Standing in front of the bathroom mirror again, I frown at my chubby, naked body. For the next two nights, I’ll be in close quarters with two straight guys, and they want to swim in the pool. My heart is pounding at the thought. I have to get my bag packed and be ready for the weekend party, which includes how I plan to deal with the pool situation.
I am conflicted about how I feel, ashamed of my chubby body but thrilled by it. My favorite feature is the heavy cleavage that seems to look right back at me through the mirror. I pull a small box from the countertop and start unraveling the contents: a cheap roll of compression bandage. Quickly and methodically, I wrap my large breasts until they no longer create a distracting shape, the same routine I do every time I leave the house. I can’t hide my big belly or love handles, but I can at least partially disguise my man boobs. When the bandaging is done, I dress and go into the bedroom to pack.
There is an almost inescapable stigma related to fat people such as me, and it is quite simple: we’re fat because we’re gluttonous slobs and don’t take care of ourselves. Ask anyone who knows me, you’ll find this description to be the exact opposite of who I am. I keep my apartment clean and tidy; I stay active by going on long walks or hikes, I shower every day and keep myself well groomed. I don’t over-eat either. I recall taking a lunch break with my co-worker, Daniel, a skinny, stick-figure guy with hazel eyes and brown hair. Not only did he finish off his lunch but my leftovers as well! So even as a kid when I’d get bullied for my weight, I just couldn’t understand why people would judge me so harshly. Somewhere along the lines, I don’t remember when, I began this morning routine of staring at my gradually expanding body and wrapping my chest with these compression bandages to disguise the distracting shape and gain back some dignity.
Here I am now, at the age of twenty-two, having moved to a new city, and gotten a new job. Over the last six months, I became friends with two lanky, nerdy co-workers, Daniel, the skinny little piggy I told you about, and Raj, an average-sized Indian guy with black hair and milk-chocolate skin. The three of us have a lot of common interests: games, cars, travel, anime, and fine art… yeah, we’re all over the place, I know, but it’s cool to have people who share your interests. Well, there is one exception: women. Dan and Raj occasionally bring up the subject of women and they soon learned I have an affinity for men only. This didn’t bother them, didn’t faze them at all; our conversations carried on as usual. Sometimes when they talk a little dirty about gals, I might throw a thing or two in about guys and it’s always good for a quick laugh.
I place a final article of clothing in the bag and zip it up. Before I know it, I hear a few honks from a car horn. Raj. I grab my bag and head outside. Both Dan and Raj wave at me through the front windshield as I approach. I get in the back seat. The car drives off.
Dan is in the front passenger seat ahead of me, scrolling feverishly through some articles on the internet, suddenly the phone dims with a red battery icon. His phone died. “Raj?” he asks brushing his curly brown hair away from his forehead, “Can I borrow your phone? I want to finish reading this.”
Raj was focused on the road, ducking his head to read the signs that passed overhead, but he absent-mindedly gives permission.
Dan reached for the phone. He already knows the password and proceeds to unlock it and open the internet app. Apparently, Raj has neglected to close his previous tab from earlier today. A video thumbnail displays a fat woman, in full view, touching herself for the camera. I can see the screen from over Dan’s shoulder. I don’t think he realizes I can see it; he just stares at it. After a long pause, he clears his throat and jokes that Raj has an eye for the large chicks.
Raj looks over as Dan shows him the video thumbnail, “close that out!” he says in a panicked voice, nearly forgetting a turn.
Daniel closes the tab with a chuckle, I know that Dan isn’t into large women, at least not usually…but then again, he did linger on the image for quite a while.
Raj is thoroughly embarrassed, rubbing his forehead with his hand. I know he’s been single for quite a while, in the half-year I’ve known him so far, he’s been left to the intimate company of his phone and the many busty beauties that performed to the audiences that watched.
Daniel, on the other hand, had freshly broken off a long-term relationship. I don’t know much about how it ended but his only comment about it could infer a small number of outcomes. He once said to me, “We had a lot in common, but just not enough.”
As for me, well I was in the same boat as them. Maintaining my nautical metaphor, all I have to say is that the relationship was on rough seas, and going it alone seemed like the best option for survival. The three of us didn’t need to have a heart-to-heart to understand that we’re all in this boat for the same reason, sometimes things just don’t work out.
Things really became interesting the other day when Daniel invited us to stay a couple of nights at a house he was watching. His older cousin and her husband went out of town for a brief vacation and asked him to watch the house while they were gone. It’s big, and in a nice neighborhood, and I for sure need time away from my life!
We arrive. It’s mid-day and indeed it’s a big house, at least to me. It has five bedrooms and a massive backyard that overlooks the hills, it’s better than anything I’ve ever lived in. This first night is awesome, we’re having a few drinks, we watch a couple of movies, and then play a few games, staying up late into the night just having fun and enjoying a taste of the…how do I put it? The comfier side of life. It’s something I desperately need, but as with all good things, the mood comes to an abrupt end when Dan reminds us that he wants to take a dip in the pool. It’s a warm night, why not?
