The Summer I Met Nina: Part One

"A waiter and beautiful, sexy guest finally meet and both lives are changed."

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I met Nina the summer I worked as a waiter at Pocmont Lodge, a glitzy, somewhat seedy resort in the Pocono Mountains. It was a good way to earn a lot of money in ten weeks to help pay for college because we worked for room and board and got good tips. All the waiters and bus boys bunked in a cabin that looked more like a chicken house. The shabby cabin next door housed the band that played in the lounge at night. At twenty-five, I was older than the other guys because I decided to go to college after four years in the Navy. I am somewhat shy around women and it takes all of my nerve to approach someone who attracts me. When I first saw Nina that summer, I knew I wanted to meet her but had no idea how I could make that happen.

Being a waiter in a resort is a lot different than working in a regular restaurant because we served breakfast, lunch and dinner to the same people for a long weekend or sometimes a week and they would give us pretty big tips before they left. We were also expected to play softball with the guest in the afternoon and play with the children in the pool. To make extra money, I worked as a bar waiter at night, so it was a long day. This was my second summer at the resort and I decided if I was going to be a waiter, I’d be the best I could be. I wore a short red waiter’s jacket with one gold button, black pants, white shirt and a black bow tie. I made being a waiter fun even though some of the guests were slobs, phonies, rude and demanding, while others were pleasant and appreciative. No matter what, I was always polite, accommodating and personable, often kibitzing. That was my job and it helped with the tips.

Though Nina was not seated in my section, when I passed her table the first night she arrived, our eyes met. She was seated with her parents, an older couple who looked pretty well off. I found out her father was a judge and her mother a college professor at the University of Pennsylvania. I also found out from their waiter, a guy named Gary, that Nina was engaged and that her finance would be up on the weekend.

She had an exotic look about her, long black curly hair that fell well below her shoulders, high cheek bones, olive skin and sparkling green eyes. She dressed in a variety of ways, sometimes bohemian with a paisley skirt and white peasant blouse or jeans with tie-dyed t-shirts or a low cut tank top, though at lunch she dressed for tennis. Her tits looked like a good handful and strained her tight shirts. She had long dangling earrings and several bracelets on each wrist. I also noticed the big ring on her finger. She had a sophisticated air and I could not tell her age. She could have been eighteen or thirty.

At first, while seated at her table with her parents, we just glanced at each other then she’d smile and I would too. When I looked up while serving, she would look at me then quickly turn away. By the second day of seeing her in the dining room, our eyes lingered on each other. She would look at me, smile then bite her lower lip before turning away to converse with her parents. When she got up to leave the dining room, I could see her slender body. At the door, she’d turn and look back at me on the other side of the dining room, our eyes meeting and again bite her lower lip, a very erotic gesture that surprised me considering she was engaged. As I mentioned, at lunch she wore a short white tennis skirt and tank top and I could see her round ass and long tan legs as she went off to play tennis with her father.

While I played third base in our afternoon softball games, I’d see her in the distance at the pool wearing a rather daring bikini and got to know her routine of playing tennis after lunch then go for a swim and lay back on one of the lounge chairs, soaking up the sun, usually with a drink on the table next to her. After the game, I’d take off my jeans already wearing my bathing trunks and go to the pool to cool off, one of the nice benefits of working there.

I’d dive in and swim across the pool under water and come up on the edge near where she was sitting. She’d look at me, smile as our eyes met then take a sip of her drink, glancing at me over the rim of her glass then lay back with her legs slightly apart. Still, we hadn’t spoken but our eyes were definitely communicating.

At dinner she dressed a little more formally but always subtly revealing. Clearly, she liked short dresses or skirts, tops that revealed her tan shoulders, her bare arms and just a hint of cleavage. I still can see her entering the dining room with a short, tight black skirt that came down mid thigh. She wore high heels and had a confident manner, not at all self-conscious. When she walked to her table, not only men looked at her but the women. She was striking and she knew it.

Dinners were more elaborate than lunch and breakfast with appetizers, soup of the day, several choices for the main course as well as decadent desserts. We carried out the food on trays raised just above our shoulders and I practiced walking erectly and gracefully imitating the French waiters I remembered when I traveled or saw in movies. I’d turn and lower my tray onto the stand then serve each dish elegantly, sensing she was watching.

