The Seduction of Mr. Shuffield

"Lindsey's attempts of seducing Mr. Shuffield leads to a wonderful discovery."

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You have no idea what he does to me. I sit near the back of his class – mainly on purpose so he’s not aware that I’m always staring at him – while he teaches and lectures us on Government and Economics. What he says, I’m not always for certain, as I’m preoccupied with the way he moves and talks.

Sometimes I’m not careful with my gawking and he’ll catch me several times while I’m staring at his ass as he bends down to grab the piece of chalk he may have ‘accidentally’ dropped while writing something on the chalkboard. He does this quite often and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if it’s because he likes the attention, or if he’s that clumsy with the chalk. Hell, if I were dealing with something that small, I’m not sure how well I’d be able to hold on to it either. Most of the time he just gives me this knowing look and his eyes seem to tell me what I want to hear – or it’s just my imagination.

I hate when that damn bell rings. My daydreams and fantasies of what I want – or should I say plan – to do to him are shattered and I’m left there with wet panties and an aching desire. I really need to get a hold of myself and get over these damned fantasies before they consume my entire being and affect the rest of my schoolwork. It’s bad enough when I can barely pay attention in his class. I don’t need that spilling over to any of the other classrooms. Lucky for me, his class was the last one for the day.

It’s sad really, because I know I could have any of these high school boys at my beck and call whenever I so choose, but the thing is, I don’t have the desire to play with any of them. Don’t get me wrong, up until my senior year, that’s what I did. I had my way with these boys. I would manipulate them into giving me what I wanted. Any test answers – boom, they were mine. Any notes for the class I may have missed, or simply didn’t pay attention in – I got’em. Anything I wanted, I got.

I was very skilled at using my looks to my advantage. I don’t exactly look like I’m in high school. In fact, I look like I should be halfway through college already. I’m somewhat tall – standing at 5’8. I’d consider that tall for a girl. I have the curves of a grown woman and the facial features to go along with it. I definitely don’t look my age. Maybe that’s why I needed something different than these high school boys. Maybe I needed something – or someone – a little more mature. Maybe a man instead of a boy…

I needed a new challenge. I needed something exciting to go after. That’s when I met Mr. Shuffield. This is his first year to teach at my school, so no one knew what to expect from his classes. I was curious and excited to see what I was dealing with. I had heard that he was attractive, but when I walked into his room for the first time, I was like DAYUMMM! Totally did not meet my expectations – and that’s a damn good thing!

My immediate infatuation with Mr. Shuffield led me to make the stupid decision to sit at the front of the class. I wasn’t thinking clearly, obviously, because as soon as I sat down, I realized that sitting in that seat wouldn’t allow me to safely scope out my next project. And I quickly discovered how easily I would get caught for staring. It was so fucking embarrassing when I zoned out and got lost as I was staring at his ass while he was writing on the chalk board. I don’t know if he sensed that his ass was being stared at or what? But before I could look up, he quickly turned around. I quickly looked up, only to meet his piercing eyes. We held a knowing look – he knew I was staring and I wasn’t going to deny it. I knew right then that he was going to either be easy or very difficult to conquer. I was definitely hoping for easy, but wasn’t too sure at that point. And that uncertainty only made me want him more.

You think I would’ve learned my lesson and been a little more careful about checking him out. Either I didn’t care…or I didn’t care. I’m leaning towards that I didn’t care. Every time he would turn around, he’d look directly at me. I definitely did my best to let him know what I thought as I purposely let me eyes trail up and down his body. My, oh my, I bet you look yummy under those clothes…

His only response was to look me right in the eye. That was it. But I could see something different with each look. Something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Only being 18, I’m not exactly seasoned on what to expect when a man is aroused and wanting you. A teenage boy is kinda obvious, but his reaction wasn’t like anything I’d ever seen up to that point. I was slightly concerned because I wasn’t sure if he wanted me, or if I were in trouble. The thought of the latter was very unsettling so I looked away and paid very little attention to him the rest of the class.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when the bell rang. I quickly gathered my things and made a beeline for the door. I think he may have tried to call out my name before I reached the door. If he did, I didn’t hear him. I was determined to get the fuck out of there and save whatever dignity I still had left.


