The Tenant – Part 12 Jeff

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That Saturday morning I had to get away, so called a friend and arranged a game of squash at the club. Anything to fill the hours until the evening’s fun. As I turned out of the driveway I saw a familiar mini speeding along the road towards the house. Jenny. She was early, really early. Just what were these two cooking up?

Phil and I were well matched and the game was hard and competitive, gave me the kind of workout I needed. I was out of the shower and changed before Phil; secured a corner booth and ordered coffees and bacon rolls for us both. While I waited I turned on the phone and tapped the gymcam app. I was rewarded with the sight of Laura tied to the chaise lounge while Jenny worked busily at her crotch. I was so taken by the beguiling scene that I didn’t notice Phil sliding into the seat beside me.

‘Something interesting?’ he asked, just as Laura let out a long, shuddering moan. I hadn’t realised the volume on the phone was up so high. I fumbled the side button until the screen went dark. Phil was looking at me, open mouthed.

‘I cannot believe that you were watching porn on your phone in here! What’s up, your new girlfriend not giving you any?’ He could be so course. I took a deep breath.

‘It’s not like that. Really. I’ll tell you all about it, but not here. Somewhere we’re not quite so likely to be overheard by someone we know.’ Phil soon realised I wasn’t for shifting and finished his bacon roll in record time. He stood. ‘Come on then, I know just the place.’

Five minutes later, on a bench on the edge of the park, I told him. His face creased in the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on anyone. ‘What the fuck!’ He sat back. ‘Show me. You need to show me.’ I shook my head. ‘You’ve told me now. You can’t stop with that. Am I not your oldest friend?’ He wasn’t, but I’d known him a long time, and we’d shared a lot while we navigated our way through adolescence and youth. ‘Besides,’ he said, winningly, ‘if you don’t I’ll tell Steve and Bern.’ That was a clincher. I realised I didn’t mind Phil knowing details of my private life but I was damned if I was going to be the subject of the rest of the guys’ gossip.

‘All right, but only, and this is non-negotiable, only if you keep it to yourself. Deal?’

He opened his eyes wide and held his three fingers of his right hand to his head. ‘Scout’s honour.’

I laughed. ‘You were never in the scouts, they wouldn’t have you.’ But as I spoke I was opening the app on my phone. I realised I wanted to share this with someone. And after all, I reasoned, Laura had already let Jenny into the club.

We huddled together like schoolboys round a dirty mag and looked at the screen. The gym was empty. Phil looked at me. ‘A gym. Very nice, but where’s the totty?’

I scowled at him. ‘Totty? Who are you, Benny Hill? Just let me rewind a bit.’ I opened the app settings, chose half an hour ago, and touched play. A scene I knew well faded in. Jenny’s stocking clad legs stretched taut, white knickers straining across her gorgeous backside and Laura holding the leather paddle, which was raised and brought down hard across both cheeks. Neither of us spoke. The only sound came from the phone speaker. Phil was oblivious to anything apart from that five-inch screen.

When Laura had finished with Jenny I turned it off. Phil focussed on me again. ‘So that was your…tenant was it? Was she the one getting spanked?’

‘No, that’s Jenny, her best friend. They have a shared past in a school that doled out corporal punishment.’ I couldn’t resist. ‘I’m going to be spanking both of them later tonight.’

‘No way! That’s just fucking greedy! What about the rest of us? What about me?’

‘You’re not getting anywhere near Laura. But I don’t think Jenny’s got anyone in her life right now. Perhaps I could introduce you. Didn’t know you were into that though. You’d need to be; she is, big style.’

‘Remember Julie? About a year ago?’ I nodded. Phil has had lots of short term relationships. I’ve come to the conclusion he’s a commitment phobe. ‘We used to do a bit of spanking and stuff. Nothing that serious. I enjoyed it, and so did she up to a point. Problem was, I wanted to take it a bit further. I even went out to Anne Summers, got a couple of things. She wasn’t keen, said it was too sore when I whacked her one with this little riding crop I got. She buggered off soon after that.’ He looked so sad I felt sorry for him.

