The Soggy Biscuit

"Two friends discover that their sexuality may not be as 'straight'forward as they thought it was."

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It was a warm summer’s day. The air-conditioning had broken down over at Jessie’s place. Generally, this would be the recipe for a horrible day. But Jessie and Zack were not going to let it get their spirits down, as the only recipe they were concerned with, was their cookie recipe. They had woken up early, so they could make enough batches of cookies to have for breakfast and lunch.

They had always enjoyed doing this activity at least once a month. It was a way of bonding that was not commonplace among male friends, but Jessie and Zack never cared for that. Their cookies were amazing, and anyone who disagreed with their practice was just phobic and a fool.

However, the summer heat and the broken air-conditioning made things tough today. Despite waking up earlier than usual, it still got very hot, very early on in the day. The baking was only halfway done, and there was still plenty of work to be done.

Zack came up with an idea and took off his shirt. He had a rather muscular, fit build, and he was not at all ashamed of showing it off. At this point, all he was still wearing, was his loosely fitting three-quarter pants and his socks, as shoes were always taken off at the front door.

“Come on, bro,” Zack said. “You can’t convince me you’re not feeling hot. I can see you’re sweating! Just take off your shirt!”

Jessie hesitated. He was not as fit as Zack. It was not that he was chubby or overweight in any way. He was even rather skinny. But Jessie was the kind of skinny without the muscles. Jessie never felt very masculine about himself, but he also never felt pressured to prove others otherwise and work out to look more muscular. His skinny build, long hairstyle, and his androgynous name often lead to Jessie being misgendered. He had gotten used to it, but it still made him feel self-conscious.

Jessie knew that taking off his shirt shouldn’t matter. He was a man, after all, just like Zack. But a voice in his head still told him it was indecent, and that Zack might take the wrong message if he took his shirt off too, despite him encouraging it.

“I don’t feel comfortable without my shirt,” Jessie said. “But I know another way to cool myself.” He grabbed the bottom of his shirt, looped it through the front of the shirt’s neck, and pulled it down to tighten it, exposing his midriff. He was proud of having learned this technique many years back, but Zack could only laugh in response.

“Dude, you totally just turned your t-shirt into a bra.” Zack laughed. “That’s hilarious.” He needed a moment to recover while Jessie stared him down. “Alright, alright,” Zack said when he managed to stop laughing. “It’s your choice. I won’t judge you for it. It just came a little unexpected, that’s all.”

Jessie shrugged it off and the duo continued baking cookies. The kitchen was not luxuriously big, though, and Zack’s idea soon proved to be insufficient in battling the heat that was building up from both the sun and the oven.

“Ah, fuck it,” Zack said, as he undid his belt and took off his pants. “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other in underwear before, changing into our gym clothing at school and all that.” He picked up his pants from the floor and threw them toward the living room to land them on the couch, where he had placed his shirt earlier. Zack now stood nearly naked in the kitchen, apart from his socks and black boxer briefs.

Jessie hesitated to follow along, but Zack briefly remembered their childhood shenanigans, when they would pull down each other’s pants for a quick laugh. Instinctively, Zack pulled down Jessie’s pants. “Yo!” Zack shouted. “What in the world are you wearing?!” He could not contain his laughter and had to lean on the counter to stop himself from falling over.

“Shut up, dude!” Jessie replied ashamed. “They’re just my briefs. As if you’ve never seen them before!”

“Your briefs were white!” Zack said, still laughing. “These are definitely pink!”

“I accidentally mixed them with new red clothing in the washing machine and the colors bled and turned my briefs pinkish,” Jessie replied annoyed.

“Yeah, okay,” Zack said and chuckled. “But these are totally riding up into your ass. It’s like you’re wearing women’s underwear!”

“These are the same ones I wore when I was younger. I never got around to buying bigger ones because these still fit.” Jessie said. “Yes, they are tight, but they fit, so why waste money?”

“You never change,” Zack said with a chuckle, finally calming himself down. “Always stingy with money when it’s about clothing.”

“That’s why I could afford this kick-ass oven and we’re doing this at my place instead of yours, jerkwad,” Jessie teased.

Zack returned his focus to mixing the cookie batter and shaping it up on the oven tray, while Jessie kept his position at the oven, placing and removing oven trays from the oven. The oven was not built into the wall or otherwise raised, so Jessie always bent over when interacting with the oven.

Zack had taken notice that, with Jessie’s lack of pants, his tight, pink briefs, his shirt shaped like a bra, his long hair, and his general lack of body hair, he easily looked like a woman. This made Jessie’s handling of the oven a lot more arousing to Zack than it did before.

“Uhm,” Zack started. “Could you maybe put on some different underwear? You’re starting to distract me.” Zack’s cheeks became red with shame.

