The TA And The Tease (Part 2)

"Everyone is talking about the hot junior teacher in Jessica’s seminar. Who’s going to be the first to do something about it?"

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“Hey, how’s it going, Jessica?” he warmly yet casually greeted me as he saw me enter his office. “Please, find a seat. You’re saving me from having to work on my bullshit thesis anyway.”

I giggled and sat down, sitting at the desk with him. “Thanks for always finding time for me,” I told him.

He shrugged. “Thanks for caring about your work so much, you make my job worth it,” he told me with that smile of his. “So…?”

I needed to play this cool. That was the game we were playing, since he got to make the rules. “To be honest, I just wanted to know how I could improve my style for the future,” I told him, just how I rehearsed. “I thought we could maybe go over each note you gave, maybe talk about it, and…”

Ryan kept silent well after I trailed off. He seemed to hate interrupting people. “Yeah, sure,” he replied diplomatically. “So, I remember your essay having a pretty strong opening, actually. I like how…”

He talked for a little bit about the strengths and weaknesses of my writing, all while I waited for the moment he’d come upon that one note. I bet he knew the one. The one that ended with a winky face he drew. And sure enough…

He flipped the page and saw what he wrote, laughing in slight discomfort. “Okay, so this note, obviously, doesn’t really have a lot to do with your writing,” he quickly said. “We can move past it if you want.”

“No, it’s okay,” I insisted. “What did you mean by it?”

Ryan’s look turned to slight worry. “Oh, I was just kidding around,” he immediately explained. “You know, I just wanted to lighten the mood a little. I understand it can be a little difficult to talk to your TA about this kind of stuff, even indirectly…” He trailed off and his wrist made a circular motion in the ‘et cetera’ way. “I hope it wasn’t going too far or anything.”

“Oh no!!” I blurted out. “Definitely not. In fact, I appreciated how you included that. I felt kind of… silly writing this essay about that in particular.” We both fell quiet. I decided to make my move. “Was… was that the common theme of this assignment? You know… intimacy?”

Ryan’s tongue moved around in his mouth and he sighed, looking around his office. “If you want me to be completely honest… let’s just say ‘maybe,'” he replied. “In case you’re worried, yours was not the most explicit.”

I smiled knowingly, like we were sharing a joke. “Kylie’s was,” I replied, voice full of confidence.

Ryan gave an ‘uh-huh’ gesture with his face, then paused and cocked his head, his face suddenly in thought. “Well, almost. Two were… shall we say, not safe for work,” he admitted. “Yours was at least tasteful.” He looked at my essay for a second, then back at me, then leaned in slightly. “Was this a prank?” he finally asked. “I can’t help but feel like this is too much of a coincidence. This feels pre-planned somehow, like some of the class expected me to freak out or something.”

Again, Ryan was either painfully oblivious or the best actor in the world, if his performance right now was anything to go by. I shrugged. “Maybe the others planned something. I just wanted to be… true to myself. I wanted to really take a risk, you know? You talked about how autobiographical Plath was, I guess that kind of inspired me.”

Ryan leaned back in his chair, still looking at me, marvel on his face. “Wow, look at you! Good memory,” he noted. “That’s quite charming of you, well done.”

I risked a smile. “Charming?” I repeated. 

“Or… polite. Kind? I dunno,” he fumbled. It was finally his turn to blush. I risked a quick look down at his pants — even in his dark jeans, it was clear. He was hard, and he was big. The imprint was snaking down his thigh.

“Are you, maybe, nervous about all of us including that kind of thing in our essays? Like, you’re worried about girls having crushes on you?” I asked. This wasn’t even that bold — if things went south, I could frame myself as asking to prevent it, to be the one girl he could trust.

“I mean… if my students want to date me, they’re gonna be disappointed,” he said with a half-laugh. I internally smiled. It was so easy to get him off-topic about anything, and he didn’t suspect anything was different here. “I’m trying to focus on my work right now. I don’t really do the whole dating thing.”

I smiled. “Kylie’s going to be disappointed.” My smile widened as he chuckled. “You can tell, can’t you?”

“Of course I can, I’m not an idiot.” We laughed. “I mean, crushes happen. They come, they go. Best policy is to ignore that kind of stuff and hope her feelings fade.” Even as he talked, his cock noticeably throbbed in his jeans. “So! Essay. Let’s keep it going.”

“Is she going to have to change seminars?” I asked, concern clouding my voice. “I’d hate to see her go.”

“Naaah, she’s fine,” he replied casually. “Crushes are innocent. It’s not causing a problem for me, and I hope it’s not causing an issue for her. She’s not barred from seminars just because she’s human, right?”

“Sounds like you know what to do in these situations,” I observed.

“It’s my job, right?” he asked warmly.

“Do you have to deal with crushes a lot?” I pressed.

