I woke up that Saturday excited and a bit nervous. Looked at both uniforms hanging, ready, neatly pressed. Jenny was due at 7 that evening. Could I wait that long? It was 10.30 and already I was impatient for the fun to begin. I would call Jenny, get her to come round early, so we could prepare properly. By having some fun ourselves. As I reached for the phone it started ringing. Jenny. ‘I can’t wait until 7. Can I come round now? Please?’ Deferred gratification was not one of my friend’s traits. ‘I’ll put the coffee on if you bring something tasty. Food I mean!’ I heard a dirty chuckle as she rang off.
Half an hour later she was at the door. ‘Just saw Jeff going off in his little car, heading for town. The gym is ours, doll-face. What are we waiting for?’
I smiled. First things first. Coffee, and whatever goodies you’ve brought.’ I was insistent, and Jenny sat down beside me on the couch, a plate of pastries between us, with mugs of coffee. Jenny didn’t take her eyes off the uniforms. I’d taken one sip when she leapt up. ‘I don’t want fucking coffee,’ she said, and started peeling off her clothes. I ate an almond croissant as I watched her strip to her bra and panties and pull on her white school blouse. I let her get into her stockings and fasten the garter before I stood up, dusted off the crumbs and held up my hand. She stopped, miniskirt in hand.
‘Did I give you permission to get into your uniform?’ I folded my arms and gave her my best flinty glare. She actually gulped.
‘Well, not exactly,’ she said.
‘And what do you think happens to young women who do things without asking for permission first?’ She blushed like a guilty schoolgirl.
‘I suppose a.. a spanking?’
‘Is that what you think? A spanking? I don’t think you realise the trouble you’re in, young lady!’
‘Wow, you’re really good at this,’ Jenny said breathlessly. I gave her the flinty glare again. ‘I mean, sorry miss, yes miss. Or should that be no miss?’
I reached out and took her left ear between finger and thumb. ‘Come with me.’
‘Ow, ow, ow, that hurts, stop it.’ A quick, stinging slap across her backside stopped the moaning and we made our way, a bit awkwardly, downstairs.
In the gym, I led Jenny over to the chaise and opened the cabinet while she draped herself across it. I didn’t waste any time; I had planned what I was going to use on her. The sting of the leather paddle was just right for a naughty schoolgirl.
The sight of Jenny’s heart-shaped backside stretched over the rounded cushion was a thing of beauty. Her stocking clad legs were straight and her toes rested on the floor. The straps of her garter belt cut into the softness of her legs.
I ran my hand across the contours of her bottom, under the stretched white cotton of her regulation knickers. I detected a trembling as Jenny held herself in position. Delicious.
I laid the length of leather across the tight white cotton. I saw Jenny close her eyes, I raised the paddle, brought it down with a short, hard stroke. The Smack! echoed round the room. A whimper from Jenny. Smack! a harder stroke. Jenny’s eyes opened and she shifted on the cushion, pushing her bottom upwards. Another Smack! the hardest yet, and she arched her back and cried out. I decided to finish it, and rained three more hard blows in quick succession across both shuddering globes of that beautiful backside. I stood back. ‘You can get up now, Jenny.’
She pushed herself upwards. Her hands started to reach for her burning backslide, but she stopped. Her eyes were glittering in a way I knew of old. She reached for the paddle, turned it over in her hands. ‘That really stung. Have you had it?’
I had, more than once, but shook my head. She smiled, laid the paddle down and reached for the button of my jeans. In seconds I was stretched across the cushion of the chaise, bottom raised invitingly, legs straining to touch the floor. I had chosen to wear very brief panties that day and my backside was at her mercy with virtually no protection.
‘Lovely, just lovely,’ breathed Jenny, and I felt her hand on my bottom. I jerked as she delivered a quick slap. ‘Just to keep things straight between us,’ she said. Then I felt the cool leather resting on my bottom, easily covering both cheeks. I bit my lip as it lifted, then closed my eyes in pleasure at the first stinging blow. This paddle was one of my favourites, which is why I’d chosen it. Smack! Smack! Smack! Three quick, hard blows had me panting and squirming on the cushion. The familiar heat spread across my backside and generated another kind of heat deep inside. ‘These two might hurt a bit,’ said my tormentor. She wasn’t kidding. Smack! Smack! echoed round the room and I leapt to my feet, hands fanning the fire that she’d started. ‘These were a bit on the hard side, weren’t they?’
