The Telephone Call – Part 1 of 2

"Shit, what a dork…"

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Friday night and I’m the most boring guy out there. Well, if I was out there. The bar scene is not appealing to me, and the night strolls down the city sidewalk have me standing out like a sore thumb.

My name is Nick, and I’m six foot two, blonde, and in fairly good shape because of my work. I’m thirty-five years old and single. So far I have not found a girl, but have been well aware of the female species around me. On the construction sights, I’m always very dirty, so no one looks at me there. When I clean up, I’m too damn quiet around the café and restaurants. I don’t have a clue how to approach a woman if I wanted to. I’ve heard guys with first-time greetings and they crash and burn, but seem to dust off and try another girl. I hate computers and can’t figure out the internet, so that kind of match-up is next to none. My sister asks me all the time why I don’t have a date or girlfriend. I just smile and shrug. She’s told me many times that if she was not my sister, she would date me. I’m flattered, but that’s my sister, for Pete’s sake!

She’s a bit concerned and has tried to set me up on some dates with friends of hers, but I freeze up as soon as they are in my presence. Shit, what a dork I am.

I live on the shadier side of town in an apartment that’s comfortable. I’ve done my own beefing up of the front door as the break-ins are regular. I’m tempted to set up a trap, but I hear that gets messy and complicated. Better just keep trying to keep the little buggers out.

Anyways, Friday night, and again, just sitting in the dark. The sun went down a half-hour ago and the street below picks up the noise level. I don’t mind the racket as it has some sense of life around here. Just not in my apartment. I had no idea what was coming just around the corner.

My mobile rings and I answer. “Hello?” It’s not a number I recognize.

I hear sobbing and then whispers of a young woman. “Johnny, help me! He’s going to kill me if you don’t get here.”

I’m up on the edge of my seat. “Hon, where are you?” I still don’t know who I’m talking to.

“I’m at Jack’s place. He’s going nuts! I’m hiding in the closet from him.”

”What’s the address?”

She stops a moment. “This isn’t Johnny! Who the hell is this?”

Her tone catches me off guard and I chuckle. “This is Nick. You called me, but I’m looking to help you if you want. Is Jack armed?”

She refocuses when there’s yelling outside the closet.

“No, but he’s drunk.”

“Just you and him?”


She’s quieter now and very frightened.

I ask “Address?”

She recites it.

Shit! That’s right here! My apartment building!

I ask, “What apartment?”

She’s screaming now as it’s obvious that the guy has found her. She’s dropped the phone and she’s screaming the number. “Thirty-four oh five!”

I hear Jack being very angry and violent with the girl, and I’m on my way up. Shit! Twenty-four floors! The fucking elevator is so damn slow that she could be dead and buried before I get up there. I’m running to the stairs and take three steps at a time for the first eight floors. I’m down to two at a time now and get totally winded by the time I get to the thirty-fourth floor. I hear screams again and find a resolve that I didn’t know I had. The screams and cries of a woman just tear at my heart. Ol’ Jack better not have hurt her or he’s going to hurt.

I go through the door like it wasn’t there. The paper-thin doors are a testimony to the security and quality of the whole building.

Jack and the girl are naked, and he’s fucking her from behind. He’s hitting her on the back and ass. The guy pulls out when he sees me, and throws a bottle toward me. I duck just in time and have my sights on him and the window. Again, cheap windows, and I manage, in one swift move, to give Jack some fresh air. He’s screaming bloody murder as I hold his one wrist. I pull him back, whip him onto the floor and he lands on his ass.

The girl is bawling and cannot get up off the bed. I wrap the dirty bed quilt around her and look for her clothes. I see something like a skirt and top, no bra or panties, some small cheap high heel shoes, and a small purse. I grab them and put them in the quilt and pick up the whole works. The girl has calmed down and manages to get her arms around my neck.