“What’s the matter?” Jessie teased. “Am I turning you on?” He laughed and turned to face Zack, only to find him standing somewhat crouched behind the counter, hiding the sight of his boxer briefs from him. “Dude, seriously?” He continued. “You’re so gross. I’m a dude, man!” He turned back around and refocused his mind on the oven and the cookies inside of it.

Zack tried to fight his arousal, and fend off his horny thoughts, but it quickly proved to be of no avail. He soon found himself hyperfocused on Jessie’s ass. How his briefs looked more like a pair of panties, how they tightly rode up his ass, and how tempted he felt to walk over and spank it, only to remind himself he was having lusty thoughts over his male friend, and that that was wrong.

By the time the last of the cookies left the oven, Zack and Jessie were both starving and craving cookies. Zack munched one down, giving it no second thought. Jessie, on the other hand, took his time to enjoy the cookie, even making audible soft moaning sounds as he seemed to thoroughly enjoy their baked cookies.

“Dude, stop,” Zack said. “You’re making it weird.”

“Oh, so I can’t even enjoy my cookies now?” Jessie replied, annoyed.

“You are literally giving me a boner,” Zack said. “And you know I’m straight, so, yeah, it’s making me uncomfortable.”

“Maybe you’re not so straight after all then,” Jessie said and chuckled.

“So, it doesn’t bother you that you’re giving me a boner?” Zack asked, somewhat surprised.

“I mean, it’s not my boner,” Jessie answered teasingly and laughed. “I don’t have to question my sexuality.”

“It really bothers you that little?” Zack replied. He hummed in thought and followed up on his question, “I wonder when my arousal ‘does’ start bothering you…”

“When you can’t bribe me enough to justify looking the other way,” Jessie said laughingly and took another bite of his cookie. “Like, right now, I’m still enjoying our cookies. If it weren’t for them, I’d probably be much more bothered by it.” He shrugged.

“Okay, so if it weren’t for the cookies, it’d take money for you to simply not care?” Zack asked intrigued.

“I guess,” Jessie replied.

“I’ve got to put this to the test…” Zack said. He stood up from the chair at the counter and pulled out his 6-inch semi-erect dick and let it fall onto the counter.

“Ah, dude. Gross. At least offer me compensation first!” Jessie said aloud.

“Seems cookies didn’t cut it there,” Zack laughed. “Alright, fine, will $5 mend this inconvenience?”

“Fine,” Jessie said. “Hand it over and I’ll forget about it.”

“And what if…” Zack started. He grabbed a cookie and held it next to his member. “Would you still eat this?”

“I mean, you made it look gross, but it’s only touched your fingers…” Jessie said.

“Interesting,” Zack said. He stroked his shaft a few times and touched the cookie with the same hand that was just on his dick. “What about now?” he asked.

“Now it’s definitely gross,” Jessie answered. “That would be another $5.”

“Prove it,” Zack said, handing the cookie over to Jessie. He pulled out another $5 bill and held it up high.

Jessie snatched the cookie out of Zack’s hand and gave it a bite. “You were gross with it, but at least there was no direct contact. So it’s really not that bad,” he said. “That money was mostly just to compensate me for having to witness you stroking yourself.”

Zack took the half-eaten cookie back. He then placed it over his shaft, filling the bite-sized hole Jessie had made into the cookie. “I think I can feel your saliva on my cock now,” Zack teased, attempting to agonize Jessie.

“That’s a super gross comment, but it doesn’t change anything,” Jessie replied.

“Well, how about this, then?” Zack asked. He pulled back his foreskin and gently pressed the cookie against his glans.

Jessie mimicked a puking motion and said with conviction, “Yeah, that thing is definitely not getting anywhere near my mouth.”

“Not even for $50?” Zack teased.

“Fuck me, dude,” Jessie replied. “Some people get full-on blowjobs for that kind of money. You’re offering it for a cookie that only touched your glans.” Jessie hesitated for a few seconds, but then agreed, saying, “You’re practically refunding me the cost of all these cookies… If you really wish to spend your cash like that, be my guest.”

Zack reached out to hand Jessie the cookie, but then reconsidered. “You’re right. I’m being too generous,” Zack said. “If I’m really giving you $50 just to eat a glans-cookie, I might as well make sure it really is a glans-cookie.” He then rubbed his glans over the entire surface of the cookie, before handing it back to Jessie.

“NOT what I meant,” Jessie said. “You’re lucky I’m not a pussy like you and don’t back out of deals as easily.” He grabbed the cookie and quickly munched it down, trying to take as little time as possible, to have the experience behind him and forget about it. “$50, please,” Jessie said, showing Zack his empty mouth.

Zack opened his wallet to take out the $50 bill for Jessie. And in doing so, Jessie noticed Zack’s wallet was loaded with cash.

