Adirian walked into the den, one more time, hoping to beg Michael to take her for a ride. Her body ached. Deep inside. Her pussy wet. She wanted to be on that motorcycle, and feel the vibrations, and that motor between her legs. Michael was her brothers room mate. She was only staying for the week. Adirian was an attractive girl, and her advances towards Michael had failed. She wondered if maybe he didn’t like woman. Just looking at him, she wanted to feel herself wrapped around his body. Feel the wind kiss her cheeks and whip her hair around. She could feel her pussy tingle. She knocked on the door as she entered the room. Michael looked up. She thought she could see him half smile.
“Michael will you please take me for a ride?”
He tried so hard not to smile. But dammit, the kid just would not leave him alone. She was eighteen, had just graduated high school. And even though every time she walked into the room his body responded to just the sight of her, he was twenty nine years old. He didn’t want, to want her. She was his best friends, kid sister, and she was, well, she was just to young dammit.
He looked up, trying to remain stern.
“I’m really busy here Adirian, I am not eighteen, I have a job, and responsibilities.”
He could see her pout. God she was beautiful. Tall, slender. Long blonde hair, and big brown eyes. Pouty eyes, that had so much lust behind them for her being so young. He felt his cock swell under the desk. If she only were a few years older. He would take her out on that bike, try to drive for as long as he could, before stopping and fucking her right then and there. Her tight little body. He thought of all the positions he could have her in on that bike. He secretly lusted for having a woman that he could be inside of while driving down the road on the Harley. He’d never done that, but fantasized a million times, feeling the vibrations of the big motor, hitting the bumps in the road, all nut deep in a beautiful pussy.
“Please Mike, it won’t take long. I love motorcycles. Just one ride?” she wasn’t trying to pout or whine, but why wouldn’t he pay attention to her. She’d never had trouble getting men to pay attention to her. It wouldn’t take him that long. He was peering at her over a desk full of papers, she knew he was busy. But an hour of his life wouldn’t kill him. She licked her lips. Not realizing herself, the beckoning it was doing to Michael. She had fantasized about this man, since the moment she arrived on Friday. Watched him at her brothers party. Flirt with woman. He was older and more sophisticated that she was. He had dark brown hair, and blue yes. His sideburns were a little longer then his ears, and he kept a neat trimmed goatee around his mouth. She wondered how that would feel along the smooth lips of her pussy. Just the thought of his face in between her legs, sent a fresh lunge to her womb. She had been with plenty of boys. But that was just it, they were boys. Fumbling, impatient lovers, that she knew, had no clue what a clitoris was. But this man. He was a man, and she was sure he knew what to use, and how to use it. She could feel moisture forming on her panties. She walked over a little closer to his desk. Her brother was gone or he might have been in here yelling at his kid sister for bothering the man while he worked. Michael ran a very successful pornographic internet site from his home. Adirian, had spent the remainder of her first night here, fingering her pussy to the hot images on his site.
Fuck. He cursed himself in his head. This beautiful blonde, in a jean miniskirt none the less. He wondered if she had panties on under that as he looked up the length of her toned tanned legs. Briefly a flash of his hands sliding the length of them and diving a finger into her pussy flashed in his mind. He felt the tightness surge through his cock. She was just a kid. He looked at her. Studied her face. She was eighteen he thought. And from the way she knew how to work those eyes and that mouth, she was not a virgin. He thought, if she were to move in to this house, like Kyle had talked about, he’d have to move. He would get nothing done. Either jerking off all day to the images of him being inside her, or rape her. Neither was a good option.
“Fine, ten minutes Adirian. Kyle would kick my ass if he found out.”
She almost jumped for joy. She clapped her hands a little.
“He won’t Mike, I promise. Thank you. Do I need to change.?”
The question forced him to look over her body. He didn’t want to stand. Knew that his raging boner would just jut out of the sweats that he wore. Working from home had such great advantages. She spun around just a little for him, and he eyed her tight round ass. Adirian knew by the way that Michael was looking at her now, that no he wasn’t into boys. He was very much into girls. She wanted to jump that desk, crawl behind, pull down his pants, and see just how bad he wanted her.
