like it is!”

Janis looked at him in open-mouthed disbelief then blurted, “Our sex life is awful.”

“Awful? Awful is a strong word.”

Janis shrugged and folded her arms over her chest.

“Let’s say it’s… problematic. Like a problematic sex life. Why don’t we say that?”

“No. It’s awful,” she said with finality.

It was like she’d stabbed him in the heart. “What is this really about? Are you trying to hurt me?”

“No! I just want you to want me again.”

“I do want you.”

“No, you don’t. You want the women in those videos. You want me to be like those women. You want the me that’s in those stories you wrote!”

“Honestly, I don’t…”

“You do! You do, and you’re too afraid to admit it. You’re just a coward.”

“A coward! I am not a coward. You can call me a pervert, because I probably am, but I am not a coward, OK?”

“You’re a coward.”

Darren rose and paced the room on the verge of anger. “Is this what it’s going to take to get us back to normal? Back to being a husband and wife?”

“You tell me.” Janis said flatly.

“OK. Then how do we do this?”

She sat back grimly.

“First of all, I’m going to choose the guy. And it’s not going to be your brother, or anyone you know. Understand?”

“All right.”

“Second, you’re going to be there for the whole thing. You’re going to help me pick out clothes, and lingerie, and perfume, and stay with me while my hair is styled to perfection. And watch while I’m waxed.”

“Waxed? You mean…”

“Yes, waxed. Waxed down there until I’m bald as a baby. Isn’t that what you want?”

“What else?” Darren asked stiffly.

“You’ll find a babysitter, one who can stay overnight.”

“Go on.”

“Then when the time comes, you’re going to draw a hot bath for me, and wash me, and help prepare my body. You’re going to dress me and drive me to where my lover waits and watch as I greet him, and dance with him, and laugh with him. Then you will drive us to an expensive hotel and check us into a room and pay for it yourself. You’ll ride the elevator with us while we entwine our bodies, groping each other like teenagers. You’ll open the door to our room and usher us in, then as I passionately embrace him you will quietly close the door, sit in a corner, and suffer. Suffer as he undresses me, and I him. Suffer when you compare his majestic phallus to your ordinary, average prick. Suffer as he arouses me with his hands and his lips and his tongue. Suffer as he is overcome with passion and takes me right in front of you, takes me to places I’ve never been. Suffer as he drives me into ecstasy over and over again. And when finally our bodies are sated you will want me more than any man ever wanted a woman. You will implore me, plead with me, adore me, worship me!” She began to cry.

Her words hit him like a brick, for they were his words, taken from his stories. He wanted to scream at her, to beg and sob, to walk out the door and never come back. But his erection was so painfully hard in his jeans, and his arousal too acute to deny.

“When?” was all he could muster.

“This Saturday. It’s already arranged. Find a babysitter and take Friday off, because we need to go shopping.”

“Already arranged? With whom?”

“A man I met in one of those chatrooms you talk about in your stories.”

“You’ve met?”

“Yes, I’m not stupid enough to pick up some random guy. Elliot Greene is a very nice man and I like him. We chatted and have met for coffee twice. I explained to him about your … predilection, and he’s agreed that he can help your fantasy come true. This Saturday.”

“Elliot Greene?” Darren frowned.

“Yes. Why? Do you know him?”

“No, no. I’ve never met the man.”

Darren was still frowning as Janis left the room.


Darren’s agitation grew as he paced the hotel lobby, waiting for Janis and, and her special partner for the evening. A flash of white-hot anger was replaced almost immediately by dread, dread of what the night promised, fear of what it meant. His life would never be the same no matter what happened that night.

His introduction in the nightclub had been formal and brief. Elliot had gripped Darren’s hand and pinned him with his steely grey eyes, appraising him coolly and finding him wanting. It had not helped that Janis had willingly, even eagerly, embraced Elliot like a long-time lover, not just a one-night stand. Darren had endured an awkward dinner where he discovered that Elliot was into fitness, mountain biking, and skydiving, as well as serving with the local food bank and coaching Little League baseball.

