I sat in a soft armchair in the therapist’s room. She sat facing me on a more upright chair, a low coffee table was between us. The room was long and thin which exaggerated the distance between us. I was there to talk about my obsessive thoughts. To be more accurate my sex obsession. Right from the beginning, I realised her appearance was not going to help me stop thinking about sex.
She was an attractive brunette possibly in her late forties, but I had a hunch that she was one of those people who just looks exceptional even in their early fifties. Either way, she was attractive and very well proportioned. She had lustrous natural brown shoulder-length hair and wore designer glasses which also looked quite sexy. She was immaculately dressed and clearly took a lot of care over her appearance. She wore a dark navy, wraparound skirt just above knee length with an extra-wide belt and a tightly fitted white blouse. These things might sound mundane but the top button on her blouse was very low down, making it quite open and revealing. Quite a bit of cleavage was on show and with any movement, her thin bra straps came into view. The split on her wrap skirt had a habit of parting over her legs as she crossed or uncrossed them giving a glimpse of stocking tops. Her high heel shoes were quite a bit higher than usual in a workplace. Her belt was wide and cinched tight, accentuating her slim waist.
After a little while of asking her initial formal questions she started to probe more into what my thoughts were and how much they impacted my life. Just thinking about telling her my issues though, was enough to make me feel quite aroused.
“So tell me Paul, how much of your typical day do you spend thinking about sex?”
“Well, Sara it’s almost constant. Wherever I go and see people I start imagining things.”
Sara crossed her legs and the split in her skirt parted enough to show her knee. She watched my eyes flick down and then back up. She didn’t smile, as such, but her eyes seemed to tell a different story. Was it my imagination or did she seem pleased? Was it intentional? “Do you mean you look at those people and imagine them naked?” she asked.
“No Sara, well yes, that’s part of it, but it’s much more than that. I start thinking about what underwear they are wearing, and how they might look when they are masturbating or having sex. What their preferences might be, what their turn-ons are. That sort of thing.” I wondered if I had been a bit too truthful, I generally had a habit of being quite frank with people.
“Do you think like that in every situation you are in?” She asked.
“Well yes,” I replied a bit sheepishly. Knowing I probably sounded like a bit of a nut case.
“That’s fine Paul, it is not at all uncommon. So did you think these thoughts about me today? Are you feeling aroused right now?…it’s ok you can say anything here. Nothing is off-limits and anything you say goes no further.”
I hesitated, I knew my answer would be highly personal and I had found from past experience that sometimes my own natural ability to read people could sometimes unsettle even a trained professional.
“Well Sara, yes very much so.”
“Tell me in detail Paul about the thoughts going through your head today.”
“OK Sara, well seeing as you asked and I guess this is what we are here for, I will. Firstly you are a very attractive lady, but more than that you seem to dress in a very sexy way. I can only presume that you are fully aware that you are giving me regular glimpses of your bra and your legs. I have to also assume that the way you dress gives you sexual pleasure as well.”
Sara said nothing but her eyes had that knowing, pleased look to them again. Also, I thought I could discern just the slightest hint of redness appearing around her throat and chest.
“Please go on Paul.”
“Well, I guess I am in danger of projecting my own fantasies onto what might actually be a different reality, but I will carry on. In for a penny and all that.” She smiled at that and again uncrossed her legs and crossed them the other way. She also ran a hand through her hair even though it didn’t seem to need it. Just talking so explicitly to this lady, that I had only just met, had given me a raging hard-on. My trousers had bunched uncomfortably around my crotch. I stretched out each leg in turn and pulled the trouser leg material down, failing miserably to make it seem innocuous and failing to solve the problem.
She looked at me with a subtle knowing smile.
“Paul, it’s ok if you need to stand and adjust yourself.” She said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. And maybe in her world, it was. I stood up and pinched the fabric on either side of my crotch so that I could also pull my underwear out with it. I decided in the circumstances it would seem silly to turn around to do this so I just got on with it. I also had to push my bulging erection across a bit where it had got slightly caught on the hem of my underpants. Even though I was fully dressed it couldn’t really have been any clearer what the size, shape and state of my erection was.