The two of them are already on their way out to the backyard. My heart races. I can’t just excuse myself from it; it’s not a party with twenty people. It’s just three of us, and if I back out now, they’ll wonder why.
Shyly, I make my way out the back door, watching as they strip down to their boxers and step into the clear blue water. I can’t concentrate, things are blurring, and I’m already feeling embarrassed. Hot tension courses through my veins; the thrill of wanting to be rid of that shame and step into the pool! I can feel the bandaging around my chest tighten as I draw each breath, I can’t get my shirt wet without revealing the bandages. They would have so many questions. Am I really prepared to discuss this, right here, right now? The bandaging felt as if it was getting tighter.
“Are you coming in?” Raj asks as he glides slowly across the pool, disturbing the glassy surface.
I shake my head, “I don’t feel like it, but that’s ok, I’ll sit over here,” I say motioning for the deck chairs.
“Come on, get in! I swear the pool is clean, hardly anyone pees in it.” Dan smirks as Raj laughs lightly in disgust.
“Nah, it’s ok, I need to check a few emails anyway,” I hold up my phone to show them, then I bring it back down, unlocking it with my finger.
“You can’t do that in the pool?” Dan raises his eyebrow.
“He’s too important for us, Dan.”
“Alright,” I get up and walk over, removing my shorts with a slight tremor throughout, “I’m getting in the pool.” I climb down as far as my knees and sit on one of the steps, feeling the water invade my boxer briefs. I return to toying around on my phone, hoping they’re satisfied, but things only become more nerve-racking as I can feel their eyes still on me.
Dan was gripping the side of the pool for stability, “You’re not gonna take off your shirt?”
“Come all the way in, get off your phone.” Raj is still swimming back and forth.
“That’s ok guys, I’m fine.”
“Why? Can’t you swim?” Dan asks, tilting his head.
Raj says with a chuckle, “We’ll teach you!”
I need to think up a quick excuse… “I’m a big guy, and everybody knows, that nobody wants to see this,” I motion at my torso. I hope that reminding them they do not want to see a big fat belly will deter them. I remember back to all the times I’ve heard normal-sized people casually complain about seeing shirtless fat guys in public. Surely, I have the ultimate excuse!
“We don’t care!” Raj exclaims.
“Yeah, we don’t give a crap what you look like. How often do you get to have a pool all to yourself? You gotta enjoy it!”
The two of them are both very sincere, but will they look at me like some lazy pig when they see my chest? Everyone expects a fat guy to have a belly, that’s no surprise, and of course, there’s probably some overhanging chest, but my man boobs are very prominent, I dread the inevitable glare of judgmental eyes.
Dan notices my silence and continues, “If it’s because you’re gay, I swear Raj and I are cool with that, we’ve never thought differently of you…”
“It’s not because I’m gay,” I interrupt, I close my eyes momentarily while I sum up the courage to speak, “It’s because I’m fat, and I have a rather big chest.”
“That’s it?” Raj asks, looking rather confounded. “Why would we care about that?”
“Because,” I gulp, “because they’re bigger than average for a guy my size, and I’m afraid of getting teased about it. I just didn’t really know how to say it to you.”
Dan appears concerned and a little puzzled. Have the two of them never considered a situation like this before? I mean, I get it…fat guys have rolls of fat, but these are big tits I’m hiding. Oh hell, maybe it’s just a bigger deal in my head than it really should be.
“We’re not immature kids,” Dan started. “We’re not gonna make fun of you, we’re all adults.” He pauses to think, “if you’re not comfortable, that’s ok, you can sit there, but if you wanna get in and continue to have a fun time, you’re in a safe space, dude. Right, Raj?”
“Of course! I have an uncle who is a big guy, I mean a really big guy, it’s normal to have a big chest as well. You couldn’t surprise me.”
Raj’s words really do put things into perspective, it’s not like I’m the first fat guy they ever saw.
“Well,” I feel again that deep desire to just remove my shirt and be normal, “ok, I’ll get in.” I pull off my shirt, and I can feel their eyes on the bandage. They ask if I’m injured or something, but I respond, “No, I just keep them wrapped up because, well, they’re rather big and they kinda look like a woman’s breasts, at least a little bit. It gets embarrassing when I’m just walking around, and people notice their shape through my shirt.”
As I unravel the wrapping, the thought then occurs to me that this is the first time anyone who has not been romantically involved with me, has ever seen my chest. That’s a big deal to me, most guys remove their shirts whenever there’s hot weather or when they go swimming. I don’t. I never do.
I pull the last layer of the bandage off, and my breasts suddenly expand away from the confines of the wrapping. They jiggle to halt in full view of my friends who stared motionlessly; gaze affixed to my boobs. My chest size is rather more noticeable than the size of my belly. Proportional, yes, but when the eyes pass over me they always stop at my chest first. I myself have noted just how feminine my man boobs appear, I don’t have any hair on my chest or belly, so they are both quite smooth. They are symmetrical, round in shape, and tapering gracefully towards the large light-brown nipples into a bulbous bullet shape. The night is warm, and so my nipples are soft and supple at the moment.