And after they ate, he sat alone while Janis pulled Elliot to the dance floor. Janis loved to dance, and in Elliot she had an expert with the knack of making his partner look as good as he was.

So this was the kind of guy Janis fantasized about. He was tall, a good four inches taller than Darren, sandy-haired, lean and well-built with a perfect scruffy beard. He moved with a cat-like grace that spoke of self-assurance and determination, a man accustomed to getting his way, the type that ordered lesser men to stay safely inside while he plunged into the cold, harsh wilderness, hunting killer bears through snow and steep rocks.

Darren’s mind was a shattered whirlwind of worry, fear, and doubt – but he had no choice. He and Janis had agreed to this deal, and it was too late to back out now.

The door to the hotel opened and in strode Janis and her chosen lover arm in arm, laughing and almost giddy.

Janis slipped into the bathroom of their suite and Darren was left alone with the stranger.

“So, Elliott, I understand you’re married. Does your wife know you’re here?”

Elliot chuckled. “I see you’ve done your research. Janis said you were thorough. Yes, I’m married, and, no, she doesn’t know I’m here. Let’s just say that all of us need a little excitement now and again. Cynthia is a wonderful mother and wife, but rather tedious in the bedroom. Tonight will give both of us something we need.”

“Both of us?”

“Yes, you and me. Janis showed me a couple of your stories and I think I know exactly what you want. Your wife was very clear, Darren, that this is about you, not her. As for me … well, your wife is one gorgeous lady, and not just gorgeous but smart, a good dancer, and fun to be with. Thank you for that, Darren.”

Janis emerged from the bathroom before Darren could respond. Both men stared in awe, for she had transformed. Gone was the sleek but tasteful black cocktail dress, replaced with a black bra constructed mainly of interwoven straps, matching strappy panties, and black stockings secured by a black garter belt. She had changed her more sensible dancing shoes for black stilettos. It was the first time Elliott had seen her in the lingerie he had purchased just yesterday, and she looked stunning. His heart began to beat harder in his chest and his breath came in shallow gulps.

Janis stood shyly in the doorway, clearly uncertain what to do next, but Elliott knew exactly what to do. He stepped across the room to Janis, enveloped her in his arms, and gave her a long, deep kiss. Darren collapsed into a chair, watching, his emotions ranging from jealousy to anger to … lust?

Janis was flushed and breathless when they finally broke their embrace. Elliott took her hands, held her at arm’s length, and slowly slid his gaze up and down her body.

“My God, Janis. My God. I knew you were beautiful, but … My God.”

Janis flushed again, this time with pleasure. Elliott pulled her into his arms again and resumed their passionate embrace. Janis was stiff at first, casting furtive glances at her husband as Elliott pressed his lips to hers, but then seemed to melt into his ardent body and began to return his kisses with increasing vigor. His hands caressed her hair, her face, her back, then drifted slowly to her bottom and cupped it, pressing her tightly to his groin. Janis whimpered, lust in her eyes. When Elliott led her to the bed she did not resist, nor did she stop him as he slowly removed her bra, her panties, and finally her heels and hose. When the last of the expensive lingerie lay puddled on floor, Janis unbuttoned his shirt and he thrust it off. Her hands explored his muscular chest and shoulders and came to rest on his belt buckle. In a moment, his pants also littered the floor.

Darren gasped when he saw the bulge in the larger man’s boxers. How big was he? Grasping the arms of the chair, his own prick rapidly hardening, he could do nothing but watch as his wife undressed another man, her hands roaming his body, finding his muscular butt and squeezing him even tighter to her.

Gone was her shyness. A shamelessly naked Janis slid her fingers into the elastic waistband of Elliot’s shorts and carefully eased them down. His russet trimmed hair came into view, then the base of his wide, thick member. She pulled the waistband out and down until Elliott’s magnificent manhood, released, slapped like a spring against his flat abdomen. Janis took the rigid column of flesh in one hand and carefully cupped it, getting used to its size and weight.

