The next morning, Mark wakes up having calmed down from his anger last night. He now regrets his decision to speak to Emilia in such a manner. True, she was horrible to him, but now that he thinks about it, it’s not her fault that her rich parents spoiled her rotten and her friends put her up on a pedestal, eventually making her believe she is better than everyone else. She is just a victim like he is, albeit one of excess. whereas he is the way he is due to isolation. It makes him realise he shouldn’t have been so quick to judge her. With that in mind, he decides that he is going to apologise to her.
He realises that the can of shaving foam in his toilet has run out now, quickly finding a new one close by. Applying a generous amount of it above his upper lip, he uses the razor to carefully trim until he is clean-shaven. Doing the same to his chin, he hums lightly, before washing and then brushing his teeth. Once that is done, he steps into the shower and cleans himself as quickly as he could, not wanting to waste water. He has always taken quick showers, only making sure to remain hygienic and nothing else.
As he cooks the breakfast like he does every day, he goes over what he should say to Emilia in his mind. Obviously, he should say sorry. Labelling her Miss Moneybags was totally uncalled for and he should have known better than to act like such a jerk. He’ll tell her about what he thought earlier and that he can understand why she is the way she is. Perhaps that will make things better and get her to forgive him. Yes, she spoke politely enough before leaving last night, but also sent an icy stare his way, one that chilled him to the bones. If only he thought before speaking.
Mark realises his mom is still upset at how he threw away what she thought was the perfect opportunity to make a friend. He looks at her annoyed expression as he handles the omelette, adding salt and pepper to it once it is nearly finished. The boy couldn’t focus on making any dish more complicated at the moment. His mind is replaying the moment over and over again. He knows there is no point mulling over something that already happened, but he just couldn’t help it. Mark brings the plates over to the table and starts eating once his parents begin digging in.
Throughout the meal, the three of them are silent, not talking about anything. His father does ask if something’s going on at one point, but neither he nor his mother feel like talking about it. His mother is too miffed and Mark wants to keep the thing contained. No need to get his dad involved. “Come on. What are you two keeping from me?” the older man had asked them but to no avail. They just wouldn’t tell him a single thing.
During the car ride, Mark decides to broach the subject. “Mom, about yesterday, I’m sorry that I was rude to Emilia. But she was saying some bad things and I got very upset about it. That’s why I acted terribly. Believe me, please.” His mother glances over at the boy, looking at him out of the corner of her eye as she drives on. “I’ll go and apologize to her later today, but that’s all I can promise. You’ve got to stop expecting me to have friends when I don’t really want to anymore, okay?”
“What could she have possibly said to make you that upset? You’re usually very patient. I’ve seen you spend ten minutes carefully diverting a group of ants away so you wouldn’t have to kill them,” his mother comments, looking at her son once their car stops at an intersection. She wonders what the reason for his action was and waits for him to offer up the information on his own. The teenager fidgets, looking very awkward as he tries to bring himself to say what must be said to her. He has never appeared this nervous before.
“She told me about how she had sex with other guys and that they are real men but I’m not. She told me I’m a wimp and will die alone.” At the end of his little speech, he can see his mother look at him, aghast. “Yes, I know. It was that bad. But I’ll apologize to her for it anyways. It’s not her fault other people brainwashed her into thinking she’s superior to everyone else.” He just doesn’t want to have to discuss it any further, having already made up his mind about what he is going to do today. There is nothing left for him to consider. No more need to worry over what has already happened, only what he is about to do.
“Wow, I didn’t know it was that bad,” she finally says, getting over her initial astonishment. “Yeah, try to figure out something. I mean, you’ve always been able to work something out whenever there’s a problem.” Mark notices an apologetic tone in his mother’s voice and smiles lightly, glad that now she is being encouraging. He still knows that it is going to be difficult though, and remains realistic. The boy understands that to get to know Emilia well and help her change to become a better person is going to be hard work, but he is willing to put in the effort.
“Don’t worry about it, mom. You’re right. I’ll figure something out soon enough. She’s not really a terrible person. I’m sure there’s someone good and kind hidden underneath that cold exterior.” This is a prominent trait of Mark’s. He always believes the best about people, even when they’ve downtrodden him and treated him in the most despicable ways. Never has he considered someone to be completely horrible, always being able to find something good to say about them, no matter how hard it is to do so.