I remember the phone and go back to the closet and find it on the floor. I pick her up again and head to the elevator. She has her head down and now she weeps at her situation. She hugs me tighter as others join us on the elevator down. Some look in and see the mess of a girl and wait for the next lift.

I get her into my room and set her on the couch.

I say, “What the hell am I thinking! I should get you to the hospital.”

She finally speaks to me. “No! No hospital! I’m ok.”

I chuckle, “Yeah, you look ok.”

She looks at me and realizes I’m not harmful.

She asks, “Where’s your shower?”

I point.

She flips the cover off of herself and goes to stand up. She’s still nude and not trying to hide it, but the problem is, she can’t stand. She has a big welt on her hip and she groans and falls back on the couch.

Now I get up and go to her.

She says, “I need to get to the can. Get me to the shower.”

I try to pick her up again and she cringes at every way I try.

She’s pissed now. “Just pick me up by my armpits and throw me in the shower!”

We get to the bathroom and I see my reflection holding up a nude young lady by the pits. Woody is on the move now at the situation presented.

She tries to stand on her own and cringes and starts coming down. I grip her sides under her arms again and hold her up, this time from behind.

I’m paying too much attention to her lower back and sweet ass that she says, “Excuse me, but I need your attention here.”

She sees me blush in the mirror and almost smiles in her pain. She aims the spray head away from herself and turns on the water. It warms up and she reaches for the shampoo. With her arms up, and her getting slippery, has me wondering what’s going to happen. She feels the grip on her rib cage get tighter and she knows she’s going down. As she slowly slips, I go down on one knee and slide my other knee under her ass for her to sit on before hitting the tile floor.

She sees my wet pant leg and smiles in the mirror at me. “Thank you.”

I can’t help but chuckle.

Her hair is washed and she’s working on her front and face. All the gaudy makeup washes off, and she tries to reach her back. She stops and looks in the mirror at me. I finally see where she’s looking and she holds the bar of soap for me. Aw man. It’s a damn good thing I’m wet already. My shorts fill up with the thought of touching this lady’s back.

She smiles when I take the soap and she pulls her hair off her back. She watches my face as I cringe at the black and blue marks all over her. She sees my sad face as I touch down and slowly, softly rub the soap on her wounds. I touch a spot and she cringes.

She sees the look of shock on my face as I say, “Sorry! Sorry, hon.”

I don’t look at her reflection, but I know she’s still looking at me. I rub down her back and push my knee forward to get the spray there. I softly rinse with my hand under the spray as she coos at the tender touch.

She says softly, “A bit lower, please.”

Shit! Another load in the shorts! Come on, girl! I haven’t come like this… EVER!!!

She softly giggles at my uncomfortable condition. I’m sweating bullets as I bring the soap down to her fine, appealing ass. She brings her hand down to my hand and moves it down her hip. I softly rub and soap up where ever she damn well wants me to. She brings my hands to her lap and I’m starting to feel faint at the thought of the destination. I guess she saw something in me and decided not to go there just yet. She redirects my hands to the rinse cycle. This is happening on both her hips and legs at the same time with both her hands on my hands.

She reaches up and turns off the water, and I can just reach a towel for her. There is another one there, but a bit too far. She smiles at me in the mirror, but it’s too fogged to get her details. I turn to look at the back of her head and she turns a bit sideways as well. The girl is a doll. Her hair is coloured, but her natural face is radiant. Some bruises appear as the makeup is washed off though.

I’m staring again, and she asks, “Nick?”

I come out of it and look at the side of her head. “Yes?”

She softly giggles. “I have never been in a position like this before. I would have never been cared for like this by my pimp. He would have dropped me on my ass in the shower and swore at me for not finishing my john.”

“Well, your john is finished with you.”

She giggles, “You shoved his head right through the window! Holy shit, you’re mean!”

Now I chuckle. “Yeah. Crying women do crazy things to my head. If I can fix it, I find unconventional ways to get it done.”

