Jennifer was glowing. That’s the only word that described how she felt. She was in her mid-thirties and still single, with many bad dates and relationships behind her. Now she was with the man of her dreams. Always before, whenever she had met the perfect man, he had been married to a friend.
Christopher was handsome, funny, kind, successful, and, most importantly, available. They had met a while ago and instantly hit it off. They were now on their first actual date, on Valentine’s Day, no less.
The afternoon started with a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts and an exhibit on “Love.” Walking hand-in-hand, making fun of some pieces and admiring others, they were enjoying being together. The sexual tension and fun reminded Jennifer of another visit to this museum.
Jennifer’s Flashback
She was sixteen. Her “Health” class had taken an all-girl field trip to an exhibit on conception and birth. The frank images showed swollen bellies and breasts, gaping vaginas crowned with baby’s head, and wrinkled and wet newborns.
The images that had the most impact on these hormonal teens were those of erect penises, inserted and spurting seamen. Since this was a museum exhibit, the displays were more art than education, making them erotic in nature.
On the bus ride home, she found herself in the last row, cuddled up with her best friend. They were being silly, speaking every name they had heard for a penis. This had them giggling, poking, and twisting around. Then, foreheads together, they would lock eyes before announcing the next dick name.
At one point, their lips brushed together. This turned into small kisses and nibbling. Already aroused, Jennifer wrapped her arms around Susan and pulled her tight as the kissing deepened. This was the first sexual kiss for both girls. Soon tongues explored, and hands wandered. Crotches got pressed into thighs, and hips humped.
They made out the rest of the ride back to school. Jennifer was so stimulated that she thought she would explode by the time they climbed out of the bus. Later that night, her fingers found the wetness between her legs. Attempting to recreate the feelings from the bus ride, her rubbing palm located the magic spot. She had her first orgasm that night.
Present Time
Chris saw the twinkle in Jennifer’s eyes and misinterpreted her demeanor. He was a few years older than her and skilled at seducing women. Her look told him that his charm and wit were working. He expected to hook her tonight.
The next event on their date was a sunset cruise on a tall ship. The Valentine Cruise included exotic chocolate confections paired with wines. A hostess explained each pairing and encouraged the couples to feed small bites and sips to each other. The hostess had a planned break as the sun neared the horizon.
Jennifer was sitting close to Chris, his arm around her, watching the sun sink out of sight. Their lips met, and they shared their first kiss. It left Jennifer breathless. Goosebumps down her side seemed to connect her lips to her clit. The kiss was so right that Jennifer knew Chris was ‘The One.’
The sails overhead tugged at Chris’s memory.
Chris’s Flashback
When Chris was in his twenties, he had a co-worker, Charlene. She wasn’t beautiful. Her sensuality made her attractive. She constantly flirted with Chris. He knew she was married. He also knew she was having an affair with another co-worker. This meant that Chris being married would not be a hindrance.
Time passed, and Charlene’s banter became cruder, and every statement was a sexual double entendre. It was clear that she wanted Chris. Their shift ended at four PM, and the summer sun didn’t set until nine PM, so one afternoon, Chris invited Charlene to go sailing.
When she climbed out of her car at the marina, Chris found she was wearing the same thing as him: a light, loose tee shirt and a pair of loose shorts. In Charlene’s case, they were very short. This allowed Chris to see down her top to her full, braless breasts. When they moved around the confines of the boat’s cockpit, he got good looks up her shorts at her wet, panty-less pussy. He was sure she could see his balls and rod up his own loose shorts.
While tacking across the bay, it became clear she was intentionally flashing him. Chris allowed his semi-hard cock to fall out of his shorts, displaying his prominent head. With a giggle, Charlene pointed out his ‘wardrobe malfunction,’ He replied with an ‘oops.’ Chris tucked the tip back under his shorts only to have it pop back out moments later.
Charlene whipped off her top, claiming the need to improve her tan. She then slid closer to Chris and caressed his exposed cock. Having her half-naked and stroking him, Chris knew it was time to act.
Chris hove to. The forces on the hard-over rudder countering the backwinded jib, and the loose main sheet, brought the boat to a standstill. They were in the middle of the bay, out of sight of either shore and well away from the bridge that dominated the skyline to the north.
“Looks like we ran out of gas. How shall we pass the time until we are rescued?” Chris jokingly declared.
Charlene pushed Chris down onto the seat cushions and climbed on top of him. She drove her tongue aggressively into his mouth as she frenched him. Her free hand pulled up the bottom of his shorts to release his cock and balls. She guided his tip up her shorts to her wet hole. When she was aligned, she pushed back to bury him entirely.