Once in school, he tries to find Emilia but to no avail. She is nowhere to be seen. The boy figures out that she might not have arrived at school yet and may be with her friends if she already has arrived. It makes Mark realize that he might as well wait to talk to her about this when they are studying at his place this afternoon. He sighs and waits around for school to start. At least his first class today is History, which he enjoys extremely much and could not wait for.
To his surprise, there is a new student. She looks to be around five feet nine like him, with some freckles and medium-length straight hair, wearing glasses that look rather cute on her. The girl walks over to sit next to him once he’s entered, after having talked to some other students in the corner a few moments ago. “Hi! I’m Anna!” she chirps in an adorable tone, making him beam. No girl has ever smiled at him this way before. Not one. Ever. His mouth is hanging open in shock. “What’s your name? Which subjects do you like the most?” Seeing his adorable face has greatly piqued her interest, making her want to get to know the boy more.
“Oh, well, um, m-m-my name is Mark!” he finally manages to stutter out, triggering a bout of giggles from the thin teenager. “My f-favorite s subjects are H-History and L-L-Literature. I enjoy both of them v-very much! What about you?” Something about her tells him he might actually be able to make a friend this time and that it’s worth making one final effort before the date of graduation. He might as well have someone worth remembering when all of this is finally over and he moves on to college.
“Wow! Really?” Mark nods, finding himself taken away by her spunkiness. “I love History and Literature too! Do you read a lot of books in your spare time? I always spend the afternoon with some good novels inside the house. You look like you might enjoy doing the same.” Mark finds himself starting to like this girl more and more. She is adorable, energetic and kind to him. The way Anna smiles is just so freaking cute he couldn’t think straight when looking at her. It makes him want to protect her, triggering some sort of big brother instinct he never knew he has before.
“Y-Y-Yeah! That’s what I spend all my time doing, actually. Reading books is the best way to spend the day,” he tells her, seeing that she agrees. He can’t keep finding himself distracted by her bubbly personality like this. “Personally, I really enjoy Margaret Atwood’s works, especially The Handmaid’s Tale. That one’s quite fascinating, even though the themes are really dark.”
Anna gasps in surprise at this bit of information. “Oh my god! I really love The Handmaid’s Tale! Did you watch the HBO series? They really expanded a lot on what is in the book.” Mark eagerly nods and the two of them discuss it together for a while. They’ve arrived ten minutes before class and have enough time to really get to know each other well. He feels like she could definitely be the friend he has always wanted, someone who would understand and talk to him, and also understand him for who he is. Someone who could give him genuine friendship instead of pushing him away due to differences. Finally, he could stop being so lonely all the time. No more sitting around by himself, what with someone around who will keep him company. He will get to share his cooking with her too!
“You’re the first person I ever felt I could really open up to,” Mark admits to her without shame. “Just about everybody else finds me boring and simply ignores me.” He flashes her a coquettish smile, making her go red as she finds herself growing enamored without him. The girl can tell he has no girlfriend yet, given that he is subtly flirting with her, even if unconsciously. This means Anna will have to seize her chance now, before anyone else swoops in and snags him away. She can’t allow that to happen. No, Anna won’t tolerate it.
“Could you please show me around the school at lunch today? I’m new here, as you already know, and would like a tour of the place.” She bites her lower lip, glancing into his innocent eyes. Mark quickly nods, being naturally kind and always wanting to help others whenever he can. Perfect. Now Anna could spend the time hitting on the boy, making him like her the way she likes him. By the time he figure out what she’s done, he would have already fallen head over heels for her.
He spends that day showing her the way around school, telling her about all the places around campus that she can go to during study period and lunch. The boy has no idea that she is plotting to get into his pants. Mark has always been oblivious this way, although you can hardly blame him for not picking up on a girl having a crush on him, since that is something that has never happened before in his entire eighteen years of life. Had he known her hidden intention, he’d be flabbergasted by the dirty thoughts she now has toward him, within just one day of meeting.
After school that day:
Mark is sitting with Emilia at a table in his bedroom, this time determined to be much nicer to her than he was last night. He peeks at the curvaceous teen out of the corner of his eye, trying to amass the courage to say what he knows must be said. After giving a great deal of thought to how he would handle this, he has formulated a little script in his mind. One that would allow him to get his point across most effectively without sounding boring.