“Lindsey! Get your ass out of bed! You’re gonna be late for school again!”

I lay there, listening to my annoying alarm clock, the yelling of my mother, as I tried to wake myself up. I seriously hate Mondays. It’s the most annoying and pointless day of the week. It’s also the nagging reminder that I have to endure another week of all the petty drama bullshit that goes with the fantastic life of high school. Ugh, just shoot me now!

“Okay! Geez, I’m getting up!”

And that’s exactly what I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want to leave the safe, warm confines of my wonderful bed. Pulling those covers back and getting up meant stepping into the real world to deal with real life situations and real life problems. Why should I have to do that? Why can’t I stay in bed for the rest of my life? It would definitely make life much more enjoyable. But then I remembered something. If I don’t get out of bed, then I won’t get to see Mr. Shuffield. That alone was the motivation I needed to get up.

I finally rolled my lazy ass out of bed and headed for the shower. For some reason I felt the need to linger under the hot water. It was so nice and relaxing. I love the way the water feels when it’s cascading down my body, the warm water teasing my nipples, making them hard. I sometimes can’t help it and I’ll reach up and play with them. It never fails to send a rippling affect through my body, especially to my pussy.

If only you could see what I do while I think of you. The way I touch myself, my hands roaming over my body while I think of what you would do to me, completely drives me insane. My fingers love to work themselves in and out of my tight pussy. Mmmm, I just love to imagine them being your hard cock even though I know your cock would be much bigger than my slender fingers, but the results are still the same. And even in the shower right now, my fingers are busy inside my cunt. My eyes are closed; I can feel you behind me thrusting that cock of yours in and out of me. Ohhhh, fuck it feels too good…

Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t realized that I started fingering myself. I used one hand to brace myself against the shower wall while my other hand was busy playing with my pussy. My fingers curled upward as I began rubbing the spot at the top of my canal. I had discovered that spot during play time a few months back, and ever since then, I always go to that spot when I need a quick release. Not that I’m a fan of a quickie or anything. Nope, I’d much rather have everything done the proper way. Even if that means having the hell fucked out of me for two or three hours. Now that would be an amazing thing to have happen.

My fingers continued to dig deep and it took everything I had to stifle my moans. I wanted so bad to scream out his name as my orgasm neared its breaking point. I knew I couldn’t though – especially if I wanted to see the light of day ever again. Well, that may not be so bad, but to never see Mr. Shuffield? I wouldn’t be to handle that at all. So I resorted to my best method of keeping quiet – eating my fist. Mmhmm, it’s the only way I’m going to keep quiet in a desperate situation. And this situation definitely called for it.

I trembled through the rest of my orgasm as my fingers finally came to stop. I couldn’t tell if I was completely soaked from the orgasm I just had, or if it was from the water that splashed over my hand as I fingered myself silly. Either way, I was very wet and definitely loving it.

“You’ve been in there long enough! You’re gonna be late, Lindsey!”

I about jumped through the ceiling after she pounded on the door and yelled through it. Needless to say, my fingers quickly left my cunt.

“Damn it, mom! You scared the hell out of me! I’m getting out now, geez…”

I quickly got out of the shower and dried off before heading to my room to get dressed for the day. Oh, how badly I was dreading going to school. The silver lining in all of it though was the fact that I could work on my project – Mr. Shuffield, obviously – and possibly make some progress. Ha! Who am I kidding? I’m no closer to seducing him than the Cleveland Browns are to reaching the Super Bowl. Damn, and that’s pretty fucking far.

I slipped into a pair of tight fitting jeans with a low cut blouse that seemed to enhance my breasts. Like I really needed the help there.


Like I said, I hate the fucking mellow-yellow, bullshit drama. Not even two hours into the school day and there’s already been a fight, rumors being spread around that Katie McDaniels and Josh Perry are now fucking and that she’s possibly pregnant with his kid, and now for the big time rumor and you’ll never guess what it is… that I’m fucking Mr. Shuffield! I’m not gonna deny it of course because I’m wishing it were actually true!