‘Well, I can tell you Jenny’s tougher than that. Must have rhino skin on her arse. She’s well up for it. Tell you what, I’ll mention it to Laura, see what she says.’

It was like patting an eager puppy. If he had a tail he would have wagged it. As we walked back towards the car park, Phil made a suggestion. He’s always been one for the latest designed gear, even for the gym, more than me. ‘If you’re going to be entertaining both of these lovely ladies,’ he said, ‘you need to smarten yourself up a bit. Ditch your bag in the car and come with me.’

I followed him to the shopping centre, and into Superdry. I’d been in before, but only ever bought a t-shirt. When I came out I had a whole new look for the gym. I hoped it was worth all the money. We went our separate ways after I reminded Phil of our deal – I would speak to Laura about him meeting Jenny as long as he didn’t spread my secret around our mutual crowd.

When I got back, Jenny’s mini was still there. The gym was empty and all was quiet. I went in to get ready. By the time seven o’clock came I was at the cabinet, deciding what we would be using tonight. I had the bundle of birch rods in my hand, imagining the effect on Laura’s backside when I heard the door from the flat open. A vision. Both of them were dressed in school uniforms, although I didn’t remember any girls in my school wearing stockings quite like that. Or skirts as short. Jenny had her hair in a single ponytail, and Laura’s was in two pigtails. They looked sensational.

They giggled a bit, then got into role. Eyes downcast, hands clasped in front of her, Laura said, ‘We were told to report to you. Our clothes aren’t quite regulation, it seems.’

I walked slowly towards them, then behind them, saying something about their skirts being too short. I tried my best to sound stern. . ‘I can see that, Those skirts are much too short. And as for those stockings… I just wonder if you’re wearing anything else that’s not in the school regulations. I suppose we’ll see soon enough.’ I walked around them. The sight of these short skirts from behind was even better. I stopped, taking my time. Jenny’s head turned to see what I was doing. I had a feeling she would crack first. Now for some fun.

‘Who said you could turn round, madam?’ I barked it out so loud I saw Laura stiffen slightly. Jenny’s face was a picture, her mouth a round O.

‘I didn’t mean..’ she stammered. I ignored her and strode to the couch.

‘Come here! Now!’

She was a little slow, and I grabbed her arm impatiently and fairly flung her over my lap, bringing forth a squeal as she lurched forward, grabbing my leg to stop herself going right over. She felt quite different from Laura. Taller, her feet touched the ground on one side and she could place her hands on the floor on the other. Her miniskirt barely covered her backside, which wasn’t as voluptuous as Laura’s but beautifully shaped. I raised the skirt and was awarded with the sight of thin white cotton stretched tight across two perfect, rounded globes. I realised I was looking at Jenny’s ass a bit too reverently, and glanced up at Laura. She was transfixed. Was she imagining herself in this position, which she’d been in so often?

I raised my hand high, brought it down with a sharp Smack! across that perfect rear. Jenny cried out and arched her back deliciously, her ponytail bobbing. I delivered half a dozen quick, stinging blows, alternating the cheeks, finishing with a full-blooded Smack! across both juddering globes. Jenny had been squealing – with pleasure?- with each blow. I helped her to her feet and she walked slowly back to Laura, one hand rubbing her stinging bottom. I saw Laura smile and guessed Jenny had done the same. What a team! I made up my mind there and then to arrange an introduction between Jenny and Phil. Jenny would eat him for breakfast but he’d have a lot of fun along the way.

I stood up, hoping my growing erection wasn’t too noticeable. ‘Now, for your real punishment. You’re both dressed in an extremely inappropriate manner. What would Miss Hunter have done?’

The two conspirators exchanged a glance. Laura took the plunge. ‘I think she would have caned us and then handed us over to Mr Monaghan.’

‘Mr Monaghan?’ I hadn’t heard of him before. ‘What was his favoured implement?’