The two young men are staring for what seems like an eternity. “That’s not so bad,” Raj shrugs lightly, not even blinking.
“Yeah, the way you hesitated, I thought maybe there was something seriously wrong like they were deformed or something; they don’t look bad,” Dan says transfixed on them. I can feel a tickle on the tips of my nipples where his eyes are discreetly fixed.
There’s a strange sense of sudden excitement, it’s not like I’m nude, but this might as well be the equivalent for me. Dan is right, I suppose when it comes to fat features it could be worse. I’m lucky that as a big man, I have graceful, curvy features. I have one large, round, doughy belly, two big feminine breasts, and no chest hair.
I swim over to them and grip the side of the pool to keep myself upright. The water is lapping at my chest. The two of them are still staring, but it isn’t a look of judgment. Instead, it’s a look of curiosity. I know the two of them haven’t had much experience with girlfriends, they are both quite nerdy and their social circles are mostly made up of men. They never really have much chance to date or play around. And they aren’t exactly supermodel men, but I like their slim, non-muscular body type. I kind of enjoy the size contrast between me and them. It’s indescribable to someone who isn’t into that sort of thing.
“So, you wrap your chest, so no one notices them?” Raj asks, trying to continue the conversation and keep his eyes off my breasts. No doubt they’re a distraction in an otherwise normal situation.
“Yeah, when I walk, they jiggle, and people notice that through my shirt. Most people don’t care, but some will give a judgmental glance. Others say things. So, I just didn’t want people to make fun of me anymore, especially since I can’t get rid of them.”
“Don’t be ashamed,” Raj spoke softly.
“Yeah, people are such assholes, that’s not really fair to treat you like that,” Dan says as Raj floats to the corner between us. “Everyone’s body looks different. And you really have nothing you need to hide, they look nice…well, I mean that there’s nothing wrong with them.”
“It can’t be so bad,” Raj agrees, “I’m sure you’ve had boyfriends who liked them, right? It’s like they say, there’s someone out there for everyone.”
“Well, I’ve had two boyfriends so far,” I begin, “the first one actually liked them, he would grab them with both hands and play with them. That’s when I realized I really liked that sort of thing because I have sensitive nipples.” I can see I have their full attention. I am consciously volunteering extra information as I probe the boundary. “My second boyfriend didn’t really care, I always hoped he would touch them and play with them, but he never did.”
Dan takes the bait, “When you say sensitive, how do you mean sensitive? I’m sorry if I’m asking something awkward…I’m just wondering.” I notice that every time I speak, he tries to glance down at my nipples; he does so whenever he thinks I’m not looking.
“It’s ok, I mean I’ve never really openly discussed this with friends. Well, I suppose what I mean by ‘sensitive’ is that if I play with them, sometimes I’ll cum, just from doing that. It’s kind of another little secret of mine.”
“I saw a video once where this girl had orgasmed when a guy was playing with her tits,” Raj said, breathing heavily now. He briefly flashes that same kind of curious expression that Dan has, but he wipes it from his face, trying to appear expressionless.
“Yeah, that’s like me,” I confirm quickly. I didn’t even realize the two of them have both gotten closer to me during our conversation. They want a clear view; up close.
We live in a world that is becoming increasingly more separated from physical contact. I get the sense that they aren’t bothered by the fact that I’m a fat gay man. At this moment of heat and tension, I’m just a living person who happens to have two large, smooth symmetrical breasts. And the two men who stare longingly at them need more than just a view.
Dan asks if I ever measured my breast cup size, and as he did, Raj takes one more glance at my boobs and then pretends to casually turn around to face the edge of the pool and reach for his cell phone. As I respond to Dan, Raj goes through his read messages, pulling the phone closer to him. His elbow and forearm brush across my right nipple, my favorite one. His touch sends a surge of tingles through my body, I was so distracted by the exposure of my boobs, I hadn’t realized my dick is rock hard. Thankfully Dan and Raj don’t notice that yet.
Raj thinks he is so clever, he’s now swiping up and down on his phone, his hairy arm rubbing across my nipple, lifting my breast and pushing it around. I pretend not to notice, I finish explaining to Dan that I’ve never measured my cup size, and then his eyes grow wide when he sees what Raj is doing to me. But Dan says nothing, he only watches; his Adam’s apple bouncing with a heavy gulp. Raj puts down his phone and looks over to see my nipple inside the crook of his elbow. Pretending it was all an accident, he slowly turns around and apologizes sheepishly.