He chuckled. “If my students get crushes on me ‘a lot’ — which I highly doubt — I don’t know about them,” he replied, in a friendly but emphatic way. 

I shook my head with a smile. “Ryan!” I giggled, deciding to put one or two more cards on the table. “You can’t deny that you… I mean… you can be pretty charismatic, you know. You can’t be charismatic and be that unsure about other people and how they feel. Isn’t that part of being a good writer, being interested in people and knowing how they feel?”

“I… well… argh. Point taken,” Ryan conceded, letting his head hang for a moment, his hands on his knees. He raised his head. “But that happens when I’m not a teacher. Teacher hat goes on, intimacy detection function turns off, you know? I got a job to do.”

“Yeah, but you’ll still do stuff with other TAs. I don’t think anyone thinks you were entirely innocent with Maddie,” I replied, my voice getting a little weaker despite my boldness. My heart was now pounding.

“Jessica, come on, this is going down quite the road of topics,” he laughed. “I was telling the truth. Maddie and I never dated.”

“I didn’t say you dated,” I replied in a voice just above a whisper.

He was silent for a bit. “Yeah, I suppose you didn’t, did you?” he asked after a while. “Did she tell you or something?”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s obvious.”

“I suppose it is,” he sighed. His tone was actually kind of… bummed. “So, uh, yes. Outside of my life as a teacher I can be kind of… cavalier. But I try not to let that affect… you know.”

I nodded diligently. “I promise, anything you tell me here, I’ll keep it between us.”

He looked at me. “You promise?” he asked. “I really want to trust you, but I don’t want to regret trusting anyone. All due respect, I love her as a student, but I don’t think I could trust Kylie to keep any secrets I told her.”

“I don’t even talk to people, you know that,” I told him with a nervous giggle.

“And yet here you are, talking to me,” he noted suavely, then looked away. “Sorry, just saying words.”

“Hey, I don’t mind,” I coaxed him. “No judgment. I don’t get to talk about this stuff a lot so this is helping me.”

He chuckled. “Hey, look, appealing to my teacher instincts, good move,” he replied with a quieter voice. “So, yeah, I was… am… cavalier. I do things on and off with Maddie and a few other people. Some people like romance, I like this.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m not really interested in romance either,” I told him. 

“Well, if you put yourself out there, I’m sure some boy or girl or whoever your age would really find you attractive,” he replied diplomatically.

The obvious flirt answer was ‘my own age, huh?’ but I knew if I pressed too much I’d lose it all. “Do you think so?” I asked sullenly. “I feel like I’m not as pretty as… to be honest, as any of the other girls in class. I look at them all and I just think that they’re prettier and would have an easier time finding a guy.”

“Some of them have already been quite busy with guys if their essays are to be believed,” Ryan scoffed with a joking tone, then held up a finger. “But I never said that!” We both laughed. “Anyways, Jessica, somebody is everybody’s type. I totally get looking in the mirror and going, ‘eugh.’ Sometimes I do that too. But I bet you’re really attractive to somebody. Hell, a lot of somebodies. And don’t think of the boys you like as the only one worth prizing in this exchange. If it’s meant to be, it shouldn’t feel like they’re finally accepting you as some kind of consolation prize. You deserve to be desired and prized too. Boys would be equally lucky to have you as you would be to have them. Okay?”

I giggled. “Okay,” I said softly. It felt like this was the furthest we could go today, and plus, I’d definitely earn his trust if I steered us back in the normal direction of this meeting. “Should we get back to the essay?”

He grinned. “Great idea, Jessica,” he told me.



can I tmi for a sec?


ooh, jessica got the tea ???? 


hit us with it


so, I went to meet with him about my essay and when we were discussing the sex stuff I could totally see his dick imprint haha

the rumors did not exaggerate.




hot af ???? 

morel ike

WAIT did he mention our essays and how they all were like teasing??

I looked at Kylie’s message and thought about it. I was, to my own surprise, really enjoying riling these other girls up and making them more and more horny for Ryan, but if I had any chance with him, he made it clear that I’d ruin that chance if I was a blabbermouth.


no, tbh the talk was pretty professional

you know ryan

he was just professional and… hard. lmao


he can’t not know at this point


maybe its a bad thing?

like, he knows. and hes not acknowledging it.

maybe ash was right, maybe we shouldnt be doing this



he’s clearly not uncomfortable

if he was he’d say something


jessica did he say anything about being uncomfortable?

I smirked. Somehow I was their authority now. Kylie was too much of a loose cannon, and the other girls needed someone to follow. I was that someone. 



he seemed as casual as ever

but he was definitely hard

tbh, especially knowing his tendency to be cavalier, i bet he likes it

he just cant say anything out loud about how he likes it


lmao ‘cavalier,’ good word for it

morel ike

that’s actually really hot. He acts all professional and then goes home and jacks off thinking about us


if only he knew

hed never have to jack off again lmao

morel ike

He can have me literally anytime

I have 100% thought of him every time I played with myself for the past few weeks


we know kylie lmao


OK but same??