‘He used the slipper on the boys,’ blurted Jenny. She was at least as keen on having her bottom warmed – some more – as Laura. I felt my cock stiffen again, and moved towards the cabinet to hide it. ‘You two must be the naughtiest girls in school. A caning and the slipper. Well, rules are rules. But I’m going to change things a little. You will both have six of the best with the slipper. This slipper.’ I flexed the supple leather. I was enjoying myself immensely. ‘And then we will have a caning, or something similar. I’ll decide how many strokes at the time.’ 

Laura gave me a piercing look. ‘Something similar? What do you mean?’

I just smiled. ‘You first, Laura,’ I said. ‘Over here please.’ The sight of her legs stretching as she bent over made me want to do something other than tan her backside, but I had my part to play in the scene. I was aware of Jenny watching keenly as I folded the little skirt up, revealing tight cotton straining over that wonderfully rounded rear.

I took my time. Slowly, the polished, smooth sole of the size twelve slipper made contact with both cheeks. Laura’s bottom was full, but the slipper was big enough to cover it easily. I drew back, swung down. Crack! The first blow was a warm-up, but made a crisp sound as it bounced off both globes. Laura didn’t move, didn’t make a sound. Three quick blows, increasing in strength, and she jumped to her feet, hands to stinging backside. I crossed my arms, gave her my sternest look. ‘That would normally mean starting over, as you know. But I’ll agree to finish off with two more, but on the bare.’ I didn’t have long to wait.

‘Two more or another six?’ Her panties were off by the time she finished speaking. No competition.’ She bent over again. ‘When you’re ready.’ She was showing off, and we both knew it. Well, I could show off a little too. I took my position, measured the slipper against that now reddened backside, and landed the hardest blow yet across both cheeks. 

The force of it made Laura take a half step forward. ‘Fuck’ she said. But she stayed in position. I let her have another full blow, and before the echo of the Crack! had faded she was dancing from foot to foot, both hands clamped to her backside.

I took hold of her shoulder, bent her forward, and held her there. ‘I won’t have that sort of language, young lady,’ I said, and gave her two more quick, stinging swats full across her punished bottom. She actually limped a little as she walked back to her friend, who had watched the drama open mouthed. It hadn’t dampened her desire for a good slippering, and she practically skipped over and touched her toes, presenting me with another vision.

Then she looked up at me.

‘Don’t take it so easy on me,’ she said. ‘I can take more than Laura.’

A challenge I did not feel inclined to resist. I raised a single eyebrow. ‘Well,’ I said. ‘In that case, we’ll start where Laura finished. Panties off.’

She didn’t stand up, just snaked her hands slowly up, up, along her stocking clad legs, hooked her fingers in the sides of her knickers and slid them down. I helped when they snagged on a garter. Her ass, reddened from her spanking, looked fantastic. I didn’t want to look at the front of my shorts but felt sure it looked as if there was a tent-pole down there. In time-honoured fashion I rested the smooth leather over both cheeks, then drew back and let rip. Crack! A sound like a gunshot echoed round the room. No movement or sound from Jenny. Three quick, hard Cracks! as the leather seared a path across her taut skin, now turning a fetching bright red. Still no sound. There would be no holding back on the last two. I drew my arm back fully, and let rip. I was sure the neighbours, half a mile away, must have heard the Crack! Jenny moved but stayed down, and I heard the slightest whimper. She must have skin like a rhino. The last one, which was even harder, and finally had an impact. She leapt to her feet, groaned a single word. ‘Jesus,’ and massaged her burning backside. She remembered Jenny’s extra punishment, looked quickly at me. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean that to come out. I couldn’t take another one right now.’

I smiled at her. ‘I’ll let you off this time.’ I stopped smiling, tried for severe, although I was only too aware of the bulge in my shorts. ‘Only this time, though.’ As Jenny passed me, walking stiff-legged, however, I couldn’t resist the temptation of her gorgeous, rounded, reddened ass, and flicked the slipper across it again. She yelled and leapt at least a foot, an turned towards me, eyes flashing.

I flexed the slipper, and she gave me a rueful smile. ‘I suppose I asked for that,’ she said.