Moaning into his mouth, she rotated her hips to fuck him. Her clit slammed into his root on each down stroke. Now she was grunting while continuing the tongue battle. Her relentless pounding was bringing Chris to his peak.
He turned his head to escape the kiss and declared, “I’m going to cum!”
“Do it! Spray my insides! Make me cum!” she demanded.
Chris did, pushing his hips up aggressively. His pulsating cock and jerking body triggered Charlene’s orgasm shortly after.
Present Time
Chris smirked while remembering the afternoon of hard sex under white sails.
“A bit smug, aren’t you? Your kiss wasn’t that good.” Jennifer lied.
“Come here, beautiful.” Chris requested. He drew her closer and nibbled on her neck, just below her ear. Jennifer mewed with pleasure, burrowing deeper into his cuddle, his arrogance forgotten.
They ended the evening at a cozy waterfront café specializing in excellent seafood. A good bit of teasing went on. Feet rubbing on ankles, hands stroking on thighs, and quick kisses between interruptions. A passing brush over Chris’s hard-on told Jennifer that he was as aroused as she.
She eagerly accepted when he offered to take her home to his place.
As far back as Madison could remember, her dad spent two weeks at home and two weeks ‘in the field.’ Over the years, she found mail and overheard phone conversations that made her question her dad’s fidelity. Then, growing into her teen years, she became convinced that her dad had a second family tucked away somewhere.
Her carefree mom dismissed her questions and accusations, so Madison stopped talking to her about her suspicions. She considered her mom naive for accepting her dad’s word. When she turned sixteen, she vowed to spy out the truth.
Finding her dad’s second address took her two years of hard digging. She had it now, and tonight she was going to confront him.
She arrived at the address after several bus transfers and a good walk from her home. She found the expensive townhouse dark. There was no answer to her knocking and bell ringing. She settled onto the steps to wait for her dad, her anger building.
Chris turned his luxury sports car into a block of high-end townhouses near the oceanfront. He found an open curbside parking spot a few houses down from his. He hustled around the vehicle to open Jennifer’s door. A couple of steps down the sidewalk, arm-in-arm, he noticed somebody slumped on his dark front porch.
He pulled up an app on his phone and turned on the porch light. The light woke Madison up. She jumped to her feet and pointed at him, yelling, “I SEE YOU, DAD. HOW MANY CHILDREN DO YOU HAVE WITH THAT BITCH?”
Chris froze like a deer in headlights.
“You didn’t tell me you had a daughter!”
“HE’S GOT A WIFE AND FOUR KIDS IN A HOUSE IN THE SUBURB ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY!” Madison clarified at the top of her lungs. By now, lights were coming on, and doors and windows were opening in the other townhouses.
“Is this true?” Jennifer demanded.
“I can explain,” Chris began weakly.
“I’m leaving. Don’t… contact me!” she declared, turning to walk away. She called over her shoulder, “I’m not his wife. This was our first date.”
“I didn’t even get laid!” she muttered under her breath. She pulled up her ride-sharing app on her phone.
Madison made a quick decision and ran to catch Jennifer. She slapped her dad hard in passing, calling him “Asshole.”
“Can you give me a ride?” She pleaded.
“Oh, sweety. Yes, of course.” Jennifer agreed. They rounded the corner at the end of the block, putting Chris out of sight.
“Give me your address for the driver.” Jennifer requested. Madison broke down into tears.
“I can’t go home. Mom thinks I’m at a sleep-over until morning. I can’t face her with the truth yet.” She sobbed. Jennifer’s heart went out to the teen girl. She hugged Madison and let her soak her collar with tears.
“You can spend the night at my place. Is that OK?” Jennifer asked. Madison nodded meekly.
“Come on then. Our ride will be at the next intersection in ten minutes.”
Madison talked about her family and half-time dad on the ride home. Jennifer couldn’t believe her bad luck. Once again, the guy meeting her standards was married to another woman. With the central character flaw of living two lives, she couldn’t use the term ‘ideal man.’ Jennifer cursed when the total weight of Chris’s deception finally settled in.
“That’s it. I through with men!” she vowed.
Entering her place, Jennifer declared that she needed a drink. She opened a bottle of wine and offered a glass to Madison. They settled together in her loveseat, and Jennifer shared several tales about her worst dates. It had them laughing.
The underlying mood was sadness. Madison knew her family would lose their father. Likewise, Jennifer knew that her attempts to share her life ended in a final failure.
Jennifer opening up and revealing her loneliness caused Madison to see the woman next to her. She found herself attracted to Jennifer.
“Will you be my Valentine?” Madison softly asked.
Jennifer leaned in and kissed her. It left her breathless. Goosebumps down her side seemed to connect her lips to her clit. The kiss was so right that Jennifer knew Madison was ‘The One.’