It’s actually pretty comical because of the way the rumor got started. Apparently I was hanging all over him before class – sitting on the edge of his desk is what I was actually doing – and being flirtatious with him in a completely inappropriate way. I’m gonna have to call bullshit on that one because all I was doing was trying to be friendly and have a conversation with him. I’m slightly offended because I wouldn’t be so careless about my intentions of trying to fuck him like that. No, I’ve been very stealth-like regarding the other students. There’s no way I would ruin this man’s career over a piece of meaningless ass. I just want his cock – even if it’s just one time – and be done with it. Maybe after graduation I might tell a friend or three, but until then, I’m keeping a vow of silence regarding our sexual encounter – assuming I’m able to pull it off.

Anyways, apparently Bethany Sharp wants to fuck him as well. That’s why she started the rumor that he and I were fucking. Dumb bitch…all you’re doing is digging your grave deeper and deeper. All you did is give me an opening. And once I capitalize, then you can have my sloppy seconds. But until then, you need to keep my name out of your slutty mouth.


“We’re gonna go over a slide show of what happened to Lehman’s and AIG just before their bankruptcy,” Mr. Shuffield began as he turned toward the class before turning on the projector, “when you have sixty-four billion dollars in assets, you definitely need more than twenty-six billion dollars of stock holder equity to prevent a panic and meltdown of your banking system. With those numbers comes a pretty high leverage ratio. At one point, Lehman’s gross leverage ratio was near 30:1. That’s way too high to get by on. But as time went by, they were able to drop that down to 21:1.They were doing all the right things before going bankrupt. But their net leverage was actually down to around 10:1, which is the stuff they were actually economically responsible for.”

What the fuck are you talking about, guy? I’m sitting there trying to wrap my head around all the figures he’s throwing at us and it’s doing nothing but causing me confusion along with a nice little headache from trying to focus on what he’s saying.

I noticed, however, that his looks kept coming my way. I could’ve been seeing things, but I was pretty sure he was looking at me whenever possible. But that look in his eyes from a few weeks ago was back. I felt my pulse begin to race and the butterflies start to flutter in my stomach as that familiar feeling over took me. I was definitely becoming aroused. My panties were quickly collecting my juices as he continued to lecture the class. A sudden feeling of uneasiness began to settle in. Was he planning on seducing me? Or was my imagination going like crazy once again? I’m not sure how to handle a grown ass man wanting me. Wait, that’s if he actually does want me. We’ll see what happens after class.

Oh God, I think I’m gonna puke… I just happened to look over at little Miss Bethany Sharp to witness her just staring at Mr. Shuffield with dreamy eyes. But the funny and ironic thing about the situation – he wasn’t even looking her way! He may have glanced at her once or twice – and for her sake was a good thing, considering how obvious she was being about her infatuation with him – but nothing more than a quick second before he looked my way again. After a few times of this, she happened to catch on. She looked back towards my direction, only to be greeted with my sarcastic smile. She rolled her eyes and continued to openly gawk at him like she had a realistic shot of getting him first.

His lecture began to wind down – finally – before everyone started to gather their belongings. And as I was finishing packing up the rest of my stuff, his lecture finally ended. This was the last class of the day and I was grateful to be able to get out of the school, get home, and hopefully be able to have proper play time until my parents got home. After the little bout of constant eye contact, I definitely needed the sweet release.

“Lindsey, I need to speak with you after class.” Maybe he plans on being the seducer…

The room turned completely silent, as if someone pulled the plug on a radio. I was caught off guard by his demand. I slowly turned towards him and acknowledged what he had said with a simple nod of my head. By now the entire class was staring at me. It’s like they were thinking that either the rumor were true, or he was gonna talk to me about the rumor. Either way, it was very nerve-racking having my fellow peers look at me like that. Of course I got the snotty, bitchy look from Bethany, which was really no surprise to me.

Finally the bell rang and the entire class – except for yours truly – left the room.

“Slut…” Bethany whispered to me as she walked by me, giving me the evil death look at the same time.

“You’re just jealous…” BOOM! – A subtle response that definitely shook her to her core. She stopped dead in her tracks, looked at me, and then huffed out of the room like a little kid on a temper tantrum. A sense of satisfaction temporarily covering the anxiety I was feeling for actually being alone with my…

Published 14 years ago

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