Jenny smiled. ‘A penalty for lying. You showed me this paddle first time we were here, said it was your favourite. Then you said you hadn’t had it. Bad girl. I should really give you some more.’ She carefully laid down the paddle, and gently pushed me backwards until the backs of my legs touched the couch. She kept pushing until I was lying flat on my back. The cool leather felt wonderful against my stinging backside. I was wearing a light camisole top with long straps, which Jenny started to slide over my head. When it was nearly off she wrapped both my wrists in the straps and tied the top round the leg of the couch. I was utterly helpless, my arms raised above my head, lying diagonally across the padded leather. Jenny straddled me, legs either side of my waist, then slid slowly downwards. Her mouth and tongue made their way down from my breasts, stopping briefly at my belly button, before nibbling at the waist line of my panties.
I closed my eyes and let out a low moan as she tugged them over my hips and down my legs. The cool air felt good against the heat of my clit, but it was soon replaced by Jenny’s hot breath. A series of tiny, light kisses around my pussy made me gasp and call for more. I felt her quick tongue playing around the swollen lips, then arched my back as it entered me, flicking in, out, in again, lips and teeth teasing, pulling as her tongue sought that magic place. I cried out as she reached it, and bucked my hips. Jenny looped her arms around my thighs and held me down, and open. My arms were held tight and my legs were pinned down, my sex open for her probing tongue. I writhed on the couch, moaned, whimpered with pleasure, as she licked and sucked and probed. My body shuddered with each breath. My world retreated to a single point.
My legs, my torso started to shake, my insides started to turn to liquid, and with a tingling, fiery rush, I came and came, hips rising from the couch as I cried out, Jenny’s mouth still clamped over my vagina.
I lay motionless, arms still tied, legs draped lifelessly over the leather couch. I opened my eyes, looked downwards, at Jenny. Her head lay against my thigh. She smiled up at me. ‘Good?’ she said.
‘So good. The best. The absolute best. Who needs men?’
We laughed and she untied me, I stretched. My ass stung, and the rest of me felt almost as good. ‘Come on,’ I said. ‘We both need a shower.’
The shower took a while. I made sure I was the first to make it back to the bedroom, where, still swathed in a towel, I opened the laptop. By the time Jenny, clean and shining, joined me, I had the cam open. ‘Want to see something amazing?’
She flopped down beside me. ‘Go on then. Better not be a cute cat. I hate cute cats.’ That was the last thing she said for a while, apart from the occasional ‘Oh my god.’ We both looked pretty good in the footage, and the image of me coming while tied down made me feel horny all over again. I loosened my towel, turned towards Jenny and slipped my hand into an opening in the fluffy bath towel she had draped round herself.
Later, much later, we surfaced. Jenny shrieked. ‘Your hair! Is mine as bad?’
‘Not being able to see mine, I don’t know. Yours looks as if you just had vigorous sex though.’ I looked at the clock. ‘Shit, look at the time. Costumes, darling! It’s nearly showtime!’
Somehow we managed to tame our hair enough to tie it back, Jenny’s into a single ponytail, mine into two pigtails which I thought looked the part. With much laughter we squeezed into our uniforms and inspected each other. The end result was less innocent schoolgirl, more St Trinians slapper. Perfect. Jenny stopped, put her hand on my arm. ‘That camera down there. Will it be on?’ I nodded. ‘You bet. You ok with that?’
Her smile told me all I wanted to know. ‘More than ok,’ she said. ‘I want to make the home movie to end all home movies!’ I slapped her playfully on that delicious rear.
‘Then let’s get this show on the road. It’s past seven; Jeff should be down there. Let’s check.’ I got the live feed on the screen. There he was, in his gym gear, standing at the cabinet with his back to us. He had a new pair of gym shorts on, Superdry by the look of them, and a very smart t-shirt. He looked great, and I felt a little tug, inside me. ‘There’s my boy,’ I said. ‘Let’s give him the thrill of his life.’
