Well, it was the begining of an amazing summer. but of course i had no idea what would unfold for me.
I had been a troubled young man and times were now turning better for me. I mean i just found a life of happiness and comfort.
I moved next door to a really beautiful woman. Married and her husband was away on business. Like always. He left her sexually and emotionally unsatisfied.Don’t get me wrong, this guy was a very nice, very kind man….but he didn’t really give her what he needed.
Anyway, i got a job babysitting for her. I would go and watch her kids while she went and took care of her own business things.She is a laywer.Everyday she drove her porsche to work and at 5 on the dot, she would pull up in her drive way.
One night she was quite late so, i got the kids into bed and tucked them in….Then, my 18 year-old curiosity got the best of me….Does this georgeous woman watch porn?
So, i walked around looking for some hidden stash of erotic films and such. Much to my surprise i found a very extensive collection of some pretty hardcore stuff….I got a little turned on by just looking at some of the titles.
I took a couple downstairs and plopped one in just to see if it struck my fancy.
It was around 10 or 11 at night and i was really into the mood when i heard miss anna’s car pull up in the drive. i frantically dove to the dvd player to put the movie back. i had no idea how fast she could come up that walk way but, she caught me in mid act of putting it back. i could tell she’d had a few drinks by now. so i got up and apologized.red faced and turned on completely, i tried to explain, miss anna told me it’s okay. i didn’t have to explain a thing. She walked up to me and embraced me in her arms. at this point i was embarrassed because my 7 inches was unmistakably diggin into her’freshen up thigh.i thought to myself, she smells like heavan and booze. lucky for me, she decided to go upstairs and freshen up….but she told me not to go home yet, she needed to talk to me about a pressing matter.
I was sitting on the couch and twiddling my thumbs praying to god she wouldn’t call my mom and tell on me….well, to my surprise, she came down the stairs in a robe.she was so very beautiful and again thoughts rushed to my mind.she sat down next to me on the couch and started crying.
I comforted her as best i could and it seemed to work.She looked up at me through tear stained eyes and asked me if i would stay the night and keep her comforted.so, i called my mom and told her what was up and she to stay and keep her company.
I hung up the phone and when i turned around miss anna was laying on the couch and half asleep. so i picked her up in my strong arms and carried her to bed.when i got her in bed, she told me to help her get her robe off.So, i shakilly pulled it off her.when i got it off, i saw her wonderfully naked body. and i couldn’t help but notice her perfectly shaved love box. i guess she saw me starring at her because she said, “want to taste it”? so, i looked at her puzzled.she said it was okay and that she’d never had a man eat her out.so, i did.as i got my face closer to her box, i could see and smell her juices were flowing. I dove in and tongue lashed her clit. and with each penetration of my tongue, i went deeper.i looked up and saw that miss anna’s face was in sheer ecstasy. so i kept going. after a good while i slowed to a stop and moved up to her shuddering breasts. tracing her nipples with my tongue, i heard her begg for me to keep going. but, my mom was calling my phone.so i stopped and answered.she said i had to hurry home, my little brother was freaking out.
so i told miss anna that she owed me and she’s said that she would return the favor as soon as she could.