The Swing Chair On The Porch

"All I needed was my sexist brother-in-law hounding me, my in-laws judging me. I just want to be happy, something just has to work out."

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Thanksgiving can be a nightmare. My marriage certainly was, and I couldn’t do anything about it. All I needed was my sexist brother-in-law hounding me, my in-laws judging me. I just want to be happy, something just has to work out. Maybe after the holidays? Something has to give, and soon.

This time of year, wives brace themselves for an onslaught of family descending on their houses. I’m a nervous wreck trying to get everything together. The turkey, the decorations, and all the deep cleaning I have been doing for weeks.

My mother-in-law is one thing. She’s nice with that little edge of disapproval. You know the type. But she’s nothing compared to my brother-in-law, Kevin. He’s arrogant, crass, rich and Mmmm, fucking built. He’s also a bit of a misogynist and thinks he’s god’s gift. The string of women that follow him around only confirms that for him.

Last year, he came on to me. What a pig, right? He didn’t just come on to me, he came up behind me in the kitchen one night and cupped my tits. He was naked, and I felt his cock on the inside of my thigh. He was huge and as he got excited, his cock wedged between my legs just rubbing my pussy, I almost bent over for him.

“What are you doing? Your girlfriend is in the other room. Oh, Jesus, you’re naked. Why are you out here naked?”

“Well, I had a hold of your tits. Why do you think? And don’t give me that ‘Oh, Jesus’ bullshit. You want it.”

I did. My husband and I hadn’t had sex in a while. And by the sounds of it, Kevin didn’t go more than a few hours. “I’m not one of your whores.” I stomped off and decided it was time for my husband to do the do. He did not. I got mad, we fought, and I ended up diddling myself.

Fast forward eight months and I have been diddling wildly over that night. My husband is a dead fish. I have asked if he’s OK. Does he not love me? I sent him to get his testosterone checked. I am beside myself. Then a package came. It was from Kevin who was off on some South American trip.

“What’s this?” My husband asked.

“Your brother sent it. It’s…I don’t know, a lot of cloth and a log?”

“Let me look,” He said as I moved aside. It turned out to be a sort of hammock chair. “This is cool. I think I have just the place for it.”

We have an entertainment room, sort of a back porch with a TV that doubles as a guest quarters in the holiday. My husband hung it up, and it was comfortable. I loved sitting in it and reading. It swung, so it was like a rocking chair. Little did I know.

My in-laws came into town and I was getting ready to put their suitcase in the porch when my mother-in-law got a sour face. That’s not good.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just, you know, last year it was a bit cold out there. My old bones and all. Could we have a room inside?”

“It’s a lot smaller,” I said.

“Yes, but it’s closer to the bathroom. And, it’s warmer.”

“Ok. Let me move some things around.”

I was making the adjustment and making the bed, bending over to tuck something in, and – ‘crack!’ – my ass burst into flames as someone smacked my ass.

“Ow! What the…?!”

It was Kevin, sporting a new close-cropped beard. I was just about to smack him back when he grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

“You got a kiss for me?” he said.

“What?! No! You smacked my ass! That hurt, jerk.”

Undeterred, he kissed me anyway. It was fairly quick, given I bit him. But he just laughed it off and sat on the bed. His muscled frame stretched out as he lay back.

“I just made that, and this is not your room this year.”

“Good, because last year I had to deal with the constant sound of you and my brother fucking. Oh, no wait, that was me. You guys were doing the yelling.”

“You’re in the porch room. Like the dog you are,” I told him and left the room. He followed and went out to the porch. Where he saw the chair that my husband had hung.

“I see you hung it up, so this is why you wanted me out here. Nice. I knew you would come around.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You didn’t read the note with it, did you?” He asked. I had not. He had sent it around my birthday and he had put a card in it for me. I opened it, stole the money, and threw it in the desk drawer.

“I’ll open the couch up and get some sheets later and make the bed.”

“Hey, don’t bother. I’ll just use the blankets and sleep on the couch. That way, we can use it during the day. I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Really? Since when?”

I went to look for the card. I looked everywhere and then finally in the last place I looked, there it was, the teal envelope. I pulled the card out. Not much to it, a picture of an alpaca fucking another alpaca – “Figures.” And then the note.

Hey, I won’t be around for your birthday. I spotted this Incan fertility chair and thought about you. I can just imagine you in it, just a t-shirt. Anyway, it’s supposed to bring you happiness and all that, so, happy birthday. Get laid already!

Great, an Incan fertility chair? He made that up! I’ll never be able to sit in it again knowing he thinks it’s a sex swing.

“Hey, my brother arrive?” my husband asked. “We were going to go golfing.”

