Dedicated to one of the sweetest and sexiest women I have ever met: The tiny and beautiful Asian-American who launched a thousand obsessions. She is sometimes a slut but she is always, always a saint.
Here begins the erotic exploits of a sexy, hard working executive assistant. Thorough and highly efficient, Bobbi Lim always sets herself up as an indispensable asset for her high-powered bosses in the financial and marketing world. They rely on her hyper-organizational skills to keep their schedules, buy gifts for their wives and children and help them stay on top of their game.
Her fiery personality however runs head on against the stereotype of her attractive petite-ness. These corporate hotshots are thrown off guard when this Asian-American kitten, standing at 4’9’’ and barely weighing 89 lbs., becomes a raging tiger. It’s never long before all of the executives right down to the mailroom want her desperately. Bobbi, however, tries to keep a low profile when it comes to the work place. No one likes to shit wear they eat.
But Bobbi has a weakness: She loves cock. And with her insatiable sexual appetite, nothing seems to please her for very long. Every time she’s about to give up and throw in the towel, it’s not long before Bobbi finds her beautiful, delicate mouth or sweet, soaking pussy impaled by a raging, rock-hard cock––sometimes in both places at the same time.
Chapter One
Los Angeles in the mid-1990s
Bobbi Lim sat at the bar taking a long drag from her cigarette. She thought about the long day she had at the office. Actually, it was the entire week. David, her boss, was consumed with some huge supermarket merger that she couldn’t have cared less about. He kept her extra busy the entire week. Bobbi stared at the clock all day waiting for 5 p.m. to hit.
Tick tock tick tock.
Being it was a Friday, she hoped that he would let her go home early, but she had no such luck. The bastard kept there until seven.
Jets of smoke exhaled from her nostrils; Bobbi’s brain tingled. It felt soooo good sometimes just to let it all out.
She smiled to herself thinking that David probably kept her there late because she had made the fatal mistake of wearing her short black skirt to work. All day, Bobbi caught him looking at her legs. She could sense him undressing her with his eyes. It could be sp annoying at times but she knew he couldn’t help himself. After all, David wasn’t the only man in the office checking her out.
Bobbi wasn’t being conceited. It was just a fact that most of the men – at least the straight ones – wanted her.
At work, she was either being asked out or checked out. Bobbi was quite petite and though she was almost twenty-five years old, could easily pass for much younger. She had girlish and pretty face and beautiful full lips. Her body was slim but shapely. And despite her small chest, the men in the office seemed undeterred from trying to get into her panties.
Bobbi also spoke with a cutesy girly voice. One guy told her she sounded like one of those girls from the Japanese cartoons. The cuteness, however, pretty much stopped there because her tongue could be bite. Bobbi was not afraid to put anyone in their place if she felt like it they deserved it.
But right now Bobbi was away from all the drama and chaos. She was sitting at the bar with her co-workers and friends, Laura and Maria.
Maria looked at Bobbi.
”So I hear you are going to stay at Laura’s family’s house in Laguna Niguel? Oh my God, It’s so nice there: big swimming pool, perfect view of the ocean.”
“Yeah,” Bobbi said calmly and then took a sip from her glass, “I just want to chill by the pool. Not deal with anyone.” She looked at Laura.
“Your family is going to be out of town, right?”
“Well my mom just went to Europe.” Laura said.” So it will just be my Dad and brother. Oh Bobbi, I so want you to meet my family. I wish my mom could meet you too!”
“Oh No. No. No families for me. The fewer, the better.”
Bobbi wasn’t entirely thrilled with that prospect. A quiet weekend was all she wanted and Laura was always pulling that sort of crap on her.
She was always inviting Bobbi everywhere to meet all her friends her boyfriend, her boyfriend’s friends and so on. Laura was sweet and bubbly, and Bobbi enjoyed her company but sometimes she could be a bit much. Laura’s boobs, which were enormous, were bigger than her brains. She wanted to hang out with Bobbi all the time and she was always IMimg her at work.
“Oh Bobbi…you are so antisocial,” Maria chided. “Speaking of which…when are you going to get your self a boyfriend?”
Maria and a Laura both laughed.
“I think you just need to get laid girl.”
“No thank you,” Bobbi replied and took another long drag from her cigarette. Unknown to her friends, Bobbi already had that department all under control.