“Have you masturbated thinking about this moment?” Elliott asked

She nodded. Darren blinked in surprise. He had not known Janis to ever pleasure herself. When he used to ask her if she did, she had always told him haughtily that she didn’t do such things. What had changed?

Janis lifted his throbbing penis as though inspecting it for defects, but of course there were none. His cock was a specimen, a towering monument to masculinity. It was flawless, the shaft perfectly symmetrical from head to root, the girth broad enough that her hand could barely close around it. The spongy, circumcised glans was of a slightly darker color than the shaft and perfectly proportioned. It was of a pleasing length, not obscenely huge like some porn star, but large enough to impress. The entire organ bowed slightly upwards and a clear, pearly fluid leaked slowly from the dimpled opening at the tip. His shaved scrotum was also in proportion to the whole, not too big or too small, and the orbs of his balls were clearly visible pressed in arousal to his body. He had trimmed his pubic hair leaving only a bristle. Darren couldn’t tear his eyes away.

“Big enough?” Elliott asked Janis. She nodded, color rising in her cheeks, and Darren found himself involuntarily nodding as well. Janis giggled, no doubt desperate to feel that thing inside her, eyes fixed on that powerful symbol of alpha manhood, her fingers aiming it towards the ceiling like a statue.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“So I’ve been told. Show me how beautiful you think it is.”

Janis glanced at Darren, then resolutely knelt and tentatively placed her lips on the underside of his glans and gave it a sensual kiss. Elliott let out a long, contented sigh.

Darren’s gut tensed. He couldn’t breathe. His hands clenched the arms of the chair and his penis throbbed, so swollen and sensitive he felt like he could come at any moment without even touching it. He struggled to regain control, biting his hand, watching the love of his life kiss another man’s cock. If he could have melted into a puddle and disappeared into the floor this would be the perfect moment. But it didn’t happen. He sat and watched. His pants were tight. Too tight.

Janis kissed her way up the underside of Elliott’s manhood, from the wide base all the way to the spongy bulbous tip. She opened her mouth and gently teased him with her lips and tongue. He grunted his pleasure.

Darren’s throat was dry, so dry. He knew that feeling. He knew how it felt to have Janis’ lips on the tip of his manhood. But she was over there, and he was here.

She took him into her mouth now, letting his length slide between her lips in agonizing slowness. Elliott groaned louder as every inch passed over her tongue, clearly loving the way she was teasing him. She responded to his pleasure by taking his pulsing shaft deeper into her mouth, her pink lips stretched wide around him, her tongue working his frenulum.

“God Almighty,” Elliott said with a groan. You are one lucky son of a bitch, Darren. If Janis were my wife, I would keep her just like this and never even let her stand up.

Darren’s throat was too tight to respond. That sounded like a compliment, but he didn’t know how to take it. He nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from Janis’ face, her head now slowing bobbing back and forth, her eyes locked on his, Elliott’s cock glided smoothly in and out of her mouth. The lips that Darren passionately kissed were now busy swallowing another man’s steely, throbbing rod.

“You look uncomfortable, Darren,” Elliott said with a small chuckle. “Take your pants off.”

Darren did not want to undress but something in Darren’s tone compelled him to obey his command. He slowly unzipped his fly and dropped his pants and underwear to the floor, naked from the waist down. There was no hiding how excited he was. It was humiliating to feel so turned on watching his soulmate pleasure another man.

Janis took her time sucking his cock. While her lips and tongue busied themselves with his head she used one hand to stroke his shaft and the other to fondle his swollen balls. When it appeared that Elliott might lose control and empty himself into her throat, she would ease him out of her mouth long enough to kiss and suck and lick his balls, then return once more to business.

Finally, Elliott lifted Janis to her feet, kissed her forcefully, then pushed her onto the bed. “I want to fuck your tits,” he growled. The big man straddled her chest and laid his throbbing hardness in the valley between her breasts.

“Have you done this before?” Elliott rumbled.

Janis shook her head, eyes wide.