“Alright, what is it?” Emilia suddenly snaps at him. He looks up at her in shock. “You’ve been trying to stare at me like that for half an hour now. Do you want to look at my boobs, loser?” Mark tries to interrupt but she cuts him off. “Fine. You can look at them. I mean, it’s not like I can blame you. My tits are awesome. You can stare all you want but you will never get to touch them. My boobs are only for hot guys, not little twerps like you.”
Mark feels himself heat up slightly, but is no longer as stung by her words as he was when she said something like this the previous day. “Actually, I just wanted to apologize for how I behaved yesterday,” he informs her, surprising himself now with how firm his voice sounds. No stuttering, which is a small miracle on its own. Perhaps he’s gained more confidence in speech after talking to Anna, making him able to speak without feeling so anxious all the time.
Now Emilia is puzzled. She looks at the boy, this time with curiosity and not malice. “Apologize? Why?” The girl has been expecting Mark to praise her big breasts and ass, and not for him to say sorry like this. It makes her look at him with her pretty eyes quizzically. He’s made her feel very confused with what he said to her, and she doesn’t like feeling confused very much. It always bothers her to not know what is going on. This instance isn’t unlike others in that regard.
“Well, you see, yesterday, I thought that you were a complete bitch, which was why I called you Miss Moneybags. But after I spent last night thinking about it, I figured that you weren’t a complete bitch. It was uncalled for, so that’s why I wanted to apologize,” he explains to the gobsmacked girl. She has never, ever been called a bitch before. Sure, some of the guys called her slut or whore, but that’s only when they were fucking, and it was only to turn her on, never meant as an actual insult by anyone.
She looks at him in astonishment, not knowing what to say. For the first time, a guy has made her speechless by his words. All the other boys who managed to make Emilia speechless only did it by thrusting their dicks into her mouth. Overcoming her momentary stunned silence, she asks, “So what changed? What made you think that I’m not a complete bitch, as you said?” Emilia finds herself truly wanting to know, no trace of sarcasm to be found in her voice.
“I thought about it when I woke up this morning,” he begins, scratching the back of his neck. He seems unsure whether he should continue, but decides to forge ahead. “I still think that you have been very cruel to me, but I also believe that you’re only this way because of how other people treat you like a queen. Maybe you were different before but the constant attention got to your head, and you started acting the way they want, not the way you want. The way they worship the ground you walk on couldn’t have failed to make you narcissistic. That’s why you think you can put down other people because you are above them. It’s not really your fault since other people made you this way. That’s why I say you’re not a complete bitch, because I believe there is a good person hiding somewhere inside you.”
Mark’s assessment of her psyche hits her like a ton of bricks. It makes Emilia question things about herself that she’s always considered a normal part of life. “So you really still think I can be a good person, even after all the nasty stuff I said to you? You’re not angry at me at all?” She is looking at the boy like she has never looked at one before, in an entirely new light. Mark really is much more than meet the eye, she realizes. It makes her regret being so judgmental towards him and some other people too.
“Of course! Just look more closely at people before judging them. I’m sure you can be a kind, caring person if you want to be.” He gives her a reassuring smile, causing her to feel touched. Then she quickly reminds herself that he is a geek, shaking that warm, fuzzy feeling away. “In fact, I want you to stay over for dinner, just so I can show you that I’m not angry with you anymore. I was yesterday, but that’s all water under the bridge now, alright?” His kindness amazes the girl, who nods, feeling warmth coming from him once again.
When his mother enters the room, expecting them to say that she’s leaving right away, she is surprised when the teenage girl informs her that she wishes to stay for dinner with them.
It’s been a week since Emilia had that conversation with Mark. There is no longer any hostility between them. Sure, things are a little chilly, since he did say he thought she was a bitch, but she no longer snaps at him and has even given him a few smiles at times. Emilia isn’t with the boy right now though. She is occupied with something else. Right now she is on her knees in her bedroom, with five large, strong boys surrounding her. The girl is naked and so are they, their proud cocks pointing at her head, all fully hard.