Youre not even in his class maya!!



so that means

Im not his student ????????


oh fuck she’s right

she can totally fuck him!!

morel ike


I dont care if Im his student

Im going to fuck him first


first one to fuck ryan wins? 😉


ok but whoever gets to fuck ryan first, put in a good word for the rest of us ???? 

I smiled at my handiwork, my other hand down my pants, slowly rubbing my clit. My hand found its way down there more and more frequently lately. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ryan was jacking off more these days too. I hoped he was. And maybe he was thinking of me when he did. After all, he thought Kylie had a romantic crush on him, and she probably did. That meant I was the girl he could trust, and I was the one he was seeing the most often.


The girls talked up a big game, but come seminar, they’d be back in their same seats, still as polite, still as innocent. The only person who clearly put in a more visible effort was Kylie.

“Hey Ryan! Hope you had a good reading week. I missed you,” she said sweetly yet as casually as she could, sitting down in her chair.

“It was alright, yeah,” Ryan replied back, just as coolly. I now knew that with Kylie, it didn’t just go over his head. “Hope you had a good one too, Kylie.”


lmao smooth


there’s no way he doesn’t know what youre doing


he’s just not into you, sis :/

morel ike

shut UP maya

how many times have YOU seen him this week

While the girls bickered, I emailed Ryan asking if we could meet about the upcoming textual analysis assignment. As always, his laptop made a pinging noise, and he responded immediately, giving me a time and place. I turned my attention back to the chat to see that it had once again turned away from explicit horniness into the Kylie Tantrum Variety Hour. She thought this was her moment. Better luck next time.


“Get whatever you want, I’m buying,” Ryan said almost absent-mindedly as he looked over the Subway menu behind the employees. “Jeez, the prices have gone up so much.”

“Are you sure?” I asked gingerly.

“I dragged you here, may as well,” he replied, still staring. “Besides, Peterson U pays me a decent amount, so yeah.” 

As soon as I had walked into his office, Ryan declared he was hungry and wanted Subway, so I followed him to my university’s local fast food station. Hey, a free meal is a free meal, right? Plus, he looked so cute when he ordered. He was always needlessly polite with the staff, and tried to get their names and promised to remember them for next time. I could tell why Ryan had such good luck with girls. There was this combination of a naturally flirtatious personality with a genuine enjoyment of being around people that you can’t fake. Ryan liked people, and he liked fucking. He was good at handling both, I bet.

Shortly after getting the sandwiches, we went back to his office and sat back down. “Don’t worry about talking shop just yet,” he told me between bites. “I don’t wanna get any food on either of our computers. So, let’s eat first, and then after that, let’s go over the assignment. Work for you?”

“Yeah, definitely,” I replied. “Thanks for this. It’s really kind.”

“You’re, like, one of the only students that actually bothers to take advantage of my office hours. You’re saving me from boredom,” he admitted. “Plus, I like that you care so much about your writing. I seriously think you have the potential to go far, you know.”

I took a small bite of my sandwich and swallowed before I spoke. “I don’t know about that,” I nervously started. “Sometimes I feel like the only way I’ll make it big is if I marry a famous writer or a publisher or something.”

“Ah. Nepotism,” Ryan said with a nod. “Or… is it still nepotism if it’s by marriage? Enh. And I mean, hey, there are worse fates. When it comes to romance, I think I’m most attracted to talent and like, imagination more than anything physical.”

I couldn’t help but smirk. “But when it comes to friends with benefits, like Maddie-“

“Hey!” We both laughed. “Yes, okay, I can find beauty in a lot of people. People are cool! I don’t think it’s bad to find a lot of people attractive. And for the record, Maddie is a talented person! We’re just not compatible, romantically.” He took another bite. “If you want the honest-to-God truth, I’m kind of complicated and… well, bad, romantically. I’m not a great boyfriend, because it’s really hard to tie me down.”

I gave him a look. “So you have a hard time being monogamous?”

He turned pink. “Oh, uh, no… well, okay, yes, that too, but I’m usually in open relationships, so, uh… yeah. No, no I meant like… I’ll get interested in other stuff and suddenly, five days have passed and I haven’t talked to them. A lot of my former girlfriends got really upset at that.”

I nodded along. “I get that. It’s really easy to get swept up in the cool things life shows you.”

“Exactly!” he replied triumphantly. “So even if a partner was super into me, knowing how I am, that just tells me I’d be setting myself up for disappointment if I did end up dating them.”

I laughed. “Yeah, if somehow you ended up dating Kylie, she’d start wondering if she did something wrong if you didn’t talk to her for six hours.”