By the third day of our eyes meeting in the dining room or at the pool, we became more flirtatious though no one could have noticed. She somehow managed to look at me while she listened or spoke to her parents. When I walked back to the kitchen after serving a table, she’d watch me and turn her head slightly, her eyes following mine with a slight smile. Our eyes lingered, my lips returning her smile before I continued toward the kitchen and she went back to her conversation.

I knew I had to meet her but had no idea how to get past the flirtatious looking. I also wondered how she could look at me like that if she was engaged and her finance would be coming the next day, the beginning of the weekend. She mystified me.

After dinner was served and we set the tables for breakfast I went over to the lounge for my bar waiter shift. It was busy that night and it was just me, Gary and Catherine, an older woman, serving drinks. The band played a wide variety of music, up-beat tunes for fast disco type dancing, you know, gyrating, not touching as if you were dancing by yourself then slow, romantic ballads sung by the leader, Jack Kramer, an old timer with white hair who knew all the Frank Sinatra songs. They also played Latin music since the Cha-Cha and Rumba was popular. I noticed how they played more romantic music towards the end of the evening as if setting the stage for what might follow when couples went back to their rooms. They always ended with, “Good Night Sweetheart.”

I was so busy all night that I didn’t notice Nina taking a seat at the end of the bar. It was late and she was alone. Her low cut black dress revealed more cleavage than anything she had worn before. Every time I returned to the bar to pick up another order, she’d look at me, a hint of a smile, our eyes lingering before looking away.

Finally, I was resolved. Next time, I put in an order I was going to stand next to her, give Charlie, the bartender my order then say something, but I was too late. When I came back to the bar, she was gone. I saw her leave the lounge wearing the short tight black skirt and was angry at myself for missing this opportunity.

It was late and the lounge was emptying though several couples were still dancing and the music was soft and slow. I decided to sign out and let Gary serve the remaining guests. Catherine also signed out and sat down next to me at the bar. She was an older woman, a little heavy, her hair turning grey, tied in a tight bun, a few loose strands over her ears. I could see her fading beauty, her slightly watery blue eyes and sensed her sadness. She ordered a martini and looked at me and told me I looked upset.

“What’s wrong Pete, is that woman you keep looking at giving you a hard time?”

I was stunned that she noticed and swallowed but didn’t answer.

“She wants you,” Catherine continued. “You know me. I don’t miss a trick.”

Catherine and I had become good friends after two summers of working together. She also worked in the dining room and in the lounge at night. We had many intimate conversations, sharing a lot about our lives, but I never sensed anything sexual between us. She was a smart, keen observer of life with a lot of stories. She told me how she was once married to an editor and columnist at the Washington Post, how they traveled a lot and her circle of friends included well known politicians, business people and artists. Her husband who was twenty years older died suddenly of a massive heart attack ten years earlier. She was forty three at the time.

“I was his trophy wife,” she’d say bitterly. “He was a gambler and didn’t believe in life insurance and there I was with no skills, past my prime to get another man and here I am, a waitress at Pocmont Lodge.”

I knew she had remarried several years ago to a Puerto Rican waiter she met in Key West and now she worked in Florida each winter and at Pocmont each summer. Her husband worked at one of the swankier resorts about a mile up the road and was about eight years younger. She made it clear, it was a marriage of convenience not love but admitted it started with lust when they were both drunk in a bar and they just started staying together, a kind of friend with benefits arrangement that ended up with them getting married instead of breaking up. Often she reminisced about her days in Washington, clearly missing the comfort and glamorous life she had. Now she lived in a trailer two miles up the road.

“I know she wants you,” Catherine said looking at me, after ordering a second Martini. “Can’t say I blame her,” she added looking into my eyes. “You’re a good looking guy. I bet you’re good in bed, too.”

Her words stunned me. She had never talked to me like she that. “If I was her, I’d be all over you,” she said, sipping her martini. “I probably shouldn’t be talking to you like this,” she said looking deeply into my eyes then took a big gulp of her drink, finishing it then looked back at me.

“You know, I could take your mind off her. I could give you a good time, “she said.

I swallowed, baffled. I had never seen Catherine like this.

She picked up the olive from her empty glass and sucked it off the toothpick, moving her face closer to mine and looked at me with her watery, sultry blue eyes.

I didn’t say anything but saw her sadness and desperate loneliness. I saw she was drunk. She then turned to Charlie and ordered another martini, pushing the empty glass towards him. He looked at me then back at her. “This’ll be your last one, Catherine.”