“I’ll keep my mouth open so you guys can get some of that jizz on my tongue too,” she tells them with a lewd wink, leaving her mouth hanging open. They are masturbating furiously, jacking off to the sight of the pretty cheerleader’s firm bust. Her large boobs make their dicks throb as they stroke for the grinning Emilia, who is pretty much completely delighted and ecstatic at being surrounded by big, fat cocks. All the boys tug their lengths, intent on decorating her features and glazing the beauty queen in a massive bukkake. They are amazed at how horny she is, to demand that they jerk off to and drench her at once like this, but eager to please her.
She’s also been filled up in her pussy and asshole by a couple of guys earlier, who are resting after being sucked by her powerful cunt and ass. They watch on as their friends masturbate over the pretty girl’s face, feeling themselves slowly getting hard again. Emilia feels cheeky and leans over to kiss each of the boys’ cockhead, placing her lips on all five dicks, one at a time. Then she sucks them off, giving each boy expert fellatio for a minute to bring them close.
Eventually, it becomes too much and they all grunt loudly before ejaculating on Emilia’s face. Their dicks all throb, unleashing multiple loads on the girl at once. Two of them spurt directly into the girl’s forehead, while one releases his ropes of semen all over her glossy hair. The remaining two coat her rosy cheeks, splattering against her perfect skin with their creamy liquid, before directing the rest of their loads into her waiting mouth. Within seconds, her entire face is glazed. One of them, with some remaining ropes left in his balls, aims down towards her round breasts, covering them in cum too. “Thank you so much, guys! You can all go rest now. Rob and Toby, I want you two to come over and fuck me again. Both of your dicks in my pussy this time.”
Rob lies down on the bed, pulling her on top of him. He slides his now erect penis up into her channel, the tunnel still gaping after being stretched out less than half an hour ago. The boy could feel Toby’s semen leaking out of her slit, flowing over his erection. “Okay, Toby. You can stick it in her now. The slut’s still loose.” Toby nods, getting into position behind Emilia. Slapping the cheerleader’s firm ass, he grabs her wide hips and plunges his spear into the warm canal.
His massive rod enters the opening, sliding into it alongside Rob’s dick. Neither of them mind touching each other’s dick. In fact, their combined girth only makes it better for all parties involved, since her cunt is now a much tighter fit. The friction is wonderful as the two boys start fucking her pussy together in a great show of teamwork, putting in effort to pleasuring the siren. Rob absently-mindedly starts licking up the other guys’ cum from Emilia’s whorish face as she rides him and gets screwed from behind at the same time.
“Oh, yes! Yes, guys! Come on! Wreck my pussy! Emilia cries out like a hooker as they drive their hips, stuffing her cunt with their tools. The two of them smash her little box, tearing into it viciously, fucking her without mercy. She is already very turned on from when the other guys defiled her with their seed, her pussy throbbing constantly ever since they first stripped naked. In five minutes, Toby and Rob fucks her to an incredible orgasm, making her cunt spasm around them wildly as she screeches at the top of her lungs. Normal girls would be worried about alerting their parents, but Emilia’s mom and dad know how much of a whore she is, and she knows they know.
Over the next ten minutes, though, they still keep pumping in and out of her raw, sensitive cunt, knowing she wants and can take more. Their cocks slide into her tunnel as they pound her, stretching her snatch wider than it has ever been before with their impressive poles. Toby’s shaft suddenly expands before violently erupting as all the cum from his full balls rises up to the tip, spraying his jizz inside her molten pussy.
This is followed by Rob’s orgasm as he yells, cumming bucketloads in Emilia. His dick is like a firehose, shooting strands of the hot, white liquid into her already filled cunt. Soon, both his and Toby’s cock milk are mixing together inside the vagina, flowing out down her thighs. But they haven’t even stopped jizzing yet though, continuing to ejaculate in her womb over the next twenty seconds. Emilia is in heaven with her pussy getting pumped full of cream, experiencing another powerful climax, squirting all over the shafts.
Once Rob and Toby have finished with cumming inside her, they lay down next to the girl. All the other boys left, except one. “James, you can stay and fuck me today, even if you weren’t supposed to, as an early birthday gift. But you’ve got to suck those guys’ cum out of my pussy first.” James eagerly nods. He crawls up between her parted legs, burying his face in her crotch. The boy licks up the beads of semen, kissing her puffy labia and eating jizz from her orifice. “That’s it, babe. Eat the creampie and give me another one.”