“It’s ok.” Dare I go further…dare I say what I want to say? “It actually felt good.” Oh shit, I said it, there’s no going back now. Dear God…
Dan is slowly moving closer, trying not to make it too apparent. This situation is new to all of us, and the poor guys don’t know what to do or say next, all they know is what they want. And what they want is to feel good. Dan props his arm up on Raj’s shoulder, looking curiously into my eyes and casually asking, “So…do they feel like actual women’s tits?”
My heart is pounding, and my cock is harder than ever. You could cut the tension between the three of us with a knife. I don’t know whether they want to keep up with this charade of innocent questioning, or if they want me to spare them a way out of the moment. All I know is what I want, and what I want is for them to touch me. With a wavering voice, I say, “I don’t know maybe…you could tell me?”
They both appear shocked; I can’t read their intentions. Have I gone too far? Are they disgusted now? Their look of shock turns to fear, but again Raj is the first to make a move.
Raj opens his hand and extends it out towards me. Happening almost in slow motion, my eyes follow his fingertips around the circumference of my breast. Fingertips only, he gives it a soft and thoughtful squeeze, “yes, they do.” He doesn’t let go, he’s still admiring the supple flesh in his hand, and then suddenly decides to surrender to his desire. The whole palm grips my breast, which squeezes out between his fingers. It’s so big he can’t grab the whole thing; this excites him more. Perhaps he’s pretending that I’m one of those large, curvy girls in his porn feed. His hand is now cupping the bottom of my boob, the thumb rubbing against my large nipple; gently, deliberately.
Daniel’s expression reads like that of a conscious sinner, or maybe that of a nervous liar. While he appears to reject what he sees, his fingers, however, are fidgeting with anticipation. Perhaps he doesn’t know what to make of the situation. At last, he reaches out with his shaky hand, taking my left breast into his firm grasp, putting aside his preconceived convictions, and forging a new resolve. He begins rubbing over it with his palm, softly squeezing and deforming its shape as his curiosity guides him.
As Raj uses his fingertip to rub my bulbous teat, he notices that the nipple itself is almost the same width as his finger. Dan is rubbing the other areola with his whole hand, and I can see that three of his fingers are enough to cover it from view.
The unbelievable sensation of their hands handling me is everything I ever wanted. A rush courses through me. There is a sense of danger I feel as I give myself over to the men I know, men I never before considered intimately.
Instead of fleeing from this taboo moment, they take advantage of it, stimulating the nipples until my areolas grow hard with goosebumps. The light brown circles on my tits begin to shrink slightly as the soft, flat skin becomes bumpy with a rubbery stiffness. This excites the men even more. They watch with curious fascination as the bullet-shaped breasts become rounder when the nipples harden and pull the skin tighter around them. Daniel’s thumb is caressing the nipple, admiring the size and plasticity of my boob. Raj is on the other side of me, cupping my favorite one, letting the nipple poke out between his fingers, only to pinch it softly between them.
“They’re big,” Dan says with a shaky exhale, almost in a trance.
Raj himself is completely lost in the activity, drawn back to the present when he sees Daniel release his hold and back away with an unsatisfactory smile.
Daniel doesn’t appear disgusted or uneasy, no, more like he isn’t sure what to do next and doesn’t know what it means to be doing what he’s doing. He resumes swimming as if nothing has happened.
This puts Raj in a tough spot, he had been enjoying himself up until now, and so, he too reluctantly let’s go, giving me a conflicted glance before continuing to swim as well.
And that is that.
Naturally, I assume that things are going to be awkward for the rest of the night, but it isn’t so. We eventually get out of the pool. Dan goes to shower in his cousin’s bathroom, while Raj and I take turns using the bathroom in the guest room to wash away the chlorine.
Later, we play VR and other games late into the night, thoroughly distracting ourselves from our moment in the swimming pool as if it had never happened. Perhaps this is best, I don’t want to ruin things with them, they are great guys to hang out with…good friends to have.
In the early morning hours of this first night together, we have a few more drinks, only enough to keep the mood going. As the first light of dawn appears beyond the trees, Dan disappears into the guest bedroom to use the bathroom toilet but doesn’t come back out of the bedroom. Raj and I are too exhausted to get off the couches.
My eyes grow heavy, sleep has a hold on me now.
A noise awakens me, the daylight is glowing brightly through the large windows of the foyer, and the rays of sun slowly creep across the floor. It must be just past noon. My eyes are open just a crack.
Raj must think I have fallen back asleep. I’m lying on the couch, he is sitting on the floor adjacent to me, clutching his phone and desperately lowering the volume with haste. He is watching a video, but the sound that stirred me was not music, it was the unforgettable cry of pleasure from a woman.
I lay here motionless, hoping to see what he’ll do next, never opening my eyes beyond a sliver of view. The video continues to play at a very low volume, the angle at which I lay makes it nearly impossible to see what is on the screen. As the camera shot changes angles, I can make out the image of a chubby woman, a man cupping her breasts and sucking on her nipples. Raj’s free hand slides quietly down to his crotch, and lightly squeezes his member. And it is like that for several minutes, me watching him as he watches his video and occasionally touching himself.