Sara looked on, almost unblinking. Making no effort to look like she wasn’t watching the whole operation intently. I sat back down, now more comfortable but more conscious than ever of my throbbing erection begging to be dealt with. I gave up on keeping my legs closed now too, knowing hiding my condition was pointless.
So far therapy for my sex obsession was turning into one of the most arousing moments of my life so far.
“So erm, I forgot what you were asking exactly Sara. Sorry.”
“Well, you had just been telling me your thoughts on our meeting so far. You said you found me attractive and then speculated on whether I must enjoy dressing this way. You guessed that I must get my own sexual pleasure from how I dress. As part of my role, I cannot talk about myself, but you are free to speculate all you like. I will only say that I am a human being, so you can, no doubt, make fairly reasonable assumptions about me if you like.”
She smiled, sat back and swapped her crossed legs yet again, giving me another eyeful of her slender legs and that hint of stocking tops. She smiled knowingly and nodded to me to continue.
“Well Sara I am an incredibly visual person and you are giving me so many things to see that are causing me to feel extremely aroused.” I was really starting to enjoy talking so explicitly and I couldn’t help feeling that the therapist was enjoying it too. I carried on
“On top of looking at you Sara I am finding it a massive turn on talking to you about this subject. I can’t help feeling that you also enjoy being talked to like this. I obviously can’t hide the fact that I now have a raging erection.”
Her eyes flicked down to it again
“And I know this might be wrong of me, so stop me if I am out of order, but I find myself imagining that you are also getting turned on.”
She smiled and then the crossed legs swapped again.
“As I said Paul you are ok to say whatever you want.”
“Well let me take this all back a few stages. I imagine you chose your career because you like hearing people talk about sex and you like helping them. This says to me you think sex is important, which means you enjoy it, probably quite a lot. So right now, under this cover of professional interest, I think you are turned on. I think your pussy is tingling and wet. Every time you cross your legs, the movement lets you give yourself a little secret rub. I can see your chest getting red with arousal. I can see your nipples have become hard and visible in your tight blouse. I think after I am gone you will open your legs and relieve that particular itch. You wear stockings so you can touch yourself there more easily, skin-on-skin. You finger yourself imagining that I am still here to watch you do it. You fantasize about me unzipping my trousers and getting my hard cock out. The erection that you caused. You make yourself cum, knowing I am going to cum just from the sight of you. We make eye contact enjoying the thought that we are both doing something naughty together. Am I close to the truth?”
I wondered if I had gone too far this time.
Sara smiled reassuringly as she swapped her crossed legs yet again.
“Well Paul, as I said I cannot talk about me.”
As she said this she licked her lips, in a very obvious way and touched her hair self consciously. Almost as if she said one thing but her body was giving another answer.
“Sorry I forgot the rule. Anyway that’s the sort of thing that can go through my brain in an instant.”
“And how does that make you feel Paul?”
“Well incredibly horny of course Sara. Right now my erection is incredibly hard and begging to be dealt with. In other circumstances, I would love to free it from its tight prison and be stroking it right now.”
“Well Paul, this is a safe space, you can do whatever you need to, with full confidentiality.”
I did a double-take at that answer.
“So you’re saying you want me to masturbate in front of you?”
“Like I say, Paul, I can’t talk about myself but if you feel a need, you have full permission to do what you need to.”
Despite her precise choice of words I felt like she was definitely encouraging the idea.
“Wow, despite these slightly arbitrary rules on you stating an opinion I get the feeling that you want me to do something.”
Sara smiled and I thought was almost imperceptibly nodding.
“I have to say Sara I am so incredibly turned on right now, and the fact that you say that this is ok and it is so different to anything I have ever experienced that I feel like I really must.”
