The Scheme

"How to get reluctant wives to swap partners"

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It was the perfect day for a swim in the backyard pool of penny and Paul Wilson. He and his wife Penny had just finished a few laps and were stretched out in their lawn chairs, taking a well deserved rest. They had challenged each other, and since both Paul and Penny were quite competitive, they were still breathing hard.

Their relationship dated back to their High School days and they were as much in love now as then, except it was now the deeper love that comes with maturity. Paul stood about 6-1 and for a short time had been the quarterback of his college team. It didn’t last, he had told his friend Ted, he threw too many interceptions, he had added. But it had been fun while it lasted.

Penny was almost the opposite in build, but with the wide shoulders of a swimmer. That made her waist appear even smaller. She was small enough to have to look up at Bill in a way that was like she was advertising how much she loved her man. Her blond pony tail added to her looking younger than she actually was.

One of her best assets, besides her body, was her permanent happiness. She appeared happy no matter what. Her nose crinkled slightly when she smiled her infectious smile. She had practiced the art of girlish giggles when she had found out that men loved to hear her giggle. Her best feature, however were her deep blue eyes that seemed to look right into your soul. There was a sparkle behind her pupils that held anyone captive.

“Hey, Dear, could I interest you to fix us a vodka martini on the rocks? She mumbled after a while.

When Paul returned he brought a pitcher and four glasses with him.

“Ted and Tracie will be here in a short while. She just called to warn me of their pending invasion,” he announced as he returned.

Ted and Tracie were there best friends. The bonds ran deep. Ted and Paul had attended the same University, both loved football; even their tastes in music were the same and each played the clarinet. Added to that was the fact that both had married blond beauties. In fact, most people assumed that the girls were sisters, They looked so much alike that it was almost impossible to tell which was Tracie and which was Penny as one walked behind them .

“This proves that we have good taste in choosing our friends,” Tracie laughed when they were handed their martinis.

After the usual small talk, Penny winked at Tracie, telling her with a slight movement of her head to follow her into the house. Once inside they settled into the cushions of the living room couch. It was obvious to Tracie that something was on her friend’s mind.

“I am just dying to go to the masquerade party at the Club next Saturday, Don’t you?” Penny blurted out. This was not a question, it was understood that both would go.

“You bet,” answered Tracie. “I think, maybe we should wear he same outfit, our guys would have a tough time telling who they are dancing with.”

“What an idea,” laughed Penny. “I see a lot of possibilities for bit of mischief here. For instance, one of us could flirt outragesly with the other guys, then we would switch and not even our hubbies would know if it was his wife or the other’s wife. What do think?”

‘Hon, I think there are so many fun things we could do to keep the guys wondering if it was his wife acting like a slut, or being silly, or whatever , I am sure we can think up a few more before Saturday.”

“Right now I want to see what the guys have in mind for tonight,” interrupted Penny. “I’ll just holler out the guest room window, that’s right where they are sitting, probably talking football.”

Tracie wondered why she didn’t hear Penny talking to the fellows outside and followed her to the guest room. Penny put a finger to her mouth when she felt her friend approaching. Standing in the dark room they listened to the guys’ conversation.

“We could try it once, if we could talk the girls into agreeing.” Ted said.

“I sort of flew a trial balloon once, but I got stopped before I could finish.” answered Paul.

“I know what you mean, buddy. But I have an idea. Let me run it up the flagpole and see if you’ll salute it. It’s based on deception.”

“Hey, I am good at that, remember, I played quarterback or a while. Let’s hear it,” interrupted Paul.

“OK. We act real drunk at the ball and we can’t drive. So we take a taxi for here. We spike the girls’ drinks all evening so they are sotted for real. We tell them we want to watch some football tapes. They want no part of that and mosey off to bed. You with me so far?”

“Go on; Think I see what’s next.”

“So the girls are asleep and after a while I take the guest room and you go to my bedroom. If we get up before the girls we are safe. If not, we tell them that we were so drunk that you fell into my bed and passed out. I couldn’t even remember that we had a guest that night, I was so drunk. So I staggered to the guest room and fell in bed there,” explained Ted.