With his cock now erect again, he climbs on top of her, pressing into her loose snatch. Now inside the tunnel, the boy starts fucking Emilia, thrusting his pole in and out of her used cunt. It doesn’t feel as good for him as it did for the two other boys, since they stretched her out considerably. But Emilia’s cunt is very skilled, with her having trained her Kegel muscles to the point where the difference is only slight. She clenches her vagina around the rod, squeezing it as the other guys lying next to her squeeze her tits. It is a sloppy second but James still enjoys it, drilling her pussy, his balls slapping into her thick globes of ass flesh.
He is already excited from watching his friends fuck the shot of her and his sensitive prick, already pulsating for several minutes before entering her, soon gives her another load, firing multiple ropes of cum into Emilia’s cunt. “Yes! Oh, I love this so much! To have all these wonderful dicks giving me cum whenever I want.” She is now resting her head back on the pillow, with the three guys lying under the covers with her. The girl reaches over to switch off the lights in her room, falling asleep with the hot boys all over her, still covered in sticky cum.
The next morning, Emilia wakes up early to see the three boys still sleeping. Smiling, she gets to the shower first and then quickly brushes her teeth and gets dressed. They have only woken up after she has gotten fully dressed. “You guys better be quick if you want a ride to school,” she informs them. They get in quickly, wanting to arrive at the school in her famous limousine, so the others will know they were the lucky ones last night.
Her father is waiting at the table. “Next time, be quieter,” he remarks. “I don’t care how many guys you fuck. Just don’t keep me and your mother up with your screaming.” The man has long since stopped giving a shit about his daughter’s promiscuity, knowing that he can’t stop her from sleeping around. She nods with a bright smile, the kind she always wears after getting railed by hot guys, before having her breakfast with him and the boys and heading out.
When she gets to the school, Helen sees her with the three boys. “You really just can’t stop getting sluttier, can you? Another foursome already? Give your pussy some break.” Emilia chuckles at this and says bye to her fuck buddies. The girls are soon joined by Clarisse and head off to class together. As they do so, though, they see Mark talking to another girl, one that they aren’t too sure they’ve seen around before. For some reason, seeing him smile at that freckled, bespectacled chick makes Emilia unhappy. She quickly pushes it aside though, not thinking too much of the issue.
“Isn’t that your partner for the project? What’s his name again? Mark?” Emilia nods. “And who’s that he’s talking with? Must be a new student. Don’t remember seeing her around.” The head cheerleader shrugs, diverting her mind to thoughts of a new routine she will have to practice with her fellow squad-mates today. Being captain of the cheerleading squad is a pretty big responsibility and she has got to take it seriously. No messing around, or someone might try and usurp her position, and topple her from her very hard-earned place in the pecking order.
“Who cares about them, though? That boy is just a creep,” Helen remarks. Emilia instantly whirls around to face her, confronting her childhood friend with surprising anger and fierceness. “What’s the matter, Emilia,? Did I say something wrong?” She is now visibly perplexed by her slutty friend’s reaction, not knowing why Emilia seems so upset at her insulting that twerp. Clarisse is also curious, looking back and forth between her two closest friends for a bit as they seem to have a staring contest of some sorts. Finally, Emilia just sighs.
“Never mind. Just don’t say mean things about Mark again. He’s a good guy,” she tells them, shocking the two with her words.
When they are working together at his home that afternoon, the teen beauty finds herself being the nervous one for a change. Usually, it’s the boys who are intimidated by her extremely good looks. She reminds herself that it isn’t Mark himself who is intimidating her, but rather the prospect of asking him what is nagging her mind. Emilia still isn’t completely sure why she wants to ask him this question, but only knows that she has to ask it now. Otherwise, it would just keep coming back to haunt her.
Finally, she could hold it in no longer. The athletic teenager blurts out, “Can I ask you something, Mark?” She can feel heat rising in her cheeks as he looks up at her from his pole of notes. “It’s nothing much, I promise. Please?” The girl gives him her signature puppy dog eyes which she’s only ever used on really handsome guys to get them to fuck her all night long. It melts him instantly, although that isn’t really much of an achievement, since Mark really is a softie and has always been one, even before Emilia came along.