“Go ahead. It’s ok” Sara said this quickly and bluntly. Her answer this time, unlike her usual smooth professional voice, in had momentarily sounded husky and urgent.
She touched her hair and yet again swapped her crossed legs. Giving me an eyeful and, if I had guessed right, giving herself a little bit of a secret rub.
Sara’s eyes kept flicking down at the distinct tight bulge in my trousers. I was shocked and nervous at the prospect of taking it out in front of her in this situation, but my arousal was overwhelming. I felt so turned on at the thought of what I was going to do.
I slid my hand down to my belt. Sara’s eyes followed it. I started to undo it, and then decided to make the wait last a little bit longer. I slid it down to my bulge and ran my fingers along my encased shaft. It noticeably twitched.
I ran one finger back and forth, highlighting my full twitching length. I opened my legs wider and pushed my hips forward on the chair as I stroked myself for my therapist. She was staring hard at what I was doing and biting her bottom lip. Her crossed leg was rocking slightly and I wondered if she was stimulating herself that way. I carried on stroking myself fully dressed.
Sara spoke now, unbidden.
“Paul it is ok if you want to go further, I am not here to judge.”
Again she spoke in that professional tone as if this was only about what I wanted, but I wasn’t buying it. I looked over at her. You would have to be blind not to see she was sexually aroused. Her nipples were like bullets protruding against her tight blouse. Her face had reddened, her breathing sounded slightly laboured and as she rocked her crossed leg her skirt had ridden higher confirming beyond doubt that she wore stockings. I decided she was desperate to see me stroking my cock in front of her.
My fingers went back up to my belt buckle and stopped. I was playing a game.
“It’s ok Paul,” she said unbidden again.
I undid the buckle and then the top button. Slowly I slid down the zip. I folded back the trousers to expose the thin cotton of my underwear stretched over my erectness. I ran my finger along the now more visible contour of my shaft. It twitched visibly as my finger reached the underside of the tip. A tiny dark spot appeared where a drip of pre cum had leaked out. I continued to rub my finger lightly back and forth, enjoying the anticipation of getting it out and watching the therapist’s eager eyes taking it in like a hungry animal waiting for a meal.
Again I decided to string it out.
“Sara, is it ok if I take my t-shirt off?”
“Yes Paul whatever you want to do.” She answered urgently almost impatiently.
I took off my t-shirt to reveal my toned torso. I leaned back in the chair and ran my hands down my abs and down to my waist. I lifted my hips off the chair, thrusting my erection in the therapist’s direction and pushed my trousers down my thighs and kicked them off along with my shoes and socks. I sat back again now only wearing my cotton briefs. I ran my finger over the outside across my twitching erection before sliding my hand inside the waistband. The feel of my hand on the bare flesh of my manhood was electric. It was tingling urgently as I touched it for my onlooker.
Sara and I made eye contact she smiled in encouragement. She was enjoying this. As if to confirm this she uncrossed her legs and this time they were not recrossed but allowed to rest apart. Somehow the parting in her wrap skirt had opened more than seemed accidental. The bare skin on the inside of her thighs above her stockings was now in view. If I had been sitting lower down I felt sure I would have been able to see her underwear.
As if she read my mind Sara spoke. Again playing that act of professionalism. Although only she knew what was normal for a therapist in these sorts of sessions.
“Some patients I talk to have issues that mean they require help or visual stimulation.” She left that hanging in the air. We both knew perfectly well that I didn’t need any help that way. I decided to go along with it though.
“You only have to ask Paul and I will provide some visual stimulation”
“That would be great Sara. Yes please.”
The moment I answered, she lifted one of her legs wide and rested it on the armrest of her chair. The wrap of her skirt seemed to part easily, falling away to show her beautiful glistening pussy. Wet with arousal and the perfectly exquisite mound of her shaven Mons pubis above it.