She leaned closer to me and put her hand on my hand. “I could show you a real good time,” she repeated. “You know I like younger guys, don’t you?”

I was frozen, feeling her hand, hearing her words, seeing a side of Catherine I had never seen before. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I definitely did not want this to go any further. Feeling tense and about to tell Catherine I was going to turn in, the phone rang behind the bar. Charlie picked up the receiver and nodded, glancing at me then when he hung up told me some lady wants warm milk in room twelve, how about taking it up to her. I said sure, seeing this was a good opportunity to avoid Catherine’s coming on to me.

Catherine gave Charlie a nasty look but continued pressing her large breasts against my arm then suddenly sat straight up and sighed deeply, “I better get going too after this last martini.”

Looking at Catherine, wishing I knew what to say, I kept quiet and let the awkward embarrassment pass, aware of Catherine’s pain, aware that she had fallen from a sophisticated, elevated life in Washington to a waitress in a second class resort, married to an itinerant waiter who she didn’t love and was now living in a rented trailer.

While Charlie heated up the milk on a small hot plate, I stood up next to Catherine. She turned and looked up at me. “Sorry you’re seeing me like this, Pete. Getting old ain’t for sissies,” she added with another deep sigh then turned to look up at the band and the few remaining couples dancing then turned back to me.

“You’re not that old,” I said looking at the lines around her eyes and mouth, the graying hair, her faded beauty then suddenly remembered Nina’s long dark hair halfway down her back, her smooth olive skin, the sexy tight skirt I saw as she left the lounge. I was still upset for missing my chance to meet Nina and take advantage of her being alone at the bar. Instead, I was taking warm milk to some old woman who couldn’t sleep.

Charlie brought the glass of milk to me on a small tray. I wondered if I should put on my red waiter’s vest and bow tie to deliver the milk but decided not too. I was signed out. It was late and I was disgusted with myself. I would deliver the milk then go back to the dark bunk house and call it a day.

After saying goodnight to Catherine, I left the lounge and walked through the lobby, noticing the gaudy red carpet, the plastic potted plants, the fake chandelier, the dark front desk thinking about Catherine, wondering if I would ever get to meet Nina and tried to keep the warm milk from spilling. I walked quickly up the carpeted stairway and down the narrow hall to room twelve. I knocked on the door and said, “Room Service” even though there was no need to. The guest was expecting someone to deliver warm milk.

When the door opened, it was Nina. I stood there completely surprised. She was wearing a short satiny night gown and nothing else. I could see her nipples through the sheerness and her tan legs beneath the soft white material. She was barefooted. I gasped and saw her smile, looking at my shocked face.

“Here’s your warm milk,” I finally said.

“Oh yes, the warm milk, thanks,” she said, opening the door wider then pointed to the small table next to the bed. “Put it over there.”

I squeezed by her in the doorway and walked to the night table and placed the milk next to a lamp. When I turned, Nina leaned against the closed door; her short nightgown came just below her hips revealing her tan thighs. Our eyes met and she smiled, “I’m Nina.”

I know,” I said, looking at her, amazed that I was in her room. “I’m Peter.”

“I know,” she said, smiling, looking into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to meet you.”

“Me, too, I’ve wanted to meet you,” I responded trying to keep my eyes from staring at her thighs barely covered by the short white nightie, her tits barely hidden by the sheer material. “I didn’t expect to meet like this though.”

“This was my little ploy. I actually hate milk but got Charlie to send you up here. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind. I was going to introduce myself in the lounge but you left.”

“I could tell you’re on the shy side so I got this idea. I got tired of waiting for you to make a move so I made it happen. We don’t have much time and I wanted to hang out with you and thought what better place then my room.”

“Very daring, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I didn’t want my parents to see us together. My dad’s a judge and mom might as well be one and Fred, my fiancé is coming up tomorrow afternoon.”

“I see,” I said nodding looking into her eyes then glancing at her body as she crossed the room, her nipples poking at the thin material, the faint dark hair of her barely covered mound.

I stood next to the night table and the bed. She smiled, looking into my eyes, standing close. “I really wanted to meet you, but I want you to know, I don’t usually do things like this. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression but,” she said, stopped and bit her lower lip.

“But what,” I asked eager to hear what she was saying.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I like how you look at me and here we are in a funky phony resort and I’ve been going to bed horny thinking about you and so decided I was going to try to make something happen, you know, take the bull by the horns, as they say.”