Ryan chuckled. “I can’t imagine such a scenario, but I’ll take your word for it.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re so politically correct,” I playfully yet boldly accused. “Challenge time. I’m going to ask you a direct question.”

Ryan, who loved matching playfulness with playfulness in equal measure, put down his sandwich and clapped his hands together, aiming them at me. “Be as direct as you possibly can.”

“Would you date a former student?”

Ryan froze, hands still together. He blinked, then immediately sat back, a hand on his chin. “Huh…” he murmured thoughtfully.

“This conversation never happened,” I coaxed hopefully. “Whatever you say doesn’t leave this room, and I won’t judge you no matter what you say.”

He chuckled. “Jessica, that’s quite a tall order.”

I shrugged. “I mean, I have my own theories, but-“

“I want to hear your theory first,” he challenged me. “If you want me to be open, you gotta earn it.”

I eyed him devilishly. “Then the promise needs to go both ways. You have to promise that this conversation never happened, and you have to promise to not judge me or treat me differently in class.”

Ryan looked at me inquisitively. “For guessing about me…?” He wondered aloud. “Okay, fine. Go.”

I paused, looking at him meaningfully before I began. Here goes. “I think you wouldn’t date a former student, or even a current one…” I trailed off suggestively, finding the confidence to look him in the eye. “…But I bet that if a cute girl that you’re teaching made the first move, you’d think about being friends with benefits with her.”

Ryan didn’t say anything. He stared at me, then at the wall behind me. I watched him get pinker and pinker, knowing I was blushing myself. I wanted to say something more to fill in the silence, but I knew that if I did, we’d just change topics. The silence was putting pressure on him. 

He eventually leaned forward. “Wow. The longer I don’t answer, the worse this looks for me, huh?” he eventually joked. 

I laughed, but kept up my composure. “Not worse,” I corrected him. “I wouldn’t judge you. I wouldn’t mind. It’s actually kind of fascinating.”

Ryan chuckled nervously. I stole a quick glance down to his pants — he was rock hard. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this too much-“

“I don’t mind,” I cut in without sounding too urgent or desperate. Calm. I really rehearsed that voice. I narrowed my eyes. “You’ve thought about it, haven’t you?”

“We shouldn’t-“

“Judgment-free,” I reminded him. 

He gave me a stare and eventually broke out into a smile. “You are so enjoying this,” he finally accused me.

I shrugged innocently.

He nodded slowly, then narrowed his own eyes in turn. “And who would that girl you’re thinking of be?” he asked, turning the tables on me. “Nobody asks something like that and insists that much, without having an ulterior motive. You may have practiced that calm voice well, but it’s clear it’s only a facade. You really wanted to ask me that, and you’ve wanted to for a while.”

Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Holy fuck, my heart. I wanted to reply calmly, but eventually broke out into a nervous chuckle. “I, uh… I- I guess you’re right,” I admitted. 

“Ooh, I broke through,” he teased. He had this smug confidence about him now. I’d seen it in microscopic doses before during seminar, but never like this. “So now I’m curious. If we’re going no secrets and no judgment, did you really ever need to see me for your assignments, or was this all so you could lead up to that question?”

I chuckled breathlessly again. “Wow, you’re good, aren’t you?” I attempted to tease back.

“You just challenged the master,” he retorted. “I guess you’re finding that out now, huh?”

“Y-yeah, I guess I am,” I replied with a nervous laugh. “I, uh… Okay, part of it was truly about the assignments.”

“Part of it, huh?” He grinned.

“You’re hot, you dummy,” I blurted out. “You’re hot and girls are attracted to you. I get you knew the whole time that the whole class is into you, but you can’t just act dumb now and act like I decided to do this or whatever. My body is just… reacting.”

“Sorry, rewind,” he replied slowly. “I… I knew about Kylie, but I just figured you out now. What do you mean, the whole class?”

My cheeks burned. I said nothing.

“I see,” he replied, leaning back into his chair. “So if you know too, and you’re not guessing… The sexual innuendos in the essays. You all got together and decided to do that. Maybe even the idea came from you.”

My pussy pulsated. I never wanted to touch myself more. It almost ached with desire. The way he looked at me once he had me all figured out was… overpowering. My pulse beat in my ears.

He eyed the floor and chuckled. “Not bad, Jessica,” he admitted, then looked at the door, then back to me. “No judgment?”

“Y-yeah,” I said in a voice just above a whisper. My throat was getting drier. 

“Yeah, I could maybe be convinced if the girl made the first move,” he admitted with this smug cocky voice that made me gush. “But she’d need to be the type to know that, even if this blew up and we hated each other, we’d have to keep our secret to the grave. It would mean big trouble for both of us if it ever got out.” He paused for effect. “So I know I could never let it happen with a girl like Kylie. She’s clearly too obsessed anyway, it would only hurt or confuse her. I’d need a girl more mature. Someone who’s able to orchestrate her plan well enough that… that I’d be convinced to say the words I just said. You know what I mean?”