“What the hell, dude,” Jessie said in disbelief. “I thought you were broke!”

“Nah, I’m just stingy as hell too,” Zack laughed. “Birds of a feather…”

“Alright, well, what other stupid challenges do you have for me?” Jessie replied, now eager to earn more easy money.

“You want to take it further? Damn, bro,” Zack said. “I wasn’t actually planning on doing that!” Zack took a few seconds to think and eventually continued, “What if a glazed one of the cookies?”

“You mean, like, cum on it?” Jessie asked as he started to question how badly he wanted the money. “No less than $100,” he eventually answered. “But I’ll definitely brush my teeth straight afterward!”

“Bet,” Zack said. “When I’m done, you won’t even see the cookie anymore. I’ve been backed up for days, so I’m definitely gonna earn that money back now!” Zack felt like he just found a loophole to earn back all the money he lost on his earlier bets, simply by tricking Jessie into betting more, and then going overboard to make Jessie back down on his offer and lose the bet.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Jessie exclaimed. He crossed his arms and pouted. “I didn’t say it was a bet!”

“Too bad. You named a value for an action, and I called you on it. Sounds like a bet to me!” Zack said smugly as he shrugged. “If you want to pussy out, you could just, pay up, you know?” He laughed.

“Ugh, fine,” Jessie grunted. “Do it. Just please don’t soak the entire thing, man. I don’t want to touch that stuff.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Zack said as he started browsing his phone for porn to cum to. “If it’s too much, I’ll hold it for you.” He laughed.

“I’ll, uhm,” Jessie said. His gaze had fixated upon Zack’s dick. What was once a 6-inch semi-erect penis, had now become, what seemed like, 9 inches. Jessie thought of his own pecker and felt envious. Zack was at least double his size! “I’ll head to the living room and give you some privacy,” he said, turning his body away from Zack, hiding his own growing boner as he left the room.

“Don’t worry. I save all my best porn right here on my phone. I’ll be done in a jiffy,” Zack said as he started jerking off, but Jessie had already left the room.

Jessie sat down and tried to collect his thoughts. Was he really going to eat a cookie soaked in his friend’s cum? Was it really worth the $100? Was he somehow feeling attracted toward his friend’s impressive member? Before Jessie could find the answers to his questions, Zack had already started moaning and shooting rope after rope of cum across one of the cookies.

After a little while, the moaning stopped and the room went quiet. Jessie started to debate if he should walk back into the kitchen, or if he should give his friend a little more time. Jessie chose the latter, not wanting to walk in on Zack with his dick still out.

“One specially made cookie, cumming right up,” Zack said, carrying the cookie between his thumb and index finger.

Jessie took a single glance at the cookie and confirmed Zack was not lying about how badly he would coat the cookie. It looked nothing like Jessie’s own cum. It would’ve taken him at least three orgasms to get even close to the amount Zack proudly presented to him.

“Uh, dude,” Jessie began. “I’m not sure if I can still do this…”

“Alright, you ready to pay up then?” Zack replied.

“It’s not like I have that kind of money on me right now,” Jessie said. “I literally paid my rent and bills last week.”

“Either you’re not stingy enough, or you need a new job!” Zack laughed. “I’ll tell you what. Just close your eyes, open your mouth, and imagine it’s a regular lemon-glazed cookie. I’ll even slowly put it in your mouth, so you won’t even have to touch it.”

Jessie complied hesitantly. “Just a lemon-glazed cookie, just a lemon-glazed cookie, I can do this,” he told himself before finally just keeping his mouth open, quietly awaiting Zack’s semen-glazed cookie.

Zack brought the cookie close to Jessie’s mouth, but then lost his balance, smearing part of his ‘donation’ over Jessie’s upper lip and the outside of his mouth. “Ah, bro, my bad,” Zack said. “Deal’s a deal, though. You gotta get it all… I would offer help with my finger, but then it would be like giving a blowjob to my finger…”

Jessie, having failed the lemon-glazing deception check, struggled to consume the cookie before feeling sick. He grunted annoyedly at Zack for purposefully losing his balance, but also realized that he’s gone too far to back out now. So after finally being able to swallow the last of the cookie, Jessie used his tongue to quickly lick his lips and drag the remaining semen into his mouth and swallow that too. “At least I didn’t have to dirty my fingers for it too…” Jessie said, claiming a small victory. “Now, pay up. I’ve got to drink something sweet to wash this down and brush my teeth.”

Zack reached for his wallet, but hesitated with opening it. “Hmm,” he hummed. “If you want something sweet first, I might know something…”

“Your cum was far from sweet,” Jessie said, annoyed.

“No, no,” Zack agreed. “I meant more, like, something like whipped cream.”

“Dude, I don’t want your cream, not freshly squeezed nor whipped,” Jessie insisted.

