The Tales of Jezebel, Ch. 5

"Fancy is on a confusing sexual odyssey, and she calls one person..."

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It was the wee morning hours on campus. Fancy was contemplating what just happened. She kissed her friend and liked it. She wasn’t drunk by a longshot. The question creeped up on her mind very quickly…

“Am I… Am I bi?”

All her life she only had boyfriends. The only times she had kissed girls were drunkenly. While she thought of that question more and more, she thought of a special someone from the past that could help her with this dilemma. Fancy reached over and got her phone. She texted these simple words:

“Call me, all right?”

She drifted off to sleep with her clothes still on.

Five hours later…

A ringtone woke up Fancy out of her slumber.

“Huh? Oh. Hello?”

“Hey, girl. What you doing up in San Antonio that you need me for?” Gracie said.

“Damn, it’s good to hear your voice, girl! I miss you so much,” Fancy said.


Gracie and Fancy have been best friends for years. Gracie had qualities that every man would love. She had a tight body. She loved sports. She loved cars. She even liked video games. The two were like two peas in a pod in high school. When Gracie found out Fancy was going to college out of their hometown, she mustered the courage to come out to her as a lesbian. Gracie still remembers the question her best friend asked her after she came out:

“So… were you checking me out the whole time?”

“Maybe…” Gracie said, coyly.


“I miss you too. So what’s up?” Gracie said.

“I kind of have a dilemma.”

“What kind?” Gracie said.

“I did something last night.”

“Oh, fuck. You’re a law student. Don’t tell me…” Gracie said.

“No, no, no, Grace. I kissed a girl last night. It wasn’t my first time either.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… thought you were straight, sis,” Gracie started. “Was she hot?”

“Hell, I thought so too. First time, I was drunk, it was the bartender at the Roadrunner here on campus. Her name is Jezebel. She was nice. Pretty too. She gives good advice. I think she was checking me out. Second time was my friend on campus. She’s… something. We roomed together freshman year. Southern belle with an athletic figure, bubbly…”

“Were you two drunk?” Gracie said.

“She’s more of a lightweight. Ha. I wasn’t. She’s not like us,” Fancy said, laughing with her friend. “Here’s the thing. We made out right outside the bar. I liked it… maybe more than I should have.”

“She won’t remember it. Now, did she also think you’re hot?”

“Yup. She’s bisexual,” Fancy said.

“Oh. I get what you’re asking me now. The old ‘I kissed a girl. I liked it.’ conversation with straight girls. Here’s how you go about it: You said she had a crush on you. She thinks you’re hot. Enjoy the ride. Or you could do the ‘About last night’ shit… nobody likes that.”

“True, girl. You right. You right,” Fancy said. Shortly afterwards, she heard a knock on the door. She peered in. It was Lauren.

“Hey, Grace, I got to go. Talk to you later, all right?” Fancy said.

“All right, see you, sis.”

“See you,” Fancy said with a smile on her face. Fancy hung up and went to the door and opened it. Lauren had a sick look on her face. Fancy smiled.

“Hey, girl. I was just thinking about you.”

“I can’t even think right now. My head hurts… so bad. I got a paper due, too,” Lauren said.

“Honey, honey. Don’t worry about that. I got you. Come in,” She said warmly. “I know a hangover remedy from back home. I used it all the time. I’ll make it for you.”

“Thanks. Never drinking again.”

“Don’t lie, Lauren,” Fancy said, giggling, giving her the homemade remedy. She immediately drank it, then spit it out to Fancy’s slight amusement.

“What the fuck is this?”

“Shh. Ancient secret. Just drink it, will you?” Fancy said. Lauren drank it slowly. After she finished, Fancy said:

“So… about last night…”


“What’s the last thing you remember when we were out?” Fancy said, listening to her.

“Well… kissing you outside the Roadrunner. Was I that drunk?”

“Let’s see… you said ‘I love you’ to me after we kissed. So, to answer your question…”

Fancy kissed her again, softly. Her breath tasted of morning and alcohol remnants. At the time, Fancy did not care. The kiss got deeper until Fancy broke it off expertly with a bite on the lip.

“Yes. You were that drunk.” Lauren smiled at Fancy. Fancy bit her lip in response. She remembered what her best friend told her. Enjoy the ride.



Published 6 years ago

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