“No, you should be fine.” Michael stated.
He knew that he should tell her to change. Tell her to put jeans on. For safety reasons. But the thought of those legs, bare, on his thighs, her arms wrapped around him, and the constant thought that she wasn’t wearing any panties, he just couldn’t resist.
“I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes. I do have to change.” He said as firmly as he could. Trying to remain mature. Not some seventeen year old boy who was about to take the hottest girl he’d ever seen out for a ride. But secretly that is how he felt inside.
Adirian nodded, and headed up to her room. All she was going to do, was remove her soaked panties. She didn’t want to have any on, riding behind this man. Wanted to spread her legs as far as she could and press into the back of him. She thought about taking the bra that she had on off, but her nipples would just jut out of the pink thank that she wore. She wanted to feel every part of this man as close to her skin as she could.
He stood, and looked down. Just as he knew the giant hard on, was peering up at him over the waistband of his sweats. Fucking cock, he thought almost out loud. “I do the thinking” He said looking down at himself. Thinking again, of how badly he wanted her. He walked into the bathroom, and tried to pee. That always seemed to help a hard on go down. He practically had to bend over, but he got the job done and his rigid cock softened just a little. He walked to the closet to get dressed.
Adirian sat at the bar stool in the kitchen, waiting patiently, feeling the ache deep inside the walls of her pussy, as she watched him descend the stairs. Fuck he’s hot. She thought again. He had on faded blue jeans, and a black t-shirt. It was tight around his large tanned biceps. The sliver chain he wore, just peeked above the neckline of the t-shirt. He had on black boots. He looked at her, while putting sunglasses over his beautiful blue eyes.
“You ready?” he asked impatiently. No smile. Adirian was hoping it was going to be a bit more fun. Not a pain in the ass to him. Now she almost felt bad, like she really was bothering him.
“Mike, listen, if you really don’t want to do this……” she said softly. Trying not to sound to hurt.
The words, and the sound of her voice, cut through him like a knife. He wanted to take her. Badly. And now, it was potential, that the ride may not happen, if he didn’t change his fucking attitude. He again cursed himself. He looked at her. The pout of her bottom lip she was trying to hide. The sadness in her eyes. The disappointment. She was looking up at him, and briefly, he thought about those eyes looking up at him, while that beautiful pouty mouth was wrapped around his cock.
“No, listen, I’m sorry. I do want to go. I could use the fresh air. I’m sorry Adirian, I’ve just had a long hard morning.”
Hard the operative word. His cock already tensing. He tried to think of anything else. He didn’t need to be standing in front of her, sporting his flag pole.
“Your sure? I really don’t want to be a bother.”
She uncrossed her legs as she stood. Full view. His cock shot straight to attention. No panties, and a bald pussy. Fuck.
“Yep,” he said quickly turning from her, “Let’s go.” He started for the garage. Adirian couldn’t see his eyes behind the dark sunglasses, but knew that he had looked right to her tiny center, the minute she uncrossed her legs. She giggled to herself as she followed him to the garage.
Michael quickly sat on the seat of the Harley. Hoping to hide the engorged front of his pants.
“I’ll back it out of the garage, and then you can climb on okay?” He said and half smiled at her. She nodded. Now feeling the full excitement. She climbed on the back of the bike, once he was in the driveway. The sound of the Harley starting, almost made her cum. She pushed her legs open as far as they would go, and pressed herself into his rear. Her skirt had slid up, and if she looked down, she could see the moist pink lips of her pussy. She pressed further in, and the rough texture of his jeans, gave her wanting pussy, just what she was needing. Some attention. She sighed, and wrapped her around around his tight stomach.
He could feel her press into him. Wanted so badly to turn around and look down at her. He knew that skirt was as high as it would go. Could feel her large breasts press into his back. He was thankful he was sitting.
Michael pulled down the drive, and headed out of town. The motor vibrating her pussy lips on the back of him, against his jeans. It was erotic. She could feel her pussy getting wetter. She thought that she might leave a wet mark on the seat. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back. Feeling everything. The rigid muscles under her hands around his middle. The wind whipping at her. Feelings its breezed between her legs. She tightened her legs against his thighs. It was becoming to much to bare.