“Interesting,” I said, her words getting me hard.

“Want to smoke a joint with me?” she asked, opening the night table drawer, taking out an already rolled joint, holding it in front of me.

“You really are daring, aren’t you,” I said with a chuckle.

“Sometimes I have to be to get what I want,” she said picking up a lighter, lit the joint then took a deep draw before handing it to me.

I took a hit, conscious that the smell might draw attention. “We better be careful someone might smell this.”

She grabbed my hand and we went into the bathroom and closed the door. “I like sneaking,” she said and laughed. “My parents are next door and haven’t got a clue about me, not that I’m a slut or anything, but I’m not the little angel they think I am.”

We each took hits of the joint. She leaned up against the sink which was next to the toilet and I sat down on the closed toilet seat. The short nightgown rose higher on her thighs as she leaned back.

“So your fiancé is coming up tomorrow. You’re getting married and here you are smoking a joint with me in the bathroom.”

“Right,” she chuckled then shook her head. “I’m getting married in September ready or not.”

“You don’t sound too excited,” I said.

“He’s a great guy,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “and my parents are planning a big wedding. You know, white gown, the whole shebang.” She took a big hit of the joint and passed it to me.

“But,” I said, pausing knowing she was hesitant.

“I’m terrified and feel like I’m being pulled into something I’m not sure I want.”

She passed me the joint then surprised me by turning from the sink and straddled my legs. “Do you think I’d be sitting on you like this after three days of our looking at each other and me feeling horny thinking about you at night if I was ready to marry Fred?”

“What are you going to do?” I asked, taking a hit then passed it back to her.

“Good question,” she answered then squirmed pressing harder against the bulge in my pants.

I lowered my hands to her ass. She took one last hit then placed the remnants of the joint on the edge of the sink. She smiled looking into my eyes then leaned forward, her tits crushed against my chest as I rubbed her ass and our bodies moved slowly, grinding into each other.

“Right now I don’t want to think about anything but you and me,” she said, moving a little faster, grinding harder.

“That sounds good,” I said, feeling the pot taking hold and my mind swirling.

“You feel so good,” she whispered in my ear.

“You do too,” I said tightening my grip on her ass, pulling her harder against me.

I was fascinated by Nina and wanted to know more about her, but at the moment, the sensation of holding her and being stoned made it hard to focus on anything but our lust rising. She lifted her head and we looked at each other. She closed her eyes, biting her lip again, enjoying the pleasure, moaning softly. I pulled her closer, squeezing her ass and we both started grinding harder, the weed taking away our inhibitions, fueling our need to let loose.

Suddenly, she stood up and looked down at me, her legs wide apart then got down on her knees between my legs, unbuttoned my pants, her hands moving quickly, pulling down the zipper, reaching for my cock which had already sprung out of my boxer shorts. She looked into my eyes then grabbed my cock and started licking it passionately. I could feel her hunger as she moved her tongue up and down, harder and faster then took the head of my cock in her mouth, holding my shaft tightly as she swallowed, devouring my cock, bobbing furiously up and down as if crazed, driving me nuts, my pent up lust rising.

I grabbed her head, pulling her hair, lifting my ass and started thrusting into her mouth feeling I was about to explode but wanting to make this last, unable to comprehend that I was suddenly in the bathroom with Nina getting the hottest blow job of my life. I could tell by the way she was attacking my cock that she wanted to let loose and knew we were going to get rough and wild and fuck each other crazy, the three days of looking at each other, longing to meet suddenly colliding in her bathroom with this passionate madness.

While her hot mouth took me deeper, I grabbed and lifted her to her feet, suddenly turning her roughly to face the sink and got behind her. She bent over and I lifted her nightgown over her luscious round ass, placed the head of my cock at the entrance of her wet pussy, moving it up and down, teasing her. We looked in the mirror at each other, her mouth wide open, our eyes fixed on each other before pushing a little deeper, moving my cock in a small circle, tantalizing her. Nina rocked back against me, desperately wanting more.

“Fuck me, come on, give it to me,” she shouted looking into my eyes in the mirror.

“You’ll get it when I’m ready,” I said, smiling, no longer the shy waiter and now determined to give her something she would never forget. “I’m in charge!”

“Oh yeah!” she shouted and suddenly bucked back, pushing me away and squirmed past me and ran to the bathroom door. My pants were at my ankles and I couldn’t move to catch her. She laughed, reaching for the door knob “So you want to play games, mister,” she yelled, taunting me.