She smiles, “Thank you. How about taking me back to the couch?”

I ask, “What position?”

She stops and looks at me.

I say, clarifying, “What position do you want to lay? Um… seems your butt is damaged.”

She giggles, “You noticed?”

I groan and roll my eyes, “Oh yeah.”

She laughs, then says, “I’m sorry. I’ve never met a gentleman. I’m shocked that you haven’t stripped down to join me for a moment in the shower.”

I groan again and look at her, “You’re not helping me.”

She giggles again.

I lift her up by the pits again and she has the towel wrapped around her front, and it comes down past her ass. I pass the couch and head to my bed.

She tenses up and I softly say, “I’ll sleep on the couch. You just rest here for the night.”

She smiles but is still unsure of my intentions.

I’m a while cleaning up all the water and my personal mess. I chuckle as I look at the shower and picture a nude goddess in there with me. Oh shit, better not. Woody has his own agenda now. I get on my knees and towel up all the water on the floor and bundle everything to throw into the washer.

Let it go, ladies. I’m a bachelor. Everything goes in the same load.

I check on my guest and she’s out. Still on her front and nude. The towel is off, probably because it’s damp. I come in and cover her with a sheet. She stirs but doesn’t wake.

I smile at a female in my bed. I never had this planned for the weekend! I chuckle again as I head back to the living room. Being six-two, I don’t fit very well on the couch, but I’m so tired now that sleep comes soon.

I wake to a clearing of the throat. I open my eyes and see the form in the sunlight. She’s found a shirt of mine, and that’s it. The silhouette is stunning as I see her shape from the sun shining behind her. Woody’s on the move before I’m all the way awake.

I sit up to hide my problem. “Good morning, hon. How was your night?”

She smiles, “Pretty shitty until an angel rescued me.”

I smile, “Well, hardly an angel. Hungry?”

She nods.


She nods again. “And coffee.”

I’m up and head to the kitchen. She sits at the table and cringes again at the bruises on her ass.

I don’t say much as I figure she’ll tell me stuff when she’s ready. She watches as I go about my kitchen routine with the coffee, toast, and eggs. I set a plate down for her and scoop the eggs on. The coffee is ready and I pour her a cup and set milk and sugar down for her. I see no spoon, so I head back to the kitchen. I grab the toast and set a smaller plate beside hers with two slices on it. I sit down across from her and smile at her smile at me.

She softly says, “Thank you.” And keeps staring at me.

She asks, “Who are you?”

I smile, “I’m Nick.”

She waits, and I don’t expand on the identity.

She asks, “Who’s Nick, besides my angel?”

I shrug. “Just a boring guy.”

She looks around the apartment and nods. “Yeah, I see that. Why?”

She hasn’t touched her eggs yet, and I point with my fork. “They’re getting cold.”

She smiles and picks up her fork and nibbles.

I say, “You’re a hooker.”

A tear starts and she sets her fork down. “Not a very good one.”

I raise my eyebrows and stop chewing.

She puts her head down. “I’ve been having sex since I was young. My uncle showed me the birds and the bees and I did not dislike the act. I thought he was rough with me so I thought I could handle rough guys, you saw my debut with my first john. Shit, if this is the life, forget it. My so-called pimp never did answer the phone.”

“How did you get my number?”

She sheepishly smiles. “I’ve seen you before in this building and asked who you were. I found your business card in the main entrance for handyman services. Your name is in my new phone for johns. I was hoping to meet you some time but just got in the neighbourhood myself not long ago. Last night I hit my pimp’s number, but he wasn’t answering. I kept hitting buttons on the phone and I guess I dialled you. Sorry.”

I look at her. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you sorry?”

“Well, I’m interrupting your life.”

I chuckle, “Well yeah, but I’m not complaining.”

She smiles at me.

I ask, “So, how’s it working out for you?”

She sighs, “I could keep five guys happy with me. I can hop bed to bed and still want more. As for the money for fucks, I started my career last night and ended it in the same night.”