From the guest room, I can hear Dan snoring, he must have collapsed on the bed instead of coming back out to show us a proper room to sleep.
As Raj’s video nears the end, the fat lady almost literally sings. He lowers the phone from his gaze and turns his head to the left to look at me, but this time he isn’t checking if my eyes are open. I can feel his eyes on my chest, like a weight pressing against them. During the night as I tossed and turned, my shirt had been pulled tight against my chest, no doubt he can make out the shape of my nipples from under the material and this is what his eyes are fixed to. He grabs his member again. It would be easy for him to go into the bathroom by the kitchen and relieve himself in there with his video playing, but intuitively, I know that last night in the pool was only a small taste of what he wanted. He’s too nice, too full of humility to take what he wants from me, I admire him for that. I suppose that’s why I want to help him out…to give him what he wants.
“It’s ok, Raj,” I say opening my eyes fully. He doesn’t appear frazzled or caught, perhaps he knew I was watching him. “Do you want to see them?”
The response I get is a slow nod, maybe there is shame in admitting his desire? I use my eyes to motion him to my shirt. Unsure if I’m fully in agreement, he gradually reaches for the hem of my top, pulling it away from my belly, and as he does, he rests one of his warm hands on the white skin of my stomach. Raj is feeling its soft and squishy consistency. And now with both hands, he continues removing the shirt.
I sit up halfway to aid him. As the tight shirt is pulled away from my breasts, they burst out and drop down, coming to rest with a hefty bounce. The look in his eyes reflects his suppressed thrill. I lay back down on my side, my boobs squishing up against each other with gravity. My skin still has the scent of the body wash from the shower in the early morning hours of the night.
With both his hands he pushes up from below my tits, bringing them against my chin as he examines the smooth white skin of the underside. My nipples are soft from the warm day. The areolas retain the bullet shape of the breasts, and the nipple in the middle is so flaccid, that it’s flattened against the rest of the flesh. Still holding both of my boobs, he brushes over the large round areolas with his thumbs, gliding them in small circles like the mini joysticks on the controllers of his game console. Tightening his grasp on one of my boobs, he can see it is too big to fit in his hand, so he uses the other one, cupping it in his grasp and yet still unable to fully wrap himself around the breast.
“Did your ex-girlfriend let you do this for her?” I ask him cautiously, trying not to ruin the moment.
A boyish smile cracked across his plump lips, “Yes,” he says, clearing his throat, “but she was also very particular about what I did in bed.” The eyes that gaze upon my nipples suddenly expressed sadness. “She was so particular, that it turned out I wasn’t exactly what she was looking for. I think I was too inexperienced for her. Maybe I was too clumsy.” I understand the sting he feels, it isn’t sadness over being sex-deprived, it’s really more a feeling of inadequacy. He doesn’t have much practice and as a result, he doesn’t quite know what to do; never living up to her expectations.
“Practice will help you improve, I think all you need is to be allowed to use your imagination,” I say with a coy smirk.
He peers into my eyes not fully sure what I’m trying to hint at.
I continue, “Do what you want to do.”
Now Raj realized I’m giving him control; I’m letting him live out his curiosity and desire on me. He bends down further and buries his face between my breasts, kissing and licking my chest. He’s in so deep I can see that my nipples are just past his ears. One hand comes up, stroking my breast while the other reaches over to my belly and takes a handful. The hand is pushing and kneading at my gut like it is dough. His face emerges again, breathing heavily after my tits had apparently smothered him. With his beautiful eyes closed, he begins moving his face in circles over both breasts.
I can feel my nipples pressing against the contours of his eyes and nose. Normally, his face is clean-shaven, but he had grown a little stubble overnight. The rough texture scratches at my areolas, which at first is unpleasant, but gradually stimulates me.
He turns his cheek and allows my breast to enter his mouth, taking as much of it in as he can. His plump lips are sucking on my breast, one hand holds the other ready to direct the nipple into his warm wet mouth. He moves back and forth between both, giving equal attention to each.
As his mouth releases one, the chilly air around it tickles me, and I long for those warm lips again. The texture of his tongue is rough, but it sends jolts of pleasure through me. He tries to get a larger mouthful, pushing his face deeper until the soft flesh mushroom tops over his nose and chin. Gently, his thumb enters my belly button, getting halfway in until it can’t fit anymore. The wet tongue that I have welcomed so openly, is now circling my areola as the skin tightens up around the nipple. The supple flesh which had been soft and pliable until now has shrunk slightly with goosebumps, and now it’s the texture of rubber, this excites him, and he nibbles on them with his teeth.
Reaching out with my hand, I place it lightly on the crotch of his sweatpants.
He ceases his activity and looks down. He seems to question his actions, but one more glance at my hardened nipples has pushed aside any remaining doubt. He pulls down the sweatpants for me and takes a moment to fondle himself through his boxers.
“Can I see?” I ask.