Mark looks at Emilia kindly for a few moments, not saying anything. Then, he informs her, “But you’re already asking me a question.” She blushes slightly from this. “Go on, then. If it’s something I can answer, then I will answer.” He says the last bit with sincerity, prepared to tell her what he must, seeing how curious she appears to be. Her expression makes him truly wish to know what is on her mind at the moment as he looks at her with his warm, doe-like eyes
“I saw you talking with that new girl Anna today at school,” she begins, her voice shaking slightly, before gaining confidence. “Are you two dating or something? I’m only asking out of curiosity. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Her expression is inscrutable. The boy can’t figure out what is going through her head as she looks at him expectantly. To be fair, he doesn’t really even know what is going on in his own mind either, thinking about Anna. She’s become a really good friend, but does he want them to be more than that? Perhaps, he thinks, but he isn’t entirely sure about it yet. He really does lack experience when it comes to affairs of the heart, despite longing for romance for many years.
“Well, since she’s a new student, I just thought it would be nice to show her around the different places, you know? Like where the cafes are and spots she can hang out at when she’s got study periods.” Emilia breathes a sigh of relief at this before he continues. “We are good friends aside from that, too. But there’s nothing romantic between us.” She can tell that he isn’t lying but is still afraid, having seen the way Anna looks at him. It makes her wonder why she is so against the idea of him going out with another girl.
“So you’re not dating her?” she feels the need to ask again, just to make sure. It bothers her to no end that she feels like she can’t let any other girl have him. There is just something inside her that is telling her not to let anyone snatch him away. Whatever that is, she is having great difficulty understanding it. It makes Emilia all confused on the inside by all the emotions running rampant all through her body.
“No, we’re really not dating,” Mark answers, and they finally go back to studying together. At one point, Emilia nods off on the couch, feeling sleepy. Getting fucked by three guys in the morning and cheer practice during the afternoon has made her very tired. The boy gently places a blanket over her, tucking her hair behind her ears. He also places a pillow under her head as well, to make sure she is comfortable.
When she wakes up, the teenager is surprised to find that she is still fully clothed. Emilia is actually even slightly offended. “Why didn’t you fuck me when I was sleeping? Am I not hot enough for you?” Emilia asks, not realizing that she sounds disappointed. Those words left her mouth before she could figure out what she said. Mark just stares at her in shock for a short moment, not quite sure he heard what she said correctly or not. It’s just hard to grasp.
“I think that you are very attractive,” he says. “But I respect you. I will never take advantage of you or anyone else that way. Besides, I only want to have sex with someone I’m in a serious relationship with. I want my first time to be special. I want to be deflowered by someone I love who also loves me back.”
Mark feels very refreshed on Friday morning when he wakes up. Another week has gone by since he told Emilia he isn’t romantically involved with Anna. For some reason, that made her feel very happy. He didn’t question it, though, and doesn’t intend to start doing so right now. The boy is just glad that they have been getting along much better now. Almost like they are friends, in fact. Mark only says almost because she wouldn’t interact with him at school, but will otherwise be much nicer when they are at his place or hers, where she has now taken him once. To say he was amazed by the luxurious state of things over there would be an understatement.
He finds himself quite surprised when he realises that he is starting to develop some sort of feelings for the beautiful cheerleader. It takes him a bit of time to figure out that he’s started seeing her as someone he wants to be more than friends with. Thinking about her pretty smile lights him up and makes him glow with a blush on his cheeks. Ah, how he wishes he could be in her arms right now. Mark feels giddy just from thinking about her like this. He tells himself to snap out of hit and go to get ready for school.
As soon as he’s finished breakfast, his mother is driving him to school. “Are you bringing Emilia over this afternoon again?” she asks her son with a grin, making the shy boy nod. She smiles, happy that Mark has finally made a good friend. The woman doesn’t know that he’s also got another friend, Anna, since Mark never brought her home before and never told his mother about her either. She is a good friend too, but he just doesn’t feel the same spark with her as he does with Emilia.
Once he gets to the campus, he heads for a 7/11 nearby, fetching two Mars Bar. Then he gets inside the school building, heading over to where he knows Anna would be waiting for him. As he walks, the boy shrugs off the disdain aimed his way by other people, no longer giving a damn what they think about him. No point in considering those assholes’ opinions when they are mean to him, unlike the two girls he is now good friends with. They are the only people at school he cares about. He does like some of the teachers too, but that is just it.