I chuckle, “You’re right. You are a lousy hooker.”

Her eyes get big. “Thanks a lot!”

I smile, “What do you want to do?”

She sits back and thinks a moment. “Lay low. That fucking pimp will be after me.”

“Do you live in this building?”

She nods, “Thirteen oh seven.”

Again I stop chewing. “Three floors up?”

She nods again.

I ask, “Need some things?”

Again, a nod. “Clothes.”

I hike my eyebrows. “Really?”

She laughs and goes to hit my arm. “I look horrible! I need clothes.”

I smile, “No, and no. I saw what you were wearing and they are not much different from being nude. I like you much better the way you are dressed now.”

She smiles, “Are you hitting on me?”

I chew and nod with a smile.

She keeps smiling right back. “So you want me to lay around your place dressed with only a shirt of yours on?”

I nod again.

She giggles, “K.”

I hike my eyebrows. “Really?”

She laughs, “Just calling your bluff.”

I chuckle, “Busted.”

She smiles at me. “So what’s your story?”

I tell her about my job and my sister, and my boring life. I tell her about how I freeze up when I have to talk to girls.

She says, “You’re doing pretty good right now.”

I nod vigorously. “Oh yeah! We met last night! I feel I know you better than I know anyone.”

She giggles, “I showed more of me than I would usually to a stranger. You’re right, I feel I know a bit of your character too. You are a gentleman.”

Again I stop chewing. “Really?”

She smiles and nods, “Yeah. I know you had problems last night when you were holding me up in the shower. I knew that you must have filled your pants a few times at my sight. I saw you looking at my shape with approval, then at my bruises with disdain. If I could read you, I would say that you would have been okay with shoving Jack out the window the rest of the way.”

I’m nodding. “Good assessment.”

She stands up and walks around the table in front of me. “I’ve never met anyone like you. Even now, you are more interested in a conversation than what’s in your shirt. I really want to thank you for helping me out. May I?”

She’s still cringing a bit with her bruises, but I’m game. I pull back from the table and stand up in front of her.

She takes my hand and giggles. “You’re going to have problems in a few seconds.”

I chuckle, “You’re the experienced one. I’m sure you’re right.”

She looks up at me as she laces her fingers in mine. “Not many girls coming by to visit the construction stud?”

I smile and shake my head. “No, I’m no virgin, but I’m clueless. My last date that I jumped in the sack with five years ago, was with a girl my sister set me up with. Apparently, I was too soft with her. You okay with soft?”

Shit, my tent is hurting already just standing in front of the girl.

I have to chuckle and she looks up at me. I ask, “What’s your name?”

She giggles, “To a john, they really don’t care about the small stuff like that. I told you that I thought you were different. My name is Eva. Nice to meet you, Nick.”

I laugh quietly at my situation. This girl drops into my life not twelve hours ago and she’s ready to get it on. I’m right there too as she has an effect on me. This is so fucking wild to me.

I grin big, “Hi Eva, yes, very nice to meet you. You know what I like about you?”

She shakes her head. “Maybe that I have one piece of clothing on?”

I chuckle, “Close. I like the way your hair falls over your one eye when you make a suggestive… um… suggestion.”

She giggles silently and tilts her head forward for her hair to fall over one eye.

I grin big and throw my head back. “Aww, hell yeah! I love it!”

She laughs with me and I hug her when she hugs me.

She groans at the soft squeeze and I let go. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?”

She smiles, “Yes, but no. If you want, bend over and let me sit on your arms.”

I smile big and bend over for her to sit. I feel her soft ass on my forearms and smile as I pick her up. She brings her arms over my head and around my neck. I groan at my increasing problem. She’s just smiling, sitting up as high as the ceiling.

She looks up and then back down at me. “Watch the doorways.”

I ask, “So, I’m pretty dense with the girls. I’m going to need some guidance with the procedure. How do we get from here to happiness?”