He felt her legs tighten on him. Knew the grasp. He was having a hard time focusing on anything, but the feel of the beautiful woman behind him. Every time he would really get on it, and speed up, she would let out a soft moan. He put his hand over hers. Felt her response. Her soft flesh against his hot flesh. Just the touch of her skin was electric.
Adirian knew, she shouldn’t but the desire for this man began to take over any rational thought she had.
He felt her take his hand, and was unsure of where it was going. He tried to care. Tried to tell himself to stop, but he knew, the minute that he felt the warmth between the two of them, and his finger being forced into that wet slit, that any rationalization was out the window. She was so wet, and his finger slipped easily into her. It was slippery, tight and warm around his finger. He couldn’t help but slip another inside. Her noise, and body responded. This is what she wanted. His cock stiffened, and begged to be let free. Oh, how it would feel to be inside of this dripping pussy. He could feel her tighten around his finger. Her breaths coming in short waves. The sounds of lust, he knew her orgasm was close. Of course he couldn’t stop now. The feel of her cum in his hand, his soaked fingers. He wanted her now.
“Pull over,” She said breathlessly.
“What?” He said abruptly, shocked.
“Mike, please, I want you.” She whispered in his ear. Her breath hot.
He pulled his hand forward, and looked down at his glistening fingers. He wanted to put them in his mouth, and taste her juices. He couldn’t resist. He lifted his fingers and licked her off of them. It smelled and tasted incredible. Sweet even. He had to have her.
Adirian watched him. The thought of his mouth on her pussy, excited her even more. Mike pulled over. He pulled down into a shaded, tree covered rest area just off the highway. How perfect she thought. He pulled in and turned off the motor. She wasted no time. Using his body, as a stripper would use a pole, she swung herself around his torso. Her ass on the gas tank. It was warm against her skin. She pulled at his belt. Wanting to free that cock. Wanting desperately to see how large he was. His hands her in her hair. Pulling her mouth to his. Kissing deeply. No words. She undid his belt, and freed his giant cock. She almost gasped. She had never seen one this big, and it excited her further. She couldn’t take it. She positioned herself over him. His hands on her hips helping him. She lowered herself onto that magnificent cock. It was ecstasy. She threw her head back. His mouth found her neck. Her feet behind him on the seat, her arms around his neck, she forced herself up and down the length of this giant member encased in her walls. His hips gently pumping to help give her full depth. She looked up at his face, and couldn’t see his eyes. He still had the glasses on. She reached up and took them off his face, and flung them to the ground. His mouth again on hers.
The feel of her tight pussy on his cock, the moment like this, that he’d wanted. To be fucking a gorgeous woman on his Harley. He was going to cum. He had built up quite a stamina over the years, was pretty good about holding off, until she came first, but if she didn’t stop, the movement, he was going to cum. He grabbed her hips, and lifted her off him. Watched her as she laid back on the gas tank, her hair flowing behind the handlebars. Looking at her spread legs, and her swollen pink pussy, glistening in the sunlight. He pushed her tank up, and let her huge mounds free. Her tiny pink nipple tight. Begging to be sucked on. His feet firmly on the ground, balancing the bike, his hands were free to grab and suck and grope her beautiful breasts. His thumb circling her clit, as his teeth bit down on her flesh. Her pussy had been more then he could handle. HE wanted to taste her. He slid a bit further back, still trying to balance the bike, and she placed her feet on his thighs and lifted herself his mouth. He wished that he had a camera, or a mirror, to see how erotic this position looked. Her taste was perfect. Sweet, and smelled of fresh sex. He lashed his tongue on her clit, and reached his finger up to part her lips. He watched her tight stomach muscles flex and release with each panicked breath. He knew she was going to cum again. He felt her hips buck, and the fresh fluid filled his mouth. He’d never had a woman cum like this for him. It was sweet, and bitter at the same time. He loved the taste. Her breath subsided as he gently licked her pussy lips clean.