I nearly moaned on the spot. “Yeah, I do know what you mean,” I told him in this high, submissive voice.

“Good,” he replied with an assertive tone. He reached into his bag and pulled out an unopened water bottle. “I can hear your voice, your throat is drying up. Trust me, take a drink of this. It’ll help.”

I nodded and agreed instantly. He could have asked me to empty my bank account for him and I would have agreed at that moment. I took a generous gulp, then he took the bottle and took a drink too. He looked at the rim of the bottle. “Oops.”

“What?” I asked nervously. 

“We just swapped spit,” he observed, looking at the rim, and then me. He got up from the chair, and took me by the hand so that I got up too. Soon, we were standing in front of each other, mere inches separating us. He smiled hungrily, almost angrily, brushing some hair out of my face.

“Tell me you want this,” he ordered. 

“I really want this, I want you,” I immediately complied, melting at his touch.

“And you understand this doesn’t mean anything, and that there’s no exclusivity or monogamy. This is just having fun. Right?”

I nodded diligently. “No romance, no weird feelings. Just fooling around.”

He gave a little scoff-laugh, his hands landing at my waist. “Good girl,” he whispered. He closed the distance between us and his lips landed on mine. Ryan grabbed the back of my head as he began kissing me with passion he was hiding until now. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning into the kiss, my own hands moving all over his back, not even knowing what to do but knowing I wanted to do something.

His tongue boldly moved into my mouth, and the feeling of his tongue on mine felt like heaven. Ryan was, of course, an expert kisser. Realizing my own hard-earned lessons from writing — less is more — I stopped moving my hands frantically around and settled for running my hands up his back and pulling his body closer to mine. He responded in kind, his body pressing against mine, his dick imprint fully felt on my stomach. I loved how he was taller than me. He had a good few inches on me, and hopefully would soon have more than a good few inches in me, but in terms of our spiritual energy, he absolutely towered over me.

As he kissed me, his own passion and hormones began to flare up, then run wild. Eventually, he had me against the wall, shamelessly grinding on me, still playing a ruthless game of tonsil hockey with me. I could barely keep up with him, but I loved it. If he wasn’t going to take complete control, knowing I was lost to my hormones, I absolutely would, and since he had more experience, I was all too happy to be his personal plaything for the day.

Still pinning me to the wall and grinding up against me, his mouth came up for air, and he looked at me, panting, his eyes almost tearing up with lust. “How far… did you plan on… going with me?” he asked.

Even deep in the throes of passion, he thought to ask. How considerate. “I want you to fuck me,” I begged. “Please. I need it.” I looked around the room as a precaution. No windows, concrete walls, one door. Ryan followed my gaze and quickly locked it.

“How quiet can you be?” he nearly growled, moving back to me and beginning to kiss my neck. As needy and hormone-fueled as he was, he wasn’t stupid, and didn’t bite or suck on my neck. No hickeys. 

“I’ll be a good girl,” I moaned, and I felt Ryan’s dick throb through his pants. “Fuck, you’re so hard.”

“That’s your fault,” he told me with a low voice, boldly beginning to massage my breasts over my shirt. “You’ve been such a tease, and with your own teacher too. You’ve been touching yourself thinking of me fucking you, haven’t you?”

“Fuck, yes,” I moaned, feeling him go under my shirt. He reached behind me, with one hand, and undid my bra. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Ryan. It feels so good finally having your hands on me. I want to be such a good student for you.”

That cracked the veneer. Ryan chuckled, back to his normal voice, and he paused while telling me, “Why don’t we forget for now that I’m your teacher? Right now, we’re just two friends that want each other badly. Sound good?”

My cheeks burned. It felt so dumb to say it, especially now, but I couldn’t help myself. “You… want me too? Like, you want me specifically?”

“Surprised?” Ryan asked with a wink. “So, sound good?”

“Sounds good,” I agreed, and he went back to me, working my sweatshirt, then my t-shirt over my head. My bra quickly followed, falling off to the floor. I was topless in front of him. Ryan could see my bare breasts. Instinctually, my shoulders caved in.

“Hey, nope, not allowed,” he playfully chided me, then leaned into my face. “You’re beautiful, Jessica. Have confidence. Show them off,” he ordered with his smoky, low growl.

I bit my lip and nodded, moving my arms back out of the way. Ryan smiled in delight as he looked me over, taking one of my breasts in his hands and tracing his fingers along them. “Wow,” he murmured, his fingertips finally finding my areola. I sucked in air and he looked from my breast up to my eye, smiling a little. Slowly, he moved down and grabbed one of my breasts, caressing the outer parts, while he closed his mouth around my nipple.

