The studio

"She's emboldened in the old building alone"

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The sun was setting so early these days. She glanced out the window past the forest of red and orange fall leaves at the sun.

“So much for my natural light,” she said out loud to her empty studio. She leaned over, turned on the expensive LED lights, and returned to the painting.

After a minute, she sighed and put the brush down.

“It’s just not the same as the sun,” she said. Pursing her lips, she made a clicking noise and stared at the work. It’s so close, but it’s just not there yet.

She looked at her phone for messages. Nothing.

She looked around her new studio and smiled. How lucky she was to have gotten into this place. The waiting list was supposed to be a year, and something opened up just as she was putting down a deposit to get on it. With the natural light now mostly gone, she cleaned her brushes and put everything away.

It was cold outside, but the old building had oil heat—the kind that enveloped you in warmth. It was old—very old—and had that industrial vibe that was so popular with the hipsters. She didn’t care. It was a space to try new things, and she was grateful to have it.

She went to the doorway and looked up and down the hallway. It had been quiet today. She’d only seen one other person, and that was… hours ago? Could that be?

“Am I the only one in the building?” She asked herself. Her talking out loud to herself was something her ex-husband made fun of her for, but she didn’t care. She just went on doing it anyway.

She held still, straining to hear anyone. The sun was setting, and it was getting dark very quickly now. She didn’t see any lights on anywhere except in her studio. The old and creaky building was eerie. This time of year, with the rain, it could have a little creepy feeling if you let yourself think about it too much.

Standing in the doorway, she got an idea that surprised her. “Why am I thinking about getting naked?” She whispered. She peeked her head out further to check for others.

She shuddered and shook her head, “No, no, that’s crazy, what’s wrong with you!”

Gathering up some of her things to leave, she picked up her phone, which buzzed in her hand.

It was a text from her girlfriend, “I’m running a couple of hours late. Can we meet for dinner later?”

She sighed, texting back, “Sure, I’m still at the studio.”

Now, she had hours to burn, and the thought returned to her. Why was she thinking about this? She put her things down and stepped to the door, again peering both directions in the hallway. The building was empty, and the hall lights were off.

She stepped back into the studio and closed the door. She WAS horny. Maybe just a little self-play would ease her mind a little.

Standing before the full-length mirror, she reached behind her and undid her skirt. She let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it.

Her panties were wet.

She looked towards the door as she pulled her shirt over her head and quickly reached around to release her bra. She ran her hands over her breasts. Her nipples were sensitive enough that she sucked in air through her teeth when she touched them the first time.

Removing her panties, she giggled as she kicked her foot as she was stepping out of them. They landed on the couch on the other side of the room.

“It’s just raining panties in here,” she whispered with a genuine smile.

She shuddered again as she looked at the door. Now dressed in only ankle-high socks, she took a step towards it. The old brass handle felt strangely warm in her hand, and she gently twisted it, trying hard to avoid making any noise.

She pulled on the door and peeked through the crack. The hallway was dark and shadowy, and only the soft glow of the exit sign down at the other end added any light.

She pulled the door open further and jumped as it creaked loudly. She could feel the hairs on her arms stand up, and she somehow resisted the temptation to slam the door shut.

She stood naked in the doorway for quite a while. Letting her eyes adjust to the dark.

Finally, she took a deep breath and looked both ways in the hall before stepping out. Her heart now racing in her chest. Looking down, she realized that the old wooden floor was likely to creak as she walked across it. She hadn’t given it a second of thought when fully clothed. Now naked and vulnerable, she was acutely aware of even the soft sounds of her socked footsteps.

She walked ever so slowly down the hallway, carefully placing one foot in front of the other as quietly as she could manage. Her heart raced so quickly that she could feel her pulse in her ears.

She passed each studio, looking inside each windowed door to be sure she was alone in the old building that had been the town’s high school 50 years ago. Imagine what people would think if they saw a naked woman in the hallways!

She started to get nervous by thinking about things too much.

“I can make it to the end of the hallway,” she said with barely a sound.

She padded along a little quicker, the old floor creaking and groaning under her feet, before finally reaching the door at the end of the hall. She touched it as if tagging a base in a baseball game before turning around.

The hallway seemed longer than usual from this end. Her nakedness playing with her perception. A broad smile emerged from her lips as she congratulated herself for making it down there.

The building suddenly groaned. She jumped in the air and let out a yelp before crouching down on the ground. A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face, and it was several seconds before she realized it was just the old oil heat of the building turning on.

“Oh. My. God.” She said out loud.

This might have been the most exhilarating and indeed the most naughty thing she’d ever done. She suddenly was struck by how incredibly horny she was. Her nipples tingled, and she could feel her wetness. This emboldened her like only being horny can do.

She took a deep breath and smiled. Then she took off down the hallway and around the corner. Her tits bounced hard enough that she had to run with an arm over them to keep them from hurting. Her hair wildly flowed behind her; she ran through those hallways, giggling like a little girl.


Published 6 months ago

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