“Yes, he’s here. Get him out of my sight,” I said, putting the note away.

“You’re not still pissed about last year. Are you?”

“Let’s not start again. The both of you go. I have to settle your mother in.”

They left, and a few minutes later, the fun with his mother began.

That night we were sitting around talking, and I went to get some drinks. Kevin appeared in the kitchen.

“Need help?” he asked and startled me.

“More than you can imagine. So, no slut this year? Did they all finally get smart and see through you?”

“Not exactly. Maybe I just grew up.”

“Oh. Good one. Carry all this out to your mom and dad. I’ll get the chips.”

“Look. I don’t want this to get ugly. But, then again, I do. I thought about not using this. But you know what? I think I will. In spite of you being a little bitchy,” he said and laid what looked like a thousand-dollar bill on the counter. He grabbed the drinks and left.

The bill was bogus of course, one side was a thousand and the other was a note. A bet between my husband and Kevin.

One Night with Beth. Whoever wins gets Beth all night.

Signed by my husband and four other guys, Kevin being one. Why would he give me this? It was obviously a joke. But the idea aroused me that all these guys were playing golf with me as a prize. My husband being one of them.

Wanting to put the bill in the trash, I looked at it for a bit and sat down in the kitchen. What did it mean? My husband came looking for me. I slid the bill over to him. “What’s this?”

He sat down. “It’s a fake bill. We use them for gentlemen bets, you know ‘bet you a grand that…’ that kind of thing.”

“Yeah, but you bet me! Want to explain?”

“Actually, I didn’t. Kevin wrote that,” he explained.

“And you signed it,” I pointed out his signature.

“I did.”

“And so of course you guys had a laugh and Kevin kept the bill as a joke to humiliate me with later,” I said, leaned back and crossed my arms.

“No, Beth. That’s not it. He won the round,” my husband said and my mouth fell open.

“You seriously want me to honor this bet? Is that where we are going. Unbelievable. I don’t think I have ever heard anything so, so… You’re both a couple of pigs. I’m not some possession, what the fuck were you thinking?”

“Beth, I’m gay.”

It was a punch to the gut. We sat there in silence. A thousand things running through my mind. I knew something was wrong; I had asked a thousand times. Part of me knew I didn’t want to know. I thought I was strong. I got up and left the room and locked myself in the bedroom.

I woke up about midnight. The air was chilly and my arm had gone numb. So had my entire body, but not from the cold. I got up and looked around. Everyone was asleep. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I turned on the light over the stove and Kevin was sitting at the table with a drink. I jumped out of my skin.

“Oh, shit. You love to scare the hell out of me,” I said, my heart pounding.

“That wasn’t my plan,” he said. He was dressed and his bag was sitting next to him.

“Do you make plans?” I asked, but tried to make it sound softer. I didn’t want to fight.

“I’m sorry, Beth.”

“What? It’s not your fault,” I told him.

“It is though, and I’m sorry. I fucked up. Not that that should be a surprise.”

“What are you talking about?” I went and sat at the table.

“I knew my brother was gay. Since we were, fuck, ten, eleven. He came to me. I’m the older brother. You know. I told him he just needed some good pussy. What the hell did I know to say? I was fourteen! I told him it would work out. God, he was so afraid to be gay. The old man would have thrown him out, you know. At least we thought so.”

“Ok, so you knew. So what? He married me, he lied to me. To himself.”

“Yeah, but that night, at the drive-in. You remember you were there with that chick, what was her name? Teresa.”

“Yeah,” I smiled, remembering. “She was a fast one. I remember you guys in the back seat. Awkward.”

“I picked her because you were out of my league. I was trying to get my brother laid, you know. The good pussy. And I saw you. I figured.”

“Are you saying I was the good pussy you thought would turn your brother straight?”

“I was in the Army on leave, I fucking saw you. I wanted you, but I knew I would fuck it up. So, when I saw how well it was going, I figured it worked. Stupid, I know, but I thought maybe it was just some phase for him. He loves you, he does, but he’s been a fucking miserable wreck. So, last year…,” he started to say.

“Seriously? You were going to take me away from my husband?”

“Had to give it a shot. I was hoping I could make it right. Get the hot girl. I wanted it all. It’s how I roll right, like the Eagles song ‘Everything all the time,’ anyway, this year I came back, to try again. A real plan this time to help him out after I got him into this mess. I love him, no one wanted anyone to get hurt.”

I sat there as he drank his scotch and I thought about where I was right now. Oddly, I was released. It all made sense. I wasn’t upset, a little sad, but what can you expect?

“So you know, I’m not hurt. What’s happened the last few years, that hurt. But what happened tonight, you talking to me, explaining, that ended it. You’re an idiot, of course. But you’re a sweet idiot, I guess, for helping your brother.”

