The Seduction Of Cassidy

"Read on to find out!"

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First story.

I have always had a thing for my sister. It was a small crush that has been growing since my second year of high school. She is 19 and I am 18. This is the story of how that crush turned to love.

I live in the Rock-chester home. A nice, 2-story, 3 bedroom house. I slept on the first floor, along with my sister, Cassidy, who was on the other side of the hallway that held our rooms. Our parents lived upstairs in their own room. My dad is 46 and my mom is 45. They still have a lot of love for each other.

It was around 11:00 AM when I woke up. I always slept late. My sister was already up, blasting her music so loud I could hear under the covers with my bedroom door closed.

“Cassidy turn the damned music down!” I yelled, our parents were at work at the time. The music got louder.

I walked into her room, “Please, would you turn the music down?” I said in the nicest voice possible. She smiled, “Alright little bro I’m just messing with you! Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I smiled too. She always tried to annoy me, but she was being nice today for some reason. The smile blew away from my face, “Wait why did you actually turn it down?” I asked. “Well.. I don’t know. Guess I’m not feeling mean today.” I walked back into my room.

Around 20 minutes later I smelled something. It smelled delicious. I ran into the kitchen; only to find Cassidy smacking on a toaster stroodle.

“Did you get one for me?” I asked.

She looked at me with a strange face. “Ha! You’re funny! You actually think I made something for you?” She laughed. “Damnit Cassidy I really have to make something myself? You’re already in here, can’t you make one?” I said.

“Hell no! Make one yourself lazy butt!” She said while she smacked me on the arm as she walked to her room. “I’m telling mom when she gets back!” I shouted. I heard a chuckle as a door shut.

I made myself a sandwich, slammed myself into a comfy position on my couch and watched TV until dad got home. My dads name is Jerry, my moms name is Sarah. Oh yes I forgot to mention; my name is Paul.

“Hey dad.” I slowly said as he walked in the door. “Hey son.” He said equally slowly.

I heard running, “Daddy!” My sister yelled as she ran up to hug him. “How was your day?” She asked. “It was fine,” he replied.

“Fine then grumpy pants, I’m going back to my room.” She said while she walked to her room.

I also walked back to my room.

I felt like taking a shower, so I walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall. The door was cracked so I thought no one was inside. I walked in-only to find brown hair hanging down from shoulders. Her back against me, masturbating, was Cassidy. Her nice, round, ass moving ever so slightly. I gazed for another 3 seconds, my cock getting harder, then I brought the door back to its original place and went to my room.

Wow! She was hot as hell! I’ve always had a slight crush on her, and I’ve seen her naked a lot of times when she was young but damn! She is really hot! I’ve always had a small crush on her, and this brought it to a whole new level.

I kept thinking about her until I drifted into a deep sleep.

When I woke up my bed was wet.

I must have cummed during the night a whole lot! My bed was soaked. I quickly took off the sheets and put them in the washer.

When I walked back into my room I saw a note on the desk next to my table. I read it. Did you walk in on me in the bathroom last night? I gulped. Did she hear me? I needed to find out.

I burst into her room. My jaw dropped. There again, was my sister, Cassidy, masturbating. This time she was facing me, her eyes closed and her mouth moaning a tiny little bit. She didn’t notice me until around a second after I got in. Her eyes got wide and she looked at me.

“P-P-Paul? Why did you just walk in?” I looked away, shit, I thought. “Cassidy I am so sorry! I didn’t know you were-” I felt a soft hand touch my abdomen. “Wow you really have a nice body.” I thought I heard her say, but I turned around, only to find her sitting down with covers on her body. Did I just imagine her touching me?

“It’s alright, after all I walked in on you last night.” I gulped. I didn’t hear her. My hazel eyes looked at the door. “Well I’ll just go back to my room now..” I said as walked through her door into the hall. I noticed how hard my cock was. Did she see the boner in my pants?

I plopped myself onto my bed and read a book. Around an hour later, Cassidy walked in. I didn’t notice her until she said, “Paul?” I looked at her. Her nice brown eyes looking at me. I looked at her breasts for a moment. Her nipples were strangely hard. I looked back at her face.

“Huh?” I asked. “Did you like what you saw yesterday, and the day before? I liked what I saw in your pants when you walked in yesterday.” She did see my boner! Fuck! “W-w-what? I didn’t-but you saw- but how in the-” she put her soft hands on my lips. “I’ve always had a small crush on you, Paul. And from what I can tell from yesterday, you have, too.” I nodded. There was no way I could get out of this.

“Your body is so hot, Paul.” She said as her hand moved down my torso. She stopped above my cock. Our dad was at work, so he wouldn’t see us. Our mom was in Hawaii with her friends for the week.

She took off her shirt, to show her C-cup breasts. My eyes got wide. “Cassidy what are you doing?” I asked. She didn’t reply.

She pulled my boxers down to my knees. My dick bobbed in the air. I was fairly proud of my 7 inch cock. She eyed it. Her hands started to do all the work. Drops of pre-cum came out. I gulped. “Cassidy please.. please. please. Stop! This is incest! Cassidy!” She continued. A feeling of guilt and pleasure came to my body. I couldn’t move. My eyes got relaxed, I tried to sit up but it felt like I didn’t have the energy.

“Cassidy stop! I’ve always had a crush on you but I don’t want it to turn real!” I couldn’t make her stop. My balls started to feel tingly. I gulped. Semen rushed out of my cock into her mouth. My breath stopped and it kept going. My cock slowly stopped cumming. My eyes opened, she smiled.

 “I hope you enjoyed this.” She said as she walked out of my room. My eyes followed the round ass in her shorts.

I gulped. I pulled the covers over me, shivered, and tried to think I hadn’t of done this.

Published 14 years ago

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