Elliott looked at Darren and commanded, “Get over here and get my cock wet.”

Darren sat dumbfounded. Surely Elliott was not suggesting that he actually take it into his mouth!

“Come on, man,” Elliott snapped. “I need some lubrication. Remember – this was your fantasy!”

Writing about it in a story and doing it were two very different things. The thought of such a perverted act nearly made Darren retch, but a force centered below his waist took control and against his will he found himself crouching by the bed.

“That’s it,” Elliott said amiably. “Open up. I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

Darren’s face was a mixture of fear, revulsion, and lust. Elliot’s manhood pushed at his lips and involuntarily they parted. Elliot groaned as he penetrated deep into the mouth of Janis’ husband.

“Run your tongue over it,” he commanded. “Get it nice and wet. Nice. And. Wet,” he repeated while he gently thrust. “You like it, don’t you?” Elliott said. He was looking down at Janis but talking to Darren, who didn’t respond. “I know you do,” he said. “You needn’t be afraid. It’s okay to admit it.”

Darren gave a choking sob. He did like it. His cock had never been so hard, and he could not stop from squeezing it rhythmically.

Finally, Elliott pulled out. A strand of saliva elongated then parted and fell wetly against Darren’s chin as he turned back to Janis. “Now, darling, all I need you to do is press those titties together around my cock.”

He placed his penis between her breasts and began to push, holding her head and aiming the tip at her mouth. She opened and accepted him once again, the dreamy lust on her face betraying her excitement at being used in this way.

God, it felt so good! Her boobs were like the softest of pillows, his cockhead teased by her warm, wet, welcoming mouth. An agonized groan sounded in Elliott’s throat as he struggled for control.

Darren stood transfixed by the bed, mesmerized by the sight of the monster worming back and forth between his wife’s sweet breasts, horrified by the look of rapture on her face as she squeezed her tits together and eagerly lapped at the head as it thrust from the soft bed she had made for it.

“I’ve changed my mind!” Darren blurted. “Janis, you don’t have to do this!”

Darren leered at him. “Well, how about it, Janis? Do you want me to stop? Do you want to leave?”

Janis’ eyes shot open. “No!” She exclaimed loudly enough to give both men pause, then looked at Elliott. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop!”

Her husband stared at her for moment in disbelief, then resignedly sank back into his chair.

Elliott paused and looked appraisingly at Janis. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment tinted with need. She wondered what he thought of her. Of Darren. Of the two of them. But she forgot all that when he nestled between her spread legs, bent forward, almost as if in prayer, and kissed her inner thighs, first one, then the other. He dragged his soft, sensual lips up to the very top of her thigh where the skin was the most sensitive, kissed a maddeningly soft line across her bare mound and then down the other side before wetting the crease of her sex with a long, languorous lick that caused her to shiver. When her hips lifted to meet his mouth, to tempt him, he finally gave her what she wanted. His mouth clamped down on her, his lips soft and hot. His tongue parted her, slicking her already juicy furrow with his saliva. His tongue painted insistent swirls on her clitoris until Janis was gripping the bed sheet and thrusting her body to meet him.

Darren sat and watched. His cock was almost painfully hard, and he absently stroked it. He was so absorbed in his fantasy-come-to-life that he forgot to keep quiet.

“Make her come,” he whispered.

Elliott looked up. “What was that you said, Darren?”

Darren nervously cleared his throat, barely trusting himself to speak. He managed to croak, “Make her come!”

Elliott gave a slight nod in his direction then turned to Janis. “How about it, Janis? Are you going to come?”

In answer, Janis pushed Elliott’s head back into her vee and groaned as he sealed his mouth over her vulva, using the rigid tip of his tongue to flick her clit over and over and over until she was gasping for breath. But every time the pleasure became too much, and she found herself riding that escalator to release, he would stop, pull back, and peer up at her with a crooked grin. When Janis insistently tried to push his head back into her, he resisted a moment letting her frustration build, then his mouth resumed its work.

The third time this happened Janis pounded her fists on his shoulders and demanded, “I want to come! I need to come. Let me come!”