“I don’t know if we can get away with that scheme, Ted,” Paul wondered. “There may be hell to pay for a while, Ted.”

“You are right, so we’ll just have to take it on the chin. It’ll be worth it. At least we taught them a lesson that men are still in charge in this life,”

At that point the two girls fled into the front living room and fell into the couch. They laughed so hard that tears rolled down their cheeks and their bellies ached. It was several minutes before they had themselves in control again.

“I had wondered a few times how good Ted is in bed,” confided Penny.” I am almost certain that you had similar ideas, right?”

“Naturally, I had. But the time was not right yet. Maybe now that you and I talked about it I might go along with it. Let’s wait till Saturday, I might be brave enough then,” answered Tracie.

When the two couples entered the ball room every guy there wondered who of the two was Tracie and who was Penny. The girls had made up their faces to look as close to each other as possible. They started at once with their little game, hugging and even kissing those they knew well. Paul and Ted looked at each other in amazement. They were so puzzled that they didn’t even talk for a few minutes and just watched their wives’ antics.

As the evening wore on the two girls gave their husbands a super show. They flirted, and danced, and even sat in some lucky guys’ lap. They had a ball, surreptitiously watching their husbands. True, they had quite a few drinks, they fetched for themselves from the bar. Most of their martinis on the rocks were plain water, however, decorated with an olive.

Abut eleven they meandered to the ladies room.

“Did you watch the guys squirming in their seats?” laughed Tracie. “I bet they are getting nervous watching us having fun with other guys, maybe even a bit jealous.”

“Serves them right, trying to switch bedrooms tonight on the sly. But you know something, Tracie, I am having so much fun with other guys that I think switch our husbands once might be fun, too.”

“I told you before that I wouldn’t mind and I am glad you too are starting to loosen up. I only hope that we will wake up first in the morning. If we do, they will be wondering if we are furious or if they got away with their deception.”

“We should let them stew all the way through breakfast and then blackmail them into a dinner and dance or a mini vacation, or something.”

“I have an idea. Let me whisper it into your ear. You never know what can be heard over an air conditioning duct and then we’ll go back to the dance floor and kick up heels.”

When the two girls returned to the ball room they were walking arm in arm and giggling.

“You know, Paul, we wanted those girls get drunk, but behave like ladies, not like sluts. Any idea what we should do about this?” wondered Ted.

“The evening will be over soon,” replied Paul. “I thought several times maybe we should step in and remind them that they were married ladies and not sluts. But that might create a scene and spoil the evening, so I figured we might as well sit and fume. We will get our revenge later.”

About an hour after midnight the two guys couldn’t stand it any longer.

“We better get those two drunken sluts home so we can play our little game. They are right were we wanted them, and they did it all by themselves. I watched them going for their martinis a bit too often,” remarked Ted. “It looks like from now on the evening is ours. And I bet they really are turned on, the way they snuggled, and danced, and were hanging around those guys’ necks.”

Ted called a cab and went to collect the ladies.

“It’s time to go home, girls. I had a few too many, and Paul too, and we can’t and we don’t want to drive, so I called a cab. It’ll be here any minute.” He was surprised how well he could imitate the slurring talk of a drunk. “Paul wants us to stay overnight and I agreed, I can’t drive home, either.”

As they arrived the girls followed their husbands two steps behind, walking up the driveway to the house, all the way whispering to each other and giggling.

“I think I want to watch a few of the football tapes we talked about,”” declared Paul while fumbling drunkenly with the house key.

“Me too, buddy,” Ted chimed in. on cue.

“You two are nuts,” was Tracie’s short comment.

“DUH, DUH”, added Penny to that.” I am going to bed as soon as he finds the keyhole.”

Once inside the ladies disappeared at once, leaving the guys in the living room.

“Buddy, this was so easy, they played right into our hand. Let’s wait a bit and then we ho to our targets and have Some fun,” whispered Paul, slapping Ted’s back.

They waited long enough make sure their wives were asleep before Ted went to Paul’s bed room and Paul sneaked to the guest room. Paul could only hope that Tracie was asleep and didn’t wake before he was settled in.