I shuddered. I didn’t think breast play would feel good — it never felt good when I did it, and the one boyfriend I had in first year didn’t make me feel too good — but Ryan was making me feel things I had never felt before. I moved my hands to the back of his head, playing with his hair, feeling what his tongue, teeth and lips were capable of doing. And they were capable of a lot. Each movement of his was pushing all of the right buttons, each motion of his tongue directly designed to make me whimper and just get wetter. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was dripping at this point.

Ryan would soon find this out. While his mouth was busy upstairs, his hand boldly snaked down my pants like my own hand did so many times before while thinking of him. He hesitated for a second when his hand first made contact with my womanhood, and for a second, my heart skipped a beat, thinking I did something wrong. He took his mouth off of my breast, looked up at me, and smirked. “You’re so wet,” he teasingly told me.

“That’s your fault,” I teased back, causing his smile to broaden. While looking at me, he slowly moved his middle finger inside me. I really wanted to keep looking at him, but I embraced the wall behind me and looked up at the ceiling, suppressing the loud sex moan I would have emitted if I was less careful. He slowly started to pump his finger inside me, then, after a few movements, added another.

Two fingers. Perfect. The motions his fingers made were perfect too. It was like he arrived with a map of my most sensitive areas, a how-to guide to perfectly please me. I could only grip the wall and keep my eyes closed, my mouth open, topless in my TA’s office with his hand down my pants. Paradise. This was paradise. 

As he fingered me with one hand, he moved my pants and underwear down to my ankles with the other. I was mostly naked, just standing in my TA’s office, leaning against the wall as I finally felt him touching me. It was so surreal. I dreamed about it, but I never thought it would actually get to happen, and yet here he was. He had the perfect fingers, and knew exactly how to use them, curving them in exactly the right spot to make me gasp with almost every half-circle his fingers drew inside me.

He knelt down, looking up into my eyes, enjoying the tortured look on my face. Every so often, he would give a small chuckle and I would look down, enraptured, seeing him enjoy every feeling I was going through. I tried not to be loud, but I whimpered and whined like the slut I was for him. What’s more, it was clear he wasn’t fucking around either. As soon as he heard my breathing start to quicken, he winked at me and moved his face in, his tongue starting to lap at my clit. My legs almost gave out right then and there. Ryan was giving me the Venus Butterfly, I think, and it felt fucking amazing. I never had a boy do it for me before and, as I suspect he knew, it was making it very difficult for me to not break the “don’t moan too loud” rule.

Ryan wasn’t shy, diving in with his tongue, occasionally using it instead of his fingers inside my love tunnel, then going back to tonguing my clit and letting his fingers do the rest. It took an almost embarrassingly short time for me to reach my first orgasm of the night. Just once, I disobeyed his rule, giving out a lewd moan, enjoying the moment, letting all the feelings wash over me. It was like light took over all of my other senses. Ryan didn’t even have his dick out yet and he was already fucking me like a Greek God. 

His eyes gave me a clear warning after my first moan, so I did my best to keep the rest of my orgasm quiet. All the while, he slowly but consistently kept up his motions, letting me ride out my orgasm. Eventually, he took his tongue off of me. “If I make you cum again, are you going to be quiet this time?”

I embraced the wall. “Yeah, I’m sorry,” I breathed.

“Good.” Immediately, he went back to my womanhood, attacking it the same way he had before, knowing exactly where to go and how fast to do it. An even more powerful force started to build within me. Knowing the promise I just made, I gasped suddenly and held my breath, squeezing my eyes shut. He was so confident he could make me go from one orgasm to the next. And he was completely and utterly correct. 

I shuddered and shivered, giving at best one of two strangled hums as wave after wave of pleasure rocked my body. “Holy shit,” I finally managed to breathe, feeling the sun and stars blip across my vision. I felt lightheaded. How was this even possible? Ryan wasn’t human. I still felt his fingers and tongue on me the moment my orgasm slowed its motion. I felt confident opening my mouth again to pant, the double orgasms taking a lot out of me.

I felt his motions stop, then his fingers retract. My vision was almost blurred, staring right at the wall in front of me. I could barely think. It was like he fucked me dumb… with just his fingers. I couldn’t get my mind off of how good all of that felt. Eventually, I heard him chuckle. “You good?”

“I see why you’re popular with girls,” I managed to quietly slur.

He chuckled and grinned cockily. “So I’ve been told,” he replied smugly. “Has this been enough for you or do you still want to see what the main event feels like? No shame in backing out.”

“Hell no,” I heard myself say. “I’m getting your fucking cock inside me, Ryan.” I was every bit as surprised as he was to hear me say that.

“Ooh wow, your inner fire just flared,” he observed. “What a hot flame it is. Well then…” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a condom. Size large. Nice. “There’s not too many options in this room. You can bend over the desk if you want, unless you have any other ideas.”