Elliott glanced over to Darren, now openly stroking his sex. “How about it, Darren? Should we let her have her climax?”

“Yes, yes, make her come,” Darren breathed throatily.

Elliott did not pull away this time and Janis rode the escalator quickly all the way to the top, lingered there as every sinew in her body went taut, then with a rough cry and an eager thrust of her hips the cataclysm that had been building burst forth and she shattered into a million pieces.

Finally, she sank back and began to laugh as Elliott continued to lazily lap her labia.

“Was it good?” Elliott asked. Darren could tell he was asking them both.

“Good,” he croaked.

“Good,” Janis echoed, trying to catch her breath.

“One more?” Elliott said.

Darren nodded emphatically before Janis could interject.

“No!” She had meant to say. “I’m too sensitive!” But somehow before she could get the words out, Elliott had pinned her legs wide with his large hands. He had very long fingers, a detached part of Janis’ brain noted, and wondered what it would be like if she let him stick one or two in her. What would it feel like if he fucked her with those fingers?

The sensation of his mouth back on her swollen, sensitive pussy swept her under. As he lashed her with his masterful tongue, pinned her with his powerful hands, Janis felt like it was all too much. The pleasure was so intense that it bordered on pain, and it threatened to eat her alive. To crush her.

“Please, please…” she begged.

Darren was watching with rapt attention, stroking his cock ever faster. “Keep going,” he urged, quite forgetting his promise to remain silent. “Keep going!”

The next long lick from Elliott sent a shiver through Janis and a steamy gush of pleasure filled her lower body. She had reached a point in which pleasure eclipsed sensitivity. She wriggled her hips, marveling at how plump and ready she was, how slick and willing. And then Elliott slid two of his long fingers inside her and played her like his own personal instrument. He fucked her with his thick digits while his tongue swirled through a symphony of sensation.

Her second orgasm was even more intense than the first, her body spasmed and trembled in release and sparks filled her darkened vision.

Elliott sat back on his heels and saluted Darren. “Thanks, buddy. You’re a lucky man.”

Darren barely acknowledged him. At the climactic moment he realized he didn’t have a towel or a napkin or anything to catch his ejaculate, so he’d spurted mightily into his hand, and now it was dripping.

“And now,” Elliott continued, “It’s time, my friend. Your fantasy is about to come true. It’s time for me to fuck your wife while you sit helpless in your chair. Shall I fuck her, Darren?”

Darren stared into Janis’ eyes. The lust and longing he saw there almost shocked him. Had this gone too far? Had they crossed a line that could not be uncrossed? He should call it all off, order Elliott out of the room, tearfully apologize to his beloved wife. But instead, he hung his head and nodded.

“Yes,” he whispered. “Please.”

Elliott gazed at him wonderingly, then shook his head and turned back to Janis and said simply, “Are you ready?”

She did not respond, only reached for him and pulled him onto her.

Elliott’s prick was throbbingly, almost painfully erect – harder than it had been in years making love to his passive Cynthia. He knelt between Janis’ outstretched legs, grasped his swollen shaft in one hand, spread her labia with the other and slowly began to massage her weeping slit with his rubbery glans.

She was so wet. His cock slipped effortlessly back and forth in her furrow, from her opening to her clit, slowly, firmly, letting her know who was in control.

Janis began to plead with him. “Please… Please… I need you inside me. Don’t tease me. I need you.”

Darren felt like someone had suddenly punched him in the gut. For a moment he feared he would throw up, but he could not tear his eyes away.

Back and forth Elliot rubbed the head of his cock in the vestibule of her most intimate place, grunting with the effort. Each time the tip of his penis found the hard nubbin of her clit he circled it slowly before retreating. Wetness soaked the sheets as Janis pulled at him, desperately trying to force him in.

Finally, when he could stand no more, he positioned the head of his manhood at her entrance, grasped her breasts, and staring intently into her eyes, buried himself to the hilt in one smooth motion. All three participants gasped as one. Janis felt herself stretched, filled like she had never been by Darren. Elliott groaned as Janis’ tightness enveloped him in a vise-like grip. And Darren moaned in despair as he witnessed the final despoiling of his cherished treasure.