She giggles softly, “Well, start by moving your left foot towards the doorway. Yeah, that’s it. Now the right foot.”

I reach with one of my hands and find a rib to poke.

I guess right that there is no pain there, and she jerks with a squeal. “Oh! You were doing so well! Stop it!”

I chuckle and bend low enough that she has to hang on around my neck. As we stand up, her breasts are right in my face. I look a moment at the scene right in front of me and then back up at her with a goofy grin.

She softly giggles again, “No peeking yet.”

I chuckle and carry her back to my bedroom. She’s smiling as I set her down gently and start removing my clothes, one button at a time.

I ask, “Are you not going to take my shirt off?”

She smiles big. “Which one?”

“The one you are wearing.”

She shakes her head. “You’re using your teeth for these buttons.”

Another groan.

She laughs, “Oh, this IS fun!”

She stops laughing when she sees my size, and purrs, “Oh, this will be fun.”

I look at her and, what the hell, stand up straight and point north. She has to struggle a bit to stand up from the bed, but she wants to come for closer inspection.

She looks up at me. “You’ve kept this weapon undercover for how long?” She softly grips it.

I groan and shoot her in the stomach.

She gasps and then looks up at me and smiles. “It’s loaded too!”

I’m chuckling, “Having fun?”

She giggles and looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and nods. “Oh yeah. But we are just getting started.”

She feels woody expand in her hand and looks down. She takes her other hand and uses a finger to catch a drip off my tip. She looks up at me and smiles as she brings it to her lips. My mouth must be hanging open because it seems like I’ve lost all the moisture in there. She almost giggles at my state as she can tell my intensity by the hold of my pecker. She looks down at the stain on my own shirt and starts on the buttons herself.

“Hey, I thought I was going to do that.”

She giggles, “You would be too damn slow. I’m looking forward to test-driving your equipment.”

I’m standing there right square in front of her, and she’s smiling bigger with every button that she undoes. I must have a look that really entertains her as she’s softly giggling at the last button.

I don’t move and she asks so sweetly, “Honey, please help me with my top.”

I want to tear into the top and maul those mounds that I saw last night, but I think of her comment about me being a gentleman.

I step closer and she latches on to me again. I take the wrist of the hand she’s holding me with, and bring it to her side. She softly giggles at my actions and obeys.

I bring my hands to her upper chest, above her breasts, and slip my hands up and onto her shoulders. I have the shirt on top of my hands and peel it off her shoulders, and we feel it slip to the floor. I look at her body, and the first thing I see is the damn bruises. She sees my face go from hatred for the jerk that did this, to the admiration of the body itself. She has a gentle hold again as I stand back just a bit to admire the goddess. My god, she’s perfect. All those lucky fucking guys that have had her, and then lost her because of lack of respect.

She now comes in close and hugs me around my waist. I smell her hair and smell my shampoo in it. I smile at the recent memories of showering with her. This time it will be so different.

I lean down and pick her up in a cradle. She’s a feather as she grips her arms around my neck. For a funny, I look at her breasts and then smile big at her. “Nice boobies.”

She howls as I laugh with her.

I walk over to the side of the bed and lay her on her back. She’s still a bit sore, but wriggles down and gets comfortable. I’m on my knees beside her and look down at her perfect form. She smiles at me and then brings her hand to my cheek and moves me to look at her face. She indicates a kiss and we lock lips for the first time. She feels me unload at the side of the bed and she pulls back as I groan softly. She’s looking at me, then bursts out laughing. “Am I that sexy?”

I nod with enthusiasm. “Oh, hell yeah!”

She’s still laughing, “Wow! I have never gotten a guy off with just a kiss. You are something special.”

I’m chuckling too as I come in for seconds. She’s still giggling when I set my lips on hers.

After a lingering kiss, she pulls back a bit and asks, “Have you ever eaten pussy?”