I let Jenny go ahead of me, so I could see his reaction when he saw her. He turned and gaped, open-mouthed. Jenny giggled, and I nearly joining in, then I remembered the parts we were playing. I slapped Jenny’s arm, gave her a look, adopted a serious expression, eyes down, hands, clasped in front of me, and spoke.
‘We were told to report to you. Our clothes aren’t quite regulation, it seems.’ Beside me, Jenny echoed my pose. I could sense she was trying to hold in a fresh attack of the giggles. I willed her to keep quiet.
Jeff took a deep breath and walked slowly towards us. ‘I can see that,’ he said. ‘Those skirts are much too short. And as for those stockings… I just wonder if you’re wearing anything else that’s not in the school regulations. I suppose we’ll see soon enough.’ His voice was hard, the voice of someone in control. He was really getting into his role. And loving it. He walked slowly round us. He stopped behind me. What was he doing? I didn’t dare turn round. Jenny didn’t have my patience. She looked over her shoulder. He’d been waiting for a reaction.
‘Who said you could turn round, madam?’ His voice was loud enough to make me jump. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jenny’s face register shock.
‘I didn’t mean..’ she began, and stopped as he marched past her to the couch.
‘Come here. Now.’
Jenny approached, her usual confident stride becoming hesitant as he sat on the couch and waited, a stern look on his face. Impatiently, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over his lap. She gave a little squeal – of alarm or delight, impossible to say – as she lay across his lap. Her ponytail nearly touched the floor as she held on to one of his legs to steady herself. Slowly, reverently, he raised the short skirt, which had tightened over Jenny’s rounded backside. Thin white cotton stretched tight. Jeff looked down, then up at me. He smiled, then drew his hand back. Smack! The first blow echoed like a gunshot. Jenny cried out and arched her back. Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Jeff’s hand delivered six stinging blows, each falling with precision onto Jenny’s left cheek, then right, with the final one full across the width of her rear, which was turning a bright red round the edges of the white cotton. Jenny had cried out with each blow and now climbed to her feet, rubbing her stinging backside under her skirt. Her eyes gleamed as she walked back towards me, and we exchanged a smile.
Jeff stood. ‘Now, for your real punishment. That was a warm-up, Jenny, for turning round. You’re both dressed in an extremely inappropriate manner. What would be a fitting punishment? What would Miss Hunter have done?’
We looked at each other. ‘I think,’ I said slowly, looking at Jenny then back at Jeff, ‘she would have caned us and then handed us over to Mr Monaghan.’ I heard Jenny’s sharp intake of breath.
‘Mr Monaghan? And what was his favoured implement?’ asked Jeff.
‘He used the slipper on the boys,’ said Jenny quickly. Good girl, she was as keen on the idea as I was.
‘Well, my goodness, you two must consider yourselves to be the naughtiest girls in the school. A caning and the slipper. Well, rules are rules, I suppose.’ He stood up, opened the cabinet, and turned towards us as he reached inside. ‘But I’m going to change things around. You will both have six of the best with the slipper. This slipper,’ he said, flexing the leather in his hand,’ and then we will have a caning, or something similar. I’ll decide how many strokes at the time.’
‘Something similar?’ I asked. What do you mean?’
He didn’t answer, just gave me a wicked smile. ‘You first Laura. Over here please.’ He gestured at the centre of the floor. In the perfect spot for the camera. I stood and walked slowly across the floor, these familiar butterflies dancing in my stomach, that familiar tingling in my loin. I stretched my hands towards the tips of my shoes. I could feel my skirt raising over my bottom. Jeff gently finished the job, exposing the tight cotton stretched across my rear. I felt, with Jenny watching, more exposed than ever.
The solid feel of the slipper resting across both cheeks, then cool air, then an explosion of pain at the first Crack! as the leather seared a path across my backside. Tears stung my eyes but I bit my lip and didn’t cry out. Crack! Crack! Crack! Three more hard blows in quick succession had me on my feet, hands massaging my burning cheeks.
‘Now,’ said Jeff. ‘This would normally mean us starting again. However, I’m willing to continue with the last two strokes, provided they’re on the bare.’
I turned to face him. ‘Two more on the bare or another six? No competition.’ My knickers were at my feet in an instant. I bent forward again. ‘Whenever you’re ready.’ That was a little cheeky, I admit. Perhaps I was showing off to Jenny just a tad. So I deserved the last two haymakers. The leather slipper bounced across my bare bottom with a force that made me take a half step forward.