“I actually meant real whipped cream, bro,” Zack said. “You have a full can in the fridge. I saw it when we got the cookie ingredients earlier.”

“No funny tricks?” Jessie asked with suspicion.

“Unless you want to earn more money,” Zack replied.

“Ugh,” Jessie groaned. “Well, I’ve come this far, might as well hear you out first…”

Zack laughed. “I knew you’d come around,” he said. “So, I saw how you were staring at my dick earlier…”

“It was hard not to!” Jessie complained. “It was just so big, and so… out there. It’s like big-breasted girls taking their bras off.”

“Sure, and is that why you had to hide your boner from me?” Zack prodded. “I saw the signs, you know.” His facial expression became smug. “You may not have liked the taste, and you may have been scared, but, deep inside, you wanted to swallow my cum. The sight of it was overwhelming, and you didn’t want to seem too eager, I get that,” Zack said. “But it’s hard to hide a boner when I’m this close to you, and all you’re wearing is just those tight panty briefs.” He chuckled.

Jessie looked down and noticed that the bulge in his briefs was indeed horrible at hiding his erection. His face became flustered. “I swear, it’s not what it looks like,” he insisted.

“Maybe you’re not so straight after all then,” Zack quoted mockingly and laughed.

“Shut it,” Jessie said and pouted.

“Alright,” Zack said. “Here’s the deal. I’ll spray some whipped cream on the tip of my glans, and you suck it off. You don’t have to suck my dick, just suck the whipped cream off. It’s not gay if it’s just a dare.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works, bro,” Jessie said. “But, alright… just the tip.”

Zack walked to the fridge and grabbed the whipped cream. He came back to Jessie, but instead of stopping in front of him, he stopped ‘just’ a little too late, and gently brushed his dick, which was back in his boxer briefs, against Jessie’s face.

To both their surprise, Jessie did not make an angry comment. Instead, he just sat there, flustered and frozen in place from embarrassment as he let out a soft moan.

“Did you just?” Zack asked.

Jessie remained quiet.

Zack shrugged. “Anyway,” he said, elongating the word. “How much did you want for it?”

There was no response.

“Dude, Earth to Jessie,” Zack said. He waved his hand in front of his face, but Jessie’s eyes remained focused on the bulge in Zack’s boxer briefs. “Well,” Zack concluded. “Looks like it’s going to be a free sample!” He chuckled, as he pulled out his dick. It was still rather big, as if it never had gone fully flaccid in the first place.

Zack shook the whipped cream, removed its cap, pulled back his foreskin, and sprayed a small amount of whipped cream on his glans. “Say ‘Ah’,” Zack said encouragingly.

Wordlessly, Jessie’s mouth dropped open.

“Open sesame,” Zack chuckled, as he slid the tip of his dick into Jessie’s mouth. “Alright, now just close your lips and suck the whipped cream off,” Zack suggested.

Jessie’s lips closed around Zack’s dick. But instead of limiting himself to the dare, Jessie found himself sliding his tongue all around Zack’s glans, licking every bit as he gently sucked on it.

“Ah, dude,” Zack moaned. “Fuck.”

Jessie remained like that for nearly a full minute, neither of them felt like pulling away. Suddenly, Zack got an idea and reached for his pants that were draped over the couch, right next to Jessie. He grabbed it and removed the belt from the belt loops. “Don’t get scared. It’s just my belt,” Zack warned Jessie, who had closed his eyes sucking Zack’s glans.

Zack fastened the belt around Jessie’s head and his own hips. Locking in the belt buckle, he presented Jessie with a tight fit, not tight enough to force Jessie’s head closer to the base of his dick, but just tight enough to hold him in place, which was all Zack needed for his next step.

“Hey,” Zack said, trying to get Jessie’s attention.

Jessie opened his eyes and looked up at Zack. “Hm?” he moaned.

“Oh, yeah, that’ll do,” Zack said. The eye contact with Jessie was all he needed to regain his erection. The boy who was once so sure of his heterosexuality, now sucking on his dick, staring at him with longing, submissive eyes. It still felt strange how everything happened so fast, but Zack didn’t want to question it. It simply felt too good.

Zack’s semi-erect dick once again regained its thickness and length, forcing itself to expand. With the belt holding Jessie in place, Jessie felt he could not escape, and he felt Zack’s shaft slowly but surely entering his mouth, stretching his mouth open just a little further open.

A moment of panic set in for Jessie, but it was quickly subdued by an overwhelming sense of arousal. Jessie was sucking the huge cock he was so envious of moments ago, and it just felt so right. Jessie’s girliness and natural submission, Zack’s masculinity and playful domination… It just, clicked, you know? It was simply always meant to be, and, given their past, it was a surprise it hadn’t happened sooner.

Published 2 years ago

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