He was in luck; she did not wake as he eased himself onto the bed. He felt his heart beating fast, almost jumping out of his chest. This was high adventure. There was the risk of being recognized as an imposter, and at the same time there was the satisfaction of having been successful so far.

He could already picture himself and Ted in the morning comparing notes about their respective wives.

After a while his heart calmed down and Paul turned to face his sleeping partner. With one finger he started caressing her lightly, drawing small circles on her temple, then her forehead. He crept lower to her eyebrows, then to her cheeks. He thought he could hear her breath quickening. He was not sure but he hoped she would wake into a half-sleep where she could enjoy what he was doing to her and start her to anticipate more.

Paul moistened the rip of his forte finger, and then, as light as a feather, he let it trace her upper lip and then her lower. Her ear lobe received his attention next. He traced the earlobe with the tip of his tongue before he kissed it gingerly.

Leaving her ear he kissed his way down her neck to her throat, then to her shoulder. As he trailed kisses down to her aureoles she started to respond, she was shivering very quietly. He kissed around her aureoles, not getting close to her nipple.

When Paul finally sucked her nipple into his mouth she began to moan softly. After her nipple was fully engorged and had grown hard and he judged that it had had enough attention from his tongue and his lips, he reached over with his left hand to stroke her tit lightly. He caressed her tit for a while, becoming bolder and bolder until he was kneading it. While his hand enjoyed playing with her tit, his lips turned their attention back to her throat and her shoulder.

She woke up to her breast being stroked and her shoulder being nuzzled. Paul could feel her waking from deep sleep. He could also feel her arousal building. The pair of soft lips that treated her shoulder now went south. They swiped once more across her breast, giving its nipple a second treat.

She turned slightly towards him and let her hand go in search of his dick. When her hand found his half erect prick she wrapped her fingers around it and gave it a little squeeze. It responded immediately and grew until it was hard and hot in her hand.

Paul moved further up the bed, wondering if she would let her lips welcome his dick if he offered it to her. She turned towards him at once and greedily swallowed as much of it as she could. She held his prick prisoner in her mouth for quite a while, before she started sucking on it as if it was a lollypop. He heard her humming contentedly and could feel the vibrations of her hums.

Her slow tempo made him last longer than ever before and he vowed to teach Penny to treat him this way from time to time. For now he just lay back and soak up the wonderful sensations. She finally noticed the first sign of his approaching climax and increased the tempo. Her hand went to his base where she squeezed his dick with two fingers.

His body went rigid as his climax shot through him. He had wanted to pull out in time, but he could not move. After three powerful spurts he collapsed, searching for air. He was drained completely. He dimly was aware that his dick was not released. Some time later he heard it plop out of her mouth and wondered if she really could swallow all of his cum.

A suppressed giggle brought him back to reality and he scooted off the bed making her wonder if he was leaving. He stood at the foot of the bed for a few moments as if trying to take in the sight of her body despite the darkness.

Then she felt her left foot being encased by two hands and caressed tenderly. This was a first for her and she felt little shivers running up her spine as the massage continued. The quivers were replaced by a shock as Paul sucked her big toe in his mouth. Her head came up involuntarily and her eyes opened wide, but there was nothing but the totally black night.

After Paul let go of her toe he grabbed her legs and pulled her towards the edge of the bed. He spread her legs apart and then started kissing and nibbling his way along the inside of her thigh towards her pussy. He could feel her tremble in anticipation of what she thought would come next. But it did not happen.

Instead he kissed his way up her belly to her navel. She shrieked when he stuck his tongue into it. The tongue was replaced again by a pair of wet lips that journeyed south, making smacking noises and leaving a wet trail behind. Paul could not see her tummy rippling as he blew a few puffs of air over the trail, but he knew that the ripples were there. He didn’t think that Tracie would be greatly different from his wife in that respect.

He greeted her clit properly by sucking it between his lips and letting his tongue dance on it. Her breath now was coming short spurts and she mumbled strange words. Her legs were jerking and her tummy was quivering.

He hooked his hands under her knees and lifted her legs till her knees almost touched her chest, pulling them apart at the same time. She was fully exposed, fully his. The fragrance of her pussy juices was heavy in his nostrils and he inhaled it deeply. To get better access to her charms he pulled her lips aside. She yelped as he clamped his lips over her sensitive skin.