The second was just as hard, and I straightened immediately, dancing from foot to foot, trying vainly to quell the fire with both hands. I felt Jeff’s hand on my shoulder, forcing me forward again. ‘I will not have that sort of language,’ he said, and, hand on the back of my neck, holding me in position, he delivered another two hard cracks of leather on skin before letting me stand again.
I limped back to where Jenny stood, eyes wide. ‘Wow,’ she muttered. ‘Your man is good!’ She practically skipped over to the spot, and immediately bent over. ‘Don’t take it so easy on me,’ she said. ‘I can take more than Laura.’
Jeff looked over to me, raised his eyebrows. ‘Very well, Jenny, in that case I think we’ll start off where we finished with Laura. Let’s get those panties off.’ Laura didn’t say anything, but remaining in position she snaked her hands up her legs and eased her knickers over her hips, and down. They snagged on her garter belt and Jeff tugged them free. Her legs, encased in stockings, looked fantastic, as did her already reddened, full bottom. He rested the leather on both cheeks for an instant, then drew back.
She didn’t move or make a sound as the first blow cracked across both cheeks. Three more quick, hard blows followed. I was amazed at Jenny’s resilience. Her cheeks were now bright red but she didn’t emit a sound. Jeff clearly felt the same. He drew his arm back further and really let rip, I knew that was what he’d done to me for my last two and couldn’t help wincing when the size 12 leather slipper made contact with a Crack! that echoed round the room. Jenny jerked slightly but stayed down, and a tiny whimper escaped her lips. Unconsciously, my hand crept between my legs. The last blow was, if anything, harder. The sound of the Crack! was just fading when Jenny howled and leapt to her feet. ‘Jesus,’ she groaned, then looked quickly at Jeff. ‘Sorry, that didn’t mean to come out.’ I don’t think I could take another one of these right now.’
Jeff smiled. ‘As this is your first time with me, I’ll let you off this time.’ He tried to look severe. ‘Only this time, though.’ His attempt at seriousness was a tad undermined by the bulge in his shorts. Was that bigger than it had been when he’d finished with me? I made a mental note to explore this later, in private.
Jenny gave a little smile and walked stiff-legged towards me. As she passed Jeff he whacked her backside again with the slipper. She yelled and leapt at least two feet, hands at her punished backside. Her eyes flashed as she turned back towards him, then she saw the slipper flexing in his hands. ‘Suppose I asked for that,’ she said.
Jeff placed the slipper back in the cabinet. ‘Let’s take a break,’ he said. ‘And a drink.’ With a flourish, he produced a bottle of dark red wine and three glasses from the depths of the cabinet. The man was a marvel. Jenny and I both winced as our burning backsides made contact with the cool leather of the couch, but the richness of the wine was like nectar. I wondered briefly what it was about a good spanking that made wine taste so much better. A subject worthy of further study.
Jeff laid aside his glass and drew from the cabinet what looked like a bunch of twigs from the garden, tied together with red twine. He handed it to me. ‘This is what I meant by something similar. A birch. It’s like a cane, but more so. If you think it would be too much, we’ll just use the cane’
I held it in both hands, turning it over. It didn’t look as if it would pack much of a punch, but of course, I’d heard tales of birchings and knew how sore it would be. Jenny snatched it from me. She had no misgivings. ‘I’m up for it, even if Laura’s too much of a pussy,’ she said, eyes flashing. Of course, that left me with no choice.
‘I’d love to try it,’ I said, thinking of my already burning backside. ‘After we’ve finished the wine.’
Jenny drained her glass with a gulp, poured a second and knocked it back. ‘Bags I go first this time,’ she said. ‘I’m ready now.’ She stood and smoothed down her miniskirt. ‘Where do you want me, Jeff?’ Butter would not melt. I gave her a hard look, which I transferred to Jeff. He got it, and looked slightly uneasy for a moment. Only for a moment. He drained his own glass, set it down.
‘The table I think, young lady.’ Jenny giggled. It had been a while since anyone called her that, I thought uncharitably. She made her way across to the table, bent over it and grasped the far edge. ‘Like this, Jeff?’ I was starting to think our friendship was heading into stormy waters. Time to take some control.