Slowly I pulled my erect cock out of my pants, letting the therapist see it in all its rock hard glory. I pushed my pants down my legs and kicked them off. I spread my legs letting the therapist see everything in detail. I slowly started to stroke it, my other hand resting on the inside of my thigh. I stared into her eyes as I stroked myself. She stared intently, her legs wide apart and her bare shaven pussy clearly almost dripping wet.
A thought occurred to me, that too went along with her pretence of some kind of framework of what she could or couldn’t do as a therapist. I figured if I made a request as her patient she might honour it. Strictly to help me of course.
“Sara I feel uncomfortable doing this on my own. I think, in order to really help me I need to feel like I am not on my own. Do you think you could masturbate as well? Strictly to help me of course and provide that visual stimulation I need.”
I smiled knowingly as she smiled back, apparently glad I was playing her game properly.
“Well Paul I am here to help you therapeutically and of course all in the strictest confidence.”
Sara pulled her blouse up and out of her thick belt and undid all two of its buttons before letting it fall to the floor. She then undid the belt buckle and let that slide to the floor. She now sat wearing only her lacy push-up bra and her high heels. She opened her legs wide and I sat hypnotized as she slowly moved her hand slowly down her flat belly and then over the gorgeous shaven mound until one finger finally reached the top of her glistening slit. She groaned as her two fingers moved down her wet and reddened labia. Our eyes met as I started to stroke myself slowly in time with her own stroking. Her other hand went to her breasts and she pushed each thin wisp of a cup under her breasts leaving them bare for my haze. She was squeezing and caressing her breasts as her other hand started to move faster on her clit which was now more visible protruding at the top of her now gaping pussy.
I could see that Sara was extremely turned on already. The whole session, right from the start, had been helping her build towards her orgasm.
Through half-lidded eyes fled with lust she spoke again in that professional tone that clearly made this game such a turn on. “So Paul, I think for this session to be successful I am going to need to see you achieve an orgasm. And soon.”
Her fingers were by now almost a blur on her beautiful wet pussy. Her other hand was pulling and stretching her breasts. Pinching her nipples and pulling them outwards quite vigorously.
My own tingling and twitching cock was also getting close. I could feel that throbbing feeling along its length and deep in my balls which now were pulled tight against me.
“Paul, I really should study your orgasm at closer hand.”
I didn’t need to be told twice.
I stood and took the two steps so that I was now standing over her, my legs on either side of one of hers. I stroked myself fast now, my hand focusing now on the more sensitive end of it. I was going to shoot all over her and she wanted it.
“Sara, I cumming ah yes I am cumming now.”
The first pulse of it shot so hard that it went in a long stream across her belly, breasts and her throat and chin. I was cumming so hard. Pulse after pulse shooting over her as I groaned with the release.
The moment I started coming over her was enough to push her over the edge too and she started making high pitched noises deep in her throat. As she did so her mound was grinding almost spasmodically with her own twitching pulsing orgasm which went on and on as her fingers kept up their frenetic pace. Her other hand scooped up my cum and was rubbing it into her breasts and then down to her red pussy where she rubbed it in with her other hand still fingering herself hard. My twitching cock pulsed the last few spurts straight at her gaping pussy. Hitting it straight down the middle. Her hand slowed as her last few orgasms started to fade. Her hand scooped more of my cum. Spreading it all over her mound and gaping pussy. She looked at me and our eyes met as she put her fingers in her mouth and savoured the taste of both of us on them.
We both went still as we enjoyed the feeling of our nakedness together in such an inappropriate setting. I held my now semi-erect cock above her, the last drips falling onto her knee.
The therapist made no effort to cover herself or deal with the hot mess that she had become. Naked, gaping and covered in my cum. Her thighs both quivered from her multiple orgasms.
My naked therapist reached over and grabbed her diary and with legs wide apart, everything still in full view opened it.
“Paul I think you have made great progress today but we will need to do a lot more to really help you. Can you make it next Thursday morning?”