After he briefly nods in approval, I gently drop his boxers, slowly unmasking his manhood. It isn’t fully erect, still rather flaccid, but it hangs pressed up against his large balls. He is uncut, and his foreskin is shielding the head of his thick cock. I reach my hand behind his balls, pulling his whole package forward a bit to hold it for a while. I try to wrap my thumb and middle finger around the circumference of it all, but I can’t. When I consider it, his package isn’t larger than average, not by any statistic. Maybe I’m so used to seeing my own, which looks so small when I peer down at it, but he does seem big to me. I marvel at it, admiring its clean aroma, almost as if I can smell the heat radiating from it. His dick and sack share the same matching dark cocoa color that many Indian men have, and it is a beautiful color.
His hands squeeze both of my breasts before then gliding them down towards my belly. Bringing his face up to the gaping hole of my belly button, he proceeds to open his mouth; his tongue shooting out and planting itself deep into my belly. It repeats and repeats. Both his hands clutching the round mass of my stomach; it reminds me of the way men eat out women.
I have his dick in my hand, slowly stroking it, watching the foreskin wrinkle and tighten up with the repetition of my tugging. I turn my view away from the large meat in my hand so I can watch his tongue penetrate my belly again, but beyond Raj’s head, I see a figure standing behind a comfy chair. As my eyes focus, I quickly realize that Daniel is standing there, shirtless, his flat chest and light brown nipples staring at me with the same distant gaze as his eyes. I gasp quietly, but Raj doesn’t open his eyes.
Dan is slowly making his way around the chair, now I can see he has no clothes on at all, his hard cock is extended out from him as if it’s pointed at us. Dan’s dick has a notable girth, but average length, his shaft is as white as his body, with a plump pinkish-gray head. The scrotum that clings tightly to his fat testicles is a light brown color, the same as his nipples. I take a moment to scrutinize the texture of his sack, it looks soft but with that distinct tightly-packed, wrinkled texture I enjoy. As Dan sits down on the couch his eyes never break from us, the couch creaks slightly under his weight.
Raj is interrupted by the sound and backs away from me a bit; shocked that we are caught, and rendered speechless.
There is an instinct for me to explain ourselves, but with Dan suddenly grabbing his own cock and stroking it while he continues to watch us, there is an atmosphere of acceptance.
Authoritatively, Dan simply says, “Just keep going.”
Raj looks back at me, unsure what to say or do. I can see he is slightly panicked, and he turns back to look at Dan and then at me again.
I reach out and start stroking Raj’s cock again, in full view of Daniel who watches closely.
Dan cocks his head at Raj, and motions with a nod for him to continue with me.
Raj turns, his eyes meet mine.
I adjust myself so I am flat on my back, my breasts gravitate slightly toward my neck, but their plump shape remains as mounds on my chest.
The temptation overcomes Raj again, he leans down, taking both tits in his hands and pressing them against his face, burying himself between them. He takes each nipple in his mouth, the suction pulls my breasts upward and each time he releases, they drop back down into a round, jiggly mass.
The two men aren’t only turned on by this, they’re also mildly amused by it. As my areolas harden into a tough cluster, it becomes a sensual game of play as Raj attempts to press the large nipples back into place like buttons on a remote or a game controller. He then sucks gingerly on them, nursing as though he is gaining nourishment.
Dan gets up and comes to stand next to me, his engorged cock and balls suspended high over my face as he strokes. His free hand comes down upon my other breast, squeezing it and feeling the hard nipple slip between his fingers. As Dan releases his grip from me, he moves his hand to pinch a pearl of pre-cum from the opening of his cock slit. He brings the gob of clear fluid back down to my nipple, letting it roll off his finger and onto the red, stimulated teat. Then his index finger caresses my nipple and areola, spreading the warm, silky liquid all over, doubling the pleasure I get from his masculine touch.
My own cock aches from the desire to burst, and I can’t help but give out an audible moan.
Raj’s hand has been on my belly, sliding over it in large circles as his mouth continues to nurse from me. His Indian cock hardens and lengthens slightly in my hand, it is like a mass of hot meat, and it thrills me. Raj’s hand slides down over my boxer briefs, he notices how wet and soaked with pre-cum it is, and proceeds to pull them away, revealing my short uncut cock. I have a less than average-sized endowment, but my pubic area has a pad of fat that partially buries my dick. All that can clearly be seen are my round balls and the foreskin-protected head of my brown cock, which Raj is now rubbing with an open palm. With a firm hand, he rubs up and down, not grabbing hold, not trying to stroke it, but rather moving over the skin-covered head of my dick like men do when they fondle a cunt. Except Raj is repeatedly pressing his index and middle finger into my sack, between my balls, feeling them part away. He rubs the dark scrotum with his fingertips as if it were a woman’s labia. He passes his palm and fingers over my fat wrinkly dick like it’s a clitoris.
He’s practicing on me!