‘No, Jenny, not like that,’ I said, and walked over to stand beside her. ‘Stand up.’ Surprised, she did as she was told. I unzipped her skirt and tossed it aside, then took off her blazer. She smiled, bent over the table again. The view was, if anything, more spectacular. Her reddened bottom, which I was convinced looked better than mine, was raised appealingly, and her long, stocking-clad legs looked wonderful as they strained against the table.
I felt Jeff’s hand on mu shoulder as he pulled me back towards the couch. Before I sat down I reached my hand into the pocket of his gym shorts and squeezed. Hard. He winced and then gave me a wide grin. Then slapped me hard on my ass, I got the message and sat down, The coolness of the leather was welcoming, and I had a ringside seat for what was to come next.
Jeff held the birch at arm’s length and laid it gently against Jenny’s bottom. She gave a slight tremor, shifted on the table, raising her perfect rear slightly higher. I was rapidly going off her show-off ways. Jeff didn’t seem to mind, however, if the bulge in his shorts was anything to go by. He raised his arm, The birch twigs made a swishing noise and a muffled whump as it connected with Jenny’s upturned cheeks. Her reaction was more impressive; she leapt to her feet, hands clasped to her bottom with a full-blooded cry. ‘Ah Ah Ah! Oooow!’ She blew her cheeks out and leaned both arms on the table. I saw, with a shock, a pattern of angry looking weals across the whole width of her backside. They spread over both cheeks and must have hurt like hell. I began to get a bit nervous, but determined to do better than Jenny when my turn came.
‘You have another five to go,’ Jeff said sternly. ‘And another demonstration like that and we’ll start again.’ With a deep breath Jenny draped herself over the table again, The marks were fading, but not for long. Three more times the birch twigs laid their fire across her burning backside. She gasped, shifted on the table. I could see her knuckles were white with effort. Jeff turned to me, put his fingers to his lips and held the birch towards me. I didn’t hesitate.
The birch twigs felt oddly light, and heavy at the same time. The swish they made when I swung them against Jenny’s bottom, already criss-crossed with angry red lines, was music to my ears. But not Jenny’s. I saw her teeth clench and her knuckles whiten as the pain from the rods spread across her backside. A small moan, almost a whimper, escaped her lips. I knew what she was going through, the mixture of extreme pain and extreme pleasure. The room around us, Jeff, everything, disappeared. The only thing in my mind was Jenny’s pleasure. So I gave the last stroke some extra momentum. The result was everything I’d hoped: Jenny arched her back and cried out, eyes tightly shut. Her cry told me that she was close. I took her hand and led her to the couch, laid her down on it, and knelt between her legs.
As soon as my lips met hers, I felt Jenny’s fingers twining through my hair, forcing my head deeper into her crotch. I worked the lips of her clit, my darting tongue playing around the entrance, penetrating, teasing. Then a hand on my upraised bottom, reminding me of the slippering I had just received. Another hand, gently parting my legs, then two hands grasping my hips as I felt Jeff’s hardness part my own lips and slide in to the hilt, filling me. I steadied myself, and gave myself to pleasure, and to pleasuring Jenny, who was writhing her hips and moaning under me. She let out a cry and arched her hips upwards as she came. We were so much as one that my own orgasm was triggered and I collapsed on top of her as waves of pleasure coursed through me. I was dimly aware of Jeff sliding out, and I turned to look up at him.
He was waiting patiently, arms crossed, birch held loosely. I took a deep breath, stood up. Show time. Facing him, I slipped off my blazer, then my skirt. I decided to go one better than Jenny, and slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I had chosen to wear a white, lacy bra, which I unhooked. I knew Jeff liked my breasts; just at that moment, I could see the effect my striptease was having on him. Any more and he wouldn’t be able to swing the birch. Against my backside. My backside which had already felt the paddle and slipper today. My backside which was still smarting, and tender.
My insides started that familiar tingling as I walked to the table and, without a word, bent across it. Jeff gave an involuntary sound, between a gasp and a moan, as I shifted my hips and opened my legs slightly. My breasts flattened against the cool, dark wood as I reached for the far edge.