“You’re asking for it, miss,” I yelled, quickly getting my shoes off, kicked away my pants and dashed across the small bathroom.

Just as she tried to leave the bathroom, I grabbed her wrist, pushing her into the other room and slammed her against the wall opposite the bed. Facing me, I suddenly grabbed her arms lifting her hands above her head, looking into her eyes, moving my mouth close to hers, “You’ve met your match miss.”

“Oh yeah, you think so mister. You don’t know who you’re messing with,” she said, looking back at me.

I got both of her hands together so I could hold them with one hand above her head then placed my other hand on her mound, cupping her pussy. “We’ll see,” I said, gripping her pussy tighter, surprised at my aggressiveness.

I then kissed her hard on the lips, opening her mouth with my tongue, her tongue responding, swirling with mine as we kissed madly, my hand clutching her pussy harder then entered my middle finger causing her to gasp and thrust, arching her back as I held her against the wall. Thrusting my finger, feeling her wet tight pussy gripping it, I entered a second finger, our tongues deep in each others mouths, my fingers moving faster and harder, fucking her, sensing she was getting closer.

I then pulled my fingers out, hearing her gasp then dropped to my knees, spreading her legs wider then started licking her dripping pussy, lapping her juicy wetness with the flat of my tongue, grabbing her ass, pulling her harder against my tongue, devouring her pussy, her loud gasps and moans inspiring me, loving her hard thrusts against my tongue, her hunger, her wanting to cum. I then moved my tongue to her clit, sucking and licking.

“Ohhhhhhfuck!” she screamed, tensing, trembling, on the verge of exploding when I pulled my mouth away.

“Oh noooooo! Don’t stop, you bastard!” she screamed.

I then grabbed her arms, pulling her hard across the room and shoved her face down on the bed. I looked at her luscious round ass barely covered by the sheer nightgown while I quickly took off my shirt off and tossed it, my throbbing hard cock sticking straight out like a thick pole when I pounced on her, straddling her, pressing my cock into the crack of her ass. I lay heavily on her squirming body, grinding into her ass then reached my hand under her, grabbing her pussy again, cupping it in the palm of my hand, “We’re going to have an all nighter,” I whispered in her ear.

She gasped at my words and I could not believe this was me talking like this. It was as if both of us wanted to release all of our pent up frustration, our longing, our need. I was grinding my cock into her ass, feeling her squirming and humping my hand, the weight forcing her clit to rub into my palm. “You want a good hard fuck, don’t you?” I whispered.

“Yes!” she screamed.

Suddenly, I surprised her and rolled over onto my back, getting her to lay on top of me, on her back, looking up at the ceiling, her legs wide apart while I kept my hand on her pussy gripping it tightly. With her ass pressed against my cock, I entered two fingers into her pussy causing a loud gasp then a louder, “Ohmygod!” She then lifted her hips, thrusting, desperately wanting my fingers deeper. “Harder! Harder!” she screamed thrusting her pussy onto my fingers. Her body tensing, trembling and I could tell she was again on the verge of exploding.

Just then I pulled my fingers out, holding them just above her pussy as she arched and cried out, “No! Oh fuck! Don’t do this! Don’t stop!”

She fell back against me and lifted her ass again, arching her back trying desperately to reach my fingers just above her pussy. “Don’t do this to me, you fucking bastard!”

I grabbed her tit with my other hand as she lay on me, lifting her ass, straining to reach my finger. I rubbed her tit roughly then pinched and twisted her nipple, as she struggled, my hard cock throbbing against her ass with my need for her. Suddenly, I bucked, lifting her, grabbing her hips then flipped her roughly onto her back causing her to bounce as I spread her legs, kneeling over her, my cock straight out over her pussy.

Just as I was about to thrust and take her, she brought her knees up, placed her feet on my chest and kicked me away. “Not so fast, mister!” she yelled, squirming from under me and crawled away from me up to the head board. She turned, laying back against the puffed up pillows, spreading her legs wide apart, her knees bent and started rubbing her pussy, looking into my surprised eyes,

I crawled between her legs, watching her hand moving over her pussy then got up on my knees, lifting my cock just above her hand, her eyes looking at the hardness, her mouth wide open. She then put two fingers in her pussy and started fucking herself. Suddenly, I slapped her hand away with my cock.