Finding Anna at what has become their spot, he smiles at the freckle-faced girl brightly. “Morning! Do you want some chocolate?” He holds out the chocolate bars with a teasing grin. The teenager doesn’t know why but Anna seems to blush as he hands her one and then rips open the other for himself. The two of them proceed to have chocolate as they sit and wait for their first classes to remember. Mark is so focused on eating his bar that he doesn’t notice her sneaking a glance at him, looking at him with great interest.
“You’ve got chocolate on near your nose,” Anna notes, reaching forward to brush away a piece of chocolate above his upper lip with her thumb, leaning in very close. Mark blushes slightly. Even though he has started to fall for Emilia, what Anna is doing to him is also making his heart beat wildly in his chest. He reminds himself quickly not to start catching feelings for a second girl, berating himself. Things are already going to get complicated enough with just one. Mark has no reason to fall for two and can not allow that to happen, telling himself not to get too close.
“Thanks,” he mutters shyly, abashed, making her beam. The boy has no idea that his shyness is exactly what is giving her ideas, making her want to take advantage of him. Had he known, he would be a lot more careful about how he acts around Anna. At the moment, he thinks he is the only one who is in an emotionally vulnerable state, having no idea what both of the girls he thought about are feeling. In his mind, he is still just a sore loser nobody would ever be interested in romantically. So he hasn’t gotten his hope yet, afraid of embarrassment.
“You’re welcome! Wanna go to Starbucks with me during lunch break today?” Anna looks at the boy hopefully, giving him a very cute smile. He nods and she almost bounces up and down, before figuring that acting too childishly might not help endear him to her very much, as it could make her seem too much like a kid, when she’s a grown-ass eighteen-year-old like him. Still, it’s hard for her not to be giddy when her crush just said yes to a date, even though he doesn’t know that to her, it is a date and not just a meal.
“Alright, I think it’s time for our first classes now. See you at lunch, Anna,” he tells her, placing the wrapper in a nearby trash can and checking to see that he’s put everything back in his bag, before standing up and getting ready to walk to his first class. He feels a rush of excitement thinking about how he’s going to be in the same class with Emilia for History and might get to talk to her as well. The girl has started to acknowledge him in school, which makes his life much better, feeling happier since she is standing up to her friends just for him.
“See you, Mark!” Anna waves as she leaves, heading to her own first class of the day.
Getting to the classroom, he sits down and patiently waits for everybody else to arrive. Pretty soon, people start filing in, entering the room in groups until Emilia finally arrives. She sits down at her seat and waves at him with a bright smile on her face. Mark waves back shyly. A few minutes later, he manages to get up from his seat and walk over to her on trembling legs. Yes, he has spoken to her at school before, but it’s usually out of sight of other people and that doesn’t mean he’s stopped being a nervous buffoon.
“Hi! How was the, um, game last night?” Mark asks her, referring to the football match their school hosted against a rival team. He fidgets slightly as some people stare at him, this time not out of any malice but a sense of curiosity, never having seen him talk to her in front of others before. The boy starts cursing himself for this recklessness but soon decides to screw it since what’s said is already said and he can’t back off now. Not after just asking her a question in front of a whole host of people.
“Oh, we won. It was a pretty good victory too.” She twirls her long hair, looking up at him with mirth in her eyes. “You should have seen it. Our team completely beat theirs, all the way through to the end.” Emilia begins recounting the events of the game to him in great detail as they chat over the next five minutes, mesmerising him with her melodious voice. If Mark is more astute, he would figure out that she too is entranced, but by his shy attitude instead of his voice, as he stands there looking like a lost puppy, trying to listen to her without feeling anxious from all the stares he is getting.
He was able to shake them off earlier in the day but it’s harder now that they are looking at him while he is having a conversation with the girl he likes. The teenage boy is struggling to find the right words to say to her and eventually manages, “I’m sure you cheering them on really helped out a lot. You’re a really good cheerleader.” To his surprise, Emilia actually blushes slightly from his compliment, making getting up his nerves completely worth it.