The silence in the room was absolute. It seemed as if time had stopped. The knowledge that Jenny was watching as well heightened my senses to an almost unbearable extent. At last I felt the length of the birch rods against my backside. I almost winced, but I remembered my vow to myself to withstand whatever was coming.
The birch lifted away, and then an explosion of pain burst across my bottom. It was like being caned by a hundred canes, all at the same time. My cheeks felt lacerated, flayed. I gritted my teeth, stayed in position. The second blow seemed to spread the pain to my entire being. I was subsumed. I heard a cry, and realised it was me. Two more swishes, in quick succession, made me arch my back and toss my head upwards. I held on to the table with a vice-like grip. I would not get up. I would stay in position. A slight pause in proceedings made me aware of the burning that covered both ass cheeks. I remembered Jenny’s lined backside and imagined what my own must look like. Then another swish of the birch made me jerk my hips against the edge of the table, legs trembling. The last blow was so hard my knees buckled and I collapsed on the table. If my hands hadn’t been clamped round the edge I would have ended up on the floor. I lay there, gasping for breath. My ass was on fire as never before but it had become a point of honour, in my own head if nowhere else, for me not to try and ease the pain with my hands. I lay and let the burn deepen and spread.
After what seemed like hours but was probably less than a minute I felt Jeff’s hands uncurling my fingers. I stood up, slowly, wincing as the pain moved as I did. I realised he wasn’t holding the birch and turned to see Jenny placing it back in the cabinet. I looked at Jeff and smiled. He smiled back and picked up Jenny’s clothes, took them over to her. He said something I didn’t catch and she nodded. She came over to me and took my face in her hands. ‘Thank you for sharing all this with me,’ she whispered. ‘Including Jeff.’ She smiled. ‘See you tomorrow, unless you’re.. unable to come in.’
‘Don’t worry about me,’ I said. ‘We’ll catch up at lunch.’ I kissed her lightly on the lips and turned back to Jeff. ‘Let’s continue this upstairs,’ I said, into his ear. ‘I have an urgent need which I you need to see to.’
My backside was almost too sore to lay against the cool cotton sheets of my bed, but I managed somehow. Jeff steadied himself on his arms above me as I slowly fed his rock hard cock into me. I closed my eyes in rapture as the length of his erection filled me and his hips pressed mine into the mattress. The mixture of extreme pleasure and pain was something I will remember for a very long time. ‘You seemed to ..aaaah.. get a lot out of .. ohhhh.. slippering and ..ooow.. birching Jenny.’ I was starting to writhe my hips to ease the pain in my backside, which Jeff seemed to enjoy.
‘She seemed to like it too. And she wasn’t the only one.’ This delivered with an extra little thrust which sent a mini shock wave of pain across my backside. I responded with a sharp upthrust of my own. My hand reached down, to the edge of the mattress, where I’d stashed a short, flexible riding crop for just such an occasion.
‘Well,’ I said. ‘Here’s a reminder of who you should enjoy slippering and birching most.’ And I brought the crop down smartly on his buttocks. He yelped in surprise, looked down at me with eyes that glittered. ‘You little minx. You’ll pay for that.’ he started to move with rapid, sharp thrusts, knowing full well the effect he was having on my poor, punished backside. I responded by bringing the crop into regular, sharp contact with his ass. With every stroke his cock seemed to push a little deeper. It was like hammering in a nail. And it was having the desired effect; his thrusts became harder and his cock grew even more inside me. He moaned and cried out, his cock twisted and thickened as he came and came, calling out my name as he pumped into me. Deep in my groin, I felt that slow, sweet churning as my own orgasm tore through me, my body rigid in ecstasy.
After an age, my muscles relaxed. We lay entwined. I cupped a hand behind his head and we kissed, a long, lingering, full kiss. He stared into my eyes in a way that told me he was mine. Silently, I raised the crop and whipped it across his ass. ‘Hey. Enough!’ His hand grasped my wrist, worked its way to the crop and plucked it from my grasp. ‘God, I love you,’ he said. Then we kissed again, and things, well, they just went on from there.
Today had been the most remarkable, pleasure-filled day of my life. I had been paddled, slippered and birched, I had been taken to the heights by my best friend’s tongue, had returned the favour and I had been fucked twice by the man I loved. And it wasn’t over yet.