I look at her. “Really?”

She smiles big. “You are like a big virgin. I’m loving this.”

I’m really not impressed, and she sees this.

She giggles and hugs my head. “Nick, listen. I’m not at all making fun of you. You have to know that, as I said before, I’ve had sex every day for the last several years. You, being a novice at it, thrills me. So far you have been so different from all the others. And that’s a good thing. Your tenderness and, if I could call it, innocence is a really nice thing for me. Shit, I wish we met years ago.”

I’m smilin’!

I chuckle, “I’ve never met an ex-hooker before, and I know that you would know more than me. I’m too fucking shy around the ladies to make an impression. So far I’m glad you called. I’m really glad you are still here.”

She smiles, “Shall we continue?”

I smile big, “Pussy eating?”

She giggles, “Kiss up my legs and get used to the smell. Some guys love it and some don’t care for it. Just get close enough for a little lick of my juice. My pussy won’t bite back.”

I go for another funny. “I’m supposed to bite?”

She howls, “No silly! No biting! Suck, slurp, lick, kiss, hum, just easy on the bristle rub. If you shave, I’ll show you how to shave me.”

I’m dumbstruck. “Shave you?”

She howls again. “Oh, Nick! You’re killing me! Maybe we should just fuck for now. I really want to try your size. Shit, I bet you don’t even know you are on the larger scale for pecker size, do you.”

I look down and she sees me pulse woody up.

She purrs, “Do that again but in me next time.”

We forego the pie munch for now as she sees my grin. I come to the end of the bed, and I do get a whiff. It’s like something I have never smelled before. Not totally offensive, but it may take some getting used to. Shit! What the hell am I thinking! This doll will be gone after she’s healed up enough to run. Who the hell am I kidding?

I see a little dribble and go for a lick. I find out from her gasp she’s a bit sensitive down there for a lick like that. Again, something to get used to, but tolerable.

I kiss up her flat belly and kiss her breast. I’m so ready for another discharge, I’ll leave the other boob for next time. I gotta get in before I explode.

She’s smiling bigger as I put woody at her entrance. I’m looking at her anticipation and slowly sink into her. Her eyes close and her legs spread more. Seems I’m doing it right for the experienced girl.

She smiles big and asks, “You done?” After I fill her in.

I look at her and slowly start to pull out. “I guess so.”

Again she howls. “The hell you are! Get pumping that post inside me.”

She still giggling as I get up on my hands and get a good tempo going. After a bit, she says, “Okay, now when you get all the way in me, hit on the end a bit.”

I thump on her and she’s grinning big. “Okay, a bit more.”

Holy shit, she’s giving me a workout. I’m starting to feel it in my arms as the thump becomes a hammer. She mouths ‘More’ and I find another gear to hit her on the hilt. I watch as her eyeballs roll back, and I slow down.

She gasps, “No! Keep going! I’m almost there!”

I get to animal on her and the feeling is marvellous. I’m dripping sweat when she gasps big and grips her arms and legs around me.

I slow down again, and she barks, “Keep hammering!”

I get going like my life depended on it.

I see a different look on her but I figure she’s wanted it hard, so I’ll keep it up. She tells me later it’s been a while since had that kind of feeling come over her.

She opens her mouth in a silent scream, but then it comes out. Shit! It almost deafens me as she screeches out her climax. Her nails are digging into my back and I feel her toes doing something the same. I can’t help but chuckle as I drip sweat off of me onto her. She’s writhing around like a possessed woman as I marvel at her movements under me. I have to weigh twice as much as this wafer of a girl, and I’m having trouble staying connected to her. I’m groaning and gasping as she jerks and gyrates down there.

I’ve flopped right on top of her and we are both sucking wind.

I look at her. “Holy cow. What happened?”

She’s wheezing. “I don’t know! I’ve met my match!”

I laugh, “Hardly! You, tiny person, almost killed me! I sure am glad I was on top!”