“Thanks, but I wanted more than that. I’m no saint.”

He got up, stretched, and picked up his bag.

“Where are you going?” I asked. “You’re not driving? You just sat here and drank half the bottle.”

“I didn’t drive, I got an UBER coming.”

“No. No. You can’t, what about your mom and dad, Thanksgiving?”

“Mom is used to her irresponsible son. She won’t even blink,” he started to head to the door.

“So, you’re just going to fuck up again? Walk away from the hot chick?”

He turned and looked at me with his dark eyes. “Like I said. You are, and always were, out of my league.”

“True. But you said you grew up a little. Seems like you’re just running away, really grown up.”

He took a deep breath and set his bag down. “Ok. What next?”

I took his hand and went out to the couch on the porch. I got up on my tiptoes and pulled him down to me, and gave him a kiss. “We sleep on it. And you sleep off all that scotch.”

We lay down, clothed, and snuggled on the couch. I fell asleep with him wrapped around me like a blanket.

I woke up to the bright sunshine of the porch and my mother-in-law’s voice. She was in her PJs and robe. Then I remembered I was laying there with Kevin and jumped up.

“Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wondered if you have oatmeal?”

“Yeah, it’s on the top shelf,” I said.

“Ok, I will find it. You just lie back down. After the last two years, you must be exhausted.”

“What? But. This is not what it looks like,” I said, pulling down my shirt.

“I know my sons dear, better than you. And, I do really like you as a daughter-in-law,” she winked, and left, closing the door behind her. I sat back down. Was I the only one out of the loop here?

I stretched out next to Kevin, who was waking up next to me. I pulled his hand up to my breast and kissed him again. “Morning? Headache?”

“No. A little stiff is all,” He said.

“You never get hung over, do you? You’re like a piece of iron. Except of course that you’re getting old, I can massage the stiffness out if you tell me what part of your back it’s in.”

He kissed me. Really kissed me deeply and his huge hand squeezed my tit and then caressed the rest of my body as he pressed himself against me. I felt a surge of lust for him. I remembered his cock touching my pussy last year and how much more touching it was going to do now if I had my way.

“I’m not old. And it’s not my back that’s stiff,” He said humping my thigh with his hard cock. “Never said it was my back. And I’m not iron, steel, steel is the word.”

“Of course you are,” I laughed. It was just who he was. He pulled down my pants. I lifted to help and then kicked them off as I opened my legs and let him play in my wet pussy as his hand crawled up my shirt to my naked breast that had fallen out of my bra. He got up and then picked me up. He was solid and strong. I loved his arms. “Now what?”

“You’ll see,” He said.

He walked over to the swing chair and set me down in it. I scooted around to get comfortable as his clothes came off and I saw this man fully nude and erect. He was always hot, but now I could admit that I wanted him. I opened my legs, and he got on his knees on a pillow. He lined up his cock with my pussy and pulled the chair to himself.

“Oh, wow. Easy. Fuck. I haven’t had sex in a year. And you’re a big guy, anyway.”

He swung me gently at first until I got wet and he had opened me enough that I could take him all. I bit my lip to be quiet as my in-laws bumped around in the kitchen while their son started fucking the hell out of me.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he grunted.

“Fuck me. I think I can take all of you now,” I spread a little wider, and he fucked me. The look in his eyes, his cock touching me inside on every square inch. It felt good and just like that, it triggered an orgasm. I squirmed and thrashed in ecstasy and then with a deep thrust he pushed in me so deep it took my breath away as he came inside my unprotected pussy. We kissed, I put my hands around his neck as he pulled me out of the chair up into the air, still impaled on his cock.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “It was a piss hard-on.”

“You were great, I came, what are you sorry for?”

“You only came the one time. I usually have more control.”

“You’re joking?” I said. But he wasn’t. We kissed, and he laid me on the couch and we kept fucking for a while until I was almost too sore to walk.

“I love you. I know this might not last but god I have dreamed about you for so long,” Kevin said.

It’s just the kind of thing a woman likes to hear from a man. I hoped it would last too.

And it did last. We took it slow, for three months, so not so slow. But I took a lot of swing rides and Kevin proved himself. I fell for him hard. But I don’t think I had far to go.

This year we are all at Kevin’s house, my house. Kevin is a bit of an idiot and politically incorrect. But he’s my idiot now, and it’s about time. I was almost nine months pregnant when we got married. My mother-in-law loves irritating me by rubbing my belly.

My ex is happy now too. He’s a little lost, I think, navigating his life. A little gun shy of what people think. But I think he will find his way, eventually. I hear his boss has an eye for him now that he’s come out.

Published 2 years ago

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