Elliott, sheathed to his maximum length, lingered a moment, fighting for control. Then slowly he withdrew only to plunge full force once again. Another pause, another lingering withdrawal, then another thrust. Again, then again, the pleasure almost unendurable. Janis began to meet his thrusts with her own, unintelligible words pouring from her lips, lost in a careening nowhere of sensation.

Elliott’s restraint wavered and his pace quickened, aware only of his own pleasure. Janis locked her ankles around his waist, opening herself fully to him, giving him her essence. His balls slapped against her bottom as her pussy gushed and rivulets ran down her butt. They were no longer man and woman, but rutting beasts, striving together for something that had begun to blossom in their cores, something like a rising tide, an overflowing well, inexorable, unable to be dammed.

Darren watched in shocked fascination as his wife ascended to a place he had never taken her. His own cock hung limp in his hands, forgotten as he witnessed the primitive tableau playing out before him. He was fascinated to see Janis’ labia stretch around Elliott’s pistoning shaft, clinging to it as if unwilling to let it go, desperate in her need.

Elliott reached just the right spot and she gasped, “Right there! Just like that! Don’t stop! Please… Don’t stopppppp!” Her cries became a wail as her body went rigid for a moment then erupted in a thunderous climax that nearly unseated her stallion.

And as he felt her clench and her muscles begin to tremble, Elliott gave a mighty cry, emptying himself in spurt after spurt, so intense that he thought he might pass out. And still he came, filling her until viscous white fluid leaked around his shaft in a torrent.

Then abruptly it was over. The lovers sagged, frozen in position as aftershocks of pleasure coursed through their bodies.

In the sudden stillness a tear leaked from Darren’s eye and made its way down his cheek. What had he done? Why had he done it? Could Janis ever love him again?


The bathroom door snicked shut.

“That was…” Elliott began.

“Sh!” Janis warned. There was silence for a few long moments, then a toilet flushed, and the shower started. “He could have heard us,” Janis said.

“That was weird.” Elliott said.

“It’s much better than sneaking around. You know that we would have been caught eventually. This way is perfect. Not only do we get to be together, but he thinks it’s his idea. And you must admit that it turned you on to perform for him! Now, any time we want to meet, he’ll not only arrange it, he’ll beg to watch. And when we want privacy, I’ll order him to wait outside until we’re done, then make him clean me up.

“It was embarrassing,” Elliott said. “It was awkward. I didn’t like him staring at my junk like that, and it certainly didn’t turn me on to see his.”

“Oh, really?” Janis smirked, reaching for his hardening penis under the covers. “This big boy begs to differ. You haven’t been that hard, that energetic, in months! I think you like being watched. I think you like acting the alpha male stud.”

Elliott grunted noncommittally, but the state of his penis did not lie. “And what about you, Janis? You’ve never come so hard. I thought you were going to have a stroke.

Janis giggled and continued to lightly tease his shaft, her nails playing with his frenulum while he throbbed. “I think we’re going to have a wonderful relationship, the three of us!”

“If only I could come up with an elegant way to get my wife to go along, like you did Darren. But Cynthia would never agree to me seeing another woman, let alone beg me to do it.”


The motel room door clicked shut on Darren’s quiet, orderly life. He had been summarily dismissed, ordered to return home and await Janis’ call the next day. He stood for a moment in the hallway until faint sounds of passion could again be heard from beyond the door. They were going at it again. In the elevator he pressed the button for the third floor and as the car slipped silently into motion a broad smile transformed his face. It was like he had won the lottery! When the door opened moments later, the submissive, nervous, fearful Darren had been neatly put away and triumph and anticipation gleamed in his eyes. He strode purposefully and eagerly to Room 327 and tapped on the door.

“Cynthia, it’s me! It worked – we have all night, and they won’t suspect a thing!”

Published 6 months ago

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