Or did she?
That thought brought Bobbi back to last weekend where she went to a club in Santa Monica.
He was at least four years younger but she didn’t mind and it wasn’t long before he was carrying her in his arms.
Bobbi liked that.
Her need to be in control and stay on top of things was vital, especially at the office, but there were other times-–when she met the right guy-–that she liked giving up that control.
So she let him carry her to the large sofa in his living room. Less than five feet high and just eighty-nine pounds, Bobbi dangled like a doll in his arms. He sat down on the sofa with her in lap as they kissed. He put his hand on her thigh pushed it up her skirt. Bobbi felt his stiffness under her ass.
“So are you going to take that thing out or am I going to have to?”
He laughed while unbuckling and unzipping his pants. Bobbi slid over a bit to give him room to take his cock out. It was a nice looking cock, she thought. Not small and not too big.
“Juuus right.”
She put her hand around the shaft of flesh–slowly moving it up and down as they deep kissed. Meanwhile, her boy began to unbutton her blouse. After removing it, he threw it on the floor. Next came off her bra leaving her tiny breasts exposed. Her brown nipples were already hard as he used his fingers to play with them, squeezing them lightly then tighter.
After a few more minutes, he had Bobbi stand up. He unzipped the back of her miniskirt and it fell to the floor. Then he pulled down her stockings and finally her tiny black g-string. He placed his hands on Bobbi’s sweet ass and brought her toward him. He stayed seated on the sofa, while he had Bobbi stand over his face. Bobbi was always amazed how quickly guys wanted to eat her pussy, but she was not complaining.
No, not at all
Bobbi was breathing very heavily now, as his tongue danced all over her clit as he used his hands on her ass to push her soaking, swollen pussy on his face. She could feel herself getting to close to that precipice now but she didn’t want to cum like this, she wanted his cock inside her.
“I want you to fuck me now, I want your cock inside me!” Bobbi said, half out of breath.
“Ok,” he answered, “ let’s go to my bed.”
He lifted Bobbi up and carried her in his arms again.
When they entered his bedroom, he threw her on to the bed and started to take off his clothes.
“Can you suck my cock first?” he asked. “It will get me really rock hard.”
Without a reply, Bobbi got on her knees on the mattress and grabbed him to sit him on the bed. She then got onto the floor and got back on her knees between his open legs. She put her face close his cock. She held it in her hand and looked at it while slightly turning her head side to side and then opened up her mouth and took it in.
Bobbi sucked and smooched it. She could tell he loved it, especially when he grabbed her head and started fucking her face. Again, Bobbi, the super control queen, was happy to let him have his way his way with her. Bobbi kept in rhythm with his thrusts.
Suddenly she felt his cock tense up inside her mouth and she knew what was to about to happen but before she was able to do anything about it, she felt a hot explosion in her mouth.
Bobbi immediately recoiled. Her head flew off of his cock but her face was still close and the subsequent ejaculations lapped onto her lips and over the bridge of her nose.
Don’t get her wrong, Bobbi was no prude and had no issues about getting semen in her mouth, or on her face for that matter, but she was angry. Bobbi looked up at him with a scowl. Cum dripped from her chin.
“You stupid asshole. I told you I wanted you to fuck me!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t help it!” he said to her.
He was truly apologetic, but this wasn’t the first time this had happened to her. Bobbi just had that effect on men and while it did flatter her ego, it didn’t do wonders for achieving an orgasm.
Nearly forgetting about mess on her face, Bobbi grabbed his shirt and wiped his semen and spit whatever she had in her mouth onto it.
Her unsatisfactory lover became angry.
“Hey, that’s an expensive silk shirt!”
“Who gives a shit?” was her answer as she dashed out of the room to gather her clothes. ”Loser!”
This was Bobbi’s curse. Would she ever find a man that had the skill and the stamina that could please her once and for all?
Bobbi finished reliving her disappointing sexual adventure, and found herself back in the bar with her friends. How much time had passed? Laura was still babbling on about something or other. Maria listened and laughed. It didn’t seem like much was going to happen tonight but that was ok. After all Bobbi was just looking for a little peace and quiet this weekend. Maybe hanging out at Laura’s house in Laguna Niguel was going to turn out ok…
End Chapter One