“Awww, thanks,” she says, winking at him despite her reddened cheeks. “Are you going to cook for me again tonight? We could also sit on that couch and watch a movie together.” The thought of having this almost date-like movie night with her makes Mark blush as he eagerly nods, making her laugh. “Great! I can’t wait.” Her own eagerness makes him very happy as she seems to enjoy hanging out with him just as much as he enjoys hanging out with her now.
“I’ll get some popcorns as well,” he tells Emilia. “Would you like that?” She quickly says yes and he heads back to his own seat as the teacher has now entered the room and is getting ready to teach the class. Mark is pleased by what the two just talked about and could barely hide his grin over the class, smiling constantly like a lovestruck idiot. Perhaps that’s what he is now, having fallen for Emilia’s considerable charms. Yes, that is indeed very much a possibility. Madly blushing face? Check. Heart beating wildly? Check. Constant longing to be near her? Check.
Emilia, meanwhile, is secretly checking out the adorable teen from her seat, noticing how dedicated he is to his class. She secretly rubs her pussy as she looks at him, feeling her heart beat in her cunt as she watches the cute boy. The cheerleader can feel her panties growing damp as her nectar flows from the slit into the crotch of the satin underwear, creaming it. In truth, she has already been lusting after him for a few days now, finding something about him that set fire to her loins.
Mark is marinating the pork in the kitchen. He is using his usual recipe, sprinkling white pepper over it, and then adding soy sauce, followed by milk and an egg. Then he mixes all of them together with the pork, so that it will be really soft once cooked and taste really good. Once done, he walks over to grab teriyaki sauce, something which he will be using very soon. Emilia is watching him while he is doing all of this, looking at the care he takes in preparing the dish and smiling to herself as she swoons over the nerdy guy.
“Just give me half an hour. We’ve got to let the mixture sink in to tenderise the pork and add to the taste. Then I’ll cook it,” he says to Emilia, placing a wrap over the bowl and then stashing it in the fridge, before turning back to look at the girl. he walks over to her and then heads to find the popcorn he bought before coming home. Putting it on the couch, he also arranges the blankets and pillows, making sure everything is set up perfectly and where they are meant to be. Yup, it’s going to be very good. No need for him to panic, since they are just going to watch a movie together after dinner.
“Thanks a lot,” Emilia whispers, stroking his cheek gently, enjoying the sight of his flushed cheeks. “You look so cute when you blush,” she remarks, earning an even redder shade from him. She giggles at this and the two decide to work together until it’s time for Mark to cook the meal. Emilia then sits down and waits as he puts on an apron, and turns on the stove. Mark pours oil onto the pan and adds the pork, pouring some teriyaki sauce on it.
He also puts in some Australian broccoli, which he chopped up earlier. It doesn’t take very long before he’s finished cooking dinner. The boy then places it on two plates and carries them to the table where Emilia is waiting. Both teens start eating together. Mark has lighted a candle and placed it in the centre of the table to generate a romantic atmosphere. It seems to be working, based on the way she gazes at him with yearning and, as far as he is concerned, affection.
“You really are an amazing cook. Your mother was right when she told me that,” Emilia notes, going through his collection of movies. The teenager has grown quite aware of where he leaves his stuff about, having been over at his place regularly for two weeks now. Mark doesn’t mind her rummaging about, as she always remembers where to put things back. She can’t seem to find one that they’ll both enjoy watching though. That is, until she finds the Harry Potter films. “How about Goblet of Fire? That’s my favourite one,” she says to him once he’s finished washing the dishes.
“Really? It’s my favourite too!” Mark exclaims.
They settle down on the couch to watch the film together after Mark’s placed the popcorn in a bowl and put it down between them. He thinks she looks so cute when reaching for it with her beautiful fingers. It makes him feel flutters in his stomach as they sit next to each other and watches the movie, with a blanket over their legs. Mark’s parents are both in their room right now, deciding to give the youngsters the living room to themselves for the evening. It is clear to them that something is blossoming between the two teens and they are both very happy about it.
“I’m cold,” Emilia says, and Mark finds himself wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling slightly so her head is resting on his shoulder. Emilia really enjoys being held this way, sneakily snuggling up to him, leaning into his body. Truth be told, she isn’t cold at all. She only said that for an excuse to cuddle with him. It’s when he brushes a strand of hair from her face and hugs her tightly that made her realise something.
She, Emilia Goldberg, sexy and rich cheerleader, has fallen for Mark Harrison.