“You want to fuck me, don’t you,” she said, looking into my eyes.

“You know what I want.”

“You want to fuck this tight cunt, don’t you?

“Yeah, slut, I want to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

Oh yeah!”

“Yeah,” I yelled then suddenly grabbed her hand from her pussy then her other hand, lifting both of her arms over he head and without warning rammed my cock into her pussy, opening her, thrusting deep and hard.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfuck!” she screamed. “You’re so big!”

Pulling all the way out, I thrust again harder, screaming, “You’re so tight! Fuck me! Fuck me! Just fuck me!”

“Give it to me! Give it to me!” she yelled, lifting her ass off the bed, my hands gripping hers against the headboard.

As I leaned over her, she raised her hips, arching her back then thrusting hard, I drove her against the pillows, the headboard banging against the wall, my cock going as deep as possible. Suddenly she bit my shoulder, stifling her screaming, both of us realizing her parents were in the next room. I kept thrusting harder and faster, feeling her body tensing, her pussy gripping my cock. She lifted her ass again and I drove her back to the bed again as she convulsed in a huge wild orgasm. I kept thrusting knowing I wasn’t far behind. She bit my shoulder harder then pulled her gasping mouth away, holding it open, no sounds coming, choking back screams as violent spasms shook her and my thrusts went deeper, faster and harder, my orgasm building.

“Cum in me, I’m safe,” she said through gritted teeth.

Feeling her pussy gripping my cock tighter, my orgasm rising with each hard thrust then suddenly I erupted in a huge overwhelming orgasm, my cum gushing into her, closing my eyes, biting my lip, doing everything I could to keep quiet then suddenly gasped, “Ahhhhhhhhhhh” as spurt after spurt shot into her pussy before I fell, collapsing heavily on her body, both of us panting and gasping.

Nina wrapped her arms and legs around my back holding me in her, both of us taking deep gulps of air and writhing in the warm afterglow. My head lay on her shoulder, dazed then suddenly remembering the intensity of what had just occurred, gasped, “Wow!”

Nina held me tighter, closer and we lay like that for several minutes, wallowing in the warmth of our bodies, the sound of our breathing, the aroma of our sex filling the room. Neither of us spoke but, after several minutes, my thoughts swirling, I lifted my head and looked at Nina lying under me. Our eyes met and she smiled then took a deep sigh.

“Well, here we are,” she said, a slight smile on her lips.

I leaned down and kissed her lightly then lifted my head and looked at her, “Now what?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to think.”

The lamp beside the table was still on and I glanced at the glass of milk then suddenly remembered it was late and I had to be in the dining room by seven. I didn’t want to leave her bed, the warmth of our bodies, the closeness I felt.

“We got pretty wild,” I finally said.

“I’d say so. We were primal, letting loose. I loved it. You were amazing.”

“I called you a slut but I don’t think you are,” I said, remembering our screaming names each other.

“I liked that. They’re just words.” She paused, looking into my eyes. “But you must wonder about me being here when I’m getting married and Fred will be here tomorrow.”

“I don’t know what to think about that,” I said, sliding off of her body, getting her on her side while I lay on mine behind her so we could spoon.

“Mmmmmm this is my favorite,” she said, rubbing my arms while I embraced her, pulling her close, loving the softness of her skin, her round ass pressed against my deflated penis. I kissed her shoulder then her hair, smelling her shampoo.

“Your hair smells nice.”

“Apple Blossom shampoo,” she said.

“I like it,” I whispered, kissing her ear. I could not believe I was lying next to this beautiful woman and wanted to know more about her, especially now. It was one thing to be attracted, but we had left the harmless flirtation behind and had entered another dimension. As much as I wanted to just be in the present and not think, my mind had a life of its own and I could not stop thinking about what was happening. I again realized how late it was and I had to be in the dining room by seven and able to work. Still, I wanted to know if what had been brewing for several days was just a physical attraction culminating in this wild rendezvous or was there more. I had no idea.

“Nina, I have to ask you something,” I said after a long silence.

“I know what you’re going to ask,” she responded.

“You do.”

“Yes, you want to know if this is just a one night stand, a fling while my husband to be is not here.”

I chuckled at her somehow reading my mind. “Right, I want to know what’s going on.”

“I don’t know what’s going on,” she answered. “All I know is I like how we looked at each other. Maybe it was just flirting but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I know I told you I had horny thoughts but sometimes our bodies know more than our minds do, sometimes we have to listen to our heart and follow what we feel. Maybe this was just lust, maybe it’s more. I don’t know. We’ll see.”

