As Florence opened the door, her other best friend: Connie, was greeted by the image of two beautiful girls, one of which exposing her bare breasts in plain sight, both had clearly been awaiting her arrival. Connie adjusted her long brown hair, so it sat behind her ears, as she said:
“So! Who’s ready for some fun?”
Florence and Ellie’s smiles spread into broad grins.
“I say ‘ready’,” added Connie, a twinkle in her eyes, “but it looks as if you’ve already started.”
Florence instinctively put her hands on her breasts. “Ah, yeah… we were just sunbathing. Come up to my room.”
They ran up the stairs, Florence and Ellie leading the way. In her bedroom, Florence lifted a thin, white dressing gown from a hook on the door and slipped it on, tying it at the waist. With her breasts now concealed, she watched Connie undressing.
Connie was also sixteen and had a glistening white smile, lightly-tanned skin with rosy cheeks. Her straight brown hair reached below her breasts. She had never had a partner, nor engaged in any sexual activity, but she was famous — and frequently teased by her friends — for having a foot fetish.
Being the more conservative of the three, Connie turned her back while she removed her top, trousers, and underwear. Other than her butt, the other two girls saw nothing of her body as she quickly put on a blue ‘cow’ onesie that she usually wore at sleepovers.
“Hands or feet first?” asked Florence.
Connie was confused. “Sorry?”
“Hands or feet? I’ve got a manicure and pedicure set. It’s your choice.”
Connie hesitated, then shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
“Feet it is then,” said Ellie, smirking at Florence. They knew what would happen.
Ellie and Florence were already barefoot but Connie still wore blue ankle socks. Bending, Ellie seductively peeled them off, exposing Connie’s feet with their extremely pink soles. Connie felt embarrassed and shy — but also horny with anticipation.
Florence reached under her bed and brought out her ‘deluxe dual foot massage and pedicure set’. She placed it beneath Connie’s feet and pressed a button, not really knowing what to expect. It had cost only ten pounds from a charity shop, and she’d bought it mainly for the satisfaction of feet-loving Connie.
A motor, sounding like a drill, started up and, after two minutes of random swirling brushes and noisy vibrations, Florence turned it off. Connie lifted her feet away from the strange contraption — but Florence wasn’t done yet. She reached over a shoulder and took a small bottle from her bedside cabinet. She unscrewed the tight top, squeezed some of the lotion into her hands and rubbed them together with devilish intent as if she had some evil plot to perform. Then she smeared it onto Connie’s feet, paying particular attention to each toe.
Connie closed her eyes.
Ellie and Florence were not into feet — it felt completely foreign to them — but they enjoyed the art of seduction, and using their skills to tease Connie. They saw it as a way of warming her up for the weekend.
Ellie and Florence released Connie’s feet. They hadn’t discussed it, but they knew what they wanted to do next. Ellie turned to her right, undid the string on Florence’s dressing gown and it fell open to reveal her breasts. Connie’s eyes widened; there was no way she’d be able to resist this for long.
Florence stroked her boobs and tickled her nipples. She was straight but she loved the idea of teasing her friend, despite the fact that her boyfriend Luke would certainly not approve.
Squeezing her breasts together, Florence leaned toward Connie. “Go on… I don’t mind,” she said, although truthfully, she didn’t really want a girl touching her tits. But, she knew it amused Ellie and it was setting a lighthearted tone for the rest of the evening.
Connie tentatively reached out a hand and lightly touched the proffered fleshy mounds. Instantly, she felt an orgasm building. What, already? she thought and quickly retracted her hand. She didn’t want the humiliation of a noticeable stain forming on the crotch of her onesie.
“Is that it?” Ellie laughed.
Connie responded by reaching out again, this time with both hands. She caressed each breast and boldly finished by kissing, licking and sucking the nipples. She was in heaven. Similar playful seduction had occurred before but Connie had never had the opportunity to fondle and kiss Florence’s incredibly soft boobs.
Despite her apparent nonchalance, Florence’s nipples became rock hard as Connie licked and sucked. Connie knew Florence was aroused and there was so much more Connie wanted to do: rub her boobs against Florence’s, have a first look at Florence’s vagina, and lick Florence’s feet. This concoction of sexy thoughts overwhelmed Connie and she lost control of her body. Within seconds, she orgasmed, fluid spilling from her contracting vagina as she moaned in excitement.
Connie had closed her eyes in the heat of her pleasure and when she opened them, both girls were staring at her, Florence’s heaving breasts still exposed. Connie gasped, thinking she’d made a fool of herself. Despite her attraction for Florence, Connie knew that she should have said “No” from the start.
“And there’s more where that came from,” joked Florence, tucking away her boobs and retying her dressing gown.
A distant voice came from downstairs. “Dinner’s ready.”
***To be continued, as before, feedback/tips/thoughts are welcome in the form of comments or dms 🙂 Thanks – TheStoryteller xox