My cheeks burned. I didn’t want to be the one to tell him that I’d only ever had sex in a bed, missionary style, with the lights off. I didn’t say anything and just shuffled over to the desk, my pants still around my ankles. I leaned over the desk and found a good way to bend over, looking to my side to watch the moment Ryan took his pants off.

The dude could have had a career in porn from every conceivable angle. Irresistible eyes, a fit and toned body, and now, as I saw (even though I knew for a while), a huge dick. An aesthetic huge dick too. Thick, long, and veiny. His foreskin covered half of his dick’s head, framing it in this aesthetic way I’d never seen a dick do before. He caught me staring and smiled with one eyebrow down, stroking it once or twice. He was hard as steel. “See something you like?” he asked rhetorically, then thought of something. “This can’t be your first time, can it?”

I shook my head no. “Don’t worry, I’ve had sex before. You don’t have to worry about popping my cherry.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ve had a proper sex education, y’know. We both know that whole ‘hymen means virginity’ stuff is bullshit.”

I chuckled. “I meant spiritually.”

“Oh, gotcha,” he replied, moving up behind me. I held my breath, then felt his dick teasingly slide along my womanhood from behind. Fuck me, it felt hot to the touch. 

“Holy fuck…” I moaned out of instinct.

“Shhh…” he coaxed.

“You’re going to go slow, right?” I asked nervously.

“Of course,” he replied supportively, his hands running along my back. “And if I can say… you’re really tense. Breathe slowly a few times, relax your body. It’ll make you feel better, but it’ll also make fucking you way easier.” He laughed warmly. I obeyed, closing my eyes and breathing, trying to relax my body. He was right, my muscles were tense, and it probably would have made me tight in a very bad way. 

Once he had rolled on the condom and I relaxed my body, it was clear we were both ready. He lined himself up with me, making me bite my bottom lip. Holy fuck, even feeling him up against me was heaven. Doing this felt so good. So right, despite who we were to each other. 

“Ready?” he asked, his own voice full of contained excitement.

“Fuck me like a slut,” I breathed, then gripped the sides of the desk. Slowly, Ryan’s cock slid inside me, filling me up… then going farther. And farther. Ryan pushed his cock inch by inch inside me until I felt the skin of his thighs against mine. I took him to the hilt. Ryan was inside me. My fucking TA, Ryan, was inside me.

He remained there for a little, moving his hips around a little, allowing me to acclimatize to his size while still giving me mini-fireworks with how good his dick felt inside me. I could feel his dick pulsing and bobbing inside me, clearly eager as hell to get the real show going, so right when it began to feel okay, I breathed out. “Okay, I’m ready I think,” I told him. 

“If it hurts, I’ll slow down. Say the word ‘red,’ and I’ll stop entirely, no questions asked. Okay?” he coaxed in a warm, almost loving voice.

“Okay,” I replied, trying to match his tone, and soon, his hips were on mine, and he began thrusting. My TA was thrusting inside me, fucking me like one of his friends with benefits. I was another conquest of his. For maybe one night only, I was one of Ryan’s little sluts. And this whore was also taking his class.

The desk was remarkably stable for the workout we were giving it. I looked back at Ryan, who was taking his shirt off. Once it was off, he stood there proudly, still thrusting into me with his hips, and winked at me with a cheeky little grin. I blushed and smiled back. God, he definitely needed to be more careful about giving girls crushes on him. 

His fingers were great, but there was something about having his dick inside me. Something so primal, something that made me feel so receptive and submissive. I loved being Ryan’s little cumdump. Hell, if he asked to take off the condom, a part of me would have said yes, especially after knowing how he fucked.

Every motion of his was perfect. The way he topped off each thrust with a little upward motion, the way he’d build up in speed under he was ramming me mercilessly, only to thrust particularly deep, hold it there, then slowly begin the cycle anew. He had direct contact with my inner goddess, and knew exactly how to play with her. He could have gotten anything he wanted from me. And today, and hopefully so many other days, he just wanted to be inside me. How lucky was I?

I loved the feeling of his hands on my hips. They were soft yet rough, his touch gentle yet assertive. Everything about him was so perfectly balanced. Before long, as he fucked, he couldn’t stop himself from getting really into it and making little grunting noises. Amongst the noises, I heard a low laugh. “Did you ever think it would end up like this?” he asked.

“I never thought I’d be so lucky,” I admitted, taking his dick, being his slut. He rammed me faster in response.

“Me either,” he breathed, thrusting his cock to the hilt inside me, letting it remain. Stars prickled across my vision. “You always intrigued me, and you’re right, any one of those girls could have probably worn me down if they played their cards right, but… only you did.”