“Well that’s honest.”

“One thing you will learn about me is I’m honest. I say what I think and feel, that’s for sure.”

“I’m fascinated. I want to know everything I can about you, even if we only have one day.”

“We’ll have to sneak,” she said. “Even though I am twenty four, my parents are very overprotective and I’ve had to be very clever to get out from under, if you know what I mean.”

“I do.”

“I want to know about you too, Peter. I can tell a lot already by how we made love. This was very special, so let’s play it by ear and see what happens.” She paused. “I hope you don’t mind sneaking.”

“No. I guess that will make it more exciting. I don’t care, I just want to get to know you and see if this is a one night fling or more.”

“You never know,” she said, rubbing my arms then quickly turned around to face me, pulled me closer and we kissed, gently at first then deeper. She put her hand on the back of my head, holding my lips to hers and we kissed tenderly, the complete opposite of our mad, passionate lust filled kissing.

She then pulled her lips away and smiled, our eyes looking deeply into each others eyes then she pushed me onto my back, climbed on top, straddling me and I was hard again. Laying on me, her tits crushed against my chest, she slowly rocked back and forth, her wet pussy sliding up and down the length of my hard cock.

“You feel so good,” she whispered then we kissed, our tongues touching, moving slowly as we moved in a slow grinding motion. I placed my hands on her round ass as she lay on me, her legs next to my hips rocking slowly, pressing her pussy harder against my cock, giving me excruciating pleasure, both of us moaning softly as we kissed and moved together. I then lifted my hips off the bed, holding her ass and gently rolled her onto her back. She open her legs and embraced my body and I slowly entered her, thrusting gently, opening her, pushing deeper, her legs pulling me into her until I was as deep as possible, feeling the exquisite sensation of her tight pussy gripping my cock. We kissed and our tongues moved slowly, our hips swiveling, my cock moving deeper in a gentle screwing motion, both of us moaning softly as she moved under me slowly then a little faster, our tongues swirling, our passion rising. I pulled out and slowly entered her again, thrusting deeper, pausing again, gyrating, her pussy gripping me tighter, lifting her hips off the bed.

“I love this,” she gasped.

“You feel so good,” I whispered, thrusting harder, rotating my hips, gyrating slowly, my cock rubbing her clit and her g-spot, feeling her tensing, lifting her ass off the bed, her pussy gripping my cock even tighter, our eyes locked on each other, looking deeply into each other’s eyes, our mouths slightly open, no longer kissing as we both moved faster and harder bringing each other closer and closer to exploding. Nina then grabbed my head, pulling my mouth to her lips and suddenly we erupted together stifling our screams with our fierce kissing, our bodies convulsing in overwhelming spasms, shuttering as we suddenly came together in the most intense writhing orgasm I’d ever had. Somehow, I found the strength to continue kissing her, my cock deep in, loving how we were joined, wanting to hold the miracle of the moment, not wanting to let go of the sweet wonder of our bodies.

I collapsed on her, feeling her legs and arms holding me to her body, both of us unable to budge, both panting, feeling the warm wetness between us, aware that we had made tender love in contrast to the wildness of our pot inspired fucking.

“You’re quite a lover, aren’t you,” she said, softly, looking into my eyes.

“I don’t know,” I responded, liking her words but not knowing how to answer. I couldn’t just say yes. I am, but I also knew, something special was happening between us. “I think you’re wonderful,” I finally said. “That was unbelievable.”

She smiled then took a deep breath. “Hey, buddy, it’s late and you have to get up early.”

“I do and I’m going to be a wreck but this was worth it.” I smiled down at her. “I better get going or your parents might see me coming out of your room.”

“They won’t be up for awhile, but you better get some sleep even though I don’t want to let you go.”

Somehow I managed to get myself up and out of bed. I found my pants and shoes in the bathroom and my shirt on the other side of the room. I got dressed quickly and looked out the window and saw the full moon, knowing that I would be able to find my way back to the bunk house and not need a flashlight. I went over to the bed and kneeling down, kissed Nina, noticing her disheveled hair, her sparkling green eyes. “See you later,” I said then stood up, glancing at the glass of milk on her night table. “Don’t forget to drink your milk.”

“Get out of here,” she said and laughed.

(to be continued)

Published 13 years ago

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