I decided it was time for some refreshment. I had placed a bottle of the good stuff inside the cabinet and three glasses. Jenny and Laura drained their glasses quickly. Strong red wine and spanking go so well together. I made a mental note to look into this more, with Laura at a later date.

While the naughty schoolgirls cooled their burning backsides on the leather of the couch I brought out my new toy and passed it to Laura. ‘This is the something similar, A birch, like a cane but more so.’ I decided to make it a challenge. ‘If you think it would be too much, we can just use the cane.’

Laura turned the bundle of birch rods over, but before she could speak, Jenny snatched if from her. ‘I’m up for it,’ she said. ‘Even if Laura’s too much of a pussy.’

This was getting interesting. I watched Laura’s reaction. She didn’t look pleased with her friend, but she couldn’t say no now. She took a deep breath. ‘I’d love to try it, after we’ve finished the wine.’

Jenny responded by emptying her glass and standing up. ‘Bags I go first,’ she said, and looked me in the eye. ‘Where do you want me?’ Laura looked daggers at her friend, then at me.

I knew that look, but simply drained my glass and said, ‘The table I think, young lady.’

Jenny let out an unladylike giggle and draped herself across the smooth, dark wood. ‘Like this, Jeff?’

That was enough for Laura. She stood and walked over to her friend.

‘No Jenny, not like that. Stand up.’ Jenny did as she was told. People do when Laura uses that particular tone. I watched, fascinated and not a little awed, as Laura unzipped Jenny’s mini then slid off her blazer. Jenny smiled and bent slowly over the table again. Her reddened posterior was raised invitingly. I had never seen a bottom that was so right for a birching. Unfortunately, my ardour had not gone unnoticed. Laura stopped on her way back to the couch and gave my manhood, which was hard to miss at that particular point, a hard squeeze. I did my best not to react other than giving her a grin that I hoped didn’t come across as too lascivious, given that I was about to birch her friend. I retaliated by slapping her, open-handed, on her backside.

I took my position at Jenny’s side. Her bottom was raised slightly, invitingly, and she was holding the far edge of the table. I held the birch rods at arm’s length and laid them gently, almost reverently, across her reddened cheeks. She shifted her hips slightly, raised her ass a little higher. I could feel my shorts stretching over my growing erection. Down boy.

All bundles of birch rods are slightly different, so it was difficult to judge how hard to swing them. They made a swishing noise as they fell and a muffled thump as the connected with Jenny’s perfect cheeks. The blow was a good one, full across both cheeks, and the result was impressive. So quiet during her slippering, she howled and leapt to her feet, hands clasped to her bottom. Then, trooper that she is, she draped herself across the table. Her backside was covered with angry looking weals, criss-crossing the reddened skin with white lines which rapidly grew darker.  

‘Another five to go,’ I said. ‘Another demonstration like that and I’ll start again.’ Three more times the birch swished through the air and made contact with Jenny’s ass. Each time she gasped and shifted on the table, but she didn’t get up. Then I had an idea, and beckoned to Laura. I put my finger to my lips and held the birch out to her. She didn’t hesitate, padded over silently and took the bundle of rods from my hand.

She looked magnificent. She took her position, measured the birch across Jenny’s backside, and swung. She didn’t hold back as I had been doing, and the first blow made her knuckles whiten as she gripped the table and a small moan escaped her lips. The next stroke was to be the last, and Laura put everything into it. The noise when it struck was louder, at a different intensity, more like the sound of a heavy cane. Jenny arched her back and cried out, arms stiffly supporting her, legs straight out. But what happened then surprised me more. Laura gently laid the birch on the table and led her friend to the couch. She guided her back and down, and gently parted her legs. Then she knelt and her lips touched Jenny’s. Jenny moaned, and moved her hips, easing the pressure of her bottom on the leather of the couch. She reached down. Her fingers twined through Laura’s hair as she started to move. Laura was oblivious to all but the writhing Jenny. Her backside was so invitingly poised, It would have been rude not to take advantage. Silently I slipped my shorts down, and gently eased her legs apart. She didn’t change her position as I slid into her, my hardness filling her. I slid slowly out, then in, establishing a rhythm that I could keep going all night. I didn’t have to. After a minute at most, Jenny arched her back and cried out her orgasm. A moment later Laura shuddered in her own orgasm. I slid out, pulled up my shorts and waited, arms crossed, holding the birch.