Her breathing became even more labored. But Tracie was much less vocal than his wife, he noticed but she was responding just as quickly to his efforts as Penny. Her juices flowed copiously and he drank them happily. They ere almost as sweet as Penny’s he thought.

He let his tongue explore inside her sweetness for several minutes and then his lips moved back up to her clit to let his tongue tease her love button, while he used two fingers to explore her pussy. As he vibrated his tongue against her clit she started moaning loudly and her breath became labored.
 It was not long before he noticed the first signs of her approaching release. Her tummy started to quiver, her pussy came alive, she jerked her pussy up against his mouth, accompanied by strange rasping sounds.

She had held herself in check for too long, the Dam finally broke and she threw out her arms, her hands frantically trying to for a hold at the bed sheets like a drowning swinger grabs at flotsam.
Her legs kicked up and then drummed a staccato on his back while her thighs clamped tightly around his ears, probably saving his ear drums from damage.

It was a wild ride and he had to go along imprisoned by her legs. After the thunder and lightning was over she collapsed into a rag doll, arms outstretched, he legs hanging limply over the edge of the foot of the bed.

He crawled up on the bed and pulled her up so she would rest and lie comfortably next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her. It took an effort not to whisper love words into her ear, most certainly giving away his identity. She melted into his arms and felt his hands first stroking her neck and then her hair.

The next morning the guys woke before the girls. Paul was the first in the bathroom. He was joined by Ted just as he emerged from his morning shower.

“I made it out in time, she is still asleep,” announced Ted, carrying his clothes under his arm. “How about you?”

“Same here,” answered Paul. “How did yow get along with Penny?”

“Man, you sure got yourself on hot piece of ass for a woman, you lucky guy.”

“I was just about to say the same about your Tracie,” countered Paul. “She acted like you never gave her any treats. She totally drained me.”

“We better keep them in the dark for a while before we tell them what happened. Let it be our secret for while until the time is right to surprise them.”

“You are right,” agreed Paul. Let me go down and start the coffee as soon as I am dressed and shaved. And you might as well use my shaver to make yourself presentable.”

When Penny woke she hurried to the bathroom and found it still steamy from the guys’ showers. She laughed to herself remembering how she had played being asleep. And remembering the great orgasms she had made her tingly again between her legs.

Tracie arrived humming a melody to herself. The two friends hugged and then broke out in a fit of laughter.

“What a night I had,” Penny burst out. “How was your night, Tracie? Did you have a good time with your guy?” Penny asked, tears of laughter running down her cheeks.

Tracie, too, was laughing so hard that she had to wait several seconds before she blurted out, “I had more fun than I had in a bed room for a long time. He was trying so hard to show me how great a lover he is. Why would switching partners make such a difference I wonder?”

“Well, monkeys have different partners,” answered Penny. So, maybe it’s an atavistic trait dating back many millions of years, meaning that men haven’t evolved as far as we women have. What do you think?”

Both women had a laughing fit again that made them reach for the Kleenex box to wipe off their tears.

About an hour later, sitting in the living room after breakfast, Penny addressed the two husbands,

“Guys, I am sure you fellows had a wonderful time with us last night. It calls for a special treat, and you have three choices, a dinner and dance at an upscale restaurant, or a mini vacation. I am quite sure you don’t want to hear choice number three right now. So, do not talk but let me know your choice by showing us one or two fingers.”

Paul and Ted looked at each other sheepishly like two boys caught raiding the apple orchard. Finally Paul shrugged his shoulder. He turned to his wife and held up one finger.

“Is that agreeable with you, too?” Penny asked her friend, to which Tracie nodded her head. She then turned back to her husband with a smile and asked, “How was your night, Dear? Did you enjoy your partner?”

He was quiet for a long moment, his unease hung heavy in the air. He finally opened his mouth. “Why do you ask?” was all that he could manage.

“Well, some time back you asked me how I would feel about exchanging partners with our friends. So last night we girls decided to give you guys a special treat and switched bedrooms.”

Published 15 years ago

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