“Roll over for me.” He almost commanded as she lowered her hips back down, looking into his eyes smiling. She obeyed. That was the best oral she had ever received. No man had ever made her cum from licking her pussy. She laid her stomach on the tank, and held on to the handlebars. She was kind of uncomfortable, But didn’t care. She felt him position the head of his cock, at her opening, and she felt like she might cum again, just with that pressure. He held on to her hips, and forced himself inside her. Hard. She put her shins against his thighs, and lifted her hips up just a little. To allow him complete access. She lifted her ass. Holding on the handlebars, she looked down. Watched her breasts jump with the movement. Felt her pussy tighten with his every thrust. She knew he was hitting her g-spot. She was going to cum again. Moaning load, almost throaty grunts, every time he slammed into her. She came for him a third time. Almost pushing his cock out of her tight pussy. Her ass shaking, barely able to hold herself up, as the orgasm took every last ounce from her.
He felt her orgasm start to build. Could actually feel her walls tighten on his cock. He felt good. He had never made a woman cum like this before. Hard. She was pushing him out of her. He couldn’t stand it. With a hard final pump into her, as he watched her body almost convulse in front of him, he came. Hard. His grunt loud, and hard. He reached forward, and grabbed her hair, as he pumped her sopping pussy, full of his load. She was screaming. Guttural sounds, of pleasure. As his cock went semi flaccid, he removed himself from her, and watched his thick white spunk drip out of her tiny lips. She laid there, on her stomach in front of him, slowly moving her hips. He watched as the resounding effects of her orgasm, slowly wore off. He ran his hand gently over her firm round ass.
“You okay?” He asked huskily, through breaths. He was trying to regain himself. It was the best sex he’d ever had. Adirian slowly pulled herself up. She turned on the bike, and sat before him.
“That was the best sex, I’ve ever fucking had.” She looked into his eyes.
“Good,” He half smiled. She knew something was wrong.
“What is it Mike?”
The thought of a million things went through his head. He shouldn’t have just done this. Kyle would kill him. She was so young. But the thought of never having this feeling again, was killing him. He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to tell her, he’s never felt so good inside another woman. That he couldn’t imagine ever fucking anyone again. His cock felt amazing.
“We should get your home. I’ve got work to do.” He said, reaching down and zipping up his jeans. She climbed off the bike in front of him, and resumed her position on the back. She held on loosely, feeling a little dejected. Used.
Dammit. He cursed himself again. She was just to young. He had given her what she obviously wanted. Just let it go. She was leaving in three days anyway. Images of her moving in, and actually going to Florida State, living with them slowly crept in. He couldn’t leave things this way, but didn’t know what to say.
Adirian, tried not to cry. She felt stupid and out of control. She had had her share of sex, and one night stands, but this felt so much more wrong. Maybe it was the earth shattering orgasm, that had her a little more emotional then she should be. But he was so cold. They pulled into the drive, and she went straight upstairs, into her room. She didn’t bother saying a word to Mike. She ran herself a bath, and climbed in the hot soapy water.
Fuck fuck fuck. he screamed in his head. He couldn’t take it. She was hurt and it was his fault. He knew that he shouldn’t have done this. But from the moment she’d walked into that house, he’d wanted to touch her, be close, feel his mouth on her skin. He walked into the house. He heard the water running, and went straight upstairs. He didn’t care about the consequences.
The door opened, just as Adirian had closed her eyes. She flicked her eyes open, to see Michael standing in the doorway.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly.
“I know, we shouldn’t have. I came on to you so strong, I just couldn’t help myself Michael. You’re an older successful man. Your beautiful. I just wanted you so badly. I’m sorry for acting like a child.”
“You didn’t. I’ve wanted you too, from the moment you walked through the front door. I just felt old, and scared. That you’d reject me. I don’t know how to handle this.”
She looked up at him, with lustful eyes. She sat up a little to reveal her breasts,
“Why don’t we start, by you getting in this tub with me.” She smiled.
He watched her body move. Her sad disappointed mouth as she spoke. When she sat up, and told him to get in with her, it was all he needed. To hell with the consequences. He stripped and climbed in behind her. Already hard, and ready for round two. This was going to be a long wonderful three more days. He smiled, and took her again, and again.