Laura turned to look up at me, her eyes sparkling with the afterglow. Sinuously she extricated herself from Jenny’s spread-eagled form and stretched to her full five-foot-six. She kept her eyes on mine as she slowly stripped off her blazer, then her skirt. Her regulation blouse was next. She unhooked her bra – white, lacy, sexy – and stood for a moment, hands on hips, letting me admire the view. At that moment I truly loved her. Then she turned gracefully and bent across the table.

I was transfixed. Jenny had looked appealing and sexy bent over the table, but Laura was something else again. If Jenny hadn’t been there I would have dropped the birch and spent my energy in another, more peaceful pursuit of pleasure… But Jenny was watching. Expectantly. And laura was waiting for the kiss of the birch. Expectantly.

I laid the length of the birch rods across that rounded backside I knew so well. It seemed to take on a life of its own as it lifted and swung back down to whip across both cheeks. Laura didn’t move, didn’t make a sound. The second Swish! made her cry out. Two more across her burning backside and her head was up, her back arched, knuckles white as she held on to the table as if her life depended on it.

I looked towards Jenny, held the birch towards her. She was up in a flash, measuring the birch rods against her friend’s backside. She gave it her all, a blow so hard that Laura’s hips jerked against the table; another, last blow that was even harder. Laura’s knees buckled and she nearly fell. She lay across the table, her bottom a criss-cross of angry red welts. She lay there for some time.

Gently, I uncurled her fingers and helped her up. She winced as she moved but gave my hand a squeeze. She saw Jenny placing the birch back in the cabinet, looked at me, and smiled. Just then I wanted to be alone with her. I collected Jenny’s clothes from the floor, took them to her. ‘I think I really need to be alone with Laura now. Is that ok?’ She nodded, went to her friend and took her face in her hands. They exchanged a few words in a low murmur, then Jenny was gone.

Laura took my hand. ‘Let’s continue this upstairs,’ she said, and led the way.

She winced as her birched backside made contact with the sheet but opened her legs and pulled me to her. I steadied myself on my arms, looking down into her eyes, as she fed my hardness in. ‘Well,’ she said, between gasps of pleasure, as I slid inside her, ‘you seemed to get a lot out of slippering and birching Jenny.’ She was writhing underneath me in a wonderfully erotic way. I could feel myself growing even bigger at the thought of the scenes I had just been part of downstairs.

‘She seemed to like it, too,’ I said. ‘And she wasn’t the only one, was she?’ I delivered an extra little thrust with this, which must have been agony for her punished backside. She responded with a determined upthrust of her own, and I was dimly aware of her right hand disappearing down the side of the bed.

‘Here’s a little reminder of who you should enjoy slippering and birching most,’ she said, and a sharp pain blazed across my ass.

I glimpsed a riding crop from the corner of my eye. ‘You little minx. You’ll pay for that.’ I upped the pace and was soon pounding her into the mattress. I knew the effect this would be having on her smarting backside. The response was immediate. At each upstroke the riding crop whipped across my ass. Her aim was unerring. At each stroke I pushed in further, filling her completely. My cock was bigger, and harder, than it had ever been. I was imploding in a whiteout of pleasure and pain. Then an orgasm built from a spot inside me, rushed through my entire being as I spasmed and came, for an eternity. I was aware of Laura’s body growing rigid and of her crying out as her own orgasm overwhelmed her.

I returned to the world of the living to find us entwined. A hand at the back of my head turned my face to Laura’s and we kissed, slowly, sensuously, lovingly. A line of pain flashing across my backside brought me back to life. I grabbed her wrist, found the crop, threw it behind me. ‘God, I love you,’ I said. And we kissed again. The night, I realised, wasn’t over yet.


Published 8 years ago

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