Dan’s eyes glance over momentarily to see, but he’s not interested. Instead, he continues to lock eyes on my breasts and fondle them himself, admiring their size and shape. I reach up, offering to take his white cock into my hand, but he gently pushes me away, returning to stroking it himself. It isn’t so bad, with each stroke I get the best view of his large, dangling balls as they oscillate overhead. A pubic hair lands on my cheek, but I do nothing to brush it away.
Raj’s balls have swollen, a sign he is nearing his peak. And almost on cue, he stands up, his dark-cocoa dick dribbles pre-cum onto my stomach. His bulbous testicles swing like hefty pendulums. I continue stroking him faster and faster until hot gobs of white cum ooze out the slit of his brown head, which repeatedly pokes coyly through his foreskin. The cum spatters on my belly. The sheer sight and sensations of it all cause the head of my cock to go numb, Raj is still rubbing; I know any moment I’ll burst.
Dan had been watching with fascination when the Indian dick poured out over me, and now his own scrotum tightens in preparation.
Suddenly, I reach the point of no return, my little dick stiffens and the sensitivity increases, until with powerful contractions the thick, hot cum erupts from my head. Raj’s palm is still firmly against my foreskin, so as the cum attempts to make its way out, I can feel the liquid sputtering from within the skin, like a hose with a kink in it. My bosoms heave with heavy breaths as the orgasm spasms throughout me, ending in electric jolts at my nipples. The hot cum that gushed from me is now all over Raj’s hand. As he keeps rubbing, it spreads over my balls and pubic area, and it drips down behind my sack. He continues rubbing, staring at the gooey mess with an analyzing fascination.
Dan gives a loud sigh; I look up in time to see muscle contractions under the length of his dick. Quickly, he pushes his cock down to aim it at my chest, and with powerful squirts, his cum shoots out, the first smacks my nipple, and the next goes off course and lands on my chin. Another, lands with a wet thud against the skin between my breasts, and the ones that follow, decrease in pressure until all that is left is a long string of cum dangling from the head of his cock. It threatens to land on my face.
Raj is still rubbing my crotch and my orgasmic contractions are too much to bear, I put my hand on his wrist to tell him enough. I can feel that everything, my pubes, my cock, and my balls are all completely soaked in the slimy cum.
Dan gives his cock one last flick, dropping the string of slime on my face, then he walks quickly for the guest bedroom.
Raj wipes his hand on his underwear before pulling up his sweatpants and walking to the kitchen bathroom, avoiding eye contact.
The two of them take a while to clean up, I use the guest bathroom after Dan. I shower and shave, and then brush my teeth. From my bag, I pull out a clean shirt, clean boxer briefs, and clean shorts. I then reach for my box of compression bandages, pausing to stare at it. My eyes quickly move to the mirror where my breasts stare back at me. I lock my gaze on them for a while, just thinking. I’m calm. Admiring the contours of my chest and belly, I’m lost in my image. By now I would normally have been hastily bandaging up in a frenzy to make them disappear from sight, but the urgency I once had is now dormant. I drop the box into the backpack, zip it closed, and then put on my shirt. I step out of the bathroom and walk around the house to see what the guys are up to, I can feel my breasts jiggling freely as I walk; the pressure is no more, and there is nothing to hide.
None of us really speak much as the sun passes over, throughout the day we avoid the pool, and we definitely don’t go near the couch. Raj and I sometimes lock eyes and give a friendly nod. Dan himself isn’t trying to be quiet, but his eyes reflect the bandages…not mine, his own. When I look into his eyes, I see the bandages all around him, compressing, retaining the shape he wants people to see. Raj, on the other hand, doesn’t seem nearly as troubled, but there is no mistaking the reflection of the bandages within him.
As night falls again, things are not as they were before. No music is playing, no games are cued up on the VR headset or on the game console. There is no nerdy chatter between us, we are glued to our phones. And though it is awkward, it doesn’t seem Dan wants us to leave. He would have said so, instead, he lets us remain into the evening, unsure of what another night together might come to.
We eventually ordered pizza, which is the most talking we had done all day. For a moment it seems we might return to our usual selves but then whatever frail conversation remained quickly withers away. As we wait in the dining room to hear the doorbell ring, we sit in silence, on our phones, reading anything that pops into our news and media feeds.
Raj put down his phone, I glance over at him. A tugging at the bandages. He looks around with disappointment, “Are we not going to talk about what happened last night and this afternoon?”
Dan locks his phone and sets it on the table, “I’m not gay. I don’t know what that was but I’m not gay.”
Raj appears insulted, “Well neither am I!”
I roll my eyes, and here they go, defending their masculinity, but I try to remember the kinds of social pressure men grow up with. The pressure that tries to shape you into the mold of a ‘normal’ man.
“You’re gonna say what you guys did was not gay?” Dan scolds, “I was there, remember?” He takes a moment to consider his words. His eyes shut tightly for a moment, pushing against the bandages. His gaze softens as he says to me, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.”