She giggles, “Good thing there’s a next time.”

She howls again at my look. She’s laughing so hard as she tries to roll me off.

She’s still giggling. “Get off! I’m hot!”

I roll, but take her with me. I push her up to sit and she giggles again.

I ask, “What?”

She brings my hands up to squeeze her breasts and feels me expand inside of herself.

She gasps, “Oh! Do that again!”

I do, and she jerks her pussy on my poor aching woody.

I groan and sit up and bear hug her. “Oh no! Please! I’m in pain in such a short time!”

She laughs. “What, no pecker calluses?”

I laugh with her. “This could be a long and glorious relationship. But you have to break the virgin in gently.”

She smiles big and pulls my head back to look at me. “Virgin, my ass…”

I interrupt with a snort. “No, it isn’t! Not from what I saw last night.”

“What? Oh! Not my ass, silly!”

The laughs continue as we stand up and head to the shower. Shit. It’s too tight with just me in here. The door was open yesterday, so it wasn’t an issue. But with both of us in it with the door shut, nothing works.

She turns to face me and asks, “You know any contractor guy that can build us a bigger shower?”

I’m shocked. “There’s an us?”

She purrs, “If it’s big enough, I’m moving in.”

I say, “On it today!”

She giggles and squeals as I pick her up in a hug.

I let her shower first, then she towels off as she watches my routine in the shower.

She sees me shaving under the spray and asks, “You need some incentive to get the shower reno job done? You can shave my pussy in the new shower.”

I hack and cough as she had me open my mouth while rinsing my face. Again she finds this very funny and has to hang onto the counter to stay vertical.

I look at her. “What’s with you? It’s like you got hit with a silly stick.”

I’m towelling off and she grips a half-mast woody. “Yeah, this silly stick.”

She’s not laughing right now.

I stop scrubbing my head dry and look at her. “Life can change in a heartbeat. Look at where you were ten hours ago. Look at the coincidence of your dialling abilities. None, I might add. Just a fluke you caught me home on a Friday night.”

She giggles, “Yeah. Mr party animal.”

I say, “Friday nights I take off for Saturday nights.”

She laughs again and brings her arms way up and around my neck. “Who says you’re boring. You’ve kept me entertained the whole morning. I’m so glad to misdial you.”

I hug around her ribs and smile. “I’m so glad you did. I’m so glad you stopped to pay attention to a big dork like me.”

She giggles then gets quiet. “It’s not a long way from dork to stud muffin. But I’m looking forward to watching the transformation.”

I see her sincerity and reach way down for a kiss. She accepts, and things warm up again. She pulls back with another giggle. “Stick it out.”

I look between us and poke her in the stomach.

She laughs, “No! You’re tongue!”

I chuckle, “I knew what you meant. Just wanted to keep the dorky impression a bit longer.”

She giggles again, then gets serious. “Why are you like that? Why do you want to make me laugh all the time?”

I put my head down. “A couple of reasons. The best one is, I love the sound of your giggle. It grips my heart, and I skyrocket that you think I’m funny. Second, I heard you scream and cry last night. I had nightmares with that scream. I honestly woke up twice that I thought I heard you scream again. I hate that sound and it’s haunting me now. I’m trying to tape over that sound with your giggles. That’s what I want to hear when I lay down at night.” I pause. “And third, I’m a nervous wreck. I’m treading on eggshells to keep it light so you don’t think I’m a real dork. I’ve been one for so long, I don’t know what’s normal now. My fear is that I’m going to wake up with ten pounds of come in my pants and find that I had the best wet dream a man could have.”

We are both quiet a moment and I see something she wants to say.

She sees I see, and sighs. “I have many secrets in my life. I have a hell of a lot of baggage. But one of my secrets is not a secret to all that know me. I made a comment about moving in. I cannot do that.”

She pauses now. “I’ve been pregnant twice.”

Published 3 years ago

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