Pride swelled within me. I did it. I beat out all of those popular beautiful girls. I was the one Ryan wanted to fuck. I wasn’t a particularly jealous type, but who doesn’t want to hear the object of their adoration tell them they particularly wanted to fuck them, while railing them? I practically purred with happiness, feeling Ryan pick up speed. His dick felt heavenly. I felt my third orgasm approach, and just as I did, one of his hands released my hip to grab my hair. It was like he had a sixth sense. He grabbed my hair and rammed me, keeping up a brutal but consistent pace, knowing I was cumming on his cock. Ryan was making his student cum, and he clearly loved every second of it as much as I did.

He wasn’t happy with just three. Ryan outpaced me every step of the way, eager to keep giving me pleasure, seemingly sharing it with me, as he rammed me to the breaking point over and over. I nearly tapped out after five mind-shattering orgasms, but happily, his breaking point approached soon after. I could tell because it was the only time he sped up that wasn’t part of the pattern of helping me cum. Naturally, I did my best to slam my hips back into his — I wanted to help him have the best orgasm possible too.

Ryan didn’t shout or bellow when he came, he growled like some kind of death metal singer, a guttural noise escaping from the bowels of his lungs. He slammed into me with particular force, almost making me yelp, and even though he wore a condom, I could feel the size of his load escape his cock and press against the latex. The feeling of that alone made a small moan escape my lips. “Fuck…” I moaned, enjoying the moment. “That’s it Ryan, cum for me, shoot that load.”

Ryan remained behind me, almost frozen in place, embracing the feeling before finally collapsing on top of me, both of us breathing heavily, covered in a sheen of sweat. The room smelled heavily of our deeds. Ryan lifted his head, kissing his way down my back. “Christ,” he murmured. “I’m so happy I took a chance on you, Jessica.”

“Me too, fuck,” I moaned back. “Please, take as many chances on me as you want. I’ll do it with you literally whenever.”

He chuckled, pulling out of me and, out of my eyeshot, disposing of the condom. It made a deliciously squishy sound as he chucked it away. I bet it was pretty full. I was about to turn back around at him when I felt two hands turn my head around. He was kissing me again. Clumsily yet passionately, I kissed him back, our naked sweaty bodies pressing against each other shamelessly. When we stood up, our lips still locked, I even felt his bare cockhead make contact with my womanhood. I moaned into the kiss.

Our lips slowly parted and we looked into each other’s eyes for a bit. “You’re amazing,” I told him dreamily.

“I’m only human,” he rebutted humorously.

“Fooled me,” I told him seductively.

He chuckled and then reached into his desk, pulling out a can of Febreze and going to town on the room. He had nothing on and he had zero shame being naked in front of me. “You okay?” he asked. “I didn’t go too far in any way, did I? Or maybe you’re feeling something you need to voice out loud?”

I shook my head, smiling. “I’m good,” I told him, sitting on the desk watching the naked Ryan Febreze the room. I giggled. He was so fucking cute. How could a guy so sexy still be so puppydog cute? Only Ryan.

“Now, remember what I said,” he almost ordered, even with a playful tone. “No crushes. Or if you do, manage it. This is… physical release for us, right?”

“I got it,” I promised, pulling my underwear and pants up. “To be honest, this dynamic is kind of hot. It’s almost better that we’re not together, but just… a teacher and a student with a hot sexy secret.”

Ryan looked at me and smirked. “Behave,” he ordered, even as his cock visibly throbbed.

“Seems like you liked that,” I teased. “Admit it.” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Fucking your student is hot.”

Ryan sighed, and walked over to me. His face was close to mine. “The hottest,” he admitted back to me in a whisper, then stole a quick kiss from me.

“You know…” I began. I wanted to prove to him that I could be casual about this, and plus, I was a slut. I wanted to take this even farther. “…There’s a group chat some of the girls in the seminar have. It’s about you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Great. You girls are insatiable,” he joked, then thought about it. “I guess that’s where you told them to do the whole essay-innuendo thing.”

I finished putting my shirt on, then nodded. My face was still flushed, and my hair was still a mess. “If you really enjoyed it, and you ever want to… you know… try it again…”

He hesitated, turning to me. “…What are you offering?”

“I know you said you could never do it with Kylie, because the feelings are too strong, but like half of the class would spread their legs for you if you asked,” I told him, feeling adrenaline surge within me. This felt so good, so hot. “I could help. I could see which girls are mature enough, if they could hold a secret. And I could help get them alone with you.”

The look on Ryan’s face was pure shock. To my delight, his cock throbbed. “You’d be okay with that?”

“After fucking you, I think I’ve realized something,” I told him seductively. “Not only is fucking my TA completely fine… I think as long as the TA is you, more girls should get to do it.” The image of Ryan fucking more of his slutty students filled my mind. There was no jealousy. It just felt like something I wanted to make happen. “And you like fucking girls, right? What do you say?”

Ryan’s face hadn’t changed from a state of pure shock. His dick, however, became rock hard again. 

Published 11 months ago

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