“Guys,” I put my fingers to my temple, “let’s not talk like this.”
“Well, I think we should come to an understanding about what we did and what we do going forward,” Raj says quietly.
Dan shakes his head, “No, maybe the best thing is that we just pretend it never happened.”
“You guys are my friends, I don’t want what happened to ruin things,” he responds back.
“Well,” Dan locks his fingers together, “it might be too late for that.”
“Are you saying you don’t want to deal with us anymore?”
“I don’t know what I’m saying,” he replies with sincerity.
“If you want us to leave, we’ll leave.”
“That’s ok, go ahead if you want to.”
“Guys! Don’t do that,” I plead awkwardly, “don’t draw a line in the sand.” I wish nothing more than to not have this conversation. Not now.
Raj blurts out, “He wants us out of here!”
“I didn’t say that, you did.”
“Dan,” I take a heavy breath, “in all honesty, do you really want us to leave?”
He sits motionless, then sniffs and says, “Honestly, no… you guys are my friends. I just don’t know how we can fix this.” He covers his eyes with his palms.
“Who says we need to fix anything,” Raj crossed his arms.
“I’m not gay!”
“Well, why don’t we let someone who is, put your mind at ease then?” Raj spat sarcastically. He had suddenly directed the spotlight on me.
Dan uncovers his eyes; they were red and dewy; he is now looking at me. It’s as if he’s pleading for me to relieve the pressure. I am without words and just glare back at both of them.
Dan breaks the silence and says, “Listen, I’m not mad, I just really feel all over the place right now. Can you interpret what we did, am I gay or bi or something?”
“Of course not!” I scowl at them.
At that, Raj motioned with his hand, showing his agreement with me.
I shake my head, “As far as I know, neither of you guys are.”
“Exactly my point,” Raj says, leaning back in his chair, and crossing his arms again.
“I wanna hear it from him,” Dan snapped back, pointing towards me.
“Look, here’s my thoughts,” I shift myself to sit upright, “as far as I’m aware, you’re both straight. Gay or bi means you have the ability to fall in love with a man, what we did was not love, it was just some fun. You guys were doing something that made you feel good. That’s all.”
“So why did we do it?” Dan pleaded.
“I don’t know! Maybe it was hormones or stimulation, maybe you were desperate, I don’t know!” I shake my head in disbelief at the situation, this was all an unexpected turn of events. I’ve never had to deal with this before and it caught me off guard. “It was casual whatever it was. I think that the three of us weren’t getting what we wanted for a long time, and because we know each other, felt comfortable with each other, and because we weren’t drawing boundaries, we just…did what we did. That doesn’t make you gay, I mean, did either of you think of men while you were doing it?”
They both shake their heads and then look to me to continue. From within his eyes, I can see the bandages around Dan weaken.
“Exactly,” I conclude, “you were just acting out a fantasy, well…maybe ‘fantasy’ is the wrong word, but you were just having fun, no strings attached.”
“No strings attached?” Dan asks sincerely.
“None,” I confirm. I draw a deep breath, “It’s ok for consenting adults to just do something that makes them feel good, you shouldn’t have to worry how others will think of you.”
Daniel’s troubled gaze softens, his jaw which had been clamped tightly, was now loosening. The bandages fall away.
I add, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it didn’t seem to me like you guys hated it.”
“I didn’t hate it,” Dan admitted. His shoulders relax as he sits back.
“I didn’t hate it!” Raj declared proudly, crossing his arms.
I lean forward, putting my hands together on the table, “Do you want it to stop, do you want us to pretend it never happened?”
Dan rubs his nose and looks down, “No, I mean…I don’t know. If it happens again, it happens again, I guess.”
“Exactly,” I affirmed, “Let’s not put too much thought into it, that’s where it becomes over-complicated. If it makes you uncomfortable, we don’t ever have to do that again.”
Dan nods calmly.
Raj sits up straight, “What if I want to?”
Our eyes shoot over at him. Dan asks, “What do you mean? Like…you enjoyed it that much?”
Raj sighs, “All I know is that I’ve never busted a nut like that before. It was fun, the whole time I was imagining someone else, the most beautiful, full-breasted woman…”
“Oh good, I was afraid the image of me wasn’t enough,” I interrupt sarcastically.
Dan chuckles with a playful grin.
Raj continues, “I mean that it’s like you said, it was just casual fun. A lot of fun.” He laughs to himself, placing his hands behind his head, “I couldn’t get that from my last girlfriend. No pressure, or expectation. I was able to do what I wanted; it was great! I don’t exactly want it to stop.” He slouches in his chair, breaking eye contact and speaking candidly, “I kind of…have other things I want to try…the next time it happens.”
My eyes grow wide, and I peer over at Dan who is shocked as well, it’s as if I can see the graphic images that flood his head at this very moment. Within my pants, my cock stirred.
Dan gulped.
The doorbell rings. Pizza is here, and the night is still young.